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Equivalent Average. A measure of total offensive value per out, with corrections for league offensive level, home park, and team pitching. EQA considers batting as well as baserunning, but not the value of a position player's defense. The EqA adjusted for all-time also has a correction for league difficulty. The scale is deliberately set to approximate that of batting average. League average EqA is always equal to .260.
EqA is derived from Raw EqA, which is
Any variables which are either missing or which you don't want to use can simply be ignored (be sure you ignore it for both the individual and league, though). You'll also need to calculate the RawEqa for the entire league (LgEqA).
Convert RawEqA into EqR, taking into account the league EqA LgEqA, league runs per plate appearance, the park factor PF, an adjustment pitadj for not having to face your own team's pitchers, and the difficulty rating. Again, you can ignore some of these as the situation requires. xmul can simply be called "2", while the PF, diffic, and pitadj can be set to "1".
EQAADJ=xmul*(RawEqa/LgEqa)* ((1+1/diffic)/2) + (1-xmul)
To get the final, fully adjusted EqA, we need to place this into a team environment.
This is an average team:
AVGTM=Lg(R/Out)*Lg(Outs/game)*PF*Games*(DH adjustment)
The DH adjustment is for playing in a league with a DH. "Games" is the number of games played by this player.
Replacing one player on the average team with our test subject:
Get pythagorean exponent
Calculate win percentage
Convert into adjusted space, where the Pythagorean exponent is set to 2.
Fully adjusted EqR:
EQR=.17235*((NEWTM-1)*27.*Games + Outs)
Fully adjusted EqA
EQA= (EQR/5/Outs)** 0.4
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