
Portrait of Barry Larkin

Barry Larkin SSReds

Reds Player Cards | Reds Team Audit | Reds Depth Chart

Career Summary
20 9057 .295 .371 .444 115 65.3
Birth Date4-28-1964
Height6' 0"
Weight185 lbs
Age59 years, 11 months, 28 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1986 CIN 22 41 169 45 4 3 3 9 21 0 8 0 .283 .320 .403 90 -1.7 2.3 1.8 0.9
1987 CIN 23 125 488 107 16 2 12 36 52 5 21 6 .244 .306 .371 90 -5.9 0.8 5.4 2.1
1988 CIN 24 151 652 174 32 5 12 41 24 8 40 7 .296 .347 .429 113 10.0 6.8 10.3 5.7
1989 CIN 25 97 357 111 14 4 4 20 23 2 10 5 .342 .375 .446 125 10.5 -1.3 11.8 3.8
1990 CIN 26 158 681 185 25 6 7 49 49 7 30 5 .301 .358 .396 109 7.3 2.4 13.0 5.3
1991 CIN 27 123 527 140 27 4 20 55 64 3 24 6 .302 .378 .506 132 20.7 3.3 17.1 6.6
1992 CIN 28 140 609 162 32 6 12 63 58 4 15 4 .304 .377 .454 131 22.7 -1.2 3.3 5.3
1993 CIN 29 100 440 121 20 3 8 51 33 1 14 1 .315 .394 .445 123 13.9 3.1 -0.8 3.5
1994 CIN 30 110 501 119 23 5 9 64 58 0 26 2 .279 .369 .419 104 4.7 5.8 3.1 3.4
1995 CIN 31 131 567 158 29 6 15 61 49 3 51 5 .319 .394 .492 127 21.7 9.9 -16.4 3.9
1996 CIN 32 152 627 154 32 4 33 96 52 7 36 10 .298 .410 .567 151 45.7 4.3 2.5 7.7
1997 CIN 33 73 276 71 17 3 4 47 24 3 14 3 .317 .440 .473 132 12.3 -1.1 5.2 2.7
1998 CIN 34 145 626 166 34 10 17 79 69 2 26 3 .309 .397 .504 125 21.2 -0.7 -14.9 3.0
1999 CIN 35 161 687 171 30 4 12 93 57 2 30 8 .293 .390 .420 113 15.5 4.8 -7.6 3.9
2000 CIN 36 102 447 124 26 5 11 48 31 1 14 6 .313 .389 .487 110 8.9 1.6 -8.2 2.1
2001 CIN 37 45 185 40 12 0 2 27 25 2 3 2 .256 .373 .372 103 1.6 1.9 -2.3 0.9
2002 CIN 38 145 567 124 37 2 7 44 57 3 13 4 .245 .305 .367 80 -11.8 3.6 1.3 1.7
2003 CIN 39 70 265 68 16 1 2 22 32 1 2 0 .282 .345 .382 93 -1.3 0.4 2.6 1.2
2004 CIN 40 111 386 100 15 3 8 34 39 1 2 0 .289 .352 .419 102 1.8 1.1 -1.6 1.7

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1985 VER AA EAS 72 288 .000 .000 .000 .283 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1986 CIN MLB NL 41 169 .255 .322 .388 .309 104 -0.6 4.7 2 90 11 1.8 2.3 -1.7 0.9
1986 DEN AAA AA 103 457 .000 .000 .000 .346 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1987 CIN MLB NL 125 488 .262 .327 .402 .251 101 -10.6 14.4 6.6 90 9 5.4 0.8 -5.9 2.1
1988 CIN MLB NL 151 652 .247 .304 .358 .291 102 16.3 17.1 7.8 113 6 10.3 6.8 10.0 5.7
1989 CIN MLB NL 97 357 .247 .307 .365 .350 104 17.1 9.3 4.1 125 10 11.8 -1.3 10.5 3.8
1989 NAS AAA AA 2 5 .000 .000 .000 1.000 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1990 CIN MLB NL 158 681 .260 .319 .387 .317 106 6.6 18.3 8.4 109 11 13.0 2.4 7.3 5.3
1991 CIN MLB NL 123 527 .248 .310 .373 .314 106 24.8 14.3 6.5 132 13 17.1 3.3 20.7 6.6
1992 CIN MLB NL 140 609 .252 .314 .367 .319 104 25.6 15.8 7.3 131 10 3.3 -1.2 22.7 5.3
1993 CIN MLB NL 100 440 .265 .328 .402 .327 101 16.8 12.6 5.8 123 14 -0.8 3.1 13.9 3.5
1994 CIN MLB NL 110 501 .268 .329 .414 .301 101 6.1 15.2 7 104 8 3.1 5.8 4.7 3.4
1995 CIN MLB NL 131 567 .263 .327 .406 .328 103 26.7 17.0 7.8 127 12 -16.4 9.9 21.7 3.9
1996 CIN MLB NL 152 627 .265 .330 .411 .276 102 42.1 19.4 8.9 151 11 2.5 4.3 45.7 7.7
1997 CIN MLB NL 73 276 .266 .332 .421 .340 103 16 7.3 3.4 132 9 5.2 -1.1 12.3 2.7
1998 CIN MLB NL 145 626 .264 .332 .415 .327 100 26.4 16.2 8.5 125 8 -14.9 -0.7 21.2 3.0
1999 CIN MLB NL 161 687 .271 .340 .431 .307 100 10.1 18.7 9.9 113 9 -7.6 4.8 15.5 3.9
2000 CIN MLB NL 102 447 .274 .345 .445 .319 114 4.5 14.1 6.3 110 9 -8.2 1.6 8.9 2.1
2001 CIN MLB NL 45 185 .267 .332 .436 .295 106 0.5 5.5 2.5 103 9 -2.3 1.9 1.6 0.9
2002 CIN MLB NL 145 567 .257 .327 .409 .260 104 -17.8 16.3 7.4 80 8 1.3 3.6 -11.8 1.7
2003 CIN MLB NL 70 265 .254 .324 .408 .319 102 -3.2 7.0 3.5 93 12 2.6 0.4 -1.3 1.2
2004 CIN MLB NL 111 386 .256 .324 .413 .305 95 -0.4 11.5 4.9 102 12 -1.6 1.1 1.8 1.7

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1985 VER AA EAS 288 255 42 68 13 2 1 88 31 23 21 12 1 .267 .330 .345 .078 4 4
1986 DEN AAA AA 457 413 67 136 31 10 10 217 51 31 43 19 6 .329 .376 .525 .196 4 4
1986 CIN MLB NL 169 159 27 45 4 3 3 64 19 9 21 8 0 .283 .320 .403 .119 1 0
1987 CIN MLB NL 488 439 64 107 16 2 12 163 43 36 52 21 6 .244 .306 .371 .128 3 5
1988 CIN MLB NL 652 588 91 174 32 5 12 252 56 41 24 40 7 .296 .347 .429 .133 5 10
1989 NAS AAA AA 5 5 2 5 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 1.000 1.200 .200 0 0
1989 CIN MLB NL 357 325 47 111 14 4 4 145 36 20 23 10 5 .342 .375 .446 .105 8 2
1990 CIN MLB NL 681 614 85 185 25 6 7 243 67 49 49 30 5 .301 .358 .396 .094 4 7
1991 CIN MLB NL 527 464 88 140 27 4 20 235 69 55 64 24 6 .302 .378 .506 .205 2 3
1992 CIN MLB NL 609 533 76 162 32 6 12 242 78 63 58 15 4 .304 .377 .454 .150 7 2
1993 CIN MLB NL 440 384 57 121 20 3 8 171 51 51 33 14 1 .315 .394 .445 .130 3 1
1994 CIN MLB NL 501 427 78 119 23 5 9 179 52 64 58 26 2 .279 .369 .419 .141 5 5
1995 CIN MLB NL 567 496 98 158 29 6 15 244 66 61 49 51 5 .319 .394 .492 .173 4 3
1996 CIN MLB NL 627 517 117 154 32 4 33 293 89 96 52 36 10 .298 .410 .567 .269 7 0
1997 CIN MLB NL 276 224 34 71 17 3 4 106 20 47 24 14 3 .317 .440 .473 .156 1 1
1998 CIN MLB NL 626 538 93 166 34 10 17 271 72 79 69 26 3 .309 .397 .504 .195 3 4
1999 CIN MLB NL 687 583 108 171 30 4 12 245 75 93 57 30 8 .293 .390 .420 .127 4 5
2000 CIN MLB NL 447 396 71 124 26 5 11 193 41 48 31 14 6 .313 .389 .487 .174 0 2
2001 CIN MLB NL 185 156 29 40 12 0 2 58 17 27 25 3 2 .256 .373 .372 .115 0 0
2002 CIN MLB NL 567 507 72 124 37 2 7 186 47 44 57 13 4 .245 .305 .367 .122 7 6
2003 CIN MLB NL 265 241 39 68 16 1 2 92 18 22 32 2 0 .282 .345 .382 .100 0 1
2004 CIN MLB NL 386 346 55 100 15 3 8 145 44 34 39 2 0 .289 .352 .419 .130 3 2

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2003-08-23 2003-09-29 15-DL 37 35 Left Fingers Sprain Ring Finger -
2003-05-22 2003-06-13 15-DL 22 19 Right Lower Leg Strain Calf -
2003-04-11 2003-05-06 15-DL 25 23 Left Lower Leg Strain Calf -
2001-06-29 2001-10-08 15-DL 101 85 Right Surgery Sports Hernia 2001-08-24 -
2001-05-17 2001-06-14 15-DL 28 24 Right Groin Strain - -
2000-08-28 2000-10-02 DTD 35 33 Left Fingers Fracture Middle Finger - -
2000-07-26 2000-07-26 DTD 0 0 Right Fingers Dislocation Little Finger - -
2000-04-22 2000-05-15 15-DL 23 20 - Hand Soreness - -
1998-03-24 1998-04-07 15-DL 14 6 - Neck Recovery From Surgery Herniated Disc 1998-03-13 -
1998-03-13 1998-03-24 Camp 11 0 - Neck Surgery Herniated Disc 1998-03-13 -
1997-09-01 1997-09-29 60-DL 28 28 Left Lower Leg Surgery Frayed Achilles 1997-09-03 -
1997-06-17 1997-08-01 15-DL 45 38 Left Lower Leg Strain Calf - -
1993-08-05 1993-10-04 15-DL 60 52 Left Thumb Sprain - -
1989-07-10 1989-09-01 15-DL 53 46 Right Elbow Sprain Partial Ulnar Collateral Ligament Tear - -
1987-04-13 1987-05-02 15-DL 19 18 Right Elbow Hyperextension - -


Year Team Salary
2004 CIN $700,000
2003 CIN $9,000,000
2002 CIN $9,000,000
2001 CIN $9,000,000
2000 CIN $5,300,000
5 yrPrevious$33,000,000
5 yrTotal$33,000,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
18 y 54 dEric Goldschmidt1 year/$0.7M (2004)

  • 1 year/$0.7M (2004). Re-signed by Cincinnati 9/03. $0.3M in performance bonuses. Retired 2/05.
  • 3 years/$27M (2001-03). 01:$9M, 02:$9M, 03:$9M. (About 1/3 of salary deferred, with payments beginning in 2005).
  • 3 years/$16.5M (1997-99), plus 2000 club option. Signed extension with Cincinnati 1/2/96. 97:$5.3M, 98:$5.3M, 99:$5.3M, 00:$5.3M club option, $0.6M buyout. 2000 option guaranteed with 525 plate appearances in any one season from 1997 to 1999. (Vested 1998.)
  • 5 years/$25.6M (1992-96). Signed extension with Cincinnati 1/19/92 (avoided arbitration, $4.2M-$3M). $1.5M signing bonus. 92:$4M, 93:$5.4M, 94:$4M, 95:$5.4M, 96:$5.3M.
  • 1 year/$2.1M (1991). Re-signed by Cincinnati 2/7/91 (avoided arbitration, $2.425M-$1.5M).
  • 1 year/$0.75M (1990).
  • 1 year/$0.3025M (1989).
  • 1 year/$0.1275M (1988).
  • 1 year/$77,500 (1987).
  • 1 year/$60,000 (1986).
  • Drafted by Cincinnati 1985 (1-4) (Michigan). $0.165M signing bonus. Drafted by Cincinnati 1982 (2-51) (Moeller HS, Cincinnati) (turned down $50,000 bonus and did not sign).

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2014-07-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)Beane compared Addison Russell to Barry Larkin. Is that all realistic?
(Larry from IL)
it's a risky business comparing prospects to Hall of Fame players, but I can see the similarities and why Beane would throw such a comp out there. (Mark Anderson)
2012-06-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)I'm trying to find a comparison to Jurickson Profar's performance at his age in Double A. Anyone come to mind?
(WesleyTilson from Memphis)
Don't try. Profar is an elite prospect, with all five-tools and a very mature approach to the game. I've heard all sorts of comps, including Barry Larkin, but when you have a player of this level, their own ability and performance removes a lot of the necessity for comps. Profar is Profar. Other players are compared to him. (Jason Parks)
2012-01-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)I certainly hope Barry Larkin gets in today, but wouldn't it be eerie if Ron Santo is the only player to get in? One inductee, and a silent podium. +1/2St.
(HalfStreet from Fairfax VA)
Well, somebody - his widow, one of his sons, or a teammate, will be speaking on Santo's behalf, I believe, and maybe two people, so it's not going to be totally silent. But it's not going to help attendance any if Larkin doesn't get in, that's for sure. (Jay Jaffe's Hall of Fame Special)
2012-01-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)It is nice here.
(Envious Mustache from Elysian Fields)
And the winner is... Barry Larkin with 86.4 percent of the vote, the only player elected this year as expected. Some big surprises, good and bad, among the next wave. Jack Morris at 66.7 percent has put himself in good position to get over the top despite the crowd, Jeff Bagwell at 56.0 percent made a solid advance in the face of an odious whisper campaign, Lee Smith got to 50.6 percent, Tim Raines is very close to that mark at 48.7 percent, and even Alan Trammell posted a solid gain at 36.8 percent. Hell, Bernie Williams got 9.6 percent and stays on the ballot after all. (Jay Jaffe's Hall of Fame Special)
2010-06-07 18:30:00 (link to chat)Will the 2005 draft ever be topped??? It was topped before it ever happened, in 1985. I just wrote this for tomorrow morning's draft piece: . The first round included, in order of selection, B.J. Surhoff, Will Clark, Bobby Witt, Barry Larkin, Barry Bonds, Pete Incaviglia, Walt Weiss, Brian McRae, Joe Magrane, Gregg Jeffries, Rafael Palmeiro, and Joey Cora, as well as Cameron Drew, who put up outstanding numbers in the minors until a knee injury ended his career at 24, while the second round held Bruce Ruffin, Mike Schooler, and Randy Johnson (John Smoltz was hiding down in round 22). And Bo Jackson too (a flyer in rd 20)!
(PBSteve from Beautiful New Jersey)
See? Steven Goldman knows all. (Kevin Goldstein)
2010-01-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)Surprised at the vote?
(Tim from Tampa)
Surprised but not terribly so. My conclusion to today's piece:

So with the business of the pitchers concluded, we add Bert Blyleven to the ranks of Roberto Alomar, Barry Larkin, Edgar Martinez, Mark McGwire, Tim Raines, and Alan Trammell on the JAWS 2010 ballot. With the voting results scheduled be announced later today (Wednesday), I wouldn't be at all surprised if that slate draws a blank while Andre Dawson gets in, though I do think Alomar has a decent shot (early returns suggest reasons for optimism) and Blyleven may be nearing the tipping point. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-01-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)I'd call this good news for Bert. I was worried he'd stagnate around 62%. do you have the % of the vote for Edgar, Raines and Barry? They don't have it on Thanks.
(collins from greenville nc)
539 ballots, five blanks, Andre Dawson 420 (77.9%), Bert Blyleven 400 (74.2%), Roberto Alomar 397 (73.7%), Jack Morris 282 (52.3%), Barry Larkin 278 (51.6%), Lee Smith 255 (47.3%), Edgar Martinez 195 (36.2%), Tim Raines 164 (30.4%), Mark McGwire 128 (23.7%), Alan Trammell 121 (22.4%), Fred McGriff 116 (21.5%), Don Mattingly 87 (16.1%), Dave Parker 82 (15.2%), Dale Murphy 63 (11.7%), Harold Baines 33 (6.1%), Andres Galarraga 22 (4.1%), Robin Ventura 7 (1.3%), Ellis Burks 2 (0.4%), Eric Karros 2 (0.4%), Kevin Appier 1 (0.2%), Pat Hentgen 1 (0.2%), David Segui 1 (0.2%), Mike Jackson 0, Ray Lankford 0, Shane Reynolds 0, Todd Zeile 0.

Segui gets his vote. Baines remains on life support thanks to the persistence of a stubborn few. Karros receives more votes than he had All-Star appearances. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-12-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)Alan Trammel or Barry Larkin? Who gets in first?
(SC from Minneapolis)
Given the dead end support Trammell seems to have run into, I'd guess Larkin gets in first, but that's hardly a lock, and it really wouldn't surprise me to see him suffer a similarly unwarranted fate. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-12-01 13:00:00 (link to chat)A softball to get you started: Who would be on your Hall of Fame ballot this year?
(Bill from New Mexico)
Holdovers: Tim Raines, Bert Blyleven and Mark McGwire. For newbies, Barry Larkin and maybe Robbie Alomar, though I'm iffy enough on that one that I don't even remember if I'm for or against him at present. Just as a "I liked this guy, and I want to vote for him" kind of deal, and not because I think they should get in, I would toss a vote to Robin Ventura and Ellis Burks.

The good news is that Ray Lankford is finally on the ballot, so if he doesn't get 5% of the vote I can see if I can get him to write a foreword for "The Ray Lankford Wing of the Hall of Fame: Book Edition" without him feeling snubbed someday. (Marc Normandin)
2009-09-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Christina...Love your work, it always brightens my day. Quick question on my beloved Reds. The Reds haven't had a legit SS since Barry Larkin retired and they have no real prospects lined up at the position (particularly with Chris Valaika struggling mightily in AAA). What do the Reds do for 2010 if they can't bring in a FA or trade acquisition? Could they move Brandon Phillips back to SS or is he too valuable at this point at 2b? It just seems like the franchise has a number of guys who would be better fits at 2b. Would love to hear your thoughts.
(JoshC77 from Columbus)
Hi Josh, thank you for the kind words. I've been suggesting Phillips as their best-possible answer at short for a couple of seasons now, especially given that they play in a bandbox and can't really afford to wind up with some slick-fielding offensive non-entity when they're already shy of star players in the lineup. An infield with Votto and Rolen at the corners, Phillips at short, and Todd Frazier at second might not be enough to carry that outfield, but it's a start in the right direction. (Christina Kahrl)
2009-06-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Well, just in case my question disappeared last time, I was wondering what you thought of Barry Larkin's HOF chances. The guy doesn't seem to get enough credit for his fantastic career.
(Mike from Queens)
I think it was Bill James who said that the only thing Larkin couldn't do was stay healthy. Even with that caveat, he was still a tremendous player and easily one of the best all-around shortstops of all time. If anything makes me nervous about his chances, it's that his numbers are broadly similar to Alan Trammell's, and the voters have missed badly on him. That said, his numbers are a little better and a little flashier due to playing a bit later. He'll also gain in luster as long as he's not connected with PEDs and all the A-1 candidates are (fairly or not). In short, he'll be going. Maybe he'll wait a bit, but he should be in there. That is, he should be and he will be. (Steven Goldman)
2009-02-16 14:00:00 (link to chat)Which current MLB player would you compare Tim Beckham to? Do you think he's a "high risk, high reward" type of prospect?
(Philosopher from Chicago)
Perfect world projection? Barry Larkin. (Kevin Goldstein)
2008-01-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)Future overrated in HOF vote: Omar Vizquel?
(ElAngelo from White Plains NY)
He's a better Dave Concepcion. Vizquel versus Trammell might be an interesting discussion.

One of the problems with evaluating shortstops for the Hall is agreeing on measurements of defensive performance.

Oh, and the guy I think is going to get hosed is Barry Larkin. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-01-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)who do you see as the next candidate undeservedly snubbed by the bbwaa for not understanding their value on the field? also: how long do you think the Mcgwire punishment vote lasts? thanks for answering my last question
(lexomatic from busybeeland)
Looking at the upcoming eligibles, I see trouble ahead for Roberto Alomar (105.0 JAWS, where the 2B benchmark is at 101.7) and Barry Larkin (96.7, where the SS benchmark is at 96.6). They're on the ballot in two years, as is Edgar Martinez (85.5, where the HOF hitter benchmark is 93.2 - i.e., his case will be easier to understand).

As for the punishment vote, it may last his entire 20 years on the ballot. The BBWAA voters aren't exactly known to forget a grudge, and let's not forget the energy many of them expended building McGwire a rather large pedestal. Mike Lupica, please pick up the white paging phone... (Jay Jaffe)

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