
Portrait of Cal Eldred

Cal Eldred PBrewers

Brewers Player Cards | Brewers Team Audit | Brewers Depth Chart

Career Summary
16 341 1368 86 74 9 4.42 7.8
Birth Date11-24-1967
Height6' 4"
Weight240 lbs
Age57 years, 4 months, 3 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

Historical (past-seasons) WARP is now based on DRA..
cFIP and DRA are not available on a by-team basis and display as zeroes(0). See TOT line for season totals of these stats.
Multiple stints are are currently shownClick to hide.
1991 MIL 3 3 16.0 2 0 0 20 6 10 2 106 11.3 3.4 1.1 5.6 0% .327 1.63 4.40 4.50 123 6.20 143.4 -0.2
1992 MIL 14 14 100.3 11 2 0 76 23 62 4 94 6.8 2.1 0.4 5.6 0% .238 0.99 2.81 1.79 94 3.23 78.4 2.1
1993 MIL 36 36 258.0 16 16 0 232 91 180 32 99 8.1 3.2 1.1 6.3 0% .258 1.25 4.38 4.01 103 4.03 87.0 4.6
1994 MIL 25 25 179.0 11 11 0 158 84 98 23 100 7.9 4.2 1.2 4.9 0% .241 1.35 5.24 4.68 120 6.08 122.6 -0.3
1995 MIL 4 4 23.7 1 1 0 24 10 18 4 101 9.1 3.8 1.5 6.8 0% .282 1.44 5.20 3.42 109 5.29 108.3 0.2
1996 MIL 15 15 84.7 4 4 0 82 38 50 8 99 8.7 4.0 0.9 5.3 0% .281 1.42 4.78 4.46 122 6.91 136.5 -0.7
1997 MIL 34 34 202.0 13 15 0 207 89 122 31 97 9.2 4.0 1.4 5.4 0% .278 1.47 5.38 4.99 123 6.83 142.1 -2.2
1998 MIL 23 23 133.0 4 8 0 157 61 86 14 97 10.6 4.1 0.9 5.8 0% .327 1.64 4.60 4.80 111 5.61 116.2 0.4
1999 MIL 20 15 82.0 2 8 0 101 46 60 19 96 11.1 5.0 2.1 6.6 0% .308 1.79 6.34 7.79 113 5.90 114.6 0.3
2000 CHA 20 20 112.0 10 2 0 103 59 97 12 91 8.3 4.7 1.0 7.8 0% .285 1.45 4.59 4.58 107 5.56 107.0 0.9
2001 CHA 2 2 6.0 0 1 0 12 3 6 1 104 18.0 4.5 1.5 9.0 0% .524 2.50 6.26 13.50 118 7.68 159.2 -0.1
2003 SLN 62 0 67.3 7 4 8 62 31 67 9 101 8.3 4.1 1.2 9.0 0% .291 1.38 4.28 3.74 92 3.62 75.8 1.3
2004 SLN 52 0 67.0 4 2 1 71 17 54 11 95 9.5 2.3 1.5 7.3 0% .302 1.31 4.27 3.76 95 3.99 82.3 1.2
2005 SLN 31 1 37.0 1 0 0 35 18 29 3 100 8.5 4.4 0.7 7.1 0% .296 1.43 4.09 2.19 103 4.64 99.8 0.4

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.

Plate Discipline

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET


5 yrPrevious$8,150,000
5 yrTotal$8,150,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
11 y 99 d1 yr/$0.6M (05)

  • retired 11/05 re-signed as a free agent 12/04
  • re-signed as a free agent 12/03, 1 year/$0.9M (04)
  • signed as a free agent from CWS 1 year/$0.5M (03) (minor-league contract)
  • CWS declined 02 option 11/01
  • 1 year/$1M (01)+$0.75M 02 club option

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

No data available in table
Weighted Mean?????0.0?00?.0000.000.00?0.00.0

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