
Portrait of Jason Kendall

Jason Kendall CPirates

Pirates Player Cards | Pirates Team Audit | Pirates Depth Chart

Career Summary
19 8701 .288 .366 .378 103 42.5
Birth Date6-26-1974
Height6' 0"
Weight190 lbs
Age49 years, 10 months, 0 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1996 PIT 22 130 471 124 23 5 3 35 30 15 5 2 .300 .372 .401 102 3.2 0.7 2.4 2.8
1997 PIT 23 144 572 143 36 4 8 49 53 31 18 6 .294 .391 .434 114 12.8 2.2 -0.7 3.9
1998 PIT 24 149 627 175 36 3 12 51 51 31 26 5 .327 .411 .473 128 23.9 2.7 3.2 5.6
1999 PIT 25 78 334 93 20 3 8 38 32 12 22 3 .332 .428 .511 135 17.4 3.1 -6.1 2.8
2000 PIT 26 152 678 185 33 6 14 79 79 15 22 12 .320 .412 .470 122 25.2 5.0 -30.4 3.2
2001 PIT 27 157 672 161 22 2 10 44 48 20 13 14 .266 .335 .358 93 -2.8 0.9 -24.2 0.3
2002 PIT 28 145 605 154 25 3 3 49 29 9 15 8 .283 .350 .356 95 -1.1 -1.9 0.0 2.5
2003 PIT 29 150 665 191 29 3 6 49 40 25 8 7 .325 .399 .416 116 16.1 3.6 -8.4 4.0
2004 PIT 30 147 658 183 32 0 3 60 41 19 11 8 .319 .399 .390 114 12.7 6.6 -6.4 4.3
2005 OAK 31 150 676 163 28 1 0 50 39 20 8 3 .271 .345 .321 97 -1.7 2.6 -5.0 2.7
2006 OAK 32 143 626 163 23 0 1 53 54 12 11 5 .295 .367 .342 99 2.4 2.5 10.2 4.4
2007 CHN 33 57 202 47 10 1 1 19 15 6 0 3 .270 .362 .356 76 -5.5 0.3 -6.0 -0.2
2007 OAK 33 80 312 66 10 0 2 12 27 3 3 1 .226 .261 .281 74 -9.0 -1.6 0.3 0.5
2008 MIL 34 151 587 127 30 2 2 50 45 13 8 3 .246 .327 .324 85 -9.6 1.1 20.1 3.9
2009 MIL 35 134 526 109 19 2 2 46 58 17 7 2 .241 .331 .305 83 -9.3 0.0 -1.4 1.4
2010 KCA 36 118 490 111 18 0 0 37 45 6 12 7 .256 .318 .297 84 -8.7 -1.4 -8.3 0.3

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1993 AUG A SAL 102 400 .000 .000 .000 .299 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1994 SLM A+ CRL 101 438 .000 .000 .000 .324 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1994 CAR AA SOU 13 51 .000 .000 .000 .250 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1995 CAR AA SOU 117 508 .000 .000 .000 .330 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1996 PIT MLB NL 130 471 .258 .321 .401 .314 101 9.8 14.6 8.8 102 10 2.4 0.7 3.2 2.8
1997 PIT MLB NL 144 572 .262 .330 .411 .314 102 16.3 15.2 10.2 114 9 -0.7 2.2 12.8 3.9
1998 PIT MLB NL 149 627 .263 .327 .413 .340 102 28.8 16.3 11.2 128 9 3.2 2.7 23.9 5.6
1999 PIT MLB NL 78 334 .273 .343 .437 .348 95 25.8 9.1 6.3 135 7 -6.1 3.1 17.4 2.8
2000 PIT MLB NL 152 678 .267 .338 .439 .349 113 17.6 21.4 12.9 122 10 -30.4 5.0 25.2 3.2
2001 PIT MLB NL 157 672 .262 .328 .427 .275 102 -11.5 20.0 9 93 8 -24.2 0.9 -2.8 0.3
2002 PIT MLB NL 145 605 .261 .329 .412 .293 102 -3.3 17.4 10.5 95 8 0.0 -1.9 -1.1 2.5
2003 PIT MLB NL 150 665 .265 .332 .423 .340 102 16.5 17.5 11.8 116 7 -8.4 3.6 16.1 4.0
2004 PIT MLB NL 147 658 .264 .327 .428 .337 93 21.9 19.6 11.9 114 7 -6.4 6.6 12.7 4.3
2005 OAK MLB AL 150 676 .267 .326 .419 .287 97 -5.5 19.4 11.3 97 9 -5.0 2.6 -1.7 2.7
2006 OAK MLB AL 143 626 .273 .335 .433 .323 99 -6.3 18.9 11.4 99 7 10.2 2.5 2.4 4.4
2007 CHN MLB NL 57 202 .270 .331 .430 .291 104 -0.4 6.0 3.6 76 8 -6.0 0.3 -5.5 -0.2
2007 OAK MLB AL 80 312 .267 .331 .422 .241 93 -21.8 9.3 5.6 74 8 0.3 -1.6 -9.0 0.5
2008 MIL MLB NL 151 587 .260 .328 .416 .265 100 -13.8 17.0 10.3 85 9 20.1 1.1 -9.6 3.9
2009 MIL MLB NL 134 526 .261 .329 .412 .270 98 -12.3 15.1 9.2 83 5 -1.4 0.0 -9.3 1.4
2010 KCA MLB AL 118 490 .262 .324 .411 .280 110 -22.9 13.5 8.2 84 6 -8.3 -1.4 -8.7 0.3
2012 NWA AA TEX 2 3 .244 .350 .382 .500 100 -0.1 0.1 0.1 73 0 -0.1 0.1 -0.1 0.0

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1993 AUG A SAL 400 366 43 101 17 4 1 129 40 22 30 8 5 .276 .329 .352 .077 0 0
1994 CAR AA SOU 51 47 6 11 2 0 0 13 6 2 3 0 0 .234 .294 .277 .043 0 0
1994 SLM A+ CRL 438 371 68 118 19 2 7 162 66 47 21 14 3 .318 .413 .437 .119 0 0
1995 CAR AA SOU 508 429 87 140 26 1 8 192 71 56 22 10 7 .326 .420 .448 .121 1 1
1996 PIT MLB NL 471 414 54 124 23 5 3 166 42 35 30 5 2 .300 .372 .401 .101 4 3
1997 PIT MLB NL 572 486 71 143 36 4 8 211 49 49 53 18 6 .294 .391 .434 .140 5 1
1998 PIT MLB NL 627 535 95 175 36 3 12 253 75 51 51 26 5 .327 .411 .473 .146 8 2
1999 PIT MLB NL 334 280 61 93 20 3 8 143 41 38 32 22 3 .332 .428 .511 .179 4 0
2000 PIT MLB NL 678 579 112 185 33 6 14 272 58 79 79 22 12 .320 .412 .470 .150 4 1
2001 PIT MLB NL 672 606 84 161 22 2 10 217 53 44 48 13 14 .266 .335 .358 .092 2 0
2002 PIT MLB NL 605 545 59 154 25 3 3 194 44 49 29 15 8 .283 .350 .356 .073 2 0
2003 PIT MLB NL 665 587 84 191 29 3 6 244 58 49 40 8 7 .325 .399 .416 .090 3 1
2004 PIT MLB NL 658 574 86 183 32 0 3 224 51 60 41 11 8 .319 .399 .390 .071 4 1
2005 OAK MLB AL 676 601 70 163 28 1 0 193 53 50 39 8 3 .271 .345 .321 .050 5 0
2006 OAK MLB AL 626 552 76 163 23 0 1 189 50 53 54 11 5 .295 .367 .342 .047 5 4
2007 CHN MLB NL 202 174 21 47 10 1 1 62 19 19 15 0 3 .270 .362 .356 .086 0 3
2007 OAK MLB AL 312 292 24 66 10 0 2 82 22 12 27 3 1 .226 .261 .281 .055 3 2
2008 MIL MLB NL 587 516 46 127 30 2 2 167 49 50 45 8 3 .246 .327 .324 .078 2 6
2009 MIL MLB NL 526 452 48 109 19 2 2 138 43 46 58 7 2 .241 .331 .305 .064 5 6
2010 KCA MLB AL 490 434 39 111 18 0 0 129 37 37 45 12 7 .256 .318 .297 .041 7 6
2012 NWA AA TEX 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 .333 .333 .333 .000 0 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 1964 0.5514 0.4043 0.9093 0.5162 0.2667 0.9410 0.8340 0.0907 -0.0070
2009 1959 0.5421 0.4150 0.8622 0.5574 0.2464 0.9122 0.7285 0.1378 -0.0128
2010 1818 0.5534 0.4197 0.8702 0.5268 0.2869 0.9189 0.7597 0.1298 -0.0064

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2011-03-22 2011-09-29 60-DL 191 162 Right Shoulder Surgery Two Rotator Cuff Tendon Tears 2011-07-13
2011-02-27 2011-03-22 Camp 23 0 Right Shoulder Recovery From Surgery Rotator Cuff 2010-09-24
2010-08-31 2010-10-04 60-DL 34 31 Right Shoulder Surgery Rotator Cuff 2010-09-24
2010-05-13 2010-05-14 DTD 1 1 Left Arm Contusion HBP -
2009-04-21 2009-04-21 DTD 0 0 Forearm Contusion Foul Ball Last Week -
2005-10-06 2005-10-06 Off 0 0 Knee Surgery Debridement 2005-10-06
1999-07-05 1999-10-04 60-DL 91 81 Right Ankle Surgery Fracture and Dislocation 1999-07-04


Year Team Salary
2012 $
2011 KCA $3,750,000
2010 KCA $2,250,000
2009 MIL $5,000,000
2008 MIL $4,250,000
2007 OAK $13,000,000
2006 OAK $11,000,000
2005 OAK $10,000,000
2004 PIT $8,000,000
2003 PIT $8,000,000
2002 PIT $6,571,429
2001 PIT $5,100,000
2000 PIT $2,250,000
12 yrPrevious$79,171,429
12 yrTotal$79,171,429


Service TimeAgentContract Status
16 yArn Tellem1 year (2012)

  • 1 year (2012). Re-signed by Kansas City as a free agent 7/18/12 (minor-league contract).
  • 2 years/$6M (2010-11). Signed by Kansas City as a free agent 12/11/09. 10:$2.25M, 11:$3.75M. $0.25M/year in performance bonuses.
  • 1 year/$4.25M (2008), plus 2009 vesting option. Signed by Milwaukee as a free agent 11/21/07. Performance bonuses: $0.1M 110 g, $0.15M each 120,130 g, $0.15M 100 games started, $0.2M 115 games started, $0.25M 130 games started. 2009 option vests at $4.25M with 110 starts in 2008, $4.35M with 120 starts, $4.6M with 130 starts. Option vested at $5M ($4.6M based on 2008 starts, plus $0.4M for performance bonus for games earned in 2008).
  • 6 years/$60M (2002-07). Signed extension with Pittsburgh 2002. $4M signing bonus (half deferred). 02:$6M, 03:$8M, 04:$8M, 05:$10M, 06:$11M, 07:$13M. Full no-trade clause. Acquired by Oakland in trade from Pittsburgh 11/04 (Pirates pay $5.5M of 2007 salary). Acquired by Chicago Cubs in trade from Oakland 7/16/07.
  • 1 year/$3.1M (2001).

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2011-04-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Wtf is wrong with the Royals. They need Jason Kendall and Willie Boom Boom more than ever. Have you ever seen Dragon Ball Z where the Z fighters fuse? Do you think these 2 could fuse and become the grittiest player in the game?
(Baseball Babe from dacitay)
This one can stand on its own without any help from me. (Steven Goldman)
2010-07-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)Is Alex Gordon going to die in Triple A?
(caseyj15 from Medford, OR)
Alex Gordon will star in a remake of Bull Durham, right when he's about to set the minor league record for homers, and also after the Royals have decided he's not an outfielder and should now catch.

Then when he's *finally* recalled, he'll back up Jason Kendall, a job that sees less action than a police officer stationed in Sandford, England. (Marc Normandin)
2010-05-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)Jason Kendall tearing up his ankle, perhaps?
(Rob from Houston)
He came back and had a pretty nice career after that. Honestly, would anyone have seen that BRUTAL injury and expected he would turn into one of the most durable catchers in the game? He's caught 1900 games and is two years younger than Ivan Rodriguez, who's got the record at 2300. I dont think he'll catch him, but it's pretty amazing. (Will Carroll)
2010-04-16 13:00:00 (link to chat)Royals Fever! Catch it! I loved your old work on them. So I keep hearing how their ownership is smarter. So exactly how smart is a team that thinks Jason Kendall and Yuniesky Betancourt help form a strong middle core? And Gil Meche was worth signing to a huge long-term deal......
(dangor from New York)
Royals fan in NYC. They're everywhere. Obviously, they're misguided in their thinking on those players, though not so much Meche. The brass there just values the wrong things, in my opinion. Latest example is Luis Mendoza, who was picked up two days before the end of spring training and four days later was brought in to protect a one-run lead in the eighth. Yeah, he's got a 94 mph sinker. He also doesn't have a track record of, you know, retiring batters.

You'll never catch me calling the Royals dumb because I know Dayton Moore and like the man and he's always been very good to me. I also know that he's not dumb. I just don't agree with the way he evaluates big-league talent. I have hope that he'll redeem himself when some of his pitching prospects hit Kansas City. (Bradford Doolittle)
2009-08-25 13:00:00 (link to chat)Why are the Brewers still playing the corpse that is Jason Kendall rather than bringing up Angel Salome? Is it Kendall's contract and preventing Salome from starting his ML clock?
(31cornucopia from Skillman)
Salome hasn't exactly torn up Triple-A. Why promote him to the majors when he hasn't earned it? (Joe Sheehan)
2008-05-05 12:30:00 (link to chat)Bryan, is it true that the Rays are actually considering my namesake to go #1 overall? What has impressed so many about him this year and what is a good 'upside' comparison"? thanks.
(Parker Posey from Filmlore)
That's the hottest and most popular rumor it seems, and yes, I think they are absolutely considering it. Posey was just outside of getting a first round grade out of high school, and the reports have been true. He plays a premium position, has a 70 arm behind the plate and has late 90s Jason Kendall potential with the bat. The Rays simply have to weigh that likelihood against Pedro Alvarez' chance at hitting 40 home runs, and Beckham's chance at becoming Brian Roberts. I don't think they go Posey in the end, and I don't think they should -- but I certainly know they are thinking about it. (Bryan Smith)
2008-03-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)What is one of the most impressive injury recoveries you've seen in recent years? Personally I was amazed that Ken Griffey Jr. could detach the hamstring tendon from the bone and still play outfield the next year. Thanks for a great chat!
(havybeaks from Michigan)
Brian Roberts without a doubt. Slight edge over Jason Kendall. (Will Carroll)
2008-01-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)Nate, how likely do you think it is that Joe Mauer becomes more of a power hitter at some point? As a Twins fan, I hope for more than a souped up Jason Kendall career.
(collins from greenville nc)
PECOTA is no longer showing much potential for a power breakout for Mauer, and that definitely constitutes a downgrade of sorts from last year. But the Jason Kendall analogy is lowballing a bit. Think Wade Boggs as a catcher. Where's Margo Adams when you need her? (Nate Silver)
2008-01-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)Cubs and Reds mentioned about playoffs, yet no Brewers? Does that mean you are not big on the Cameron signing? Or the pitching, or what?
(sjstraub from NJ via WI)
Actually, looking a few more numbers, if I had to guess PECOTA might well have the Brewers in the playoffs instead of the Cubs. I just sort of have this mental block about any team that has Jason Kendall on its 25-man roster.

One of the projections that surprised me was that PECOTA really buys into Ryan Braun's bat, and if he's moved away from third base, there should be nothing stopping him from being one of the best hitters in the league. And that pitching staff ... Yovani Gallardo ... yep, lot to like there. (Nate Silver)
2008-01-17 14:00:00 (link to chat)How much does Mike Cameron help the Brewers overall defense considering it gets Braun away from 3rd and Hall out of CF? Marginally? Leaps and bounds?
(Mark from Milwaukee)
Well, I sort of dealt with this a TA ago, but I really think there's a potential synergistic effect to be gained here. I can see Hall being a fine fix to their third base defensive hole, and Braun's a good enough athlete to be an asset in the outfield. And then there's having Cameron in center instead of an obviously uncomfortable Hall. It doesn't fix that still-ugly problem on the right side of the infield, nor does it breathe new life in Jason Kendall's ability to deter the running game, but it's a step in the right direction. (Christina Kahrl)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2010-04-05 09:30:00Season Opener RoundtableSo, mid-meltdown, the viewers of the Royals game have been polled as to which newcomer will help the most:

Rick Ankiel 28%
Chris Getz 28%
Jason Kendall 17%
Scott Podsednik 27%

Clearly, "None of the above, they're all godawful, now please let me start my 162 games of suffering in peace" wasn't accepted as a valid answer. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-10-15 17:00:002009 NLCS Game One (Phillies/Dodgers)I wonder how many examples there are of the Jason Kendall/Russell Martin career path... Although Martin seems to have gone down that particular road on fast-forward. (Steven Goldman)
2008-10-02 11:00:00Thursday Playoff GamesThe 2008 Phillies have the second-highest team stolen base percentage in our database (84.5%), topped only by last year's club (87.3%), so that Jason Kendall throw-out is practically a collector's edition. (Derek Jacques)
2008-10-02 11:00:00Thursday Playoff GamesMeyers settles down and gets a 1-2-3 top off the second, but I'm not sure how much one can learn from that when that 1-2-3 is Craig Counsel, Jason Kendall and Sabathia. (Kevin Goldstein)

Advanced Catching Metrics

Year lvl CSAA Framing Runs Blocking Chances EPAA Blocking Runs SB Attempts SRAA TRAA Throwing Runs FRAA Adj. FRAA
1996 mlb .002 2.7 4898 .000 0.1 156 .042 .010 -4.7 -2.2 2.4
1997 mlb -.007 -10.7 6136 .000 0.1 133 -.040 -.001 3.4 -7.3 -0.7
1998 mlb -.001 -0.9 5759 -.001 1.0 99 .006 -.003 0.0 0.1 3.2
1999 mlb -.012 -10.6 3408 .000 -0.3 59 -.069 -.001 2.9 -8.0 -6.1
2000 mlb -.020 -36.5 7064 .001 -2.0 113 .001 .003 -0.1 -39.4 -30.4
2001 mlb -.023 -28.1 5318 .000 0.6 83 .020 -.007 -0.2 -29.0 -24.2
2002 mlb -.004 -6.0 5748 -.001 2.0 104 -.002 -.001 0.3 -4.8 0.0
2003 mlb -.005 -7.9 6055 .000 0.4 78 .012 -.002 -0.5 -8.1 -8.4
2004 mlb -.009 -13.5 6442 -.001 2.2 88 -.024 -.002 1.4 -10.7 -6.4
2005 mlb .002 2.5 6023 .000 -0.1 104 .078 .003 -5.1 -4.2 -5.0
2006 mlb .006 10.2 6094 .000 0.2 91 .017 -.002 -0.8 8.7 10.2
2007 mlb .001 1.1 5596 .000 -0.5 114 .090 .006 -6.5 -5.9 -5.7
2008 mlb .001 1.7 6008 -.001 2.2 89 -.090 -.006 5.5 8.2 20.1
2009 mlb -.001 -1.9 5894 -.001 0.9 75 .046 -.005 -1.8 -3.3 -1.4
2010 mlb -.011 -12.4 5161 -.003 3.3 122 -.011 .006 0.9 -9.4 -8.3
2012 aax -.005 -0.1 37 .000 0.0 3 .029 .002 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1

A Collaboration between and Baseball Prospectus - Pitch classifications provided by Pitch Info LLC


PITCHf/x Hitter Profile

A Collaboration between and Baseball Prospectus - Pitch classifications provided by Pitch Info LLC