
Portrait of Jonathan Lucroy

Jonathan Lucroy CBraves

Braves Player Cards | Braves Team Audit | Braves Depth Chart

2019 Projections (Preseason PECOTA - seasonal age 33)
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Birth Date6-13-1986
Height6' 0"
Weight200 lbs
Age38 years, 6 months, 8 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2010 MIL 24 75 297 70 9 0 4 18 44 1 4 2 .253 .300 .329 78 -7.2 1.5 33.0 4.2
2011 MIL 25 136 468 114 16 1 12 29 99 2 2 1 .265 .313 .391 88 -5.9 2.2 41.7 6.2
2012 MIL 26 96 346 101 17 4 12 22 44 4 4 1 .320 .368 .513 120 8.1 -2.3 25.8 4.9
2013 MIL 27 147 580 146 25 6 18 46 69 5 9 1 .280 .340 .455 116 10.8 -7.6 29.8 6.1
2014 MIL 28 153 655 176 53 2 13 66 71 2 4 4 .301 .373 .465 130 21.2 2.1 22.3 7.8
2015 MIL 29 103 415 98 20 3 7 36 64 1 1 0 .264 .326 .391 93 -1.9 -2.4 3.2 1.7
2016 MIL 30 95 376 101 17 3 13 33 70 1 5 0 .299 .359 .482 120 9.7 2.0 -1.7 2.7
2016 TEX 30 47 168 42 7 0 11 14 30 2 0 0 .276 .345 .539 125 5.4 -1.1 -0.4 1.2
2017 COL 31 46 175 44 6 3 2 27 19 4 0 0 .310 .429 .437 93 -1.1 -0.2 0.6 0.8
2017 TEX 31 77 306 68 15 0 4 19 32 4 1 0 .242 .297 .338 95 -1.2 1.0 -0.7 1.2
2018 OAK 32 126 454 100 21 1 4 29 65 3 0 0 .241 .291 .325 82 -8.4 -2.5 -9.7 0.0
2019 ANA 33 74 268 58 8 1 7 21 39 4 0 0 .242 .310 .371 88 -2.9 -2.5 -9.6 -0.2
2019 CHN 33 27 60 10 2 0 1 6 12 1 0 0 .189 .283 .283 65 -2.5 -0.5 0.4 0.0

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2007 HEL Rk PIO 61 253 .272 .347 .408 .394 103 10 8.5 0.7 135 0 1.9 -0.4 7.2 1.7
2008 WVA A SAL 65 274 .261 .328 .387 .337 110 15.6 7.8 2.4 146 0 3.5 2.5 10.9 2.8
2008 BRV A+ FSL 64 272 .254 .330 .374 .326 97 12.1 8.1 2.4 129 0 1.8 -1.5 4.3 1.5
2009 HUN AA SOU 125 506 .255 .333 .379 .299 95 20.7 14.8 7.2 129 0 29.9 -1.7 17.5 7.1
2010 MIL MLB NL 75 297 .255 .323 .397 .287 97 -10.9 8.2 5 78 11 33.0 1.5 -7.2 4.2
2010 HUN AA SOU 10 47 .270 .350 .408 .475 101 5.1 1.3 0.8 175 0 0.2 -1.1 3.9 0.5
2010 NAS AAA PCL 21 83 .274 .344 .420 .266 102 -3.1 2.5 1.5 68 0 6.7 0.2 -2.9 0.8
2011 MIL MLB NL 136 468 .259 .321 .405 .317 103 -6 12.6 7.4 88 9 41.7 2.2 -5.9 6.2
2011 HUN AA SOU 4 17 .259 .339 .391 .300 99 1.5 0.5 0.3 159 0 -0.4 -1.0 1.1 0.1
2012 MIL MLB NL 96 346 .260 .320 .405 .338 107 13.7 9.5 5.5 120 8 25.8 -2.3 8.1 4.9
2012 WIS A MID 4 13 .252 .316 .359 .333 98 -0.6 0.4 0.1 119 0 0.1 -0.5 0.3 0.0
2012 NAS AAA PCL 2 8 .269 .321 .430 .500 95 0.7 0.2 0.1 112 0 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.1
2013 MIL MLB NL 147 580 .252 .314 .393 .290 106 7.6 15.3 7.4 116 10 29.8 -7.6 10.8 6.1
2013 USA int WBC 3 6 .000 .000 .000 .400 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2014 MIL MLB NL 153 655 .250 .308 .387 .324 102 25.6 16.9 7.8 130 9 22.3 2.1 21.2 7.8
2015 MIL MLB NL 103 415 .257 .318 .402 .297 96 -1.1 11.2 5.8 93 9 3.2 -2.4 -1.9 1.7
2015 BRV A+ FSL 4 18 .288 .348 .386 .250 93 -0.4 0.5 0 104 0 0.6 -0.2 -0.3 0.1
2016 MIL MLB NL 95 376 .256 .320 .418 .340 92 14.7 10.6 5.2 120 9 -1.7 2.0 9.7 2.7
2016 TEX MLB AL 47 168 .260 .320 .426 .279 112 5.3 4.8 2.8 125 9 -0.4 -1.1 5.4 1.2
2017 COL MLB NL 46 175 .257 .326 .423 .341 106 5.4 5.1 3.1 93 9 0.6 -0.2 -1.1 0.8
2017 TEX MLB AL 77 306 .252 .319 .421 .259 111 -13.7 9.0 3.8 95 9 -0.7 1.0 -1.2 1.2
2018 OAK MLB AL 126 454 .249 .316 .415 .273 98 -15.7 12.7 7.6 82 7 -9.7 -2.5 -8.4 0.0
2019 ANA MLB AL 74 268 .254 .323 .435 .259 99 -8.9 8.1 4.3 88 11 -9.6 -2.5 -2.9 -0.2
2019 CHN MLB NL 27 60 .248 .322 .432 .225 97 -4.2 1.8 1 65 2 0.4 -0.5 -2.5 0.0
2019 INL A+ CAL 2 9 .251 .328 .395 .167 89 1.1 0.2 0.1 141 0 0.0 -0.6 0.3 0.0

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2007 HEL Rk PIO 253 234 35 80 18 2 4 114 39 16 37 0 3 .342 .386 .487 .145 0 0
2008 WVA A SAL 274 239 45 74 16 1 10 122 33 30 39 8 1 .310 .393 .510 .201 0 0
2008 BRV A+ FSL 272 236 31 69 12 1 10 113 44 28 45 1 2 .292 .372 .479 .186 0 0
2009 HUN AA SOU 506 419 61 112 32 2 9 175 66 78 66 1 1 .267 .384 .418 .150 1 1
2010 NAS AAA PCL 83 80 8 19 4 0 2 29 11 3 14 0 0 .238 .265 .363 .125 0 0
2010 HUN AA SOU 47 42 8 19 3 0 0 22 5 4 3 0 0 .452 .489 .524 .071 1 1
2010 MIL MLB NL 297 277 24 70 9 0 4 91 26 18 44 4 2 .253 .300 .329 .076 1 0
2011 MIL MLB NL 468 430 45 114 16 1 12 168 59 29 99 2 1 .265 .313 .391 .126 3 4
2011 HUN AA SOU 17 11 3 3 1 0 0 4 4 6 1 1 0 .273 .529 .364 .091 0 0
2012 WIS A MID 13 12 0 4 1 0 0 5 2 1 0 1 0 .333 .385 .417 .083 0 0
2012 NAS AAA PCL 8 7 4 3 0 0 0 3 1 0 1 1 0 .429 .500 .429 .000 0 0
2012 MIL MLB NL 346 316 46 101 17 4 12 162 58 22 44 4 1 .320 .368 .513 .193 3 1
2013 USA int WBC 6 5 2 2 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 .400 .500 .400 .000 0 0
2013 MIL MLB NL 580 521 59 146 25 6 18 237 82 46 69 9 1 .280 .340 .455 .175 8 0
2014 MIL MLB NL 655 585 73 176 53 2 13 272 69 66 71 4 4 .301 .373 .465 .164 2
2015 BRV A+ FSL 18 16 3 4 0 0 0 4 1 2 0 0 0 .250 .333 .250 .000 0 0
2015 MIL MLB NL 415 371 51 98 20 3 7 145 43 36 64 1 0 .264 .326 .391 .127 6 1
2016 TEX MLB AL 168 152 19 42 7 0 11 82 31 14 30 0 0 .276 .345 .539 .263 0 0
2016 MIL MLB NL 376 338 48 101 17 3 13 163 50 33 70 5 0 .299 .359 .482 .183 4 0
2017 TEX MLB AL 306 281 27 68 15 0 4 95 27 19 32 1 0 .242 .297 .338 .096 2 0
2017 COL MLB NL 175 142 18 44 6 3 2 62 13 27 19 0 0 .310 .429 .437 .127 2 0
2018 OAK MLB AL 454 415 41 100 21 1 4 135 51 29 65 0 0 .241 .291 .325 .084 6 1
2019 INL A+ CAL 9 8 3 2 1 0 1 6 1 1 1 0 0 .250 .333 .750 .500 0 0
2019 ANA MLB AL 268 240 28 58 8 1 7 89 30 21 39 0 0 .242 .310 .371 .129 3 0
2019 CHN MLB NL 60 53 2 10 2 0 1 15 6 6 12 0 0 .189 .283 .283 .094 0 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2010 1171 0.5056 0.4842 0.8254 0.6030 0.3627 0.9048 0.6905 0.1746 -0.0003
2011 1810 0.5177 0.4243 0.8177 0.5390 0.3013 0.8832 0.6920 0.1823 -0.0011
2012 1316 0.4985 0.4590 0.8642 0.5884 0.3303 0.9275 0.7523 0.1358 -0.0050
2013 2312 0.5065 0.4317 0.8647 0.5465 0.3138 0.9344 0.7402 0.1353 0.0008
2014 2495 0.5146 0.4192 0.8719 0.5530 0.2775 0.9183 0.7738 0.1281 -0.0125
2015 1667 0.5069 0.4331 0.8463 0.5609 0.3017 0.9262 0.6935 0.1537 -0.0098
2016 2187 0.4975 0.4316 0.8051 0.5708 0.2939 0.8808 0.6594 0.1949 0.0000
2017 1864 0.5354 0.4147 0.8939 0.5441 0.2656 0.9484 0.7652 0.1061 0.0000
2018 1759 0.5219 0.4349 0.8627 0.5490 0.3103 0.9087 0.7739 0.1373 0.0000
2019 1318 0.5266 0.3930 0.8533 0.4885 0.2869 0.9086 0.7486 0.1467 0.0000

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-08-08 2014-08-09 DTD 1 1 - Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2012-05-28 2012-07-25 15-DL 58 49 Right Hand Surgery 5th Metacarpal Fracture 2012-05-31 -
2012-04-11 2012-04-12 DTD 1 1 - Chest Tightness - -
2011-03-22 2011-04-11 15-DL 20 10 Right Fingers Recovery From Surgery Little Finger Fracture -
2011-02-24 2011-03-22 Camp 26 0 Right Fingers Surgery Little Finger Fracture 2011-02-24
2010-07-08 2010-07-15 DTD 7 4 Hand Soreness -


Year Team Salary
2021 WAS $
2020 BOS $1,500,000
2019 ANA $3,350,000
2018 OAK $6,500,000
2017 TEX $5,250,000
2016 MIL $4,350,000
2015 MIL $3,400,000
2014 MIL $2,400,000
2013 MIL $2,000,000
2012 MIL $600,000
2011 MIL $424,000
10 yrPrevious$29,774,000
10 yrTotal$29,774,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
9 y 164 dExcel1 year (2021)

  • 1 year (2021). Signed by Chicago White Sox as a free agent 2/4/21 (minor-league contract). Released by Chicago White Sox 3/29/21. Signed by Washington as a free agent 4/3/21 (minor-league contract). Contract selected by Washington 4/6/21. DFA by Washington 4/12/21. Sent outright to Triple-A 4/14/21. Signed by Atlanta as a free agent 5/14/21 (minor-league contract). Contract selected by Atlanta 7/7/21. DFA by Atlanta 7/17/21. Sent outright to Triple-A 7/21/21.
  • 1 year (2020). Signed by Boston as a free agent 2/19/20 (minor-league contract). Salary of $1.5M in majors. Contract selected by Boston 7/23/20. DFA by Boston 7/29/20. Sent outright to Alternate Training Site 8/1/20.
  • 1 year/$3.35M (2019). Signed by LA Angels as a free agent 12/30/18. Performance bonuses: $50,000 for 100 starts as catcher. $75,000 each for 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130 starts as catcher. $100,000 for 135 starts as catcher. $50,000 each for 350, 375 plate appearances. $75,000 each for 400, 425, 450, 475, 500 PA. $100,000 for 525 PA. DFA by LA Angels 8/2/19. Released 8/5/19. Signed by Chicago Cubs as a free agent 8/8/19, with Cubs paying pro-rated portion of $555,000 Major League minimum salary.
  • 1 year/$6.5M (2018). Signed by Oakland as a free agent 3/12/18.
  • 5 years/$11M (2012-16), plus 2017 club option. Signed extension with Milwaukee 3/26/12, replacing 1 year deal signed 3/12. $500,000 signing bonus. 12:$500,000, 13:$750,000, 14:$2M, 15:$3M, 16:$4M, 17:$5.25M club option, $250,000 buyout. If Lucroy qualifies as a Super 2 after 2012 season, salaries increase to $1.9M in 2013, $2.3M in 2014, $3.3M in 2015, $4.25M in 2016 (met). Award bonuses, including $25,000 for All-Star selection. Limited no-trade protection (may block deals to 8 clubs). No-trade list for 2016 includes Cleveland, Detroit, LA Angels, Minnesota, Oakland, San Diego, Seattle, Washington. Acquired by Texas in trade from Milwaukee 8/1/16 with $1,689,891 remaining on contract. Texas exercised 2017 option 11/16.
  • 1 year/$424,000 (2011). Re-signed by Milwaukee 3/1/11.
  • 1 year (2010). Contract purchased by Milwaukee 5/21/10.
  • Drafted by Milwaukee 2007 (3-101) (Louisiana-Lafayette). Signed 6/12/07, $340,000 signing bonus.

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

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BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2018-12-18 13:00:00 (link to chat)A lot of people expected free-agent signings to rebound this offseason relative to last offseason due to the superior talent available this time around. It also seems like more teams may be treating the luxury tax like a salary cap. What's your early read on how free-agent signing is shaping up right now? Bryce Harper sure picked a bad time to have his second-worst season by WARP, didn't he?
(Alec Denton from Atlanta)
I think it's early to make the call on this free agent class. Let's see how things pick up in January. It hasn't been a drought. Corbin did well for himself. So did Brantley, so did Eovaldi, arguably so did McCutchen, and only Corbin of those four was belle-of-the-ball status. As for Harper, he hit .300/.434/.538 after the break, and his WARP was polluted by terrible defensive numbers that several people smarter than I (e.g., Ben Lindbergh at The Ringer) pointed out may be the product of, well, some self-preservation tactics he took in the outfield last year. I think the suitors will see through that. This isn't like Jonathan Lucroy turning into a pumpkin in his walk year. (Rob Mains)
2018-05-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)The A's are hanging in there right now, but I highly doubt they are making a run as the season heads into summer. What are realistic returns for guys like Jed Lowrie, Blake Treinen, Matt Joyce, Jonathan Lucroy, and Khris Davis?
(John from Harrisonburg)
Man, this is tough. The four hitters you mentioned are all playing well now, same as Treinen ... but I think it all depends on perceived need by any acquiring team. Joyce probably pulls the least value of the five, in my opinion, because his role is filled by lots of other players out there on the open market. To me, he's probably a dude that pulls back a flyer-type prospect in that C+ range.

Lucroy could be a big upgrade over a team with a dire catching situation (read: the Nationals), so I could absolutely see a team dealing something from the bottom part of their Top 10 to acquire him on a short-term deal. If he punched a ball over the fence once or twice before the deadline, that'd help his cause.

Davis is an interesting case, as I think his market would be more limited to AL teams, and I think those front offices might see his low BABIP making him something of a buy-low candidate. But he's going to be very expensive in arbitration this offseason, so I'm not sure anyone would see him as a tremendous value, which will drive down his return. Maybe a Top 15 prospect in a strong system? Hard to say.

Treinen is probably the big-ticket item of this bunch, with two more years after this under inexpensive team control. A legitimate prospect could come back to the A's in exchange for his arm (and the rest of him, I guess), and probably 10-12 teams will be looking for a reliever at the deadline. I could see this deal looking like the Justin Wilson trade from the last deadline, with a Jeimer Candelario prospect coming back.

Finally, there's Lowrie. Jed! has been outrageous, and I think he remains underrated and undervalued across the board. The Indians, Cardinals, Diamondbacks, and others could be fun fits this season ... but I'd think the A's would be wise to try to pull the trigger on this deal ASAP. I think he could return a top-10 guy too, but more likely a close-to-the-majors or big-league piece that has more team control and a relatively low upside. (Bryan Grosnick)
2016-12-01 19:00:00 (link to chat)Gary Sanchez puts up what kind of stat line in 2017? If he the best fantasy catcher by 2018? If not, then who?
(Jason from NY)
27 home runs, 87 RBI, one steal, .270 batting average. He's top 3. My money is going to be on Jonathan Lucroy in a full season in Arlington in that park/with that lineup/playing for a big contract. (Mike Gianella)
2016-05-17 14:00:00 (link to chat)if you forced the cubs and braves to swap records right now, would either team make the playoffs?
(taylor swift from milwaukee)
Happy you could join us today, T-Swift.
This is a really fun question. As of this moment, the Cubs are 27-9 and the Brewers are 16-22. So, let's flip the records.
The first thing that probably happens is that the Brewers are a bit less likely to move people like Jonathan Lucroy at the deadline, because holy moley, they've got one hell of a head start. However, their less than desirable depth and lack of pitching will catch up with them in a hurry. Meanwhile, the Cubs will still have the talent of the best team in baseball, despite the firestorm of hot takes that would be surrounding them. I'd say the Cubs still easily make the playoffs, while the Brewers probably end up looking like a worse version of last year's Twins. (Nicolas Stellini)
2016-03-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Which two should I keep? Miguel Sano, Yasiel Puig, Rougned Odor, Jonathan Lucroy, Adam Wainwright, Marcus Stroman. Incentives in my league are heavily in favor of keeping players who will have the most value this year.
(mattstupp from NYC)
This is tough, but I'd lean on Puig and Stroman as the guys who're most likely to raise the most WARP this year. Now, if we're talking your typical 5x5 fantasy numbers, I'd consider booting Stro and going Sano ... and that's not taking into account positional scarcity. But for me Odor's the only other contender other than those three. Puig for sure in my book. (Bryan Grosnick)
2014-08-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)I turned down his Jonathan LuCroy and Bryce Harper for my Mike Trout. I can keep any of those guys forever. I think I might've picked with my heart instead of my head. What do you think?
(JC from CoMo)
I'm not sure you ever have to justify keeping Mike Trout. Besides, haven't you heard Harper is going to minors? (Craig Goldstein)
2014-03-27 13:00:00 (link to chat)Matt Adams or Jonathan Lucroy for this year and the next 3 years?
(Ryan from Boston)
Lucroy. (R.J. Anderson)
2013-04-25 12:30:00 (link to chat)Better fringe MVP candidate: Coco Crisp or... Shin-soo Choo? Jonathan Lucroy? Chris Davis?
(justarobert from Santa Clara, CA)
If Lucroy keeps getting as many borderline calls as he has thus far this season, he might be an actual MVP candidate. He's pretty much lapping the field right now. Of course, we're a ways away from a player getting award consideration because of his framing, so Choo makes a more likely choice. (Ben Lindbergh)
2009-02-16 14:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Kevin, great to have you here today. Jonathan LuCroy, can he stay at catcher? Will the bat play if he doesn't? And do I know how to use a name to get a question answered or what?
(Greg from Ben Weasel Don't Like It)
Yes, doubtful. As far the name thing, never could deal with the suburban punk ethos very well. (Kevin Goldstein)

BP Roundtables

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Advanced Catching Metrics

Year lvl CSAA Framing Runs Blocking Chances EPAA Blocking Runs SB Attempts SRAA TRAA Throwing Runs FRAA Adj. FRAA
2008 afa .000 0.0 2168 .000 -0.2 59 -.073 .005 2.7 1.6 1.8
2008 afx .000 0.0 2036 -.002 1.2 44 -.068 -.013 2.0 2.5 3.5
2009 aax .020 25.4 4576 .000 0.5 118 -.048 .004 3.2 28.0 29.9
2010 aax .003 0.4 450 .000 -0.1 8 .020 -.002 -0.1 0.4 0.2
2010 mlb .045 30.3 3489 -.002 2.2 50 -.007 .000 0.2 31.8 33.0
2010 aaa .034 7.4 768 .001 -0.2 14 -.018 .000 0.2 7.5 6.7
2011 aax -.006 -0.3 182 .000 0.0 5 .039 .001 -0.1 0.1 -0.4
2011 mlb .044 45.6 5169 .001 -1.7 94 .000 .007 0.0 42.9 41.7
2012 aaa .005 0.1 72 .000 0.0 0 .000 .000 0.0 0.1 0.1
2012 mlb .035 26.1 4066 -.003 3.8 77 .043 .000 -2.0 26.6 25.8
2012 afx .000 0.0 69 .000 0.0 4 .014 .003 0.0 -0.1 0.1
2013 mlb .029 31.5 5168 -.002 3.0 92 .038 .006 -1.9 31.9 29.8
2014 mlb .017 18.5 5235 -.004 5.2 102 .025 -.001 -1.5 22.6 22.3
2015 mlb .005 3.8 3514 -.001 0.6 83 .023 .009 -1.0 3.2 3.2
2015 afa .000 0.0 46 .000 0.0 0 .000 -.001 0.0 0.4 0.6
2016 mlb .005 5.6 5277 -.001 1.8 104 -.067 .006 4.4 11.0 -2.1
2017 mlb -.017 -17.9 4631 .002 -3.0 61 -.017 .004 0.7 -21.0 -0.1
2018 mlb -.003 -3.7 4676 .003 -3.7 85 -.005 .004 0.3 -7.3 -9.7
2019 afa .000 0.0 0 .000 0.0 1 .018 -.002 0.0 0.0 0.0
2019 mlb -.005 -3.9 3623 .006 -5.6 57 -.007 .008 0.3 -9.4 -9.2

A Collaboration between and Baseball Prospectus - Pitch classifications provided by Pitch Info LLC


PITCHf/x Hitter Profile

A Collaboration between and Baseball Prospectus - Pitch classifications provided by Pitch Info LLC