
Portrait of Jose Canseco

Jose Canseco RFAthletics

Athletics Player Cards | Athletics Team Audit | Athletics Depth Chart

Career Summary
21 8129 .266 .353 .515 131 48.2
Birth Date7-2-1964
Height6' 4"
Weight240 lbs
Age60 years, 8 months, 20 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1985 OAK 20 29 100 29 3 0 5 4 31 0 1 1 .302 .330 .490 89 -1.0 -0.4 0.2 0.1
1986 OAK 21 157 682 144 29 1 33 65 175 8 15 7 .240 .318 .457 120 17.0 0.5 -11.2 2.1
1987 OAK 22 159 691 162 35 3 31 50 157 2 15 3 .257 .310 .470 102 1.9 -0.3 9.3 2.5
1988 OAK 23 158 705 187 34 0 42 78 128 10 40 16 .307 .391 .569 172 56.3 4.4 9.2 8.8
1989 OAK 24 65 258 61 9 1 17 23 69 2 6 3 .269 .333 .542 140 12.0 1.7 6.2 2.6
1990 OAK 25 131 563 132 14 2 37 72 158 5 19 10 .274 .371 .543 153 33.8 2.5 4.2 5.2
1991 OAK 26 154 665 152 32 1 44 78 152 9 26 6 .266 .359 .556 150 39.5 4.3 0.6 5.8
1992 OAK 27 97 421 90 11 0 22 48 104 3 5 7 .246 .335 .456 129 14.7 1.1 4.1 2.9
1992 TEX 27 22 91 17 4 0 4 15 24 3 1 0 .233 .385 .452 127 3.0 0.5 1.3 0.7
1993 TEX 28 60 253 59 14 1 10 16 62 3 6 6 .255 .308 .455 94 -1.1 -0.3 -0.7 0.2
1994 TEX 29 111 505 121 19 2 31 69 114 5 15 8 .282 .386 .552 145 31.5 -0.6 0.0 3.5
1995 BOS 30 102 450 121 25 1 24 42 93 7 4 0 .306 .378 .556 129 17.9 -0.8 -0.1 2.1
1996 BOS 31 96 432 104 22 1 28 63 82 6 3 1 .289 .400 .589 144 27.2 0.2 -1.2 3.0
1997 OAK 32 108 446 91 19 0 23 51 122 3 8 2 .235 .325 .461 109 7.0 0.2 -3.9 0.9
1998 TOR 33 151 658 138 26 0 46 65 159 6 29 17 .237 .318 .518 121 19.0 -2.8 -4.0 2.1
1999 TBA 34 113 502 120 18 1 34 58 135 7 3 0 .279 .369 .563 133 24.7 2.0 0.2 2.9
2000 NYA 35 37 137 27 3 0 6 23 37 0 0 0 .243 .365 .432 116 3.9 0.2 -0.3 0.5
2000 TBA 35 61 264 56 15 0 9 41 65 4 2 0 .257 .383 .450 117 7.8 -1.5 0.0 0.9
2001 CHA 36 76 306 66 8 0 16 45 75 1 2 1 .258 .366 .477 121 9.9 0.8 -0.2 1.4

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1982 MIA A+ FSL 6 10 .000 .000 .000 .167 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1982 IDA Rk PIO 28 66 .000 .000 .000 .310 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1983 MAD A MDW 34 100 .000 .000 .000 .224 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1983 MDF A- NWN 59 233 .000 .000 .000 .389 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1984 MOD A+ CLF 116 500 .000 .000 .000 .362 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1985 OAK MLB AL 29 100 .265 .326 .410 .400 92 4.8 2.7 -0.8 89 21 0.2 -0.4 -1.0 0.1
1985 HUN AA SOU 58 251 .000 .000 .000 .321 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1985 TAC AAA PCL 60 277 .000 .000 .000 .449 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1986 OAK MLB AL 157 682 .261 .326 .407 .277 96 16.3 18.9 -5.2 120 6 -11.2 0.5 17.0 2.1
1987 OAK MLB AL 159 691 .267 .333 .430 .290 95 6.9 20.4 -6.4 102 7 9.3 -0.3 1.9 2.5
1988 OAK MLB AL 158 705 .263 .326 .397 .325 95 62.9 18.5 -7.3 172 7 9.2 4.4 56.3 8.8
1989 OAK MLB AL 65 258 .258 .322 .378 .299 96 16.1 6.7 -2.6 140 14 6.2 1.7 12.0 2.6
1989 HUN AA SOU 9 34 .000 .000 .000 .333 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1990 OAK MLB AL 131 563 .265 .330 .395 .326 94 42.7 15.1 -6.9 153 12 4.2 2.5 33.8 5.2
1991 OAK MLB AL 154 665 .258 .324 .391 .283 97 43 18.0 -7.4 150 9 0.6 4.3 39.5 5.8
1992 OAK MLB AL 97 421 .263 .329 .392 .279 97 11.7 10.9 -4.7 129 9 4.1 1.1 14.7 2.9
1992 TEX MLB AL 22 91 .248 .314 .364 .289 100 3.4 2.4 -1.1 127 9 1.3 0.5 3.0 0.7
1993 TEX MLB AL 60 253 .270 .334 .415 .302 99 1.2 7.3 -3 94 16 -0.7 -0.3 -1.1 0.2
1994 TEX MLB AL 111 505 .270 .343 .425 .315 100 24.8 15.3 -9.8 145 10 0.0 -0.6 31.5 3.5
1995 BOS MLB AL 102 450 .273 .343 .436 .342 103 23.3 13.5 -8.6 129 11 -0.1 -0.8 17.9 2.1
1995 PAW AAA INT 2 8 .000 .000 .000 1.000 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1996 BOS MLB AL 96 432 .278 .349 .444 .300 105 29.2 13.4 -7.9 144 9 -1.2 0.2 27.2 3.0
1996 PAW AAA INT 2 5 .000 .000 .000 .500 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1997 OAK MLB AL 108 446 .268 .339 .424 .275 101 -1.5 12.3 -6.5 109 11 -3.9 0.2 7.0 0.9
1998 TOR MLB AL 151 658 .269 .335 .426 .241 94 17.9 17.9 -9.2 121 12 -4.0 -2.8 19.0 2.1
1999 TBA MLB AL 113 502 .276 .344 .441 .321 97 25.6 14.0 -9.7 133 14 0.2 2.0 24.7 2.9
2000 NYA MLB AL 37 137 .277 .347 .440 .296 85 5.4 4.3 -2.4 116 10 -0.3 0.2 3.9 0.5
2000 TBA MLB AL 61 264 .273 .343 .438 .324 86 12.8 8.3 -5.3 117 10 0.0 -1.5 7.8 0.9
2001 CHA MLB AL 76 306 .268 .335 .432 .296 102 7.1 9.1 -5.7 121 11 -0.2 0.8 9.9 1.4
2002 CHR AAA INT 18 75 .000 .000 .000 .158 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1982 IDA Rk PIO 66 57 13 15 3 0 2 24 7 9 13 3 0 .263 .364 .421 .158 0 0
1982 MIA A+ FSL 10 9 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 0 .111 .200 .222 .111 0 0
1983 MDF A- NWN 233 197 34 53 15 2 11 105 40 30 78 6 2 .269 .379 .533 .264 0 0
1983 MAD A MDW 100 88 8 14 4 0 3 27 10 10 36 2 2 .159 .253 .307 .148 0 0
1984 MOD A+ CLF 500 410 61 113 21 2 15 183 73 74 127 10 6 .276 .391 .446 .171 3 3
1985 TAC AAA PCL 277 233 41 81 16 1 11 132 47 40 66 5 0 .348 .445 .567 .219 0 0
1985 OAK MLB AL 100 96 16 29 3 0 5 47 13 4 31 1 1 .302 .330 .490 .188 0 0
1985 HUN AA SOU 251 211 47 67 10 2 25 156 80 30 55 6 0 .318 .415 .739 .422 0 0
1986 OAK MLB AL 682 600 85 144 29 1 33 274 117 65 175 15 7 .240 .318 .457 .217 9 0
1987 OAK MLB AL 691 630 81 162 35 3 31 296 113 50 157 15 3 .257 .310 .470 .213 9 0
1988 OAK MLB AL 705 610 120 187 34 0 42 347 124 78 128 40 16 .307 .391 .569 .262 6 1
1989 HUN AA SOU 34 29 2 6 0 0 0 6 3 5 11 1 0 .207 .324 .207 .000 0 0
1989 OAK MLB AL 258 227 40 61 9 1 17 123 57 23 69 6 3 .269 .333 .542 .273 6 0
1990 OAK MLB AL 563 481 83 132 14 2 37 261 101 72 158 19 10 .274 .371 .543 .268 5 0
1991 OAK MLB AL 665 572 115 152 32 1 44 318 122 78 152 26 6 .266 .359 .556 .290 6 0
1992 OAK MLB AL 421 366 66 90 11 0 22 167 72 48 104 5 7 .246 .335 .456 .210 4 0
1992 TEX MLB AL 91 73 8 17 4 0 4 33 15 15 24 1 0 .233 .385 .452 .219 0 0
1993 TEX MLB AL 253 231 30 59 14 1 10 105 46 16 62 6 6 .255 .308 .455 .199 3 0
1994 TEX MLB AL 505 429 88 121 19 2 31 237 90 69 114 15 8 .282 .386 .552 .270 2 0
1995 PAW AAA INT 8 6 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 5 0 0 .167 .286 .167 .000 0 0
1995 BOS MLB AL 450 396 64 121 25 1 24 220 81 42 93 4 0 .306 .378 .556 .250 5 0
1996 BOS MLB AL 432 360 68 104 22 1 28 212 82 63 82 3 1 .289 .400 .589 .300 3 0
1996 PAW AAA INT 5 5 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 .200 .200 .200 .000 0 0
1997 OAK MLB AL 446 388 56 91 19 0 23 179 74 51 122 8 2 .235 .325 .461 .227 4 0
1998 TOR MLB AL 658 583 98 138 26 0 46 302 107 65 159 29 17 .237 .318 .518 .281 4 0
1999 TBA MLB AL 502 430 75 120 18 1 34 242 95 58 135 3 0 .279 .369 .563 .284 7 0
2000 TBA MLB AL 264 218 31 56 15 0 9 98 30 41 65 2 0 .257 .383 .450 .193 1 0
2000 NYA MLB AL 137 111 16 27 3 0 6 48 19 23 37 0 0 .243 .365 .432 .189 3 0
2001 CHA MLB AL 306 256 46 66 8 0 16 122 49 45 75 2 1 .258 .366 .477 .219 4 0
2002 CHR AAA INT 75 64 11 11 1 0 5 27 9 9 21 1 0 .172 .284 .422 .250 0 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2001-03-09 2001-03-19 Camp 10 0 - Low Back Strain - -
2000-05-25 2000-07-18 15-DL 54 46 Left Foot Strain Heel - -
2000-05-01 2000-05-03 DTD 2 1 - Lower Leg Tightness Calf - -
1999-09-04 1999-09-09 DTD 5 4 Right Hand Sprain - -
1999-08-27 1999-08-29 DTD 2 2 - Low Back Spasms - -
1999-08-23 1999-08-24 DTD 1 1 - General Medical Migraine - -
1999-07-10 1999-08-20 15-DL 41 35 - Low Back Surgery Herniated Disc 1999-07-11 -
1999-06-09 1999-06-09 DTD 0 0 - Low Back Spasms - -
1999-05-23 1999-05-24 DTD 1 1 - Low Back Stiffness - -
1999-05-06 1999-05-08 DTD 2 2 - Knee Soreness - -
1999-04-29 1999-04-30 DTD 1 1 - Abdomen Strain - -
1998-07-01 1998-07-09 DTD 8 5 - Low Back Spasms - -
1998-06-27 1998-06-30 DTD 3 2 - Low Back Spasms - -
1998-06-16 1998-06-18 DTD 2 2 - Low Back Spasms - -
1998-05-13 1998-05-14 DTD 1 1 - Low Back Spasms - -
1997-08-27 1997-09-28 15-DL 32 29 - Low Back Strain - -
1997-08-01 1997-08-20 15-DL 19 15 - Low Back Spasms - -
1996-07-26 1996-09-17 15-DL 53 49 - Low Back Surgery Removed Herniated Disc Fragment 1996-09-02 -
1996-04-24 1996-05-10 15-DL 16 12 - Thigh Strain Hamstring - -
1995-05-15 1995-06-20 15-DL 36 32 - Groin Strain - -
1993-06-24 1993-10-03 60-DL 101 91 Right Elbow Surgery Tommy John Surgery 1993-07-10 -
1992-07-01 1992-07-16 15-DL 15 11 Right Shoulder Soreness - -
1990-06-08 1990-06-23 15-DL 15 14 - Low Back Cartilage Injury Disc Injury - -
1989-04-03 1989-07-13 60-DL 101 88 Left Wrist Surgery Ligament and Hamate Bone 1989-05-10 -


Year Team Salary
2000 TBA $3,000,000
1 yrPrevious$3,000,000
1 yrTotal$3,000,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
14 y 35 dJeff Borris

  • retired 5/02 minor-league contract 4/02 released 3/02 signed minor-league contract with MON 2/02
  • signed with CHW 6/01 signed with Newark Bears 4/01

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

No BP Book Comments have been found for this player.

BP Articles

Click here to see articles tagged with Jose Canseco

BP Chats

2014-01-02 13:00:00 (link to chat)Just for reference, the last 9 WARP seasons (rounding) by a RF? 2011 Jose Bautista, 2001 Sammy Sosa, 2001 Shawn Green, 1988 Jose Canseco, 1986 Jesse Barfield. (Add in LF, and you get a whole lot of Bonds, plus 2001 Luis Gonzalez and Rickey in 1990 and 1980. Also, holy 1980 Willie Wilson FRAA.) So I think I'd be surprised by a 9 win season.
(justarobert from Santa Clara)
It's a fair point, but I think Puig is a better defender than Bautista so can contribute more on that side of the ball. I'm not saying it's likely - it's not - but I do think it's within his spectrum of production. (Craig Goldstein)
2012-06-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)If Bo Jackson had never returned to football, what sort of career stats do you think he'd have accumulated?
(Paul from DC)
He would have had Jose Canseco's 30s. He wouldn't have been a Hall of Famer. (Sam Miller)
2012-05-25 14:00:00 (link to chat)Best "non-pitcher" pitching performance you've ever seen? Chris Davis?
(dianagram from VORGville)
Best? That's a tough call, but Davis' changeup was filthy, and you rarely see that kind of secondary stuff from a non-pitcher. The most comical position player to take the mound had to be Jose Canseco

Now on the jukebox: Dredg, "Ode to the Sun" (Doug Thorburn)
2010-10-25 13:00:00 (link to chat)Christina, if you're (11) in the comments section, who the heck are the Top Ten?
(GBSimons from Boise, ID)
I really have no idea, but I always liked #11 (and multiples of 11). Billy Beane wore #11, and so did Moose Earnshaw, while Jose Canseco wore 33. The A's won a World Series in 1911. So, it works for me. (Christina Kahrl)
2010-07-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)How about Fred McGriff? Big HR guy with no steroid taint.
(SIERAmist from Clean Coal Fantasyland, WV)
Unless he's added a few homers since December, what I wrote back then ( still applies:

For years now, there's been talk of the fact that with his 493 homers, McGriff might unseat Dave Kingman (442 homers) as the player with the highest total not to make the Hall of Fame. Jose Canseco (462 homers) has already erased the so-called "Kingman Line," but then his transgressions insured he'd never make Cooperstown anyway. There's bound to be a certain nostalgia among voters for McGriff, who hit the majority of his shots before the pharmaceutically-fueled assault on the single-season home-run record began, and an acknowledgment that the round-numbered milestone he fell short of means less today than it did a generation ago.

Even so, McGriff doesn't have a particularly strong case for Cooperstown. Despite the two home-run titles, he's well short of the Black Ink of a typical Hall of Famer (though that Jamesian metric fails to adjust for expansion). He never won an MVP award (his top single-season WARP total of 6.8 isn't quite MVP territory), and while he did place in the top 10 in the voting in six straight seasons (1989-1994), he only cracked the top five in 1993. JAWS-wise, that stretch of six-win seasons still isn't enough for him to measure up to the average Hall of Famer on peak score, and he's even further below the standard on career WARP. The shape of his JAWS line is very similar to that of Tony Perez (59.0/41.3/50.2), but that particular Doggie had five pennants, two rings, and a more famous dynasty to his name. The guess here is that he'll fall far short, but linger on the ballot for a long time. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-01-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)I am curious to know why there haven't been a flood of Jose Canseco apology articles considering almost everything he was ridiculed for has turned out to be true.
(Garrett from Chicago)
Because people don't care if you're right when you're a jerk. You're still a jerk. (Marc Normandin)
2010-01-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)I'm a jerk? Thanks...I am not very impressed by your answer. There have been tons of jerks that people have listened to over the years. Hey, look at Pat Robertson, people listen to him.
(Garrett from Chicago)
Uh, no, Jose Canseco is the jerk in this story. Not you. "You're still a jerk" was "No one is apologizing to Canseco, because even though he's right, he's still a jerk"

My point is that we haven't seen a flood of apology articles because even though he's been right about a lot of what he discussed, no one wants to admit it publicly because they consider him a jerk. We're also talking about an industry that was well aware of what was going on at the time, but has decided instead to point the finger at everyone else involved in order to maintain their own image and make sure they remain in control of the story. (Marc Normandin)
2009-08-04 14:00:00 (link to chat)Think Canseco is telling the truth when he says a juicer is already in the Hall of Fame?
(Greg from Des Moines)
My little brother was kidding me at the park a couple of months ago: "The thing about the steroids scandal is, Jose Canseco?--complete vindicated." Given how much the worm's turned on the perception front, do we really want to say he's not telling the truth? If there is one already in, that might be the right sort of tonic to those who on the one hand seem to noisily against certain players for the Hall, but then seem to be notably silent about Fred McGriff. And while it's easy to get overly worked up about slippery slopes, if McGriff's in and Rice is in but Keith Hernandez or Tim Raines isn't, is this really just "the Hall of People Who Didn't Use a Few of Our Least Favorite Substances, but Not All of Them, Insofar as We Know." (Christina Kahrl)
2008-10-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)While your logic is sound, when people ask "who would you want to start a franchise with?" they typically are looking at on-the-field criteria. Jose Canseco might sell a lot of tickets too.
(dude from seriously?)
Canseco? Only if we're doing the whole lions eating people thing, which I would buy. (Will Carroll)
2008-08-27 13:00:00 (link to chat)Wikipedia's list of position players who have had Tommy John surgery: Rocco Baldelli, Joe Borchard, Shin-Soo Choo, Chris Denorfia, Rusty Greer, Luis Gonzalez, Matt Holliday, Norris Hopper, Cezar Izturis, Kelly Johnson, Xavier Nady, and Vance Wilson. Also, Jose Canseco could be included but doesn't really count since he blew out his arm while pitching.
(Gump from nyc)
Jimmy Wales is a great guy, but .... man, that's a really incomplete list. (Will Carroll)
2008-05-09 14:00:00 (link to chat)Is Keith Law better at cooking than you are at Oakland A's liking?
(Vince from Boston)
Probably not, but there's no such thing as VORM (Value Over Replacement Meal). I had a nice meal at Chez Panisse back in March, and it was very nice, but I don't know if it was really all that, given the place's international reputation. Whereas in terms of A's fandom, I remain an unapologetic fan of Jose Canseco for what he did on the field of play, rooted for Kong long past his sell-by date, and even feel a bit of nostalgia for poor old Chris Codiroli now and again. If there was a VORF metric, I think I'd do rather well (or "Diner"-level horrifying, depending on your POV). (Christina Kahrl)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2008-10-10 13:30:00Friday LCSOh look, did Jose Canseco get arrested at the border with steroids? Yes, yes he did. It must be "karmic reordering week" in the US judicial system. (Will Carroll)