
Portrait of Mark Ellis

Mark Ellis 2B

Player Cards | Team Audit | Depth Chart

Career Summary
15 5728 .262 .327 .384 95 19.9
Birth Date6-6-1977
Height5' 10"
Weight190 lbs
Age46 years, 10 months, 19 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2002 OAK 25 98 404 94 16 4 6 44 54 4 4 2 .272 .359 .394 106 4.8 1.6 2.7 2.1
2003 OAK 26 154 622 137 31 5 9 48 94 7 6 2 .248 .313 .371 82 -12.1 5.1 13.8 2.3
2005 OAK 28 122 486 137 21 5 13 44 51 4 1 3 .316 .384 .477 124 14.4 -2.7 2.2 2.8
2006 OAK 29 124 500 110 25 1 11 40 76 8 4 0 .249 .319 .385 87 -6.3 0.6 -3.5 0.5
2007 OAK 30 150 642 161 33 3 19 44 94 10 9 4 .276 .336 .441 108 9.1 -2.8 16.8 4.1
2008 OAK 31 117 507 103 20 3 12 53 65 5 14 2 .233 .321 .373 93 -3.1 3.2 8.3 2.2
2009 OAK 32 105 410 99 23 0 10 23 54 2 10 3 .263 .305 .403 92 -2.8 -1.8 4.9 1.2
2010 OAK 33 124 492 127 24 0 5 40 56 8 7 6 .291 .358 .381 107 4.7 -1.1 2.6 2.0
2011 COL 34 70 286 72 13 0 6 14 43 3 7 3 .274 .317 .392 79 -6.6 2.4 -3.1 0.0
2011 OAK 34 62 233 47 11 1 1 8 32 3 7 2 .217 .253 .290 77 -5.8 0.7 5.4 0.7
2012 LAN 35 110 464 107 21 1 7 40 70 7 5 0 .258 .333 .364 93 -3.5 -1.2 1.1 0.9
2013 LAN 36 126 480 117 13 2 6 26 74 10 4 1 .270 .323 .351 94 -2.7 3.1 3.6 1.7
2014 SLN 37 73 202 32 6 0 0 14 38 4 4 1 .180 .253 .213 60 -8.7 0.7 -1.0 -0.4

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1999 SPO A- NWN 0 331 .000 .000 .000 .363 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 WIL A+ CRL 0 569 .000 .000 .000 .345 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 WIC AA TXS 0 27 .000 .000 .000 .412 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2001 SAC AAA PCL 132 541 .000 .000 .000 .306 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2002 OAK MLB AL 98 404 .266 .333 .426 .306 94 8 11.6 -0.3 106 9 2.7 1.6 4.8 2.1
2002 SAC AAA PCL 21 94 .000 .000 .000 .352 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2003 OAK MLB AL 154 622 .269 .333 .430 .281 95 -6.9 16.9 -0.8 82 11 13.8 5.1 -12.1 2.3
2005 OAK MLB AL 122 486 .266 .325 .418 .335 98 23.5 14.0 -0.4 124 7 2.2 -2.7 14.4 2.8
2006 OAK MLB AL 124 500 .273 .336 .433 .274 100 -10.4 15.1 -0.7 87 9 -3.5 0.6 -6.3 0.5
2006 SAC AAA PCL 4 16 .279 .357 .451 .200 88 0.6 0.5 -0.1 107 0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1
2007 OAK MLB AL 150 642 .266 .333 .419 .300 93 14.4 19.1 -0.9 108 8 16.8 -2.8 9.1 4.1
2008 OAK MLB AL 117 507 .262 .327 .410 .248 97 -6.9 14.6 -0.7 93 8 8.3 3.2 -3.1 2.2
2009 OAK MLB AL 105 410 .260 .328 .413 .280 102 -10.5 11.8 -0.5 92 10 4.9 -1.8 -2.8 1.2
2009 STO A+ CLF 2 5 .279 .339 .397 .000 95 -0.8 0.1 0 58 0 0.1 0.0 -0.2 0.0
2009 SAC AAA PCL 8 33 .281 .347 .440 .194 81 -4.3 1.0 0 48 0 1.7 0.2 -1.8 0.1
2010 OAK MLB AL 124 492 .259 .324 .408 .321 100 6.7 13.6 -1.1 107 10 2.6 -1.1 4.7 2.0
2010 STO A+ CLF 2 7 .281 .342 .400 .200 87 0.9 0.2 0 83 0 0.5 0.0 -0.1 0.1
2010 SAC AAA PCL 1 4 .254 .324 .395 .333 81 -0.2 0.1 0 68 0 0.1 0.0 -0.1 0.0
2011 COL MLB NL 70 286 .251 .315 .386 .307 110 -5.7 7.7 -0.3 79 6 -3.1 2.4 -6.6 0.0
2011 OAK MLB AL 62 233 .259 .319 .402 .249 95 -11 6.3 -0.4 77 6 5.4 0.7 -5.8 0.7
2011 SAC AAA PCL 3 11 .288 .344 .452 .200 81 -1.1 0.3 -0.1 83 0 0.1 -0.4 -0.2 0.0
2012 LAN MLB NL 110 464 .255 .316 .401 .296 94 1 12.7 -0.6 93 7 1.1 -1.2 -3.5 0.9
2012 RCU A+ CAL 4 16 .311 .389 .529 .364 105 0 0.5 -0.1 93 0 0.6 -0.5 -0.1 0.0
2013 LAN MLB NL 126 480 .253 .315 .397 .310 99 0.8 12.6 -0.6 94 10 3.6 3.1 -2.7 1.7
2013 CHT AA SOU 2 5 .226 .294 .328 .000 103 -0.1 0.1 0 41 0 0.0 0.6 -0.4 0.0
2014 SLN MLB NL 73 202 .248 .308 .380 .225 103 -12.4 5.2 -0.3 60 9 -1.0 0.7 -8.7 -0.4
2014 MEM AAA PCL 1 3 .251 .316 .326 .500 84 -0.1 0.1 0 65 0 0.0 0.1 -0.1 0.0

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1999 SPO A- NWN 331 281 67 92 14 0 7 127 47 47 40 21 7 .327 .429 .452 .125 0 0
2000 WIC AA TXS 27 22 4 7 1 0 0 8 4 5 5 1 0 .318 .444 .364 .045 0 0
2000 WIL A+ CRL 569 484 83 146 27 4 6 199 62 78 72 25 7 .302 .406 .411 .110 0 0
2001 SAC AAA PCL 541 472 71 129 38 0 10 197 53 54 78 21 7 .273 .351 .417 .144 5 5
2002 SAC AAA PCL 94 84 14 25 10 1 0 37 5 6 13 4 0 .298 .372 .440 .143 0 0
2002 OAK MLB AL 404 345 58 94 16 4 6 136 35 44 54 4 2 .272 .359 .394 .122 3 8
2003 OAK MLB AL 622 553 78 137 31 5 9 205 52 48 94 6 2 .248 .313 .371 .123 5 9
2005 OAK MLB AL 486 434 76 137 21 5 13 207 52 44 51 1 3 .316 .384 .477 .161 0 4
2006 OAK MLB AL 500 441 64 110 25 1 11 170 52 40 76 4 0 .249 .319 .385 .136 7 4
2006 SAC AAA PCL 16 12 1 2 0 0 0 2 2 4 2 0 0 .167 .375 .167 .000 0 0
2007 OAK MLB AL 642 583 84 161 33 3 19 257 76 44 94 9 4 .276 .336 .441 .165 3 2
2008 OAK MLB AL 507 442 55 103 20 3 12 165 41 53 65 14 2 .233 .321 .373 .140 2 5
2009 OAK MLB AL 410 377 52 99 23 0 10 152 61 23 54 10 3 .263 .305 .403 .141 5 3
2009 SAC AAA PCL 33 33 2 6 1 0 0 7 3 0 2 0 0 .182 .182 .212 .030 0 0
2009 STO A+ CLF 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 .000 .200 .000 .000 0 0
2010 SAC AAA PCL 4 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 .250 .250 .250 .000 0 0
2010 STO A+ CLF 7 5 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 .200 .333 .200 .000 0 0
2010 OAK MLB AL 492 436 45 127 24 0 5 166 49 40 56 7 6 .291 .358 .381 .089 5 3
2011 SAC AAA PCL 11 10 0 2 1 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 .200 .273 .300 .100 0 0
2011 COL MLB NL 286 263 34 72 13 0 6 103 25 14 43 7 3 .274 .317 .392 .118 1 5
2011 OAK MLB AL 233 217 21 47 11 1 1 63 16 8 32 7 2 .217 .253 .290 .074 1 4
2012 RCU A+ CAL 16 14 3 4 0 0 0 4 3 2 3 0 0 .286 .375 .286 .000 0 0
2012 LAN MLB NL 464 415 62 107 21 1 7 151 31 40 70 5 0 .258 .333 .364 .106 0 2
2013 CHT AA SOU 5 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 .000 .200 .000 .000 0 0
2013 LAN MLB NL 480 433 46 117 13 2 6 152 48 26 74 4 1 .270 .323 .351 .081 5 6
2014 MEM AAA PCL 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 .333 .333 .333 .000 0
2014 SLN MLB NL 202 178 15 32 6 0 0 38 12 14 38 4 1 .180 .253 .213 .034 2

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 1915 0.5034 0.4209 0.8313 0.5892 0.2503 0.9032 0.6597 0.1687 0.0007
2009 1532 0.5170 0.4621 0.8432 0.6048 0.3095 0.9102 0.7031 0.1568 0.0102
2010 1765 0.5105 0.4363 0.8494 0.5849 0.2813 0.9165 0.7037 0.1506 0.0006
2011 1992 0.5045 0.4558 0.8370 0.5801 0.3293 0.9108 0.7046 0.1630 0.0010
2012 1924 0.5078 0.3981 0.8655 0.5281 0.2640 0.9109 0.7720 0.1345 -0.0002
2013 1972 0.5274 0.4270 0.8504 0.5654 0.2725 0.9116 0.7087 0.1496 -0.0008
2014 835 0.4743 0.4287 0.8603 0.5707 0.3007 0.9469 0.7121 0.1397 -0.0022

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-08-15 2014-09-01 15-DL 17 16 Left Abdomen Strain Oblique -
2014-03-27 2014-04-15 15-DL 19 13 Left Knee Tendonitis -
2014-03-14 2014-03-22 Camp 8 0 Left Knee Tendonitis - -
2013-08-17 2013-08-18 DTD 1 1 - Knee Contusion Foul Ball - -
2013-07-15 2013-07-19 DTD 4 0 Left Lower Leg Contusion Foul Ball - -
2013-06-06 2013-06-07 DTD 1 1 - Groin Strain - -
2013-04-27 2013-05-19 15-DL 22 19 Right Thigh Strain Quadriceps - -
2012-09-26 2012-09-28 DTD 2 2 - General Medical Illness - -
2012-05-19 2012-07-04 15-DL 46 43 Left Lower Leg Surgery Fasciotomy - Compartment Syndrome Acute 2012-05-19 -
2011-09-11 2011-09-13 DTD 2 1 - Neck Soreness - -
2011-06-07 2011-06-22 15-DL 15 13 Right Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2011-04-30 2011-05-01 DTD 1 1 General Medical Respiratory Flu -
2011-04-07 2011-04-07 DTD 0 0 General Medical Illness Ear Infection -
2010-04-21 2010-05-22 15-DL 31 28 Left Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2010-04-12 2010-04-20 DTD 8 7 Left Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2010-03-23 2010-03-25 Camp 2 0 Bilateral Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2009-04-29 2009-06-28 60-DL 60 55 Lower Leg Strain Calf -
2009-02-15 2009-03-22 Camp 35 0 Right Shoulder Recovery From Surgery Labrum and Loose Bodies 2008-09-19
2008-09-01 2008-09-29 60-DL 28 24 Right Shoulder Surgery Labrum and Loose Bodies 2008-09-19
2008-08-28 2008-08-30 DTD 2 2 Right Shoulder Inflammation -
2008-08-23 2008-08-27 DTD 4 4 Right Shoulder Inflammation -
2008-07-22 2008-07-25 DTD 3 2 Right Shoulder Soreness -
2008-06-23 2008-06-25 DTD 2 1 General Medical Illness -
2008-05-12 2008-05-23 DTD 11 9 Left Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2007-06-10 2007-06-11 DTD 1 1 Knee Soreness -
2007-05-29 2007-05-31 DTD 2 2 Knee Soreness -
2007-04-14 2007-04-17 DTD 3 2 Shoulder Contusion -
2006-10-05 2006-10-15 DTD 10 0 Right Fingers Fracture Index Finger HBP -
2006-05-31 2006-06-30 15-DL 30 26 Right Thumb Fracture Thumb -
2006-05-21 2006-05-23 DTD 2 2 Right Shoulder Soreness From Sliding -
2004-03-26 2004-10-04 60-DL 192 162 Right Shoulder Cartilage Injury Labrum Tear From Dislocation -
2003-08-25 2003-08-26 DTD 1 1 Hand Laceration Sliding -


Year Team Salary
2014 SLN $5,250,000
2013 LAN $5,250,000
2012 LAN $2,500,000
2011 OAK $6,000,000
2010 OAK $5,500,000
2009 OAK $5,000,000
2008 OAK $5,000,000
2007 OAK $3,500,000
2006 OAK $2,250,000
2005 OAK $400,000
2004 OAK $323,500
2003 OAK $307,500
12 yrPrevious$41,281,000
12 yrTotal$41,281,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
12 y 136 dJamie Murphy1 year/$5.25M (2014)

  • 1 year/$5.25M (2014). Signed by St. Louis as a free agent 12/16/13. Performance bonuses: $0.125M for 250 plate appearances and each additional 25 PAs to 475. Retired 2/15.
  • 2 years/$8.75M (2012-13), plus 2014 club option. Signed by LA Dodgers as a free agent 11/15/11. 12:$2.5M, 13:$5.25M, 14:$5.75M club option ($1M buyout). Performance bonuses: $25,000 each for 500, 525, 550, 575, 600 plate appearances. LA Dodgers declined 2014 option 10/31/13.
  • 2 years/$11M (2009-10), plus 2011 club option. 09:$5M, 10:$5.5M, 11:$6M club option, $0.5M buyout. Signed extension with Oakland 10/20/08. $0.8M in performance bonuses based on games. Oakland exercised 2008 option 9/24/07.
  • 2 years/$6M (2006-07), plus 2008 club option. Signed extension with Oakland 1/06 (avoided arbitration, $2.85M-$2.15). 06:$2.25M, 07:$3.5M, 08:$5M club option, $0.25M buyout.
  • 1 year/$0.4M (2005). Re-signed by Oakland 12/04. Performance bonuses: $25,000 for 250 plate appearances and each 50 PAs to 600.
  • 1 year/$0.3235M (2004). Re-signed by Oakland 2/04.
  • 1 year/$0.3075M (2003). Re-signed by Oakland 2/03.
  • 1 year (2002). Contract purchased by Oakland 11/01. Re-signed by Oakland 2/02. Optioned to Triple-A 3/02, 4/02. Recalled 6/02.
  • Acquired by Oakland in trade from Kansas City 1/8/01.
  • Drafted by Kansas City 1999 (9-271) (University of Florida). $1,000 signing bonus.

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2014-05-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)What's your take on the Kolten Wong demotion? People seem to be reading between the lines on that one to an extent that seems excessive to me, but what do I know?
(Bill from New Mexico)
I was surprised, as were most people. It's early to give up on a player with his track record. The Cardinals are panicking a little, it seems. There's no upside to playing Mark Ellis. The hope is that Wong goes down, has some success in Triple-A (which he is), feels good about himself and comes back up and plays like they expect. It's not a bad idea and it might just work. I was just surprised. Doesn't seem like something the Cardinals would do. (Jeff Moore)
2014-03-27 13:00:00 (link to chat)Kolten Wong, ready to live up to expectations, recieves 500 at bats in St. Louis Gregory Polanco up in the Burgh by mid April? Tyler Glasnow up late this season? Thanks for the chat, regardless if you get to this question, always enjoy the knowledge as you answer any question in general
(Dragonbreath from Gurnee, IL)
Just to break these up a little:

Wong should be fine, but the playing time estimate might be on the optimistic side. It wouldn't shock me if they platoon him with Mark Ellis, at least early on.

I doubt Polanco is up before mid-June. The Pirates have every financial reason to play the Super Two game with him. As with Glasnow, I'd lean toward not this year. You figure Jameson Taillon is in line ahead of him, and likely Nick Kingham as well. Add in some of the other bit arms the Pirates have, and I just don't see a clear path to the majors for him this season. (R.J. Anderson)
2013-10-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)If you're running the Dodgers, do you keep Mark Ellis around next season now they you've signed Alexander Guerrero?
(Josh from Wyoming)
Probably. But, if I'm the Dodgers, I probably have a higher opinion of Guerrero. (R.J. Anderson)
2013-04-16 20:00:00 (link to chat)Until Hanley gets off the DL, my infield is on the weak side in a 9 team NL only league where all active players must start. Currently I have Prado at 3B, Mark Ellis 2B and Mayberry in a Utility slot. The injury to Aaron Hill opens things up a bit on a tight waiver wire and I'm thinking about adding Eric Chavez at 3B, sliding Prado over to 2B, and waiving either Mayberry or Ellis. Do you have a recommendation?
(warpigs from Austin)
I'd rather be playing Chavez than Ellis. At least he has a little more upside, but watch their usage patterns. If Chavez is going to be playing only 2-3 times a week to get Gregorius/Pennington both in there, go with Ellis. (Bret Sayre)
2012-05-31 14:00:00 (link to chat)Hey, Jason. I'm just wondering who, in your opinion, are the five scrappiest players in the majors today. Please use statistics to back up your assertions.
(Noah from NY)
Mark Ellis: almost died, definitely scrappy
Adam Rosales: runs real fast everywhere he goes, super scrappy
Josh Willingham: plays baseball despite having two-foot-long legs, mad scrappy
Jose Altuve: like 5'2", so scrappy
Munenori Kawasaki: has made a career out of being an Ichiro-stalker, hella scrappy

Stats are not scrappy. (Jason Wojciechowski)
2012-03-15 12:00:00 (link to chat)What were the best and worst moves this off-season?
(SaberTJ from Cleveland, OH)
If extensions count I might go with Matt Moore. Locking up potential impact players to affordable long-term deals is vital for the Rays. If they don't count, then I can see the case being mode for a range of deals. For instance, the Hiroki Kuroda signing. Not only did New York get a quality pitcher, but they got him on a one-year deal. I know the money involved there is a more than you'd like to hear about the best deal of the offseason, but it's one that sticks out in my mind as a deal we'll look back at fondly.

As for the worst deal. I'm sure an obvious one is slipping my mind. I might go with the Dodgers signing of Mark Ellis because I don't understand why you'd give him the years and the money like they did. (R.J. Anderson)
2011-11-15 13:00:00 (link to chat)eric young jr.?
(efeder21 from new york)
It's going to depend on what happens this winter, but he's looking more like a deep-mixed flier and an NL-only pickup if you don't have to overextend to buy him. He played a lot down the stretch and finished with a strong September, but his overall line wasn't very good. We know he has speed, but the bat needs to play, and he's only flashed an ability to do that. He's playing 2B in Venezuela this fall, and Mark Ellis is a Dodger now, but the team has plenty of other similar not-nearly-sure-thing options like Nelson, Pachecho, and Herrera. It's also not out of the question that the Rox deal EYJ. His speed and positional versatility give him upside, but that's all it is for now. Pay attention to what the team says about him as we get closer to the season. (Derek Carty)
2011-07-21 16:00:00 (link to chat)I 've been reluctant to make a trade since my last one was so stupid. Frustrated with Detroit for giving up on Sizemore a month ago or so, I traded Boesch - who wasn't hitting at all and looking like his 2nd half of not hitting last year and Sizemore for Mark Ellis. A few days after the trade Ellis hit the DL, Boesch went on a tear, and Sizemore was traded to Oakland where he was better appreciated. Recently, I almost offered Jennings for Kipnis, but decided not to mess up my team any further. Meanwhile, Ellis came alive in Oakland for a bit and now my Carlos Guillen is up and seemingly pretty acceptable. I still have Granderson, Adam Jones, Melky, Delmon, and Trout for outfielders - not to mention one Jose Bautista, if I didn't need him at first until Butler starts hitting again. Should I make that deal anyway on the assumption Guillen and Ellis will be injured again - or is Jennings' upside too great? (We can keep 13 non-prospects at the end of the season.)
(hotstatrat from Scoresheet fantasyland)
Kipnis has good upside as well relative to his position. Grandy, Jones, and Trout work for me but I don't see Melky repeating and I have a hate/hate relationship with Young because I see little skills growth and fluctuating states based off short-term success mixed in with long slumps. (Jason Collette)
2011-06-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thoughts on young Jemile Weeks? And any word on Brett Anderson - is this a surgery thing or will he be making his annual visit to land of the lost?
(Jquinton82 from NY)
As good a player as Mark Ellis has been at times, it was really past time to look elsewhere. Weeks isn't going to make anyone forget Ellis on the fielding job (how is it he never won a Gold Glove?)and offensively I don't know that he's going to be anything special, but he should be closer to being a contributor with the bat than Ellis has been in most years. (Steven Goldman)
2011-05-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)Assuming he can stay healthy, when would you call up Jemile Weeks to replace Mark Ellis at second base?
(Tom from Madison)
After I traded Ellis on July 31. (Kevin Goldstein)
2010-03-17 14:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Christina, I look at Oakland's line-up without anyone I'd like on my fantasy team and can't understand how Pecota has them playing 500 ball. What are your thoughts on the A's?
(lennyd from Portland)
Either you don't have a lot of teams in your league, or you're very picky, or maybe you have no use for steals; while I'm not wild about an outfield with Coco Crisp and Rajai Davis in it as everyday players, they will snag bags. For pitching, whether you're in a keeper league or not, just go grab Brett Anderson. Like steals, saves are a commodity you should want, and Andrew Bailey's the real deal. Position-related supply/demand issues might encourage you to snag Kurt Suzuki or Mark Ellis. Basically, it's going to be a better real-world ballclub than a generator of traditional category fantasy stars. (Christina Kahrl)
2009-07-24 16:30:00 (link to chat)Not expecting a followup but I think I may be underestimating Sanchez to an extent just because of the hype. If you do have time - Sanchez would be #5 this year and possibly my #4 next year as I will lose Mike Mussina (Beckett, Peavy, Lohse, Braden, Laffey round out the staff). I have Mark Ellis/Blake DeWitt platooning at 2B this year. I guess the question is: am I going to kick myself for getting rid of Kendrick after holding out to him for the last four years? I see his K/UIBB ratio is much improved this year but thats about it.
(Jm from Tucson)
If I'm in your shoes I take a chance on Kendrick since it isn't as if Sanchez makes or breaks your rotation. (Eric Seidman)
2009-04-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)Does Adrian Cardenas take over for me next season at third base? What kind of production can we expect out of him?
(Eric Chavez from Doctor's Office)
Kevin had a bit about him in today's Ten Pack. My take is that the bat may not play at third base--he'd have to hit a lot of doubles or draw more walks, and playing in Oakland chips away at your BA a bit. In the short term, trying him there makes sense, especially since so much of Mark Ellis' value is actual (defensive) rather than perceived, making him a lousy trade chit. Could Ellis move back to short? (Joe Sheehan)
2009-02-10 14:00:00 (link to chat)With the AL West appearing so winnable, can the A's really afford to give Bobby "Bones" Crosby a season's worth of at-bats? And what better options are still out there (either in-house or via FA) besides the obvious one in Orlando Cabrera?
(Adam from Italy)
It really does seem to be down to Cabrera, especially since so many of the Kathy Griffin D-listers (I'm looking at you, Adam Everett) are already under contract. But I guess I'm a little more sanguine, in that I'd be willing to risk Cliff Pennington for long stretches. The problem's more one of the additional questions over Eric Chavez's playability and availability, and how well Mark Ellis bounces back from his latest spin with the injury bug, because that's an entire infield's worth of unknowns that no amount of happy thoughts get to go away. (Christina Kahrl)
2008-12-11 14:00:00 (link to chat)Beyond the fact that he isn't very good... Would it be a smart bet for Billy Beane to trade Bobby Crosby to a potential Furcal suitor just to shrink the market for him? The A's can't outbid anybody who might want Furcal, so shouldn't they want to be the only ones bidding? Then even if they don't sign Furcal, I don't really see some kind of a Gregorio Petit, Pennington, Mark Ellis as a downgrade at all. At least there's SOME defense, power and obp in that group, albeit not in the same place.
(Juan Eduardo from San Francisco)
My problem with that is I don't think there is much of a market for Bobby Crosby. His value is lower than ever. It's a good idea in theory but I think it would be hard to execute. (John Perrotto)
2008-11-03 13:30:00 (link to chat)I've been dying to read what you have to say about the Mark Ellis signing. Good deal for the A's? Is he worth the risk? What is his value given his hitting, defense, age and injury history?
(Scott the Stathead from NY, NY)
Lamentably, the A's were one of two teams I didn't get to in the article that's about to be published, but I expect to comment on their moves (Joe Dillon is free!) and the Blue Jays' after we wrap up here. But to be terse (by my standards), the word that sums up my feelings on keeping Ellis is 'resigned' (as opposed to 're-signed'). OK, we kept him, and in the long and unhappy history of second base in A's history, Ellis is sort of our generation's Dick Green, a nifty player, but not a great one. For that money, it's not a great deal, and given that it's spread out evenly, this isn't even a situation like Terrence Long's contract, where we can always hope Billy gets somebody else to pick up the heavy back end of the tab. (Christina Kahrl)
2008-10-21 14:00:00 (link to chat)Speaking of Mark Ellis, the San Francisco Chronicle has a blog posting today claiming the "sabermetric set" is outraged at Ellis for taking an under-market contract. Would you agree?
(oira61 from San Francisco)
Don't look at me -- I'm not part of the sabermetric set. (Kevin Goldstein)
2008-10-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)So the A's are on the verge of re-signing Mark Ellis. Even ignoring concerns about his surgically repaired shoulder, why trade for Eric Patterson and Adrian Cardenas and draft Jemile Weeks if Ellis is sticking around for a few years?
(Dave from Chicago)
I have to admit I did something of a double-take on hearing of this. Thirty-one year-old second basemen with sketchy injury histories are exactly the kind of players Billy Beane is generally smart enough to stay away from. Perhaps this is a Varitek-like character signing. I don't know. (Steven Goldman)
2008-10-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hey Marc, how's it going? I know I still owe you that $'s coming. Anyway, I wanted your take on the Cleveland Indians. It seems that Mark Ellis would be a fantastic fit (with Peralta moving to third and Cabrera at short). Do you agree? What else would you do to send the Tribe to contention in 09?
(Peter from Beyond the Boxscore)
Getting a second baseman who can improve their defense while not hurting them on offense is a solid idea, especially if it also fixes their third base situation somewhat. What do you do about shortstop then though? I mean you specifically, Peter.

I don't think the Indians were nearly as bad as they played during the first half--that bullpen was atrocious, and on pace to meet up with some of the worst Royals' bullpens in recent memory before they changed their tune midway and started earning their keep and then some. Because of this, I don't think they need to make any major moves, just work on the margins to improve their chances at the AL Central title. (Marc Normandin)
2008-05-27 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thoughts on the A's? They have the second-best third-order win percentage in the AL and have been hit by a number of injuries already (including a 2-7 stretch without Mark Ellis). Real or mirage?
(John from SF)
I really like that pitching staff, but the thing I'm a little wary of is that they rank 5th in the league in run-scoring even though they're 6th in OBP and 11th in slugging percentage. They're definitely in the right division to sneak into the playoffs, but I don't think they get there without Beane making a summer upgrade or two. (Nate Silver)
2008-02-28 14:00:00 (link to chat)Mark Ellis is overdue for a Gold Glove--is this the year he wins one?
(dwiest12 from Vienna VA)
Man, was he jobbed last year or what? I certainly hope so, but if he's dealt to the National League, his chances diminish considerably. Even if he sticks around in Oakland, guys like Aaron Hill are starting to get some well-deserved recognition. (Christina Kahrl)

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