
Portrait of Manny Machado

Manny Machado 3BPadres

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2019 Projections (Preseason PECOTA - seasonal age 26)
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Birth Date7-6-1992
Height6' 3"
Weight218 lbs
Age32 years, 7 months, 23 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2012 BAL 19 51 202 50 8 3 7 9 38 0 2 0 .262 .294 .445 93 -1.6 -0.1 0.4 0.5
2013 BAL 20 156 710 189 51 3 14 29 113 2 6 7 .283 .314 .432 97 -1.5 0.7 27.2 5.2
2014 BAL 21 82 354 91 14 0 12 20 68 3 2 0 .278 .324 .431 108 3.1 -1.2 7.6 2.2
2015 BAL 22 162 713 181 30 1 35 70 111 4 20 8 .286 .359 .502 135 31.9 3.4 20.1 8.3
2016 BAL 23 157 696 188 40 1 37 48 120 3 0 3 .294 .343 .533 131 27.3 0.0 8.2 6.2
2017 BAL 24 156 690 163 33 1 33 50 115 1 9 4 .259 .310 .471 106 7.1 -4.1 -6.2 2.0
2018 BAL 25 96 413 115 21 1 24 45 51 0 8 1 .315 .387 .575 141 21.7 -0.5 -4.5 3.5
2018 LAN 25 66 296 73 14 2 13 25 53 2 6 1 .273 .338 .487 142 15.8 1.4 -1.3 2.8
2019 SDN 26 156 661 150 21 2 32 65 128 6 5 3 .256 .334 .462 106 8.2 -1.3 -15.6 1.5

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2010 ABE A- NYP 7 32 .229 .311 .333 .370 94 2.3 0.9 0.1 165 0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.3
2010 ORI Rk GCL 2 7 .269 .327 .387 .000 105 -0.3 0.3 -0.2 72 0 0.0 0.0 -0.4 0.0
2011 DEL A SAL 38 170 .251 .321 .379 .296 99 7.4 4.9 1.7 146 0 0.5 0.7 5.5 1.4
2011 FRD A+ CAR 63 260 .256 .325 .386 .286 92 -1.6 7.8 3.4 94 0 -0.1 1.8 -1.3 1.2
2012 BAL MLB AL 51 202 .253 .317 .411 .293 104 -0.8 5.5 0.8 93 12 0.4 -0.1 -1.6 0.5
2012 BOW AA EAS 109 459 .261 .330 .395 .297 100 9.7 12.7 5.3 122 0 -5.9 1.0 10.4 2.5
2013 BAL MLB AL 156 710 .259 .321 .413 .322 99 5.9 18.7 2.6 97 9 27.2 0.7 -1.5 5.2
2014 BAL MLB AL 82 354 .250 .310 .387 .317 98 4.8 9.1 1.3 108 9 7.6 -1.2 3.1 2.2
2014 FRD A+ CAR 3 13 .239 .333 .356 .727 96 5.1 0.4 0 332 0 -0.2 0.1 2.7 0.3
2015 BAL MLB AL 162 713 .254 .312 .407 .297 113 19 19.2 2.9 135 8 20.1 3.4 31.9 8.3
2016 BAL MLB AL 157 696 .254 .316 .418 .309 111 21.1 19.7 4.5 131 9 8.2 0.0 27.3 6.2
2017 BAL MLB AL 156 690 .252 .316 .425 .265 105 2 20.2 2.8 106 6 -6.2 -4.1 7.1 2.0
2018 BAL MLB AL 96 413 .246 .314 .411 .311 105 24 11.6 5.3 141 9 -4.5 -0.5 21.7 3.5
2018 LAN MLB NL 66 296 .241 .309 .396 .296 98 8.6 8.3 3.1 142 9 -1.3 1.4 15.8 2.8
2019 SDN MLB NL 156 661 .249 .316 .430 .274 98 4.9 20.0 4.2 106 5 -15.6 -1.3 8.2 1.5

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2010 ORI Rk GCL 7 7 1 1 0 0 1 4 2 0 1 0 0 .143 .143 .571 .429 0 0
2010 ABE A- NYP 32 29 2 10 1 1 0 13 3 3 2 0 0 .345 .406 .448 .103 0 0
2011 DEL A SAL 170 145 24 40 8 2 6 70 24 23 25 3 1 .276 .376 .483 .207 1 0
2011 FRD A+ CAR 260 237 24 58 12 3 5 91 26 22 48 8 5 .245 .308 .384 .139 1 0
2012 BOW AA EAS 459 402 60 107 26 5 11 176 59 48 70 13 4 .266 .352 .438 .172 2 1
2012 BAL MLB AL 202 191 24 50 8 3 7 85 26 9 38 2 0 .262 .294 .445 .183 1 1
2013 BAL MLB AL 710 667 88 189 51 3 14 288 71 29 113 6 7 .283 .314 .432 .148 3 9
2014 BAL MLB AL 354 327 38 91 14 0 12 141 32 20 68 2 0 .278 .324 .431 .153 2
2014 FRD A+ CAR 13 12 5 8 4 1 0 14 2 1 1 1 0 .667 .692 1.167 .500 0
2015 BAL MLB AL 713 633 102 181 30 1 35 318 86 70 111 20 8 .286 .359 .502 .216 4 2
2016 BAL MLB AL 696 640 105 188 40 1 37 341 96 48 120 0 3 .294 .343 .533 .239 5 0
2017 BAL MLB AL 690 630 81 163 33 1 33 297 95 50 115 9 4 .259 .310 .471 .213 9 0
2018 BAL MLB AL 413 365 48 115 21 1 24 210 65 45 51 8 1 .315 .387 .575 .260 3 0
2018 LAN MLB NL 296 267 36 73 14 2 13 130 42 25 53 6 1 .273 .338 .487 .213 2 0
2019 SDN MLB NL 661 587 81 150 21 2 32 271 85 65 128 5 3 .256 .334 .462 .206 3 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2012 714 0.5210 0.4748 0.7404 0.6559 0.2778 0.8238 0.5263 0.2596 -0.0051
2013 2496 0.5068 0.4728 0.7966 0.6482 0.2924 0.8744 0.6194 0.2034 0.0024
2014 1281 0.4817 0.4957 0.7748 0.6823 0.3223 0.8622 0.6028 0.2252 0.0035
2015 2777 0.4991 0.4264 0.8226 0.6032 0.2502 0.8923 0.6552 0.1774 -0.0111
2016 2519 0.4625 0.4978 0.7775 0.7013 0.3227 0.8592 0.6247 0.2225 0.0000
2017 2522 0.4425 0.4877 0.7789 0.7007 0.3186 0.8670 0.6250 0.2211 0.0000
2018 2526 0.4565 0.4873 0.7774 0.7147 0.2964 0.8604 0.6093 0.2226 0.0000
2019 2392 0.4569 0.4666 0.7554 0.6926 0.2764 0.8507 0.5543 0.2446 0.0000

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-08-12 - 60-DL - - Right Knee Surgery Medial Patellar Femoral Ligament Reconstruction 2014-08-27
2014-07-22 2014-07-26 DTD 4 4 - Low Back Tightness -
2014-05-23 2014-05-25 DTD 2 2 Right Groin Strain - -
2014-03-22 2014-05-01 15-DL 40 24 Left Knee Recovery From Previous Injury Surgery - MPFL Patella Instability 2013-10-14 -
2013-10-14 2013-10-14 Off 0 0 Left Knee Surgery MPFL Rupture 2013-10-14 -
2013-09-24 2013-09-30 60-DL 6 6 Left Knee Patellar Dislocation MPFL Rupture - -
2013-03-08 2013-03-10 Camp 2 0 - Face Root Canal - -
2011-05-06 2011-06-05 Minors 30 29 Right Knee Subluxation Patella -


Year Team Salary
2033 SDN $39,090,909
2032 SDN $39,090,909
2031 SDN $39,090,909
2030 SDN $39,090,909
2029 SDN $39,090,909
2028 SDN $39,090,909
2027 SDN $39,090,909
2026 SDN $25,090,909
2025 SDN $17,090,909
2024 SDN $17,090,909
2023 SDN $17,090,909
2022 SDN $34,000,000
2021 SDN $34,000,000
2020 SDN $34,000,000
2019 SDN $12,000,000
2018 BAL $16,000,000
2017 BAL $11,500,000
2016 BAL $5,000,000
2015 BAL $548,000
2014 BAL $519,000
2013 BAL $495,000
2012 BAL $
12 yrPrevious$182,243,818
13 yrPvs + Cur$199,334,727
8 yrFuture$298,727,272
21 yrTotal$498,061,999


Service TimeAgentContract Status
10 y 56 dMVP Sports11 years/$350M (2023-33)

  • 11 years/$350M (2023-33). Signed extension with San Diego 2/28/23, replacing final six seasons of previous contract. $45M signing bonus ($10M on 12/1/23, $5M each 12/1 in 2027-33). 23-25:$13M annually, 26:$21M, 27-33:$35M annually. Full no-trade protection. Perks: hotel suite on road, may purchase luxury suite and for premium tickets for each home game. Machado to donate 1 percent of annual salary to charity.
  • 10 years/$300M (2019-28). Signed by San Diego as a free agent 2/21/19. $20M signing bonus, paid within 30 days of MLB approval of the contract. 19:$10M, 20-28:$30M annually. Machado may opt out of contract after 2023 season. No-trade protection: Machado may block deals to 6 clubs annually. Hotel suite on road, right to buy premium tickets at Petco Park. At signing, second-most lucrative contract in MLB history (Stanton).
  • 1 year/$16M (2018). Re-signed by Baltimore 1/12/18 (avoided arbitration). Acquired by LA Dodgers in trade from Baltimore 7/18/18, with $6,365,591 remaining on contract.
  • 1 year/$11.5M (2017). Re-signed by Baltimore 1/13/17 (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year/$5M (2016). Re-signed by Baltimore 1/15/16 (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year/$548,000 (2015). Re-signed by Baltimore 3/10/15.
  • 1 year/$519,000 (2014). Renewed by Baltimore 3/11/14. Award bonus: $100,000 for Platinum Glove.
  • 1 year/$495,000 (2013). Re-signed by Baltimore 3/8/13. Award bonuses, including $25,000 for All-Star selection.
  • 1 year (2012). Contract selected by Baltimore 8/9/12.
  • Drafted by Baltimore 2010 (1-3) (Brito Miami Private School, Fla.). Signed 8/16/10, $5.25M signing bonus (negotiated by previous agent Scott Boras).

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

90o 38 10 2 0 2 4 6 1 0 .303 .378 .545 138 3.0 3B 0, 0.0
80o 26 6 1 0 1 3 4 0 0 .261 .346 .435 133 1.9 3B 0, 0.0
70o 17 5 1 0 1 2 3 0 0 .333 .412 .600 130 1.1 3B 0, 0.0
60o 10 3 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 .333 .400 .444 127 0.6 3B 0, 0.0
50o 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 124 0.2 3B 0, 0.0
Weighted Mean310000100.333.333.3331250.23B 0,0.0

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BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2020-09-16 13:00:00 (link to chat)Start Manny Machado vs Dustin May or Rafael Devers @ Trevor Rogers today?
(Alex from Texas)
Devers (Craig Goldstein)
2019-09-11 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you buy that the Orioles are doing the right thing with their tear it down to the studs and rebuild approach? Is it simply accepted (and acceptable) conventional wisdom that this is what a smaller market team has to do to compete? I had a hard time swallowing that the O's "couldn't afford to keep" Manny Machado, while San Diego, a comparably sized market, could find $300 million to pay him in a cold free agent market. With revenue sharing, television contracts and closed books, I have a hard time buying the "poor owners" line and subjecting fan bases (especially in smaller markets) to excruciating seasons like the past two in Baltimore. Oriole fans have been there, particularly compared to the Tampa Bay's of the world, but this is an abusive relationship. Isn't Oakland's approach much to be preferred and emulated?
(Boog from B'more)
I think there are two ways to look at it. In the environment in which this is accepted by ownership and fans, then sure. It's what everyone else is doing and it is an easy way to have long-term job security because there's no risk in the first couple seasons, at least. It's also a qualifier to long-term success rather than a competitive advantage like it used to be. Sometimes you just have to play the game, even if it sucks.

The other way is that with everyone doing it, the returns are diminishing, and so there should be a way to #disrupt the current market. I'd like to think given all the brains in front offices, that someone could see a path to reset faster or differently than stripping it to the studs, and attempt what Oakland is doing, to some degree. But that also comes with more risk. Trying risks failure. Handicapping your future intentionally has no risk in the moment if people are willing to accept it, sadly. (Craig Goldstein)
2019-05-31 13:00:00 (link to chat)Is Manny Machado compromised in San Diego? .270 .330. 460 type now?
(Hannidy from Florida)
I don't think so. It's notable that Machado has an .853 OPS on the road and only a .713 OPS at Petco, but I think that's fluky. Petco had a 109 home-run factor for right-handed hitters a year ago. It remains one of the most home-run friendly place for righties this season, too. (J.P. Breen)
2019-02-18 16:00:00 (link to chat)How much of a hit does Manny Machado take in productivity if he moves to the Padres? Thanks in advance!
(hoppy303 from Scotland)
Don't discount him for power. LAD and SD home parks play pretty similar for righty homers, and he did just fine, hitting 6 of his 11 home runs in Aug-Sept at home. As for runs and RBI, his projections do see a slight decrease outside of LAD. But overall you're still going to get a top SS/3B option for years to come. (Kevin Jebens)
2019-02-04 16:00:00 (link to chat)If Manny Machado lands in Chicago (White Sox) or Philly, what does that mean for his offensive numbers, if anything? Do you expect him to be used at Shortstop or back at 3rd base? Do you have any concerns about this character after last year? If he has to accept a shorter contract than he wants, does that motivate a guy like him, or would you expect him to pout? With so much uncertainty, how do you assess his fantasy value? Thanks!
(Stash from Chicago)
It wouldn't really impact him much. He might see a slight power increase/decline, but the skills are going to be elite nearly everywhere. I think he really wants to play short but given the tepid market he might wind up back at third. No. I have no idea if signing for a shorter contract would impact his play or not. I still have him as a near elite option at short but I'll admit I've moved him down a $1 in AL-only and half a round in mixed because of the uncertainty. (Mike Gianella)
2018-12-18 13:00:00 (link to chat)What is your take on Manny Machado's glove at SS? Seems like each advanced fielding metric tells its own story on him. Is he brutal over there like my eye test would have me believe? Or closer to competent like his metrics in LA showed?
(spwood from DE)
Well, let's see. DRS and UZR don't seem to disagree: They don't like him. I think it's worthwhile to consider that (1) he became a full-time SS for the first time since he couldn't legally drink, (2) he was playing most of the year for a dreadful team, (3) he might have had the save-the-body-for-free-agency thing that Harper had going, and (4) just as pitchers and hitters can have an off-year, so can fielders. Given his sterling defense at third, I think he can be adequate. (Rob Mains)
2018-12-10 16:00:00 (link to chat)Strictly for long-term fantasy, would you rather have Bryce Harper or Manny Machado?
It's super close. I'll still take Harper for his supreme on-base skills and the chance that he has a 50-plus homer year in him (which is definitely still possible, I think). (Darius Austin)
2018-07-13 15:00:00 (link to chat)Does Dustin May have top of the rotation potential? Should he be untouchable in a trade for a rental player?
(Jose from CA)
Let's start with the Gingergaard. The short answer is yes, although you'd like to see strides with a third pitch before you sign on for that OFP. I joked on twitter about including a dotted line labeled "Below here trade for Manny Machado," and as much as we love May, he'd be below that line for me. (Jeffrey Paternostro)
2018-07-24 20:00:00 (link to chat)Who are the top 5 shortstops to you in a dynasty format?
(Joe from AL)
Lindor, Baez, Bregman (if he retains eligibility), Manny Machado, Xander Bogaerts, Trea Turner

On the prospect side, I love Carter Kieboom. I like Bo Bichette's bat a ton, but I think he'll end up at 2B. Wander Franco is interestig but very young and a ways away. (Scooter Hotz)
2018-07-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)What can we expect from Zach Eflin going forward?
(Red from Wisconsin)
Good question. DRA is much kinder to him this year than it has been in the past, but he's still outpitching it by more than a run. Some guys simply do that. Is he one of those guys? We don't have enough of a sample to tell us yet. I'm tempted to say err on the side of history, but he's also not the same pitcher he was last year. I think he could be a useful arm, but I don't know that he's the guy you hold out of Manny Machado trade negotiations. (Nicolas Stellini)
2018-05-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)once adrian beltre shows he is healthy for a few weeks would he be able to top 101 type prospect like Stephen Gonsalves?
(a.j. from las vegas)
So, the way I'm reading this is that you're asking if Beltre could return a Top 101-type player in a pre-deadline trade once the Rangers decide to start stripping the team down? Honestly, I kind of doubt it. Most of the teams that I'd guess will be in contention for playoff spots will be well-positioned at the hot corner, not to mention the fact that Manny Machado is likely to be on the trade market as well. Combine that with Beltre's injury woes recently and the fact that he's a really important part of Texas' clubhouse, and I'm not certain he'd pull back enough value to make Texas willing to deal him. (And that's even without Joey Gallo's reticence to return to third base.)

The one team where *maybe* I could see a fit would be Cleveland, and I'm not sure they'd give up a player of Shane Bieber's caliber in that rental dea. (Bryan Grosnick)
2017-03-16 13:00:00 (link to chat)Should the Yankees sign Bryce Harper for 400 million or Manny Machado for 400 million?
(Gary from Nome )
Machado. (Matthew Trueblood)
2016-12-02 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think the strength of a team's talent 25 & under would better reflect the strength of an organization than just their farm talent? Or am I misinterpreting the meaning of org rankings?
(Brady from LA Tech)
This is a reasonable question. We should definitely discuss it next time you are on the podcast. The Orioles look a lot better if you given them credit for Manny Machado and Dylan Bundy. Ditto the Red Sox and Betts/Bogaerts. I don't know if age 25 is more or less arbitrary a cut off point than rookie eligibility, but like with a lot of this kind of lists, you have to draw a line somewhere. (Jeffrey Paternostro)
2016-12-22 13:00:00 (link to chat)How many years until Amed Rosario is the best position player on the Mets?
(Renfroe from SNJ)
By BP's WARP, I'll go with 2019. That's very optimistic on Rosario, and it also assumes the Mets don't sign Manny Machado to a godfather contract. (They won't.) Speaking of which ... (Bryan Grosnick)
2016-12-22 13:00:00 (link to chat)What are the chances the Orioles actually re-sign Manny Machado before he hits free agency, and do so while still being able to roster a competitive team?
(Alex from B-More)
Nope! I bet Machado hits the open market and takes all the money. (Well, all the money that Bryce Harper doesn't get.) Assuming that the Orioles WERE able to pay top dollar and retain Machado, yes, I do believe they can still roster a competitive team. They still need to figure out how to do something else with their pitching staff, though. (Bryan Grosnick)
2016-11-22 20:00:00 (link to chat)How would you rank Rosario vis-a-vis the other best SS prospects in the game? Do you think he can potentially become an uber-star of the magnitude of the current crop of young mlb shortstops?
(Enrique from New Jersey)
I think he's one of the top three remaining as a prospect, but no, I don't see him at the level of Corey Seager or Francisco Lindor or Manny Machado or anyone like that. (Jarrett Seidler)
2016-09-26 20:00:00 (link to chat)If you had to pick five under-25 players with the best HOF chances, who would you go with?
(Erik from Duluth,MN)
A few days ago, I would have led this list with Jose Fernandez.

In no particular order: Noah Syndergaard, Mike Trout, Bryce Harper, Manny Machado, Francisco Lindor (Scooter Hotz)
2016-05-17 14:00:00 (link to chat)Is Xander Bogaerts the best shortstop in the AL? In baseball?
(Brian from Tehran)
Oh boy. Well, are we counting Manny Machado? If we are, it's Machado. If we're mentally keeping Machado at third base, then it's between Xander, Carlos Correa and Francisco Lindor.
Hello there, Cardinals fans! Yes, Aledmys Diaz is going to come back down to Earth, and he's already wonky on defense. Please don't kill me.
Correa isn't as good on defense as you think, but there's clearly a small mountain of potential in his bat and he's already shown that he can wreck shop on offense. Lindor can do everything, and Boegarts is finally hitting like we all thought he could. It's reeeeally close between Lindor and Boegarts, with Correa just behind and likely moving to third base when Alex Bregman decides it's time to throw his hat into the ring. So if it isn't Boegarts, he's just a hair behind.
Unless it's Machado. Then it's Manny by a mile. (Nicolas Stellini)
2016-05-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)Is Manny Machado one of the five best (non-pitcher) players in baseball?
(Bobby from Earth)
Without question. (Christopher Crawford)
2016-05-18 19:00:00 (link to chat)What is Javier Baez's ceiling?
(BC from Urbandale)
Something similar to what Manny Machado is doing right now in Baltimore. That's the pie in the sky, best-case scenario. (George Bissell)
2015-12-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)God names you GM of the Orioles. Take me through your next 15 months.
(Ryan from Texas)
First things first, I have to ascertain what Peter Angelos is going to be willing to do for me. The Orioles have three years before they lose Manny Machado, and nothing like a championship core around him at the moment. I'm either going to get wild and crazy and surround Machado and Adam Jones with a team I think can realistically win the AL East pronto, or tearing the thing down to the studs. The wiser course is the latter, I think, but it's hard to find as good a franchise-starter as Machado. I wouldn't want to waste that, either. I think, in the end, you try for one more year, then trade everyone next winter regardless of the result. (Matthew Trueblood)
2015-09-30 19:00:00 (link to chat)You have the first pick in the draft and you already have Manny Machado on your roster. You have your choice of Correa, Bryant or Sano. Who gets the nod?
(Casey Jones from Medford, OR)
Correa because the idea of playing Machado and Correa on the right side of the infield with their offensive profiles makes me faint of heart.

I know it seems like I'm selling Bryant short with the past two answers but these are some high octane talents we are talking about here. (Mauricio Rubio)
2015-10-07 19:30:00 (link to chat)You have the first pick in the draft and you already have Manny Machado on your roster. You have your choice of Correa, Bryant or Sano. Who gets the nod?
(CaseyJ15 from Medford, OR)
Is this a fantasy question? -MT

I'll take Correa, as a shortstop and leave Machado at 3B. - CG (NL Wild Card Game Chat)
2015-10-07 19:30:00 (link to chat)You have the first pick in the draft and you already have Manny Machado on your roster. You have your choice of Correa, Bryant or Sano. Who gets the nod?
(CaseyJ15 from Medford, OR)
This game is NOT going to be decided by small ball, for my money. I think someone's gonna catch one with a runner on and break the game (relatively) open. (NL Wild Card Game Chat)
2015-07-30 13:00:00 (link to chat)You should never hit prospects or ride them. With Toronto loading up, does it make sense for the Orioles just to sell and restock themselves for 2016 or 2017 even though they are just 1 game out of the wild card?
(Jim from Baltimore, MD)
If you ask me, which you did, I think the worst thing the O's can do is stand pat. The playoffs are a crapshoot (to a large degree) so you either push all your chips to the center of the table, or you fold and slowly build your stack for another run later. To me, the O's team with the best shot at winning a World Series is in 2017 (or 2018, or whatever) when Gausman, Bundy, Harvey can compliment Schoop, Jones, and most importantly Manny Machado in his prime. I would've moved guys like Davis & Wieters (who they have capable replacements for already) and brought back AA-level prospects, but that's just me. Standing pat is bad because it doesn't increase your odds of winning now, and it probably hurts your 2017 odds. (Jeff Long)
2015-05-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)How would you compare Carlos Correa to Manny Machado in terms of the power they each have (or had) as a 20 year old? We know Machado is still developing his power in the MLB, do you see the same type of circumstance for Correa or does he have more power now?
(Shawn from Cubicle)
The power is still developing for Correa too, but it's far more advanced than I thought it would be at this point. If there's one player in baseball right now with the potential for plus-plus hit and power tools, it's Correa. (Christopher Crawford)
2015-03-12 15:00:00 (link to chat)Manny Machado: futre all-star or overrated?
(Lime from The Coconut)
Let's not count anyone out at age 22. Still on an All-Star path. (Andrew Koo)
2015-01-20 19:30:00 (link to chat)10 tm Dynasty league- Manny Machado for Byron Buxton? Waiting for Machado's power to really develop seems like it puts him on similar timeline to Buxton, whose speed (and maybe avg.) should play right away when he's called up, even if not until 2016.
(Shawnykid23 from CT)
This is really, really tough for me. My initial instinct was Machado, but you make a really good point. Gun to my head I think I still go with Manny, but boy is it close. A+ question. (Ben Carsley)
2015-01-15 18:00:00 (link to chat)Mark, I've soured on Manny Machado and am looking to sell him. Mistake? What's your outlook on him? Thanks.
(Omar from B'More Hood)
I do think that is a mistake. There's certainly reason to be concerned with Machado, but there's still immense physical gifts, excellent defense, and the bat speed and overall offensive potential to be a complete monster. With maturity and development, I still think he's a premium player. (Mark Anderson)
2015-02-13 19:00:00 (link to chat)Even though I think you credited other BP members with turning you onto him, I remember last year that it was you who seemed to be driving the bus on Anthony Rendon (or at least you seemed to end up with him on a bunch of teams). Who are the guys this year that you are higher on than most?
(Shawnykid23 from CT)
I bought Rendon in Tout Wars but at the time I was a little disappointed that I didn't get Starlin Castro. I was probably higher on him than many industry experts but this was in part due to the BP fantasy team's excitement, particularly Bret.

Glancing at my ranks compared to ADP, my top five are Brandon Belt, Melky Cabrera, Manny Machado, Yasmani Grandal and Lucas Duda. If you're looking to the guy the BP staff likes who I'm on board with now as a result, that's Grandal, FWIW. (Mike Gianella)
2015-02-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)Who has the greatest chance for a breakout season in 2015: Javier Baez, Manny Machado, or Jorge Soler? Thanks for the chat!
(Greg from The Office)
Can Machado really breakout again? I feel like he already did it, so it would be a comeback.
I'll take Soler. (Harry Pavlidis)
2015-01-28 19:00:00 (link to chat)I just got offered Carlos Carrasco for my Manny Machado. I've got a very deep offense, but weak pitching. Still, my dynasty leaguemates will pitch a fit. I need another argument in my favor. Help me out here, Solomon.
(Odna L Otor from Bartertown)
Look, I like Manny Machado and I don't think you should make this deal. I can't give you another argument my man. (Mauricio Rubio)
2015-01-28 19:00:00 (link to chat)Manny Machado - future fantasy stud, or above average regular?
(Shawnykid23 from CT)
I'm still on the fantasy stud train but I'm one more derailment away from getting off. (Mauricio Rubio)
2014-09-03 14:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think the second knee surgery will correct Manny Machado's knee issues, or will this be a long term problem?
(TGisriel from Baltimore)
It's on the other knee, and I'm not a doctor. I hope he stays healthy, because he could be one of the ten best players in the game. (Jordan Gorosh)
2014-09-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Guerrero was fun to watch. I also really liked Roberto Alomar in his prime. He could affect the game on both sides of the ball. Defensively I loved watching Rey Ordonez. He couldn't hit a lick, but my was he phenomenal with the glove. When the Mets had him and Alomar it was webgem city (the Vizquel/Alomar tandem was nothing to sneeze at either). Too bad I can't find any highlights of him online.
(Trent from Nola) has released a lot more video over the past few years, so don't give up the search! Ordonez was fun to watch but man he could NOT hit at all. I do like those guys who have a balanced game and can do different things to help win, but other than the 450-foot homer, nothing impresses me more than a guy with a great throwing arm. Manny Machado has the best infield arm that I've seen lately... hope he can stay healthy. (Cory Schwartz)
2014-08-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)What are your thoughts on Manny Machado? Do you see the superstar others do, or do you think the bat comes up short?
(Shawn from Office)
Machado is a superstar, although the knee injuries are hindering his ability to show it.

My history with Machado is long, and I watched him speed through the minors. His defense is otherworldy, but the bat is really underrated. I think some forget how young he is. Barring anything unforeseen, Machado is going to have a few .300 25+ HR seasons in the works. He may never walk as much as some want, but who cares. Adam Jones is doing just fine not walking. (Tucker Blair)
2014-08-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)Manny Machado to SS next season?
(MP from KY)
I'm doubtful. Moving to a position you haven't played in two years and coming off a knee injury doesn't sound like a great set up to me. (Craig Goldstein)
2014-07-24 19:00:00 (link to chat)Has your opinion of Manny Machado long-term changed at all based on this season?
(Shawnykid23 from CT)
From a pure baseball standpoint, no. Development is rarely linear and while he's taken an obvious step back here it hasn't changed my long term views on him. (Mauricio Rubio)
2014-06-26 14:00:00 (link to chat)Has the long term outlook on Manny Machado changed? Is there still a future star in there? What's a peak slash line look like?
(Bob from Dallas)
I still believe in Machado. He's not even 22 and has plenty of time to become an above-average force at third base. I'm perhaps not the best at projecting future slash lines, but I see seasons in which he hits .290-.300 with 20+ homers -- especially in that ballpark. It just may not happen for another couple seasons. (J.P. Breen)
2014-06-11 12:00:00 (link to chat)What's your take on Manny Machado's recent antics over the weekend? I've loved Manny, but he came across as an overly sensitive hothead to me.
(DanDaMan from Sea Cliff)

I think I have a different feeling on this than a lot of people, though maybe not! Watching the clip, it was clear to me Machado threw his bat with the intent of hitting someone with it. His swing didn't start until the ball was in the catcher's glove. Then the launched it. What happens after that shouldn't effect the penalty. I'd throw the book at him (metaphorically). If I could suspend him 50 games for it, I'd do that. You simply can't throw bats at people. You can't. I've heard arguments that it's harder to hurt someone with a bat than a ball, and what about getting hit with a pitch, and those are legitimate arguments, but in the end it comes down to this: I believe someone could have been seriously injured. If Machado had managed to launch his bat directly at the pitcher while he was falling off the mound after delivering a pitch, what would have been the result? I shudder to think about the possibility. MLB needs to ensure that never happens. I'd suspend the heck out of him in the hopes that that never happens again. (Matthew Kory)
2014-04-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think Manny Machado returns to SS after JJ Hardy's contract ends at the end of this season? I remember that being the line of thinking in the MLB community a year or two ago, but Machado has played some good defense at 3B since he's been moved there. Does he stick at 3B or is a move to SS still possible? Where does he end up for Opening Day 2015?
(Rob from Oklahoma)
We have multiple Manny Machado to shortstop questions, so let's cover those here.

I'm not convinced Machado will move back to shortstop anymore, in large part because I'm not convinced the Orioles will let J.J. Hardy walk. Now, if they do, then maybe they go after one of the third basemen available this winter and slide Machado to shortstop. I know that's a ticky-tack answer, but I don't have any insight into their plans and I don't think there's a clear best approach here. (R.J. Anderson)
2014-04-09 19:00:00 (link to chat)Long-term (dynasty): Manny Machado or Javier Baez?
(AJ from Phoenix)
Love this question. Strictly fantasy wise I'll take Machado here. I think he can develop more power into his game and his learning curve isn't as steep as Javy's will be. It's a tight debate but I'll take Manny. (Mauricio Rubio)
2014-03-04 13:00:00 (link to chat)The Orioles mix of low .OBP guys and no speed is not a recipe for success right?
(AB from Penn)
just focus on Manny Machado and you'll feel fine. (Harry Pavlidis)
2014-03-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)Offensive ceiling for Manny Machado?
(Shawn from Office)
Do you realize that Machado was a below-average offensive player last year? 99 OPS+ That's shocking, given the big deal we made about all of his doubles, but that just goes to show you what an ultra-aggressive approach can do to pure talent. Machado has to get that under control a little, and it's why I would like to have seen him spend some more time in the minors. That ship has sailed now so he'll have to learn on the fly, which is awfully tough. He's still a very good player because of his defense and power potential for his position, but he's got to take a pitch every now and then or he's at risk of becoming a serial out-maker. (Jeff Moore)
2014-03-03 13:00:00 (link to chat)I was surprised to see Kevin Gausman rated higher than Manny Machado on the O's list. Given Machado's defensive prowess, does this mean you don't see Machado's as a .300 hitter with 30+ bombs anymore? Thanks and great work!
(Frank from Williamsburg)
I love Machado. I didn't produce the individual U25 lists. I believe Chris Mellen ranked Gausman over Machado, a decision he said he wrestled with for a while. (Jason Parks on the Completed Prospect Rankings)
2014-03-03 13:00:00 (link to chat)Who do you think will be the better player 3 years from today? Manny Machado or Xander Bogaerts?
(Tom from Baltimore)
Machado. (Jason Parks on the Completed Prospect Rankings)
2014-01-29 19:00:00 (link to chat)Welcome Ben, I'll start you off with a curveball: Let's say every draft eligible prospect from 2010 to 2014 was eligible for this year's draft. Just based on pre-draft scouting reports and without the benefit of hindsight, how would the first 10 picks of the draft unfold?
(baseballjunkie from cali, where it's already Spring)
This is an amazingly difficult question to answer, and also quite fun. It's probably better suited for an article than for a fantasy chat answer, but since I was able to access this question ahead of time, here's what I came up with after about 30 min of research. I'll note that since I'm not familiar enough with 2014 prospects yet, I've restricted your search to 2010-2013 draftees. I'll go with:

1. Bryce Harper 2. Manny Machado 3. Gerrit Cole 4. Dylan Bundy 5. Anthony Rendon 6. Jameson Taillon 7. Bubba Starling
8. Byron Buxton 9. Carlos Correa 10. Archie Bradley

Toughest omissions for me were Francisco Lindor, Trevor Bauer, Kevin Gausman, Kris Bryant and Mark Appel. If Luc Giolito had been healthy for his senior year, he'd probably have made it on this list. Obviously that's not how we'd rank them now, and it's funny that guys like Chris Sale, Jose Fernandez, Matt Harvey and Javier Baez are left in the dust. Bubba Starling sticks out like a sore thumb, and Buxton was underrated. This exercise also reinforces how loaded the 2011 draft was. Last year's pales in comparison. (Ben Carsley)
2014-02-03 13:00:00 (link to chat)First off, great job on the TINO episodes so far. Awesome podcast. My question is how highly do you value Manny Machado in dynasty leagues? What he did last year was extremely impressive given how young he was. Do you think he could be a top ten asset and the #1 3B down the line? I'd like to think he can improve on those HR by quite a bit in a couple years.
(Evan from California)
Once in my dreams Manny Machado gently woke me from an uneasy sleep and cradled me in his arms while cooing me soft pleasantries which generally stated that life will be ok and my hopes will be fulfilled. I think he's going to be fantastic.
Time will be coming soon where he almost has to be the #1 3B. Miggy is going away, mainstays like Zimmerman and Wright will enter decline/secondary phases of their careers. Evan Longoria will challenge Machado but it will be a fun conversation to have. (Mauricio Rubio)
2014-01-21 18:00:00 (link to chat)Will some of Machado's doubles turn into HR this year? If not, is he a viable option at 3b in a 10 team league?
(John from Chicago)
It sometimes takes a while for power to develop so while that could happen I suspect that the power climb will be gradual and not sudden. In a 10-team mixed league I would say that Manny Machado is borderline and if it's a non-keeper you might be able to do better. (Mike Gianella)
2014-01-17 10:00:00 (link to chat)Hey, Fantasy quandary - 1)(Keep Manny Machado) 2)(Trade Manny for Brett Lawrie and Sonny Gray, who I am really high on) 3)(Trade Manny for Matt Garza and Zach Wheeler, who I am equally high on). Thanks
(Tony from KC)
Dalton's Mercedes speeds recklessly toward Wesley's estate, drawing gunfire from Wesley's henchmen, but they discover the car empty, and the knife that was used to kill Wade stuck in the accelerator. One by one, Dalton dispatches each of Wesley's thugs, and eventually comes face-to-face with Wesley. Dalton gains the upper hand in their fight and prepares to finish Wesley in the same brutal manner as Jimmy, but decides against it. When Dalton releases him, Wesley seizes the opportunity to reach for a gun, but is promptly shot to death by Red, Emmett, Stroudenmire, and Tilghman. They stash the weapons away prior to the arrival of law enforcement and proceed to corroborate each other's innocence, with the implication that what happened in Wesley's house will remain a secret. (Jason Parks)
2014-01-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)A fantasy question - I am in dire need of quality SP and have been offered Matt Moore for Manny Machado. As much as I love Manny, I also have Nick Castellanos to be my 3B ... yeah, he may not have Manny's upside but Moore could be a long-term ace/co-ace of my staff for years to come. Both are signed for $5 with $3 annual incremental increases. Am I crazy to consider this? Thanks
(Tony from The tundra)
I don't believe in Matt Moore as a future ace, so give me the studliness of Manny Machado. (Mark Anderson)
2013-09-12 18:00:00 (link to chat)Will Johnathan Schoop be the Orioles everyday 2B next year? Do you see him as an eventual top-10 fantasy guy at the position?
(Jim from Baltimore)
Hi Jim

I can't predict whether or not Schoop will be the Orioles 2B next year, but I do think that he'll get an opportunity in camp. Brian Roberts is a free agent, and Alexi Casilla and Ryan Flaherty shouldn't be viewed as road blocks. I suspect the Orioles will bring in a cheap veteran as a back-up plan in Spring Training and let them compete.

Will Jonathan Schoop be a Top 10 guy? That all depends on how his power develops. He probably will eventually be Top 10, but given his age and the minor league numbers he has put up to date, I don't see this happening until 2017-2018. These players play different positions, but I think you have to look at players like Brett Lawrie and Eric Hosmer as examples. Everyone got too enthusiastic about Lawrie/Hosmer and got burned the last couple of years. That doesn't mean these players aren't good and won't get better, but it's a long learning curve, particularly if you're not a made-to-order superstar like Mike Trout or Schoop's teammate, Manny Machado. (Mike Gianella)
2013-09-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think OT makes the Cards team out of spring training and what kind of performance do you expect from him in 2014?
(Cal Guy from Cali)
OT = Oscar Tavares. I do think he'll make the team out of spring training, but how will he perform? I think we're all spoiled by Mike Trout and Bryce Harper and Manny Machado. I know I am. But most guys aren't in the big leagues at 20 or 21 let alone performing like an All Star, so I'll clamp down expectations a bit and say he holds his spot, but he'll need a season or two to really get going. (Matthew Kory)
2013-07-25 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Jason, glad to see you doing a chat. About a month ago you said on Twitter that Manny Machado might be the best young star in the game and that over the next decade you would rather have him than even Mike Trout. I was wondering if you could elaborate on that a bit if you could. Thanks a lot!
(Thomas D. from N.C.)
I think he has such tremendous feel for the game that he is likely to improve as he matures. His doubles will start to turn into over the fence power, and he is more than capable of sliding over to man SS in the future. He's a premium talent and I would build any franchise in baseball around him. My only concern with Machado are his ties (and hero-worship) to ARod and some of the training facilities in Miami. I'm not suggesting he will appear on any list, as I don't think he will. I just find the connections and associations to be something worth keeping an eye on. (Jason Parks)
2013-05-24 14:00:00 (link to chat)I love me some Manny Machado. What about you Sam? think he's gonna be right up there with Trout and Harper in terms of being a superstar?
(John from Toronto)
It is absolutely 100 percent not a knock on Manny Machado to say that he is without question the third most exciting 21-or-under player in the game right now. But you know how it was always Willie and Mickey and the Duke? And you know how you were always like "the Duke? Really? With those two?" That's where Machado is compared to Trout/Harper in my mind right now. I love, love, love me some Manny, though. See: (Sam Miller)
2013-05-30 13:30:00 (link to chat)Who will be the AL's starting shortstop at the 2015 All-Star Game?
(Frank from Boston)
I'll take Manny Machado. (Mark Anderson)
2013-05-16 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Jason ... thanks for the chat. Which position will Manny Machado be playing in 2014? 2016? The majority of his career?
(dianagram from VORGville)
He could move back to SS for a few years, but I think he ends up at 3B for the majority of his career. Wherever he plays, the bat will be special. He's a special player. (Jason Parks)
2013-04-11 13:00:00 (link to chat)Love your Daily Hit Lists, Matt. Any thoughts on the Fenway sell-out streak ending? In conclusion, Manny Machado. :)
(Matt from Austin)
So nice and then so mean.

The sell-out streak was mostly a marketing thing, but that so many people have come to see the Red Sox through bad weather, small seats, no parking, and ridiculous prices ("One 'beer' please." "$12.") speaks to the support for Red Sox baseball in New England. So to me, that's what the sell-out streak is a proxy for. But the thing is, we don't need a sell-out streak to know that. (Matthew Kory)
2013-04-11 13:00:00 (link to chat)Sorry about the Manny Machado jab. I am a diehard Orioles fan, so it has as much to do with my joy as anything. Do you ever find the declines of even the greatest players a reminder of our mortality?
(Matt from Austin, TX)
I suppose I do now. Thanks! (Matthew Kory)
2013-02-25 11:00:00 (link to chat)Where would Manny Machado rank in your Top 101 for 2013 if eligible? Does the potential exist for .300 w/ 30-plus bomb peak years in his bat?
(Martin Kove from Brooklyn)
I think that's possible. He would be in the top 5 for me. I really like Machado. (Jason Parks on the Top 101 Prospects)
2013-02-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Who would you rather have for next season: Jesus Montero or Manny Machado
(grandslam28 from Chicago)
Manny Machado and I'm not losing sleep over it. He's a future superstar. (Jason Parks)
2013-01-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Super-Deep Dynasty league with auction draft... $500 budgets for 25 roster spots. If there's one player you want to build you team around (maybe 3-4 players if you're feeling generous!), who are they/is he?
(Steve from Dallas)
If starting from scratch, I'd absolutely love to build around Mike Trout or Bryce Harper, so will everyone else though. I'd probably try to nab a pair of high upside prospects/youngsters who have yet to breakout in the bigs such as Jurickson Profar, Manny Machado, or Gerrit Cole. Buying in on a young player coming off a disappointing year such as Eric Hosmer would also make a lot of sense. (Josh Shepardson)
2012-12-18 13:00:00 (link to chat)In 5 years which SS would you rather have on your team and your fantasty team Manny Machado or Jurickson Profar?
(Joel from Indianapolis)
Hey Joel!! I'd lean Profar ever-so-slightly if only because I'm not sold on the idea that Machado ever goes back to short so the position advantage would go to Profar. Both look like future *superstars*. (Paul Sporer)
2012-11-15 14:00:00 (link to chat)Who are the next wave of prospects that are going to be MLB all-stars and upper-echelon players? Trevor Bauer? Billy Hamilton? Wil Myers?
(Steve G. from Athens, OH)
As you know, there is no such thing as a can't miss prospect, but all three are in that conversation (though Hamilton will be a bit more valuable in fantasy than real life). You can add to the list Dylan Bundy, Jurickson Profar, Manny Machado, and Gerrit Cole, among others. Keep an eye on Jason Parks and his prospect teams' Top 10 lists and their eventual Top 100 list. (Derek Carty)
2012-10-30 13:00:00 (link to chat)Who are your favorite players not yet legal to drink in this country? Which of them might play in the big league without being able to sip the victory champagne due to their youth?
(sitdancer from DC)
I'm a huge Austin Hedges fan, but he won't be up anytime soon. Off the top of my head, and without doing actual research, I'd think Manny Machado is a good bet to be there next year at age 20. (Geoff Young)
2012-10-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)How do you see Manny Machado's bat developing next year, assuming he stays healthy and gets a full ~650 PA at the big league level?
(Luke from Baltimore)
His development will take a step forward, but that doesn't mean his offensive production will mirror that progression. Once the book circulates, Machado will have to make secondary adjustments or face the realities of playing at the highest level. He is going to struggle, and it might look bad at times. Patience. Most young hitters take time to develop, and Machado's ceiling is extremely high. Very talented kid, and he knows how to stumble and respond, so I think he has a good chance to survive a tough full-season. (Jason Parks)
2012-10-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)Carlos Correa.....Manny Machado ceiling?
(rangerfans2 from Fort Worth)
What is Manny Machado's ceiling? We don't know that yet. (Jason Parks)
2012-09-05 14:00:00 (link to chat)I watch the Orioles every night, waiting for it to all come crushing down. Are there some statistical upsides to grasp on to, or are we relying on luck and a Pythagorean anomaly the rest of the way?
(Jim from Baltimore, MD)
There's no question that it's going to take some luck for the Orioles to stay atop the standings, either in the East or the wild card, for the next month, but there are some encouraging signs. Zach Britton's recent success is one of them, as is Manny Machado holding his own and providing some offense from a position that was previously a black hole. And as I wrote in today's WYNTK, the O's run differential over their past two games is +16; those were wins against the gutted Blue Jays, but run differentials can change quickly.

If you haven't already, read Adam Sobsey's piece on how continuous roster turnover has helped the Orioles to date: (Daniel Rathman)
2012-09-05 14:00:00 (link to chat)In your eyes, which teams took the best strides towards future success in 2012? Can any make a surprise run at a division or wild card spot in 2013?
(Steve from New York, NY)
The Orioles are the obvious answer in the AL, and even if they don't make it this year, they should hang around in 2013, with Manny Machado benefitting from the experience and Dylan Bundy topping the rotation. Zach Britton's health and effectiveness will be a big factor.

In the NL, I'm probably a year too soon with this, but don't sleep on the Padres. They've shown flashes over the past few weeks, and there's a lot of talent both on the major-league team and coming up through the pipeline, not to mention Cory Luebke and Tim Stauffer, who should help the rotation. It's an increasingly competitive division, but a couple of breakout seasons could pave the way for a second-place finish and a shot at one of the wild-card spots. (Daniel Rathman)
2012-08-14 14:00:00 (link to chat)Someone is going to have to ask it: what do you think about The Rangers calling up Jurickson Profar?
(captnamerca from Dunedin, FL)
I think my favorite part about this season has been seeing Mike Trout, Bryce Harper, and now Manny Machado. In the Lineup Card that is coming out today or tomorrow I advocated (semi-seriously) for the Red Sox to bring up Xander Bogaerts. So I'd love to see Profar up. Why not? Is he worse than Michael Young?

As to how he'll do, I have no idea, but everything I've read on him says he's a shockingly good talent. I can't wait. So yeah, I'm all for it. (Matthew Kory)

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