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Welcome to Baseball Prospectus' Wednesday August 20, 2008 1:00 PM ET chat session with Kevin Goldstein.
Kevin Goldstein checks in to look at who might be coming up when rosters expand on Labor Day.
Kevin Goldstein: Greetings all -- time for another chat-fest. I'm here, I have leftover enchiladas and a ton of questions already in the que, so let's get going.
wileecoyote121 (Larchmont, NY): Kev: Thanks for the chat. Did anyone raise their profile via the Olympics? A lackluster tournament (but for the LaPorta beaning) seems not to have captured our imagination back in the States.
Kevin Goldstein: I think lackluster is about the perfect term for it, really. I think the only think to maybe take out of it is how damn good Stephen Strasburg was.
Navin (Pasadena, CA): Cubs 9th rounder Jay Jackson has 70 strikeouts and 13 walks in 45 innings at 3 levels (the highest being the FSL). What type of prospect is he and how excited should I be?
Kevin Goldstein: In all seriousness, get a little excited. He's showing above average velocity, breaking stuff and command, and people are wondering how he lasted until the 9th round. Total stud? No. But a way better prospect than where he was drafted.
Domenik Hixon (New York): Brian Bogusevic--the next Ankiel or another washed-out pitching prospect?
Kevin Goldstein: I'd never put an Ankiel comp on him, that's expecting way too much, but he'll definitely be very high on the Astros prospect list. At the same time, that say a lot about Bogu's talent AND the miserable state of the Astros list.
Jackson (Ithica, NY): Much has been made of Michael Stanton's high strikeouts. He has actually improved over the 2nd half and the power is just HUGE. Do you consider him one of the better OF prospects in the game? One of the top in the low minors?
Kevin Goldstein: His K rate isn't that different lately, and while he's walking more, that is looking like more of the change in pitcher's approach than Stanton's. Like you said though, the power is HUGE, just massive, and so rare to find in a player his age. I think he's a very impressive prospect.
Adam J. Morris (Houston, TX): Max Ramirez is the same age as Matt LaPorta, has put up better numbers this year, and is, theoretically, a catcher. So why is LaPorta more highly regarded than Mad Max?
Kevin Goldstein: LaPorta has the better approach and is the better pure hitter. and I'm a big Ramirez believer. Also a big, big difference between the Texas League and the Southern League. Don't rank prospects on stats alone.
makewayhomer (Boston): how does David Price compare to the recent crop of high level SPs? where does he rank among Lincecum Gallardo Hughes Kershaw Scherzer ?
Kevin Goldstein: He's right there with 'em.
Dave (Chicago): What do you make of Sean Doolittle's struggles in Double-A? Temporary setback or indication that his numbers were inflated by the hitter-friendly Cal League?
Kevin Goldstein: Little bit of both.
Joe (Washington, DC): Hi Kevin. Did the Yankees have any idea that Gerritt Cole might actually want to go to college? Isn't this something they should have investigated before the draft...or did they know there was a chance that he was going to go to school and they rolled the dice anyway?
Kevin Goldstein: I really give the Yankees zero blame here. They drafted him with every intention of signing him, they were willing to pay, and they had every reason to believe that Cole would sign. It seems pretty clear that the change of heart came after the selection, so really just tough luck more than anything else.
Matt (DET): What do you think of Chris Lambert? I noticed he was having a good year at AAA and was wondering what you thought of him and if he was top 10 material for the Tigers in 2009?
Kevin Goldstein: Based on some discussions I've had with scouts, he actually might side into the bottom as a guy with back-end rotation or middle relief possibilities.
Andrew (New York): Mmmmm....leftover enchiladas (red or green sauce?) Just wanted to ask your views on Ryan Westmoreland. Red Sox seemed pretty interested in the guy to give him a $2 mil bonus, even though pre-draft rankings had him around the 100th ranked prospect. Was it his summer performance that wowed the Red Sox?
Kevin Goldstein: Neither! Mole! Westmoreland is probably one of the top five overall athletes in the draft. Actually, probably top three. As a baseball player however, he's pretty raw. I don't think his summer had much to do with this, The Red Sox were in heavy on him prior to the draft, knew it would take a lot of cash to sign him and took him with every intention to do so.
Sam (Arlington): How long will Derek Holland continue to fly under the radar? The kid has been filthy in AA.
Kevin Goldstein: Based on the number of Holland questions in the queue, I don't think he's flying under any radar. The thing about Holland that is most exciting is that this really doesn't look like a fluke at all, all of the scouting reports are as eye-popping as the stats, including a fastball that's been touching 97.
Greg (ATL): In one of your earlier 10 packs, a scout raved about Charlie Morton. So far in the majors, Morton hasn't been very good though he has 3 QS in his last 4 starts. What do you make of him?
Kevin Goldstein: I think a lot of this is managing expectations. If I guy projects as a solid big league starter -- and that's all -- a scout is still going to rave about him, because that's a great prospect to find. I still think Morton is going to be solid.
Russ (Chicago): Esmailyn Gonzalez has looked very impressive in his second stint in rookie ball. Any chance he makes the bottom end of your top 100 list next year? The upside seems tremendous, but he also has a very long ways to go.
Kevin Goldstein: I'm not sure what the tremendous upside is that you see. I think he could hit for average and play excellent defense, but he's not going to be some power/speed stud or anything.
Tim (Bakersfield ): Marcus Lemon, who turned 20 earlier this summer, is doing nicely in the Cal League - do you like him much?
Kevin Goldstein: I though he was one of the better sleepers in the Rangers system coming in, and now that the system has exploded, maybe even more so.
Tim (Sonoma, CA): With Brett Wallace getting the call-up to Springfield and his knack for learning quickly on the job, is it out the question to see him with the Cards as soon as next year?
Kevin Goldstein: Where are you going to put him. I'm not saying the bat wouldn't necessarily be ready or anything.
Ken (Los Angeles): I've noticed a dearth of Dodgers in this season's Monday Morning Ten Packs. Coincidence, or a sign that the well is a little dry?
Kevin Goldstein: B. I think Morris made it once before going to the Pirates, and I know I've given props to DeJesus a few times, who I adore.
mattymatty (Philly): Apparently Tabata is hitting again. Has he turned a corner?
Kevin Goldstein: Ten games does not erase all memories.
mattymatty (Philly): Other than Cole, did the first round pan out pretty much as you thought? Were there any surprises?
Kevin Goldstein: Huge surprises? no. I said Crow was the most likely not to sign, and he didn't. Actually, based on my info, I was surprised to see the Padres and Dykstra work it out more than anything, and also surprised as the size of Matusz' deal (as in how small it was).
Tim (Portland, OR): Looking at Elvis Andrus' stat line, I still can't tell whether he's moving past the 'holding his own despite being young for the level' stage or not. What do scouts say?
Kevin Goldstein: They're still mixed. I still don't like him as much as most. For me, he's plus defender, singles hitting shortstop with speed and no other secondary skills. So everyday SS who hits 7th or 8th -- I'm not too excited.
benberg (San Diego): So the Olympic tournament has been a little lackluster thus far, but you're still excited for the Strasburg versus Cuba matchup very early Friday, right?
Kevin Goldstein: Enough to set my alarm.
Jim Bowden (Washington DC): Should I be working on my resume right now?
Kevin Goldstein: Might be a good idea, yes.
Joba the Great (New York): I noticed that Gordon Beckham is off to a quick start for the Chisox Low A team. Do you think he could rocket through the system perhaps landing at shortstop in Chicago in 2010?
Kevin Goldstein: I don't think 2010 is a ridiculous expectation at all. It's actually quite realistic.
Brian (Brooklyn NY): Any idea if Starsburg vs Cuba will be on TV live? I tried to find today's game this morning and had no luck
Kevin Goldstein: You can certianly stream it. I've found the baseball games on UHD and USA in HD.
Big Steve (St. Louis): What about moving brett Wallace to one of the middle infield spots for 2009?
Kevin Goldstein: You're joking right? You realize he's 250 pounds, right?
DanLong (WFC): Your solution to Yankees Matsui/Damon/Gardner/Cabrera problem: Quick, GO!
Kevin Goldstein: I don't think the real solution lies in all four of those names. If you're the Yankees, you'd want a better CF option than what's in front of you.
CrisE (St Paul, MN): Shooter Hunt got off to a ridiculous start in the Appy league and is now rolling along quite happily at Beloit. What's his ceiling? Is this what was expected of him before the draft or is he playing over his head?
Kevin Goldstein: I'm not sure he's exactly rolling along at Beloit. ERA near 4, and 18 walks in 25.1 innings. I was at Kane County yesterday and spoke to a scout who had seen him recently. Solid velocity, very good snap on the curve, and everything was all over the place command wise.
Scott Frew (Oakville): Brett Anderson or Trevor Cahill? I am leaning towards Cahill, am I leaning the wrong way?
Kevin Goldstein: I lean with you, but there are plenty who lean the other way. You can honestly make a good arguement for either, and while I still prefer Cahill, I'm sure they'll be very close on the Top 100.
Amos (New York): Who's the more viable defensive third baseman? Brett Wallace or Mat Gamel?
Kevin Goldstein: What's the fastest car? Yugo or AMC Pacer? So how the answer to that really doesn't matter?
David (Sonoma State University, CA): Why do people end their questions for you with something like, "QUICK, GO, HURRY, NOW?" Do those commands make you think/type any faster?
Kevin Goldstein: Add to that list the people who send the same question 12 times in a row.
steve (new york city): I know that they spent money in 2007 to draft/sign players, but why does it feel as if the yankees (after cole)did not go after high/expensive talent this year?
Kevin Goldstein: The spent $850K in the sixth, $500K in the seventh, $200K in the ninth, $400K in the tenth, and $675K in the 27th.
Drew (Dallas): Is Neftali Feliz a number 1 starter eventually??
Kevin Goldstein: That's certainly the ceiling, but by no mean a guarantee.
Brian (Brooklyn NY): 250 pounds???? We aren't selling jeans here Kevin...sorry I just think that should be involved in every chat
Kevin Goldstein: I agree, so there it is.
DanLong (WFC): okay given the yanks want Austin Jackson as the future CF but he's not ready, and you need someone for the (improbable / impossible) stretch race to the playoffs, what do you do then?
Kevin Goldstein: You play Gardner for now. That said, we have the Yankees with a 2.4% of making the playoffs. That's a 42-1 longshot.
Chris (Toronto): For the Jays do you forsee them calling up Snider, Cecil, or Arencibia in September if they realistically have a chance of the playoffs? JP has stated on his weekly radio show for the past few weeks that they have no plans to currently.
Kevin Goldstein: Playoff Odds report has the Blue Jays at 94-to-1, so don't worry about it. Only guy I might EVEN think about seeing is Snider, and that's a real longshot.
thegame92797 (lynbrook, ny): You recently wrote about Jordan Schafer in Monday's 10 pack. Is he still a viable candidate to break with the team in 2009 as the starting centerfielder or does he need to prove himself some more maybe in AAA next season?
Kevin Goldstein: I think breaking camp with the big league squad would take something pretty phenomenal.
Darryl Humber (Toronto): Are you disappointed in Jarrod Parker's performance this year? His overall numbers don't look that bad.
Kevin Goldstein: The stuff is phenomenal. The polish is far from that. So I'm am a little dissapointed in the difference between what he is and what he can be.
DanLong (WFC): yeah 2.4% isn't as good of odds as i'd like....i read somewhere (before this weekend) that they'd have to play just about .750 ball teh rest of the year just to be in the WC race. an end of a dynasty era, indeed, but with the look of the new farm system under cashman, how long might it be till a new a dynasty era pops up?
Kevin Goldstein: I really think it's just a bump in the road. The system is solid but unspectacular and we all know how big the bank account is. I think it's basically very hard for the Yankees to be 'bad', but at the same time, the Rays make things really hard in that division where there will always be a very good team on the outside looking in for the next few years.
Ken (Los Angeles): What do you make of Victor Garate (Great Lakes, A)? His numbers look great. Are they for real or due more to the fact that he's a 24 yr old in A ball?
Kevin Goldstein: His numbers don't look so great in High-A, and that's not a shock. He doesn't have a ton of stuff, he's more of a speed-changer/strike-thrower type.
Gabe (KC): Eric Hosmer debuts with Idaho Falls on Saturday. Is he instantly the 2nd best prospect in that org behind Moustakas?
Kevin Goldstein: If not first.
stickman (baltimore): Does Stephen Marek have a chance to be in the closer mix for the Braves over the next few years? He's been touted by at least one well-known baseball analyst as a Top 60 talent (?!), but his numbers (especially since joining the Braves) don't exactly scream "future closer". Also, is Allen Craig of the Cards a solid future big leaguer at third base, or more of a utility type?
Kevin Goldstein: I've no idea who you are talking about, but Marek isn't THAT good. That said, I think he'll be a solid big league reliever -- just not a closing one.
Ameer (Bloomington, IN): Thanks for the chat and thanks for your game recommendation! As per the suggestion in your last chat, I gave Pixeljunk Eden another try. Now I'm completely hooked. Love the visuals, love the music, love the gameplay. Great game, and $9.99 makes it that much better. Have you tried the other Pixeljunk games yet? I have been meaning to try Monsters, just haven't had the time (this job thing gets in the way sometimes).
Kevin Goldstein: This gives me the opportunity to say, once again, to BUY THIS GAME. If you have enough money for a PS3, you have ten bucks. Buy it.
Pete (St. Pete): Is there any legit way to justify taking Castro over Smoak?
Kevin Goldstein: No.
Peter (Boston): Kevin, something I've always wondered about: is "stuff" innate, or can it be taught? I don't mean velocity; I mean fastball movement, how sharp a curveball breaks, etc.
Kevin Goldstein: You CAN teach pitching, but obviously, some guys take to it better than others. Some guys learn the second fastball (sinker, cutter, etc.), some guys learn a better slider and curve, and some don't. I do agree that like height, you can't teach velocity.
Nathaniel (VA): What do you make of Rashun Dixon and Nino Leyja's debuts in the AZL? Both are 17-year-old mid-to-late-rounders who've been tearing it up and play up-the-middle-positions. Is this small-sample stuff or are they both legit prospects?
Kevin Goldstein: I love Dixon -- absolute toolshed. I was think the other day if I could find a way to get him into Oakland's top 11, but that system is too loaded.
Mike F (Gainesville): Too many boring baseball questions for you today Kevin. So I'll ask: Have you beaten Persona 3:FES yet, and what is your favorite non-Disgaea NIS game? Oh, and who do you like more at this point, Jemile Weeks or Sean Doolittle?
Kevin Goldstein: Have NOT beat FES yet -- maybe 1/2 through. I thought Persona 3 was outstanding. As far as NIS games, I'm the guy dumn enough to like Phantom Brave. Favorite RPG of alltime -- Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Best NON-RPG games: Fatal Frame II; Katamari Damacy, Portal.
neal (Joliet, IL): Status on the arm of Phillippe Aumont? Thanks Kevin
Kevin Goldstein: I was at his start yesterday, and it looked just fine to me. Fastball remains quite hard and VERY heavy.
KilaKa'aihue (Omaha): How good will I be in Kansas City?
Kevin Goldstein: Good enough to be an average mlb first baseman at best. And that's not a bad thing at all.
David (Sonoma State University, CA): For sheer entertainment, how did you approach your (eventual) girlfriend? Please tell me there was some stupid pick-up line involved.
Kevin Goldstein: We met in a bar, I bought her a drink. I wish it was better than that, but it's not.
Second date was a Guided By Voices show, how's that?
Cory (Toronto): KG, YOu've been pretty high on David Cooper, what do you see as his ultimate upside/comparison? Is he a guy that you think will hit 30+ yearly?
Kevin Goldstein: I think 30 is kind of a max. I see him as a .280-.290 hitter with 35 doubles, 25 home runs and 80-90 walks a year.
Wendy (Madrid): Ian Stewart...
Kevin Goldstein: BABIP...
Breaking News (kinda): The Orioles have called up Kam Mickolio. He's kinda intersting.
GLaDOS (Apeture Science): I'm not kidding now. Turn back or I WILL kill you. I'm going to kill you, and all the cake is gone.
Kevin Goldstein: I thought you weren't being angry. I thought you were so sincere right now. Even though I broke your heart and killed you.
David (Sonoma State University, CA): Before I can answer that, I need to know what drink you got her.
Kevin Goldstein: Here's the strange thing, I'm pretty sure it was a 7&7, and I'm pretty sure I've never seen her drink one since.
Rich (Columbus, OH): "Why do people end their questions for you with something like, "QUICK, GO, HURRY, NOW?" Do those commands make you think/type any faster?" All the regulars know that if you want all your questions answered (and quickly), all you have to do is type in "David (Sonoma State University, CA)" in the information boxes.
Kevin Goldstein: Or, as the one points out, be FUNNY.
Tim (Wash DC): How much blame to the Nats get for Crow? It seems like he never wanted to play for the organization considering his crazy demands. Shouldn't the Nats have known that prior to the draft?
Kevin Goldstein: If I'm throwing out 100 points of blame on that one, I'm giving a solid 80 or 90 to Washington, from everything I've heard, they really messed that up.
Chris (Toronto): Whats your two cents on Adam Lind? He was crushing AAA through half a year, and has remained pretty hot in the majors since his callup 6 weeks ago. Will he this good? Or come back to earth as like a .280 20 hr 80rbi guy?
Kevin Goldstein: I think he'll come back to your earth as you describe it, but that's a pretty good player still, no?
David (Sonoma State University, CA): Impressive, chicks out here don't drink Seven and Sevens.
Kevin Goldstein: She's from the Bay Area, you know?
sodbuster (Wagner, SD): With his .303/.399/.484 start in the FSL, how good does the Aaron Hicks pick look for the Twins. And with Ben Revere tearing up the Midwest League, does any team have two better looking CF candidates in their system?
Kevin Goldstein: Great question. Without putting too much thought into it, I'm not sure anything comes close to matching the Twins when it comes to very young tools outfielders with those two and Angel Morales.
Silv (NY, NY): If you can't teach velocity, how are the teachings of Mike Marshall explained?
Kevin Goldstein: Where my Mike Marshall proteges dominating in the pros. Get back to me when that happens.
Not David ((Not Sonoma State University, not in CA): I know Desmond Jennings is injured, but I cannot find any information about his injury. What is it? How bad is it? What's his long-term prognosis? Thanks Kevin.
Kevin Goldstein: Shoulder surgery. Not good, but not career-threatening or anything. Prognosis is hoepfully good, but he's basically going to miss almost two years of development when you add his recovery to this year's nightmare.
STRZA (ny): is eric young jr a legit prospect for the rox? can he step in at 2b sometime in 09, or is he looking like a long term OF?
Kevin Goldstein: He's definitely upgrading his stock to the point where I can find scouts who have put a big league number on him -- that wasn't the case a year ago.
thegame92797 (lynbrook, ny): Chorye Spoone update? Is he going to be back this season?
Kevin Goldstein: I don't think it's official, but it looks like their shutting down his shoulder.
Brian (brooklyn): You cant teach velocity but cant improved mechanis (learned) increase velocity?
Kevin Goldstein: Actually, and quite often, improved mechanics create LESS velocity, because they take a lot of the violence out of the delivery, which can be the cause of velocity -- it's a slippery slope. Improved command and control? sure. But velocity, not really.
Shane (Miami, OH): Kevin, I was hoping you might be able to tell me what the scouts are saying about Neftali Soto, he seems to be tearing it up for Dayton?
Kevin Goldstein: Bat is very real. Cannon for an arm. Not a shortstop in the end, but still a very real prospect.
Rick (Chicago): While you may not be able to teach a guy's body to change it's underlying structure, certainly you can alter throwing mechanics so that a player maximizes the velocity he can generate. The body may determine a velocity ceiling, but realization is a mechanical issue. Or are you suggesting that my maximum velocity really is 72 mph because that's what I hit at the state fair?
Kevin Goldstein: 72 for "just a guy" actually ain't bad. I think for you it would be getting in shape and learning how to pitch, but I could never get you to 90, I'd bet, and I just don't think you can 'teach' a guy throwing 90-91 to throw 95.
Tony (Brooklyn, NY): Has Montero moved into the plausible big league catcher category, or is the improvement a rumor? Thanks!
Kevin Goldstein: He had nowhere to go but up, no? He's certainly improved, but not to the point where people think he can stay there.
GLaDOS (Aperture Science): This cake is great. It's so delicious and moist... by the way, Josh Vitters is attempting to tie the NWL record with a 26 game hitting streak today. How is he not getting talked about?
Kevin Goldstein: He's a stud, he can really hit. There, how's that? Seriously though, and I said this before he was drafted. You know who Vitters kind of reminds me of? Howie Kendrick with a little more pop.
Glenn (Guardia): 2 million seems like an awful lot for somone like Westmoreland considering he wasn't considered an elite prospect. Can you justify the Red Sox shelling out this kind of money for him?
Kevin Goldstein: Sure. It's only $2 million dollars. In the big scheme of a baseball economy, that just ain't much.
uptick (st. louis, mo): What do you think of Julio Borbon? He seems to be doing fairly good at the AA level in the Rangers system. thx
Kevin Goldstein: For me, he's pretty much Elvis Andrus in center field. Good average, good defense, lot's of speed, no power, no walks. I don't know what to do with that really (and now to sound like the sheriff in No Country For Old Men), I surely don't.
Matt Wieters (Bowie): Say something bad about me. I dare you to try and find something bad to say.
Kevin Goldstein: You went 0-for-4 last Thursday.
High Hopes (Pink Floyd): Is Stolmy Pimentel legit? Any time an 18 year old starter peforms in A-Ball it's a great thing but does he have the projection to be a viable prospect?
Kevin Goldstein: He definitely has projection, and the Red Sox like him quite a bit. He has average velocity now and some feel for secondary stuff and setting up hitters. Long way to go, but some necessary ingrediants are there.
Luis (B-more): David Hernandez or Jake Arietta, call me crazy but i want Hernandez
Kevin Goldstein: You're not crazy. It's not a slam dunk, but you're not crazy.
Kevin (San Jose, CA): How does Posey compare to Wieters? Is there any similarity beyond position?
Kevin Goldstein: Better defense, less power would be the first two major differences in my mind.
Captain (America): Comparing vitters (a white player) to kendrick (a black player), is that even allowed? It would sure open up a lot more options and be a lot more accurate but then we wouldnt be able to use stereotypes anymore. I don't think the world is prepared for toolsy white players or black players who just grind out at bats.
Kevin Goldstein: I'm happy to report to you Captain, that I've been seeing it more and more the more I'm in this business.
Andrew (Nueva York): Michael Burgess seems to belong in Potomac. Why was he slumping in Hagerstown?
Kevin Goldstein: Because he's 19 and has a hole in his swing the size of a Buick. Those guys always go through streaks and slumps.
leez34 (Madison, WI): My friend insists that Tony Gwynn, Jr. can start in CF in the future for the Brewers. I told him it would be better for them to move Weeks there and call up Escobar to play middle infield with Hardy. Please tell him he is an idiot.
Kevin Goldstein: You're both wrong.
Lord Montague (San Fran Bay Area): In a duel between young lefties I shall take Sir Bumgarner from Madison, dare you challenge him with Sir Anderson of Brett?
Kevin Goldstein: I do not.
Bobby Cox (A-Town): My future ace is named Tommy Hanson or Cole Rohrbaugh? We both have quite an affinity for the swing and miss!
Kevin Goldstein: I was one of the few to like Hanson better coming into the year and I still do.
Yanni (somewhere): Kevin, your thoughts on this year's NL MVP race? Wright? Berkman? Who's in the running?
Kevin Goldstein: Excellent, this is my once-a-chat opportunity to say I really don't care about awards!
Gavin (PV Kansas): Not technically a prospect any more, but is middle relief the best we can expect from J. P. Howell of the Rays?
Kevin Goldstein: Pretty much, yes.
Steve N (Delaware): What on earth is a sports hernia?
Kevin Goldstein: It's certainly not a good thing. Ask Mr. Carroll because he'll explain it much better and he'll be boisterous and point at stuff on his body and it will be strangely compelling.
Henry (Auburn): Better yet - Tommy Hanson or Charlie Morton?
Kevin Goldstein: Hanson.
leez34 (Madison, WI): Is the hole in my idea that Weeks couldn't play CF, or that you're just not high enough on Escobar displacing Hardy to 2B?
Kevin Goldstein: First part.
Danny (Col Springs): How good is Chacin, I mean is he top 25 prospect good, because he is pitching better the higher the level, has he passed morales???
Kevin Goldstein: He's very difficult to figure out for me. I like him a ton, but I'm not sure I love him. His stuff is good, but it's so DEEP. He has four really good pitches and he throws strikes with them. Hard to figure where to put that.
Walter (Kansas City): How come I never here anyone talk about Danny Duffy? Enlighten me oh wise one
Kevin Goldstein: Because he's a lefty with avg-to-below velocity but a really nice breaking ball and outstanding command. He's going to be a big leaguer, but not an impact guy.
Peter (Boston): How did you get where you are? Or, more to the point, how can someone without extensive playing experience begin to learn how to scout?
Kevin Goldstein: I ask how I got where I got pretty much every day, and no two people you'd ask that of have the same story. All I can say is have a passion for the game, and undertand that you can learn from pretty much everyone.
Kevin Goldstein: And with that, I'm outsie. Thanks for all the great questions.
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