
Portrait of Brett Gardner

Brett Gardner LFYankees

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2019 Projections (Preseason PECOTA - seasonal age 35)
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Birth Date8-24-1983
Height5' 11"
Weight195 lbs
Age40 years, 8 months, 2 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2008 NYA 24 42 141 29 5 2 0 8 30 2 13 1 .228 .283 .299 62 -6.3 1.6 4.4 0.4
2009 NYA 25 108 284 67 6 6 3 26 40 3 26 5 .270 .345 .379 88 -3.5 4.0 5.9 1.5
2010 NYA 26 150 569 132 20 7 5 79 101 5 47 9 .277 .383 .379 98 -0.3 8.7 10.6 3.4
2011 NYA 27 159 588 132 19 8 7 60 93 8 49 13 .259 .345 .369 88 -7.6 7.7 15.1 2.9
2012 NYA 28 16 37 10 2 0 0 5 7 0 2 2 .323 .417 .387 84 -0.7 0.5 -0.7 0.0
2013 NYA 29 145 609 147 33 10 8 52 127 8 24 8 .273 .344 .416 98 -0.3 3.4 -9.1 1.2
2014 NYA 30 148 636 142 25 8 17 56 134 6 21 5 .256 .327 .422 102 1.9 4.5 -0.5 2.1
2015 NYA 31 151 656 148 26 3 16 68 135 6 20 5 .259 .343 .399 104 5.8 4.7 -1.5 2.6
2016 NYA 32 148 634 143 22 6 7 70 106 8 16 4 .261 .351 .362 93 -3.6 5.2 14.2 3.0
2017 NYA 33 151 682 157 26 4 21 72 122 8 23 5 .264 .350 .428 107 7.9 1.4 12.7 3.8
2018 NYA 34 140 609 125 20 7 12 65 107 5 16 2 .236 .322 .368 90 -5.4 4.1 11.8 2.6
2019 NYA 35 141 550 123 26 7 28 52 108 4 10 2 .251 .325 .503 109 9.3 1.4 -0.2 2.6

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2005 STA A- NYP 73 335 .254 .331 .368 .325 87 17.5 8.3 0.3 130 0 1.5 5.6 12.3 2.8
2006 TAM A+ FSL 63 278 .000 .000 .000 .412 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2006 TRN AA EAS 55 251 .000 .000 .000 .330 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2007 TRN AA EAS 54 241 .272 .342 .408 .355 93 10.9 7.1 0.4 120 0 1.3 4.3 6.0 1.9
2007 SWB AAA INT 45 207 .257 .325 .388 .329 94 -3.1 6.5 0.5 90 0 20.8 5.3 -2.1 3.0
2008 NYA MLB AL 42 141 .257 .320 .405 .296 103 -6.6 4.1 -0.2 62 14 4.4 1.6 -6.3 0.4
2008 SWB AAA INT 94 426 .267 .336 .408 .359 87 34.5 12.5 0.3 138 0 7.5 2.5 10.9 3.3
2009 NYA MLB AL 108 284 .269 .339 .433 .311 108 -1.8 8.1 0.7 88 9 5.9 4.0 -3.5 1.5
2009 SWB AAA INT 4 16 .254 .334 .372 .100 109 -0.1 0.5 0 112 0 -0.1 0.4 0.2 0.1
2010 NYA MLB AL 150 569 .263 .327 .415 .340 114 4.6 15.7 -2.3 98 6 10.6 8.7 -0.3 3.4
2011 NYA MLB AL 159 588 .258 .321 .410 .303 106 -3.7 15.9 -3.4 88 7 15.1 7.7 -7.6 2.9
2012 NYA MLB AL 16 37 .261 .318 .424 .417 101 1.3 1.0 -0.2 84 12 -0.7 0.5 -0.7 0.0
2012 CSC A SAL 1 3 .225 .253 .295 .500 95 0.8 0.1 0 68 0 0.0 0.1 -0.1 0.0
2012 SWB AAA INT 2 7 .280 .328 .471 .750 100 2 0.2 0 152 0 -0.2 -0.2 0.4 0.0
2013 NYA MLB AL 145 609 .252 .315 .397 .342 101 10.1 16.0 1.3 98 7 -9.1 3.4 -0.3 1.2
2014 NYA MLB AL 148 636 .252 .313 .389 .305 98 12.1 16.4 -3.2 102 8 -0.5 4.5 1.9 2.1
2015 NYA MLB AL 151 656 .254 .313 .407 .312 109 0.7 17.7 -2.6 104 8 -1.5 4.7 5.8 2.6
2016 NYA MLB AL 148 634 .256 .322 .416 .310 111 -5.4 17.9 -4.2 93 6 14.2 5.2 -3.6 3.0
2017 NYA MLB AL 151 682 .260 .325 .438 .300 106 7.2 20.0 -4.1 107 9 12.7 1.4 7.9 3.8
2018 NYA MLB AL 140 609 .251 .320 .418 .272 109 -6.6 17.1 -2.7 90 8 11.8 4.1 -5.4 2.6
2019 NYA MLB AL 141 550 .254 .325 .444 .265 101 11.9 16.6 0 109 4 -0.2 1.4 9.3 2.6

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2005 STA A- NYP 335 282 62 80 9 1 5 106 32 39 49 19 3 .284 .379 .376 .092 3 3
2006 TAM A+ FSL 278 232 46 75 12 5 0 97 22 43 51 30 7 .323 .432 .418 .095 1 1
2006 TRN AA EAS 251 217 41 59 4 3 0 69 13 27 39 28 5 .272 .356 .318 .046 1 1
2007 TRN AA EAS 241 203 43 61 14 5 0 85 17 33 32 18 4 .300 .397 .419 .118 1 1
2007 SWB AAA INT 207 181 37 47 4 3 1 60 9 21 43 21 3 .260 .338 .331 .072 3 3
2008 NYA MLB AL 141 127 18 29 5 2 0 38 16 8 30 13 1 .228 .283 .299 .071 1 3
2008 SWB AAA INT 426 341 68 101 12 11 3 144 32 70 76 37 9 .296 .407 .422 .126 11 11
2009 SWB AAA INT 16 11 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 1 3 0 .091 .375 .091 .000 0 0
2009 NYA MLB AL 284 248 48 67 6 6 3 94 23 26 40 26 5 .270 .345 .379 .109 1 6
2010 NYA MLB AL 569 477 97 132 20 7 5 181 47 79 101 47 9 .277 .383 .379 .103 3 5
2011 NYA MLB AL 588 510 87 132 19 8 7 188 36 60 93 49 13 .259 .345 .369 .110 2 8
2012 CSC A SAL 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 .333 .333 .333 .000 0 0
2012 SWB AAA INT 7 5 1 3 0 1 0 5 0 2 1 0 0 .600 .714 1.000 .400 0 0
2012 NYA MLB AL 37 31 7 10 2 0 0 12 3 5 7 2 2 .323 .417 .387 .065 0 1
2013 NYA MLB AL 609 539 81 147 33 10 8 224 52 52 127 24 8 .273 .344 .416 .143 3 7
2014 NYA MLB AL 636 555 87 142 25 8 17 234 58 56 134 21 5 .256 .327 .422 .166 6
2015 NYA MLB AL 656 571 94 148 26 3 16 228 66 68 135 20 5 .259 .343 .399 .140 3 8
2016 NYA MLB AL 634 547 80 143 22 6 7 198 41 70 106 16 4 .261 .351 .362 .101 5 4
2017 NYA MLB AL 682 594 96 157 26 4 21 254 63 72 122 23 5 .264 .350 .428 .163 3 5
2018 NYA MLB AL 609 530 95 125 20 7 12 195 45 65 107 16 2 .236 .322 .368 .132 5 4
2019 NYA MLB AL 550 491 86 123 26 7 28 247 74 52 108 10 2 .251 .325 .503 .253 3 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 539 0.5566 0.3655 0.8934 0.4667 0.2385 0.9571 0.7368 0.1066 0.0079
2009 1138 0.5483 0.3260 0.8733 0.4359 0.1926 0.9228 0.7374 0.1267 -0.0009
2010 2616 0.5516 0.2982 0.8936 0.3978 0.1756 0.9512 0.7330 0.1064 -0.0107
2011 2459 0.5336 0.3371 0.8987 0.4566 0.2005 0.9382 0.7957 0.1013 -0.0095
2012 150 0.5200 0.3400 0.8627 0.4487 0.2222 0.8857 0.8125 0.1373 -0.0025
2013 2570 0.5253 0.3926 0.8434 0.5311 0.2393 0.8787 0.7568 0.1566 -0.0081
2014 2803 0.5294 0.3596 0.8442 0.4980 0.2039 0.8958 0.7026 0.1558 -0.0075
2015 2715 0.4910 0.3657 0.7835 0.5176 0.2192 0.8609 0.6073 0.2165 0.0003
2016 2560 0.4840 0.3645 0.8467 0.5069 0.2309 0.9045 0.7279 0.1533 0.0000
2017 2860 0.4930 0.3556 0.8417 0.4922 0.2228 0.9092 0.6966 0.1583 0.0000
2018 2576 0.5008 0.3583 0.8624 0.4822 0.2341 0.9132 0.7575 0.1376 0.0000
2019 2350 0.4945 0.3813 0.8002 0.5258 0.2399 0.8576 0.6772 0.1998 0.0000

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-09-06 2014-09-12 DTD 6 5 - Abdomen Strain -
2014-08-24 2014-08-27 DTD 3 3 - Ankle Contusion Foul Ball -
2014-07-09 2014-07-10 DTD 1 1 - Abdomen Strain Lower -
2014-04-27 2014-04-29 DTD 2 1 - Foot Contusion - -
2013-09-13 2013-09-30 DTD 17 15 Left Abdomen Strain Oblique - -
2013-08-23 2013-08-23 DTD 0 0 Right Hand Contusion HBP - -
2013-07-11 2013-07-12 DTD 1 1 Right Lower Leg Contusion Shin - -
2013-06-27 2013-06-28 DTD 1 1 - General Medical Illness - -
2013-04-01 2013-04-01 DTD 0 0 - General Medical Illness - -
2012-04-18 2012-09-25 60-DL 160 142 Right Elbow Surgery Inflamed Tissue and Bone Spur 2012-07-24 -
2012-04-14 2012-04-15 DTD 1 1 - General Medical Illness Flu - -
2011-03-19 2011-03-20 Camp 1 0 Left Lower Leg Contusion Shin -
2010-12-08 2010-12-08 Off 0 0 Right Wrist Surgery Debridement 2010-12-08
2010-07-24 2010-07-25 DTD 1 1 General Medical Illness Acid Reflux -
2010-06-28 2010-07-01 DTD 3 2 Right Forearm Contusion HBP -
2010-06-10 2010-06-12 DTD 2 2 Left Thumb Soreness -
2010-06-09 2010-06-09 DTD 0 0 Left Thumb Soreness - -
2009-07-26 2009-09-07 15-DL 43 40 Left Thumb Fracture Sliding Into Second Base -
2009-06-19 2009-06-20 DTD 1 1 Head Headache Headache From Collision -
2009-05-18 2009-05-21 DTD 3 3 Right Shoulder Contusion -
2008-03-27 2008-04-03 Camp 7 2 Face Laceration Foul Ball -
2007-07-28 2007-08-05 Minors 8 0 Not Disclosed -
2007-05-05 2007-06-08 Minors 34 0 Not Disclosed -


Year Team Salary
2021 NYA $2,850,000
2020 NYA $10,000,000
2019 NYA $7,500,000
2018 NYA $11,500,000
2017 NYA $12,500,000
2016 NYA $13,500,000
2015 NYA $12,500,000
2014 NYA $5,600,000
2013 NYA $2,850,000
2012 NYA $2,800,000
2011 NYA $529,500
2010 NYA $452,500
2009 NYA $414,000
13 yrPrevious$82,996,000
13 yrTotal$82,996,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
13 y 72 dMeister Sports1 year/$5.15M (2021), 2022 option

  • 1 year/$5.15M (2021), plus 2022 options. Re-signed by NY Yankees as a free agent 2/22/21. $1M signing bonus. 21:$1.85M, 22:$2.3M player option or $7.15M club option ($1.15M buyout). Gardner declined 2022 option 11/4/21.
  • 1 year/$12.5M (2020). Re-signed by NY Yankees as a free agent 12/12/19. $2M signing bonus. 20:$8M, 21:$10M club option ($2.5M buyout).
  • 1 year/$7.5M (2019). Re-signed by NY Yankees as a free agent 10/31/18.
  • 4 years/$52M (2015-18), plus 2019 club option. Signed extension with NY Yankees 2/23/14. $2M signing bonus. 15:$12M, 16:$13M, 17:$12M, 18:$11M, 19:$12.5M club option, $2M buyout. Assignment bonus: $1M if traded. NY Yankees declined 2019 option at $12.5M 10/31/18.
  • 1 year/$5.6M (2014). Re-signed by NY Yankees 1/17/14 (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year/$2.85M (2013). Re-signed by NY Yankees 12/7/12 (avoided arbitration). Performance bonuses: $25,000 each for 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500 plate appearances.
  • 1 year/$2.8M (2012). Re-signed by NY Yankees 1/20/12 (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year/$529,500 (2011). Re-signed by NY Yankees 3/11.
  • 1 year/$452,500 (2010). Re-signed by NY Yankees 3/12/10.
  • 1 year/$414,000 (2009). Re-signed by NY Yankees 2/09.
  • 1 year (2008). Contract purchased by NY Yankees 6/30/08. Recalled 8/15/08.
  • Drafted by NY Yankees 2005 (3-109) (College of Charleston). $210,000 signing bonus.

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

90o 41 10 2 0 1 4 7 1 0 .286 .375 .429 112 2.9 CF -1, 0.0
80o 27 7 1 0 1 3 5 1 0 .292 .370 .458 106 1.7 CF 0, 0.0
70o 18 4 1 0 0 2 3 1 0 .250 .333 .312 103 1.0 CF 0, 0.0
60o 10 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 .250 .333 .250 99 0.5 CF 0, 0.0
50o 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 96 0.1 CF 0, 0.0
Weighted Mean300000000.000.000.000970.1CF 0,0.0

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BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2020-02-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Is getting Kris Bryant and Drew Waters enough for Jack Flaherty in a dynasty league? Flaherty seems to be future stud ace.....but I love me some Waters.
(Derek from MN)
In a standard 5x5 roto league, yes, it is more than enough. We actually rank Bryant ahead of Flaherty in our top 500. Pitchers are difficult investments in dynasty, even young studs like Flaherty. I know some of us (cough, Bret Sayre, cough) absolutely adore Drew Waters as well. I recently traded Flaherty, Brad Hand, and Brett Gardner for Yoan Moncada, Dakota Hudson, and Josh Lowe in RotoWire Dynasty Invitational 20-team expert league. You would be doing far better than I did!

In a points league, however, I would need more for Flaherty. (Jesse Roche)
2017-10-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)what do you see as the big next steps for the Yankees?
(a.j. from las vegas)
So they obviously will need to do something with the rotation, as I said earlier. There's also the matter of Clint Frazier likely needing regular ABs and a very full outfield, and that Gleyber Torres will need somewhere to play rather soon. I wouldn't be shocked if Brett Gardner and Starlin Castro are playing elsewhere next year, and if someone like Alex Cobb is wearing pinstripes. There's also Shohei Otani. (Nicolas Stellini)
2017-10-03 20:00:00 (link to chat)As a Yankee fan, do we want Ervin Santana to stay in the game?
(Eddie from Ann Arbor)
If Ervin comes out, we're looking at Berrios pitching. He's only 23, so, like Severino, I could see the nerves getting to him. Then again, he could shut the Yankees down and okay Brett Gardner just hit a home run off Santana so you know the answer. -BD (AL WC Game Chat)
2016-05-18 19:00:00 (link to chat)I've got some old/slumping outfielders I wouldn't mind moving in my 12-team dynasty. So: (1) which guys are the best bet to bounce back, and (2) who represents the best flip/sell low candidate? Brett Gardner, Alex Gordon, Ender Inciarte, Carlos Gomez, and Michael Taylor Second question (can I have two??): Drew Pomeranz - sell high or hang on?
(Will from Daytona)
Absolutely keep Drew Pomeranz. The knuckle curve is really something. I'm not really a huge fan of anyone in that group of outfielders, but I think I would keep Gardner, Gordon and Inciarte for now. I'm really out on Michael Taylor (was never really in there to be honest) and I'm really worried about Gomez. The injuries are one thing, but if he's struggling even when he's healthy and also getting hurt, it's a problem. It doesn't help that a lot of his value is built on a power/speed combo. If the speed declines due to age and injury, he's loses so much value it's scary. I'm out there. (George Bissell)
2015-07-23 17:00:00 (link to chat)I've gotten substantial interest in Dallas Keuchel from several players in my league. What sort of OF should I look for in return? I've been offered Brett Gardner, but that seems a bit light. Judging hitter-pitcher trades isn't easy.
(Matt from Cambridge)
Gardner has done well but that does seem light. Aim not for an elite like Cutch but the next tier down. (Mike Gianella)
2015-05-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)In my Yahoo league I am building for next year and thereafter. My roster is Russell Martin, Kendrys Morales, Josh Harrison, Brock Holt, Brett Gardner, Dexter Fowler, Gregory Polanco, Coco Crisp, Carlos Ruiz, Travis Snider, Kyle (and Corey) Seager, Jason Heyward, Carlos Correa, Desmond Jennings, Javier Baez, Matt Harvey, Carlos Martinez, Jimmy Nelson, Edinson Volquez, Jonathan Paplebon, Chris Heston, Noah Syndergaard, Lucas Giolito, Julio Urias, Jose Berrios, Matt Cain and Sean Doolittle. 8 keepers allowed. Comments? Suggestions?
(TimLandry from Montreal Quebec Canada)
Keep Matt Harvey eight times. (Christopher Crawford)
2015-02-13 19:00:00 (link to chat)Is it me or is Mookie Betts profile pretty unexciting in the OF? It seems like you could get a similar type in a guy like Brett Gardner later on.
(NightmareRec0n from Boston)
I still like Betts a good deal, but yeah his early ADP is too high. And I'd agree that someone like Gardner is more of a bargain. In a 15-team redraft I like Betts more as a late 9th/early 10th rounder, but there's just no way you're going to get him there. (Mike Gianella)
2014-11-18 13:00:00 (link to chat)Is there any way Brett Gardner sustains his power numbers from 2014?
(Alex from Anaheim)
Thanks for the question, Alex. While I don't see Gardner racking up 17 HR again, his spray chart ( shows more all-fields power than you might expect. I could definitely see him finishing with around a dozen next year. (Daniel Rathman)
2014-05-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)Are you buying Brett Gardner in a 10 team dynasty?
(Colin from Chicago)
Definitely. Just a nice, solid player! (Paul Sporer)
2013-12-10 18:00:00 (link to chat)in the Twilight Zone where the nation and the universe come together how about a trade Peavy and 4m for Gardner
(mlee730 from Boston)
You mean if the Red Sox and Yankees decide to hug it out the way the mail carrier and the dog did at the end of The Naked Gun?

Brett Gardner is probably an upgrade on Daniel Nava because of the former's defense, but not a huge upgrade and not enough for Boston to trade an asset like Jake Peavy. Even if the Red Sox thought that Felix Doubront or Brandon Workman could slot into the rotation, starting pitching depth is always at a premium. The deal would be great for the Yankees, but I think Peavy could bring back more in trade for Boston. (Mike Gianella)
2013-05-22 18:00:00 (link to chat)Is Brett Gardner or Nate McClouth an upgrade over Melky Cabrera?
(Joe from Seattle)
McLouth. He is running nearly every time he is on base and he has thunder behind him to knock him in. (Jason Collette)
2012-12-27 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do I get to mourn Swisher's departure as a Yankee fan, or should I feel all right about the Yankee outfield with Gardner at full strength?
(Alex from Anaheim)
I'd personally mourn being a Yankee fan. In 10 years, Swisher will be inducted into the Hall of Yeah, He Was Pretty Good, I Remember Him. And that's a tough player to lose when the replacement is the faded glory of Ichiro. But Brett Gardner is still criminally under-appreciated. Here's to hoping that changes. By the way, there's a perfectly interesting team in your hometown there. Why not give them a whirl? (Russell Carleton)
2012-07-09 14:00:00 (link to chat)Who is going to stay with the big club, Dewayne Wise or Darnell McDonald?
(Alex from Anaheim)
This probably depends at least somewhat on Brett Gardner's timetable. Wise is the better defender of the two, and McDonald's main skill -- hitting left-handed pitching -- is already covered by Andruw Jones, but McDonald may be less redundant with the other players on the roster. Now that I've talked myself in circles, my tentative guess is that McDonald hangs around. (Daniel Rathman)
2012-05-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)AJ Ellis is another interesting data point on the game theory pitcher/batter conundrum. I believe he is swinging at barely over 30% of pitches this year, which would be the lowest percentage in several years. Will pitchers adjust? Of course, as opposed to Bonifacio, he has been doing some damage when he swings.
(Gene from Kansas City)
Brett Gardner is another guy without power who compensates for not having much power by not swinging much. (Come back soon, Brett.) Luis Castillo was a superstar at not swinging a couple years ago. He wasn't a superstar in the usual sense. (Ben Lindbergh)
2011-07-13 12:30:00 (link to chat)I was just thinking about some of the players on the trade market and imagining up deals in my head. What would you think about the Yankees trading Brett Gardner and a Grade B prospect to the Astros for Hunter Pence. Would that make sense for both teams?
(Bob from New York)
Gardner is younger, cheaper, and roughly as good as Pence, so I certainly wouldn't want to see the Yankees do that. Then again, I've been known to become violent at the mere thought of anyone displacing Brett Gardner in either A) the outfield or B) my heart. (Ben Lindbergh)
2011-06-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)If there is such a thing as a SB slump, Brett Gardner has it. Have pitchers caught on to his tendencies on the basepaths? Is he having trouble reading them (why this year, and not 2010?). Thoughts?
(dianagram from NYC)
Well, I haven't had the opportunity to see him, but given how unstable SB success rate is, I wouldn't give up on him yet. He still attempting them at a high rate (more attempts already this month than in April or May) and is merely getting caught a little too much, which can turn around quickly enough. Absent other information, I'm not too worried. (Derek Carty)
2011-05-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)On the "where did platooning go?" theme of some of the questions... I agree that good bench players tend to be more interesting than LOOGYs, but teams still are platooning, no? - they've just switched from using it as an offensive weapon to a defensive one. There wasn't really a question in there, so here's one I have fun thinking about - which HOF-worthy, or at least on that track, player now in his prime do you think will eventually need a Blyleven campaign to get noticed?
(carligula from Oakland)
The problem is that you can control platooning on offense far more effectively than you can on defense. They're not equivalent. I'd have to think about that Hall of Fame question. The first name that came to mind, though he's not active, is Bernie Williams. This would make a good column topic for me, and I appreciate your suggesting it. I'll try to hit it next week.

...Brett Gardner keeps the game alive. (Steven Goldman)
2011-04-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)In 1000 words or less, explain why Jacoby Ellsbury is an up-and-coming star and Brett Gardner is a placeholding OF? Seems to me they have similar skill sets and are similar ages, with Ellsbury commanding a sliver more power and speed, and Gardner a little more plate discipline.
(PS from NJ)
I've known some folks in Boston who would sooner drink hot lye than call Ellsbury a star. He hits less than you would think even at .300 and takes some spectacularly poor routes in the outfield, and he's 27. I'd take Gardner over him every time, assuming Gardner remembers the plate discipline he had as recently as last week in Florida. (Steven Goldman)
2011-02-02 13:00:00 (link to chat)Who has a better season Brett Gardner or Jose Tabata? Is Gardner going to get 500 ABs?
(tony from albuquerque)
My capacity for objectivity is strained when it comes to Run BMG; new addition Jeremy Greenhouse and I constitute the BP chapter of the Brett Gardner/David Robertson fan club. If he can avoid the nagging injuries that handicapped him last year, he'll have every chance to reach 500 AB and put together a better season than Tabata. (Ben Lindbergh)
2011-01-18 13:00:00 (link to chat)Marc, loved your work and relied heavily on to win my 14 team league. I've also used the CBS "rank" stat during the season to assess how much a player was contributing, or not (especially in evaluating trades). I've seen you refer to the CBS' "rank" as well. If you answer only one question from me this year let it be this: can you tell me all that you know about how CBS determines this rank? I know there is a proprietary component to it, but do you think it's subjective or do you think they somehow actually figure out how valuable each player is? In other words, were speed guys like Rajaj Davis and Brett Gardner really that much more valuable last year that guys like Kemp, Teixeira and Mauer? It can seem a little arbitrary.
(DanDaMan from SeaCliff)
Glad to be of service, Dan. I don't know 100 percent because I've never asked CBS myself, but I believe it is based on roto points, so they get ranked in terms of how much they have actually contributed to fantasy. (Marc Normandin)
2010-08-24 14:30:00 (link to chat)Have you found a Yankee to replace Brian Bruney yet? Or is your lost love irreplaceable? Don't worry, the Internet access in the minors isn't so great, he won't be able to read this.
(Marc from I'm In Your Internetz)
Some of you may know that I harbor an irrational affection for Brian Bruney. I think it originally stemmed from the fact that he was a rare freely available talent pickup made by Brian Cashman and his big bad payroll, and the fact that for a while in late 2008, he was nearly untouchable. I'm not in denial, though--I realize that I need another reliever to love. Fortunately, I didn't have to look far and wide before finding a David Robertson to call my own (Baseball Analyst's Jeremy Greenhouse and I are currently engaged in a custody battle over both Robertson and Brett Gardner). (Ben Lindbergh)
2010-08-24 14:30:00 (link to chat)I think Chicago could have built New Yankee Stadium for half the cost... and we all know how corrupt Chicago is. The Yankees overpay for everything.
(Wendy from Chicago)
Hey now, Brett Gardner works cheap. (Ben Lindbergh)
2010-07-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)Jay- so the Yankees have a history of playing up their prospects/youngsters only to trade them. Do you think this is intentional do increase their trade value? I can see that work with the media, but why would that work with these other clubs who have their own scouts?
(DanDaMan from Sea Cliff)
I think they tend to hype them a bit, yes, though maybe less so than in the past. But I also think it's true that there's been more to their prospects, particularly the hitters, than what we've seen on the page, numbers-wise. Robbie Cano's minor league translations certainly didn't portend this kind of success, and likewise thus far with Brett Gardner and Austin Jackson.

I do think we in the stathead community have gotten a bit too comfortable with the idea that you can devalue scouting information in favor of translations or whatever. It's clear that that's generally a bad idea, and that you'll get a much better picture of a prospect if you can combine reliable scouting information with good stats and projection systems. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-06-18 14:00:00 (link to chat)Trade Andres Torres for Brett Gardner? pretty similar numbers except Gardner has twice as many steals, solid move or not as good as I think?
(Jquinton82 from NY)
Torres now has about 400 PA in the last two seasons with a .282/.373/.503 line. Gardner has been getting on base a ton but even now still isn't showing any power. If you need steals, Gardner is a better bet (and I've been looking at him as a potential pickup for me). The one thing I would be wary of with Torres is that it feels like an emptier .282/.373/.503 line, if that makes sense. The rates are fantastic, but he isn't hitting a ton of doubles, isn't hitting a ton of tripes, nor a ton of homers, and isn't a frantic base-stealer. He'll help with OPS, no doubt, but might not put you over the top in a certain category. (Eric Seidman)
2010-06-18 14:00:00 (link to chat)Following up on "what is Brett Gardner worth", would you consider trading him for Adam Dunn, Paul Konerko or Nick Swisher? I have OF depth...
(Ted from the cubicle)
I'd unload Konerko for Gardner. I mean, is Konerko really going to hit 46 HR this year? He has that Bautista-esque feel of a guy who will fall off in the second half. I think the benefit Konerko would have provided is for those who drafted him and got the brunt of his torrid start, but acquiring him at this juncture -- or keeping him -- isn't likely to add much. And given that Swisher and Dunn are better players than he anyway, yeah get Gardner's steals for the surplus power. (Eric Seidman)
2010-06-18 14:00:00 (link to chat)What's Teixeira's value in a keeper league right now? Same as before the season began or has it dipped? Is the expected second half surge right around the corner?
(Teraxx from Strong Island, NY)
Second half surge is of course around the corner; guys with his track record just don't suddenly hit like Brett Gardner. But first baseman are interesting to discuss in keeper leagues. Given how fungible most of them are, it seems that keeper spots would be better utilized on more scarce positions in terms of value. (Eric Seidman)
2010-06-18 14:00:00 (link to chat)In fantasy, what caliber of player would you look for in return for Colby Lewis?
(FalcoT from Buffalo, NY)
Lewis is, what, back-end starter in an 8-team league or so? So in that case you'd probably want to go out and get someone who specializes in something, like steals, in which case a Brett Gardner would be a good pickup. But is Lewis really that valuable? If his ERA creeps into the upper 3s/low 4s, are the strikeouts enough to get anything worthwhile in return? (Eric Seidman)
2010-05-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)What do you think about Brett Gardner's improved K rate? Can he keep it up and stay a good enough hitter to allow his baserunning and defense make him a good player?
(willjosh09 from Washington)
Well, he made strides in that regard in 2009 as well, and has almost hit the PA floor where we can start to trust his K%, so I think that it's a good sign. He definitely needs to keep his strikeouts reasonable given his lack of power. (Marc Normandin)
2010-04-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)True or false: Brett Gardner will be watching Carl Crawford patrol LF in Yankee Stadium next year.
(dianagramr from NYC)
It's certainly a believable scenario. (Kevin Goldstein)
2010-03-30 13:00:00 (link to chat)Please rank these speed options: Rajai Davis, Julio Borbon, Michael Brantley, Brett Gardner. Thanks!
(Pat from NJ)
Fantasy: Borbon, Davis, Brantley, Gardner -- based purely on playing time. Real life 2010 (if I was picking guys for my team): Borbon, Gardner, Davis, Brantley. (Shawn Hoffman)
2010-02-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)How long a leash do you think the Yankees will give Brett Gardner? Last year he started out cold the first couple of weeks, and a Melky hot streak later, he had lost the CF gig. If Gardner is batting .190 on May 1st, will Joe Girardi let him ride out his slump?
(Pete from Bronx)
I'm a little worried about this, that Girardi will be too tempted to embrace the veteran wonderfulness of Randy Winn before he's given Gardner enough rope. Knowing the Yankees, this could even happen before the season starts. Say Gardner hits .200 this spring and Winn hits .400. Then Winn is suddenly "back" on the basis of a few windblown Florida balls against Double-A pitchers. That's the one aspect of spring training that drives me insane. (Steven Goldman)
2010-02-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)How do you see the Marcus Thames/Randy Winn/Jamie Hoffman situation shaking out? Do Thames and Winn have anything left in the tank, given last season's fades? I would have though Thames would pinch hit and Winn would then take over to avoid exposing Thames' glove (or lack thereof). Does this mean Hoffman will be returned to the Dodgers shortly?
(Nick Stone from New York, NY)
First, I think this probably means Hoffman is going back to the Dodgers' organization. I like the natural fit between Thames (a lefty-masher) and Winn (a switch hitter whose bat died vs. lefties last year) or Granderson (who's struggled vs. southpaws lately as well), but it's worth remembering you're talking about fourth and fifth outfielders here, since Brett Gardner is projected to start somewhere, too.

The other good thing about Thames is that he can spot for Nick Johnson at DH against tough lefties, though the Stick has had at least some success against southpaws as well. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-01-19 15:30:00 (link to chat)Steven, how are you feeling, hope the book didn't stress you out too much. Thoughts on Granderson in New Yankee Stadium?
(strupp from Madison)
I think he's going to do very well there. His PECOTA didn't blow me away (.268/.351/.491) but I think it's in roughly the right place. Even if not, it will be a nice bounce-back from 2009, a year in which Comerica really savaged left-handed hitters for some reason. Granderson hit .267/.345/.516 on the road last year, and PECOTA seems to think that's where he's going to be overall this year. The Yankees will take it, but now that Johnny Damon has moved on, there's a lot of pressure on Brett Gardner and whoever they mix in with him to provide enough offense that the Yankees didn't merely transfer their LF offense to CF and vice-versa. (Steven Goldman)
2009-10-02 14:00:00 (link to chat)Are we any closer to getting your picks for surprise stars from each of the playoff teams?
(Frank Costanza from Queens)
It's like asking me eight questions at once. Not easy. Brett Gardner. Billy Wagner. Aubrey Huff. Erick Aybar. Chan Ho Park. Colby Rasmus. Hong-Chih Kuo. Dexter Fowler. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-07-13 14:00:00 (link to chat)You're JP Ricciardi. I offer you Jesus Montero, Joba Chamberlain, Brett Gardner, and Edwar Ramirez for Vernon Wells and Roy Halladay.
(Mike from Bronx)
Oh, god yes. Prospects AND $115 million? Are you kidding me? That deal would be insanely great for the Jays.

It would also mean Ricciardi was never around to benefit from it. Ah, moral hazard. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-07-13 14:00:00 (link to chat)Think Brett Gardner will be this good in the future?
(Steve from NJ)
No. He's a solid fourth outfielder, though, well worth the roster spot and 350 PA a year. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-07-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)What are your thoughts on Girardi and Cashman's work this year? Overall I like the duo, but watching Jeter bunt in the 5th inning or Cody Ransom remaining on this team is not very encouraging...
(Eli from Brooklyn)
While I've been a big supporter in the past, Cashman's roster work at protecting A-Rod borders upon total f-ing incompetence. Anybody who rosters Angel Berroa for more than 48 hours deserves to be the GM of the Nationals, and anyone who can't come up with a better alternative than Cody Ransom in the two months since he went on the DL deserves to be the GM of the Astros.

Girardi's done a decent job with the hand he's been dealt. He's finally got a functional bullpen thanks to the work of Hughes and Aceves, he's gotten productive stretches from both Brett Gardner and Melky Cabrera, and his failure to rest Rodriguez adequately can be seen as a response to the craptastic options Cashman's provided him with. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-07-01 14:00:00 (link to chat)My co-worker keeps trying to convince me that Brett Gardner is the same player as Jacoby Ellsbury. He can't be right, can he?
(Sam from Boston)
While at first blush that might sound like the sort of deliberately noxious proposition to put people off their feed, it's closer than you might think. (Christina Kahrl)
2009-06-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Damon, Matsui, Cashman, Girardi --- how would you rank order the likelihood of their returning to the Bronx in 2010?
(frank leja from DC)
Frank Leja??? Now there's an obscurity for you. And a deceased one. I say Damon and Matsui no, Cashman and Girardi yes. I don't think Girardi has done a bad job. He's sometimes a little too enamored of the small ball, and his usage of the bullpen isn't always what I want it to be, but he's been more aggressive in trying to work out relief problems on a staff-wide basis than Joe Torre ever was. He also favored Brett Gardner over Melky Cabrera (or did) which earns points with me, has Joba in the rotation, and has tried batting Nick Swisher second. He's also a lot more candid with the public than he was last year. I'm not sure why he should take the fall if this club doesn't win. (Steven Goldman)
2009-05-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you buy into Melky and Cano's increased patience at the plate so far this year, or is it just a small sample size? Particularly in Melky's case, is it enough to save his job in CF?
(Pete from Bronx)
I suspect it has earned him a long stay, especially given how Brett Gardner lapsed into his old flailing habits once spring training was over. His change has been really dramatic, as he's seeing 4.1 pitches per PA after being stuck at about 3.65 for the previous three years, and his line drive rate is way, way up. I really didn't think he had it in him to adjust this way, and he didn't seem to care enough, but maybe last season's demotion really got through to him. We'll see if he reverts -- after all, he fooled us last April as well. Cano, I think, has already reverted, but he'll always just be a series of hot and cold streaks. I wonder if the Yankees would do better with a less spectacular but more consistent player. I haven't fully explored the ramifications of that thought, just throwing it out there. (Steven Goldman)
2009-04-13 14:00:00 (link to chat)Brett Gardner's bat has cooled off considerably since spring training, but more alarming are the balls he's not getting to in the outfield. Great speed, but some bad routes. How long before the Mike Cameron rumors start again?
(Rich from NJ)
In addition to losing perspective based on a few regular season games, I think you're making a big mistake to take his spring, particularly his early spring, at face value. He's a stopgap, and I'm on the more skeptical end of the spectrum when it comes to his ability to hold the job down.

While the rumor mill may start up, I don't think Cameron's headed the Yankees' way anytime soon. Maybe at the deadline if the Brewers are out of it, or if the Yankees dangle a nice pitcher. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-03-10 14:30:00 (link to chat)Has Brett Gardner won the CF starting job over Melky with his spring showing so far? With the power that Gardner is showing - is this just small sample size or is he demonstrating an improvement in that skill set?
(Zach from Buffalo)
I don't think Brett Gardner can hit for any kind of power in the majors. He's Juan Pierre, more or less. That's a useful player at $400,000 in a less-than-critical role.

Tangential note. You know how it feels like we've been in spring training forever and can start to reach conclusions? We're still nearly four weeks from Opening Day, and between the WBC and injuries, a whole hell of a lot of major leaguers are missing from Florida and Arizona. Moreso then ever, spring training stats are meaningless. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-02-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)Steve, I caught you on the YES hot stove show last night. Your point about the team's biggest flaws last year--Posada's injury, Melky Cabrera's poor offense and Robbie Cano's poor everything--and how they haven't changed this year is well taken. But how good could the team be if all three players improve from their 2008 seasons?
(AlexBelth from Bronx, NY)
Let me get another member of the team. You can catch said appearance at Please disregard my unpleasant face and inability to form coherent sentences. Brother Alex, I think you're positing a best-case scenario. Obviously the Yankees would be in good shape to overcome their other weaknesses, which could include very weak production from the outfield corners, and be very tough to beat assuming consistency around the field. As for whether that will happen or not, I don't have high hopes for Melky and am hoping that Brett Gardner overcomes his mostly weak projections. I feel good that Joe Girardi joins me in that wish. I expect a significant bounceback for Cano. I'm very worried that Posada won't be ready for opening day. One out of three ain't bad? (Steven Goldman)
2009-01-22 13:00:00 (link to chat)Who should be the Yankees opening day CF in 2009?
(Snakedoctor18 from New York)
Has the ship sailed on Zombie Mickey Mantle yet?

I'm certainly not wowed by the Yankees' in-house options, a pool that nominally includes Melky Cabrera, Brett Gardner, Johnny Damon and Nick Swisher. I don't think the latter two can carry the position defensively anymore, and I'm less than wowed by the offense offered by either of the former two, unless Cabrera has spent the entire winter being beaten over the head with a fungo bat in an effort to impart the slightest modicum of common sense into his thick skull.

Which means that a better solution must lie outside the organization. I'd be willing to see if Jim Edmonds has anything left given his rebound with the Cubs. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-09-16 13:00:00 (link to chat)I think John might have mixed up Little Big League for Rookie of the Year, which Stern actually directed. And no Daniel Stern list is complete without that great piece of cinematic glory, "Celtic Pride." Any thoughts on the Yanks CF situation? Are you in the camp that thinks they need to go outside of the organization to fill that need?
(Tim from Sonoma, CA)
It depends on how soon Austin Jackson will be coming along. I have a lot of questions about Austin here, about whether he should be playing right now or not. I believe he has some minor physical problems, so I guess not. Also, as bad as Brett Gardner has been, and he's been mighty bad - -7.8 VORP in 99 plate appearances is special - it's almost as bad as what Jose Molina has been able to do in a whole season...

Steve pauses to address technical problems as his mouse refuses to mouse to where it's supposed to...

Trenton is a tough place to hit, and Jackson batted .311/.388/.496 on the road, so he's a bit further along than he looked. Say the physical problems resolve and he plays some good lookin' winter ball (can't recall if he's slated or not), or even if he just comes to spring training and looks good, he could be ready right quickly. I think the Yankees can kite along with Gardner and a fourth outfielder type to be signed later (heck, maybe that's Melky, who can at least field) until Jackson earns his chance. (Steven Goldman)
2008-09-09 13:30:00 (link to chat)So who should the Yanks start as CF next season? Does Melky get another chance? Just stick Damon out there to keep it warm for Austin Jackson for antoher season? What's Plan C: Brett Gardner?
(shamah from NYC)
It can't be Damon. It just can't. I'd run Cabrera, who's still just 24 next year, out there one more time, and if it failed, go outside the organization in-season. That said, I have no credibility when it comes to Cabrera. I don't see an obvious external answer on the FA market. There are some contracts you might be able to buy--Wells, perhaps. Rowand? Matthews is terrible. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-08-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)As evidenced by Chicago's headlock in the top three of the national "fattest city" rankings, I'd say you could make an argument that we have the best restaurants in the country. Charlie Trotter's, Alinea, Schwa.
(bctowns from Chicago, IL)
Now I will speak up for NYC restaurants, for their variety and plentitude and willingness to send you a Chinese-Mexican hybrid taco at 2 AM. ...I am digging the rare Brett Gardner sighting. (Steven Goldman)
2008-07-03 13:00:00 (link to chat)Any chance Girardi and Co. listen to Goldman and Brett Gardner steals Melky's job in CF?
(Michael from Toronto)
Sure; but both are probably placeholders for Austin Jackson eventually. (Jeff Erickson)
2008-06-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Regarding Melky, I'm ALL for bringing up Gardner and giving him his shot (which means starting, consistently, right off the bat). But I'm not all that keen on trading Melky. For one, I don't think he'd bring much of interest back, I don't think his value could be much lower than it is now. What could he bring in return? Whereas his value to the Yankees as a 4th OF is probably higher, given that he has the range and arm for all 3 OF positions. I say bring up Gardner and start him, keep Melky around as the extra OF and see what happens over the rest of the year. Over the offseason, make a decision on who is going to be the CF going forward and decide whether the other player is in their plans; if not, package them and trade them for something useful.
(cult of basebaal from Los Angeles Anaheim of Pasadena)
Cult of Baseball (COB?) is pointing out something I advocated both at YES and the NY Sun today, which is that the Yankees have the ability to get better in two ways at once - promote Brett Gardner and deal off Melky as part of a package for help. I'd be satisfied with the first half of that, as COB proposes here, and just trying Gardner for a couple of weeks leading up to the trade deadline. I don't like to speculate about specific trades, but part of what was in my mind is that the Mariners apparently intend to deal Bedard and haven't had a complete OF set in years. With Ichiro back in right and Jeremy Reed unlikely to hold the position, the CF job is open. Obviously Melky wouldn't make the trade by himself, but he could be part of the package... (Steven Goldman)
2008-06-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Is it too early to call me a bust? What are the chances I develop into a franchise player?
(Delmon Young from Minnesota)
It's probably too early, and I expect you to remember how to hit for power at some point (another pernicious batting coach at work?), and you've walked a bit more this year. Plus, you're still only 22. That said, I don't think you'll become a franchise player. You've certainly showed the wrong attitude for it. You have to want it, not think that you already have it.

...Want to hear something annoying? We've spent all this time talking about Brett Gardner, and the Yankees just called up a speedy outfielder: journeyman Justin Christian. Woof. (Steven Goldman)
2008-05-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think Brett Gardner will be anything more than a 4th outfielder?
(dan from new jersey)
He might be a second-division type of starter. That said, he'd be a really nice fourth outfielder. People just think he doesn't work as an every day player. (Kevin Goldstein)
2008-03-31 13:00:00 (link to chat)So, are you happy with the bench and bullpen Girardi cobbled together? No Cairo, no Mientkiewicz, no Villone, no Small... ah, sweet sanity. Any choices you would have made differently?
(Rich from Hoboken)
Maybe gambled on one fewer reliever and added Brett Gardner as a pinch-runner/defensive replacement. With Jason Giambi on the roster, you could find a use for Gardner pretty much every night. And despite his nice spring, I don't think he's ever going to be a regular, so I don't think turning him into Homer Bush '98 will cost him/the Yankees anything.

I do like the idea of taking both Ensberg and Duncan for platooning at both first and right, assuming that's what Girardi is going to do. (Steven Goldman)
2008-03-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)Brett Gardner has two more stolen bases today against the Reds -- any room for him on the roster? Sure seems like he'd be useful, and it isn't like he's a zero at the plate.
(g-mo from noch)
I'm a Gardner fan, but we have to recognize that he's a little feller with no power to speak of. That said, they could really use his skill set in the fifth outfielder line, because they currently have a deficit in the pinch-runner/defensive replacement department. As I've written elsewhere, the only reason not to select Gardner for that job, if they can find room with all of the corner types they're going to carry, is that he's a lefty, and it would be nice if the reserve OF could spell Bobby Abreu against the tougher southpaws.

I'm rooting for a Reggie Willits acquisition, but know it won't happen. (Steven Goldman)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2010-10-06 10:00:002010 Playoffs Day OneBrett Gardner was hitting .321/.403/.418 when he hurt his wrist on June 27. Thereafter he hit .232/.363/.340. His OBP stayed in a good place because he seemed to be protecting the wrist by doing as little swinging and as much taking as possible. (Steven Goldman)
2010-07-13 16:30:00All-Star GameWith the emergence of Brett Gardner, I keep wondering if the Yankees are still going to make their long-rumored free agent bid for Carl Crawford. An outfield of Crawford/Granderson/Gardner with Nick Swisher as the DH seems defensively strange and offensively light--though death to flying things. (Steven Goldman)

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