
Portrait of Ellis Burks

Ellis Burks CFRed Sox

Red Sox Player Cards | Red Sox Team Audit | Red Sox Depth Chart

Career Summary
22 8176 .291 .363 .510 122 39.8
Birth Date9-11-1964
Height6' 2"
Weight200 lbs
Age59 years, 7 months, 8 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1987 BOS 22 133 606 152 30 2 20 41 98 2 27 6 .272 .324 .441 97 -1.7 7.2 0.1 2.5
1988 BOS 23 144 615 159 37 5 18 62 89 3 25 9 .294 .367 .481 125 17.2 2.1 0.4 4.1
1989 BOS 24 97 446 121 19 6 12 36 52 5 21 5 .303 .365 .471 121 11.0 2.5 6.5 3.6
1990 BOS 25 152 641 174 33 8 21 48 82 1 9 11 .296 .349 .486 124 17.9 -1.4 -11.2 2.5
1991 BOS 26 130 524 119 33 3 14 39 81 6 6 11 .251 .314 .422 97 -0.5 -2.4 -12.8 0.0
1992 BOS 27 66 263 60 8 3 8 25 48 1 5 2 .255 .327 .417 108 3.1 1.2 -7.6 0.4
1993 CHA 28 146 574 137 24 4 17 60 97 4 6 9 .275 .352 .441 112 10.1 -3.6 5.8 2.4
1994 COL 29 42 165 48 8 3 13 16 39 0 3 1 .322 .388 .678 134 8.0 0.3 -4.9 0.8
1995 COL 30 103 321 74 10 6 14 39 72 2 7 3 .266 .359 .496 101 1.3 -2.1 0.3 0.9
1996 COL 31 156 685 211 45 8 40 61 114 6 32 6 .344 .408 .639 137 37.1 9.0 2.0 6.2
1997 COL 32 119 477 123 19 2 32 47 75 3 7 2 .290 .363 .571 129 19.8 2.0 -15.1 1.9
1998 COL 33 100 405 102 22 5 16 39 80 2 3 7 .286 .355 .510 110 6.2 0.7 -13.8 0.4
1998 SFN 33 42 177 45 6 1 5 19 31 3 8 1 .306 .387 .463 110 2.7 -1.7 -2.2 0.3
1999 SFN 34 120 469 110 19 0 31 69 86 6 7 5 .282 .394 .569 150 33.8 2.2 -1.5 3.9
2000 SFN 35 122 458 135 21 5 24 56 49 1 5 1 .344 .419 .606 149 33.4 -2.7 -1.4 3.6
2001 CLE 36 124 515 123 29 1 28 62 85 5 5 1 .280 .369 .542 130 22.4 0.1 -0.3 2.8
2002 CLE 37 138 570 156 28 0 32 44 108 6 2 3 .301 .362 .541 137 28.4 -3.2 -0.6 3.1
2003 CLE 38 55 228 52 11 1 6 27 46 3 1 1 .263 .360 .419 97 -0.1 0.8 0.2 0.3
2004 BOS 39 11 37 6 0 0 1 3 8 1 2 0 .182 .270 .273 83 -0.7 0.4 0.0 0.0

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1983 ELM A- NYP 53 194 .000 .000 .000 .305 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1984 WHV A+ FSL 112 425 .000 .000 .000 .298 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1985 NBR AA EAS 133 527 .000 .000 .000 .290 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1986 NBR AA EAS 124 513 .000 .000 .000 .298 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1987 BOS MLB AL 133 606 .264 .330 .424 .299 102 4.6 17.9 1.6 97 10 0.1 7.2 -1.7 2.5
1987 PAW AAA INT 11 47 .000 .000 .000 .200 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1988 BOS MLB AL 144 615 .259 .324 .392 .321 104 28.5 16.1 1.4 125 10 0.4 2.1 17.2 4.1
1989 BOS MLB AL 97 446 .260 .322 .380 .322 109 14.8 11.6 1 121 9 6.5 2.5 11.0 3.6
1989 PAW AAA INT 5 23 .000 .000 .000 .167 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1990 BOS MLB AL 152 641 .256 .324 .386 .314 107 17.8 17.2 1.1 124 11 -11.2 -1.4 17.9 2.5
1991 BOS MLB AL 130 524 .260 .327 .394 .275 105 5.1 14.2 1.2 97 13 -12.8 -2.4 -0.5 0.0
1992 BOS MLB AL 66 263 .260 .326 .384 .287 102 5 6.8 0.5 108 17 -7.6 1.2 3.1 0.4
1993 CHA MLB AL 146 574 .266 .334 .408 .305 98 14.8 16.5 -5 112 8 5.8 -3.6 10.1 2.4
1994 COL MLB NL 42 165 .265 .328 .411 .361 116 9.6 5.0 0.4 134 17 -4.9 0.3 8.0 0.8
1994 CSP AAA PCL 2 10 .000 .000 .000 .500 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1995 COL MLB NL 103 321 .263 .329 .404 .311 123 0.2 9.6 0.2 101 8 0.3 -2.1 1.3 0.9
1995 CSP AAA PCL 8 33 .000 .000 .000 .368 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1996 COL MLB NL 156 685 .262 .324 .404 .371 124 31.2 21.2 -3.6 137 6 2.0 9.0 37.1 6.2
1997 COL MLB NL 119 477 .262 .333 .414 .285 119 11.9 12.7 0.3 129 9 -15.1 2.0 19.8 1.9
1998 COL MLB NL 100 405 .264 .327 .416 .323 115 7.1 10.5 0.3 110 9 -13.8 0.7 6.2 0.4
1998 SFN MLB NL 42 177 .263 .330 .414 .348 96 9.3 4.6 0 110 9 -2.2 -1.7 2.7 0.3
1999 SFN MLB NL 120 469 .268 .339 .431 .285 96 31.6 12.7 -5.4 150 11 -1.5 2.2 33.8 3.9
2000 SFN MLB NL 122 458 .268 .342 .436 .338 106 39.8 14.4 -5.3 149 11 -1.4 -2.7 33.4 3.6
2001 CLE MLB AL 124 515 .270 .335 .434 .284 102 23.8 15.3 -8.9 130 10 -0.3 0.1 22.4 2.8
2002 CLE MLB AL 138 570 .267 .329 .432 .327 100 32.2 16.4 -10.2 137 10 -0.6 -3.2 28.4 3.1
2003 CLE MLB AL 55 228 .273 .335 .442 .315 95 4.6 6.2 -4.2 97 12 0.2 0.8 -0.1 0.3
2004 BOS MLB AL 11 37 .260 .340 .417 .208 110 -2.2 1.1 -0.7 83 13 0.0 0.4 -0.7 0.0
2004 PAW AAA INT 1 3 .000 .000 .000 .000 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1983 ELM A- NYP 194 174 30 42 9 0 2 57 23 17 43 9 0 .241 .309 .328 .086 2 2
1984 WHV A+ FSL 425 375 52 96 15 4 6 137 43 42 68 29 8 .256 .338 .365 .109 1 1
1985 NBR AA EAS 527 476 66 121 25 7 10 190 61 42 85 17 14 .254 .317 .399 .145 2 2
1986 NBR AA EAS 513 462 70 126 20 3 14 194 55 44 75 31 9 .273 .337 .420 .147 3 3
1987 PAW AAA INT 47 40 11 9 3 1 3 23 6 7 7 1 0 .225 .340 .575 .350 0 0
1987 BOS MLB AL 606 558 94 152 30 2 20 246 59 41 98 27 6 .272 .324 .441 .168 1 4
1988 BOS MLB AL 615 540 93 159 37 5 18 260 92 62 89 25 9 .294 .367 .481 .187 6 4
1989 PAW AAA INT 23 21 4 3 1 0 0 4 0 2 3 0 0 .143 .217 .190 .048 0 0
1989 BOS MLB AL 446 399 73 121 19 6 12 188 61 36 52 21 5 .303 .365 .471 .168 4 2
1990 BOS MLB AL 641 588 89 174 33 8 21 286 89 48 82 9 11 .296 .349 .486 .190 2 2
1991 BOS MLB AL 524 474 56 119 33 3 14 200 56 39 81 6 11 .251 .314 .422 .171 3 2
1992 BOS MLB AL 263 235 35 60 8 3 8 98 30 25 48 5 2 .255 .327 .417 .162 2 0
1993 CHA MLB AL 574 499 75 137 24 4 17 220 74 60 97 6 9 .275 .352 .441 .166 8 3
1994 COL MLB NL 165 149 33 48 8 3 13 101 24 16 39 3 1 .322 .388 .678 .356 0 0
1994 CSP AAA PCL 10 8 4 4 1 0 1 8 2 2 1 0 0 .500 .600 1.000 .500 0 0
1995 CSP AAA PCL 33 29 9 9 2 1 2 19 8 4 8 0 0 .310 .394 .655 .345 0 0
1995 COL MLB NL 321 278 41 74 10 6 14 138 49 39 72 7 3 .266 .359 .496 .230 1 1
1996 COL MLB NL 685 613 142 211 45 8 40 392 128 61 114 32 6 .344 .408 .639 .295 2 3
1997 COL MLB NL 477 424 91 123 19 2 32 242 82 47 75 7 2 .290 .363 .571 .281 2 1
1998 COL MLB NL 405 357 54 102 22 5 16 182 54 39 80 3 7 .286 .355 .510 .224 5 2
1998 SFN MLB NL 177 147 22 45 6 1 5 68 22 19 31 8 1 .306 .387 .463 .156 4 4
1999 SFN MLB NL 469 390 73 110 19 0 31 222 96 69 86 7 5 .282 .394 .569 .287 4 0
2000 SFN MLB NL 458 393 74 135 21 5 24 238 96 56 49 5 1 .344 .419 .606 .262 8 0
2001 CLE MLB AL 515 439 83 123 29 1 28 238 74 62 85 5 1 .280 .369 .542 .262 9 0
2002 CLE MLB AL 570 518 92 156 28 0 32 280 91 44 108 2 3 .301 .362 .541 .239 1 1
2003 CLE MLB AL 228 198 27 52 11 1 6 83 28 27 46 1 1 .263 .360 .419 .157 0 0
2004 BOS MLB AL 37 33 6 6 0 0 1 9 1 3 8 2 0 .182 .270 .273 .091 0 0
2004 PAW AAA INT 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .333 .000 .000 0 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2004-07-09 2004-07-09 On-Alr 0 0 Left Knee Surgery Meniscus 2004-07-09 -
2004-04-25 2004-09-23 60-DL 151 134 Left Knee Surgery Meniscus 2004-04-27
2004-04-10 2004-04-16 DTD 6 3 Left Knee Cartilage Injury Meniscus - -
2003-06-08 2003-09-29 60-DL 113 102 Right Elbow Surgery Ulnar Nerve 2003-06-23
2003-05-26 2003-05-26 DTD 0 0 Left Thigh Cramp Hamstring - -
2003-04-16 2003-04-18 DTD 2 2 - General Medical Illness - -
2002-11-13 2002-11-13 Off 0 0 Left Shoulder Surgery A/C Joint 2002-11-13 -
2002-09-17 2002-09-18 DTD 1 1 - Knee Soreness - -
2002-09-07 2002-09-08 DTD 1 1 - Knee Soreness - -
2002-08-05 2002-08-08 DTD 3 2 Left Shoulder Soreness - -
2002-08-02 2002-08-03 DTD 1 1 Left Shoulder Soreness - -
2002-07-29 2002-08-01 DTD 3 3 Left Shoulder Inflammation - -
2002-07-04 2002-07-04 DTD 0 0 - General Medical Illness - -
2002-06-16 2002-06-18 DTD 2 1 - Knee Soreness - -
2002-06-11 2002-06-12 DTD 1 1 - Knee Swelling - -
2002-05-04 2002-05-08 DTD 4 4 Right Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2002-04-29 2002-05-03 DTD 4 3 Right Thigh Strain Hamstring - -
2001-09-06 2001-09-10 DTD 4 4 Right Elbow Inflammation - -
2001-07-16 2001-08-01 15-DL 16 16 Right Thumb Fracture HBP - -
2001-07-05 2001-07-06 DTD 1 1 Bilateral Knee Soreness - -
2001-06-16 2001-06-16 DTD 0 0 Bilateral Knee Soreness - -
2001-05-06 2001-05-08 DTD 2 1 Left Shoulder Inflammation - -
2000-09-11 2000-09-11 DTD 0 0 Right Knee Soreness - -
2000-07-20 2000-07-21 DTD 1 1 - Knee Soreness - -
2000-06-23 2000-06-24 DTD 1 1 Right Knee Soreness - -
2000-06-17 2000-06-18 DTD 1 1 Right Knee Soreness - -
2000-06-11 2000-06-12 DTD 1 1 Left Knee Soreness - -
2000-05-09 2000-05-24 15-DL 15 12 Left Thigh Strain Quadriceps - -
2000-04-29 2000-05-03 DTD 4 4 Left Thigh Strain Quadriceps - -
1999-10-09 1999-10-09 Off 0 0 Bilateral Knee Surgery 1999-10-09 -
1999-06-09 1999-06-26 15-DL 17 15 Right Knee Inflammation - -
1999-05-19 1999-05-21 DTD 2 1 Right Thigh Strain Quadriceps - -
1999-04-21 1999-04-22 DTD 1 1 Right Knee Soreness - -
1998-10-28 1998-10-28 Off 0 0 Left Knee Surgery 1998-10-28 -
1998-09-21 1998-09-28 DTD 7 7 Left Knee Hyperextension - -
1998-09-15 1998-09-18 DTD 3 2 - General Medical Illness - -
1998-07-20 1998-07-20 DTD 0 0 - Low Back Soreness - -
1998-06-10 1998-06-13 DTD 3 2 - Low Back Soreness - -
1998-04-24 1998-04-25 DTD 1 1 Right Thigh Strain Hamstring - -
1998-04-10 1998-04-11 DTD 1 1 - Thigh Strain Hamstring - -
1997-09-14 1997-09-15 DTD 1 1 Right Knee Inflammation - -
1997-08-10 1997-08-13 DTD 3 2 - Groin Strain - -
1997-06-28 1997-07-30 15-DL 32 28 - Groin Strain - -
1997-05-18 1997-05-19 DTD 1 1 - General Medical Illness - -
1997-04-14 1997-04-18 DTD 4 3 Right Ankle Sprain - -
1997-04-06 1997-04-09 DTD 3 2 Left Wrist Sprain - -
1995-04-26 1995-05-05 15-DL 9 8 Left Wrist Inflammation - -
1994-05-18 1994-07-31 15-DL 74 70 Left Wrist Sprain - -
1992-06-25 1992-10-04 60-DL 101 93 - Low Back Cartilage Injury and Strain - -
1990-07-06 1990-07-14 DTD 8 4 - Thigh Strain Hamstring - -
1989-09-07 1989-10-01 DTD 24 21 Right Shoulder Separation AC Joint - -
1989-06-15 1989-08-01 15-DL 47 41 Left Shoulder Surgery Cartilage 1989-06-21 -
1988-04-04 1988-04-12 15-DL 8 6 Right Ankle Surgery Bone Chips 1988-03-11 -


Year Team Salary
2004 BOS $750,000
2003 CLE $7,000,000
2002 CLE $6,666,667
2001 CLE $5,666,667
2000 SFN $5,500,000
5 yrPrevious$25,583,334
5 yrTotal$25,583,334


Service TimeAgentContract Status
16 y 158 dJim Turner1 yr/$0.75M (04)+incts

  • bonuses ($0.125M 30,60 days on ros
  • $50K 300 plate appearances, $0.1M 350,400,450 plate appearances, $0.15M 500 plate appearances
  • signed as a free agent from CLE 2/04
  • FA after club declined 04 option 10/03
  • 3 year/$20M (01-03)
  • $2M signing bonus, 01:$5M, 02:$6M, 03:$6.5M+$0.3M 550 plate appearances, $0.45M 575 plate appearances, 04:$5M club op $0.5M buyout, same bonuses as 03+$0.45M 600 plate appearances

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

Comparable Players (Similarity Index )

Rank Score Name Year DRC+ Trend

BP Annual Player Comments

2004 As classy an act as Burks is, he's close to done. In part, it's because the world isn't sympathetic to DHs who struggle to slug .400. But a more basic problem is that as of early January, every AL team had a starting DH in place, and while someone like Oakland could use a right-handed bat off the bench, it's hard to fit a backup DH into today's rosters.
2003 There are two constants here: Ellis Burks has bad knees and hits the cover off the ball. Everything else grows from that. He can’t really play the field anymore, as he put on the leather only six times this year, but as long as he keeps hitting, there’s a place for him as a DH somewhere. As long as the Indians are looking to cut payroll, the last year of his three-year, $20 million deal is going to look mighty attractive to punt elsewhere, especially now that they may want to get Broussard more DH time.
2002 With the need to find at-bats for Branyan and Alex Escobar, and with the acquisitions of Matt Lawton and Brady Anderson, Burks's primary value to the Indians is as trade bait. The argument for keeping him is Milton Bradley, who might find the transition to major-league stardom easier with a veteran African-American player in the same clubhouse. Come to think of it, Burks circa 1987 is a pretty good comp for Bradley right now, at least on the field.
2001 Ellis Burks is a fine ballplayer when healthy, and Dusty Baker and his staff have been masterful at managing him. They rationed his playing time very carefully, making sure to keep the knee swelling and back pain to a minimum instead of running him out there every day and getting reduced production for 150 games. Burks still brings a solid bat to the ballpark and can help a team with realistic expectations. Of course, realistic expectations don't usually accompany a three-year, $20-million contract, which is what the Cleveland Indians gave him.
2000 Burks can still play, both at the plate and in the field, but he missed 42 games last season, faded in September and underwent offseason knee surgery. He's 35 years old, so he isn't going to improve. Burks has hit much better on the road than at home the last two years and may find the new park more to his liking.
1999 Burks is a good player; it wasn't just the thin Colorado air that gave him those big numbers. Unfortunately he's not a great player, he's getting old, and his late-season injury leaves him a question mark yet again after a career already filled with injuries, mostly to his back. Worth a one-year deal, the Giants gave him two to play right.
1998 Burks spent most of July on the DL with a strained groin and missed 43 games overall. He’s one of the better overrated Rockies, but he is not great, and his advancing age will not make him less injury-prone. His defense is no longer good enough for center field, although he remains a fine left fielder. If he leaves Colorado, he’ll be out of baseball within two years.
1997 MVP? Not in this reality. There’s a weird phenomenon going on in the media when it comes to Rockies’ hitters. The talking heads usually say something like “Well, you know, it’s easy to hit in Coors, but wow! Here’s another guy with 40 HR, and you don’t do that without talent.” Vinny Castilla is proof that yes, on occasion you do. The media doesn’t understand just how vast the effects of Coors Field are. Burks is a good ballplayer. He’s not clearly in the top half of NL outfielders.
1996  Very fragile at this point. Another victim of back injuries, along with Canseco and Mattingly. Could still prosper as a DH a couple of years down the road. Reminds me of a very slightly younger Chili Davis.

BP Articles

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BP Chats

2015-03-11 12:00:00 (link to chat)Congrats on the Acquisition! Your 1st order of business should be to bring back Up & In! Pay KG and JP whatever they want! Will there be a new prospect-centric podcast?
(The Dude from Office)
Ellis Burks. Maybe Phil Plantier. Plantier's 1991 strat card is amazing. (Jim Walsh)
2010-01-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)I'd call this good news for Bert. I was worried he'd stagnate around 62%. do you have the % of the vote for Edgar, Raines and Barry? They don't have it on Thanks.
(collins from greenville nc)
539 ballots, five blanks, Andre Dawson 420 (77.9%), Bert Blyleven 400 (74.2%), Roberto Alomar 397 (73.7%), Jack Morris 282 (52.3%), Barry Larkin 278 (51.6%), Lee Smith 255 (47.3%), Edgar Martinez 195 (36.2%), Tim Raines 164 (30.4%), Mark McGwire 128 (23.7%), Alan Trammell 121 (22.4%), Fred McGriff 116 (21.5%), Don Mattingly 87 (16.1%), Dave Parker 82 (15.2%), Dale Murphy 63 (11.7%), Harold Baines 33 (6.1%), Andres Galarraga 22 (4.1%), Robin Ventura 7 (1.3%), Ellis Burks 2 (0.4%), Eric Karros 2 (0.4%), Kevin Appier 1 (0.2%), Pat Hentgen 1 (0.2%), David Segui 1 (0.2%), Mike Jackson 0, Ray Lankford 0, Shane Reynolds 0, Todd Zeile 0.

Segui gets his vote. Baines remains on life support thanks to the persistence of a stubborn few. Karros receives more votes than he had All-Star appearances. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-12-01 13:00:00 (link to chat)A softball to get you started: Who would be on your Hall of Fame ballot this year?
(Bill from New Mexico)
Holdovers: Tim Raines, Bert Blyleven and Mark McGwire. For newbies, Barry Larkin and maybe Robbie Alomar, though I'm iffy enough on that one that I don't even remember if I'm for or against him at present. Just as a "I liked this guy, and I want to vote for him" kind of deal, and not because I think they should get in, I would toss a vote to Robin Ventura and Ellis Burks.

The good news is that Ray Lankford is finally on the ballot, so if he doesn't get 5% of the vote I can see if I can get him to write a foreword for "The Ray Lankford Wing of the Hall of Fame: Book Edition" without him feeling snubbed someday. (Marc Normandin)

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