
Portrait of Roberto Alomar

Roberto Alomar 2BBlue Jays

Blue Jays Player Cards | Blue Jays Team Audit | Blue Jays Depth Chart

Career Summary
20 10400 .300 .371 .443 111 50.8
Birth Date2-5-1968
Height6' 0"
Weight190 lbs
Age57 years, 1 months, 6 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1988 SDN 20 143 611 145 24 6 9 47 83 3 24 6 .266 .328 .382 92 -4.6 6.3 3.5 2.2
1989 SDN 21 158 702 184 27 1 7 53 76 1 42 17 .295 .347 .376 102 2.6 0.6 0.6 2.3
1990 SDN 22 147 646 168 27 5 6 48 72 2 24 7 .287 .340 .381 98 -1.4 -1.0 -0.5 1.5
1991 TOR 23 161 719 188 41 11 9 57 86 4 53 11 .295 .354 .436 109 8.7 6.6 8.9 4.5
1992 TOR 24 152 671 177 27 8 8 87 52 5 49 9 .310 .405 .427 133 26.6 6.1 -4.1 4.9
1993 TOR 25 153 683 192 35 6 17 80 67 5 55 15 .326 .408 .492 135 31.9 4.0 3.9 5.9
1994 TOR 26 107 455 120 25 4 8 51 41 2 19 8 .306 .386 .452 112 9.0 2.4 -3.9 2.0
1995 TOR 27 130 577 155 24 7 13 47 45 0 30 3 .300 .354 .449 109 8.1 3.3 0.5 2.8
1996 BAL 28 153 699 193 43 4 22 90 65 1 17 6 .328 .411 .527 135 35.6 -0.4 17.0 6.8
1997 BAL 29 112 469 137 23 2 14 40 43 3 9 3 .333 .390 .500 119 13.2 -0.5 -0.2 2.4
1998 BAL 30 147 657 166 36 1 14 59 70 2 18 5 .282 .347 .418 103 4.2 1.0 1.9 2.3
1999 CLE 31 159 694 182 40 3 24 99 96 7 37 6 .323 .422 .533 126 27.5 2.6 2.3 4.8
2000 CLE 32 155 697 189 40 2 19 64 82 6 39 4 .310 .378 .475 107 10.9 0.8 6.7 3.7
2001 CLE 33 157 677 193 34 12 20 80 71 4 30 6 .336 .415 .541 131 30.0 7.8 1.4 5.8
2002 NYN 34 149 655 157 24 4 11 57 83 1 16 4 .266 .331 .376 89 -5.9 0.6 -17.1 -0.4
2003 CHA 35 67 296 64 11 1 3 30 37 1 6 2 .253 .330 .340 85 -4.5 0.7 -8.7 -0.5
2003 NYN 35 73 302 69 17 1 2 29 40 2 6 0 .262 .336 .357 83 -5.5 2.9 -1.5 0.4
2004 ARI 36 38 125 34 5 2 3 12 18 1 0 2 .309 .382 .473 72 -4.1 -1.2 -2.9 -0.5
2004 CHA 36 18 65 11 1 0 1 2 13 0 0 0 .180 .203 .246 74 -2.0 -0.5 -1.3 -0.2

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1985 CSC A SAL 137 623 .000 .000 .000 .330 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1986 RNO A+ CLF 90 404 .000 .000 .000 .372 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1987 WIC AA TXS 130 595 .000 .000 .000 .353 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1988 SDN MLB NL 143 611 .247 .307 .360 .300 97 1.6 16.0 -0.7 92 8 3.5 6.3 -4.6 2.2
1988 LVG AAA PCL 9 41 .000 .000 .000 .242 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1989 SDN MLB NL 158 702 .244 .306 .362 .323 99 15 18.3 -0.8 102 8 0.6 0.6 2.6 2.3
1990 SDN MLB NL 147 646 .256 .317 .381 .316 100 3.4 17.3 -0.5 98 10 -0.5 -1.0 -1.4 1.5
1991 TOR MLB AL 161 719 .261 .326 .397 .327 101 19.2 19.5 -0.9 109 9 8.9 6.6 8.7 4.5
1992 TOR MLB AL 152 671 .260 .327 .389 .329 101 30.6 17.4 -0.9 133 8 -4.1 6.1 26.6 4.9
1993 TOR MLB AL 153 683 .270 .335 .414 .343 103 33.7 19.6 -0.9 135 6 3.9 4.0 31.9 5.9
1994 TOR MLB AL 107 455 .274 .339 .438 .324 99 14.3 13.8 -0.6 112 9 -3.9 2.4 9.0 2.0
1995 TOR MLB AL 130 577 .273 .341 .430 .305 98 11 17.3 -0.8 109 9 0.5 3.3 8.1 2.8
1996 BAL MLB AL 153 699 .276 .347 .441 .333 98 43.8 21.6 -1.9 135 9 17.0 -0.4 35.6 6.8
1997 BAL MLB AL 112 469 .275 .341 .434 .340 93 24.5 13.0 -0.7 119 9 -0.2 -0.5 13.2 2.4
1998 BAL MLB AL 147 657 .267 .335 .425 .299 95 5.3 17.9 -1.1 103 9 1.9 1.0 4.2 2.3
1999 CLE MLB AL 159 694 .272 .343 .433 .346 105 34.4 19.4 -1.1 126 10 2.3 2.6 27.5 4.8
2000 CLE MLB AL 155 697 .277 .347 .448 .330 92 30.4 22.0 -1 107 10 6.7 0.8 10.9 3.7
2001 CLE MLB AL 157 677 .271 .337 .438 .351 102 44.9 20.2 -0.9 131 8 1.4 7.8 30.0 5.8
2002 NYN MLB NL 149 655 .258 .327 .406 .294 96 -5.1 18.9 -0.9 89 6 -17.1 0.6 -5.9 -0.4
2003 CHA MLB AL 67 296 .269 .329 .426 .281 101 -4.8 8.1 -0.4 85 7 -8.7 0.7 -4.5 -0.5
2003 NYN MLB NL 73 302 .260 .323 .413 .298 99 -7.6 8.0 -0.4 83 7 -1.5 2.9 -5.5 0.4
2004 ARI MLB NL 38 125 .264 .331 .422 .348 105 2.5 3.7 -0.2 72 10 -2.9 -1.2 -4.1 -0.5
2004 CHA MLB AL 18 65 .264 .326 .435 .208 109 -7.1 1.9 -0.3 74 10 -1.3 -0.5 -2.0 -0.2
2004 TUC AAA PCL 2 6 .000 .000 .000 .667 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1985 CSC A SAL 623 546 89 160 14 3 0 180 54 61 73 36 19 .293 .357 .330 .037 12 12
1986 RNO A+ CLF 404 356 53 123 16 4 4 159 49 32 38 14 8 .346 .398 .447 .101 6 6
1987 WIC AA TXS 595 536 88 171 41 4 12 256 68 49 74 43 15 .319 .378 .478 .159 1 1
1988 SDN MLB NL 611 545 84 145 24 6 9 208 41 47 83 24 6 .266 .328 .382 .116 0 16
1988 LVG AAA PCL 41 37 5 10 1 0 2 17 14 1 4 3 0 .270 .275 .459 .189 2 2
1989 SDN MLB NL 702 623 82 184 27 1 7 234 56 53 76 42 17 .295 .347 .376 .080 8 17
1990 SDN MLB NL 646 586 80 168 27 5 6 223 60 48 72 24 7 .287 .340 .381 .094 5 5
1991 TOR MLB AL 719 637 88 188 41 11 9 278 69 57 86 53 11 .295 .354 .436 .141 5 16
1992 TOR MLB AL 671 571 105 177 27 8 8 244 76 87 52 49 9 .310 .405 .427 .117 2 6
1993 TOR MLB AL 683 589 109 192 35 6 17 290 93 80 67 55 15 .326 .408 .492 .166 5 4
1994 TOR MLB AL 455 392 78 120 25 4 8 177 38 51 41 19 8 .306 .386 .452 .145 3 7
1995 TOR MLB AL 577 517 71 155 24 7 13 232 66 47 45 30 3 .300 .354 .449 .149 7 6
1996 BAL MLB AL 699 588 132 193 43 4 22 310 94 90 65 17 6 .328 .411 .527 .199 12 8
1997 BAL MLB AL 469 412 64 137 23 2 14 206 60 40 43 9 3 .333 .390 .500 .167 7 7
1998 BAL MLB AL 657 588 86 166 36 1 14 246 56 59 70 18 5 .282 .347 .418 .136 5 3
1999 CLE MLB AL 694 563 138 182 40 3 24 300 120 99 96 37 6 .323 .422 .533 .210 13 12
2000 CLE MLB AL 697 610 111 189 40 2 19 290 89 64 82 39 4 .310 .378 .475 .166 6 11
2001 CLE MLB AL 677 575 113 193 34 12 20 311 100 80 71 30 6 .336 .415 .541 .205 9 9
2002 NYN MLB NL 655 590 73 157 24 4 11 222 53 57 83 16 4 .266 .331 .376 .110 1 6
2003 CHA MLB AL 296 253 42 64 11 1 3 86 17 30 37 6 2 .253 .330 .340 .087 4 8
2003 NYN MLB NL 302 263 34 69 17 1 2 94 22 29 40 6 0 .262 .336 .357 .095 4 4
2004 TUC AAA PCL 6 5 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 .400 .500 .400 .000 0 0
2004 CHA MLB AL 65 61 4 11 1 0 1 15 8 2 13 0 0 .180 .203 .246 .066 1 1
2004 ARI MLB NL 125 110 14 34 5 2 3 52 16 12 18 0 2 .309 .382 .473 .164 0 2

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2005-03-18 2005-03-18 Camp 0 0 - Low Back Stiffness - -
2005-03-12 2005-03-17 Camp 5 0 - Low Back Stiffness - -
2005-03-03 2005-03-04 Camp 1 0 - General Medical Illness Strep Throat - -
2004-09-06 2004-10-04 DTD 28 27 Low Back Strain - -
2004-08-28 2004-09-01 DTD 4 4 - Low Back Stiffness - -
2004-08-24 2004-08-26 DTD 2 2 - Low Back Tightness - -
2004-08-14 2004-08-17 DTD 3 2 - Low Back Tightness - -
2004-04-21 2004-06-21 15-DL 61 56 Right Hand Surgery Fracture From HBP 2004-04-23
2004-04-10 2004-04-10 DTD 0 0 - Knee Soreness - -
2004-04-03 2004-04-06 Camp 3 0 Left Forearm Contusion HBP - -
2004-03-19 2004-03-20 Camp 1 0 - Foot Contusion Foul Ball - -
2004-03-14 2004-03-16 Camp 2 0 Left Groin Tightness - -
2004-03-08 2004-03-09 Camp 1 0 Right Foot Other Corn Removal - -
2003-06-26 2003-06-27 DTD 1 1 - Back Tightness Trapezius - -
2003-06-11 2003-06-11 DTD 0 0 - Elbow Contusion HBP - -
2003-05-31 2003-06-05 DTD 5 2 Left Hip Inflammation -
2003-05-28 2003-05-30 DTD 2 2 Left Hip Inflammation - -
2003-05-24 2003-05-25 DTD 1 1 - Thigh Tightness - -
2002-09-05 2002-09-06 DTD 1 1 Left Knee Bursitis - -
2002-08-16 2002-08-18 DTD 2 2 Left Groin Strain -
2002-08-04 2002-08-06 DTD 2 2 Left Groin Strain - -
2002-06-11 2002-06-11 DTD 0 0 Left Knee Sprain - -
2002-05-27 2002-05-27 DTD 0 0 - Thigh Contusion Sliding - -
2001-07-29 2001-08-01 DTD 3 2 Left Knee Contusion - -
2001-07-23 2001-07-23 DTD 0 0 - Foot Soreness - -
2001-07-06 2001-07-07 DTD 1 1 Right Thigh Strain Quadriceps - -
2001-05-06 2001-05-06 DTD 0 0 - Low Back Stiffness - -
2000-07-20 2000-07-25 DTD 5 4 Left Ankle Tendonitis -
2000-06-28 2000-06-28 DTD 0 0 Left Ankle Tendonitis - -
2000-06-11 2000-06-11 DTD 0 0 Left Wrist Inflammation -
2000-06-09 2000-06-09 DTD 0 0 - Head Contusion Thrown Ball - -
2000-06-07 2000-06-07 DTD 0 0 Left Wrist Inflammation - -
2000-05-09 2000-05-10 DTD 1 1 Left Shoulder Inflammation - -
1999-09-17 1999-09-17 DTD 0 0 - Wrist Contusion - -
1999-09-11 1999-09-11 DTD 0 0 Right Shoulder Inflammation - -
1999-07-12 1999-07-15 DTD 3 0 - Neck Spasms - -
1999-06-28 1999-06-29 DTD 1 1 - Elbow Soreness - -
1998-07-19 1998-08-04 15-DL 16 13 - Fingers Sprain Little Finger - -
1997-11-24 1997-11-24 Off 0 0 Left Shoulder Surgery Labrum 1997-11-24
1997-08-27 1997-09-04 DTD 8 8 Right Groin Recovery From Strain - -
1997-07-30 1997-08-26 15-DL 27 24 Right Groin Strain - -


Year Team Salary
2005 TBA $600,000
2004 ARI, CHA $1,000,000
2003 NYN, CHA $8,000,000
2002 NYN $7,939,664
2001 CLE $7,750,000
2000 CLE $7,196,756
6 yrPrevious$32,486,420
6 yrTotal$32,486,420


Service TimeAgentContract Status
17 yJohn Boggs / Jaime Torres1 yr/$0.6M (05)+$0.1M incts

  • retired 3/05 signed as a free agent from CHW 1/05, 1 year/$0.6M (05)+$0.1M bonuses
  • acquired in trade from AZ 8/04 $0.35M deferred to 09 with o interest
  • signed as a free agent from CWS 1/04, 1 year/$1M (04)+bonuses
  • acquired in trade from NYM 7/03
  • NYM p/u $8M 03 option 10/02
  • 4 year/$32M (99-02)+03 club option
  • $1M signing bonus
  • 99:$6.5M, 00:$7M, 01:$7.5M, 02:$8M, 03:$8M club option $2M buyout
  • acquired in trade from CLE 12/01

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2014-09-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Guerrero was fun to watch. I also really liked Roberto Alomar in his prime. He could affect the game on both sides of the ball. Defensively I loved watching Rey Ordonez. He couldn't hit a lick, but my was he phenomenal with the glove. When the Mets had him and Alomar it was webgem city (the Vizquel/Alomar tandem was nothing to sneeze at either). Too bad I can't find any highlights of him online.
(Trent from Nola) has released a lot more video over the past few years, so don't give up the search! Ordonez was fun to watch but man he could NOT hit at all. I do like those guys who have a balanced game and can do different things to help win, but other than the 450-foot homer, nothing impresses me more than a guy with a great throwing arm. Manny Machado has the best infield arm that I've seen lately... hope he can stay healthy. (Cory Schwartz)
2013-04-04 11:00:00 (link to chat)Why do people throw Roberto Alomar comps on Profar if he moves to 2nd, isn't he a little short on speed and the glove to be considered that type of player.
(Mike from Utica, NY)
Because lazy comps are the new market inefficiency (Jason Parks)
2012-03-15 12:00:00 (link to chat)What's the best team of Berts of all time? Rules: You can have anyone with a "bert" in his name -- Albert Pujols, Robin Roberts, David Robertson, Wilbert Robinson....
(Robert from DC)
Without spending too much time on this one, I'd go with these as my obvious picks:

1B: Albert Pujols
2B: Roberto Alomar
SS: Bert Campaneris
OF:Roberto Clemente
SP: Bert Blyleven
CP: Roberto Hernandez (R.J. Anderson)
2012-03-15 12:00:00 (link to chat)Top "bert" players by position (according to WARP): SP - Bert Blyleven, RP - Roberto Hernandez, C - Mike Lieberthal, 1B - Albert Pujols, 2B - Roberto Alomar, SS - Bert Campaneris, 3B - Alberto Callaspo, LF - Albert Belle, CF - Roberto Kelly, RF - Roberto Clemente, DH - Butch Alberts.
(bradleyankrom from TPAFLA)
Bradley Ankrom, folks. He does it all. Transactions browsers, prospects number-crunching, and All-Bert team stat queries. (R.J. Anderson)
2011-05-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)I want to combine your baseball card article (excellent) today and your Peanuts knowledge and ask you an important question: Did you ever buy $5 worth of bubble gum cards to get that special Joe Shlabotnik card only to fail and your friend Lucy buy one pack and get the card? And if so, what was on the back of that special Joe Shlabotnik card?
(jhardman from Apex, NC)
Ha! Not exactly.

My brothers and I did buy a lot of 1988 Donruss cards, though. I'm sure there were a number of times that they ended up getting pieces to that darn Stan Musial puzzle that I wanted, though. I was pretty proud of that Roberto Alomar rookie card, too. (Larry Granillo)
2010-11-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think the rumors about Roberto Alomar will hurt his Hall of Fame chances?
(Tom from Denver)
The rumors about Alomar had already been out there for nearly a year when last year's ballot went out, and Alomar just missed enshrinement. So no, I don't think this will change anything. Whether or not he's sick, it saddens the hell out of me to see anyone have to deal with such rumors. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-10-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)My objection to the Girardi/Rivera Taco Bell commercial is that the other guy hasn't even taken a single bite before Mo comes in to relieve him. I guess they thought it would be gross to have Rivera sharing germs with a stranger (it would), but it kind of kills the whole thing for me to see the starter taken out before he throws a pitch.
(The Flying Bernard from Acton, MA)
I guess it's a good thing that the guy Girardi is replacing isn't Roberto Alomar. (Steven Goldman)
2010-01-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)Maybe the problem is that being 20-something and cool comes once in a lifetime; voting for Rice for what he was (briefly) in the late '70s and early '80s, or Dawson for what he was (even more briefly) in the '80s probably has far too much to do with remembering those days over-fondly. Either way, here's hoping my cadre gives Frank Thomas his due come that day.
(Christina Kahrl from BP Volcano Hideout)
That's a good point, but I think we'll see it put to the test in a few minutes when the voting results are announced, because to some extent you're also talking about Roberto Alomar as well, though he truly did remain effective into his 30s.

Going to take a few moments to prep myself for the big announcement... (Jay Jaffe)
2010-01-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)Surprised at the vote?
(Tim from Tampa)
Surprised but not terribly so. My conclusion to today's piece:

So with the business of the pitchers concluded, we add Bert Blyleven to the ranks of Roberto Alomar, Barry Larkin, Edgar Martinez, Mark McGwire, Tim Raines, and Alan Trammell on the JAWS 2010 ballot. With the voting results scheduled be announced later today (Wednesday), I wouldn't be at all surprised if that slate draws a blank while Andre Dawson gets in, though I do think Alomar has a decent shot (early returns suggest reasons for optimism) and Blyleven may be nearing the tipping point. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-01-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)I'd call this good news for Bert. I was worried he'd stagnate around 62%. do you have the % of the vote for Edgar, Raines and Barry? They don't have it on Thanks.
(collins from greenville nc)
539 ballots, five blanks, Andre Dawson 420 (77.9%), Bert Blyleven 400 (74.2%), Roberto Alomar 397 (73.7%), Jack Morris 282 (52.3%), Barry Larkin 278 (51.6%), Lee Smith 255 (47.3%), Edgar Martinez 195 (36.2%), Tim Raines 164 (30.4%), Mark McGwire 128 (23.7%), Alan Trammell 121 (22.4%), Fred McGriff 116 (21.5%), Don Mattingly 87 (16.1%), Dave Parker 82 (15.2%), Dale Murphy 63 (11.7%), Harold Baines 33 (6.1%), Andres Galarraga 22 (4.1%), Robin Ventura 7 (1.3%), Ellis Burks 2 (0.4%), Eric Karros 2 (0.4%), Kevin Appier 1 (0.2%), Pat Hentgen 1 (0.2%), David Segui 1 (0.2%), Mike Jackson 0, Ray Lankford 0, Shane Reynolds 0, Todd Zeile 0.

Segui gets his vote. Baines remains on life support thanks to the persistence of a stubborn few. Karros receives more votes than he had All-Star appearances. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-08-27 13:00:00 (link to chat)It's not like I have work or anything... a few more Tommy Johnnies from Baseball Reference's Wiki: Roberto Alomar, Jay Buhner, Jose Guillen, JR House, Todd Hundley, Trey Lunsford, Carlos Martinez, Ray Olmedo, Luke Scott, Taylor Teagarden, Tony Womack. Are catchers are more susceptible to UCL injuries?
(Gump from nyc)
No, though you'd think they would be. It seems like it's 2B for some reason. (Will Carroll)
2008-04-25 15:00:00 (link to chat)Just curious, how good is Roberto Alomar's case for the HOF?
(greg from toronto)
A 12-time all-star, 10-time Gold Glover with over 200 homers at 2B? I think most voters will say yes.

I did an article about this a few years back ( His Bill James monitor numbers are great (55.9 on the Standards, 195.3 on the Monitor, where 50 and 100 are the respective averages), and while my system has changed a bit, the numbers are in his favor from a JAWS standpoint too: 134.7/75.3/105.0 for Alomar, 128.7/74.8/101.7 for the average HOF 2B.

Bank on him getting in there. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-02-28 14:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think Roberto Alomar gets into the Hall of Fame? He's a few hundred hits shy of the 3000 plateau, and although he dominated the gold glove scene for his position throughout the 90's, it doesn't seem like his "greatness" is really remembered too well even though he just retired a couple of years ago.
(John from Boston)
He should be in the Hall of Fame, but keep in mind, I think Lou Whitaker should be in the Hall of Fame, and look how badly the voters screwed that up. (Christina Kahrl)
2008-01-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)who do you see as the next candidate undeservedly snubbed by the bbwaa for not understanding their value on the field? also: how long do you think the Mcgwire punishment vote lasts? thanks for answering my last question
(lexomatic from busybeeland)
Looking at the upcoming eligibles, I see trouble ahead for Roberto Alomar (105.0 JAWS, where the 2B benchmark is at 101.7) and Barry Larkin (96.7, where the SS benchmark is at 96.6). They're on the ballot in two years, as is Edgar Martinez (85.5, where the HOF hitter benchmark is 93.2 - i.e., his case will be easier to understand).

As for the punishment vote, it may last his entire 20 years on the ballot. The BBWAA voters aren't exactly known to forget a grudge, and let's not forget the energy many of them expended building McGwire a rather large pedestal. Mike Lupica, please pick up the white paging phone... (Jay Jaffe)

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