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Steven Goldman author archives.


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March 21, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: Babe Ruth's Fat Dead Cat(s)

by Steven Goldman

Teaching the meaning of the replacement level to old sportswriters and other children.

March 14, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: Mitchell Page's Unfinished Sentence

by Steven Goldman

His baseball card was more memorable than his career, but that was only part of the mystery.

March 10, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: Premature Harpergasm

by Steven Goldman

Rushing Bryce Harper can only hurt the Nationals, even if the tyro slugger performs well.

March 7, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: Ben Francisco, Open Your Golden Gate

by Steven Goldman

In which Domonic Brown's hand injury leads to Ben Francisco becoming Clark Gable's love interest.

March 4, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: The Most Disappointing Prospects of All Time, Part 3

by Steven Goldman

Five more bodies heaped on the bonfire of failure, but which one might not belong?

March 1, 2011

The BP Broadside: The Most Disappointing Prospects of All Time, Part 2

by Steven Goldman

Inspired by our Top 101 Prospects, another look at some of the most notorious future stars who fizzled.

February 28, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: The Most Disappointing Prospects of All Time, Part 1

by Steven Goldman

In honor of our Top 101 Prospects list, players who were predicted to be great, but dashed great expectations.

BP Unfiltered: The Top 400, or KG's Past Top 100 Lists

by Steven Goldman

Links to the previous Top 100s and 101s

February 23, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: Genius + Zobrist = Maddon

by Steven Goldman

Zorilla's versatility has allowed Joe Maddon to play to one of his greatest strengths, and it has made the utilityman an invaluable ballplayer.

February 21, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: Miguel Cabrera's Grapes of Folly

by Steven Goldman

An all-time great hitter threatens to upend his career with drinking, but sadly enough he's had predecessors on this path.

February 16, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: Every Team Has a Special GM, Except the Cubs

by Steven Goldman

The iconic GM of the Chicago Cubs is nobody, and that's not changing any time soon.

February 14, 2011

Premium Article Prospectus Preview: AL East 2011 Forecast

by Steven Goldman

Early handicapping of the AL East with PECOTA's projected standings.

BP Unfiltered: Irredeemable Perfectionists: Player Forecast Manager and Depth Charts Delayed

by Steven Goldman

The best-laid plans of mice and men...

February 11, 2011

The BP Broadside: Awaiting the Next Roberto

by Steven Goldman

In which an anniversary is observed and the slashing hitters of old are mourned.

February 10, 2011

The BP Broadside: When is Baseball's MVP Its Least Valuable Player?

by Steven Goldman

Conventional wisdom says that if Albert Pujols can't be signed he should be traded, but any return is likely to be negligible.

February 8, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: Michael Young Feels the Junk Drawer's Pull

by Steven Goldman

When is an aging third baseman like a an old comb, some rubber bands, and a paperclip, but doesn't realize it?

February 4, 2011

Premium Article The BP Broadside: Three Hundred

by Steven Goldman

In which CC Sabathia reaches a milestone, maybe, and either way, Steve doesn't care.

February 3, 2011

The BP Broadside: In Which Mr. Brown Does Not Make a Comeback

by Steven Goldman

Or why the Yankees are dialing up their rotation desperation all the way up to 11.

February 2, 2011

Please Allow Me to (Re)Introduce Ourselves: And Now, Your Starting Lineup

by Steven Goldman

BP unveils its new crop of signings for the coming season.

January 31, 2011

The BP Broadside: Shirley a New Beginning

by Steven Goldman

Asking questions leads to new roles and a new future.

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