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Welcome to Baseball Prospectus' Tuesday June 09, 2009 5:30 PM ET chat session with Draft Day One Roundtable.
Welcome to Baseball Prospectus' Tuesday June 9, 2009 4:30 PM ET chat session with the 2009 Draft Coverage Roundtable. Join Kevin Goldstein, Bryan Smith and Kiley McDaniel for their roundtable on the 2009 Draft. Use this chat window to submit questions for the group, and we'll pick the best to answer in the body of the roundtable. Just so we're clear, all answers or comments will appear in the roundtable, not within this chat.
Draft Day One Roundtable: Greetings. I'm coming to you live from sunny Tampa, wind whippin' at my coat. Also, I'm on a boat. Expect similarly insightful comments from me well into the night. To address Bryan's question, this is a screwy draft and with MLB lowering slots and agents wanting to set themselves apart, these demands are inevitable as agents try to move down to the teams that will pay the most. Whether it will work or these are indeed hard demands is a case-by-case basis. I got your cop-out answer right here.
Brian (waiting): 4:30 ET huh? You guys sure do love to keep us hanging.
Draft Day One Roundtable: You gotta go to the roundtable to see the action.
DOB (Pittsburgh): Kiley, if given the choice between say, Donovan Tate and Miguel Sano, which would you take?
Draft Day One Roundtable: That's a tough one. I like Sano's bat more, but he projects for a corner, and he is still just 16. If Tate can hit, there's more upside. I'll lean to Sano, but it's close.
aCone419 (Atlanta, GA): What the deuce? If the Braves take Minor, I will be nonplussed to say the least. They love high school pitchers, the strength of this draft, and they take... a low upside pitchibility college lefty? WTF?
Draft Day One Roundtable: There's been talk of college arms to ATL for awhile now (despite their history of HS arms), since they could use some quick-moving big league arms. I'd prefer White over Minor at that pick, but some people don't like White. Did I mention this draft is crazy?
Draft Day One Roundtable: Thanks for all your questions! You can read answers to selected questions in the Day One Roundtable, or visit the Day Two Roundtable to see coverage of Wednesday's draft action.
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