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February 11, 2003
by Will Carroll
Team Health Report: Oakland Athletics February 2003
February 10, 2003
by Will Carroll
Team Health Report: Cleveland Indians February 2003
February 9, 2003
by Rodger A. Payne
Team Health Report: Seattle Mariners February 2003
February 7, 2003
by Will Carroll
Team Health Report: Atlanta Braves February 2003
February 5, 2003
by Will Carroll
New DH David Ortiz has a history of nagging ailments and a need for a platoon partner. Johnny Damon's knee doesn't bother me after a full off-season of healing time. The Sox lack depth and minor league insurance for their star players, but they have enough pieces to get through everything but a catastrophic loss.
Do the Sox have enough to beat the Yankees? On paper, no, but injuries - or the lack thereof - could be a deciding factor. As the mainstream press watches Lucchino vs. Steinbrenner and Pedro vs. Clemens, I'll be watching whether Jim Rowe or Gene Monahan can keep his team healthier.
February 4, 2003
by Will Carroll
Even healthy, the best thing this team can do is collapse completely and cause new managing partner Robert Basham (no relation to the Reds prospect) to send Chuck LaMar and Cam Bonifay packing and start over. The best prospects coming up haven't been properly nurtured, and there aren't even enough of those flawed few to offer hope.
February 3, 2003
by Will Carroll
The Reds, more than any other team in the last five years, have been defined by injuries. The most notable has been to Griffey, but by losing other players while Don Gullett rebuilds guys like Jimmy Haynes and Pete Harnisch, they've been able to stay under the insanely low budget constraints forced on them by ownership, while remaining competitive. More than any other team, a run of good health could make this team quite good and potentially a serious NL contender.
January 31, 2003
by Will Carroll
Team Health Report: Colorado Rockies January 2003
January 30, 2003
by Will Carroll
Team Health Report: Chicago White Sox January 2003
January 28, 2003
by Will Carroll
Team Health Report: Texas Rangers January 2003
January 27, 2003
by Will Carroll
Team Health Report: San Francisco Giants January 2003
January 22, 2003
by Will Carroll
Team Health Report: Anaheim Angels January 2003
January 21, 2003
by Will Carroll
Team Health Reports: St. Louis Cardinals January 2003
January 20, 2003
by Will Carroll
Team Health Reports: Minnesota Twins January 2003