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Newsletter: Thursday, October 12, 2017

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MEDIA BP chat Nick Schaefer - BP Chat moderated by Nick Schaefer. Click http://www.baseballprospectus.com/chat/chat.php?chatId=1452 to join or submit a question. 10-12 8:00 PM EST NEW PREMIUM CONTENT Flu-Like Symptoms The Season in Inequality by Rob Mains How stratified were team performances in 2017? http://www.baseballprospectus.com/article.php?articleid=32969 NEW FANTASY CONTENT Player Profile Charlie Morton by Wilson Karaman A talented prospect who never quite developed early on, Morton has persevered and improved in his early 30s. http://www.baseballprospectus.com/article.php?articleid=32975 NEW BASIC CONTENT Playoff Prospectus The Washington Magicians by Rob Mains Using misdirection, and Stephen Strasburg's incredible changeup, to tie the series. http://www.baseballprospectus.com/article.php?articleid=32974 Playoff Prospectus Moments by Stacey Gotsulias Brett Gardner's 12-pitch at-bat in the ninth inning changed the game's complexion. http://www.baseballprospectus.com/article.php?articleid=32977 Short Relief Counterpoint: Everything is Awful by Rachael McDaniel and Patrick Dubuque Galaxy Brain: The playoffs are actually bad? http://www.baseballprospectus.com/article.php?articleid=32976 PODCASTS

Stolen Signs
Kendall Guillemette and Harry Pavlidis discuss advanced statistics, as well as looking for the stories and people behind the stats.

DFA Podcast
DFA is Baseball Prospectus's Transaction Analysis podcast, featuring Bryan Grosnick and R.J. Anderson.

Flags Fly Forever
Bret Sayre and Mike Gianella fulfill your fantasy baseball fantasies.

There Is No Offseason (TINO)
A fantasy baseball podcast that focuses exclusively on dynasty and long-term keeper leagues. Analysis about prospects and long term fantasy futures.

Three True Outcomes (TTO) Scoresheet Podcast
Every week the TTO guys, Ian Lefkowitz, Ben Murphy and Jared Weiss, bring you content to help make you a more educated and well entertained Scoresheet player.

BP Wrigleycast
Four writers from BP Wrigleyville come together to tackle all things Cubs. Covering both the analytical and fan's point of view, BP Wrigleycast will inform, entertain, and ensure you stay in the know when it comes to the Cubs.

Kansas City Baseball Vault
BP Kansas City's Mike Engel and Jeff Herr discuss the latest happenings in Royals land.

The Catbird Speaks
The BP South Side gang comes together to provide their take on the Pale Hose.

Artificial Turf Wars
Josh Howsam, Greg Wisniewski, and special guests break down the latest baseball news from north of the border.

The Red Seat
Host Jake Devereaux and the rest of the BP Boston staff discuss the latest Red Sox moves, parse player performance and marvel at Mookie Betts.

For All You Kids Out There
Jeff Paternostro, Jarrett Seidler, and their guests dish on all things Mets.

Popular past podcasts

Effectively Wild
Ben Lindbergh and Jeff Sullivan talk about baseball with an analytical bent, covering a mix of topics from the big picture to daily action.

Raw Projection
A podcast that focuses on prospects and other minor league happenings.

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