
Portrait of Chase Headley

Chase Headley 3BPadres

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2019 Projections (Preseason PECOTA - seasonal age 35)
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Birth Date5-9-1984
Height6' 2"
Weight215 lbs
Age39 years, 11 months, 14 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2007 SDN 23 8 21 4 1 0 0 2 4 1 0 0 .222 .333 .278 85 -0.3 0.0 -0.6 0.0
2008 SDN 24 91 368 89 19 2 9 30 104 5 4 1 .269 .337 .420 86 -5.3 -0.4 -3.6 -0.1
2009 SDN 25 156 612 142 31 2 12 62 133 5 10 2 .262 .342 .392 94 -2.8 1.4 -12.5 0.1
2010 SDN 26 161 674 161 29 3 11 56 139 3 17 5 .264 .327 .375 93 -4.8 3.5 2.2 2.3
2011 SDN 27 113 439 110 28 1 4 52 92 2 13 2 .289 .374 .399 101 1.0 0.3 -8.8 0.6
2012 SDN 28 161 699 173 31 2 31 86 157 4 17 6 .286 .376 .498 136 28.8 -2.0 -5.4 4.6
2013 SDN 29 141 600 130 35 2 13 67 142 11 8 4 .250 .347 .400 98 -0.4 -4.1 -9.9 0.4
2014 NYA 30 58 224 50 8 0 6 29 49 4 3 2 .262 .371 .398 100 0.1 0.9 7.4 1.6
2014 SDN 30 77 307 64 12 1 7 22 73 5 4 1 .229 .296 .355 98 -0.4 0.8 -2.4 0.8
2015 NYA 31 156 642 150 29 1 11 51 135 7 0 2 .259 .324 .369 92 -3.9 -0.8 3.1 1.9
2016 NYA 32 140 529 118 18 1 14 51 118 6 8 2 .253 .331 .385 94 -2.7 0.1 4.9 2.0
2017 NYA 33 147 586 140 30 1 12 60 132 6 9 2 .273 .352 .406 103 3.9 -0.5 1.5 2.0
2018 SDN 34 27 60 6 1 0 0 6 20 2 0 0 .115 .233 .135 55 -3.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2005 FTW A MDW 4 16 .266 .346 .405 .273 98 -1.5 0.2 0 53 0 -1.1 0.1 -0.8 -0.2
2005 EUG A- NWN 57 259 .252 .325 .370 .319 103 6.9 6.8 0.9 123 0 -10.6 0.0 6.0 0.3
2006 LEL A+ CLF 129 571 .000 .000 .000 .339 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2007 SDN MLB NL 8 21 .259 .333 .421 .286 92 -1 0.6 0.1 85 15 -0.6 0.0 -0.3 0.0
2007 SAN AA TXS 121 522 .264 .341 .403 .411 94 58.2 16.0 2.1 191 0 -4.1 0.0 54.0 6.9
2008 SDN MLB NL 91 368 .268 .330 .416 .364 90 6.2 10.6 -2.2 86 6 -3.6 -0.4 -5.3 -0.1
2008 POR AAA PCL 65 295 .273 .348 .440 .365 107 13.4 9.0 -1.7 145 0 -3.1 -2.9 12.3 1.3
2009 SDN MLB NL 156 612 .253 .322 .401 .325 87 6.6 17.6 -3 94 11 -12.5 1.4 -2.8 0.1
2010 SDN MLB NL 161 674 .252 .319 .396 .323 85 10.3 18.6 2.5 93 10 2.2 3.5 -4.8 2.3
2011 SDN MLB NL 113 439 .254 .316 .395 .368 90 13.4 11.8 1.6 101 10 -8.8 0.3 1.0 0.6
2012 SDN MLB NL 161 699 .255 .318 .405 .337 96 40.2 19.1 2.6 136 8 -5.4 -2.0 28.8 4.6
2013 SDN MLB NL 141 600 .254 .315 .394 .319 98 10.6 15.8 2.2 98 8 -9.9 -4.1 -0.4 0.4
2013 LEL A+ CAL 4 12 .274 .337 .466 .300 84 0.2 0.4 0 76 0 1.0 0.2 -0.5 0.1
2014 NYA MLB AL 58 224 .251 .311 .390 .324 98 6 5.8 0.2 100 7 7.4 0.9 0.1 1.6
2014 SDN MLB NL 77 307 .255 .314 .396 .285 96 -5.6 7.9 1.1 98 7 -2.4 0.8 -0.4 0.8
2014 LEL A+ CAL 4 14 .257 .344 .419 .500 81 0.1 0.4 -0.1 117 0 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 0.0
2015 NYA MLB AL 156 642 .251 .311 .401 .317 109 -10.9 17.3 2.4 92 10 3.1 -0.8 -3.9 1.9
2016 NYA MLB AL 140 529 .255 .319 .416 .306 112 -7.6 15.0 1.9 94 7 4.9 0.1 -2.7 2.0
2017 NYA MLB AL 147 586 .255 .323 .425 .341 106 6.1 17.1 -2.5 103 7 1.5 -0.5 3.9 2.0
2018 SDN MLB NL 27 60 .240 .319 .401 .188 106 -6.6 1.7 -0.2 55 12 -0.1 0.0 -3.1 -0.2

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2005 FTW A MDW 16 15 2 3 0 0 0 3 1 1 4 0 0 .200 .250 .200 .000 0 0
2005 EUG A- NWN 259 220 29 59 14 3 6 97 33 34 48 1 1 .268 .376 .441 .173 0 0
2006 LEL A+ CLF 571 484 79 141 33 0 12 210 73 74 96 4 5 .291 .387 .434 .143 5 5
2007 SAN AA TXS 522 433 82 143 38 5 20 251 78 74 114 1 0 .330 .440 .580 .249 0 0
2007 SDN MLB NL 21 18 1 4 1 0 0 5 0 2 4 0 0 .222 .333 .278 .056 0 0
2008 POR AAA PCL 295 259 49 79 24 1 13 144 40 31 65 0 0 .305 .386 .556 .251 0 0
2008 SDN MLB NL 368 331 34 89 19 2 9 139 38 30 104 4 1 .269 .337 .420 .151 2 0
2009 SDN MLB NL 612 543 62 142 31 2 12 213 64 62 133 10 2 .262 .342 .392 .131 2 0
2010 SDN MLB NL 674 610 77 161 29 3 11 229 58 56 139 17 5 .264 .327 .375 .111 4 1
2011 SDN MLB NL 439 381 43 110 28 1 4 152 44 52 92 13 2 .289 .374 .399 .110 3 1
2012 SDN MLB NL 699 604 95 173 31 2 31 301 115 86 157 17 6 .286 .376 .498 .212 5 0
2013 SDN MLB NL 600 520 59 130 35 2 13 208 50 67 142 8 4 .250 .347 .400 .150 2 0
2013 LEL A+ CAL 12 12 0 3 1 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 .250 .250 .333 .083 0 0
2014 SDN MLB NL 307 279 27 64 12 1 7 99 32 22 73 4 1 .229 .296 .355 .125 1
2014 LEL A+ CAL 14 12 1 4 1 0 0 5 2 2 4 0 0 .333 .429 .417 .083 0
2014 NYA MLB AL 224 191 28 50 8 0 6 76 17 29 49 3 2 .262 .371 .398 .136 0
2015 NYA MLB AL 642 580 74 150 29 1 11 214 62 51 135 0 2 .259 .324 .369 .110 4 0
2016 NYA MLB AL 529 467 58 118 18 1 14 180 51 51 118 8 2 .253 .331 .385 .133 5 0
2017 NYA MLB AL 586 512 77 140 30 1 12 208 61 60 132 9 2 .273 .352 .406 .133 7 1
2018 SDN MLB NL 60 52 2 6 1 0 0 7 4 6 20 0 0 .115 .233 .135 .019 0 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 1451 0.4879 0.4307 0.7104 0.5862 0.2826 0.8217 0.4905 0.2896 0.0046
2009 2390 0.4833 0.4527 0.7606 0.6372 0.2802 0.8736 0.5202 0.2394 0.0020
2010 2627 0.4709 0.4400 0.7811 0.6249 0.2755 0.8836 0.5744 0.2189 0.0101
2011 1786 0.4686 0.4211 0.7726 0.6284 0.2381 0.8650 0.5575 0.2274 0.0073
2012 2821 0.4626 0.4445 0.7329 0.6667 0.2533 0.8310 0.5104 0.2671 -0.0023
2013 2348 0.4642 0.4600 0.7269 0.6688 0.2790 0.8326 0.5071 0.2731 -0.0063
2014 2112 0.4749 0.4238 0.7855 0.6042 0.2606 0.8762 0.5952 0.2145 0.0050
2015 2553 0.4951 0.4281 0.7859 0.6021 0.2576 0.8844 0.5602 0.2141 -0.0008
2016 2066 0.4647 0.4390 0.7508 0.6438 0.2613 0.8479 0.5433 0.2492 0.0000
2017 2310 0.4913 0.4416 0.7373 0.6167 0.2723 0.8329 0.5281 0.2627 0.0000
2018 265 0.5019 0.4113 0.8165 0.5639 0.2576 0.9067 0.6176 0.1835 0.0000

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-09-12 2014-09-15 DTD 3 4 - Face Laceration HBP In Mouth -
2014-06-20 2014-06-24 DTD 4 4 - Low Back Inflammation Herniated Disc -
2014-06-05 2014-06-06 DTD 1 0 Left Lower Leg Contusion HBP -
2014-04-25 2014-05-10 15-DL 15 14 Right Lower Leg Strain Calf -
2014-04-16 2014-04-17 DTD 1 1 Right Upper Arm Strain Biceps - -
2014-02-25 - Camp - - Right Lower Leg Strain Calf - -
2014-02-23 2014-03-20 Camp 25 0 Right Lower Leg Strain Calf - -
2013-10-01 2013-10-01 Off 0 0 Left Knee Surgery 2013-10-01 -
2013-08-28 2013-09-04 DTD 7 6 - Low Back Stiffness - -
2013-06-07 2013-06-07 DTD 0 0 Right Lower Leg Strain Calf - -
2013-03-22 2013-04-17 15-DL 26 14 Left Thumb Recovery From Fracture Tip of Thumb - -
2013-03-18 2013-03-22 Camp 4 0 Left Thumb Fracture Tip of Thumb - -
2012-05-22 2012-05-23 DTD 1 1 - Low Back Tightness - -
2012-03-05 2012-03-11 Camp 6 0 - Low Back Soreness - -
2011-08-06 2011-09-19 15-DL 44 40 Left Fingers Fracture Pinkie Finger From Sliding - -
2011-07-16 2011-07-21 DTD 5 4 Right Lower Leg Strain Calf - -
2011-06-23 2011-06-26 DTD 3 2 Right Shoulder Soreness -
2011-06-09 2011-06-09 DTD 0 0 Right Shoulder Soreness In Collision with Player -
2011-05-14 2011-05-14 DTD 0 0 Ankle Sprain -
2011-04-21 2011-04-21 DTD 0 0 General Medical Illness Flu -
2009-05-05 2009-05-06 DTD 1 1 Right Shoulder Soreness -


Year Team Salary
2018 NYA $500,000
2018 SDN $13,500,000
2017 NYA $13,000,000
2016 NYA $13,000,000
2015 NYA $13,000,000
2014 SDN $10,525,000
2013 SDN $8,575,000
2012 SDN $3,475,000
2011 SDN $2,325,000
2010 SDN $427,700
2009 SDN $411,500
10 yrPrevious$78,739,200
10 yrTotal$78,739,200


Service TimeAgentContract Status
9 y 123 dExcel Sports4 years/$52M (2015-18)

  • 4 years/$52M (2015-18). Re-signed by NY Yankees as a free agent 12/15/14. 15-18: $13M annually. Annual performance bonuses: $0.25M each for 475, 500, 525 550 plate appearances. Assignment bonus: $1M if traded. Acquired by San Diego in trade from NY Yankees 12/12/17, with Yankees paying Padres $0.5M to cover half of Headley's assignment bonus. DFA by San Diego 5/12/18. Released 5/17/18.
  • 1 year/$10.525M (2014). Re-signed by San Diego 1/17/14 (avoided arbitration). Acquired by NY Yankees in trade from San Diego 7/22/14, with Padres paying $1M to Yankees in the deal.
  • 1 year/$8.575M (2013). Re-signed by San Diego 1/30/13 (avoided arbitration, $10.3M-$7.075M).
  • 1 year/$3.475M (2012). Re-signed by San Diego 1/17/12 (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year/$2.325M (2011). Re-signed by San Diego 1/18/11 (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year/$0.4277M (2010). Re-signed by San Diego 3/3/10.
  • 1 year/$0.4115M (2009). Re-signed by San Diego 2/27/09.
  • 1 year (2008). Re-signed by San Diego 3/3/08.
  • 1 year (2007). Contract purchased by San Diego 6/15/07.
  • Drafted by San Diego 2005 (2-66) (University of Tennessee). Signed 6/05, $0.56M signing bonus.

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

90o 379 46 97 20 1 9 42 40 79 5 1 .292 .375 .440 116 20.6 3B 3, 1B 1 2.6
80o 360 43 88 18 1 8 39 37 77 4 1 .277 .357 .415 109 15.2 3B 3, 1B 0 2.0
70o 347 40 82 17 1 7 36 34 75 4 1 .267 .346 .397 104 11.6 3B 3, 1B 0 1.6
60o 336 38 78 16 1 7 34 32 74 4 1 .262 .339 .393 99 8.8 3B 3, 1B 0 1.3
50o 325 35 73 15 1 6 33 30 73 4 1 .253 .329 .374 95 6.2 3B 3, 1B 0 1.0
40o 314 33 69 14 1 6 31 29 71 3 1 .246 .321 .367 91 3.9 3B 3, 1B 0 0.8
30o 303 31 65 13 1 6 29 27 70 3 1 .240 .314 .362 86 1.5 3B 3, 1B 0 0.5
20o 290 29 59 12 1 5 27 25 68 3 1 .227 .301 .338 81 -1.1 3B 3, 1B 0 0.2
10o 271 26 54 11 1 5 24 22 65 3 1 .220 .292 .335 73 -4.3 3B 2, 1B 0 -0.2
Weighted Mean3283675151733317341.257.334.387967.03B 3, 1B 01.1

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BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2017-10-03 20:00:00 (link to chat)Have the Yankees done the Twins a favor by starting Aaron Hicks and DHing Jacoby Ellsbury? They seem to have really limited their bench use, given that they will PH for Ellsbury with someone they cannot use in the field.
(InsightsHound from St. Paul, Minnesota (go Twins!))
You can make an argument that putting the best defense out there is important given that the Twins aren't really a feast-or-famine team, but yeah. I imagine Chase Headley may pinch hit for him at some point. We shall see. - Nick Stellini (AL WC Game Chat)
2016-05-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)I didn't mean to make this a personal indictment. I know you can grow a beard. But a big bushy one? Have yet to see it. What look do you think Danny Espinosa prefers? I think facial hair and stats before/after joining the Yankees might be a worthy investigation.
(Becky from With The Good Hair)
I think so, Becks. I might have to look into that. Clearly, Chase Headley misses his beard. And Danny, I think he likes a normal beard. (Kenny Ducey)
2016-03-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Be completely honest....what did you think of the Hanley and Panda signings at the time? Which one do you pick as more likely to bounce back this year?
(Q-Ball from Chicago)
From a Sox perspective, I loved the Hanley signing, hated the Pablo signing. Now, I also thought Pablo gets too much of a hard time over his physique and defense, I just didn't/don't love his contact-driven skill set moving forward. But I would've much rather seen the Sox attack a Chase Headley type, or roll with Garin Cecchini at the time. As for Hanley, I adored the deal and thought it was brilliant to put him in left. Oops. (Bryan Grosnick)
2014-05-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)What kind of trade market do you see for Chase Headley, Seth Smith, Quentin and/or Huston Street? Once the Padres realize Cashner need TJ they will probably be in build for the future mode.
(fahlstrome from San Diego)
Not future-changing on any of those guys. I understand why they held onto Headley when he was at the peak of his value, but I'm guessing they'll look back on it with - if not regret then at least wishes that they could undo it with hindsight. (Zachary Levine)
2014-04-16 19:00:00 (link to chat)I dropped Grady Sizemore for Chase Headley. Will Headley pick it up? I also am wondering if Yangervis Solarte will keep it it?
(Joe from NY)
Sizemore will keep it up if he's healthy, yes, but who knows how long that lasts? I'm sure Headley will perform better than he is currently, but I don't think he's a superstar - I'm down on him compared to some. No, Solarte will not keep this up. If you dropped Sizemore and you still have Solarte and you don't need a SS, rectify that immediately. (Ben Carsley)
2014-02-26 19:00:00 (link to chat)I'm in a 17 auction keeper/snake supplemental draft H2H 5x5 Cuts need to be made (guys on the block) Starlin castro 25$ Chase Headley 22$ Christian Yelich 9$ Denard Span 1$ I think I may attempt to release and redraft Castro (is this a good 2014 move with some decent options like Brad Miller in auction if this fails) and Christian Yelich.. PECOTA doesnt really have him setting the world on fire and hes not the greatest against lefties. For category sake (steals .BA) is span the better value at 1$
(dancini from Pittsburgh)
Yeah I think so. Span is going to hit around .280 with 20 steals this year. Castro is too expensive and Yellich is too far away. (Mauricio Rubio)
2014-02-03 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think Chase Headley is bit of a sleeper? Power upset,good OBP, and I seem to think SD is underrated as a team?
(Dylan from NYC)
Yes I do. He had an awful season last year but I think he enjoys a nice bounce back year in 2014 and pairs it with the solid secondary skills he's always showcased to produce a good fantasy year.

SD is underrated in a way, but Buster Onley did pick them to make the playoffs so there's some noise around that team. (Mauricio Rubio)
2013-09-12 18:00:00 (link to chat)What's your take on Cody he the Phillies' regular third baseman in 2014?
(oldjim4920 from Los Angeles)
Hi oldjim.

There's a good chance that Asche is the Phillies starting 3B in 2014. The free agent crop at the position is weak, and while I suppose the Phillies could try make a move for someone like Chase Headley, given their already high payroll and the fact that their new TV deal doesn't kick in until 2015, the team is probably not going overpay a Michael Young again. From what I've seen, I like the bat so far. I think that the batting average might not be there, but a 15-20 HR season wouldn't surprise me. If Asche can hit .260, that's worth it for a standard mixed 3B; otherwise, he might be more of an injury replacement. In deeper leagues, he's definitely a worthy play at corner. (Mike Gianella)
2013-04-10 20:00:00 (link to chat)Couple of trade questions: My team: Rosario, Howard, Altuve, Frazier, Rollins, Cuddyer, A. Jones, B.Upton, De Aza. Bench: Carpenter, Rutledge, Hicks, Olt, Puig, Soler, Baez Rotation:Wainwright, Burnett, Harvey, E. Jackson, Jose Fernandez Bench: Cole, Hultzen, Gausman, Hammel I give up: Rollins and Altuve I get: Chase Headley(Trying to get Taveras included) I give up: Rollins, Mariano Rivera, Olt I get: Matt Wieters, Wil Myers Which trade if any do I move on? I would move Rutledge into the SS position, then I would move Carpenter into 2B. If I make either move.
(Mr. Slate from Bedrock)
Hi Slate:

I don't like the first trade at all. Headley is ahead of his timetable and could be back in a couple of weeks, but even if Headley does what he did in 2012, Jimmy Rollins OR Jose Altuve aren't that much worse and you're giving up both. Oscar Taveras obviously helps, but unless you're playing for 2014 or unless you know you can flip him for another player if you're gunning for it, this is a risky move. The second trade has some of the same problems. Rollins is probably better than Wieters and you're giving up Mariano as well. I don't know what your "dump" culture is like: that is to say, how players like Myers and Taveras are valued by teams playing for next year. If you think you can flip Taveras or Myers later for more in this year talent to push yourself to victory, then do it. If you can't and you're just making this trade for stats, hold off. (Mike Gianella)
2013-04-15 13:00:00 (link to chat)Should I really gird my loins for a 32-130 Padres season? My loins can't take that kind of girdin'.
(Clyde from Pittsburgh)
Hey Clyde, thanks for the question. Coming into the season, the Padres had four or five legitimate big-league pitchers. Two of them (Edinson Volquez and Huston Street) have been terrible. Even after Sunday night's strong showing from Clayton Richard, their starters own the NL's highest ERA by a lot. It will be good to see Chase Headley back in the lineup this week, but his presence won't help a bad pitching staff. Unless the Padres find some guys who can get big-league hitters out, it's going to be a long season. (Geoff Young)
2013-03-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)Chase Headley, where do you rank him among baseball's top 3B? Where would you rank him for fantasy purposes also?
(MerleDixon from PA)
Merle, I think Headley is one of the elite third basemen in baseball. Even if he doesn't hit 30 homers again, his mix of on-base skills and steady glovework make him an asset in real and fantasy baseball. Headley is valuable in Scoresheet leagues, where OBP and defense matter. Roto might be a different story depending on how much of his home-run power is legit. PECOTA has him hitting 16 HR this year. I'm not the most optimistic person in the world, but that seems a little low to me, especially with the fences moving in at PETCO (almost an anagram of PECOTA, I just noticed) this year. I'd put him more in the 20-25 HR range. (Geoff Young)
2013-02-26 14:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think J. Gyorko starts at 2b for the Pads on opening day? Are you a believer in his bat and ability to stick at 2b?
(Jay from Madison)
I'm a bigger believer in his bat than in his glove at 2B, but with 3B occupied by Chase Headley, the Padres will give him a shot to prove that he can handle the keystone. I'll tentatively say that Logan Forsythe is the favorite for Opening Day, but that could change in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on Jason Martinez's daily Minor League Update for the latest on that battle. (Daniel Rathman)
2013-01-29 14:00:00 (link to chat)What do you expect from Chase Headley in 2013?
(Bob Babooey from NYC)
I think he'll take a small step backward, but will still be one of the most productive third basemen in the league. Some of the mammoth blasts that he hit last year suggest that the power outburst is legitimate, and the tightened dimensions at Petco can only help his cause in that regard. I wouldn't rule out another five-win season. (Daniel Rathman)
2012-12-18 13:00:00 (link to chat)What do you expect from Chase Headley in 2013?
(Xolo from Sudamerica)
.290-100-22-97-12 (Paul Sporer)
2012-12-27 13:00:00 (link to chat)How real was Chase Headley's season last year and do you see regression in 2013 or this to be the next step up in his progression? How much does Petco fences coming in affect that regression/progression answer?
(Fred from WI)
If you look deep into Headley's numbers, his swing rate wasn't much changed, but his contact rate was down. That's an indicator of a guy who's using a "swing real hard in case you hit it" method. And for him, it worked, even in Petco. The fences coming in can't help but add a few HR to his ledger. (Russell Carleton)
2012-12-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)O/U 18 HR's for Chase Headley this year?
(sdsuphilip from Los Angeles)
Curious to see what will happen with the new OF dimensions in Petco, but I'll take the over for sure. He's just entering his prime. (Ian Miller)
2012-12-04 14:00:00 (link to chat)Can you explain why Chase Headley wasnt taken in the first round? The guy was an all state two sport athlete in high school, in college he broke Todd Helton's record for walks in a season at the U of Tennessee. Do GM's not understand that although not one of the five tools a good eye at the plate, i.e, drawing walks is a key component to a truly great and complete player?
(Daniel F from NY)
Headley certainly had outstanding credentials, Daniel F, but one possible concern at the time was his injury history. He had knee surgery during his sophomore year at Tennessee, and that may have dimmed his otherwise soaring draft stock. I'm sure that plenty of GMs and draft decision-makers regret passing on him now. (Daniel Rathman)
2012-10-30 13:00:00 (link to chat)What does Chase Headley's line look like next year?
(Gob from A magic convention)
Hi Gob. If one player embodied "youneverknow" last year, it was Headley. Just when I'd assumed he was headed down the Dave Magadan path of high OBP and no power, he went out and hit 31 homers. He's the right age and his home park is about to become less pitcher-friendly. This is a WAG, but I'd say .280/.370/.460 as a baseline. (Geoff Young)
2012-07-25 13:30:00 (link to chat)Does Jedd Gyorko not being on the 40 man hurt his chances of getting called up immediately if Chase Headley is traded?
(Goose from Morgantown)
San Diego's 40-man is full, and in a general sense, not being on the 40-man is always an additional hurdle in the way of a prospect who's hoping to get called up. In Gyorko's case, it might depend on the return the Padres get for Headley. If they get back prospects, Headley's departure would open up a spot. If they get back any big-league pieces, someone else would have to go for Gyorko to have a spot. But considering Kevin wrote "Not sure what the Padres are waiting for" in reference to Gyorko almost a month ago, and given that his numbers have only improved since then, I'm guessing Gyorko will get a shot if Headley gets traded. (Ben Lindbergh)
2012-06-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)What position do you see Jedd Gyorko play at the MLB level? I selfishly hope for 2B eligibility.
(sitdancer from DC)
He'll get a shot at second base because Chase Headley is at third. Will Gyorko stick there? Hard to say, although if he hits I could see it. His bottom half is ... let's say thick. (R.J. Anderson)
2012-02-23 11:00:00 (link to chat)How many things have to go right for the Padres to win NL West? Other than Diamondbacks, every team has big holes. Also, wouldn't the Angels now becomes the natural rivalry for the Padres by virtue of Pujols signing (he who took out 2 starters in the same game)? No disrespect to the Mariners, it's hard to root against them.
(Max L from Diego)
More than I can count. Nick Hundley and the entire rotation have to stay healthy, Chase Headley has to prove that last year's gains were legit, Cameron Maybin has to build on his breakout 2011... a lot has to go right. But yeah, the one saving grace is that there are no dominant teams in the division. As the Diamondbacks proved last year (and as the Padres did in 2010), anything can happen in the NL West. As for the Mariners, how can you not root against them? The Vedder Cup will be ours! (Geoff Young)
2012-02-23 11:00:00 (link to chat)It looks like Gyorko and Spangenberg are possible 2B of the Future. What do you think of both and who wins out if either? Thanks
(jake1m from Jenny Lind, Ca.)
I like both of them, although Gyorko won't play 2B. He could get a September callup and possibly be a part of the 2013 Padres depending on what they decide to do with Chase Headley and James Darnell (nice problem to have). Spangenberg is farther away, but on-base skills and speed should make him useful at the top of the order. (Geoff Young)
2012-02-02 15:00:00 (link to chat)Let's say I miss out on all of my 2B and 3B targets in my draft -- any late round saving graces come to mind?
(Joseph from Richmond)
I'm still a big Jose Altuve fan. He struggled in his cup of coffee last year but he's still very young and has hit -- and I mean HIT -- everywhere, even when factoring in the favorable offensive environments in which he's played. I have every confidence he can be a ~.300 hitter and provide a useful amount of steals and runs this year. At 3B, see how low Moustakas goes... don't forget, it was just a year ago that he was considered the an equel -- or perhaps superior -- prospect to Eric Hosmer. Chase Headley is going very late in mock drafts too, but has solid value. (Cory Schwartz)
2011-09-06 14:00:00 (link to chat)What's your take on year 2 of the Jed Hoyer era in San Diego?
(Arby's from Good mood food)
Why wasn't Heath Bell traded? ...I have to admit I haven't seen too many Friars games this year, being generally more focused on the AL East, but it's really hard for me to come to a judgment in that other than Chase Headley, Cameron Maybin, Kyle Blanks, Corey Luebke, and Mat Latos, and (likely) Anthony Rizzo, I see a lot of guys who are basically just interim types. I wish they had gotten more playing time for James Darnell. (Steven Goldman)
2011-08-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)Have you ever tried oreos and guacamole? I have, and trust me, it is good. I advise.
(Hannah from bay area, ca)
How do you mix them? Is this a blend or a dip or do you just stack? I'm intrigued.

By the way, I checked the SkyMall catalog and there are three baseballs signed by players whose named end in Y: James Loney, Chase Headley, R.A. Dickey. This doesn't solve anything, because of the mysterious -deball. James Loney, Lemonadeball? R.A. Dickey, MikeQuadeball? I dunno. (Sam Miller)
2011-03-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)Any hopes for Chase Headley this year?
(SLimShady from DET)
Wow, don't make it sound so dire! Headley is a very good hitter outside of PETCO Park, although he'll miss having Adrian Gonzalez around (as will that entire lineup). This is his age-27 season though, and SD is a running team so he could get 12-15 SB's again, bump up the power a tad, and end up as a useful CI/UT guy in mixed fantasy leagues. (Cory Schwartz)
2010-12-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)Will Chase Headley ever blossom into the player he was meant to be ?
(Spirou from Montreal)
To me, Headley is a good glove who can hit around .260/.340/.440, and nothing more. That has some value while he is under team control, but once those more expensive arbitration years come around he probably won't be worth the money. He reminds me a lot of Francoeur in that, if you LOOK at them, they seem like they should be much better than they are. Yes, PETCO suppresses some of his power, but even in Citizen's Bank Park, Headley wouldn't hit more than 24 HR. (Eric Seidman)
2010-06-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Marc I have been offered Francisco Cordero for either Chase Headley, Chris Young or Kelly Johnson. My closer was Trevor Hoffman and I also have Evan Meek. What do you think of the offer? Thanks
(Ed from Cranford, NJ)
I wouldn't give up Chris Young, but either Headley or Kelly Johnson would be fine. Johnson's slowed down a bit since April, but he has that park to help him, whereas Headley is more of a batting average guy with low power in a park that hurts both of those things. Headley may be your low-cost option here. (Marc Normandin)
2010-05-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)What's Chase Headley's power potential? Is there much upside there?
(lornad11 from Dumont NJ)
I don't think Headley is going to have more than .150 Isolated Power. Partially due to Petco, partially because he's not that kind of hitter. He can draw a walk though, and has shown a much better understanding of the strike zone and pitches he can do something with this year, so I think that batting average is finally going to be up. Remember, he hit very well in the second half last year as well, so this past month wasn't out of nowhere.

I also feel better because he's admitted that trying to learn the outfield was hampering his development. He was a terrible outfielder, so it's nice to have him back at his natural position where he can concentrate on his swing. (Marc Normandin)
2010-03-24 11:00:00 (link to chat)NL-only Keeper league. I have been offered at $19 Ryan Zimmerman and an $8 Chase Headley for a $23 Tim Lincecum. I have Nolasco and Billingsley on my list of keeps. Do I make that deal?
(raygu1 from Burlington, NJ)
You have a $23 Lincecum in an NL-only league? Keep him. (Tommy Bennett)
2009-09-24 14:00:00 (link to chat)Some love for KT and his young guys in San Diego? You saw them at 60 wins this year.
(JC from Hoboken)
Yeah, they've played better than I expected them to. They play the park well, finding relief pitchers who can be effective there. Chase Headley has started to come around, and Everth Cabrera isn't that bad. I'm just wondering how many guys responsible for the decent season are good enough to contribute to a real contender. Is Will Venable or Kevin Correia someone you build around? I doubt it. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-08-22 13:00:00 (link to chat)Greetings, I'm in a ten team keeper league where everyone retains 20 players. Should I keep Alex Gordon and/or Chase Headley or overpay for an upgrade? Do you like Headley over Ellsbury? I need power more than speed.
(Guancous from Silver Spring)
20 players? Wow. I like Gordon still--he's young--and Headley's intriguing, though PETCO makes him less appealing than he could be elsewhere. I like Ellsbury long-term, but you might want to wait and see if he puts on some muscle this offseason before you stick with him. He's not going to draw walks or hit for any power if he doesn't start to muscle pitches and put a little scare in the opposition. (Marc Normandin)
2008-03-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)PECOTA is really down on Chase Headley. Any thoughts on why that is?
(Ben B. from San Diego)
Headley is one where I'm surprised the forecast came out so low, but to sort of present the Devil's Advocate case as PECOTA and the DTs seem to see it: so here is a player who really hadn't done that much prior to this season, having posted some superficially good numbers in the California league in 2006, but in a league environment were decent numbers are easy to come by. And then he had a legitimately outstanding year in 2007, but it was driven in part by an unsustainable high BABIP, and it also came as a 23-year-old in Doulbe-A, which is a little behind the developmental pace you'd like to see for an elite prospect. So, that's enough for PECOTA to lump him in with the Tom Evanseses. But I'd certainly take the over on that projection. (Nate Silver)
2008-03-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)How long do you think it will take for the Pads to realize that Chase Headley should be their first baseman?
(sndvl99 from Tarzana, CA)
Well, they've got Adrian Gonzalez, who was the only Padre hitter to meet his PECOTA projection last year. He's signed through 2010 and he's just 26, so I don't see him moving anywhere soon. (Jay Jaffe)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2010-04-05 09:30:00Season Opener RoundtableI wish Chase Headley's middle name was Lamar. (Marc Normandin)

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