
Portrait of Yasiel Puig

Yasiel Puig RFIndians

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2019 Projections (Preseason PECOTA - seasonal age 28)
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Birth Date12-7-1990
Height6' 2"
Weight240 lbs
Age34 years, 2 months, 9 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2013 LAN 22 104 432 122 21 2 19 36 97 11 11 8 .319 .391 .534 134 16.7 0.6 -1.0 2.6
2014 LAN 23 148 640 165 37 9 16 67 124 12 11 7 .296 .382 .480 126 18.1 3.5 2.2 4.1
2015 LAN 24 79 311 72 12 3 11 26 66 2 3 3 .255 .322 .436 104 2.4 1.4 -0.4 0.9
2016 LAN 25 104 368 88 14 2 11 24 74 7 5 2 .263 .323 .416 92 -2.9 1.4 5.4 1.1
2017 LAN 26 152 570 131 24 2 28 64 100 2 15 6 .263 .346 .487 119 15.4 -4.3 9.0 3.1
2018 LAN 27 125 444 108 21 1 23 36 87 1 15 5 .267 .327 .494 120 12.1 2.4 -4.5 1.9
2019 CIN 28 100 404 94 15 1 22 23 89 5 14 5 .252 .302 .475 101 2.4 -2.8 2.1 0.9
2019 CLE 28 49 207 54 15 1 2 21 44 3 5 2 .297 .377 .423 101 1.3 -1.5 2.7 0.6

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2012 RCU A+ CAL 14 59 .275 .333 .427 .372 99 4.9 1.8 -0.9 130 0 -1.4 -0.1 2.1 0.2
2012 DOD Rk AZL 9 36 .266 .340 .420 .421 99 11 1.1 -0.6 222 0 0.0 1.0 5.0 0.6
2012 MAY Wnt PWL 20 78 .000 .000 .000 .300 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2013 LAN MLB NL 104 432 .251 .312 .393 .383 98 29.9 11.4 -3.8 134 9 -1.0 0.6 16.7 2.6
2013 CHT AA SOU 40 167 .237 .310 .353 .339 103 14.2 4.5 -1.5 166 0 2.4 1.0 9.0 1.7
2014 LAN MLB NL 148 640 .254 .315 .393 .356 98 34.5 16.5 -3.4 126 7 2.2 3.5 18.1 4.1
2015 LAN MLB NL 79 311 .258 .317 .407 .296 89 9.3 8.4 -3.1 104 13 -0.4 1.4 2.4 0.9
2015 RCU A+ CAL 4 15 .287 .352 .470 .250 127 0.8 0.4 -0.2 110 0 0.1 -0.3 -0.2 0.0
2016 LAN MLB NL 104 368 .256 .322 .415 .306 90 6 10.4 -3.5 92 7 5.4 1.4 -2.9 1.1
2016 RCU A+ CAL 5 15 .254 .316 .431 .500 88 2.7 0.4 -0.2 193 0 0.3 -0.2 1.0 0.1
2016 OKL AAA PCL 19 75 .272 .335 .423 .351 93 7.2 2.1 -0.8 166 0 0.0 -3.0 4.0 0.2
2017 LAN MLB NL 152 570 .258 .325 .427 .274 92 20.8 16.7 -6 119 8 9.0 -4.3 15.4 3.1
2018 LAN MLB NL 125 444 .245 .315 .400 .286 97 13.4 12.4 -4.4 120 10 -4.5 2.4 12.1 1.9
2018 RCU A+ CAL 1 4 .277 .348 .417 .000 92 -1.4 0.1 0 27 0 -0.3 0.0 -0.3 0.0
2018 OKL AAA PCL 3 11 .293 .352 .459 .222 99 -0.5 0.3 -0.1 74 0 -0.1 0.3 -0.3 0.0
2019 CIN MLB NL 100 404 .249 .318 .430 .272 97 5.1 12.2 -4.5 101 12 2.1 -2.8 2.4 0.9
2019 CLE MLB AL 49 207 .263 .330 .447 .380 98 5.2 6.3 -2.3 101 5 2.7 -1.5 1.3 0.6

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2012 RCU A+ CAL 59 52 10 17 2 0 1 22 4 6 8 7 4 .327 .407 .423 .096 0 0
2012 MAY Wnt PWL 78 69 6 16 4 0 1 23 9 7 19 4 2 .232 .308 .333 .101 1 0
2012 DOD Rk AZL 36 30 10 12 0 3 4 30 11 6 7 1 1 .400 .500 1.000 .600 0 0
2013 CHT AA SOU 167 147 26 46 12 3 8 88 37 15 29 13 5 .313 .383 .599 .286 2 0
2013 LAN MLB NL 432 382 66 122 21 2 19 204 42 36 97 11 8 .319 .391 .534 .215 3 0
2014 LAN MLB NL 640 558 92 165 37 9 16 268 69 67 124 11 7 .296 .382 .480 .185 1
2015 RCU A+ CAL 15 14 3 4 1 0 2 11 2 1 4 0 1 .286 .333 .786 .500 0 0
2015 LAN MLB NL 311 282 30 72 12 3 11 123 38 26 66 3 3 .255 .322 .436 .181 1 0
2016 RCU A+ CAL 15 12 2 5 0 0 1 8 2 3 3 1 2 .417 .533 .667 .250 0 0
2016 LAN MLB NL 368 334 45 88 14 2 11 139 45 24 74 5 2 .263 .323 .416 .153 3 0
2016 OKL AAA PCL 75 69 12 24 3 1 4 41 12 6 8 0 1 .348 .400 .594 .246 0 0
2017 LAN MLB NL 570 499 72 131 24 2 28 243 74 64 100 15 6 .263 .346 .487 .224 5 0
2018 OKL AAA PCL 11 9 2 2 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 .222 .273 .222 .000 1 0
2018 LAN MLB NL 444 405 60 108 21 1 23 200 63 36 87 15 5 .267 .327 .494 .227 2 0
2018 RCU A+ CAL 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 0 0
2019 CIN MLB NL 404 373 51 94 15 1 22 177 61 23 89 14 5 .252 .302 .475 .223 3 0
2019 CLE MLB AL 207 182 25 54 15 1 2 77 23 21 44 5 2 .297 .377 .423 .126 1 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2013 1525 0.4164 0.5279 0.6547 0.7512 0.3685 0.7757 0.4787 0.3453 -0.0026
2014 2250 0.4431 0.4671 0.7260 0.6901 0.2897 0.8241 0.5399 0.2740 -0.0057
2015 1201 0.4671 0.5321 0.7214 0.7558 0.3359 0.7948 0.5767 0.2786 -0.0044
2016 1287 0.4716 0.5175 0.7192 0.7414 0.3176 0.8000 0.5509 0.2808 0.0000
2017 2098 0.4595 0.4638 0.7523 0.6680 0.2901 0.8416 0.5775 0.2477 0.0000
2018 1712 0.4609 0.4761 0.7583 0.6857 0.2969 0.8651 0.5474 0.2417 0.0000
2019 2211 0.4573 0.5233 0.7156 0.7507 0.3317 0.8103 0.5352 0.2844 0.0000

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-09-06 2014-09-07 DTD 1 1 - General Medical Illness -
2014-08-02 2014-08-02 DTD 0 0 Left Thigh Tightness Hamstring -
2014-07-20 2014-07-23 DTD 3 3 Left Hand Contusion HBP -
2014-06-20 2014-06-20 DTD 0 0 Left Hip Soreness -
2014-06-08 2014-06-09 DTD 1 1 Right Hip Strain Hip Flexor -
2014-04-06 2014-04-09 DTD 3 2 Left Thumb Sprain Sliding - -
2014-03-17 2014-03-27 Camp 10 2 - Low Back Inflammation - -
2014-02-20 2014-02-26 Camp 6 0 - Lower Leg Contusion Shin - -
2014-02-14 2014-02-16 Camp 2 0 Right Shoulder Inflammation - -
2013-09-28 2013-09-28 DTD 0 0 Left Foot Contusion Foul Ball - -
2013-09-15 2013-09-16 DTD 1 1 - Hip Soreness - -
2013-09-03 2013-09-04 DTD 1 1 Right Knee Strain - -
2013-08-04 2013-08-05 DTD 1 1 Left Thumb Soreness - -
2013-08-03 2013-08-03 DTD 0 0 Left Thumb Contusion - -
2013-07-13 2013-07-14 DTD 1 1 Left Hip Soreness - -
2013-07-04 2013-07-04 DTD 0 0 Left Hip Contusion - -
2013-06-12 2013-06-12 DTD 0 0 Right Shoulder Soreness - -
2013-04-19 2013-04-29 Minors 10 0 Left Thumb Sprain - -
2012-09-18 2012-09-18 Minors 0 0 Right Elbow Surgery Staph Infection 2012-09-18 -


Year Team Salary
2022 KBO $
2019 CIN $9,700,000
2018 LAN $9,214,286
2017 LAN $8,214,286
2016 LAN $7,214,286
2015 LAN $6,214,286
2014 LAN $3,714,286
2013 LAN $3,714,286
2012 LAN $3,714,286
8 yrPrevious$51,700,002
8 yrTotal$51,700,002


Service TimeAgentContract Status
6 y 102 dBeverly Hills Sports2022

  • 1 year/$1M (2022). Signed by Kiwoom Heroes of Korea 12/8/21.
  • 1 year/$9.7M (2019). Re-signed by Cincinnati 1/11/19 (avoided arbitration). Acquired by Cleveland in trade from Cincinnati 7/30/19 with $3,129,032 remaining on contract.
  • 7 years/$42M (2012-18). Signed Major League contract with LA Dodgers as a free agent 6/27/12. $12M signing bonus. 12:$2M, 13:$2M, 14:$2M, 15:$4.5M, 16:$5.5M, 17:$6.5M, 18:$7.5M. May opt in to arbitration once he earns 3 years of Major League service time. (Deal negotiated by agent Jaime Torres.) DFA by LA Dodgers 8/3/16 (optional assignment). Acquired by Cincinnati in trade from LA Dodgers 12/21/18.

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

90o 43 11 2 0 2 5 8 1 1 .289 .372 .500 132 3.1 RF 0 0.0
80o 29 7 1 0 1 3 5 1 0 .269 .345 .423 126 1.8 RF 0 0.0
70o 19 5 1 0 1 2 3 1 0 .294 .368 .529 122 1.1 RF 0 0.0
60o 10 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 .222 .300 .222 119 0.5 RF 0 0.0
50o 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 116 0.1 RF 0 0.0
Weighted Mean300000100.000.000.0001160.1RF 00.0

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BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2020-05-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)What are the best pie analogues for Yasiel Puig and Walker Buehler?
(Mike from Albany)
Man, this is a good one. For Puig I'm going to go with the Milk Bar Pie from Momofuko. It's all sugar. It's really good, but you can only have so much and I feel like that's Puig to a degree. Buehler...that's tougher for me. I want something that packs a ton of punch, and it's tempting to drift towards, like...heat, but you don't want a spicy pie. When I think of pies that just frontload flavor I tend to think lemon/lime type things. I'll go with the Shaker Lemon Pie. Tons of flavor but is smooth on the back end. (Craig Goldstein)
2019-05-17 16:00:00 (link to chat)who are you top 3 buy low hitters and SP?
(Frank from Brooklyn)
hitters: Yasiel Puig, Jose Ramirez, and Jurickson Profar. pitchers: Darvish, Nola, JA Happ (Mike Gianella)
2019-04-10 21:00:00 (link to chat)If you had to pick four MLB players to fight your way out of a zombie-infested warehouse who you picking?
(The Yeehaw Agenda from The Wild West)
So one obvious answer is Yasiel Puig. Most likely to take on 7 zombies by himself, for sure.

Next up: Give me Aaron Judge because just the prospect of him entering a fray carries serious gravity.

Madison Bumgarner because if you told me he had done this before I wouldn't be THAT shocked.

And finally, Mookie Betts, because we have yet to see something he isn't good at. I don't know how that would manifest in a zombie warehouse. Maybe he would just distract them and dazzle them with some heretofore unknown talent until everyone escaped. (Zach Crizer)
2017-10-24 20:00:00 (link to chat)Do any of you have a rooting interest in the Series?
(Jimmie from Mount Holly)
Not really. I like both teams. Houston's connection to BP via Kevin Goldstein is kinda cool, and I have a few good friends who are Dodgers fans that haven't seen a title for a long time. And I love Yasiel Puig #puigyourfriend & my dude Ian's band Puig Destroyer. - Scooter Hotz (World Series Chat)
2017-05-15 17:00:00 (link to chat)After years of debate, may we now safely say that Yasiel Puig is a .750 OPS hitter and price as such?
(Colin from Indy)
That's fair, although the home run/speed uptick is at least worth monitoring. (Mike Gianella)
2017-05-08 20:00:00 (link to chat)Help me! I'm holding these six struggling bats in an OBP league: Chris Davis, Carlos Santana, Lorenzo Cain, Yasmany Tomas, Joey Bautista, and Yasiel Puig. Davis has 7! RBI's, Bautista looks like a shell of his former self, and Cain can't seem to get any counting stats beside SB. How would you rank them ROS, and who would you give up on?
(matzabal from CO)
I'd like to see Santana hit a few more homers, but otherwise he is what he is. And that's pretty good in an OBP league. I think Bautista will be better, but the days of him being a top 20 OF are probably long gone. I'd go Santana, Cain, Tomas, Davis, Puig, Bautista. (Mark Barry)
2016-12-01 19:00:00 (link to chat)Is Yasiel Puig just an average guy now or does he return to being an all star in the next year or two?
(Terry from LA)
Somewhere in the middle. Still a very good talent but difficult to predict All Star status. I see him having a season in 2017 or 2018 where he's on the cusp of being an All-Star but doesn't quite get there. (Mike Gianella)
2016-08-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Yasiel Puig starting outfielder in 2017? What kind of numbers will he put up?
(Gorkys from LA)
Someone will give him a shot. It likely won't be LA. I think he'll be better. (Jeffrey Paternostro)
2016-06-21 20:00:00 (link to chat)What can we realistically expect for Yasiel Puig for this year and beyond? The talent is clearly there so is it just a matter of health?
(J from LA)
I honestly don't know what his talent level is any more. He hasn't produced big numbers since 2014, so it's hard to tell which Puig is the real one and which is the outlier. He's maddening. And the health concerns are real - the frequent muscle strains remind me a lot of Rondell White, who had a few decent seasons but is mostly remembered as a gy who never reached the heights that his tools suggested he would. (Scooter Hotz)
2016-06-23 14:00:00 (link to chat)What can we expect for Yasiel Puig going forward? If healthy can he still put up elite numbers?
(Jesse from LA)
I will always be a shameless Puig believer. The skillset is just so damn fun. I don't know if Puig will ever be truly *elite*, but it could happen! Set your expectations around "pretty darn good and useful outfielder" because "elite" is a big word, but it's certainly possible. (Nicolas Stellini)
2016-04-21 19:00:00 (link to chat)Buying Matt Harvey? Yasiel Puig or Starling Marte too much?
(Shawn from CT)
It seems to be a mechanical, fixable issue but I worry that it will take another 1-3 starts to fix this. Puig is fair, but I'm not the biggest Puig fan. (Mike Gianella)
2016-03-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Which two should I keep? Miguel Sano, Yasiel Puig, Rougned Odor, Jonathan Lucroy, Adam Wainwright, Marcus Stroman. Incentives in my league are heavily in favor of keeping players who will have the most value this year.
(mattstupp from NYC)
This is tough, but I'd lean on Puig and Stroman as the guys who're most likely to raise the most WARP this year. Now, if we're talking your typical 5x5 fantasy numbers, I'd consider booting Stro and going Sano ... and that's not taking into account positional scarcity. But for me Odor's the only other contender other than those three. Puig for sure in my book. (Bryan Grosnick)
2016-01-14 20:00:00 (link to chat)Are you expecting a bounce back from Puig this year? Do you think the injury hurt him last year and should he recover, can be still be an offensive star?
(AlbertKly from Radburn, NJ)
I think Yasiel Puig bounces back, he should recover, but I think he'll be more of a 1B/second tier type hitter and not particularly a star. Keep in mind this is still very, very good; I just don't see him being a Bryce Harper/Andrew McCutchen type "star" (Mike Gianella)
2015-12-01 14:00:00 (link to chat)Puig for Carassco, who says no? The Dodgers then go crazy and sign Heyward.
(Matt from Cambridge)
Oh man, I think both teams might say no to be honest. But...I think I'd rather have the position player, as frustrating as he may be, Yasiel Puig is still a special talent. And I love Heyward. (Christopher Crawford)
2015-07-01 13:00:00 (link to chat)What is Yasiel Puig's value in dynasty formats? And is there a better word for him than "mercurial"?
(RatedRookie from Atlanta)
Bret just put him 15th in his mid-season update over at Dynasty Guru, and I'm not sure you can value him any lower than that. The offensive package is just off-the-charts if he ever finds the missing consistency. It's critical to remember he's still just 24, after all. (Wilson Karaman)
2014-09-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)What player and pitcher do you enjoy watching the most, not including any players or pitchers from a team of city you cheer for. So basically just on their own merits, without any personal attachment.
(Trent from Nola)
Wow, great one. It used to be Vlad Guerrero, for his unorthodox approach at the plate and, even more than that, his incredible throwing arm. I see some of that in Yasiel Puig, who I really enjoy watching. Even though I'm a traditional 5x5 fantasy player, I really have a soft spot for guys with great throwing arms. (Cory Schwartz)
2014-08-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)Yasiel Puig's bat flip is a thing of beauty. What about the rest of us? Is it cool if I flip my chopsticks after a round at the Chinese buffet? How about after I get past that stupid windmill at mini-golf? Would flipping a champagne flute after gibing a wedding toast be going too far?
(RotoLando from Cloud City)
I encourage all of these things to gather momentum in society, if only to upset Bill Plaschke (Craig Goldstein)
2014-05-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)I'm positive you've received no questions regarding Baez thus far. Bump in the road or legitimate concern? Also, when are Polanco and Taveras coming up?
(maxpowers from chicago)
Who is this Baez fella of whom you speak? I don't know this gentleman.

I've got a queue about half-full of questions about Baez, so let's just handle this once and for all. Baez is incredibly talented and has as much raw power as anyone in the minors not named Joey Gallo. He is also a free swinger with a cocky attitude (I saw that as a positive, actually) who thinks he can hit every pitch for a home run. It's getting him in trouble in Triple-A, where he's facing much older pitchers, many of whom have been in the big leagues before, who are attacking him with less pure stuff than he's seen in the lower minors but a much better plan. Essentially, no one in the Pacific Coast League has any incentive to throw him a strike because they've all seen what happens when they do.

The result has been ugly, but he also had an injury bout in the middle. He got going, then got hurt, and has to restart again. The strike out numbers are pretty extreme, so theres some minor concern, but this isn't news to anyone who has seen him. He's a free swinger, so he's going to have bad stretches from time to time. We see the same with Yasiel Puig. It's ugly for a while, then he'll do something that makes us all go wow. It just looks terrible at the start of the season.

On the Concern-O-Meter with Baez, I'm at about a 2. It's time to make an adjustment, but the season is still young and the talent is still the same. (Jeff Moore)
2014-04-09 19:00:00 (link to chat)5 MLB Astronauts to save the world...go!
(Shark Normandini from H-Town)
Juan Uribe - Old Vet who's full of Wisdom
Jose Fernandez - Young Hot Shot with loads of promise
Giancarlo Stanton - Dreamboat
Matt Holliday - Quite reserved guy just there to get the job done
Yasiel Puig - The ultimate wild card (Mauricio Rubio)
2014-04-03 19:30:00 (link to chat)How much stock do you put into the reports that Yasiel Puig has less than spectacular makeup? Some of the news stories certainly seem bloated, and ultimately, does it have any effect on the field?
(Jason from Huntsville)
I think there's room for him to be a five-tool a-hole and for it not to matter on the field. I don't think his teammates hate him but I also don't have the access that some of the reporters who have made comments have. I'm a Dodgers fan and an unabashed fan of the flavor that Puig brings to the game, but it doesn't seem like he's been too stubborn to make adjustments. He might take longer than we want to do it, but that doesn't make him a bad guy. (Craig Goldstein)
2014-04-03 19:30:00 (link to chat)If you could do any activity with Yasiel Puig, what would you do? Laser tag? Road Trip? Liquor store robbery?
(Yasiel Puig's Smegma Jar from Yasiel Puig's Oversized Bathroom)
I'd love to share a bar mitzvah with him. I think it could be a valuable experience for everyone, plus the party would be great. (Craig Goldstein)
2014-04-03 19:30:00 (link to chat)If Yasiel Puig was a condiment, would he be Donkey Sauce?
(Guy Fieri from Flavor Town)
I have nothing to add to this. It's pure brilliance. (Craig Goldstein)
2014-03-14 09:00:00 (link to chat)11th pick in a 14-team redraft 5X5 league with OBP instead of AVG. Who are some of your preferred guys to target in the late 1st/early 2nd round?
(AJ from AZ)
Hmm. Well it obviously depends on who gets taken earlier, but I like Tulo if he's still there. It's a weird spot because it's too early to start getting cute. I generally would just go with value. Bryce Harper is another obvious play there if he's not gone. I don't see anyone that low in the ADP rankings (say 20 or below) that jumps out as a "wow" move there. I do like David Wright/Freddie Freeman better than sexier guys like Jason Kipnis or Yasiel Puig, but I think all of them are probably stretches there anyway. (Mike Gianella)
2014-02-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)Will Myers or Puig?
(rsambrook from Granite Bay)
Tough choice. On one hand you have a young player known for making questionable decisions, and on the other side there's Yasiel Puig; no stranger to a blunder now and then again himself. Flip a coin. You get a talented young corner outfielder either way.

Related: PECOTA says Puig will have the better season. (R.J. Anderson)
2014-01-02 13:00:00 (link to chat)How many Mike Bordicks would it take to beat one Yasiel Puig in a street fight?
(JP731 from Wisconsin)
3.5 (Craig Goldstein)
2013-10-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)Fantasy Keeper League, you can only keep 3 of the following players. Who do you keep? Bryce Harper, Yasiel Puig, Hanley Ramirez, Edwin Encarnacion, Jose Fernandez, Felix Hernandez and Adam Wainwright
(Jason from Philly)
I'd lean Hanley, Harper, and Felix. Although you can probably make a case for Fernandez. (R.J. Anderson)
2013-10-15 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thanks Professor Parks. Does Oscar Taveras' hit tool give him an edge over Yasiel Puig in terms of who becomes the better big leaguer? Or does Puig's raw power and speed tip the balance?
(Keith from Manchester, CT)
Puig was difficult to scout because of the sample size at the professional level and uneven scouting reports. Now that the book is out and Puig is still a dangerous monster, its hard to vote against him. That said, Taveras might have a batting title in his future, and could develop into a more complete offensive threat if everything clicks. (Jason Parks)
2013-09-12 18:00:00 (link to chat)What kind of seasons might you expect out of Miguel Alfredo Gonzalez and Alexander Guerrero next year? Have you come across any good comps?
(AnthopoJays from TX)
It's next to impossible to devise a comp for Cuban players with their American counterparts since we have so little information about these players when they come to the United States. With japanese players, for example, we have more information on statistics in their leagues and how players do when they come here by comparison so that we can make an educated guess. This still isn't the case with Cuban players because their society isn't open. All we usually have to go on are scouting reports, and while the reports are put together by top notch professionals who know their stuff, I'm an analyst, not a scout. All I can do is take the scouts at their word. Yasiel Puig exceeded expectations this year because of this variability, but this more often than not cuts the other way. Gonzalez could be anything from a #3 starter to a Quad A guy based on what I've read. Guerrero could eventually be a starter, but how good he'll be is an open question. I wish I could offer you more help, but I'd rather be honest and give you broad answers like these than steer you in the wrong direction. (Mike Gianella)
2013-08-12 14:00:00 (link to chat)I cancelled my ESPN Insider account and signed up for BP this morning! What type of line do you see Yasiel Puig putting up next season?
(eddie gaedel from LA)
Puig is such a fascinating case, a player who is riding an insanely steep climb up the development curve. The player whom everyone assumed would be exploited due to lack of patience/walks now has 16 UIBB's in his last 18 games. He already has nearly as many walks in 10 August games (11 BB) as he did the previous 50 contests (12 BB), and his slash line for the month is a goofy .441/.587/.706. Honestly, I have no idea how to project this guy beyond "stud". I mean, if I say .300/.350/.525 it feels like a disappointing line - but that would be insane for a player of his limited pro experience. I'll go with that and enjoy the ride.

On the jukebox: Prodigy, "Breathe" (Doug Thorburn)
2013-07-16 13:00:00 (link to chat)Which would you rather fight, one Yasiel Puig sized Ben Lindbergh, or 100 Ben Lindbergh sized Yasiel Puigs?
(Jakob from DeKalb)
I would rather fight the Ben Lindbergh-sized Puigs, because I don't want to hurt Ben and I don't want Ben to hurt me. (Sam Miller)
2013-06-11 14:00:00 (link to chat)Over his last 18 games, Andre Ethier is batting .150/.239/.200. Do you bench him if you're Mattingly?
(Aaron from Long Beach)
I don't think you can do much more than platoon Ethier right now, with Carl Crawford and Matt Kemp on the DL, but as the outfield gets healthier, Mattingly (and perhaps Ned Colletti) will have some difficult decisions to make. If Yasiel Puig keeps this up, it'll be nearly impossible to bench or demote him, and in that case, I think Ethier-despite his contract-might be the odd man out. (Daniel Rathman)
2013-05-24 14:00:00 (link to chat)When will the Dodgers call up Yasiel Puig and should they ahve done so already?
(Ryan from El Segundo)
I don't think the Ethier kerfuffle is likely to be permanent, and I don't think they're likely to trade Ethier before they fire Mattingly, so there's still no room in the outfield. As to the question of whether he's ready: I know it's common to point out that, even in his on-fire state, he's got a little Francoeur in him and so maybe he won't adjust well to major-league pitching. This isn't an argument I'm much in agreement with. It seems to me that the tools that tend to distinguish quad-A players are Power+Patience, combined with nothing else. Puig's not that guy. He's aggressive and he squares things up. That's not something that I think will be more of a problem now than it will be in three months, or three years, or 10 years; he'll either hit through it (like some/many have) or he won't. If not for the blockage in the outfield, I'd be perfectly comfortable putting him in a big league lineup. (Sam Miller)
2013-04-16 20:00:00 (link to chat)What is Yasiel Puig's ceiling? Physically, he looks like a monster.
(Benny from CA)
I don't think anyone knows yet. He is crazy impressive physically and could be a 30-30 guy while hitting for a reasonable average. Or he could completely flame out as a major leaguer because he's unable to adjust to major league quality off-speed stuff. He's super exciting though. (Bret Sayre)
2013-03-27 20:00:00 (link to chat)Thanks for taking questions Bret. I have Yasiel Puig on my fantasy team. Given that we don't know when he'll get called up, is it worth it to keep him on my bench for later in the year, or should I drop him and pick up someone like Jackie Bradley?
(Matt from Hartford,CT)
If it's a redraft, I'd forget about both guys and grab someone who will help you more this year. Puig needs more minor league time, and there's not much opportunity for him. Bradley is just not that special of an offensive player, and he needs more time too. Plus, he won't have a spot once Ortiz returns. Neither have played at Triple-A, and they both likely need to. If it's a keeper, I want Puig. (Bret Sayre)
2013-03-20 11:00:00 (link to chat)Is Yasiel Puig going to be a top OF? I have the first pick in my prospect draft and thinking of taking him over Travis d'arnaud. Would you?
(Mike from Vancouver )
No, I'd take d'Arnaud first... he plays at a much tougher position to fill and is more likely to help this year, which is when I want to win. Now. (Cory Schwartz)
2013-02-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Just evaluating, hit/power/speed tools, who's the better prospect for you between Jorge Soler and Yasiel Puig?
(RogerHorfford from Topeka, KS)
The sample on Puig is extremely small, and the opinions are very mixed. I'd take Soler but both have more unknowns than knowns. (Jason Parks)
2013-02-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)What's stronger? Yasiel Puig or a grizzly bear?
(Don Henley from The end of the innocence (Duh))
Id pay to watch Puig wrestle a bear. I'd also pay to see Puig actually play in a minor league game. Wrestling a bear might happen first. (Jason Parks)
2012-11-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Dan, enjoy your work. Thoughts on Yasiel Puig?
(Andrew from Los Angeles)
Thanks for the kind words, Andrew. Serious power and tools. Saw him in Rancho Cucamonga and liked his talent. Big guy and only 21. Dodger scouts have good feel for players. Have heard he needs to grow up a little and that is part of anyone's development. If he hits with the type of power that he is equipped with, no one will question what it took to get him. (Dan Evans)

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