
Portrait of Michael Young

Michael Young SSRangers

Rangers Player Cards | Rangers Team Audit | Rangers Depth Chart

Career Summary
17 8612 .300 .346 .441 107 27.6
Birth Date10-19-1976
Height6' 1"
Weight200 lbs
Age47 years, 6 months, 7 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2000 TEX 23 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 74 -0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2001 TEX 24 106 429 96 18 4 11 26 91 3 3 1 .249 .298 .402 79 -9.9 0.2 -6.7 -0.4
2002 TEX 25 156 633 150 26 8 9 41 112 0 6 7 .262 .308 .382 80 -13.0 -0.5 0.7 0.5
2003 TEX 26 160 713 204 33 9 14 36 103 1 13 2 .306 .339 .446 98 0.5 5.1 -23.4 0.1
2004 TEX 27 160 739 216 33 9 22 44 89 1 12 3 .313 .353 .483 117 17.1 1.0 -20.5 2.9
2005 TEX 28 159 732 221 40 5 24 58 91 3 5 2 .331 .385 .513 135 31.4 4.0 -15.9 5.0
2006 TEX 29 162 748 217 52 3 14 48 96 1 7 3 .314 .356 .459 107 10.2 -0.7 2.3 4.2
2007 TEX 30 156 692 201 37 1 9 47 107 5 13 3 .315 .366 .418 106 8.0 1.0 -3.3 3.4
2008 TEX 31 155 708 183 36 2 12 55 109 2 10 0 .284 .339 .402 99 1.2 2.5 14.3 4.8
2009 TEX 32 135 593 174 36 2 22 47 90 1 8 3 .322 .374 .518 132 25.1 -4.6 -15.9 2.4
2010 TEX 33 157 718 186 36 3 21 50 115 1 4 2 .284 .330 .444 109 8.9 2.7 -11.5 2.3
2011 TEX 34 159 689 213 41 6 11 47 78 2 6 2 .338 .380 .474 125 20.6 0.7 -5.7 2.9
2012 TEX 35 156 651 169 27 3 8 33 70 1 2 2 .277 .312 .370 91 -6.5 -1.2 -3.0 0.0
2013 LAN 36 21 53 16 2 1 0 1 5 0 0 0 .314 .321 .392 95 -0.2 -1.2 -0.9 -0.1
2013 PHI 36 126 512 129 24 4 8 42 78 1 1 0 .276 .336 .395 96 -1.8 -0.8 -13.9 -0.3

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1997 STC A- NYP 0 316 .000 .000 .000 .365 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1998 HAG A SAL 0 584 .000 .000 .000 .320 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1999 DUN A+ FSL 0 560 .000 .000 .000 .364 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 TEX MLB AL 2 2 .284 .399 .445 .000 85 -0.6 0.1 0 74 8 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.0
2000 TEN AA SOU 0 382 .000 .000 .000 .333 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 TUL AA TXS 0 205 .000 .000 .000 .371 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2001 TEX MLB AL 106 429 .259 .325 .419 .294 103 -7.7 12.8 -0.6 79 11 -6.7 0.2 -9.9 -0.4
2001 OKL AAA PCL 47 214 .000 .000 .000 .315 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2002 TEX MLB AL 156 633 .261 .327 .416 .308 106 -12.4 18.2 -0.7 80 9 0.7 -0.5 -13.0 0.5
2003 TEX MLB AL 160 713 .261 .324 .415 .342 108 1.6 19.4 -0.9 98 7 -23.4 5.1 0.5 0.1
2004 TEX MLB AL 160 739 .267 .334 .430 .333 109 7.1 22.0 9.8 117 9 -20.5 1.0 17.1 2.9
2005 TEX MLB AL 159 732 .262 .326 .413 .354 108 27.9 21.1 9 135 8 -15.9 4.0 31.4 5.0
2006 TEX MLB AL 162 748 .270 .333 .431 .345 108 5.3 22.5 9.2 107 8 2.3 -0.7 10.2 4.2
2007 TEX MLB AL 156 692 .270 .334 .426 .366 101 10.2 20.5 8.6 106 7 -3.3 1.0 8.0 3.4
2008 TEX MLB AL 155 708 .265 .331 .416 .323 111 -9.8 20.5 9 99 6 14.3 2.5 1.2 4.8
2009 TEX MLB AL 135 593 .265 .330 .423 .351 107 21.5 17.1 2.3 132 6 -15.9 -4.6 25.1 2.4
2010 TEX MLB AL 157 718 .260 .325 .409 .311 113 -2.3 19.8 2.5 109 10 -11.5 2.7 8.9 2.3
2011 TEX MLB AL 159 689 .260 .322 .408 .367 110 18.9 18.6 -7.2 125 9 -5.7 0.7 20.6 2.9
2012 TEX MLB AL 156 651 .257 .318 .412 .299 104 -12.5 17.8 -7.6 91 7 -3.0 -1.2 -6.5 0.0
2013 LAN MLB NL 21 53 .254 .312 .391 .340 103 -1 1.4 -0.2 95 7 -0.9 -1.2 -0.2 -0.1
2013 PHI MLB NL 126 512 .254 .313 .391 .316 104 -5.3 13.5 0 96 7 -13.9 -0.8 -1.8 -0.3

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1997 STC A- NYP 316 276 49 85 18 3 9 136 48 33 59 9 5 .308 .396 .493 .185 0 0
1998 HAG A SAL 584 522 86 147 33 5 16 238 87 55 96 16 8 .282 .358 .456 .174 0 0
1999 DUN A+ FSL 560 495 86 155 36 3 5 212 83 61 78 30 6 .313 .393 .428 .115 0 0
2000 TEN AA SOU 382 345 51 95 24 5 6 147 47 36 72 16 5 .275 .346 .426 .151 0 0
2000 TUL AA TXS 205 188 30 60 13 5 1 86 32 17 28 9 3 .319 .376 .457 .138 0 0
2000 TEX MLB AL 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 0 0
2001 OKL AAA PCL 214 189 28 55 8 0 8 87 28 20 34 3 3 .291 .358 .460 .169 2 2
2001 TEX MLB AL 429 386 57 96 18 4 11 155 49 26 91 3 1 .249 .298 .402 .153 5 9
2002 TEX MLB AL 633 573 77 150 26 8 9 219 62 41 112 6 7 .262 .308 .382 .120 6 13
2003 TEX MLB AL 713 666 106 204 33 9 14 297 72 36 103 13 2 .306 .339 .446 .140 7 3
2004 TEX MLB AL 739 690 114 216 33 9 22 333 99 44 89 12 3 .313 .353 .483 .170 4 0
2005 TEX MLB AL 732 668 114 221 40 5 24 343 91 58 91 5 2 .331 .385 .513 .183 3 0
2006 TEX MLB AL 748 691 93 217 52 3 14 317 103 48 96 7 3 .314 .356 .459 .145 8 0
2007 TEX MLB AL 692 639 80 201 37 1 9 267 94 47 107 13 3 .315 .366 .418 .103 1 0
2008 TEX MLB AL 708 645 102 183 36 2 12 259 82 55 109 10 0 .284 .339 .402 .118 6 0
2009 TEX MLB AL 593 541 76 174 36 2 22 280 68 47 90 8 3 .322 .374 .518 .196 4 0
2010 TEX MLB AL 718 656 99 186 36 3 21 291 91 50 115 4 2 .284 .330 .444 .160 11 0
2011 TEX MLB AL 689 631 88 213 41 6 11 299 106 47 78 6 2 .338 .380 .474 .136 9 0
2012 TEX MLB AL 651 611 79 169 27 3 8 226 67 33 70 2 2 .277 .312 .370 .093 6 0
2013 LAN MLB NL 53 51 3 16 2 1 0 20 4 1 5 0 0 .314 .321 .392 .078 1 0
2013 PHI MLB NL 512 468 49 129 24 4 8 185 42 42 78 1 0 .276 .336 .395 .120 1 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 2513 0.5213 0.4672 0.8211 0.6550 0.2627 0.8648 0.7025 0.1789 -0.0117
2009 2142 0.5093 0.4659 0.7976 0.6352 0.2902 0.8586 0.6590 0.2024 -0.0122
2010 2665 0.5216 0.4822 0.8132 0.6432 0.3067 0.8725 0.6777 0.1868 -0.0136
2011 2457 0.5226 0.4742 0.8403 0.6674 0.2626 0.8856 0.7143 0.1597 -0.0105
2012 2229 0.5276 0.5146 0.8544 0.6760 0.3343 0.8994 0.7528 0.1456 -0.0076
2013 2097 0.5193 0.4497 0.8187 0.6244 0.2609 0.8897 0.6350 0.1813 -0.0088

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2013-08-17 2013-08-17 DTD 0 0 - Lower Leg Tendonitis Achilles Tendon - -
2013-08-08 2013-08-09 DTD 1 1 - Thigh Tightness - -
2013-04-13 2013-04-14 DTD 1 1 - General Medical Illness - -
2012-09-30 2012-09-30 DTD 0 0 Left Lower Leg Soreness Achilles Tendon - -
2012-04-18 2012-04-19 DTD 1 1 - Low Back Stiffness - -
2010-08-17 2010-08-19 DTD 2 2 Neck Stiffness -
2009-09-16 2009-09-28 DTD 12 11 Left Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2009-09-02 2009-09-15 DTD 13 11 Left Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2009-05-22 2009-05-24 DTD 2 2 Right Ankle Sprain -
2009-05-09 2009-05-12 DTD 3 2 Low Back Tightness -
2009-03-20 2009-03-24 Camp 4 0 Right Thigh Tightness Quadriceps -
2008-09-20 2008-09-22 DTD 2 2 Right Fingers Soreness Ring Finger -
2008-09-18 2008-09-19 DTD 1 0 Right Fingers Soreness Reinjuring Old Fracture Ring Finger -
2008-07-29 2008-07-29 DTD 0 0 Right Fingers Fracture Ring Finger -
2008-07-03 2008-07-04 DTD 1 0 Left Groin Soreness -
2008-06-08 2008-06-10 DTD 2 1 Groin Tightness -
2008-06-06 2008-06-07 DTD 1 1 Left Fingers Fracture Ring Finger -
2008-05-06 2008-05-06 DTD 0 0 Left Hip Strain Hip Flexor -
2008-04-17 2008-04-18 DTD 1 1 Right Lower Leg Soreness Calf -
2008-04-01 2008-04-01 DTD 0 0 General Medical Respiratory Flu -
2007-09-29 2007-09-30 DTD 1 1 Left Groin Soreness -
2007-08-26 2007-08-28 DTD 2 1 Low Back Tightness -
2007-08-20 2007-08-21 DTD 1 0 Low Back Tightness -
2007-05-10 2007-05-11 DTD 1 1 Right Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2007-03-14 2007-03-22 Camp 8 0 Head Surgery Ear 2007-03-14
2005-05-16 2005-05-17 DTD 1 1 Low Back Tightness -
2004-08-02 2004-08-05 DTD 3 2 Low Back Tightness -


Year Team Salary
2013 PHI $7,200,000
2013 TEX $10,000,000
2012 TEX $16,000,000
2011 TEX $16,000,000
2010 TEX $16,000,000
2009 TEX $16,000,000
2008 TEX $5,000,000
2007 TEX $3,500,000
2006 TEX $3,000,000
2005 TEX $2,500,000
2004 TEX $1,000,000
2003 TEX $415,000
2002 TEX $250,000
12 yrPrevious$96,865,000
12 yrTotal$96,865,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
12 y 134 dDan Lozano5 years/$80M (2009-13)

  • 5 years/$80M (2009-13). Signed extension with Texas 3/07, with Rangers exercising $5M 2008 club option as part of the deal. 09-13:$16M annually (total of $15M deferred). No-trade protection 2007-09, limited no-trade protection from 2010 to May, 2011 (submits list of 8 clubs to which he'd accept trade), before receiving 10-and-5 rights in May, 2011 (current list of 8 includes Colorado, Houston, LA Angels, LA Dodgers, Minnesota, NY Yankees, St. Louis, San Diego). Award bonuses: $50,000 for All Star selection. $25,000 for Gold Glove. Acquired by Philadelphia in trade from Texas 12/8/12. Rangers to pay $10M of Young's 2013 salary. Young agreed to waive no-trade clause in exchange for $1.2M in benefits from Philadelphia to offset tax increase in leaving Texas. Acquired by LA Dodgers in trade from Philadelphia 8/31/13. (Phillies pay Dodgers about $1.7M in the deal.) Retired 1/31/14.
  • 4 years/$10.5M (2004-07), plus 2008 club option. Signed extension with Texas 4/04, replacing 1 year/$0.45M deal signed 3/04. 04:$1M, 05:$2.5M, 06:$3M, 07:$3.5M, 08:$4M club option ($0.5M buyout). 2008 option increased to $5M based on performance. Award bonus: $50,000 for All Star selection
  • 1 year/$0.415M (2003). Re-signed by Texas 2/03.
  • 1 year/$0.25M (2002). Re-signed by Texas 2/02.
  • 1 year (2001). Re-signed by Texas 2/01.
  • 1 year (2000). Acquired by Texas in trade from Toronto 7/19/00. Contract purchased by Texas.
  • Drafted by Toronto 1997 (5-149) (UC Santa Barbara).

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

Comparable Players (Similarity Index )

Rank Score Name Year DRC+ Trend

BP Annual Player Comments

2014 Young takes a lot of flak for playing past his expiration date, but he remains a line-drive machine whose consistent contact keeps his batting average floor high enough to be useful. He can still hit the fastball, and his tendency to inside-out pitches to the opposite field allows him to cover for the expected drop in bat speed. Meanwhile, his positional flexibility increases his utility, even if his inability to play any position well crushes his value stats. Young spent his entire career in a Rangers uniform before last year, but he is at a stage of his career in which loyalty goes out the window in pursuit of playing time or a ring.
2013 Often dubbed “Mr. Ranger” by fans and media alike, Young heads to Philadelphia after 13 seasons in Texas. Although Young and the Rangers produced their share of offseason drama in recent years, the infielder departs Texas as the franchise’s all-time hits leader. Sentimental value aside, the trade should give Young an opportunity to continue seeing everyday at-bats. It’s no secret that Young is no longer the offensive force he was in his prime. However, on the heels of a resurgent 2011, few could have predicted last season’s collapse. There’s no doubt the veteran has lost some of the bat speed that made him so comfortable in the box as a perennial batting-title contender. But even with Young at 36, coming off a dreadful season, it wouldn’t be wise to write him off at the plate.
2012 Michael Young is 35 years old? When did he get that old? Anyway, after yet another positional demotion (or reassignment) and its subsequent backlash, Young made the most of what appeared to be a very tumultuous situation by bringing his bat back to life, hitting a career high .338 in 2011. While predominantly a designated hitter, Young did make over 90 appearances at various infield positions, playing like a man who is predominantly a designated hitter. Defensive value aside, Young’s offensive contribution was a needed boost to the offense, and with two more years remaining on his present contract, one that will pay him $16M per, the bat will continue to bear the brunt of those 32 million remaining expectations.
2011 No longer the face of a losing franchise, Young finally got a taste of playoff baseball, but he's not quite the force that he was for the inferior Rangers teams of yore. After a slow start to the season, Young found his bat, hitting for average and power and carrying a .500 slugging percentage into July. Unfortunately, he wilted in the summer, watching his offensive production decline every month until it bottomed out over his final 28 games, during which the six-time All-Star produced a 615 OPS. With $16 million headed his way over each of the next three seasons and a simultaneous decline at the plate and third base, which may soon force him to vacate the position in favor of DH duty, Young's leadership may be the only non-replacement-level skill he offers by the time his contract runs its course.
2010 In a lineup loaded with hitters who struggle to make consistent contact, Young is an outstanding complementary player, a hitter with excellent bat-control skills and outstanding line-drive power on contact; he's someone who almost never gets cheated in an at-bat, rarely popping up. That said, last year's offensive spike owed a lot to more than doubling his rate of homers per fly ball, and that's going to come back down. While Young has repeatedly shown a willingness to play through assorted nicks, his EqBRR drop-off is a symptom of what happens when you do. He had problems with an ankle early and a hamstring late; he wasn't making mistakes, he was running conservatively. The comparisons to Bell and Wallach seem spot-on, and it's easy to anticipate he'll become a better third baseman; he started 29 double-plays and wasn't error-prone, and a year under his belt and playing alongside Andrus should bring improvement.
2009 You can relate to Young's frustration with the team's request that he agree to a move to third to make room for Andrus at short—he's worked hard to be a good middle infielder, and he's already had to agree to move off of second for Alfonso Soriano's brand of butchery around the bag. With his bat already come down from his days as a perpetual XBH machine now that he's out of his peak years, he isn't really an asset anywhere but up the middle.
2008 Young needed a .349/.399/.457 second half and a .362 average in September to get his fifth-straight 200-hit season, but that streak has made him considerably overrated, especially if he's not going to hit 20 home runs a year anymore. He's still a very good player, but when the face of the franchise is a guy who's merely one of the top five players in the league at his position but is still going to be paid $16 million a year into the latter portion of his 30s, it underscores the dysfunction inherent in the franchise.
2007 Our Davenport Translations reversed field on Young after years of deploring his work with the glove, a change which is reflected, at least to some degree, in other fielding metrics as well. The sad truth is that until baseball has some kind of GPS chip implanted on every fielder, we`re not really going to know precisely just how far each player travels from point A to B in pursuit of the ball. Young`s bat took a little step back last year after three seasons of rising production, but was still plenty good when combined with his improved glove. Texas has a 2008 option on Young for $4 Million. That`s less than Kenny Lofton will make this year.
2006 Young's AVG and OBP have gone up every year he's been in the majors, and aside from a sophomore slump in the power department, those numbers have improved steadily as well. PECOTA pegged him for a big decline in 2005, a forecast that for all we know he read and used for motivation last year. That's really why we do what we do here at BP; we want to motivate guys like Young, make them reach their full potential (third in the AL in VORP), and see them justify the four-year contracts they just signed. We do like to help. Young may move off of shortstop sometime down the road, but after the Soriano trade Kinsler's ticketed for second base, so that day is still a way off. If he keeps hitting like this, he'll make the Rangers' decision on picking up the fifth year option on his contract extremely easy.
2005 Young embodied the Rangers' season. Started off unbelievably hot, made a number of sportscasters derisively laugh off the loss of A-Rod, but hit 100 OPS points after the All-Star Break. The drop-off was partly due to the back injury he suffered in August; the question is whether or not that's necessarily a good thing for the future. Young's locked up on a four-year deal through 2007, with a club option for 2008. If he can hang onto some of his newfound power, play good defense, and rack up 200 hits a year, he's a big plus. But it's not a lock.
2004 In a year when Young's offensive production took a huge step forward, his fielding took a step backward, raising questions about his reputation in some circles as a world-beating second baseman. Young's offensive spike came almost entirely from an uptick in singles—his isolated power rose only slightly, and his walk rate actually dropped—so there's a good chance he'll give some of it back this year.
2003 Young led all major league second basemen in Zone Rating last year, after putting up an above-average rating the year before. While that kind of defense might make his .700 OPS a little more palatable, it doesn’t solve the mystery of how he managed to get 373 plate appearances in the first two spots of the lineup. Young is not the kind of player a team should be comfortable playing every day.
2002 When stopgap Randy Velarde pulled a hamstring in late-May, Young was retrieved from Oklahoma sooner than expected. There was some initial anxiety about his ability to handle the right side of second base, but his steady play at the keystone quickly dispelled those concerns. Young is cut from Robby Thompson cloth, and he’s beginning what should be a sturdy ten-year career. Most importantly, he’ll do his job for just $500 a plate appearance over the next two seasons, freeing up money to be spent elsewhere.
2001 Mike Young would be the top prospect in some organizations. He plays a reasonable shortstop or second base and has already demonstrated every ability you look for in an offensive player. As good as Mench and Jovanny Cedeno are, I think this guy has the best chance of being a productive major leaguer in the near future. He could have a Randy Velarde-type career, hopefully without the nagging injuries that impeded Velarde’s development. Most organizations would kill to have even one middle-infield prospect as good as Young or Romano.
2000 He’s moved through the organization with Cesar Izturis, but this may be the end of their pairing. Young isn’t the shortstop Izturis is, and he’s a year younger than Brent Abernathy while being about the same player. Young is a B or B- prospect in his own right; he’s just stuck behind a B+ one. He could move to the major leagues quickly in a different organization.

BP Articles

Click here to see articles tagged with Michael Young

BP Chats

2011-02-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think a Michael Young trade will be a swap of bad contracts or will TEX get some useful pieces and/or meaningful salary relief?
(Matt from Chicago)
To get much back they're going to have to eat some salary, so it's something of a closed system. Basically they have to pick one of salary relief or useful pieces. (Tommy Bennett)
2011-02-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)Are there any options at third base, either in free agency or those that have been touted for trade, for the Bluejays so that they can stick Bautista in the outfield?
(garethbluejays2 from Newcastle, UK)
Michael Young, of course, if the Rangers want to eat some of his salary, though now that Wells is out of town there may be enough payroll flexibility to take him on. But honestly, if Bautista can play a reasonable 3B, why not let him stay there? It's harder to find a useful third baseman than a corner outfielder. (Ken Funck)
2011-02-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)It seems many MLB clubs are in a race to claim their disinterest in acquiring Michael Young. Which club would benefit the most from getting him in your opinion? How much of his deal must Texas pay for you think the Young-acquiring club's decision makes sense?
(lemppi from Iowa)
Sorry I took so long to answer this one, lemppi - I thought I did, but it's still in my queue and I don't see it on the site, so I must have not hit (submit). Anyhoo, I haven't thought very deeply about this, since the money is hard to line up with a lot of teams. Who out there thinks Young can still play a reasonable SS? If so, there's lots of teams that could use his bat. Maybe the Cardinals for 3b, if they don't trust Freese? I would expect the White Sox could definitely use him at third, and Kenny Williams is just the guy to sell ownership and pull the trigger on that type of deal. (Ken Funck)
2011-02-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)What kind of line would you expect out of Aramis Ramirez this year? Last year was surely disappointing and someone is offering him to me in a fantasy trade for Michael Young and I am tempted...
(What the Funck? from Funkytown)
I am unabashedly a big A-Ram fan, and I expect him to bounce back. His consistency prior to his injuries was amazing. I'd prefer him to Young, but I can certainly understand why others wouldn't agree. (Ken Funck)
2011-03-02 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think Michael Young will assimilate into a utility role in Texas or be traded before the trade deadline?
(jhardman from Apex, NC)
He's going to have to, because I'm a bit skeptical that a deal gets done, given his price tag. Nobody else has him hoisted on high in terms of their love of his past body of work, so he should treasure the commitment he does have. (Christina Kahrl)
2011-01-18 13:00:00 (link to chat)One spot in a keeper league left between Michael Young, Grady Sizemore and Weiters. Who do you pick?
(Tony from New Mexico)
What kind of keeper league? Salaries? Contracts? Just keep X number of players? Who else are you keeping? (Marc Normandin)
2011-01-18 13:00:00 (link to chat)Has any team in the AL W improved this offseason besides the A's? Think they could win the AL West next year? They have to make up some games on Texas, but they've added the guys to do it. The Angels have been snoring, the Mariners shouldn't be as terrible as they were, but there's still not much there. If the A's win the AL W, does that help or hinter their chances to get out of the hellhole that is Oakland Coliseum?
(Emily from SF)
I think the Rangers improved. They lost half-a-season of Lee, but Brandon Webb was a good bet as long as his arm is healthy, and the difference between Adrian Beltre and Michael Young is enormous thanks to the defensive difference between the two. The A's are interesting, and I think they closed the gap until the Beltre deal. That, to me, is the big difference between the two.

As for the Coliseum, winning will only hurt their chances if they start to sell out games. Does that happen in Oakland when they do well? (Marc Normandin)

2011-01-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Any chance Texas re-signs Vlad after the Beltre signing?
(The Dude from Home of the Champs)
No, because the aforementioned Michael Young will get most of his at-bats at DH. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-05-24 14:00:00 (link to chat)Your opinion of the following proposed trade: Astros Roy Oswalt and Hunter Pence to the Rangers for Ian Kinsler.
(CTM from Houston, TX)
This would be ghastly, especially for the Rangers. Pence may not really stick as much more than a filler in a corner in the better league, and the Rangers already have that on their bench in the form of David Murphy. Putting him in center seems a stretch, so he doesn't fix that problem. And then how do you replace Kinsler, bump Michael Young to the keystone and put Chris Davis at third? Arias and Blanco aren't viable everyday players. And all of this to get Oswalt, an older, shorter right-hander with health issues, coming to the DH league? As Eric Seidman argued this morning, I think any deal for Oswalt's only going to yield pennies on the dollar, given his contract. He's worth more to the Astros as an Astro than as something to dangle and then wangle with. (Christina Kahrl)
2009-10-13 14:00:00 (link to chat)You were pretty critical of the decision to move Michael Young off of shortstop to make room for Elvis Andrus, arguing that Young's bat wouldn't play at third base. Young's bounceback year notwithstanding, do you think that the significant upgrade defensively at shortstop and third base made the switch worthwhile at the end of the day, or do you think the Rangers would have been better off living with Young's sub-par glove at short and dealing Andrus?
(xxx from yyy)
I'm confident of the fact that, in this instance, history reflects that I was wrong, wrong, wrong. Props to Jon Daniels and company, props to Young for making himself a quality third baseman, and props to Andrus and what looks like an interesting future. Even if you let a little bit (or a lot) of Texas-related inflation out of Andrus' numbers, you have to like the upside given his age. (Christina Kahrl)
2009-10-02 14:00:00 (link to chat)Joe, please tell Ron Washington, Michael Young, and the hoards of Ranger fans that signing Marlon Byrd in free agency is a bad idea...
(Lincoln from Dallas)
The devil is in the details. I'd take Byrd back on a two-year deal for the kind of money those deals usually entail. It's a lefty-heavy outfield, and Byrd's a nice fourth OF. If it takes more than that, or any kind of PT assurance, you have to let him go. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-09-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)Michael Young is a huge part of the AL playoff picture. When do the Rangers get him back in the lineup? Does he come back initially as a DH?
(WilliamWilde from Boston)
TR Sullivan said i t could be as soon as this weekend, which would be stunning. DH doesn't really help - its acceleration out of the box that did this, so it's still there. (Will Carroll)
2009-02-10 14:00:00 (link to chat)Christian Guzman... is he really going to be as good as his projections say? Are his comps all late bloomers?
(krissbeth from watertown)
I just have a very real problem with taking Cristian Guzman all that seriously, but happily, Jim Bowden keeps him locked down with the Nats, essentially making the question academic (or one for the realm of fantasy). Snark aside, he's come back better than I expected as a hitter, but his comps (Schoendienst, Julio Franco, Michael Young, and Grudz) are cause for continuing optimism. (Christina Kahrl)
2008-11-03 13:30:00 (link to chat)How long until Michael Young gets moved to another position? And where do you think he should end up, when he does move?
(Alone Again from Naturally)
For the Rangers, he's locked in at short as long as Ian Kinsler's his teammate, and I can't see a move to any other position than second base. (Christina Kahrl)
2008-07-29 16:00:00 (link to chat)Which team would hang up the phone first if a Lester and Bowden for Michael Young and Teagarden swap was proposed?
(Jay from Detroit)
Michael Young? No, not going to happen. But both Jon and Theo are very polite. I don't think there'd be a "click" on the line. (Will Carroll)
2008-03-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Are we seeing the real Michael Young; a declining singles hitter who doesn't take walks, or will he revert to '05 form and justify that big extension and designation as face of the franchise?
(Or from Dallas)
Or: you don't want your #1 PECOTA comparable to be Jeff Cirillo. A singles hitter with mediocre speed is not a good profile for a player entering his 30's. (Nate Silver)
2008-03-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think the demise of Michael Young has been overstated? Look at his numbers after a really tough start.
(Jack from LA)
He hit .349/.399/.457 in the second half, which means he had an ISO of .108, not that good. Let's not forget he had a .410 BABIP (quick calculation, so correct me if I'm wrong) during that time span, and that sure won't hold up. (Marc Normandin)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2010-10-06 10:00:002010 Playoffs Day OneThis Michael Young stutter-step brought to you by a Carney Lansford flashback... (Christina Kahrl)

PITCHf/x Hitter Profile

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