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(Average Team 2014 ESPN: 181.1917)

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OwnerTeam Name2014 ESPNPast Month 
Past Week
550.WCUFamThat Took A Badenhop138 000
587.LazyAloysiusLazy Jerks124 000
142.bisandersSky Hooks273 000
217.yorambOne Tool Player250 000
300.lorenbland#belted224 000
291.Ben LindberghLindbergh's Losers227 000
321.mattofactionMadera Hardwoods218 000
71.brunerBring Back the original Jays Theme Song312 000
217.Lacking Mass250 000
241.CapoNilknarfCurse of the Nilknarf243 000
730.You squeal PigMickR2759 000
401.choppensHerp Dirks186 000
283.mnader107MNader107230 000
11.craigburleyMaxim St. Pierre and the Miquelons398 000
230.mswain1Splendid Splinters246 000
54.datpuffeyThe Spectacular Minimals319 000
322.NeugebauerRob Deer Memorial Cup217 000
541.Demian SeilerMechanically Adjusted142 000
438.nmatrosMatrosMaulers173 000
796.DRyne15This One's for Yuni!-6 000
158.pandabear023JA Happless265 000
273.Eddie BajekLegion of #Rig233 000
488.phish666JOKEOBY SMELLSBURY158 000
54.evanbtbsYoenis CespedAs319 000
710.PVL231Double A Dunk King68 000
794.flmumbThe Bronx Bimbos-3 000
602.Reno911The Damn Larrys119 000
50.GeorgeBissellMontreal Expos325 000
594.roballgoodDyscalculia All Stars121 000
650.Greg KaramGreg Karam's Team100 000

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