
Portrait of Mike Schmidt

Mike Schmidt 3BPhillies

Phillies Player Cards | Phillies Team Audit | Phillies Depth Chart

Career Summary
18 10062 .267 .380 .527 149 115.8
Birth Date9-27-1949
Height6' 2"
Weight200 lbs
Age74 years, 6 months, 23 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1972 PHI 22 13 40 7 0 0 1 5 15 1 0 0 .206 .325 .294 68 -1.1 0.1 0.3 0.0
1973 PHI 23 132 443 72 11 0 18 62 136 9 8 2 .196 .324 .373 107 5.8 0.4 19.3 4.2
1974 PHI 24 162 686 160 28 7 36 106 138 4 23 12 .282 .395 .546 165 53.5 1.4 32.2 11.7
1975 PHI 25 158 674 140 34 3 38 101 180 4 29 12 .249 .367 .523 145 38.4 -0.6 17.0 8.1
1976 PHI 26 160 705 153 31 4 38 100 149 11 14 9 .262 .376 .524 154 44.8 -0.2 19.1 9.4
1977 PHI 27 154 667 149 27 11 38 104 122 9 15 8 .274 .393 .574 156 47.3 1.5 18.2 9.1
1978 PHI 28 145 616 129 27 2 21 91 103 4 19 6 .251 .364 .435 138 28.1 0.6 1.1 5.3
1979 PHI 29 160 675 137 25 4 45 120 115 3 9 5 .253 .386 .564 161 51.4 -0.3 11.5 8.7
1980 PHI 30 150 652 157 25 8 48 89 119 2 12 5 .286 .380 .624 159 45.8 0.9 16.3 8.8
1981 PHI 31 102 434 112 19 2 31 73 71 4 12 4 .316 .435 .644 192 40.4 1.1 11.0 7.3
1982 PHI 32 148 631 144 26 3 35 107 131 3 14 7 .280 .403 .547 168 50.5 -2.8 10.0 8.2
1983 PHI 33 154 669 136 16 4 40 128 148 3 7 8 .255 .399 .524 156 42.5 -0.1 4.2 7.1
1984 PHI 34 151 632 146 23 3 36 92 116 4 5 7 .277 .383 .536 153 40.2 -4.3 16.3 7.6
1985 PHI 35 158 645 152 31 5 33 87 117 3 1 3 .277 .375 .532 142 33.3 -1.3 6.9 5.3
1986 PHI 36 160 657 160 29 1 37 89 84 7 1 2 .290 .390 .547 150 39.6 -0.9 -7.2 5.1
1987 PHI 37 147 613 153 28 0 35 83 80 2 2 1 .293 .388 .548 143 32.7 0.1 20.2 7.2
1988 PHI 38 108 451 97 21 2 12 49 42 6 3 0 .249 .337 .405 101 0.7 -0.9 5.0 2.0
1989 PHI 39 42 172 30 7 0 6 21 17 0 0 1 .203 .297 .372 116 3.4 -0.8 -2.2 0.6

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1972 PHI MLB NL 13 40 .237 .304 .339 .333 101 -0.5 0.9 0.1 68 18 0.3 0.1 -1.1 0.0
1973 PHI MLB NL 132 443 .252 .315 .370 .249 103 -0.7 11.7 1.4 107 11 19.3 0.4 5.8 4.2
1974 PHI MLB NL 162 686 .257 .321 .366 .311 106 51.8 17.8 2.4 165 9 32.2 1.4 53.5 11.7
1975 PHI MLB NL 158 674 .259 .324 .370 .296 106 28.4 17.7 2.7 145 10 17.0 -0.6 38.4 8.1
1976 PHI MLB NL 160 705 .257 .317 .363 .285 104 41.9 17.8 2.4 154 10 19.1 -0.2 44.8 9.4
1977 PHI MLB NL 154 667 .263 .326 .401 .282 105 42.1 18.6 2.6 156 7 18.2 1.5 47.3 9.1
1978 PHI MLB NL 145 616 .253 .315 .367 .272 103 22.7 16.0 2.2 138 11 1.1 0.6 28.1 5.3
1979 PHI MLB NL 160 675 .260 .320 .382 .236 102 43.5 18.9 2.6 161 9 11.5 -0.3 51.4 8.7
1980 PHI MLB NL 150 652 .261 .318 .378 .277 102 54.2 17.5 2.4 159 13 16.3 0.9 45.8 8.8
1981 PHI MLB NL 102 434 .255 .314 .363 .318 102 47.4 11.0 1.5 192 15 11.0 1.1 40.4 7.3
1982 PHI MLB NL 148 631 .259 .316 .376 .307 100 47.3 17.0 2.3 168 13 10.0 -2.8 50.5 8.2
1983 PHI MLB NL 154 669 .257 .321 .379 .274 102 42.2 18.2 2.5 156 8 4.2 -0.1 42.5 7.1
1984 PHI MLB NL 151 632 .258 .318 .379 .286 99 37.8 16.9 2.2 153 9 16.3 -4.3 40.2 7.6
1985 PHI MLB NL 158 645 .248 .309 .365 .294 98 34.6 17.6 -6.8 142 9 6.9 -1.3 33.3 5.3
1986 PHI MLB NL 160 657 .253 .319 .380 .280 106 39.5 18.2 -0.6 150 9 -7.2 -0.9 39.6 5.1
1987 PHI MLB NL 147 613 .261 .323 .401 .286 103 30.6 18.1 1.8 143 13 20.2 0.1 32.7 7.2
1988 PHI MLB NL 108 451 .246 .304 .361 .249 103 5.4 11.8 1.6 101 10 5.0 -0.9 0.7 2.0
1989 PHI MLB NL 42 172 .244 .304 .362 .188 101 0.6 4.5 0.6 116 13 -2.2 -0.8 3.4 0.6

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1972 PHI MLB NL 40 34 2 7 0 0 1 10 3 5 15 0 0 .206 .325 .294 .088 0 0
1973 PHI MLB NL 443 367 43 72 11 0 18 137 52 62 136 8 2 .196 .324 .373 .177 4 1
1974 PHI MLB NL 686 568 108 160 28 7 36 310 116 106 138 23 12 .282 .395 .546 .264 5 3
1975 PHI MLB NL 674 562 93 140 34 3 38 294 95 101 180 29 12 .249 .367 .523 .274 1 6
1976 PHI MLB NL 705 584 112 153 31 4 38 306 107 100 149 14 9 .262 .376 .524 .262 7 3
1977 PHI MLB NL 667 544 114 149 27 11 38 312 101 104 122 15 8 .274 .393 .574 .300 9 1
1978 PHI MLB NL 616 513 93 129 27 2 21 223 78 91 103 19 6 .251 .364 .435 .183 8 0
1979 PHI MLB NL 675 541 109 137 25 4 45 305 114 120 115 9 5 .253 .386 .564 .311 9 2
1980 PHI MLB NL 652 548 104 157 25 8 48 342 121 89 119 12 5 .286 .380 .624 .338 13 0
1981 PHI MLB NL 434 354 78 112 19 2 31 228 91 73 71 12 4 .316 .435 .644 .328 3 0
1982 PHI MLB NL 631 514 108 144 26 3 35 281 87 107 131 14 7 .280 .403 .547 .267 7 0
1983 PHI MLB NL 669 534 104 136 16 4 40 280 109 128 148 7 8 .255 .399 .524 .270 4 0
1984 PHI MLB NL 632 528 93 146 23 3 36 283 106 92 116 5 7 .277 .383 .536 .259 8 0
1985 PHI MLB NL 645 549 89 152 31 5 33 292 93 87 117 1 3 .277 .375 .532 .255 6 0
1986 PHI MLB NL 657 552 97 160 29 1 37 302 119 89 84 1 2 .290 .390 .547 .257 9 0
1987 PHI MLB NL 613 522 88 153 28 0 35 286 113 83 80 2 1 .293 .388 .548 .255 6 0
1988 PHI MLB NL 451 390 52 97 21 2 12 158 62 49 42 3 0 .249 .337 .405 .156 6 0
1989 PHI MLB NL 172 148 19 30 7 0 6 55 28 21 17 0 1 .203 .297 .372 .169 3 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

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2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2014-06-16 13:00:00 (link to chat)Who was your favorite player when playing ball?
(Lee from Grand Rapids)
I grew up a Phillies fan and caught the tail end of Mike Schmidt's career. I was 10 for the '93 Phillies and loved Lenny Dykstra because I batted left handed, led off, played center field, and was too young to understand about things like PED's tobacco and being crazy. (Jeff Moore)
2013-10-30 12:00:00 (link to chat)Chrystal ball dynasty question: On the thermometer scale, if Mark Reynolds were 32 degrees and Mike Schmidt were 212 degrees, what temperature will Xander Bogaerts and Kris Bryant be? Thank you.
(nictaclacta from Glendale)
Bryant I'm less clear on. He hit really well in a very small sample size in Low and High-A, but we need to see more to know what he is. Or at least I do. He's a pretty promising player though. Bogaerts is the real deal. He'll start at short for Boston next season.

That said, comparing either to Schmidt, maybe the greatest ever at his position, is a tough thing to do. I'm very confident Bogaerts will be better than Mark Reynolds. So I'll say Xander is 100 degrees and Bryant is 35, but with a warm front on the way. (Matthew Kory)
2012-03-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)If you had a chance to get in a time machine, who would be the player you would like to watch in person?
(blazeswim from Chicago)
I've always said that I was disappointed to be just old enough to know about Mike Schmidt as an active player, but not old enough to have ever seen him play (let alone seen him when he was at his best). I'd be pretty happy to get that chance.

Looking farther back, I'd probably want to see someone like Sandy Koufax or Walter Johnson in their prime. I really want to know exactly how great those guys were, seeing as how much better they were than their competition. (Larry Granillo)
2011-09-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)The Royals brought up a ton of guys this year but only Hosmer looks like the real deal. Any hope that Moustakis blossoms to the power levels predicted for him?? And is Giavotella really going to hit in the bigs??
(kcboomer from KC)
Based upon the scouting reports and minor league stats, it is ridiculously early to start giving up hope on Moustakas; he's 22 with 333 major league PA, for crying out loud! Go back and look at the careers of Mike Schmidt or George Brett and tell me if you think their teams should have given up hope after their first prolonged exposure to big league pitching. Hell, look at Alex Gordon, who has blossomed into a very good hitter.

I know Royals fans are impatient, but it ain't all gonna happen overnight. You've waited this long, you can wait at least a full season before panicking that some of these guys might not grow up to be the next Brett or whatever. (Jay Jaffe)
2011-04-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Anticipating that this is (probably) his final year, are we somewhat laconic about Chipper Jones's place in history? A very strong argument can be made that he is the most well-rounded third baseman in the history of the game (and possibly the most productive); upon induction, he will have the highest OPS of any 3B in the HOF and is around 45 runs above average defensively.
(Silvpak from NY, NY)
Chipper wasn't the most productive 3B of all time, not when you think about Mike Schmidt, but he's certainly up there. There is no argument for keeping him out of the Hall of Fame other than perversely protective feelings for Hooters waitresses. I'm less confident in his defense than you are, and the Braves wouldn't have hustled him off to left field a couple of times if they weren't similarly ambivalent. There were several years, in fact, where the Braves might have been better off moving Jones to 1B, often an empty position for them, and letting a more agile player man the hot corner. Might have been better for Chipper's health, too. (Steven Goldman)
2009-09-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)Has anyone's HOF case ever been hurt more by the era they played in than Santo? His numbers translated to a normal era have to be pretty awesome.
(jamin67038 from Wichita, KS)
Jay Jaffe probably has ten answers for this question, but Santo has to be up there. Clay Davenport puts Santo at .275/.370/.505 in a standard offensive environment. Another guy who comes to mind, though I'm not saying he's a HOFer, is Graig Nettles. Nettles played in the 1970s, which hurt his numbers, though not as badly as Santo's were hurt, and although he was one of the best gloves ever at his position, played at the same time as Brooks Robinson and Mike Schmidt so that was less impressive than it could have been. There were more good 3B playing when Nettles did (the aforementioned, plus guys who could hit like Buddy Bell, Bill Madlock, George Brett) than there were at any time before in history. (Steven Goldman)
2008-07-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Joe Posnanski made a good case for Stan Musial as one of the best living ballplayers the other day... where is he on your list?
(BL from Bozeman, MT)
Where's Jay Jaffe when I need him? I don't keep lists like this, but it would definitely be behind Willie Mays. It isn't like it's ever going to be an Olympic event, where Musial's got to stand around on a podium and subsequently explain his disappointment for getting the bronze behind Mike Schmidt or Frank Robinson or something. Maybe I'm being lazy, but Mays seems like a solid enough selection for an off-the-cuff answer. ;) (Christina Kahrl)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2009-10-21 17:00:00NLCS Game 5In the "It helps to have your star player perform well in a post-season series" category, Mike Schmidt went a combined 4 for 31, with no home runs, against the Dodgers in 1977-1978. In 1983, he went 7 for 15 with one long ball. (David Laurila)