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Steven Goldman author archives.


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May 19, 2011

The BP Broadside: Fredi Gonzalez Says Something Really, Really Dumb

by Steven Goldman

You CAN'T use your closer in a tie game on the road. It's like a rule or something!

May 17, 2011

The BP Broadside: The Bronx Blame Game and the Posada Psychodrama

by Steven Goldman

Those pinstriped suits angry at Jorge Posada are pointing their fingers in the wrong direction.

May 13, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: If the Past is Precedent Then the Tribe Can Crash

by Steven Goldman

Why the Playoff Odds Report is right to doubt the Indians, plus why a common method of rating managers might be wrong.

May 11, 2011

The BP Broadside: Who is Stronger, A-Rod or Spider-Man?

by Steven Goldman

If ballplayers could be rated like super-heroes, so much would be clearer.

May 5, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: The Premature Burial, by Edgar Allan Berkman

by Steven Goldman

Rumors of Lance Berkman's demise may have been greatly exaggerated, but it would be equally unwise to put too much stock in his recovery.

The BP Broadside: Eight Things I Hope Are True

by Steven Goldman

Not the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, but eight early-season performances that should sustain themselves.

May 3, 2011

The BP Broadside: "Paris 1919" with Rogers Hornsby

by Steven Goldman

Intone the enigmatic words of John Cale along with history's most irascible dead second baseman.

April 28, 2011

The BP Broadside: Impatience II: More Springtime Slumpers

by Steven Goldman

Should these Pluto-cold under-performers from the NL stay or should they go?

April 27, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: Impatience with Cold Starters

by Steven Goldman

Which spring slumpers aren't going to stage a comeback?

April 22, 2011

The BP Broadside: It's Dodgers Deja Vu All Over Again

by Steven Goldman

The commissioner's office shows the Dodgers who is boss--the first time.

April 17, 2011

BP Unfiltered: Sunday Night Baseball Chat with BP II Transcript

by Steven Goldman

Join us for more baseball talk.

April 14, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: Three-H: Haren, Hamilton, and Heliciano

by Steven Goldman

You caught us--it's "Feliciano," but why let reality ruin a good thing? The Yankees sure didn't when they signed him.

April 12, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: New Age Mets Mass-a-cree

by Steven Goldman

Not so fast, Jose Reyes. You ain't goin' nowhere.

April 11, 2011

BP Unfiltered: Sunday Night Chat Transcript

by Steven Goldman

What we talked about during the Yankees-Red Sox game.

April 10, 2011

BP Unfiltered: Sunday Night Baseball Live Chat HERE

by Steven Goldman

Join BP authors for a long night's journey into day with the Red Sox.

April 8, 2011

The BP Broadside: (No) Comeback Impossible

by Steven Goldman

The Red Sox and Rays may be winless, but a loving universe will protect them from further mishaps.

April 6, 2011

The BP Broadside: Thanks to Soriano, CC will Finish with 299 Career Wins

by Steven Goldman

In which lovers of individual pitcher wins insist that CC Sabathia do something violent to Joe Girardi in order to get that all-important W.

April 5, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: More Questions, Worries, and Insomniac Mutterings from Opening Day, Week, Infinity, and Beyond, American League

by Steven Goldman

Haunted by Russell Martin, Jorge Posada, Jeff Mathis, and even some non-catchers.

March 31, 2011

The BP Broadside: Questions, Predictions, Worries, Distractions, and Other Mysteries of Opening Day, National League

by Steven Goldman

Some of the Opening-Day plot lines keeping one twitchy baseball writer awake as we edge towards the first games of the season.

Premium Article Prospectus Perspective: Five Bold Predictions for the 2011 Season

by Kevin Goldstein, Steven Goldman, Ben Lindbergh, R.J. Anderson and Jay Jaffe

In which five BPers offer some additional optimism and pessimism for 2011.

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