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Neil deMause author archives.


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April 28, 2015

The BP Wayback Machine: Angels in America

by Neil deMause

Ten years before Arte Moreno's latest P.R. disaster came Arte Moreno's first P.R. disaster. Or was it?

March 2, 2012

The BP Wayback Machine: Chasing Ballparks in Minnesota and Florida

by Neil deMause

Now that the Twins and Marlins both finally have new ballparks, take a look back at what it took to get them.

May 26, 2011

Premium Article The Payoff Pitch: How the Mets Were Lost

by Neil deMause

Is Mets owner Fred Wilpon really prepared to cut off his nose to spite the Madoff trustee's face?

May 3, 2011

Premium Article The Payoff Pitch: Bridesmaids, Revisited

by Neil deMause

Does inviting more also-ran teams to playoff ball REALLY provoke higher player spending?

April 20, 2011

BP Unfiltered: Selig Seizes Dodgers

by Neil deMause

Commish takes control of team finances from divorce-ridden Frank McCourt.

April 19, 2011

Premium Article The Payoff Pitch: Plenty of Good Seats Still Available

by Neil deMause

Are April's record-low attendance marks a sign that the ticket bubble has burst?

April 5, 2011

Premium Article The Payoff Pitch: Probing the Forbes Figures

by Neil deMause

What the magazine's annual team financial estimates can tell us about the value of a World Series appearance, and the fate of the Dodgers and Mets.

March 21, 2011

The Payoff Pitch: Blackout and Blue

by Neil deMause

Will MLB.tv ever make your home team's games available for web viewing?

March 11, 2011

BP Unfiltered: Japan Earthquake Baseball News

by Neil deMause

The Sendai quake has repercussions in the baseball world.

March 8, 2011

The Payoff Pitch: Contraction-traction, What's Your Traction?

by Neil deMause

Mix one Hank Steinbrenner comment, the Mets' money woes, and the A's and Rays' stadium situations, and suddenly it's 2001 all over again.

February 22, 2011

The Payoff Pitch: Two, Three, Many Wild Cards!

by Neil deMause

Could Bud Selig's plan to cram in more playoff teams have a silver lining?

February 7, 2011

The Payoff Pitch: Whose Money Is It, Anyway?

by Neil deMause

A brief history of revenue sharing, from Bill Veeck to Randy Levine.

January 26, 2011

The Payoff Pitch: Will the A's Ever Move to San Jose?

by Neil deMause

Efforts to move the A's to San Jose are stalled, but will Commissioner Selig set his sights on a new landing spot?

March 10, 2010

BP Unfiltered: Yankee Stadium Coming Down

by Neil deMause

The Yanks' old home could be all but gone by opening day.

April 3, 2009

Premium Article Out at the Ballpark: A Visit to the New Yankee Stadium

by Neil deMause

Checking out the new digs for the Bombers shows them to be impressive in some ways, but less so in others.

February 17, 2009

Premium Article Don't Build Angry: Stadium-Related Updates

by Neil deMause

The economic mess leaves several stadium plans in disarray and widespread anger over public subsidies and naming rights-related issues.

March 18, 2007

Premium Article Of Elephants and Fish: The A's and Marlins Seek to Complete MLB's Stadium Sweep

by Neil deMause

Will MLB's completist instinct for new or improved stadiums find satisfaction in Miami and Fremont?

March 4, 2007

Premium Article Stadium Watch 2007: The Updates

by Neil deMause

Neil catches us up on what's happening on the ballparks front, as teams try to get new homes or renovate old ones.

February 20, 2007

Premium Article Bad and Badder: Which Contracts Were Truly the Worst?

by Neil deMause

A glib observation about the Pirates' booting big bucks leads to a more rigorous examination of the contracts that do real damage.

February 15, 2007

Give 'Em Enough ROPE: Marginal Wins Revisited, Revisited

by Neil deMause

Neil responds to reader mail about last week's re-evaluation of Marginal Payroll and Marginal Wins.

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