
Portrait of Joe Girardi

Joe Girardi CCubs

Cubs Player Cards | Cubs Team Audit | Cubs Depth Chart

Career Summary
18 4535 .267 .315 .350 74 5.4
Birth Date10-14-1964
Height5' 11"
Weight200 lbs
Age59 years, 6 months, 4 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1989 CHN 24 59 172 39 10 0 1 11 26 2 2 1 .248 .304 .331 77 -4.1 1.4 -1.7 0.3
1990 CHN 25 133 447 113 24 2 1 17 50 3 8 3 .270 .300 .344 80 -10.0 2.7 -8.4 0.4
1991 CHN 26 21 54 9 2 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 .191 .283 .234 91 -0.5 0.4 -1.1 0.1
1992 CHN 27 91 291 73 3 1 1 19 38 1 0 2 .270 .320 .300 80 -5.5 -2.6 -11.8 -0.9
1993 COL 28 86 350 90 14 5 3 24 41 3 6 6 .290 .346 .397 83 -6.0 0.8 -12.3 -0.1
1994 COL 29 93 361 91 9 4 4 21 48 2 3 3 .276 .321 .364 80 -7.9 1.4 -2.6 0.8
1995 COL 30 125 506 121 17 2 8 29 76 2 3 3 .262 .308 .359 65 -21.0 1.1 -2.7 0.2
1996 NYA 31 124 471 124 22 3 2 30 55 5 13 4 .294 .346 .374 82 -9.2 -0.4 -3.0 1.0
1997 NYA 32 112 433 105 23 1 1 26 53 2 2 3 .264 .311 .334 68 -15.9 -3.7 17.7 1.8
1998 NYA 33 78 279 70 11 4 3 14 38 2 2 4 .276 .317 .386 79 -6.7 0.3 9.3 1.5
1999 NYA 34 65 229 50 16 1 2 10 26 0 3 1 .239 .271 .354 47 -15.3 1.7 6.2 0.3
2000 CHN 35 106 407 101 15 1 6 32 61 3 1 0 .278 .339 .375 76 -10.8 3.0 -10.8 0.2
2001 CHN 36 78 253 58 10 1 3 21 50 0 0 1 .253 .315 .345 71 -8.3 2.2 0.9 0.7
2002 CHN 37 90 256 53 10 1 1 16 35 0 1 0 .226 .275 .291 61 -11.3 -0.3 -8.5 -0.8
2003 SLN 38 16 26 3 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 .130 .231 .130 76 -0.7 -0.1 -0.6 0.0

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1986 PEO A MDW 68 255 .000 .000 .000 .352 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1987 WNS A+ CRL 99 402 .000 .000 .000 .320 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1988 PTS AA EAS 104 393 .000 .000 .000 .299 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1989 CHN MLB NL 59 172 .247 .311 .368 .290 106 -5.2 4.5 2.7 77 12 -1.7 1.4 -4.1 0.3
1989 IOW AAA AA 32 115 .000 .000 .000 .281 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1990 CHN MLB NL 133 447 .255 .315 .381 .301 107 -11.3 12.0 7.3 80 10 -8.4 2.7 -10.0 0.4
1991 CHN MLB NL 21 54 .245 .315 .364 .220 106 -1.8 1.5 0.9 91 17 -1.1 0.4 -0.5 0.1
1991 IOW AAA AA 12 41 .000 .000 .000 .276 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1992 CHN MLB NL 91 291 .256 .316 .376 .310 101 -7.5 7.5 4.4 80 8 -11.8 -2.6 -5.5 -0.9
1993 COL MLB NL 86 350 .259 .317 .392 .326 119 -3.9 10.0 6 83 9 -12.3 0.8 -6.0 -0.1
1993 CSP AAA PCL 8 31 .000 .000 .000 .519 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1994 COL MLB NL 93 361 .263 .323 .408 .311 117 -8.8 11.0 6.6 80 12 -2.6 1.4 -7.9 0.8
1995 COL MLB NL 125 506 .263 .329 .407 .298 123 -26.5 15.2 9.1 65 11 -2.7 1.1 -21.0 0.2
1996 NYA MLB AL 124 471 .280 .348 .448 .332 101 -6.7 14.6 8.7 82 13 -3.0 -0.4 -9.2 1.0
1997 NYA MLB AL 112 433 .273 .339 .429 .301 95 -18 11.9 7.8 68 8 17.7 -3.7 -15.9 1.8
1998 NYA MLB AL 78 279 .268 .335 .425 .313 95 -6.6 7.6 5 79 11 9.3 0.3 -6.7 1.5
1999 NYA MLB AL 65 229 .277 .348 .447 .262 97 -17.8 6.4 4.3 47 7 6.2 1.7 -15.3 0.3
2000 CHN MLB NL 106 407 .269 .338 .438 .318 110 -11.7 12.8 7.7 76 9 -10.8 3.0 -10.8 0.2
2001 CHN MLB NL 78 253 .264 .330 .428 .311 100 -5.7 7.5 4.4 71 10 0.9 2.2 -8.3 0.7
2002 CHN MLB NL 90 256 .263 .331 .414 .261 101 -16.6 7.4 4.5 61 10 -8.5 -0.3 -11.3 -0.8
2003 SLN MLB NL 16 26 .275 .340 .443 .158 103 -3.8 0.7 0.4 76 11 -0.6 -0.1 -0.7 0.0
2003 PEO A MDW 3 10 .000 .000 .000 .143 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2003 TEN AA SOU 3 11 .000 .000 .000 .400 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2003 MEM AAA PCL 18 71 .000 .000 .000 .322 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1986 PEO A MDW 255 230 36 71 13 1 3 95 28 17 36 6 3 .309 .361 .413 .104 2 2
1987 WNS A+ CRL 402 364 51 102 9 8 8 151 46 33 64 9 2 .280 .342 .415 .135 2 2
1988 PTS AA EAS 393 357 44 97 14 1 7 134 41 29 51 7 4 .272 .330 .375 .104 2 2
1989 IOW AAA AA 115 110 12 27 4 2 2 41 11 5 19 3 1 .245 .278 .373 .127 0 0
1989 CHN MLB NL 172 157 15 39 10 0 1 52 14 11 26 2 1 .248 .304 .331 .083 1 1
1990 CHN MLB NL 447 419 36 113 24 2 1 144 38 17 50 8 3 .270 .300 .344 .074 4 4
1991 IOW AAA AA 41 36 3 8 1 0 0 9 4 4 8 2 0 .222 .293 .250 .028 1 1
1991 CHN MLB NL 54 47 3 9 2 0 0 11 6 6 6 0 0 .191 .283 .234 .043 0 1
1992 CHN MLB NL 291 270 19 73 3 1 1 81 12 19 38 0 2 .270 .320 .300 .030 1 0
1993 COL MLB NL 350 310 35 90 14 5 3 123 31 24 41 6 6 .290 .346 .397 .106 1 12
1993 CSP AAA PCL 31 31 6 15 1 1 1 21 6 0 3 1 0 .484 .484 .677 .194 0 0
1994 COL MLB NL 361 330 47 91 9 4 4 120 34 21 48 3 3 .276 .321 .364 .088 2 6
1995 COL MLB NL 506 462 63 121 17 2 8 166 55 29 76 3 3 .262 .308 .359 .097 1 12
1996 NYA MLB AL 471 422 55 124 22 3 2 158 45 30 55 13 4 .294 .346 .374 .081 3 11
1997 NYA MLB AL 433 398 38 105 23 1 1 133 50 26 53 2 3 .264 .311 .334 .070 2 5
1998 NYA MLB AL 279 254 31 70 11 4 3 98 31 14 38 2 4 .276 .317 .386 .110 1 8
1999 NYA MLB AL 229 209 23 50 16 1 2 74 27 10 26 3 1 .239 .271 .354 .115 2 8
2000 CHN MLB NL 407 363 47 101 15 1 6 136 40 32 61 1 0 .278 .339 .375 .096 3 6
2001 CHN MLB NL 253 229 22 58 10 1 3 79 25 21 50 0 1 .253 .315 .345 .092 1 2
2002 CHN MLB NL 256 234 19 53 10 1 1 68 13 16 35 1 0 .226 .275 .291 .064 1 5
2003 SLN MLB NL 26 23 1 3 0 0 0 3 1 3 4 0 0 .130 .231 .130 .000 0 0
2003 PEO A MDW 10 9 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 .111 .200 .111 .000 0 0
2003 MEM AAA PCL 71 65 3 19 1 0 0 20 4 5 6 0 0 .292 .352 .308 .015 0 0
2003 TEN AA SOU 11 10 0 4 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 1 .400 .455 .400 .000 0 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2003-06-30 2003-09-01 60-DL 63 56 Low Back Cartilage Injury Herniated Disc -
2003-03-30 2003-06-10 60-DL 72 61 Neck Cartilage Injury -
2002-07-17 2002-08-01 15-DL 15 14 Left Trunk Strain Rib Cage -
1994-07-11 1994-07-26 15-DL 15 11 - Not Disclosed - -
1993-06-05 1993-08-12 15-DL 68 60 Left Hand Surgery - -
1991-08-08 1991-08-11 DTD 3 3 - Fracture Home Plate Collision - -
1991-04-17 1991-04-17 On-Alr 0 0 Right Thigh Strain Quadriceps - -
1991-04-17 1991-08-07 15-DL 112 97 - Low Back Strain - -


Year Team Salary
2003 SLN $725,000
2002 CHN $1,500,000
2001 CHN $2,000,000
2000 CHN $2,000,000
4 yrPrevious$6,225,000
4 yrTotal$6,225,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2019-09-23 20:00:00 (link to chat)Assuming Maddon gets canned, who do you see as possible replacements next year?
(Buddy from Peoria, IL)
Joe Girardi. If Mets don't hire him and he's looking for a job - it's Girardi all the way. He played a majority of his career there and is probably the best and most experienced guy on the market right now. Managers are starting to lose value in some sense, but Girardi would benefit any team he goes to. (Tyler Oringer)
2013-10-28 18:00:00 (link to chat)If you needed to manage one game for your life and Joe Maddon couldn't be reached, who would your next three calls be to? The internet bashes every manager into oblivion, but other than Maddon, it seems they seldom get any credit. Then again, Don Mattingly makes me want to bang my head against the wall.
(Connie Mack Daddy from Oz)
Can I go back in time? I don't bash managers, but it is hard to differentiate between them because so many of them employ the same tactics and have the same kind of group think. John Farrell would be on my list as long as he doesn't have to play with National League rules; him batting Brandon Workman in the ninth inning of Game 3 was maddening. Terry Francona still strikes me as a really strong manager who I'd put at the top of my short list. I'm having a hard time coming up with a third manager that I love. Joe Girardi is probably underrated because of the Yankees huge payroll, but he did a lot this year despite limited resources for the first time in his tenure. (Mike Gianella)
2011-09-26 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you see Jesus Montero catching enough games next year to keep his catcher eligibility in most leagues?
(Jquinton82 from NY)
All indications are that Montero's defense at catcher is not very good. Still, the bar for keeping catcher eligibility in most leagues is what, five games in season, right? So I would think he would cross that bar with ease.

Of course, Joe Girardi is really the one you want answering that question, not me.

The only helpful piece of data I have to offer is that Montero graded out very poorly in a VERY small sample of catcher framing data from September. Well, maybe that's not so helpful after all. It's such a small sample as to be practically meaningless. (Mike Fast)
2011-06-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)I dive into stands, play through injuries and now that I'm a few hits from reaching 3,000 people think I'm dogging it to get it at home? Really...?
(Derek Jeter from NY)
No, not really. Well, maybe--I wouldn't be shocked if there were someone who thinks that. (Have you ever listened to WFAN?)

Before I'd believe that Jeter cares where he gets the hit enough to take himself out of the lineup, I'd believe that Randy Levine is holding a gun to Joe Girardi's head and telling him to start Eduardo Nunez, after receiving death threats from Yankees-Steiner Collectibles. (Ben Lindbergh)
2011-04-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Are you enjoying the opportunity to watch Jorge Posada hit, without having to watch him catch? I am...
(Rob from Andover, CT)
Just to follow up on the other Posada question, yes, I am. A lot! I was prepared to dislike Russell Martin, both because he seemed likely to hit like Joe Girardi and block Montero, but he's taken care of the former by hitting and running the bases (as I discussed in today's Broadside, elsewhere on the site) but also being able to move more than one inch in any direction. It's an incredible novelty to see that in a Yankees catcher. Keep in mind, I think Posada is an unrecognized great, maybe a borderline Hall of Famer, but his defense has been difficult to endure the last few years. It's almost subliminal, but I feel more relaxed watching Martin catch. I imagine I will feel the same way when Jeter finally moves/retires, unless they replace him with someone using a walker. (Steven Goldman)
2010-09-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)If you're Joe Girardi, how do you order the Yanks' rotation in the playoffs?
(Chris from Missouri)
Sabathia, Hughes, er, Pettitte, um...can David Wells get out of his contract with TBS? Is Orlando Hernandez available? He pitched at Double-A this year! This could get ugly. (Ben Lindbergh)
2010-06-28 14:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think Joe Girardi, grand architect of bullpens the past two years, can work some magic this season? At what point do the Yankees finally allow Mark Melancon (or Jonathan Albaladejo) to push Park/Logan out of the picture?
(Adam from NY)
I hope so, but right now I'm not terribly optimistic that they've got the solutions on hand. Albaladejo ain't it, and I'm skeptical Melancon's it either - they're going to have to go outside the organization to get an arm or two. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-02-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)How long a leash do you think the Yankees will give Brett Gardner? Last year he started out cold the first couple of weeks, and a Melky hot streak later, he had lost the CF gig. If Gardner is batting .190 on May 1st, will Joe Girardi let him ride out his slump?
(Pete from Bronx)
I'm a little worried about this, that Girardi will be too tempted to embrace the veteran wonderfulness of Randy Winn before he's given Gardner enough rope. Knowing the Yankees, this could even happen before the season starts. Say Gardner hits .200 this spring and Winn hits .400. Then Winn is suddenly "back" on the basis of a few windblown Florida balls against Double-A pitchers. That's the one aspect of spring training that drives me insane. (Steven Goldman)
2010-02-16 16:00:00 (link to chat)Who's the first manager fired this year? Over/under on the date?
(Bill from New Mexico)
How about a sleeper pick: Ron Washington. How about an even deeper sleeper pick: Joe Girardi. (Russell A. Carleton)
2009-12-17 13:00:00 (link to chat) Isn't the real issue that the Yanks ought to be trying to maximizing probable playoff wins and quit worrying about getting Jeter/ARod/etc the odd day off. In other words, signing a legit DH (such as NJohnson/Vlad/etc) is the route that offers the best chance of winning a playoff series.
(Cash from Yankee Stdm)
No. No. No.

Given how competitive the division is, it's imperative that the Yankees keep their expensive over-30 players healthy. Check A-Rod's numbers before and after that moment of reckoning in June where Joe Girardi got the Come to Jesus talk from Rodriguez's doctors and the team brass. Check what happened in 2008 when the Yankees lost Posada for the season due to a shoulder injury - no, that particular injury wouldn't have been prevented by rest, but it's a reminder that a lineup minus a superstar and lacking in depth can look like a lonely October full of golf and hunting. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-10-28 14:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Jay ... thanks for the chat! This is gonna be one interesting Series, and it may come down to which manager makes the fewer mistakes. So, which MANAGER do you take in a seven-game series, assuming they have had the exact same roster?
(dianagramr from NYC)
Hey Diana! I give the edge to Charlie Manuel here. Over the course of the regular season, Joe Girardi showed considerable improvement relative to his first year at the helm of the Yankees, but he's made numerous mistakes this fall, overmanaging both his bench and his bullpen, getting too attached to small-ball tactics, and creating controversy by starting Jose Molina, who hits about as well as Girardi did with his legs tied together.

Though his unwillingness to separate Utley and Howard in the batting order drives me crazy, Manuel has done a great job of patching together his shaky bullpen in October, he's shown a quick hook when he needed to, and he's stayed out of his own way. Plus he's already got the ring from last year, so the burden of proof is on Girardi to prove he's the better pilot, and I simply don't see it. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-10-20 14:00:00 (link to chat)Joe Girardi...why?
(jschmeagol from college park, md)
To follow up, and I was just talking about this with a friend, I would have liked to see Girardi provide a specific explanation for the decisions, especially the last one. If he comes in and says, "I chose Aceves for this specific reason," I can work with that. For him to cite "matchups" and "information" is a cop-out. Have the courage of your convictions. I don't think there's any justification for swapping comparable righthanded pitchers with two outs, no one on, and your pitcher in the lineup in the 11th inning when you're faced Kendrick/Mathis/Aybar, but if you have one, spit it out. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-10-07 14:30:00 (link to chat)As a Yankee fan, please talk me off the ledge Joe Girardi has me on. The Molina start is exactly the kind of over-managing that I'm terrified off all postseason--Jeter bunting in the fifth, Coke facing Mauer in the 8th, etc...
(Eli from Brooklyn)
The Molina start is a pretty stupid thing that has me gritting my teeth, but the fact of the matter is that it's a pretty small thing, too, and it's not like it's deviating from something Girardi has done all year by putting him into the mix. Last I checked, they won 103 games, so it worked out OK.

I'm far more worried about the team's lefty relief situation going into the playoffs than I am about the catching. Neither Coke nor Damaso Marte give me much confidence, and there are a fair number of key lefties they'll need to get through to win another World Championship. Despite that complaint, Girardi has shown that he deserves the benefit of the doubt when it comes to handling that bullpen - it might be his strongest area as a manager. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-10-06 13:30:00 (link to chat)So, it was just announced that Jose Molina will be catching AJ Burnett in his postseason starts. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
(nonspin from NY)
Because Joe Girardi holds dear to that archaic belief that certain pitchers can only work well with certain catchers. (John Perrotto)
2009-06-25 13:00:00 (link to chat)Joe Girardi will get fired if the Yankees are _________ at the all-star break.
(ekanenh from Capitol City)
Still enfranchised?

(A boy can dream.) (Joe Sheehan)
2009-02-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)Should the Yankees make a run at Pudge Rodriguez or did him running over Joe Girardi's dog close that avenue?
(Eli from Brooklyn)
One of the really disturbing things that Yankees fans will see coming out of spring training -- well, let me correct that. There are two scenarios, both equally disturbing: (1) Posada is healthy enough to catch, but the Yankees feel nervous enough about this durability that they carry both Jose Molina AND Kevin Cash, or (2) Posada isn't ready to start the season so the Yankees start the season with Molina and Cash as their catchers. As such, YES! YES THEY FREAKING SHOULD BRING IN ANYONE BREATHING! YES!

...I actually raised this point on last night's Hot Stove show on YES, though somewhat inarticulately: Brian Cashman's biggest gamble last season was not relying on young pitching, but in going to war with an old catcher and assuming his (to that point) incredible durability would carry them through another year. That he has decided to double up on that bet is really disturbing and will reflect very poorly on him should Posada not be ready to go. (Steven Goldman)
2009-02-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)Steve, I caught you on the YES hot stove show last night. Your point about the team's biggest flaws last year--Posada's injury, Melky Cabrera's poor offense and Robbie Cano's poor everything--and how they haven't changed this year is well taken. But how good could the team be if all three players improve from their 2008 seasons?
(AlexBelth from Bronx, NY)
Let me get another member of the team. You can catch said appearance at Please disregard my unpleasant face and inability to form coherent sentences. Brother Alex, I think you're positing a best-case scenario. Obviously the Yankees would be in good shape to overcome their other weaknesses, which could include very weak production from the outfield corners, and be very tough to beat assuming consistency around the field. As for whether that will happen or not, I don't have high hopes for Melky and am hoping that Brett Gardner overcomes his mostly weak projections. I feel good that Joe Girardi joins me in that wish. I expect a significant bounceback for Cano. I'm very worried that Posada won't be ready for opening day. One out of three ain't bad? (Steven Goldman)
2009-01-22 13:00:00 (link to chat)With the news that Posada might not be as healthy as hoped, the Yankees' need for a viable back-up catcher has become more urgent. What are their options, considering that they are reportedly willing to part with Nady?
(Nick Stone from New York, NY)
Hey Nick! Good question, as there's no doubt that the Yanks need to do a better job of protecting against Posada's absence than they've done in the past. Now that Brad Ausmus is off the market (my hand should be healed by the end of spring training, thanks), the best available option on the free agent market is the one that Joe Girardi spent two months kicking in the head last year -- Pudge Rodriguez. He was enjoying a bit of a rebound before he started rotting on the Yankee bench in favor of Jose Frakkin' Molina.

On the trade market, I'm not sure if anyone's gonna give up much of a catcher for Nady, but I wonder if a youngster with upside like Jeff Clement, Bryan Anderson or even J.R. Towles could be pried loose with a package involving, say, Ian Kennedy. I'm a horrible matchmaker when it comes to prospect-based trades -- it's why Brian Cashman doesn't take my calls. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-12-23 14:00:00 (link to chat)hypothetical: say the yankees start off the season 15-20. Which of the following will happen first: girardi gets fired, hank punches a the first hole in the wall at yankees stadium, or he orders a hole dug in the yankees dugout to re-plant that redsox jersey they dug up?
(kevin from boston)
After this spending spree, I think that, yes, the dangers that Joe Girardi's in waters Yogi Berra once swam are very real. Nothing like that much money getting spent to make a statement that nothing short of success right now this very instant is acceptable. (Christina Kahrl)
2008-11-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)Nady to the Rangers for one of their catching prospects perhaps? And speaking of the Rangers, Milton Bradley would look nice in the Mets or Yanks outfield, but I doubt he'd hit it off with the media.
(dianagramr from NYC)
You're not the only one to suggest Nady for a Texas catcher, but I figure the Rangers would say, "Big hat, no cattle." They're going to get better offers, even for Laird, who is a good defender but not much of a hitter (IE a pretty good dictionary picture of a reserve catcher). Again, the problem with Nady is that he's just a stopgap as a starter in an outfield corner... Milton Bradley was probably the best pure hitter in the AL this year. I have no idea where he'll go. I could really see Joe Girardi rubbing him the wrong way, alas. (Steven Goldman)
2008-11-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)What are the Red Sox plans at the catcher position. The more time that passes, the more I believe Varitek will make a push to re-sign with the Red Sox at a hometown discount. As frustrating as it was to watch him attempt to tread water at the dish, wouldn't it serve the Sox well if they could lock up Tek to provide tutelage to his successor? Is Kottaras a legitimate candidate or is it worth it to trade Bowden/Buchholz to aquire Teagarden/Salty?
(nmhesketh from Cambridge)
Having watched Joe Girardi "tutor" Jorge Posada right out of his prime while hitting into a double play roughly every other at bat, I'm pretty down on the idea of tutelage. When in sports did anyone learn by watching? Let's let the coaches be coaches and the players be players. When the Yankees wanted to make Yogi Berra into a better catcher, they hired Bill Dickey to (as Yogi put it) "learn me everything he knows." They didn't play Dickey in front of him... I think the Sox will need Bowden and Buchholz too much to deal them off for catching help. (Steven Goldman)
2008-10-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)Steve, do you think Casey Stengel would be a successful manager today, or would he alienate his players too much? Just curious. (And Valentine did a good job fixing a lousy Mets club after Dallas Green.)
(Devin from Green Brook, NJ)
Casey was very smart, smart enough, I think, that he would moderate his approach and rip fewer players in the press. I think he would be a little more Torre-like in that he would be honest with the press when a player wasn't doing well (something I greatly admire about Torre as compared to Buck Showalter/Joe Girardi types who can't bring themselves to acknowledge the obvious) without being overwhelmingly negative. Torre makes himself heard to the players one on one, and Casey did a lot of that too, but as he got older he increasingly took the shortcut of just reading them out in the papers. That just wouldn't play today and he would know that... As for Valentine, I need to take a closer look at the changeover from 1996 to 1997 Mets. How much of that was bringing in Olerud and such? (Steven Goldman)
2008-09-16 13:00:00 (link to chat)If you were starting a team from scratch with a 2-year window to win the World Series ('09 and '10), and there was a draft of current MLB managers, Joe Girardi would be _____ on your wish list. Joe Torre would be _____.
(MikeM from Branford, CT)
well off of/given a gold watch. (Steven Goldman)
2008-08-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)Fox News is no more biased than MSNBC or even CNN. I hope you're not kidding yourself otherwise. If its just that you prefer Liberal bias then that's completely fine. you believe there is any heat on Jim Leyland in DET or is he certain to be back if he chooses?
(lemppi from ankeny, ia)
Aw, come on. Can't we, at long last, be straight with each other about this one thing? This one, tiny thing? You know, Nate recently wrote (I can't recall if it was here or at that statistics are just facts stated numerically. There are STATS, not impressions, about who has which guests on, what positions they take, and so forth. You're right that they're no more biased than the other channels, but there's a rightward bias at most of them, including, until very, very recently, MSNBC. Don't forget, MSNBC was the channel that fired Donahue over his antiwar position. With Olbermann and the hiring of Maddow, they're just beginning to balance things out. Two leftward-leaning islands in a right-handed sea does not a bias make. ...As for Leyland, what is the argument for dismissing him besides the team's disappointing record. Is he culpable for the pitching or the injuries? For Renteria being Renteria? I know he's been a bit indecisive with the defensive alignment and made a lot of lineup changes, but it seems more like the team hit a bad spot in its life cycle. I think I could make a better case against Joe Girardi and he's not particularly culpable either. (Steven Goldman)
2008-08-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)What makes you say 2011 for D3? I'd see it as more of a Q4 2010 release since A1 is done and 4 of the 5 classes are in a functional state...
(Aaron from YYZ)
I read it in an article about the game, YYZ (Rush fan?). Perhaps that information is out of date. ...In a way, I'm not looking forward to the game coming out, given the amount of time one can waste on the really good, addictive games. I'm not a kid anymore, and there are things I want to accomplish in my life. Yeah, I really make decisions on a mortality basis. I'm depressed and depressing, I know it. Still, what's a writer who isn't writing? I bet every one of you knows one of those... Earlier this week, or maybe it was during the Yankees-Orioles series, that Joe Girardi had to be itching to give Cody Ransom a start. Today was the day. The only surprise is how long he waited. (Steven Goldman)
2008-08-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)your take now on the Nady/Marte trade: was it a deal or no deal from a NY fan basepoint?
(Frank from Vegas)
I think it was a good deal for the Yankees. They gave up more in volume than star potential, Nady has been very good, and he's under contract. They also picked up two losses because Joe Girardi used Damaso Marte incorrectly, and in fact injured him by over-pitching him (which he then lied about, as Pete Abraham reported), but that has nothing to do with the trade. (Steven Goldman)
2008-07-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)I know there have been instances of players suing their former teams over supposed mishandling of their injuries, but (hypothetically), if Josh Johnson never throws another pitch, could he sue the Marlins and/or Joe Girardi for negligence for sending him back out to pitch after a 1-hour rain delay given his young and fragile arm?
(dianagramr from NYC)
It's never been tested at the pro level on that specifically. There have been some pointed malpractice cases (most recently Greg Harris) but nothing that specific. We have seen some at the HS level. (Will Carroll)
2008-06-23 12:00:00 (link to chat)You mentioned Maddon reads BP. Any other managers that you know of pimping the product?
(Adam from NY)
I know Manny Acta and Joe Girardi are readers. (John Perrotto)
2008-05-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)Follow up to the Joba question, do you see Edwar Ramirez taking over as the go-to guy in the 8th? He's a freak of nature who misses more bats than anyone, as far as i can tell.
(kimi from portsmouth)
I think he's still living down last year's rather disastrous audition, but the good thing for him is that Joe Torre isn't here anymore and Joe Girardi wasn't here then, so the impression hasn't been allowed to calcify. It's still obvious that they're not in a hurry to trust him with high-leverage situations, but eventually they're going to run out of other choices now that Joba is out of the pen. That said, they should be auditioning more relievers in general, a point I made in today's Pinstriped Blog entry over at YES. Given that they lose every game Ross Ohlendorf appears in anyway, they might as well give someone else a chance to pitch trash time and see if they can do well and move up to greater responsibilities. They have those guys down on the farm. (Steven Goldman)
2008-05-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)So then, who was the Dugan of the '98 Yanks?
(Mike K from Athens)
1. Joe Girardi. Runner-up: Chad Curtis. And Curtis wasn't that bad. It was a GOOD team. (Steven Goldman)
2008-05-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)From what I've seen so far, I think the Orioles are fortunate that Joe Girardi truned them down for the manager's job, and that they stuck with Trembley. What do you think of Girardi in New York?
(TGisriel from Baltimore)
Very, very nervous. Otherwise, I'm withholding judgment. (Steven Goldman)
2008-03-31 13:00:00 (link to chat)with the cubs in the midst of a rain del;ay, would you bring back Zambrano or Sheets if the delay is 30 mins long?
(relaunche from chicago, il)
Heck no. Haven't we learned anything from Joe Girardi? (Steven Goldman)
2008-02-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hey Will, With Annibal getting shut down, are we another setback away from him possibly missing the entire season? How does he compare to Mulder's rehab last season?
(thegame92797 from Lynbrook, NY)
Very good comp, thegame. I think we're closer to seeing Sanchez never playing again than most think. That's a BIG worry given how he was used by Joe Girardi, considering Joe's new charges. (Will Carroll)
2008-02-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)Will: What's the single biggest mistake that Joe Girardi made in handling the Marlins' young pitchers...and something you'd watch for this year to see if he's changed his approach?
(Joe from Washington, DC)
Not to be flip, but overuse. Putting a guy back out after a long rain delay? Not noting age when figuring out how much to work a guy? Girardi, both as a bench coach and as a manager, hasn't proven he knows how to handle pitchers. He's certainly smart enough to adjust or to get a pitching coach that does it better than him. (Will Carroll)
2008-02-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thinking about Anibal Sanchez and Joe Girardi... Has a player ever sued their team for negligence over an injury? Many employees have won lawsuits for heath issues caused by ergonomically-poor working environments. Do athletes have a leg to stand on (no pun here) or are they considered to be more like soldiers in battle?
(havybeaks from Michigan)
I don't think its ever been actually filed, but I know that one player in the past five years certainly considered it. (Will Carroll)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2010-07-13 16:30:00All-Star Game"Joe Girardi, how does it feel to become the first AL manager to lose an All-Star game since Connie Mack?" (Steven Goldman)
2010-07-13 16:30:00All-Star GameDid Josh Johnson shake hands with Joe Girardi (the man who broke him, as it turns out temporarily) before the game? (Steven Goldman)
2010-07-13 16:30:00All-Star GameJoe Girardi bats Robinson Cano 8th in his OWN lineup? (Steven Goldman)
2009-11-02 17:00:002009 WS Game FiveBill (New Mexico): The Molina start looks even weirder with Posada pinch hitting for him. If Posada gets squashed trying to block the plate (with or without ball...) against Ryan Howard, who's the Yankees' emergency catcher?

It's Joe Girardi, and he deserves all the bumps and bruises he gets for his allegiance to Molina in the first place. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-10-28 17:00:002009 WS Game OneIf you're Joe Girardi, what can you say here? "Hey... Don't give up this run. Thanks, boys." (Steven Goldman)

Advanced Catching Metrics

Year lvl CSAA Framing Runs Blocking Chances EPAA Blocking Runs SB Attempts SRAA TRAA Throwing Runs FRAA Adj. FRAA
1989 mlb -.006 -3.1 2385 -.002 1.3 52 -.017 -.002 0.6 -1.2 -1.7
1990 mlb -.010 -12.2 4873 .001 -0.7 114 -.038 -.007 3.4 -10.3 -8.4
1991 mlb -.006 -0.9 579 .000 0.0 18 .000 .001 0.0 -0.9 -1.1
1992 mlb -.019 -12.9 3087 .002 -2.2 71 -.052 .000 2.1 -13.0 -11.8
1993 mlb -.015 -12.8 3649 .000 0.1 77 .003 .000 -0.2 -13.5 -12.3
1994 mlb -.008 -8.1 3960 .000 -0.5 79 -.021 -.001 1.1 -8.2 -2.6
1995 mlb -.006 -8.1 4767 .000 -0.2 105 .019 -.001 -1.4 -10.4 -2.7
1996 mlb -.004 -4.5 4769 .000 -0.2 98 .014 .006 -0.9 -6.5 -3.0
1997 mlb .008 10.6 4705 .001 -1.3 94 -.024 .004 1.4 9.9 17.7
1998 mlb .009 6.5 2934 -.001 0.6 66 .010 .001 -0.4 6.7 9.3
1999 mlb .005 3.9 2905 -.001 0.9 69 .031 .004 -1.5 3.3 6.2
2000 mlb -.010 -13.3 4921 .000 0.1 92 -.038 .002 2.3 -11.6 -10.8
2001 mlb -.006 -4.2 2862 .000 0.4 41 -.090 -.009 2.7 -1.1 0.9
2002 mlb -.013 -9.6 3232 -.001 0.6 57 .001 -.003 0.2 -9.1 -8.5
2003 mlb -.008 -0.5 290 .000 0.0 3 .009 -.001 0.0 -0.5 -0.6

A Collaboration between and Baseball Prospectus - Pitch classifications provided by Pitch Info LLC