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Baseball Prospectus Firefox Search Plugins

The tech staff at Baseball Prospectus would like to invite our readership to test out a new BETA version of a search plugin for use with the Mozilla Firefox web browser.


We have now started testing a BETA version of a search plugin directly into Firefox's built in search engines (top right section of the browser). Click here to automatically install it. If you have to install it manually, follow these steps:

Copy these two files into the /searchplugins/ directory of Firefox:

Once you copy these two files into this directory, restart Firefox, and it should work.
On Windows, this is usually "C:\Program Files\Mozilla\" and "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\" for Mozilla and Firefox users respectively. This path may vary on a per computer basis and doing a search on your computer for "Mozilla", "Firefox", "searchplugins" will help.
On Mac OS X, it is usually under your Applications folder. Note for Mac OS X users: The "searchplugins" folder is within the Firefox/Mozilla Suite Applications folder (Mozilla.app or Firefox.app), but clicking on it will start the program. To open this folder and see the folders beneath: Ctrl-click "Mozilla.app" or "Firefox.app" and select "Show Package Contents". The folder should be at one of the following locations:

Alternatively, you can use the older extensions of the ConQuery (contextual query) plugin engine. So, to start, you'll need to install the ConQuery plugin. Once you have ConQuery working, you'll need to copy the BP related files to your machine(s). Below are links for those two things.

Basic usage involves highlighting text in the course of web browsing, right clicking, going to the "Query to..." menu, and finding the BP item of your choice in that submenu. It should take you to the player search page for whatever text you had highlighted. You can search for player cards and Baseball Prospectus articles.

ConQuery Plugin Install:

The latest versions of the BP search files will always be here:


You should copy the .cqr and the .png files of the same name to the folder for Mozilla's searchplugins. In Windows, it is something like:

C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\

If you need help finding those, you should probably check around the ConQuery docs from the link above.

Right now the plugins are:

bp_player -- general player search (CQR PNG)
bp_dt_card -- only searches for DT cards (CQR PNG)
bp_pecota_card -- only searches for PECOTA cards (CQR PNG)
bp_article -- only searches BP Articles (CQR PNG)

If you have questions or comments regarding the search plugins, contact Ben Murphy. We're continually working to bring you the best baseball content on the web, and we hope to bring you the latest technological updates as well.
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