
Portrait of Eduardo Núñez

Eduardo Núñez 2BMets

Mets Player Cards | Mets Team Audit | Mets Depth Chart

2019 Projections (Preseason PECOTA - seasonal age 32)
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Birth Date6-15-1987
Height6' 0"
Weight195 lbs
Age37 years, 8 months, 17 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2010 NYA 23 30 53 14 1 0 1 3 2 0 5 0 .280 .321 .360 91 -0.5 0.7 0.0 0.2
2011 NYA 24 112 338 82 18 2 5 22 37 0 22 6 .265 .313 .385 89 -3.7 0.5 -3.6 0.5
2012 NYA 25 38 100 26 4 1 1 6 12 1 11 2 .292 .330 .393 86 -1.6 0.8 -0.5 0.2
2013 NYA 26 90 336 79 17 4 3 20 51 3 10 3 .260 .307 .372 88 -4.1 -0.2 -11.6 -0.4
2014 MIN 27 72 213 51 7 4 4 5 31 1 9 3 .250 .271 .382 79 -4.8 0.9 2.9 0.6
2015 MIN 28 72 204 53 14 1 4 12 29 1 8 4 .282 .327 .431 92 -1.2 0.8 1.7 0.8
2016 MIN 29 91 396 110 15 1 12 15 58 3 27 6 .297 .325 .439 101 1.5 4.8 -2.6 1.8
2016 SFN 29 50 199 49 9 3 4 14 30 2 13 4 .269 .327 .418 98 0.0 1.4 3.6 1.2
2017 BOS 30 38 173 53 12 0 8 6 25 2 6 2 .321 .353 .539 105 1.7 -1.2 -0.1 0.5
2017 SFN 30 76 318 93 21 0 4 12 29 1 18 5 .308 .334 .417 104 2.5 4.4 1.2 1.8
2018 BOS 31 127 502 127 23 3 10 16 69 2 7 2 .265 .289 .388 84 -8.3 -2.6 -0.8 0.2
2019 BOS 32 60 174 38 7 0 2 4 27 0 5 1 .228 .243 .305 59 -8.6 1.7 0.2 -0.2

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2005 STA A- NYP 73 310 .256 .332 .370 .353 88 12.8 7.6 3.5 128 0 -9.9 -0.1 10.6 1.2
2006 CSC A SAL 90 371 .000 .000 .000 .259 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2006 TAM A+ FSL 37 161 .000 .000 .000 .193 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2007 CSC A SAL 91 360 .265 .336 .398 .268 94 -13.8 10.8 4.9 68 0 -1.1 0.9 -13.1 0.2
2007 TAM A+ FSL 30 134 .271 .342 .408 .327 101 -3.4 4.1 1.9 94 0 2.3 1.1 -0.5 0.9
2008 TAM A+ FSL 94 402 .257 .330 .380 .293 99 -7.1 12.0 5.4 85 0 2.6 -1.9 -13.1 0.5
2009 TRN AA EAS 123 528 .266 .338 .396 .352 87 20.4 15.0 6.4 120 0 -14.5 1.1 11.7 2.1
2010 NYA MLB AL 30 53 .260 .327 .406 .277 119 -1.8 1.5 0.3 91 12 0.0 0.7 -0.5 0.2
2010 SWB AAA INT 118 506 .261 .331 .407 .323 96 -6.8 15.3 6.2 98 0 -5.7 1.3 -0.1 1.6
2011 NYA MLB AL 112 338 .253 .319 .400 .287 106 -5.1 9.1 2.3 89 9 -3.6 0.5 -3.7 0.5
2012 NYA MLB AL 38 100 .250 .317 .399 .313 104 1.6 2.8 0.4 86 16 -0.5 0.8 -1.6 0.2
2012 TAM A+ FSL 2 7 .248 .331 .354 .333 109 -0.5 0.2 0.1 83 0 -0.1 0.2 -0.1 0.0
2012 SWB AAA INT 38 172 .251 .325 .384 .259 97 -13.7 5.1 2 50 0 2.9 2.1 -8.8 0.3
2012 YAN Rk GCL 4 10 .223 .276 .345 .111 98 -0.1 0.3 0.1 82 0 -0.5 0.0 -0.1 0.0
2012 TOR Wnt DWL 12 52 .000 .000 .000 .304 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2013 NYA MLB AL 90 336 .250 .314 .399 .298 102 -2.1 8.8 3.5 88 8 -11.6 -0.2 -4.1 -0.4
2013 CSC A SAL 2 6 .262 .331 .389 .400 79 0.7 0.2 0.1 126 0 0.1 -0.1 0.0 0.0
2013 TAM A+ FSL 3 5 .229 .320 .336 .333 98 0.6 0.1 0.1 121 0 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.1
2013 TRN AA EAS 2 9 .241 .343 .360 .500 88 0.3 0.2 0 108 0 0.1 -0.1 -0.1 0.0
2014 MIN MLB AL 72 213 .252 .316 .385 .278 107 -6.3 5.5 0.5 79 11 2.9 0.9 -4.8 0.6
2014 NBR AA EAS 4 13 .260 .303 .405 .500 102 1.7 0.4 0 139 0 -0.2 -0.2 0.4 0.0
2014 ROC AAA INT 11 41 .272 .338 .432 .323 104 -1.7 1.2 0.1 81 0 -0.2 -0.2 -1.4 -0.1
2015 MIN MLB AL 72 204 .248 .310 .392 .314 107 0.3 5.5 0.4 92 13 1.7 0.8 -1.2 0.8
2016 MIN MLB AL 91 396 .255 .318 .417 .320 113 0.9 11.2 3 101 8 -2.6 4.8 1.5 1.8
2016 SFN MLB NL 50 199 .249 .312 .395 .302 91 2.3 5.6 0.9 98 8 3.6 1.4 0.0 1.2
2017 BOS MLB AL 38 173 .244 .312 .407 .341 105 8.1 5.1 -0.1 105 7 -0.1 -1.2 1.7 0.5
2017 SFN MLB NL 76 318 .253 .321 .425 .328 90 3.7 9.3 0.8 104 7 1.2 4.4 2.5 1.8
2017 SJO A+ CAL 2 6 .256 .301 .387 .333 108 -0.3 0.2 0 82 0 -0.4 0.0 -0.1 0.0
2017 RIC AA EAS 1 3 .249 .335 .366 .500 109 0.9 0.1 0 80 0 -0.3 -0.1 -0.1 0.0
2018 BOS MLB AL 127 502 .251 .320 .419 .290 107 -12.2 14.1 -0.5 84 8 -0.8 -2.6 -8.3 0.2
2019 BOS MLB AL 60 174 .257 .327 .448 .257 106 -12.9 5.2 -0.5 59 11 0.2 1.7 -8.6 -0.2
2019 PAW AAA INT 4 15 .247 .318 .433 .077 93 -2.3 0.5 -0.1 61 0 0.1 0.2 -0.8 0.0

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2005 STA A- NYP 310 281 37 88 11 6 3 120 46 20 43 6 3 .313 .358 .427 .114 6 6
2006 CSC A SAL 371 344 36 78 11 3 2 101 40 23 48 16 5 .227 .279 .294 .067 0 0
2006 TAM A+ FSL 161 147 17 27 5 3 4 50 26 8 28 6 1 .184 .220 .340 .156 4 4
2007 TAM A+ FSL 134 123 16 35 5 0 1 43 13 7 18 9 0 .285 .338 .350 .065 0 0
2007 CSC A SAL 360 328 36 78 10 2 1 95 28 25 42 20 8 .238 .294 .290 .052 2 2
2008 TAM A+ FSL 402 373 45 101 18 3 6 143 42 19 48 14 10 .271 .304 .383 .113 5 5
2009 TRN AA EAS 528 497 70 160 26 1 9 215 55 22 63 19 7 .322 .349 .433 .111 4 4
2010 SWB AAA INT 506 464 55 134 25 3 4 177 50 32 60 23 5 .289 .339 .381 .093 3 3
2010 NYA MLB AL 53 50 12 14 1 0 1 18 7 3 2 5 0 .280 .321 .360 .080 0 0
2011 NYA MLB AL 338 309 38 82 18 2 5 119 30 22 37 22 6 .265 .313 .385 .120 1 6
2012 SWB AAA INT 172 163 18 37 4 0 2 47 16 7 28 16 3 .227 .256 .288 .061 2 0
2012 NYA MLB AL 100 89 14 26 4 1 1 35 11 6 12 11 2 .292 .330 .393 .101 4 0
2012 TOR Wnt DWL 52 51 3 14 2 0 0 16 4 0 5 1 0 .275 .275 .314 .039 0 1
2012 YAN Rk GCL 10 10 1 2 0 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 .200 .200 .500 .300 0 0
2012 TAM A+ FSL 7 7 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 .286 .286 .286 .000 0 0
2013 NYA MLB AL 336 304 38 79 17 4 3 113 28 20 51 10 3 .260 .307 .372 .112 5 4
2013 CSC A SAL 6 5 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 .400 .500 .400 .000 0 0
2013 TAM A+ FSL 5 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 .333 .600 .333 .000 0 0
2013 TRN AA EAS 9 8 1 3 0 0 0 3 1 1 2 0 0 .375 .444 .375 .000 0 0
2014 MIN MLB AL 213 204 26 51 7 4 4 78 24 5 31 9 3 .250 .271 .382 .132 0
2014 ROC AAA INT 41 39 7 11 1 0 1 15 6 1 8 1 0 .282 .293 .385 .103 1
2014 NBR AA EAS 13 10 1 4 0 1 0 6 0 3 2 1 0 .400 .538 .600 .200 0
2015 MIN MLB AL 204 188 23 53 14 1 4 81 20 12 29 8 4 .282 .327 .431 .149 1 2
2016 MIN MLB AL 396 371 49 110 15 1 12 163 47 15 58 27 6 .297 .325 .439 .143 5 2
2016 SFN MLB NL 199 182 24 49 9 3 4 76 20 14 30 13 4 .269 .327 .418 .148 1 0
2017 RIC AA EAS 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 .333 .333 .667 .333 0 0
2017 SJO A+ CAL 6 5 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 .200 .333 .200 .000 0 0
2017 SFN MLB NL 318 302 37 93 21 0 4 126 31 12 29 18 5 .308 .334 .417 .109 2 1
2017 BOS MLB AL 173 165 23 53 12 0 8 89 27 6 25 6 2 .321 .353 .539 .218 0 0
2018 BOS MLB AL 502 480 56 127 23 3 10 186 44 16 69 7 2 .265 .289 .388 .123 3 1
2019 PAW AAA INT 15 15 1 2 0 0 1 5 1 0 1 0 0 .133 .133 .333 .200 0 0
2019 BOS MLB AL 174 167 13 38 7 0 2 51 20 4 27 5 1 .228 .243 .305 .078 2 1

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2010 170 0.5412 0.5059 0.8953 0.6304 0.3590 0.8966 0.8929 0.1047 -0.0028
2011 1235 0.5061 0.4478 0.8590 0.5664 0.3262 0.9040 0.7789 0.1410 0.0067
2012 379 0.5198 0.4591 0.8506 0.5888 0.3187 0.9224 0.7069 0.1494 0.0014
2013 1205 0.5037 0.4672 0.8348 0.6063 0.3261 0.9103 0.6923 0.1652 -0.0045
2014 738 0.4878 0.5027 0.8464 0.6583 0.3545 0.8861 0.7761 0.1536 0.0004
2015 722 0.5277 0.4792 0.8468 0.6194 0.3226 0.8941 0.7455 0.1532 -0.0011
2016 2110 0.4744 0.5261 0.8261 0.6903 0.3778 0.8842 0.7303 0.1739 0.0000
2017 1700 0.4653 0.5282 0.8341 0.6700 0.4048 0.8849 0.7609 0.1659 0.0000
2018 1700 0.4447 0.5359 0.8419 0.7196 0.3888 0.9099 0.7411 0.1581 0.0000
2019 596 0.4732 0.5285 0.8286 0.6809 0.3917 0.8750 0.7561 0.1714 0.0000

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-06-15 2014-06-30 15-DL 15 14 Right Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2014-04-25 2014-05-04 Minors 9 0 - Back Strain Oblique - -
2014-04-20 2014-04-24 Minors 4 0 - Abdomen Strain Oblique - -
2014-02-27 2014-02-27 Camp 0 0 - General Medical Illness - -
2013-08-28 2013-09-01 DTD 4 3 Right Knee Soreness - -
2013-08-19 2013-08-20 DTD 1 0 Right Thigh Strain Hamstring - -
2013-05-06 2013-07-06 60-DL 61 56 - Trunk Strain Ribcage - -
2013-04-13 2013-04-16 DTD 3 2 Right Wrist Contusion HBP - -
2013-04-06 2013-04-08 DTD 2 2 Left Arm Contusion Biceps - -
2012-05-23 2012-07-03 Minors 41 41 Right Thumb Inflammation - -
2012-03-06 2012-03-17 Camp 11 0 Right Hand Contusion - -
2008-05-12 2008-06-03 Minors 22 0 Left Thumb Sprain Thumb -
2008-04-08 2008-04-20 Minors 12 0 Right Thumb Sprain Thumb -


Year Team Salary
2020 NYN $
2019 BOS $5,000,000
2018 BOS $4,000,000
2017 SFN $4,200,000
2016 MIN $1,475,000
2015 MIN $1,025,000
2014 NYA $
2013 NYA $533,300
2012 NYA $523,800
2011 NYA $419,300
8 yrPrevious$17,176,400
8 yrTotal$17,176,400


Service TimeAgentContract Status
9 y 33 dISE Baseball1 year (2020)

  • 1 year (2020). Signed by NY Mets as a free agent 1/20 (minor-league contract). Contract selected by NY Mets 7/23/20. Elected free agency 10/20.
  • 1 year/$6M (2018), plus 2019 player option. 18:$4M, 19:$4M player option ($2M buyout). 2019 option may increase by $1M based on 2018 plate appearances. May earn additional $1M annually in performance bonuses. Nunez exercised 2019 player option at $5M 11/1/18. DFA by Boston 7/15/19. Released 7/20/19.
  • 1 year/$4.2M (2017). Re-signed by San Francisco 1/13/17 (avoided arbitration). Acquired by Boston in trade from San Francisco 7/25/17.
  • 1 year/$1.475M (2016). Re-signed by Minnesota 1/15/16 (avoided arbitration). Acquired by San Francisco in trade from Minnesota 7/28/16.
  • 1 year/$1.025M (2015). Re-signed by Minnesota 1/16/15 (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year/$576,900 (2014). Re-signed by NY Yankees 3/14.
  • 1 year/$533,300 (2013). Re-signed by NY Yankees 3/13.
  • 1 year/$523,800 (2012). Re-signed by NY Yankees 3/7/12.
  • 1 year/$419,300 (2011). Re-signed by NY Yankees 3/11.

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

90o 230 30 65 12 1 6 26 15 32 10 3 .310 .360 .462 116 15.1 2B -1, 3B 0 1.4
80o 209 27 56 10 1 5 23 13 30 9 3 .292 .341 .432 107 10.9 2B -1, 3B 0 1.0
70o 194 24 50 9 1 4 20 12 28 8 2 .279 .330 .408 102 8.2 2B -1, 3B 0 0.7
60o 181 22 47 9 1 4 19 11 27 7 2 .281 .328 .419 96 6.1 2B -1, 3B 0 0.5
50o 169 20 43 8 1 4 17 10 25 6 2 .276 .321 .417 92 4.4 2B -1, 3B 0 0.3
40o 157 18 38 7 1 3 15 9 24 6 2 .260 .306 .384 87 2.8 2B -1, 3B 0 0.2
30o 144 16 34 6 1 3 14 8 22 5 2 .254 .299 .381 82 1.4 2B -1, 3B 0 0.0
20o 129 14 28 5 1 2 12 7 20 4 1 .233 .279 .342 76 0.0 2B -1, 3B 0 -0.1
10o 108 11 22 4 0 2 9 5 17 4 1 .218 .259 .317 68 -1.5 2B -1, 3B 0 -0.2
Weighted Mean174214481418102672.273.318.410945.12B -1, 3B 00.4

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