
Portrait of Frank Tanana

Frank Tanana P

Player Cards | Team Audit | Depth Chart

Career Summary
21 638 4188.3 240 236 1 3.66 48.4
Birth Date7-3-1953
Height6' 3"
Weight195 lbs
Age70 years, 9 months, 21 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

Historical (past-seasons) WARP is now based on DRA..
cFIP and DRA are not available on a by-team basis and display as zeroes(0). See TOT line for season totals of these stats.
Multiple stints are are currently shownClick to hide.
1973 CAL MLB 4 4 26.3 2 2 0 20 8 22 2 90 6.8 2.7 0.7 7.5 0% .237 1.06 2.80 3.08 89 3.38 80.0 0.4
1974 CAL MLB 39 35 268.7 14 19 0 262 77 180 27 89 8.8 2.6 0.9 6.0 0% .281 1.26 3.48 3.12 86 3.26 79.0 4.7
1975 CAL MLB 34 33 257.3 16 9 0 211 73 269 21 91 7.4 2.6 0.7 9.4 0% .288 1.10 2.45 2.62 52 2.17 51.5 8.1
1976 CAL MLB 34 34 288.3 19 10 0 212 73 261 24 90 6.6 2.3 0.7 8.1 0% .243 0.99 2.74 2.43 60 2.25 56.3 8.2
1977 CAL MLB 31 31 241.3 15 9 0 201 61 205 19 94 7.5 2.3 0.7 7.6 0% .269 1.09 2.96 2.54 76 2.69 60.1 6.8
1978 CAL MLB 33 33 239.0 18 12 0 239 60 137 26 96 9.0 2.3 1.0 5.2 0% .272 1.25 3.67 3.65 98 3.51 84.7 3.6
1979 CAL MLB 18 17 90.3 7 5 0 93 25 46 9 95 9.3 2.5 0.9 4.6 0% .280 1.31 3.93 3.89 98 4.13 91.8 1.1
1980 CAL MLB 32 31 204.0 11 12 0 223 45 113 18 98 9.8 2.0 0.8 5.0 0% .299 1.31 3.57 4.15 94 4.15 96.8 1.9
1981 BOS MLB 24 23 141.3 4 10 0 142 43 78 17 102 9.0 2.7 1.1 5.0 0% .275 1.31 3.99 4.01 110 4.61 115.2 0.1
1982 TEX MLB 30 30 194.3 7 18 0 199 55 87 16 95 9.2 2.5 0.7 4.0 0% .274 1.31 3.81 4.21 104 4.85 112.7 0.5
1983 TEX MLB 29 22 159.3 7 9 0 144 49 108 14 97 8.1 2.8 0.8 6.1 0% .266 1.21 3.65 3.16 87 3.47 80.0 3.0
1984 TEX MLB 35 35 246.3 15 15 0 234 81 141 30 95 8.5 3.0 1.1 5.2 0% .256 1.28 4.24 3.25 107 4.39 102.7 1.9
1985 DET 0 20 20 137.3 10 7 0 131 34 107 13 96 8.6 2.2 0.9 7.0 0% .287 1.20 3.19 3.34 92 4.01 92.2 2.0
1985 TEX 0 13 13 77.7 2 7 0 89 23 52 15 100 10.3 2.7 1.7 6.0 0% .297 1.44 4.83 5.91 93 4.71 108.1 0.5
1986 DET MLB 32 31 188.3 12 9 0 196 65 119 23 99 9.4 3.1 1.1 5.7 0% .287 1.39 4.19 4.16 107 4.72 106.4 1.3
1987 DET MLB 34 34 218.7 15 10 0 216 56 146 27 98 8.9 2.3 1.1 6.0 0% .274 1.24 3.96 3.91 98 3.96 83.1 4.4
1988 DET MLB 32 32 203.0 14 11 0 213 64 127 25 98 9.4 2.8 1.1 5.6 0% .287 1.36 4.17 4.21 111 4.31 103.8 1.6
1989 DET MLB 33 33 223.7 10 14 0 227 74 147 21 102 9.1 3.0 0.8 5.9 0% .292 1.35 3.85 3.58 100 4.24 102.0 2.1
1990 DET MLB 34 29 176.3 9 8 1 190 66 114 25 102 9.7 3.4 1.3 5.8 0% .301 1.45 4.62 5.31 111 5.25 122.3 -0.2
1991 DET MLB 33 33 217.3 13 12 0 217 78 107 26 103 9.0 3.2 1.1 4.4 0% .270 1.36 4.58 3.77 120 6.15 142.3 -2.3
1992 DET MLB 32 31 186.7 13 11 0 188 90 91 22 102 9.1 4.3 1.1 4.4 0% .273 1.49 4.90 4.39 127 6.79 164.7 -4.2
1993 NYA 0 3 3 19.7 0 2 0 18 7 12 2 101 8.2 3.2 0.9 5.5 0% .239 1.27 4.16 3.20 115 5.75 124.0 0.0
1993 NYN 0 29 29 183.0 7 15 0 198 48 104 26 94 9.7 2.4 1.3 5.1 0% .288 1.34 4.61 4.48 100 4.13 89.1 3.0
1985 TOT MLB 33 33 215.0 12 14 0 220 57 159 28 97 9.2 2.4 1.2 6.7 0% .000 1.29 3.79 4.27 92 4.26 97.9 2.5
1993 TOT MLB 32 32 202.7 7 17 0 216 55 116 28 95 9.6 2.4 1.2 5.2 0% .000 1.34 4.57 4.35 101 4.29 92.5 3.0

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1973 CAL MLB AL 4 4 26.3 2 2 0 20 8 22 2 90 6.8 2.7 0.7 7.5 0% .237 1.06 2.80 3.08 89 3.38 80.0
1974 CAL MLB AL 39 35 268.7 14 19 0 262 77 180 27 89 8.8 2.6 0.9 6.0 0% .281 1.26 3.48 3.12 86 3.26 79.0
1975 CAL MLB AL 34 33 257.3 16 9 0 211 73 269 21 91 7.4 2.6 0.7 9.4 0% .288 1.10 2.45 2.62 52 2.17 51.5
1976 CAL MLB AL 34 34 288.3 19 10 0 212 73 261 24 90 6.6 2.3 0.7 8.1 0% .243 0.99 2.74 2.43 60 2.25 56.3
1977 CAL MLB AL 31 31 241.3 15 9 0 201 61 205 19 94 7.5 2.3 0.7 7.6 0% .269 1.09 2.96 2.54 76 2.69 60.1
1978 CAL MLB AL 33 33 239.0 18 12 0 239 60 137 26 96 9.0 2.3 1.0 5.2 0% .272 1.25 3.67 3.65 98 3.51 84.7
1979 CAL MLB AL 18 17 90.3 7 5 0 93 25 46 9 95 9.3 2.5 0.9 4.6 0% .280 1.31 3.93 3.89 98 4.13 91.8
1980 CAL MLB AL 32 31 204.0 11 12 0 223 45 113 18 98 9.8 2.0 0.8 5.0 0% .299 1.31 3.57 4.15 94 4.15 96.8
1981 BOS MLB AL 24 23 141.3 4 10 0 142 43 78 17 102 9.0 2.7 1.1 5.0 0% .275 1.31 3.99 4.01 110 4.61 115.2
1982 TEX MLB AL 30 30 194.3 7 18 0 199 55 87 16 95 9.2 2.5 0.7 4.0 0% .274 1.31 3.81 4.21 104 4.85 112.7
1983 TEX MLB AL 29 22 159.3 7 9 0 144 49 108 14 97 8.1 2.8 0.8 6.1 0% .266 1.21 3.65 3.16 87 3.47 80.0
1984 TEX MLB AL 35 35 246.3 15 15 0 234 81 141 30 95 8.5 3.0 1.1 5.2 0% .256 1.28 4.24 3.25 107 4.39 102.7
1985 DET MLB AL 20 20 137.3 10 7 0 131 34 107 13 96 8.6 2.2 0.9 7.0 0% .287 1.20 3.19 3.34 92 4.01 92.2
1985 TEX MLB AL 13 13 77.7 2 7 0 89 23 52 15 100 10.3 2.7 1.7 6.0 0% .297 1.44 4.83 5.91 93 4.71 108.1
1986 DET MLB AL 32 31 188.3 12 9 0 196 65 119 23 99 9.4 3.1 1.1 5.7 0% .287 1.39 4.19 4.16 107 4.72 106.4
1987 DET MLB AL 34 34 218.7 15 10 0 216 56 146 27 98 8.9 2.3 1.1 6.0 0% .274 1.24 3.96 3.91 98 3.96 83.1
1988 DET MLB AL 32 32 203.0 14 11 0 213 64 127 25 98 9.4 2.8 1.1 5.6 0% .287 1.36 4.17 4.21 111 4.31 103.8
1989 DET MLB AL 33 33 223.7 10 14 0 227 74 147 21 102 9.1 3.0 0.8 5.9 0% .292 1.35 3.85 3.58 100 4.24 102.0
1990 DET MLB AL 34 29 176.3 9 8 1 190 66 114 25 102 9.7 3.4 1.3 5.8 0% .301 1.45 4.62 5.31 111 5.25 122.3
1991 DET MLB AL 33 33 217.3 13 12 0 217 78 107 26 103 9.0 3.2 1.1 4.4 0% .270 1.36 4.58 3.77 120 6.15 142.3
1992 DET MLB AL 32 31 186.7 13 11 0 188 90 91 22 102 9.1 4.3 1.1 4.4 0% .273 1.49 4.90 4.39 127 6.79 164.7
1993 NYA MLB AL 3 3 19.7 0 2 0 18 7 12 2 101 8.2 3.2 0.9 5.5 0% .239 1.27 4.16 3.20 115 5.75 124.0
1993 NYN MLB NL 29 29 183.0 7 15 0 198 48 104 26 94 9.7 2.4 1.3 5.1 0% .288 1.34 4.61 4.48 100 4.13 89.1

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr%

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
1979-06-11 1979-09-04 85 79 Left Shoulder Inflammation Tendonitis - -
1977-07-12 1977-07-23 DTD 11 8 Left Upper Arm Strain Triceps - -


Year Team Salary


Service TimeAgentContract Status


2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean?????0.0?00?.0000.000.00?0.00.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2013-03-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)Any concern about Felix's elbow? Should I be concerned about him in fantasy this year?
(Brian from Madison)
Hey Brian, I don't know that I have a specific concern about Felix other than his significant workload. The last three pitchers to log 1,600 innings by age 26 were Dwight Gooden, Fernando Valenzuela, and Frank Tanana. Those guys went on to have great careers, although not as great as people might have expected based on their earlier success. On the bright side, Bert Blyleven was the last before them (he had thrown 500 more innings than Felix by this point), and he ended up in the Hall of Fame. You never know with pitchers, but so far it seems like he's up to the task. (Geoff Young)
2013-01-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thanks for doing these chats; I always appreciate insights from someone with front-office experience. Here's a Q pertaining to that experience. One of the arguments against Jack Morris as a Hall of Famer is that pitchers like him in his generation -- Dave Stieb, Frank Tanana, etc. -- got rejected by HoF voters very quickly. My question is: if guys like Stieb and Tanana were so good, why weren't the high rollers of the time bidding for their services when they hit free agency? Was there an unspoken rule (collusion?) against poaching other GMs' free agents? Or did they not understand talent evaluation very well? Something else?
(Bill from New Mexico)
I enjoy these chats, Bill from New Mexico. Thanks for your question. I saw Morris a ton during his career, as I worked in the AL my first 19 years in the game and was in the same league. Jack Morris was damn good, a winner, and a guy who grinned out wins and threw tons of innings. It is hard to evaluate each player's career in regards to roster decisions unles you're his agent, because that's the only person who really knows what was really out there. I certainly did not reject him as a HOF candidate, just felt he was REALLY good, not HOF. (Dan Evans)

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