
Portrait of Dexter Fowler

Dexter Fowler RFAngels

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2019 Projections (Preseason PECOTA - seasonal age 33)
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Birth Date3-22-1986
Height6' 5"
Weight205 lbs
Age38 years, 0 months, 27 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2008 COL 22 13 27 4 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 1 .154 .185 .154 64 -1.1 -0.1 0.7 0.0
2009 COL 23 135 518 115 29 10 4 67 116 1 27 10 .266 .363 .406 81 -10.5 4.9 -5.3 0.5
2010 COL 24 132 505 114 20 14 6 57 104 2 13 7 .260 .347 .410 87 -6.9 3.1 -7.6 0.4
2011 COL 25 125 563 128 35 15 5 68 130 6 12 9 .266 .363 .432 99 -0.3 7.1 12.8 3.9
2012 COL 26 143 530 136 18 11 13 68 128 0 12 5 .300 .389 .474 109 5.8 1.6 -10.3 1.4
2013 COL 27 119 492 109 18 3 12 65 105 6 19 9 .263 .369 .407 104 3.0 3.9 -10.4 1.2
2014 HOU 28 116 505 120 21 4 8 66 108 3 11 4 .277 .375 .399 117 9.7 -0.9 -15.1 0.8
2015 CHN 29 156 690 149 29 8 17 84 154 5 20 7 .250 .346 .411 104 5.4 -1.0 0.8 2.7
2016 CHN 30 125 551 126 25 7 13 79 124 11 13 4 .276 .393 .447 111 8.7 1.1 -11.4 1.6
2017 SLN 31 118 491 111 22 9 18 63 101 4 7 3 .264 .363 .488 118 12.5 1.4 -10.1 2.0
2018 SLN 32 90 334 52 10 0 8 38 75 3 5 2 .180 .278 .298 77 -8.0 2.0 -4.3 -0.4
2019 SLN 33 150 574 116 24 1 19 74 142 8 8 5 .238 .346 .409 100 2.7 -0.5 -3.7 1.2

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2005 CAS Rk PIO 62 252 .280 .351 .426 .384 103 2.7 6.8 0.6 83 0 0.2 5.0 -4.6 0.8
2006 ASH A SAL 99 458 .263 .338 .391 .350 113 18.7 10.5 0.8 129 0 12.4 2.9 6.5 3.4
2007 MOD A+ CLF 65 299 .260 .337 .405 .359 89 10.2 9.1 0.6 111 0 -1.8 1.6 4.2 1.3
2008 COL MLB NL 13 27 .272 .339 .432 .190 105 -3.8 0.8 0.1 64 10 0.7 -0.1 -1.1 0.0
2008 TUL AA TXS 108 505 .270 .344 .406 .399 91 48 14.8 1.2 153 0 2.7 5.1 18.0 4.2
2009 COL MLB NL 135 518 .259 .330 .410 .351 102 3.5 14.9 1.3 81 10 -5.3 4.9 -10.5 0.5
2009 TUL AA TXS 3 13 .266 .374 .418 .571 115 1.1 0.4 0 155 0 -0.7 -0.1 0.6 0.0
2010 COL MLB NL 132 505 .255 .321 .398 .328 101 2.5 13.9 1.2 87 11 -7.6 3.1 -6.9 0.4
2010 CSP AAA PCL 27 124 .298 .361 .469 .442 118 5.6 3.8 0.1 122 0 0.1 0.7 3.8 0.8
2011 COL MLB NL 125 563 .249 .314 .386 .354 109 11.1 15.2 1.4 99 8 12.8 7.1 -0.3 3.9
2011 CSP AAA PCL 24 114 .301 .364 .479 .296 126 -5.1 3.5 0.2 58 0 -1.3 0.4 -5.6 -0.3
2012 COL MLB NL 143 530 .253 .313 .402 .390 121 9.1 14.5 1.3 109 8 -10.3 1.6 5.8 1.4
2013 COL MLB NL 119 492 .250 .314 .390 .323 112 3 12.9 1.2 104 7 -10.4 3.9 3.0 1.2
2013 CSP AAA PCL 2 9 .278 .341 .415 .000 120 -0.8 0.3 0 93 0 -0.3 -0.5 -0.1 -0.1
2014 HOU MLB AL 116 505 .246 .307 .381 .351 98 17.1 13.0 0.8 117 9 -15.1 -0.9 9.7 0.8
2014 OKL AAA PCL 4 12 .252 .314 .381 .300 95 -0.1 0.4 -0.1 117 0 -0.3 0.0 0.2 0.0
2015 CHN MLB NL 156 690 .255 .319 .401 .308 93 18.5 18.6 1.7 104 7 0.8 -1.0 5.4 2.7
2016 CHN MLB NL 125 551 .259 .329 .428 .350 91 30.2 15.6 1.3 111 6 -11.4 1.1 8.7 1.6
2016 SBN A MID 1 4 .240 .307 .361 .000 96 -0.2 0.1 -0.1 114 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2016 IOW AAA PCL 2 6 .226 .294 .331 .333 89 0.2 0.2 0 86 0 0.0 0.0 -0.2 0.0
2017 SLN MLB NL 118 491 .255 .321 .429 .305 95 20.8 14.4 1.2 118 5 -10.1 1.4 12.5 2.0
2018 SLN MLB NL 90 334 .250 .320 .409 .210 92 -9.5 9.4 -3.3 77 9 -4.3 2.0 -8.0 -0.4
2019 SLN MLB NL 150 574 .247 .319 .428 .294 93 9.6 17.3 -3.6 100 5 -3.7 -0.5 2.7 1.2

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2005 CAS Rk PIO 252 220 43 60 10 4 4 90 23 27 73 18 6 .273 .353 .409 .136 3 3
2006 ASH A SAL 458 405 92 120 31 6 8 187 46 43 79 43 23 .296 .372 .462 .165 2 2
2007 MOD A+ CLF 299 245 43 67 7 5 2 90 23 44 64 20 11 .273 .396 .367 .094 2 2
2008 TUL AA TXS 505 421 92 141 31 9 9 217 64 65 89 20 8 .335 .426 .515 .181 8 8
2008 COL MLB NL 27 26 3 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 1 .154 .185 .154 .000 0 0
2009 COL MLB NL 518 433 73 115 29 10 4 176 34 67 116 27 10 .266 .363 .406 .141 3 14
2009 TUL AA TXS 13 10 3 4 2 0 0 6 3 3 3 1 0 .400 .538 .600 .200 0 0
2010 CSP AAA PCL 124 106 23 36 10 4 2 60 13 17 27 1 0 .340 .435 .566 .226 0 0
2010 COL MLB NL 505 439 73 114 20 14 6 180 36 57 104 13 7 .260 .347 .410 .150 0 7
2011 CSP AAA PCL 114 97 17 23 6 1 2 37 9 15 24 2 1 .237 .345 .381 .144 0 1
2011 COL MLB NL 563 481 84 128 35 15 5 208 45 68 130 12 9 .266 .363 .432 .166 1 7
2012 COL MLB NL 530 454 72 136 18 11 13 215 53 68 128 12 5 .300 .389 .474 .174 2 6
2013 COL MLB NL 492 415 71 109 18 3 12 169 42 65 105 19 9 .263 .369 .407 .145 2 4
2013 CSP AAA PCL 9 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 .000 .333 .000 .000 0 0
2014 HOU MLB AL 505 434 61 120 21 4 8 173 35 66 108 11 4 .277 .375 .399 .122 1
2014 OKL AAA PCL 12 10 1 3 0 0 0 3 1 2 0 0 0 .300 .417 .300 .000 0
2015 CHN MLB NL 690 596 102 149 29 8 17 245 46 84 154 20 7 .250 .346 .411 .161 3 2
2016 SBN A MID 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 .000 .500 .000 .000 0 0
2016 IOW AAA PCL 6 5 2 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 .200 .333 .400 .200 0 0
2016 CHN MLB NL 551 456 84 126 25 7 13 204 48 79 124 13 4 .276 .393 .447 .171 4 1
2017 SLN MLB NL 491 420 68 111 22 9 18 205 64 63 101 7 3 .264 .363 .488 .224 4 0
2018 SLN MLB NL 334 289 40 52 10 0 8 86 31 38 75 5 2 .180 .278 .298 .118 4 0
2019 SLN MLB NL 574 487 69 116 24 1 19 199 67 74 142 8 5 .238 .346 .409 .170 4 1

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 91 0.5385 0.4286 0.8205 0.5714 0.2619 0.8571 0.7273 0.1795 -0.0023
2009 2129 0.5153 0.3950 0.7776 0.5743 0.2045 0.8286 0.6256 0.2224 -0.0002
2010 2037 0.5228 0.4104 0.7967 0.5793 0.2253 0.8622 0.6119 0.2033 0.0030
2011 2217 0.5147 0.4154 0.7416 0.6004 0.2193 0.7883 0.6059 0.2584 0.0039
2012 2108 0.4938 0.4132 0.7612 0.6186 0.2127 0.8168 0.6035 0.2388 0.0037
2013 1946 0.4769 0.4538 0.7429 0.6670 0.2593 0.8078 0.5909 0.2571 0.0014
2014 2060 0.4806 0.4277 0.7548 0.6515 0.2206 0.8109 0.6017 0.2452 0.0035
2015 2812 0.4819 0.4079 0.7786 0.6339 0.1977 0.8568 0.5451 0.2214 -0.0020
2016 2415 0.4687 0.3888 0.7796 0.6042 0.1988 0.8348 0.6314 0.2204 0.0000
2017 1942 0.4712 0.4279 0.7750 0.6492 0.2308 0.8603 0.5612 0.2250 0.0000
2018 1372 0.4913 0.4213 0.7370 0.6439 0.2063 0.8180 0.4931 0.2630 0.0000
2019 2361 0.4634 0.4269 0.7252 0.6417 0.2415 0.8105 0.5294 0.2748 0.0000

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-06-27 2014-08-13 15-DL 47 40 - Back Tightness -
2014-04-04 2014-04-09 DTD 5 5 - General Medical Illness - -
2014-03-05 2014-03-08 Camp 3 0 - Neck Stiffness - -
2013-09-07 2013-09-16 DTD 9 8 Left Knee Sprain -
2013-08-27 2013-09-03 DTD 7 6 Left Knee Sprain Posterior - -
2013-06-26 2013-07-11 15-DL 15 14 Right Wrist Soreness - -
2013-06-18 2013-06-21 DTD 3 3 Right Fingers Contusion Ring Finger - -
2013-06-15 2013-06-16 DTD 1 1 Right Hand Contusion HBP - -
2013-06-05 2013-06-05 DTD 0 0 - General Medical Illness Flu - -
2013-05-04 2013-05-05 DTD 1 1 Right Hip Soreness - -
2013-04-16 2013-04-16 DTD 0 0 Right Foot Soreness - -
2013-03-01 2013-03-03 Camp 2 0 - Ankle Sprain - -
2012-09-28 2012-10-01 DTD 3 3 Right Wrist Inflammation -
2012-09-25 2012-09-27 DTD 2 2 Right Wrist Inflammation -
2012-09-23 2012-09-24 DTD 1 1 Right Wrist Inflammation Tendonitis - -
2012-08-30 2012-08-31 DTD 1 0 Right Ankle Soreness From Sprain - -
2012-08-28 2012-08-29 DTD 1 1 Right Ankle Soreness From Sprain -
2012-08-23 2012-08-25 DTD 2 2 Right Ankle Sprain Running Bases - -
2012-08-11 2012-08-12 DTD 1 1 - Low Back Soreness - -
2012-07-30 2012-08-01 DTD 2 1 - Illness - -
2012-07-02 2012-07-04 DTD 2 2 Left Shoulder Soreness Latissimus Dorsi - -
2012-05-24 2012-05-26 DTD 2 1 Right Ankle Sprain - -
2011-08-01 2011-08-01 DTD 0 0 - Elbow Contusion HBP - -
2011-06-05 2011-06-20 15-DL 15 14 Left Abdomen Strain -
2011-05-11 2011-05-12 DTD 1 0 Left Knee Contusion Foul Ball -
2011-03-17 2011-03-20 Camp 3 0 Right Thigh Tightness Quadriceps -
2010-08-02 2010-08-04 DTD 2 1 Left Trunk Contusion Ribs Running Into Structure -
2010-07-21 2010-07-21 DTD 0 0 Arm Soreness -
2010-05-06 2010-05-07 DTD 1 0 Ankle Sprain -
2010-03-01 2010-03-06 Camp 5 0 General Medical Illness GI -
2009-08-25 2009-09-09 15-DL 15 14 Right Knee Contusion Foul Ball -
2009-08-11 2009-08-13 DTD 2 2 Left Knee Contusion -
2009-06-06 2009-06-07 DTD 1 1 Left Lower Leg Contusion Calf Foul Ball -


Year Team Salary
2022 TOR $
2021 SLN $16,500,000
2020 SLN $16,500,000
2019 SLN $16,500,000
2018 SLN $16,500,000
2017 SLN $16,500,000
2016 CHN $8,000,000
2015 CHN $9,500,000
2014 HOU $7,850,000
2013 COL $3,750,000
2012 COL $2,350,000
2011 COL $424,000
2010 COL $406,000
2009 COL $401,000
13 yrPrevious$115,181,000
13 yrTotal$115,181,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
12 y 168 dExcel1 year (2022)

  • 1 year (2022). Signed by Toronto as a free agent 3/30/22 (minor-league contract). Released by Toronto 5/4/22 (Fowler exercised right to opt out of contract). Retired 1/31/23.
  • 5 years/$82.5M (2017-21). Signed by St. Louis as a free agent 12/8/16. $10M signing bonus (paid in $1M installments each July 1 and Oct. 1, 2017-21). 17-21: $14.5M annually. Award bonuses: $25,000 for Silver Slugger. $50,000 each for All-Star, Gold Glove, LDS MVP. $100,000 for LCS MVP. $150,000 for WS MVP. $250,000 for MVP ($150,000 for second place in vote, $100,000 for third through fifth). Full no-trade protection. Acquired by LA Angels in trade from St. Louis 2/4/21, with Cardinals paying $12.75M of 2021 salary and all remaining signing bonus payments.
  • 1 year/$13M (2016), plus 2017 mutual option. Re-signed by Chicago Cubs as a free agent 2/25/16. 16:$8M, 17:$9M mutual option ($5M buyout). Fowler declined 2017 option 11/16. Chicago Cubs made $17.2M qualifying offer 11/7/16 (rejected).
  • 1 year/$9.5M (2015). Acquired by Chicago Cubs in trade from Houston 1/19/15. Signed by Chicago Cubs 1/23/15 (avoided arbitration, $10.8M-$8.5M).
  • 2 years/$11.6M (2013-14). Signed extension with Colorado 2/11/13 (avoided arbitration, $5.15M-$4.25M). $1M signing bonus. 13:$3.25M, 14:$7.35M. Acquired by Houston in trade from Colorado 12/3/13.
  • 1 year/$2.35M (2012). Re-signed by Colorado 1/17/12 (avoided arbitration). Replaced agent Scott Boras with Casey Close 8/20/12.
  • 1 year/$424,000 (2011). Re-signed by Colorado 3/11.
  • 1 year (2010). Re-signed by Colorado 3/5/10.
  • 1 year/$401,000 (2009). Re-signed by Colorado 3/4/09 ($65,000 in minors).
  • 1 year (2008). Contract purchased by Colorado 9/2/08.
  • Drafted by Colorado 2004 (14-410) (Milton HS, Alpharetta, Ga.). $925,000 signing bonus (14th-round record at signing).

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

90o 42 9 2 0 1 5 9 1 0 .250 .357 .389 121 2.7 RF 0, 0.0
80o 29 6 1 0 1 3 6 1 0 .240 .321 .400 116 1.5 RF 0, 0.0
70o 19 5 1 0 1 2 4 0 0 .312 .389 .562 112 0.9 RF 0, 0.0
60o 10 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 .111 .200 .111 108 0.4 RF 0, 0.0
50o 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 105 0.1 RF 0, 0.0
Weighted Mean300000100.000.000.0001060.1RF 0,0.0

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BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2018-05-25 12:15:00 (link to chat)15 team, keep forever (40 man rosters), with escalating salaries each year. 6x6 roto (BBs and Holds extra cats). With Hanley getting DFA'd, should I drop Dexter Fowler ($21) for Mitch Moreland ($1)? Fowler has been atrocious and is my 7th best OF (Betts, Soto, Cutch, Peralta, Ozuna, Kepler), and I need AVG.
(jd from somewhere)
Sure that seems fine given the price disparity, though I can't really imagine you holding onto either guy for an extended period of time. (Craig Goldstein)
2016-12-01 19:00:00 (link to chat)What can the Indians do to improve their production in CF? I'm not a believer in Naquin and Zimmer is going to need more time. Any trade candidates that make sense?
(username49 from Ohio)
Signing Dexter Fowler would be the best move, but I don't see Cleveland investing $15-16MM AAV on him. Trade candidates look bad too, unless you believe the 36-year-old Curtis Granderson is an answer (he isn't). Best bet is to suck along with Naquin for half a season and hope Zimmer is ready mid-year. (Mike Gianella)
2016-08-30 13:00:00 (link to chat)I have a competitive squad in a 14 team mixed dynasty. Wondering which order you would keep the follow OF: Ian Desmond, Dexter Fowler, Jay Bruce, Justin Upton. They all have weird and confusing career arcs.
(Rob from Alaska)
You said it: all those guys are on weird tangential career paths. I'd rank them in the order you currently have them in. I was debating between Fowler and Bruce for longer than I'd like to admit, but assuming this is a category format, Fowler's SBs push him over the edge. I really wish Justin Upton would have a resurgent year. I miss that guy being awesome. (Will Haines)
2016-03-28 13:00:00 (link to chat) Is Buddy Reed going to "hit" at the next level or his just going to be a great athlete? Would you prefer Stenzel, Ray or the HS Rutherford, Moniak, SS from PR?
(Frank from San Diego)
I do think Buddy is going to hit, actually, though I think he'll always be better from one side of the plate than the other. I see him as a loose Dexter Fowler comp in the best-case. And, like Fowler, I think there's offense he will grow into as he goes into his mid-and-later 20s.

If I want safety, I'll go Senzel. If I want upside, I'll go Ray or Delvin Perez, the Puerto Rican SS. Which one I want has to do with my current farm system and how much pool I'm playing with. (Adam McInturff)
2016-02-25 12:00:00 (link to chat)MLBTradeRumors now saying that the Cubs have somehow swooped in and signed Dexter Fowler. Where are they planning on playing him? A trade of Schwarber or Soler in the works, in your opinion?
(Gigi from Jackson Heights)
This is what I get for not having Twitter open while I chat. Probably in CF and slide Heyward to a corner, which isn't a bad outcome. I think they will roll with Schwarber in a corner and use Soler as a 4OF and depth unless they get blown away. That is one hell of a 25-man roster now. (Jeffrey Paternostro)
2016-02-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do the Cubs still sign Jason Heyward if Dexter Fowler took the QO?
(mdlehrman from Chicago)
Good question. I don't know. I know it wouldn't have ruled it out for them. (Matthew Trueblood)
2015-10-22 14:00:00 (link to chat)Regardless of what happens the rest of this series, tough to be disappointed by '15 CHC campaign. What optimizations, in terms of diversifying lineup & improving D, do you see front office making? Adding SP is a no-brainer.
(Matt from Chicago)
This is going to be a capital-F Fun winter for the Cubs and Cubs fans. The defining characteristic of the organization right now is modularity. You can rearrange three dozen pieces into a thousand different set-ups for next season. With their prospect depth, the young guys established on the big-league team and the questions surrounding them, things could break so many different ways. I'll note a couple things I think are inevitable:
1. Dexter Fowler will be given the qualifying offer, and then the Cubs will very politely stop taking his calls. He was great for them, an absolutely perfect fit that catalyzed their season before it even began, but now they need other things in center field. Namely, they need a defensive anchor, someone who can shore up the outfield defense even if the team decides to go into next season with the big bats of Schwarber and Soler in the corners.
2. There will be some consolidation of multiple useful assets into a single, closer to elite one. The model I'm using in my head is the Cardinals' trade for Jason Heyward last November. They had a good player (Shelby Miller) for whom they no longer had room, and a really valuable pop-up pitching prospect (Tyrell Jenkins) who was due to land on the 40-man roster or be made available in the Rule 5 Draft, but whom they couldn't squeeze onto their own 40-man. For future reference, the Cubs' most notable Jenkins types-not only in that they will need to go onto the 40-man roster this year, but in that the Cubs will have a hard time keeping them-for this winter are Jeimer Candelario and Dan Vogelbach. The thing they need to look for in their trade target is well-roundedness. (Matthew Trueblood)
2015-10-22 14:00:00 (link to chat)Which pitcher and position player do you think will get overpaid this off-season? And who do you think could end up being a steal for the team that signs them?
(Josh from Chicago)
Pitcher, overpaid: Mike Leake. Could fall right into that four-year, $50-million sour spot for FA SP, alongisde Edwin Jackson, Ervin Santana, Ricky Nolasco, Ubaldo, Brandon McCarthy.
Pos. player, overpaid: Cespedes.

P, underpaid: I dunno. Brett Anderson maybe.
Pos., underpaid: Dexter Fowler. QO will hurt him, not being a good defender in center will hurt him, but OBP is life and he's got it. (Matthew Trueblood)
2015-09-30 19:00:00 (link to chat)Huge fan! Who plays CF for the Cubs next year? Is it possible that we move Baez or Castro there?
(DR70095 from Tel Aviv)
Thanks! Both players have the ability to play centerfield but I just can't see them not resigning Dexter Fowler to man the position in the short term. (Mauricio Rubio)
2015-07-23 17:00:00 (link to chat)If you were the Cubs who would you target in free agency? Also at the end of the season --barring injury-- who do you see playing 2nd and SS for the Cubs? Thanks.
(Ryan Rust from Edmond, Oklahoma )
If Kyle Schwarber moves to left field as many expect, it doesn't seem like they have a lot of holes. Dexter Fowler is a free agent so they'll need a center fielder. My guess is that the Cubs bring in someone on a one or two-year deal to fill that as opposed to a big time acquisition like Jason Heyward and then bring in an arm to try to help on the back end of the rotation.

If I had to guess, it's going to be Javier Baez and Addison Russell up the middle. Starlin Castro gets traded this winter.

It's fun guessing when I have zero inside information as to what really will happen. (Mike Gianella)
2015-07-23 17:00:00 (link to chat)Do anticipate the front office trying to re-sign Dexter Fowler after the season or are there other plans (like Almora) for CF for next year?
(Kevin from Batavia, IL)
Depends on the market. I could see them trying to sign him to a one or two-year deal as a stopgap. If he can get a three to four year deal elsewhere, it seems more likely the Cubs would walk away from that. (Mike Gianella)
2015-07-23 17:00:00 (link to chat)Could/Should the Cubs extend a qualifying offer to Dexter Fowler this offseason? What type of impact can his second half have?
(TJ from Chicago, IL)
I would extend a QO. One year of Fowler at that price would be a nice stopgap for Almora if he indeed makes it. Fowler's a solid player who should continue to do so, particularly if the recent OBP jump isn't just a SSS blip and is legit. (Mike Gianella)
2015-07-23 17:00:00 (link to chat)What do you think of the CF options this offseason either by FA or trade?
(T.J. from Chicago, IL)
For the Cubs or in general? Trades are hard to guess since I didn't expect Dexter Fowler - for example - to get moved this winter but he did. Austin Jackson and Denard Span are the other decent CF options out there this winter; if I had to rank them it's close. I lean a healthy Span over Fowler and then Jackson. But none of these guys is elite. (Mike Gianella)
2015-05-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)In my Yahoo league I am building for next year and thereafter. My roster is Russell Martin, Kendrys Morales, Josh Harrison, Brock Holt, Brett Gardner, Dexter Fowler, Gregory Polanco, Coco Crisp, Carlos Ruiz, Travis Snider, Kyle (and Corey) Seager, Jason Heyward, Carlos Correa, Desmond Jennings, Javier Baez, Matt Harvey, Carlos Martinez, Jimmy Nelson, Edinson Volquez, Jonathan Paplebon, Chris Heston, Noah Syndergaard, Lucas Giolito, Julio Urias, Jose Berrios, Matt Cain and Sean Doolittle. 8 keepers allowed. Comments? Suggestions?
(TimLandry from Montreal Quebec Canada)
Keep Matt Harvey eight times. (Christopher Crawford)
2014-08-19 14:00:00 (link to chat)Roster advice: 10-team/12 keeper league, prepping for the playoffs, currently holding on to Michael Pineda (small sample, hope he's healthy), Taijuan Walker (fingers crossed for another Sunday start), Kevin Gausman (steady contribution), and Jake McGee (slew August) on the pitching staff....looking to add Dexter Fowler for depth at the plate (he'd be first off the bench)...Would you drop any of the pitchers for Fowler? PS: Staff FWIW: Greinke, Stras, Lester, Kluber, Archer, Rosenthal, Robertson, Jansen w/ Wacha on DL
(pmitchell60 from NOLA)
I would stock up on RB/WR first unless you can snag a top QB in rounds 2/3. Really depends on how teams and league scoring. Manning, Rodgers, Brees are head and shoulders above the pack while you can stock pile useful PPR WR/RB late. (CJ Wittmann)
2014-08-19 14:00:00 (link to chat)Your colleagues at BP are all over Raimel Tapia for his "hit tool." He certainly seems to be doing well at Ashville this year. Former Rockies player Dexter Fowler was also a skinny guy as a prospect. What gives Tapia a greater likelihood of developing some HR power (if anything)? He's young, but his frame doesn't scream "masher" to me. Thanks a lot!
(Rocky Mountain Hi from LoDo)
I think Ryan Parker would be more capable to answering this. I think the natural lift and bat speed give Tapia a greater advantage. He is skinny but I have heard he has the work ethic to add weight. Should be an interesting prospect moving forward. (CJ Wittmann)
2014-03-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)any feel on the Rockies CF situation?
(dastard from ON)
I feel like they shouldn't have traded Dexter Fowler. (Jeff Moore)
2014-01-02 13:00:00 (link to chat)New addtions to the AL: Better pick is Dexter Fowler or Adam Eaton?
(bhacking from Toronto)
I prefer Fowler. I think there's some fatigue on him so the popular answer might be Eaton, but I think their upsides are similar and Fowler's base, while not what we want it to be, is still really useful. I still like Eaton though. Both good options. (Craig Goldstein)
2013-10-28 18:00:00 (link to chat)Could Dexter Fowler approach 100runs next year if he/cargo/tulo/rosario all stay healthy for the majority of the year? seems he never ends up putting the pieces together and ending up with a full breakout season
(Coors from Drinker)
Wow, my second Fowler question tonight. I could go for the obvious "What Are You Drinking?" joke based on your name/location, but instead I'll just say that while it's certainly possible it's not something I'd feel comfortable betting on. Think 85-90 runs when placing your bets on Fowler. If you get 100, then that's just gravy. (Mike Gianella)
2013-06-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)With Dexter Fowler recently hit on the hand by a pitch, is it fair to assume he will have a temporary slip in power similar to Brandon Phillips? Also will this have a long-term effects on his already high ISO level. Thanks, looking forward to the next TINSTAPP!
(Jake from CC)
I think that's fair to plan for and go from there. Impossible to know because there isn't a one-size-fits-all HBP meter, but ya I'd plan for a little regression based on playing through pain just to be safe. (Paul Sporer)
2013-04-16 20:00:00 (link to chat)Is it a good time to sell high on Dexter Fowler? I need pitching and targeting guys like Dan Haren in a 1 for 1 trade. Good idea?
(RC from PDX)
Bad idea jeans. Fowler can take that next step forward this year and Haren is a huge risk. But if you aim higher, then sure. (Bret Sayre)
2013-03-06 20:00:00 (link to chat)What is your perspective of Cameron Maybin and Dexter Fowler? Are they similar? what do you see from them in the next three years fantasy wise?
(Outuv from left field)
Both are talented players who have a hard time putting it all together. For the next three years I'd rather Maybin than Fowler. (Paul Singman)
2013-02-27 20:00:00 (link to chat)Auction Draft, Dynasty League. Do you go stars/scrubs, or do you try for balance? A prospect draft will follow the MLB draft.
(Donnie from Running Errands)
In a league with a long reserve list, I generally prefer stars and scrubs. You're not going to find players for your reserve list who can do what a Ryan Braun or a Miguel Cabrera can do, but you might find players who can do what Freddie Freeman and Dexter Fowler can do. Maximize the top slots on your roster; if you do a good job picking up prospects and have a deep farm system, the playing time at the bottom of your roster will come. (Mike Gianella)
2013-02-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thoughts on David Dahl? When would you project him arriving to the bigs, and thoughts on production once he does arrive?
(Mike from Chi-town)
Dahl is an 19-year-old center fielder just out of high school with just over 300 professional plate appearances. I have no idea. Fortunately for the Rockies, they have Dexter Fowler (who just signed a two year extension) in center so they don't need Dahl right now.

I love the name Dahl though. It reminds me of one of my favorite authors as a kid, Roald Dahl, who's name I just spelled correctly. So now I'm a Dahl fan. Go Dahl! (Matthew Kory)
2012-12-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thanks for the chat today. Anyway the Reds could package a deal starting with Drew Stubbs and Homer Bailey / Mike Leake for something involving either Dexter Fowler or Jacoby Ellsbury? If not, what else would they need to include?
(Tommy from Flowmont)
I know that Fowler and Ellsbury have both been dangled, but I'm not sure what kind of return each team is looking for. Personally I'm not a Fowler fan -- his approach at the plate is a total disaster, and he either hasn't been able or willing to make adjustments. Still not sure what kind of player Ellsbury is long-term, so if I'm a GM, i'm reticent to make a move for him.

Also, I still believe in Stubbs and wouldn't necessarily want to sell low on him. I always worry about trading big-league starters, too. You can never have enough pitching! (Ian Miller)
2012-06-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)What kind of spider does Lewis Brinson remind you of?
(bradleyankrom from TPAFLA)
This came up during the draft. Brinson, who the Rangers popped, has long levers. He gets compared to Dexter Fowler, Cameron Maybin, and so on. But look at this guy. He looks like a spider. I mean that in a good way, too.

Plus, he has an inspiring backstory. I hope he has a good, long career. (R.J. Anderson)
2012-04-12 14:00:00 (link to chat)My #4 OF is Dexter Fowler. Considering swapping him out for the following waiver wire options. H2H league, speed not as valuable, keeper value irrelevant. Jordan Schafer, Juan Rivera, josh reddick, Alex Presley, Dayan viciedo, or Eric Thames. Thoughts?
(NJTomatoes from Oregon)
Yeah, if speed is devalued, I like Viciedo's power potential, Thames should post a solid average with a little power, Presley could hit for a good average and score runs leading off. (Derek Carty)
2012-01-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Does Dexter Fowler stay in the majors and in Jim Tracy's starting lineup all year long? Do you see him as a breakout candidate this year?
(Peter from Westtown)
It's hard to say if he stays in it all year, since they seem to keep him on a short leash, and Charlie Blackmon will still be kicking around in the background, but I do think Fowler has what it takes to hit .260 or .270 while OBPing .350 and stealing 30 bases. Whether that will be enough for the Rockies to keep him in centerfield and leading off, we'll have to see, but I'd like to that he will play well and be kept around. (Derek Carty)
2011-07-21 16:00:00 (link to chat)Please rank the following players according to who will have the best career: Colby Rasmus, Desmond Jennings, Dexter Fowler and Cam Maybin.
(Kent from Coppell TX)
Rasmus followed closely by Jennings. I think Rasmus will flourish away from LaRussa (Jason Collette)
2011-06-02 13:00:00 (link to chat)Given their abundance of outfielders, any chance the Rockies give Charlie Blackmon a look before September?
(Brady from Florida)
If Dexter Fowler's struggles continue, there's definitely a chance we see Blackmon starting in the Rockies OF within a couple months. (Derek Carty)
2011-04-25 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Marc, thanks for the chat. I'm wondering if I should trade Prince + Dexter Fowler for Mariano Rivera + Mike Stanton? My current closers are Joe Nathan (yikes) and Brian Wilson. Along with Prince, I have Votto + A-Roid at the a H2H points league...Thanks
(cbelford from Chicago)
So, you're not using Prince at all? (Marc Normandin)
2011-03-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)Can Dexter Fowler turn into Kenny Lofton-esque player?
(Eli from Tucson)
Kenny Lofton was a Hall of Fame quality player. Fowler is still fighting to not get platooned. He strikes out so much that I don't see him hitting hitting above .280, while Lofton was a .300 career hitter. But Fowler's supposedly going to lead off this year and play center, so I think that he'll definitely have some fantasy and real-world value. (Jeremy Greenhouse)
2011-03-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think Dexter Fowler will hold onto a full-time OF job in Colorado? If so, should we expect 40+ steals and a decent average? He seemed to pick up his game last year in the second half after his demotion to the minors. However, Jim Tracy seems to be a bit fickle with his OFs and other than CarGo is always splitting time among a few guys.
(Pete from Bronx)
The big change is that Hawpe is gone now, leaving only four OF's for three spots, and Spilborghs seems to have pretty clearly played himself into the 4th OF/platoon role. 40 SB seems somewhat optimistic, but with a fast start (and the resultant job security), 30-35 seems a pretty solid expectation. (Cory Schwartz)
2010-08-26 13:00:00 (link to chat)Going forward in a standard league w/ OBP, SLG and OPS - Jay Bruce, Dexter Fowler, Coco Crisp or JD Drew?
(Jeff from South Jersey)
I like Fowler the least of all of those guys right now. Drew is the safe pick, Bruce the upside pick, and Crisp is hitting as well as he ever did before he busted his finger open in his first year with Boston (and has 22 steals!) to boot. So it depends on what you prefer/need more of--safety, upside, or if you want to get some steals out of it while you're at it. (Marc Normandin)
2010-08-04 13:00:00 (link to chat)I cannot get anyone to answer this...On September 25, 1989 Andre Dawson hit one of the most bizarre inside the park home runs ever against Montreal. Despite Davy Martinez catching a deep fly ball, he came up injured on the play and was unable to enact a "voluntary and intentional" release of the ball, which is needed to record an out as stated in the MLB rulebook's definition of a catch. On Sunday, a similar play occurred when Dexter Fowler caught a deep fly ball off the bat of Alfonso Soriano. If you watch the replay, he never releases the ball as he is writhing in pain on the ground. In fact, the right fielder picks up Fowler's glove with the ball still in it and holds it while he is being tended to (see on replay). Are you aware of this rule and should Soriano have continued around the base paths to score the game tying run?
(Goose from Chicago)
...Can I tell you how much I've come to dislike Firefox? I just don't know what to switch to. It seems like every browser has massive negatives. I like the idea of Chrome, but I've been told it swallows memory, and that's one of my big problems with Firefox... Goose, I love your question, but I'd want to look at some video before answering it. I will take the risk of an uninformed answer and say that the quality of umpiring is so poor, and we've seen so many misapplied rules (like the Don Mattingly thing recently) that I wouldn't be surprised if they just missed it. (Steven Goldman)
2010-08-04 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Steve What kind of value do you think Dexter Fowler has going forward and next year? Thanks
(Ed from Cranford, NJ)
I thought Fowler would be a little better than he has been. He's not a bad player given his batting eye, but he's not a great center fielder and he's going to need to get his batting average up to be a real regular somewhere. I see him as a fourth outfielder on a contender, something more on a bad team. Either way, he will be useful in some way, but there's no star potential here. (Steven Goldman)
2010-08-04 13:00:00 (link to chat)Half your age plus 7 is the dating all accounts unnamed is SAFE!!!
(JT from MKE)
I didn't know there was an official rule book for this stuff. What does it say about passing out before you release the woman? Would that have helped Dexter Fowler? (Steven Goldman)
2010-07-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)In my aforementioned dynasty league: we score heavily based on OPS. What are the odds that Dexter Fowler becomes are more valuable keeper than Denard Span by the end of the year, assuming they will cost the same coin?
(sharkey from MPLS)
I still don't like Dexter Fowler as a source of stolen bases, especially relative to Span. And I still like Span's power potential over Fowler's, though he hasn't shown much in that regard this season. Fowler's stock is rising for sure, but I'm a big fan of Span. (Marc Normandin)
2010-03-25 14:00:00 (link to chat)Hey Joe, Care to share some of "your guys" for this season?
(Fred from Houston)
I've been including some of these in the pieces I've been writing for Rotowire, but off the top of my head...Trevor Cahill, Drew Stubbs, Alfredo Aceves, Rickie Weeks, Dexter Fowler, Chris Outfielder Young. Ruben Gotay if finds his way to the majors. (Joe Sheehan)
2010-03-04 13:00:00 (link to chat)Listening to Baroness. Dexter Fowler values seem to be all over the place. Why such a disparity?
(Ragnhild from Blue Record)
Different interpretations of his growth for 2010. I expect 2010 to be a more productive version of 2009 without a huge step forward, so I like him but I'm not obsessed. (Marc Normandin)
2010-02-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)How come no one is talking about Dexter Fowler?
(chumsferd from pasadena)
Because he's pretty good, and with an impressive ceiling, but he isn't there yet and plays a position that already has loads of talent. (Marc Normandin)
2010-01-28 14:00:00 (link to chat)Predictions for Colorado OF PT?
(Jim Lahey from Sunnyvale)
Dexter Fowler doesn't lose that much playing time to CarGo, and Ryan Spilborghs keeps getting the short straw. (Christina Kahrl)
2010-01-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)My last slot in a deep keeper league looks like it's coming down to Dexter Fowler and Rick Porcello. I usually prefer the position player, but Porcello could be special. At the same time, both might have another year or two of development before they really get going. Preference for 2010? Long-term?
(Rob from Alaska)
I would normally prefer the position player too, but Porcello's last two months were pretty impressive. I just wish his strikeouts would jump up, but it will happen with time. He could be a beast in the second half of 2010... (Marc Normandin)
2009-11-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you see Dexter Fowler growing into some power? If so, how much? He seems like a late bloomer to me - he gained 15 pounds last offseason and then grew an inch this summer! It's like he's still 17.
(Rob from Alaska)
I can see him becoming a consistent member of the 15/30 club. (Eric Seidman)
2009-12-01 13:00:00 (link to chat)Can I consider CF locked up longterm with Dexter Fowler there, or should I be looking for better in a 12 team mixed keeper?
(Nate from SC)
There's a lot to choose from in center, so I think you could probably do better than that given it's a mixed league. I like Fowler a lot, but center is loaded. (Marc Normandin)
2009-10-02 14:00:00 (link to chat)Are we any closer to getting your picks for surprise stars from each of the playoff teams?
(Frank Costanza from Queens)
It's like asking me eight questions at once. Not easy. Brett Gardner. Billy Wagner. Aubrey Huff. Erick Aybar. Chan Ho Park. Colby Rasmus. Hong-Chih Kuo. Dexter Fowler. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-06-25 13:00:00 (link to chat)Your thoughts on the future production of Dexter Fowler and Colby Rasmus? What is their upside as you see it and who gets there first? Thanks.
(tommybones from brooklyn)
Fowler's upside is Kenny Lofton, but maybe more of a Devon White type of player. Rasmus...Curtis Granderson? (Joe Sheehan)
2009-06-18 13:00:00 (link to chat)What kind of stats do you see Dexter Fowler putting up in two years? Are they high enough to make him an upper-tier fantasy option (points league)?
(tosaboy from Milwaukee)
I don't know if he has the build to start putting up serious power numbers. PECOTA sees him as a sub .200 ISO guy during his peak years, which seems right to me. If he can cut down on the strikeouts, he will be a much more valuable bat, even without the homer power. (Marc Normandin)
2009-05-04 14:00:00 (link to chat)What are your thoughts on Dexter Fowler for this year and his long term potential?
(mgaynor7475 from Cumberland, RI)
I'm on record as loving, just absolutely loving, Fowler. I think he's already a major-league center fielder, a better player than, say, Cameron Maybin is. His power is still coming, and he'll have to manage his contact rate, but he'll hit .270/.340/.410 this year and go from there. I could see him peaking like Curtis Granderson, maybe a bit better. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-11-12 14:00:00 (link to chat)Love your work, Kevin. Can I get a sneak preview on Dexter Fowler ... ETA and ceiling, or a comp you like? Thanks
(jlewando from dc)
No sneak preview, but I'll say this based on a discussion with a scout. Fowler is one of those guys, and I love these types, where the second you seen him jog out to his position, you say "I want one of those". When those guys back it up with the performance, that's even more awesome. (Kevin Goldstein)
2008-10-06 14:00:00 (link to chat)Do you have a sense of who will be the top 5 prospects heading into next year? Some combination of Snider, Bumgarner, Heyward, Price, Wieters? Moustakos? Cahill? Feliz? I know this is nominall Kevin's territory but what's your opinion?
(Frank from Seattle)
Wieters is my clear #1, and Price and Feliz are 1 and 1A for pitchers. Of guys you didn't mention, I'll say I love Carlos Santana and Dexter Fowler. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-09-03 14:00:00 (link to chat)Charles Blackmon is supposedly still a bit of a project even as a college player, but he has been great in low A. What's his power potential, and overall outlook? Could he be another Dexter Fowler?
(Matt S from Chicago)
I'm a Blackmon fan -- but he's one of those weird, unique players where he's a college product, but still a raw tools guy. So I'm a fan with some reservations. (Kevin Goldstein)
2008-07-30 12:30:00 (link to chat)If the Rockies are buyers and not sellers, who are they dangling to get SP? Ian Stewart? Dexter Fowler? I assume Holliday and Atkins are off the table.
(Rob from Alaska)
Stewart is a possibility but they seem to be looking more on the low end with guys like Fogg and Byrd and they won't have to give up a top guy to get someone like that. (John Perrotto)
2008-07-30 12:30:00 (link to chat)Since the Rockies aren't selling, any chance they call up Dexter Fowler right after the Olympics to see if he can help and be playoff eligible? It's only Willy Taveras ahead of him.....
(Jonathan from New York)
Haven't heard anything on that but I would say it's possible. (John Perrotto)
2008-07-03 13:00:00 (link to chat)I am looking forward to attending the Future's Game. Traditionally alot of these players have made an MLB impact. I am wondering what you project of Dexter Fowler, Gorkys Hernandez, and Taylor Teagarden. Will I see you there?
(jake1m from Jenny Lind, Ca.)
I won't be able to make it to the game. I don't get too many chances to travel right now, between family and radio obligations.

I think that Teagarden would have gotten the call over Ramirez had he been healthy when Laird got hurt. But therein lies the rub - staying healthy has been his biggest problem as a professional. I like him better defensively than the other Ranger catching prospects. I think that Fowler's development is one of the reasons why the Rockies are entertaining notions of trading Holliday. My only concern with Hernandez is whether he develops any power, but I love his speed and his contact rate. (Jeff Erickson)

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