
Portrait of David Ortiz

David Ortiz DHRed Sox

Red Sox Player Cards | Red Sox Team Audit | Red Sox Depth Chart

Career Summary
21 10091 .286 .380 .552 142 58.6
Birth Date11-18-1975
Height6' 3"
Weight230 lbs
Age49 years, 3 months, 16 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1997 MIN 21 15 51 16 3 0 1 2 19 0 0 0 .327 .353 .449 63 -2.2 -0.5 0.7 -0.1
1998 MIN 22 86 326 77 20 0 9 39 72 5 1 0 .277 .371 .446 102 1.8 0.2 0.2 0.5
1999 MIN 23 10 25 0 0 0 0 5 12 0 0 0 .000 .200 .000 63 -1.1 -0.4 0.0 -0.1
2000 MIN 24 130 478 117 36 1 10 57 81 0 1 0 .282 .364 .446 97 1.2 0.0 1.6 0.8
2001 MIN 25 89 347 71 17 1 18 40 68 1 1 0 .234 .324 .475 112 6.8 0.0 -0.5 1.0
2002 MIN 26 125 466 112 32 1 20 43 87 3 1 2 .272 .339 .500 109 7.4 -4.1 0.2 0.9
2003 BOS 27 128 509 129 39 2 31 58 83 1 0 0 .288 .369 .592 141 28.1 -0.3 2.3 3.4
2004 BOS 28 150 669 175 47 3 41 75 133 4 0 0 .301 .380 .603 143 37.1 -2.2 -0.7 4.0
2005 BOS 29 159 713 180 40 1 47 102 124 1 1 0 .300 .397 .604 159 51.5 -8.9 0.0 5.1
2006 BOS 30 151 686 160 29 2 54 119 117 4 1 0 .287 .413 .636 170 65.8 -5.1 0.7 6.7
2007 BOS 31 149 667 182 52 1 35 111 103 4 3 1 .332 .445 .621 169 61.6 -3.5 -0.7 6.3
2008 BOS 32 109 491 110 30 1 23 70 74 1 1 0 .264 .369 .507 129 18.5 -0.8 0.0 2.3
2009 BOS 33 150 627 129 35 1 28 74 134 5 0 2 .238 .332 .462 110 9.1 -3.7 0.5 1.3
2010 BOS 34 145 606 140 36 1 32 82 145 2 0 1 .270 .370 .529 134 24.8 -4.1 -0.2 2.8
2011 BOS 35 146 605 162 40 1 29 78 83 1 1 1 .309 .398 .554 153 37.4 -5.1 -0.1 4.1
2012 BOS 36 90 383 103 26 0 23 56 51 0 0 1 .318 .415 .611 165 28.7 -3.1 0.3 3.1
2013 BOS 37 137 600 160 38 2 30 76 88 1 4 0 .309 .395 .564 156 38.4 -2.2 -0.4 4.5
2014 BOS 38 142 602 136 27 0 35 75 95 3 0 0 .263 .355 .517 147 30.9 -7.7 0.0 3.2
2015 BOS 39 146 614 144 37 0 37 77 95 0 0 1 .273 .360 .553 150 37.6 -6.6 0.0 4.0
2016 BOS 40 151 626 169 48 1 38 80 86 2 2 0 .315 .401 .620 161 46.7 -5.1 0.0 5.0

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1996 WIS A MDW 129 548 .000 .000 .000 .382 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1997 MIN MLB AL 15 51 .273 .342 .435 .517 100 -0.2 1.4 -0.9 63 14 0.7 -0.5 -2.2 -0.1
1997 FTM A+ FSL 0 262 .000 .000 .000 .382 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1997 NBR AA EAS 0 283 .000 .000 .000 .416 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1997 SLC AAA PCL 0 44 .000 .000 .000 .185 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1998 MIN MLB AL 86 326 .271 .336 .432 .338 100 6.3 8.9 -6.1 102 9 0.2 0.2 1.8 0.5
1998 SLC AAA PCL 0 40 .000 .000 .000 .269 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1999 MIN MLB AL 10 25 .256 .346 .399 .000 99 -5.2 0.7 -0.4 63 18 0.0 -0.4 -1.1 -0.1
1999 SLC AAA PCL 0 558 .000 .000 .000 .352 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 MIN MLB AL 130 478 .273 .343 .437 .324 87 15.8 15.1 -9.3 97 11 1.6 0.0 1.2 0.8
2001 MIN MLB AL 89 347 .269 .335 .437 .242 100 1 10.3 -6.6 112 12 -0.5 0.0 6.8 1.0
2001 FTM A+ FSL 1 4 .000 .000 .000 .000 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2001 NBR AA EAS 9 41 .000 .000 .000 .321 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2002 MIN MLB AL 125 466 .267 .332 .433 .294 98 15.9 13.4 -8.3 109 8 0.2 -4.1 7.4 0.9
2003 BOS MLB AL 128 509 .268 .334 .427 .292 105 25.6 13.9 -9.4 141 9 2.3 -0.3 28.1 3.4
2004 BOS MLB AL 150 669 .271 .337 .435 .322 111 34 19.9 -12.7 143 10 -0.7 -2.2 37.1 4.0
2005 BOS MLB AL 159 713 .265 .329 .421 .303 106 51 20.5 -13.1 159 10 0.0 -8.9 51.5 5.1
2006 BOS MLB AL 151 686 .271 .337 .429 .270 106 53 20.7 -13.2 170 9 0.7 -5.1 65.8 6.7
2007 BOS MLB AL 149 667 .271 .338 .422 .355 102 63 19.8 -12.7 169 11 -0.7 -3.5 61.6 6.3
2008 BOS MLB AL 109 491 .262 .328 .413 .270 107 13.2 14.2 -9.1 129 11 0.0 -0.8 18.5 2.3
2008 PME AA EAS 3 10 .258 .296 .366 .286 103 -0.5 0.3 -0.2 106 0 0.0 -0.2 -0.1 0.0
2008 PAW AAA INT 3 12 .272 .339 .427 .000 87 4.4 0.4 -0.2 185 0 0.0 -0.1 1.0 0.1
2009 BOS MLB AL 150 627 .268 .335 .431 .262 112 1.7 18.0 -11.5 110 8 0.5 -3.7 9.1 1.3
2010 BOS MLB AL 145 606 .256 .322 .404 .313 113 18.8 16.7 -10.6 134 8 -0.2 -4.1 24.8 2.8
2011 BOS MLB AL 146 605 .255 .317 .405 .321 109 27.7 16.3 -10.3 153 10 -0.1 -5.1 37.4 4.1
2012 BOS MLB AL 90 383 .254 .316 .409 .316 104 31.4 10.5 -6.7 165 13 0.3 -3.1 28.7 3.1
2013 BOS MLB AL 137 600 .258 .318 .410 .321 102 40.4 15.8 -10.1 156 8 -0.4 -2.2 38.4 4.5
2013 PAW AAA INT 6 18 .263 .328 .373 .273 99 -1.7 0.5 -0.3 49 0 0.0 0.0 -1.2 -0.1
2014 BOS MLB AL 142 602 .250 .311 .384 .256 101 28.1 15.5 -9.9 147 9 0.0 -7.7 30.9 3.2
2015 BOS MLB AL 146 614 .252 .312 .403 .264 115 23.9 16.6 -10.6 150 9 0.0 -6.6 37.6 4.0
2016 BOS MLB AL 151 626 .257 .320 .423 .312 117 33.8 17.7 -11.2 161 9 0.0 -5.1 46.7 5.0

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1996 WIS A MDW 548 485 89 156 34 2 18 248 93 52 108 3 4 .322 .392 .511 .190 2 2
1997 MIN MLB AL 51 49 10 16 3 0 1 22 6 2 19 0 0 .327 .353 .449 .122 0 0
1997 NBR AA EAS 283 258 40 83 22 2 14 151 56 21 78 2 6 .322 .382 .585 .264 0 0
1997 SLC AAA PCL 44 42 5 9 1 0 4 22 10 2 11 0 1 .214 .250 .524 .310 0 0
1997 FTM A+ FSL 262 239 45 79 15 0 13 133 58 22 53 2 1 .331 .389 .556 .226 0 0
1998 MIN MLB AL 326 278 47 77 20 0 9 124 46 39 72 1 0 .277 .371 .446 .169 4 0
1998 SLC AAA PCL 40 37 5 9 3 0 2 18 6 3 9 0 0 .243 .300 .486 .243 0 0
1999 MIN MLB AL 25 20 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 12 0 0 .000 .200 .000 .000 0 0
1999 SLC AAA PCL 558 476 85 150 35 3 30 281 110 79 105 2 2 .315 .416 .590 .275 0 0
2000 MIN MLB AL 478 415 59 117 36 1 10 185 63 57 81 1 0 .282 .364 .446 .164 6 0
2001 FTM A+ FSL 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 .000 .250 .000 .000 0 0
2001 NBR AA EAS 41 37 3 9 4 0 0 13 1 3 9 0 0 .243 .300 .351 .108 0 0
2001 MIN MLB AL 347 303 46 71 17 1 18 144 48 40 68 1 0 .234 .324 .475 .241 2 1
2002 MIN MLB AL 466 412 52 112 32 1 20 206 75 43 87 1 2 .272 .339 .500 .228 8 0
2003 BOS MLB AL 509 448 79 129 39 2 31 265 101 58 83 0 0 .288 .369 .592 .304 2 0
2004 BOS MLB AL 669 582 94 175 47 3 41 351 139 75 133 0 0 .301 .380 .603 .302 8 0
2005 BOS MLB AL 713 601 119 180 40 1 47 363 148 102 124 1 0 .300 .397 .604 .304 9 0
2006 BOS MLB AL 686 558 115 160 29 2 54 355 137 119 117 1 0 .287 .413 .636 .349 5 0
2007 BOS MLB AL 667 549 116 182 52 1 35 341 117 111 103 3 1 .332 .445 .621 .290 3 0
2008 PAW AAA INT 12 9 4 3 0 0 3 12 5 3 2 0 0 .333 .500 1.333 1.000 0 0
2008 PME AA EAS 10 8 2 2 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 .250 .400 .250 .000 0 0
2008 BOS MLB AL 491 416 74 110 30 1 23 211 89 70 74 1 0 .264 .369 .507 .243 3 1
2009 BOS MLB AL 627 541 77 129 35 1 28 250 99 74 134 0 2 .238 .332 .462 .224 7 0
2010 BOS MLB AL 606 518 86 140 36 1 32 274 102 82 145 0 1 .270 .370 .529 .259 4 0
2011 BOS MLB AL 605 525 84 162 40 1 29 291 96 78 83 1 1 .309 .398 .554 .246 1 0
2012 BOS MLB AL 383 324 65 103 26 0 23 198 60 56 51 0 1 .318 .415 .611 .293 3 0
2013 BOS MLB AL 600 518 84 160 38 2 30 292 103 76 88 4 0 .309 .395 .564 .255 5 0
2013 PAW AAA INT 18 18 3 4 0 0 1 7 4 0 6 0 0 .222 .222 .389 .167 0 0
2014 BOS MLB AL 602 518 59 136 27 0 35 268 104 75 95 0 0 .263 .355 .517 .255 6
2015 BOS MLB AL 614 528 73 144 37 0 37 292 108 77 95 0 1 .273 .360 .553 .280 9 0
2016 BOS MLB AL 626 537 79 169 48 1 38 333 127 80 86 2 0 .315 .401 .620 .305 7 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 1837 0.4589 0.4268 0.7895 0.6643 0.2254 0.8714 0.5848 0.2105 0.0092
2009 2592 0.4884 0.4498 0.7547 0.6659 0.2436 0.8410 0.5294 0.2453 -0.0006
2010 2581 0.4816 0.4359 0.7404 0.6525 0.2347 0.8126 0.5541 0.2596 0.0060
2011 2385 0.4826 0.4361 0.8269 0.6672 0.2204 0.8997 0.6213 0.1731 0.0062
2012 1451 0.4900 0.4287 0.8232 0.6301 0.2351 0.8728 0.6954 0.1768 0.0039
2013 2216 0.4860 0.4567 0.7816 0.6815 0.2441 0.8515 0.5971 0.2184 -0.0013
2014 2315 0.4799 0.4583 0.7983 0.6697 0.2633 0.8669 0.6372 0.2017 0.0050
2015 2424 0.4505 0.4559 0.7674 0.6941 0.2605 0.8456 0.5965 0.2326 -0.0022
2016 2400 0.4325 0.4400 0.8049 0.6618 0.2709 0.8981 0.6314 0.1951 0.0000

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-09-24 2014-09-29 DTD 5 5 Left Wrist Inflammation Check Swing -
2014-09-12 2014-09-13 DTD 1 1 - Foot Soreness -
2014-08-25 2014-08-27 DTD 2 2 Right Foot Contusion -
2014-08-24 2014-08-24 DTD 0 0 Left Elbow Contusion HBP -
2014-08-21 2014-08-22 DTD 1 1 - Low Back Soreness -
2014-07-25 2014-07-25 DTD 0 0 - Back Spasms -
2014-05-29 2014-05-29 DTD 0 0 Right Lower Leg Soreness Calf -
2014-03-28 2014-03-31 Camp 3 0 Right Lower Leg Tightness Calf - -
2013-08-22 2013-08-23 DTD 1 0 - Low Back Stiffness - -
2013-05-03 2013-05-03 DTD 0 0 Left Abdomen Soreness - -
2013-03-22 2013-04-19 15-DL 28 15 Right Lower Leg Recovery From Inflammation Achilles Tendon - -
2013-02-15 2013-03-22 Camp 35 0 Right Lower Leg Inflammation Achilles Tendon - -
2012-08-25 2012-10-04 15-DL 40 36 Right Lower Leg Strain Achilles Tendon -
2012-07-17 2012-08-24 15-DL 38 35 Right Lower Leg Strain Achilles Tendon - -
2011-09-13 2011-09-15 DTD 2 2 - Low Back Spasms - -
2011-08-15 2011-08-24 DTD 9 9 Right Foot Inflammation Calcaneus Bursitis - -
2010-04-01 2010-04-02 Camp 1 0 Neck Stiffness -
2009-05-07 2009-05-08 DTD 1 1 Neck Stiffness -
2009-02-19 2009-02-22 Camp 3 0 Left Shoulder Soreness -
2008-06-01 2008-07-25 15-DL 54 45 Left Wrist Strain Partial Tear ECU Tendon Sheath -
2008-05-04 2008-05-05 DTD 1 1 Right Knee Tightness -
2008-04-26 2008-04-29 DTD 3 2 Knee Contusion -
2007-11-06 2007-11-06 Off 0 0 Right Knee Surgery Meniscus 2007-11-06
2007-09-29 2007-09-30 DTD 1 1 Right Knee Inflammation Cortisone Injection -
2007-09-10 2007-09-10 DTD 0 0 Right Knee Soreness -
2007-08-08 2007-08-10 DTD 2 1 Left Shoulder Soreness -
2007-07-21 2007-07-25 DTD 4 4 Left Shoulder Strain -
2007-07-12 2007-07-12 DTD 0 0 Right Knee Cartilage Injury Meniscus -
2007-05-27 2007-05-30 DTD 3 3 Bilateral Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2006-08-28 2006-09-05 DTD 8 8 General Medical Illness Irregular Heartbeat -
2006-04-28 2006-04-28 DTD 0 0 Right Elbow Contusion -
2004-09-02 2004-09-04 DTD 2 2 Right Shoulder Inflammation Bursitis -
2002-04-19 2002-05-13 15-DL 24 22 Left Knee Surgery Bone Chips 2002-04-26
2001-05-05 2001-07-20 15-DL 76 68 Right Wrist Surgery Fracture 2001-05-17
1998-05-10 1998-07-09 60-DL 60 52 Right Wrist Fracture Hamate - -


Year Team Salary
2016 BOS $16,000,000
2015 BOS $16,000,000
2014 BOS $15,500,000
2013 BOS $14,500,000
2012 BOS $14,575,000
2011 BOS $12,500,000
2010 BOS $13,000,000
2009 BOS $13,000,000
2008 BOS $13,000,000
2007 BOS $13,000,000
2006 BOS $6,500,000
2005 BOS $5,250,000
2004 BOS $4,587,500
2003 BOS $1,250,000
2002 MIN $950,000
2001 MIN $260,000
2000 MIN $220,000
17 yrPrevious$160,092,500
17 yrTotal$160,092,500


Service TimeAgentContract Status
18 y 48 dFernando Cuza1 year/$16M (2015), 2016-17 options

  • 1 year/$16M (2015), plus 2016-17 options. Signed extension with Boston 3/24/14. 15:$16M. 16-17: $10M club options. If Ortiz passes a team physical, options may become guaranteed based on plate appearances in previous season, with value increasing to $11M for 425 PAs, $12M for 475 PAs, $13M for 500 PAs, $14M for 525 PAs, $15M for 575 PAs, $16M (or value of qualifying offer) for 600 PAs. If Ortiz does not pass physical, value of club option may increase to the midpoint of $10M and value for the plate-appearance threshold reached in previous season. Boston exercised 2017 option 11/16. Retired 11/15/16.
  • 2 years/$26M (2013-14). Re-signed with Boston as a free agent 11/2/12. $1M signing bonus. 13:$14M, 14:$11M. 2014 salary may increase based on 2013 playing time ($15M if he spends 20 days or fewer on the disabled list with pre-existing Achilles injury, $13M if he spends 21-40 days on the DL with the Achilles injury). Award bonuses, including $50,000 for All-Star selection. 2014 salary increased to $15M with 15 days on DL with Achilles injury in 2013.
  • 1 year/$14.575M (2012). Accepted arbitration offer from Boston 12/7/11. Re-signed by Boston 2/13/12 (avoided arbitration, $16.5M-$12.65M). Boston made qualifying offer for 2013 (1 year/$13.3M) 11/2/12.
  • 4 years/$52M (2007-10), plus 2011 club option. Signed extension with Boston 4/06. $2M signing bonus. 07-10: $12.5M/year, 11:$12.5M club option, no buyout. Award bonuses: $50,000 for All-Star. Second-place finish in 2005 MVP increased 2007 option to $8.4M (with $1.4M buyout).
  • 2 years/$12.5M (2005-06), plus 2007 club option, $75,000 buyout. Signed extension with Boston 5/04. 05:$5.25M, 06:$6.5M, 07:$7.75M club option $0.75M buyout. $25,000 All-Star bonuses.
  • 1 year/$4.5875M (2004). Re-signed by Boston 1/04 (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year/$1.25M (2003). Signed by Boston as a free agent 1/03.
  • 1 year/$0.95M (2002). Re-signed by Minnesota 2/02 (avoided arbitration, $1.395M-$0.75M). Non-tendered by Minnesota 12/02.
  • 1 year/$0.26M (2001). Award bonus: $25,000 for All-Star.
  • Acquired by Minnesota in trade from Seattle 9/96.
  • Signed by Seattle 1992 as an amateur free agent from the Dominican Republic.

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

Comparable Players (Similarity Index )

Rank Score Name Year DRC+ Trend

BP Annual Player Comments

2017 We’ve told you for years to throw out anything you thought you knew about aging curves or the rules of baseball; they never applied to Ortiz. Since the last Annual publication, Ortiz conducted the best walk-off season in recent memory and posted his best WARP since 2013. He passed legends like Mickey Mantle, Willie McCovey and Ted Williams on the all-time home run list. He made his 10th All-Star Game, finished sixth in AL MVP voting, furthered his Hall of Fame case and wrote the first interesting article in the history of The Players’ Tribune. Upon his final homestand of the regular season, Ortiz was showered with the types of gifts reserved not just for great athletes, but for great humanitarians. Boston named a bridge and a street after him. The Red Sox already agreed to retire his number. The President of the Dominican Republic flew in to watch him play. And everyone—even most Yankees fans—saluted a man who’s left an indelible mark on not just Boston, but the entire sport. We hope you enjoyed the ride while it lasted because there will never be anyone quite like Ortiz again. And if Ortiz made one thing clear in 2016, it’s that he sure as hell enjoyed the ride, too.
2016 Throw out anything you think you know about aging curves or the rules of baseball in general; they don't apply to Ortiz. Since the last Annual publication, Ortiz added another 37 homers to his total, joined the 500 home run club, logged his most innings in the field since 2006 (still just 60, but hey) and turned 40 years old. Just about everything that could've gone right for Ortiz in 2015 did. He stayed on the field, continued to post an absurdly good K/BB% for a power hitter, recorded his most plate appearances since 2009 and padded what should be a Hall of Fame resume. If you want to nitpick, Ortiz's stats against southpaws took a turn for the worse, but his 1.008 OPS against right-handers is enough to justify his role and salary. Big Papi chose to hang up the cleats after 2016, but it looks as though we'll be spared a Jeterian limp to the finish line. Enjoy this ride while it lasts, because there's never going to be anyone quite like Ortiz ever again.
2015 Throw out anything you think you know about aging curves or the rules of baseball in general; they don't apply to Ortiz. Since the last Annual publication, Ortiz added another 35 homers to his total, surpassed the 1,500 RBI mark, signed a new contract and finished third in the city of Boston in a Mayoral race in which he did not run. Some BABIP fluctuation led to a lower average, but Ortiz posted identical ISO marks in 2013 and 2014, and markedly similar walk and strikeout rates, too. Ortiz will be 39 for the entirety of the 2015 season, but there's no reason to expect anything but more of the same out of him. There's going to be a statue outside Fenway with his likeness some day, and a plaque in Cooperstown with his face on it, too. Enjoy the ride while it lasts, because there's never going to be anyone quite like Ortiz ever again.
2014 What is there to say about David Ortiz at this point? Big Papi is an icon in the baseball world, and inexplicably still one of the great hitters in the game, despite looking like he was winding down four or five years ago. He came back from an Achilles injury to post one of the greatest offensive seasons for a 37-year-old in history, and that was before he hit .688/.760/1.188 in the World Series. He called his two-homer game against David Price in the ALDS, and even wore an incredible, stylish suit to the clubhouse, stating he knew he needed it for the post-game interview that would follow his achievement. The man wears a quarter-million dollar necklace during games, and chugged a rare, $100,000 bottle of champagne after winning the World Series and MVP honors. Ortiz is more than a baseball player: He's a genuine character, an individual, and a presence in a game that too frequently tries to hide those attributes. No one knows when this ride is going to end, but the where should be in upstate New York.
2013 Whether due to a newfound commitment to fitness, new hitting mechanics, or full recovery from a tendon-sheath injury to his left wrist sustained way back in 2008, Ortiz arrested his moribund Aprils of the last few seasons by, as Ben Lindbergh put it on the website, “making much more contact, and […] hitting it harder.” The only number going the wrong way for Ortiz is his age, as he walked more (on average), hit for more power, and even went the other way with more frequency, taking advantage of the exaggerated shifts thrown at him by opposing managers. Had he finished with enough plate appearances to qualify, Ortiz would have had the highest slugging percentage and second highest on-base percentage in baseball. Signed to a two-year deal, he’ll have at least that to work on his Hall of Fame case.
2012 Ortiz once again saw his performance dip in April, but this time around, he wasn't an easy out at the plate. He hit .267/.373/.395 with strikeouts in under 11 percent of his plate appearances, a massive shift from April 2010, when he whiffed nearly 40 percent of the time. That low punchout trend continued throughout the year, and Ortiz finished with his most productive season since 2007. While his power was still heavily pull-oriented, Ortiz went the other way more often, borrowing a modified version of the approach used by new teammate Adrian Gonzalez. This shift means Ortiz is more likely to continue producing for the next few years, whereas prior to 2011, no one would have been shocked if the purpose of this comment was to eulogize his career. Except for David Ortiz, of course.
2011 Ortiz's 2010 began much like his 2009—with a worrisome slump. Unlike the year prior, Ortiz stopped chasing pitches out of the strike zone as often in May, and pitchers who dared throw him something hittable paid for it to the tune of a .286/.385/.558 line from that point forward. Boston has faith in Ortiz replicating that production, as they picked up his $12.5 million, above-market rate-option for 2011. The fact that the Sox didn't sign Ortiz to the multi-year extension he sought reveals their commitment to limiting their exposure to risk—i.e. Ortiz's mid-30s decline—even at the expense of appeasing the fan base, which has been an occasional knock against the organization.
2010 Ortiz went from zero to hero last year, hitting .185/.284/.287 through June 1 with just one homer in 208 plate appearances, and .264/.356/.548 with 27 dingers in 419 PA thereafter. That four-month run was better than his injury-shortened 2008 season, but not by much, and his first two months can’t be entirely discounted. Ortiz has largely stopped hitting lefties and hit just .223/.323/.415 on the road over the past two seasons. None of this comes as a surprise, and with Papi entering the final year of his contract it’s not even all that poorly timed. Still, Ortiz’s five-year peak was so brilliant that it’s not much fun to watch.
2009 Though Manny Ramirez's messy exit got all the attention, Ortiz's dip in power had at least as significant an impact on Boston's season. Ortiz had just recovered from a painfully slow start (.184/.294/.350 in April) when he tore a tendon sheath in his left wrist and landed on the disabled list. Though he showed few ill effects statistically when he returned after nearly 50 games on the shelf (batting .277/.385/.529 in 55 games), the intimidating stroke of old was absent; he missed on pitches he used to crush and became noticeably more patient, trying to get on base however he could despite his diminished swing. Ortiz believes the wrist will be healthy for 2009 after a prolonged rest. As Ortiz goes, so go the Red Sox, so they can only hope he's correct.
2008 It was the best year of his career, and no one noticed. Ortiz didn't have 52 homers, or 148 RBI, or 22 memorable late-inning hits. He just went out and raked, setting career highs in batting average, OBP, WARP, hits, and doubles. The knee problems he played through are a major concern for a player who carries a lot of weight, but with maybe two more good years, he becomes a very interesting Hall of Fame case based on peak, postseason, and soft factors (such as his reputation for clutch hits and his contribution to the Red Sox' dramatic 2004 World Championship).
2007 It may be heresy to suggest that Big Papi enjoyed his finest season in a Red Sox uniform in 2006, but he set personal bests in OBP, SLG, and EqA, broke the franchise single-season home run record (besting Jimmie Foxx`s 50 in 1938), and tied the AL record for home runs in road games (32, matching Babe Ruth`s 1927 mark). For those arguing that he`s got that special clutch goodness, he also led the AL in hitter Win Expectancy (8.14) for the second year in a row. Nonetheless, the final stretch of Ortiz`s season left a bitter aftertaste beyond the Sox`s ignominious fate. Just after Manny Ramirez went down in late August, Ortiz was hospitalized due to an irregular heartbeat, missing a week. His return to the lineup underscored the fact that Ortiz benefits considerably from having an all-time great batting behind him; in 23 Manny-less games following his return, opposing pitchers walked Ortiz 31 times, all but one of the slugger`s nine homers were solo shots, and he drove in just five additional runners. His mid-September comments regarding the upcoming MVP voting--including a petty dismissal of Derek Jeter`s candidacy--and his reaction to the fallout made him appear more focused on individual glory than team success. All in all, the fairytale of 2004 seems a long way away, but as long as he has Ramirez protecting him, there`s no reason he can`t continue his heroics.
2006 Big Papi has reached Orr/Bird/Brady status in Boston with his great statistics and numerous game-ending homers over the past few seasons. Having such a great player as your DH comes with a cost-the ability to rest some of your older, banged-up, veterans over the course of the season by keeping them off the field. Ramirez`s DH appearances the past four seasons: 50, 26, 18, and two. It`s a small price to pay.
2005 What else can you say about Big Papi that hasn't already been said? Ortiz had one of the great postseasons of all time, officially arriving on the stage as a superstar and savior of a beleaguered Nation. He improved on virtually all his major statistical measures for the fourth year in a row and thrust himself into the middle of the wide-open MVP discussion in the AL. Though he did lose out to Vladimir Guerrero in the end, the Red Sox were prescient enough to sign him to a two-year, $12.5 million extension in May. While that move may have been questioned considering the significant players headed for free agency at the end of the season, it looks downright psychic now, a major coup for the young Boston front office.
2004 Like Nixon, had an outstanding year despite utter ineptitude against southpaws. Early on, he was the odd man out in the first base/DH surplus, finally settling in after Hillenbrand and Giambi were voted off the island. Through June, he was hitting .294 with four home runs, prompting Manny Ramirez to regularly refer to David as "Juan Pierre." Suitably chastened, Ortiz was the best hitter in the league for the second half (.284, .360, .661, with 27 home runs), even if he wasn't a legitimate MVP candidate, as some postulated.
2003 Welcome to the New Economics. We’ve warned for years that the benefits of arbitration shouldn’t really trickle down to baseball’s middle class, because a smart organization can just non-tender or release a solid player rather than leave it to an arbitrator to set his value; solid players can be replaced through player development and/or a sharp eye on the waiver wire. It would have made more sense to non-tender Mientkiewicz and go to arbitration with Ortiz, but Ortiz’s annual struggle to stay healthy probably squelched that idea. Ortiz is a thoroughly useful DH, but this winter’s market of free agents is flooded with useful DHs. As a Red Sox, he’s every bit as nifty a pickup as Jeremy Giambi.
2002 Ortiz is a reasonable offensive player, which means that as a Twin, he was injured during 2001. He started the season off monstrously before suffering a fractured wrist in early May that kept him out of action for two-and-a-half months. Ortiz looks like he should be some sort of bashing ox, and he began the season that way, but he's never been healthy or played long enough for anyone to find out what he can really do. Some scouts think he can be Mo Vaughn in his prime; others think he’ll be the shadow of the Hit Dog on whom the Angels spent a bunch of money. Ortiz is probably in the wrong organization to get the playing time he needs.
2001 After being demoted in 1999 because of questions about his attitude, David Ortiz made a point of not getting cranky about sitting during the first half. That made a good impression, but he still has a long way to go as far as conditioning and preparation. If you start reading stories about him coming into camp in great shape, that projection is low. If he doesn’t, he’ll have a hard time matching it. Kelly is never going to play him regularly at first base, so he has to hit to stick.
2000 The organization’s litmus test to see if they want to get better in a hurry or just do things their way. Ortiz is accused of having an attitude, and he catches flak for bad glovework and his weight. Ullger says he’s gotten into bad habits at the plate: he had been pitched outside for so long that he wasn’t adjusting to anything inside in the majors, diving across the plate without keeping his head or hands still. Despite all that, he has the best power in the organization, so the question is whether Kelly will work with Ortiz or bury him.
1999 Ortiz took a big leap forward last year in terms of plate discipline. A broken bone in his right wrist took a chunk out of his year, and appeared to curtail his power when he returned. Don't worry about it. Ortiz could take another big step forward this year; 23 is an age where many players boost their power. Get him.
1998 Ortiz (known as David Arias when he first came to the big leagues from the Dominican Republic) had a solid year at A-ball and Double-A and then hit .327 in a cup of coffee with the Twins. He is very young, and the Twins may want him to have more than a half-season at Double-A before they hand him a starting job in the majors, but his upside is very high. Think Dave Parker.

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BP Chats

2021-03-03 12:00:00 (link to chat)Will N. Cruz slow down this year or will his 2021 be similar to his 2019 stats?
(James from NY)
James, I get the impression you want to know about stat lines, so I'll answer all of these. I think Cruz might just be in the David Ortiz zone - he's going to keep on mashing until he decides to retire. I think you might see an extra day off here and there, otherwise just keep on rolling with him until he gives us reason not to. (Darius Austin)
2020-04-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Jesse,, thanks for taking my question - love these chat sessions! I am wondering what to do with Royce Lewis, I’ve had him on my roster since he was drafted. Unfortunately, I have never seen him play. The numbers don’t seem to match the lofty rankings by the various Dynasty publications. I will not cut him, but wonder what to do with him. What is your personal opinion on his future productivity? I remember an owner finally giving up on David Ortiz then all of a sudden......Well, we know how that turned out.
(meswan from Texas)
Thanks! Royce Lewis had a delayed start last year due to a strained oblique and he never really hit his stride. Part of the issue is a swing that is a bit out of whack. However, Lewis has lauded work ethic and baseball IQ, so I am confident he will eventually figure it out and everything will click. It will be telling if he can make an adjustment. While he tore up the AFL last fall, he still had a wonky stroke so it is unclear if any real changes were made. Despite the swing work needed, Lewis has electric bat speed and legit power. Out of the draft, reports had his FV hit/power tools at 6/5. Now, they are reversed at 5/6. There is a chance he develops into a 55/55/55 hit/game power/speed bat who can profile at short, which has immense value. I still think he has 20/20 upside. I do not think it is the time to sell him unless you snag top-100 dynasty value in return. (Jesse Roche)
2019-09-25 13:00:00 (link to chat)How high are you on Yordan Alvarez, on a scale of "He'll be an average DH and get non-tendered entering his 4th year of arbitration" to "He's the second coming of David Ortiz"
(jgaztambide from Louisville)
More towards the higher end than the lower. I don't think he'll get non-tendered. He's not Chris Carter where there's no hit tool or anything. He'll be a very good hitter for a lot of years. (Craig Goldstein)
2016-09-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)I've read very differing opinions on Daniel Vogelbach, from being a fringe major leaguer to the next David Ortiz (WHAT?!). How do you view Vogelbach's future and please don't say "somewhere in between!"
(David from Crows Landing, CA)
Well, unfortunately, it is somewhere in between, but if I was forced to pick which one, it's fringe and not Papi. In fact, comparing him to Papi is stupid. Like really stupid. The thing they have in common is they're fat. Come on. David Ortiz is the second best DH of all time. I think Vogelbach can be an average league DH, and there are certainly worse things, but COME ON. (Christopher Crawford)
2016-06-13 23:00:00 (link to chat)#1 Pick in the 2018 draft?
(Craig from Philly)
I dunno, David Ortiz's kid eligible yet? I'm gonna say David Ortiz's kid. Speaking of David Ortiz, join me in the post-game suite later, won't you? (Wilson Karaman)
2016-01-27 19:00:00 (link to chat)Does David Ortiz continue to mash in his retirement year or does Father Time finally make him human?
(Drew from Rockford)
I will assume that he is going to continue to mash until I see anything to suggest otherwise. Knowing what I know about him from following from afar over the last 13 years, I can't imagine him falling off drastically in a season that will be as hyped as this one. (Matt Collins)
2016-01-27 19:00:00 (link to chat)Back to David Ortiz. I dropped him in my dynasty league because of an add in our prospect draft. Was planning on using Brandon Belt to fill the DH role. Mistake or huge mistake?
(Drew from Rockford)
The biggest mistake (Matt Collins)
2015-09-17 14:00:00 (link to chat)Doug, What's a good MLB comp for Miguel Sano? Thanks for the chat.
(Mike from Minneapolis )
Huge fan of Sano. I think a good MLB comp might be David Ortiz, even though he hits from the other side. Sano will slide quickly down the defensive spectrum, and I could see him as a 1B/DH in the long term, but the bat will more than hold water at any position. (Doug Thorburn)
2015-06-16 20:00:00 (link to chat)If the Red Sox were characters on Game of Thrones, who would they be? thanks
(Bill from Los Angeles)
This is super played out ...

... and as such, right in my wheelhouse.

Xander Bogaerts: Jon Snow
Mookie Betts: Danaerys Targaryen

Ben Cherington: Ned (tried to do the right thing, will probably lose head)
Wade Miley: Catelyn (doesn't do much but yell)
Rick Porcello: Robb Stark (handsome, ineffective)
Clay Buchholz: Sansa (WHAT EVEN ARE YOU?)
Eduardo Rodriguez: Arya (so much potential)
Brock Holt: Bran (takes a lot of forms)
Joe Kelly: Rickon (why do you exist?)
Mike Napoli: Hodor (...yep)
Christian Vazquez: Benjen Stark (plz come back)

John Henry: Tywin (still calling the shots)
Dustin Pedroia: Tyrion (most watchable/resourceful)
Larry Lucchino: Cersei (...)
David Ortiz: Jaime (lost a step but still badass)
Blake Swihart: Tommen (keep trying, little guy)

John Farrell: Stannis (stern but no one seems to listen)
Melisandre: Pablo Sandoval (is your power real or what)
Our Hopes/Dreams: Shireen

Hanley Ramirez: The Hound (unlikeable but powerful)
Koji Uehara: Brienne (still rooting for ya)
Daniel Nava: Pod (you too!)

Junichi Tawawa: Bronn (just gets stuff done)
Allen Craig: Janos Slynt (just doesn't)
Shane Victorino: Jorah (always hurt)
Jackie Bradley: Theon (has he not suffered enough?)
Justin Masterson: Beric Dondarrion (should not have been revived)

Craig Breslow: Doran (smart, ineffective)
Alejandro De Aza: sandsnake 1
Alexi Ogando: sandsnake 2
Tommy Layne: sandsnake 3

The Yankees: Roose Bolton
The Rays: Ramsay Bolton
The Blue Jays: The Night's King
The Orioles: Mance Rayder

And two for the book readers ...
Yoan Moncada: Young Griff
Rusney Castillo: Patchface (Ben Carsley)
2015-04-06 20:15:00 (link to chat)Imagine a world ... in which each team decides each season whether its home games that year would be played with or without the DH. How many teams would have Designated Hitters after five years of this experiment?
(gerrybraun from san diego)
30. There's a clear advantage to having a DH. I'm ambivalent to whether there is one in both leagues. I kind of enjoy that there's a difference between em, and that I get to enjoy both. That said, if equality is the goal both leagues should be the same, and if that's the case both should have DHs because they help keep players healthy and help employ David Ortiz and those of his ilk. That's a good thing. (Craig Goldstein)
2014-01-21 18:00:00 (link to chat)Dynasty points league with a salary cap of $162. My team is currently around $125 and likely to add another $10 through the draft. Before the next round of free agent bidding, I can choose to lock up one of these three: David Ortiz $9/2 yrs, Iwakuma $9/2, or Chris Tillman $5/3. Which do you prioritize? For the other two, I'll have the right to match the highest bid placed on them. If you need more context, please let me know. Thanks!
(doog7642 from Blaine, mn)
Hey doog.

Given raw ability/value I'd probably want Papi but given age and probably want Iwakuma. It's a close call between those two but I'd go Iwakuma just based on age and the fact that your salaries are so low. (Mike Gianella)
2013-10-30 12:00:00 (link to chat)You watch David Ortiz more than most of us, so tell us: Is he really more likely to get a hit in his next at-bat than he usually is, like does he actually look like a different hitter right now? Or is this just one of those hot streaks that happens when you flip enough (big strong patient) coins?
(Sam from Bay)
Sam, I don't know. Here's what I do know.

I know:

Ortiz has been hitting everything. Like even the outs are hit hard.

Not all his hits are going over the fence. Some of the hits are even ground balls, which could easily be at a fielder and thus be an out. So there's probably some element of luck involved here

Studies by people 300 times smarter than I have shown that there isn't any conclusive relationship between a hitter who has, say ten straight hits, and his likelihood of getting an eleventh in his next at-bat.

David Ortiz, generally speaking, is amazing.

Ortiz talked a bit about this after Game Five. He said he's amazing. He also said his swing is a bit shorter now (a good thing) and that's helping him stay on pitches that he might normally roll over. So good mechanics. Are good mechanics likely to carry into his next at-bat just because he had them in his previous at-bat? Probably not. We have a pretty good idea of who Ortiz is as a hitter as he's been in the league a long time.

I'll say these two things: I don't think hot streaks are predictive. I wouldn't want to pitch to Ortiz right now. (Matthew Kory)
2013-09-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)Explain this to me, David Ortiz has played every game at DH this year. But B-Ref has him as at a negative dWAR. I'm confused by this
(Ian from Texas)
He played four games at first base. (Zachary Levine)
2013-04-15 13:00:00 (link to chat)David Ortiz - 39.7 WAR. Hall of Fame?
(Benji from Minneapolis)
Hi Benji, if we're going to stick a DH in Cooperstown, it has to be Edgar Martinez. (Geoff Young)
2013-04-11 13:00:00 (link to chat)What's the more significant number for Jackie Bradley Jr right now, the OBP or the avg/slg?
(TobyL from Victorville)
Interesting question! As far as significant on the major league level, I think I'd argue average/slugging. He's not barreling up the ball at all. It seems pitchers have already figured out that they can get him out by throwing up and in (in the zone). He'll be headed back to Triple-A as soon as David Ortiz returns (maybe sometime next week the Red Sox think) and get to work things out in Pawtucket. The batting eye is impressive though. He should be a good player when ever he's ready, but that time doesn't appear to be now. (Matthew Kory)
2013-04-11 13:00:00 (link to chat)Make the case for David Ortiz to be in the Hall of Fame. Unless you don't think he should be in the Hall of Fame. Monster.
(Will from Boston)
I've asked Jay Jaffe about this a few times because I think Ortiz is an interesting case. Basically, he's not there in terms of career value, so it depends how much you value his playoff performances and any off-the-field/clubhouse stuff. I'd put a premium on the first and basically ignore the second (not because it doesn't have value but because I have no idea what that value should be). I think if Ortiz comes back healthy, hits like he did last season or 90 percent of it and does that next season as well, this is a real conversation. (Matthew Kory)
2013-03-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)Are we going to see J.Bradley to start the 2013 season? Odds I assume are lessening of that happened with the recent positive report on Papi. Even if it's 2014, do you view Bradley as an adequate replacement for Ellsbury?
(Sid from Bo Sox Nation)
I do think that Bradley will be an adequate replacement for Ellsbury when his contract expires, but I wouldn't promote him on Opening Day. The Red Sox don't need him immediately, and Daniel Nava is good enough to handle a part-time outfield role if they choose to go in that direction. Bradley's defensive skills would be wasted in Fenway's left field, though, as you said, this is tied to David Ortiz's health. (Daniel Rathman)
2013-01-11 14:00:00 (link to chat)Hey Jay, a year or so back I asked you about David Ortiz and where his Hall of Fame chances stand. Believe you said he was well short. After the injury-shortened excellence of last season, has anything changed on that front?
(Matt Kory from Portland, OR)
Partial seasons don't advance a player's cause all that much, and as it is, Ortiz is massively short on both career and peak, and running out of time (36.4/30.4/33.4 vs a standard of 62.3/40.7/51.5). Plus he's got the leaked survey test PED positive against his name. That precedent may fall by the time he's eligible, but as I see it he's got huge obstacles to surmount to reach Cooperstown. I mean, based on scores alone, I'd vote Sosa (also a survey test positive) before Ortiz, and I'd vote Edgar Martinez over Ortiz if we're simply going on DH-type players. (Jay Jaffe on the Hall of Fame)
2012-11-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)With the Astros moving to the AL, I would imagine that there will now be a need for interleague games throughout the season. How will this impact roster construction for NL teams given that they will need a DH for those away games? Previously, many teams would just call up a player to DH for a couple of weeks and then send them back down. This now seems less feasible. So, have there been any rumblings about NL teams looking at guys that are bat-first types? To see a NL team go to Boston (with David Ortiz as their DH) and have to use their futility infielder as their DH would seem to be competitive disadvantage.
(JoshC77 from Columbus)
Hey, JoshC77. You're right that moving the Astros to the AL will require interleague games to be scheduled throughout the season, but even though there will always be an interleague series on the slate, the number of games each team will play against the other league will stay the same. With that in mind, I don't think you'll see a significant impact on roster construction in the NL, since interleague play will continue to make up one-ninth of the schedule. And, as painful as it was watching the Giants trot out "futility infielder" Ryan Theriot as their designated hitter, they did manage to the World Series while doing it! (Daniel Rathman)
2011-11-30 13:00:00 (link to chat)With DeJesus off the market, do you expect Boston will target Beltran? I thought Boston was supposed to be the team with their ducks in a row post-Theo and the Cubs were the team in disorder because of the protracted negotiations over compensation. Did Boston not want DeJesus, or is the dysfunction more pervasive and paralyzing than this Yankees fan originally dared hope?
(Nick Stone from New York, NY)
Hey Nick! I get the strong sense that the manager situation and the David Ortiz situation outrank the right field situation in terms of Boston's priorities. I suspect that if they sign Ortiz, Beltran will be too expensive, but if they don't, then he'll be in play. As for the comparison of which organization is more dysfunctional, it seems pretty clear that Theo's old one is moreso than his new one, and yes, that's probably good for Yankee fans in the short-term if nothing else. (Jay Jaffe)
2011-10-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)I want to see Scot Boras' report on Fielder to see how he addresses the potential body-type aging risk. Any idea how he would address those concerns?
(Justin from Tinley Park)
David Ortiz and Frank Thomas aged fairly well. (Kevin Goldstein)
2011-06-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)David Ortiz: for real or FO REEELS, YO!
(mattymatty2000 from Portland, OR)
Closer to the latter. More here. (Ben Lindbergh)
2011-05-26 13:00:00 (link to chat)Have you find a quality tonic for the stomach ailments that result from the phrase "Kyle Farnsworth loosening up for the Rays?" Because I am keeping Tums in business this season.
(achaik from maine)
Only once have I felt a little unnerved by Farnsworth closing and that came during an at-bat against David Ortiz in Fenway Park. (R.J. Anderson)
2011-04-25 13:00:00 (link to chat)I have Jay Bruce and Nelson Cruz, both just kind of disappointing so far. How much should i readjust what i'm expecting from them?
(Tony from Albuquerque)
We're not even out of April yet. Without injury, reassessing much of anything is premature, especially for players you expect to be great.

My go-to example for this now is David Ortiz in 2010. He had a 524 OPS in April of 2010, and finished at .270/.370/.529 with an 899 OPS. (Marc Normandin)
2011-01-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hey Jay, thanks for the chat. What do you think about David Ortiz for the Hall? I'm guessing he'd come up pretty short, but I'm curious just the same.
(mattymatty2000 from Portland, OR)
Hey Matty! Regardless of the legend he created - and earned - in helping hte Red Sox win two World Series, Ortiz is going to wind up with a short career that was mostly at DH with PED connections. Those are three VERY tough obstacles to overcome individually, and together, I'd guess they're insurmountable. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-11-11 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hey Matt, Today in the GM for a Day article on the Red Sox, Jay Jaffe said he would cut bait on David Ortiz and bring in someone else at a lesser cost (he mentioned Jim Thome, Jack Cust and Russell Branyon as possibilities). This struck me as thinking too hard. Sure Ortiz will be over paid, but he's also likely to be better than those guys, and in the end isn't this a perfect opportunity to flex that big payroll? What do you think?
(mattymatty2000 from Portland, OR)
I haven't gotten a chance to read it, but I'll probably hear him out later this afternoon. I certainly wouldn't let Ortiz go this year-- he's a great DH, and he's worth as much to the Red Sox as any team they'd trade him to. Maybe going forward, they might have some concerns before bringing him back in 2012 though. (Matt Swartz)
2010-05-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Two questions for you: 1) How long do the Sox wait for David Ortiz to start hitting, and 2) what do they do if he doesn't pick it up? I'd be shocked if they just cut him, but if he can't hit then he's just taking up a roster spot and they have to pay him anyway... If I haven't said it yet, thanks for the chat.
(mattymatty2000 from Portland, OR)
They have already waited too long, in my mind, and that's coming from someone who was very patient with him last year. They have other bats they can use, and they should use them, especially since the higher Lowell's stock is, the easier it will be to move him so Hermida can take over at DH. Honestly? I would DFA him and see if he clears waivers, and let him go to a no pressure Pawtucket for a bit. If it's something mental like last year, he can work it out there. If it's ability, then he shouldn't be playing anyways. (Marc Normandin)
2010-04-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)Please release David Ortiz? Please release David Ortiz? Please release David Ortiz? How many chances does he get? Either take whatever it was that you used to take, and start producing or get off the pot.
(justin kolpak from CT)
I understand the sentiment and more than just a few Red Sox fans share it with you. Ortiz obviously had a similar slow start last year, and rebounded reasonably well, but there seem to be more red flags this time around. From what I've seen, he is swinging through, and fouling off, an awful lot of pitches that he used to absolutely punish. Not just a few, most of them, so the bat speed appears to be waning, waning, waning. Of course, you're then left with: Who takes his place in the lineup? Mike Lowell might be a better DH option and not just against lefties, but he isn't exactly in his prime either, and due to age and injury he runs like he has a piano on his back. Orlando Cepeda did a solid, piano-legs-with-a-decent-bat job as the club's first-ever DH back in the day, and maybe that's Lowell, without the good nickname? (David Laurila)
2010-03-18 14:00:00 (link to chat)who looks the most out of shape so far this spring?
(yo ho ho from nP)
That's funny but in the teams I saw in Florida, nobody really stood out as being really out of shape. On the other end, I was impressed by David Ortiz. He looked like he was about 15-20 pounds lighter. (John Perrotto)
2009-12-29 15:00:00 (link to chat)Over/under a .260/.350/.490 triple-slash for David Ortiz in 2010?
(I Got Ripped in 4 Weeks from I'm Crazy Ripped)
Under. Fewer walks and ISO. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-12-29 15:00:00 (link to chat)David Ortiz has 78.4% of his games at DH (1128/1451). That has to be near the top.
(Nahman from New York)
I honestly thought he'd played more first base than that. OK, probably the winner. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-10-11 13:00:00 (link to chat)If you missed it, Jed Lowrie hit a grand slam on the last day of the regular season, but doing so caused him obvious pain. He's spent basically this whole season and the offseason before it trying to get his wrist in order, and it's unclear to me that anything has improved. So what's the deal? What even is the specific problem at this point? Why does it refuse to go away? Is it some kind of fragility issue with Lowrie, or does it have more to do with how Boston has handled his rehabs/surgery? Most importantly, what are his chances to overcome this going forward? I know that's a lot of questions; I'd greatly appreciate it if you could provide the answer to ANY of them.
(OldBean from Boston)
Wrist injuries linger, it's as simple as that. You must have missed the whole drama with David Ortiz, Bean ...

Once a wrist injury does heal, which can take as much as 12-18 months, there's no real problem. (Again, note Ortiz.) I think Lowrie will be better by the start of spring training given the injury, but I'm going to couch that a bit because of the setbacks. (Will Carroll)
2009-09-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)I can't find a site to let me view stats from two specific dates. I'm curious how Garrett Jones' production since his first game this season compare to the rest of MLB. He has to be top 10 in homers.
(Dorn from DC)
He is. He came up on July 1 and since then Derek Lee has hit 24, Ryan Howard, Prince Fielder, and Mark Reynolds have hit 23, and Jones has hit 21. What might surprise you is who is right behind him -- David Ortiz with 20. I wouldn't get too excited by Jones, though. This really seems like a Kevin Maas thing to me. (Steven Goldman)
2009-09-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)Mark DeRosa has been playing with a "torn sheaf near his left writst" (St. Louis Post-Dispatch) since June 30. 1. What are the chances he will recover back to 100% of his previous level next April after surgery to correct it this fall? The article ( just states he should be ready for spring training if he has the operation immediately, but that doesn't always mean he will be ever be a borderline all-star again. 2. Can you give us readers any tips on how to tell whether a player is in a slump or playing hurt.
(hotstatrat from Toronto)
Torn tendon sheath. David Ortiz looks pretty healthy, though he certainly didn't at the start of the season. There's question as to whether that was physical or psychological. As for (2), no, read a lot of beat writers who ask the player and see him every day is my best suggestion. (Will Carroll)
2009-07-30 14:00:00 (link to chat)Did the David Ortiz news take you off guard, or is there an unwritten list in sportswriter circles of players that are fairly well known as steroid users even before they're outed?
(BL from Bozeman)
I wouldn't say there's an unwritten list but I think the longer that PEDs have been around the game the easy it has become to figure out who the likely culprits are/were. Everyone has a better understanding about the issue now and what the telltale signs are in a user. That being said, because of libel and slander laws, a journalist better be 100-percent sure he's right before he accuses someone of being a PED user. (John Perrotto)
2009-07-13 14:00:00 (link to chat)Any idea what to expect from David Ortiz for the second half?
(mattymatty from Philly)
.275/.340/.510 (Joe Sheehan)
2009-06-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)"Is it bad to wear the jersey of a living player? Lame?" ================== Does David Ortiz count as living?
(dianagramr from NYC)
Given the preponderance of vampire films and TV shows and zombie literature, I would argue that these days the dead are more popular than the living. Man, pop culture is in a sorry state. (Steven Goldman)
2009-06-15 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thanks for taking the time, Will. When you see a dropoff in performance like Grady Sizemore earlier this year, or Geo Soto, or maybe a David Ortiz, is it safe to assume "something" is wrong physically?
(Stan from Des Plaines)
No, and absent evidence, it's just lazy. It's often right, but not always and even if it is, getting to it the lazy way might make you miss something. Process, not result. (Will Carroll)
2009-06-03 15:00:00 (link to chat)OK .... so you love Katz's Deli .... but where is your favorite NYC BBQ? (Desperately in need of good BBQ) Speaking of BBQ ... does either David Ortiz or Travis Hafner have a fork in themselves ... cause they appear "done".
(dianagramr from NYC)
Right now I'm partial to the Smoke Joint on South Elliot Street in Fort Greene. RUB is also pretty good, and so is Hill Country, though rather pricey. Virgil's is surprisingly good for a Times Square restaurant, and I love meeting my out-of-town BP colleagues there once in awhile. Oh, and while Ortiz and Hafner may not be done yet, I think it's a safe bet that you can invite a few guests over for an upcoming feast. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-05-21 14:00:00 (link to chat)Any chance the BoSox and Mets get in a bidding war over Nick Johnson, and the Nats end up with an honest to goodness potential starting pitcher?
(David from DC)
Where would the Sox play Johnson?

Had this conversation at lunch the other day...folks, David Ortiz is playing. He's a hero, and he's getting paid a jillion dollars until the Rapture. The Sox aren't trading for a replacement. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-05-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)Will, we have heard for years that wrist injuries sap power for months after the player returns. Is this true, or another axiom that got repeated so much but is really false? Orlando Hudson is the man I'm wondering about. He has had no trouble this year.
(jtrichey from Indianapolis)
It's definitely true. KG talked about it in a recent article, referencing how developmentally, teams give guys coming back from wrist injuries a "mulligan." Hudson's healthy and playing above his normal level, but power? Eh, he has 3 HR, which isn't so many that randomness can't be the answer. It's much harder to tell on guys with normally low power than it is for the David Ortiz types. (Will Carroll)
2009-05-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)Don't forget changing bat technologies. Bats are much lighter now, with whip-thin handles, and with much bigger sweet spots. The end result is batters swinging the bat harder and having more territory on the bat that could result in a hardhit ball. It's just too hard in this day and age to assume everyone's home run spike is attributable to PED's. Except David Ortiz. That guy totally juiced.
(shamah from NYC)
One thing I didn't get to mention in today's Waner article is that he used a 38- or 40-ounce bat, and after his career when asked about the biggest changes in the game since his career (he lived until 1965) he talked about the changes in bat weight, and how he regretted dragging that giant war club around when he might have been whipping the bat through the strike zone... Like I said, there are a lot of factors to account for as well as PEDs. (Steven Goldman)
2009-05-04 14:00:00 (link to chat)Is David Ortiz done?
(PSIllini from Champaign, IL)
I don't know. Bat-only players have a long track record of falling off at his age, and the statistical indicators show a spike in walks, which is often a death knell. On the other hand, I don't know if he's still bothered by the wrist issue, and if he is, whether it will eventually go away.

To take a step back, this does show the problem of investing in bat-only players. If they don't hit, I mean really hit, they're a huge albatross. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-04-16 13:00:00 (link to chat)Lightning round! David Ortiz: diminished bat speed or small sample size nonsense?
(Rob from Alaska)
I haven't decided yet. Too soon, as they say. One thing I would like to note here: When Hit f/x comes out, if it doesn't have the hitters bat speed, I'm going to be upset. (Marc Normandin)
2008-11-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)What is your prognosis for David Ortiz? Do you think he'll be hampered by the wrist next year, possibly longer, or is probably not a concern?
(Rob from Brighton)
I think he'll be fine, with some degradation more on age than anything else. (Will Carroll)
2008-10-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)Refresh my memory. The Evan Longoria injury was on the ulna, correct? Was it a ligament tear in David Ortiz's hand? Given that, is a second surgery in Ortiz's future and is it really going to affect Ortiz in the near future?
(Tim from Sonoma, CA)
I think ulna ... could have been radius. I forget, but it was arm, not anatomical wrist. (I remember writing distal ulna ... I think.)

Ortiz's was a tendon sheath in the wrist. No need for surgery unless there's more damage. (Will Carroll)
2008-08-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)Ah, but the better question is, is it in the Yankees best interest to play Pudge as often as possible between now and the end of the year? According to Eddie B. over at Tiger Thoughts (who reverse engineered the Elias Rankings) Pudge is the top Type B catcher free agent and just a hair behind Ramon Hernandez for the last Type A spot. Since the Elias Rankings are based primarily on playing time and counting stats, it certainly gives the Yankees an incentive to try and sneak Pudge into that upgrade by giving him as much playing time as possible.
(that they die like sheeple from teh Doomokratic Republik)
Interesting point. I'm willing to bet the Yankees aren't thinking that far ahead, or they have and concluded that Pudge is so far gone it's just not likely to happen. Again, let's see if things change after this series, if the Yankees acknowledge that their playoff chances are so remote as to not be worth chasing... Nice work by Robinson Cano robbing David Ortiz on the shift. I bet that's exactly how it looked when an infielder made a play on Ernie Lombardi back in the 30s. (Steven Goldman)
2008-06-13 14:00:00 (link to chat)As a Mets fan that is annually frustrated with having an aging, expensive roster with little on the horizon to replace what's there, I'm curios as to you thoughts on Teixiera next 5-6 years. I initially thought it was a no-brainer the Mets should go after him but now I'm wondering if he'd just fit the mold I described above that has me so frustrated. Is he headed for a Hafnerian decline phase or can it be more graceful than that?
(Steve from NJ)
Let's start with Hafner....isn't that one amazing? You're talking about a guy, who over the course of a 3 year span, was David Ortiz but he does fit the mold that Bill James talked about-players who's value have nothing to do with speed/athleticism and more to do with on-base and slugging usually decline more quickly. As for Tex, I'll sit on the fence there because I'm not sure he'll be good value for 17 million dollars a year. The problem with the Mets right now is that at first glance, you think they have a good line-up and they hit for power but they don't...and they don't. And that needs to be fixed, I just don't know that Tex is the answer by himself. (Jon "Boog" Sciambi)
2008-04-25 15:00:00 (link to chat)Do you see John Smoltz and/or David Ortiz making it to the Hall of Fame?
(bam022 from Chicago)
Smoltz yes, and well he should. Even from a traditional stat standpoint, his 3000 Ks, 210 wins and 3.25 ERA are impressive numbers, particularly when one considers he missed an entire year due to Tommy John surgery and spent about 3.5 seasons as a closer. His JAWS numbers are excellent as well (122.8 /58.5/90.7).

Ortiz is a tougher case. He didn't have his first great year until Age 27, and he doesn't look like a guy who's built to shine in his late 30s. From a JAWS standpoint, he's at 49.6/45.7/47.7, pretty low because he's only got four years of even 6+ WARP under his belt. Now, if he helps the Sox win another World Championship or two before he retires, he may get a Puckett Exemption for his short, high-impact career, but I wouldn't want to bet on that. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-03-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)How long before Billy Traber gets transmuted into Fuentes or Marte? You can't have a career pitching to Carlos Pena and David Ortiz in a 12 man staff, or you can, as long as your not Traber? Thanks!
(Tony from Brooklyn, NY)
It seems pretty likely he's going to make the Yankees, Tony, but how long he lasts I dunno, because if you look at his career platoon splits, he handles portsiders very well but every righty hitter who faces him is transformed into Vlad Guerrero. Traber would have to very literally be a one-out guy.

We've seen that teams can survive without a lefty spot reliever, though those teams weren't in a division with David Ortiz. I still don't think the Yankees should overpay for one of the cats you mention, but they wouldn't be a bad thing to have... (Steven Goldman)
2008-02-06 14:00:00 (link to chat)Hello, Gary. What do you think the difference between Travis Hafner and David Ortiz will be this year?
(REkinnal from Stockholm)
About forty pounds.

I don't know. Travis Hafner's 2007 was darn puzzling, at least to me. If I recall correctly, my forecasting system had him as the player with the least expected variance, and he really just cratered.

I expect David Ortiz to have the better season, but it could certainly go the other way, and my intuition (which should be ignored by those smarter than I) is that Ortiz' decline, when it arrives, will be Vaughnesque.

Last question... (Gary Huckabay)
2008-02-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think Miguel Cabrera's weight will affect his performance in Detroit in the near future?
(mbeu79 from Chicago)
No. Already hearing he's dropped weight and someone emailed me saying that he thought the veterans in Detroit would hold Cabrera more accountable for things like conditioning. What's the worst that happens, he becomes David Ortiz? (Will Carroll)
2008-01-22 19:00:00 (link to chat)since it is David Ortiz day-What about Dallas MacPherson as a low budget singing? Can he pull a Carlos Pena/Travis Hafner/David Ortiz on the leauge this year?
(Mark T. from Boston)
Yes. When he's played, he's actually been better than Ortiz was at a similar age. Hafner had hardly been in the majors yet at his age. (2007 was McPherson's age 25 season.) He showed much better than Pena through a similar age, too.

One more and then it's time to fall over sideways in the traditional manner... (Jim Baker)
2008-01-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)Joe, thanks for chatting. Are there any of today's players that you expect to be overrated by the HOF voters, like Rice is?
(collins from greenville nc)
Man, good question. Obviously the way in which, say, Derek Jeter is overrated will carry over. Jeter is a Hall of Famer, a first-ballot guy, so it doesn't matter much.

On the know, I have to tell you that I clicked on this question, and now I can't come up with an answer. I don't know that this era has many marginal Hall of Famers who are likely to be *overrated* based on reputation or too-simple stats, such as RBI or wins.

Great question. I wish I had a better answer. The only one I can think of is maybe David Ortiz. Garret Anderson, I suppose, if he has a bounceback. (Joe Sheehan)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2009-10-12 15:00:00Phillies/Rockies Playoffs RoundtableBatting David Ortiz a couple of spots ahead of J.D. Drew, and treating him as a two-way player, was delusional. That wasn't the only mistake, but it didn't help.

It's a three-game losing streak at the wrong time. The Angels outplayed the Sox, flat beat them, same as the Dodgers did the Cardinals for the most part. It happens. The mistake is overreaction to three games.

(Joe Sheehan)
2008-10-22 16:30:00World Series Game OnePoolshark8189 (St Pete) leads off by asking: "Curious, do you all have any feel on how popular this series will be with the nation? I know that interest goes up with a long series, but I was wondering if you all have a feel how the nation views this series. Thanks-Mark"

Mark, I think that's a great question, one I think I'd like to see how everyone here at BP feels about it, in part because I've heard some insiders say that Boston/LA was dreamy, while Philly/Tampa Bay is some sort of letdown. I'd suggest those people in the industry who feel that way must not like the core product all that much, because as Jay Jaffe put it earlier today, what's lovely about this matchup is that it's got two great teams with tremendous talent, players who deserve to be marquee players. If folks want to see Derek Jeter lose another step or David Ortiz fade with age, I'd suggest they're following the wrong sport, and that pro wrestling's always looking for new sets of eyes indifferent to actual talent involved. These two teams have played great baseball and present us with two good collections of great baseball players. How can you beat that? (Christina Kahrl)

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