
Portrait of Reggie Jackson

Reggie Jackson RFAthletics

Athletics Player Cards | Athletics Team Audit | Athletics Depth Chart

Career Summary
21 11416 .262 .356 .490 129 65.1
Birth Date5-18-1946
Height6' 0"
Weight200 lbs
Age77 years, 11 months, 7 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1967 KC1 21 35 135 21 4 4 1 10 46 5 1 1 .178 .269 .305 55 -5.7 0.1 -2.0 -0.6
1968 OAK 22 154 614 138 13 6 29 50 171 5 14 4 .250 .316 .452 120 17.2 3.5 9.1 4.8
1969 OAK 23 152 677 151 36 3 47 114 142 12 13 5 .275 .410 .608 175 66.6 -2.0 5.3 9.0
1970 OAK 24 149 514 101 21 2 23 75 135 8 26 17 .237 .359 .458 120 16.3 0.4 3.3 3.3
1971 OAK 25 150 642 157 29 3 32 63 161 6 16 10 .277 .352 .508 124 22.1 2.4 11.4 5.2
1972 OAK 26 135 572 132 25 2 25 59 125 8 9 8 .265 .350 .473 131 21.2 -1.0 3.6 4.3
1973 OAK 27 151 629 158 28 2 32 76 111 7 22 8 .293 .383 .531 150 39.6 1.0 -7.2 4.7
1974 OAK 28 148 604 146 25 1 29 86 105 4 25 5 .289 .391 .514 157 42.0 -0.9 15.3 7.2
1975 OAK 29 157 669 150 39 3 36 67 133 3 17 8 .253 .329 .511 137 32.0 -2.6 14.3 5.9
1976 BAL 30 134 558 138 27 2 27 54 108 4 28 7 .277 .351 .502 150 32.8 2.2 9.8 6.1
1977 NYA 31 146 606 150 39 2 32 74 129 3 17 3 .286 .375 .550 133 26.6 -0.9 -9.2 2.7
1978 NYA 32 139 581 140 13 5 27 58 133 9 14 11 .274 .356 .477 122 16.0 -1.8 -4.3 2.0
1979 NYA 33 131 537 138 24 2 29 65 107 2 9 8 .297 .382 .544 140 27.6 0.5 -0.1 3.9
1980 NYA 34 143 601 154 22 4 41 83 122 2 1 2 .300 .398 .597 151 36.6 -0.5 -12.3 3.5
1981 NYA 35 94 382 79 17 1 15 46 82 1 0 3 .237 .330 .428 105 1.2 -2.6 -4.5 -0.1
1982 CAL 36 153 621 146 17 1 39 85 156 2 4 5 .275 .375 .532 144 32.3 0.9 -23.2 2.2
1983 CAL 37 116 458 77 14 1 14 52 140 4 0 2 .194 .290 .340 72 -14.3 -3.2 -2.9 -1.5
1984 CAL 38 143 584 117 17 2 25 55 141 3 8 4 .223 .300 .406 94 -2.5 -2.6 -0.2 0.1
1985 CAL 39 143 541 116 27 0 27 78 138 1 1 2 .252 .360 .487 127 18.6 -1.7 -10.9 1.5
1986 CAL 40 132 517 101 12 2 18 92 115 3 1 1 .241 .379 .408 115 9.8 -2.3 -0.2 1.3
1987 OAK 41 115 374 74 14 1 15 33 97 4 2 1 .220 .297 .402 89 -5.0 -0.5 -3.0 -0.4

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1967 KC1 MLB AL 35 135 .232 .295 .345 .278 95 -4.2 3.2 -0.9 55 14 -2.0 0.1 -5.7 -0.6
1968 OAK MLB AL 154 614 .232 .295 .339 .307 93 24.4 13.5 -4.7 120 11 9.1 3.5 17.2 4.8
1969 OAK MLB AL 152 677 .247 .317 .369 .288 95 71.4 17.4 -6 175 11 5.3 -2.0 66.6 9.0
1970 OAK MLB AL 149 514 .248 .317 .373 .288 96 18.4 13.9 -2.8 120 9 3.3 0.4 16.3 3.3
1971 OAK MLB AL 150 642 .248 .315 .362 .329 95 42.2 15.8 -5.7 124 10 11.4 2.4 22.1 5.2
1972 OAK MLB AL 135 572 .242 .307 .346 .305 91 36.7 13.4 -0.8 131 7 3.6 -1.0 21.2 4.3
1973 OAK MLB AL 151 629 .262 .327 .382 .313 97 49.1 16.6 -6.1 150 10 -7.2 1.0 39.6 4.7
1974 OAK MLB AL 148 604 .259 .321 .374 .308 97 44.1 15.6 -6.2 157 14 15.3 -0.9 42.0 7.2
1975 OAK MLB AL 157 669 .258 .325 .381 .265 96 35.3 17.6 -6.8 137 12 14.3 -2.6 32.0 5.9
1976 BAL MLB AL 134 558 .255 .316 .360 .304 92 32.6 14.1 -4.8 150 14 9.8 2.2 32.8 6.1
1977 NYA MLB AL 146 606 .270 .333 .409 .321 98 40.2 16.9 -6.8 133 13 -9.2 -0.9 26.6 2.7
1978 NYA MLB AL 139 581 .264 .324 .389 .319 95 31.1 15.1 -6.6 122 10 -4.3 -1.8 16.0 2.0
1979 NYA MLB AL 131 537 .271 .333 .409 .326 95 35.5 15.0 -5.6 140 13 -0.1 0.5 27.6 3.9
1980 NYA MLB AL 143 601 .268 .326 .397 .320 97 54.4 16.2 -7.4 151 9 -12.3 -0.5 36.6 3.5
1981 NYA MLB AL 94 382 .258 .319 .377 .269 94 7.8 9.7 -4.5 105 14 -4.5 -2.6 1.2 -0.1
1982 CAL MLB AL 153 621 .264 .326 .402 .316 99 40.8 16.8 -6.3 144 9 -23.2 0.9 32.3 2.2
1983 CAL MLB AL 116 458 .266 .326 .405 .254 100 -11.3 12.4 -6.5 72 10 -2.9 -3.2 -14.3 -1.5
1984 CAL MLB AL 143 584 .261 .324 .393 .256 94 -4.9 15.6 -9.8 94 9 -0.2 -2.6 -2.5 0.1
1985 CAL MLB AL 143 541 .261 .325 .405 .300 96 21.6 14.8 -6.9 127 12 -10.9 -1.7 18.6 1.5
1986 CAL MLB AL 132 517 .262 .332 .412 .287 94 16.8 14.3 -8.9 115 9 -0.2 -2.3 9.8 1.3
1987 OAK MLB AL 115 374 .271 .336 .435 .262 95 -3.6 11.0 -6.2 89 14 -3.0 -0.5 -5.0 -0.4

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1967 KC1 MLB AL 135 118 13 21 4 4 1 36 6 10 46 1 1 .178 .269 .305 .127 1 1
1968 OAK MLB AL 614 553 82 138 13 6 29 250 74 50 171 14 4 .250 .316 .452 .203 2 4
1969 OAK MLB AL 677 549 123 151 36 3 47 334 118 114 142 13 5 .275 .410 .608 .333 1 1
1970 OAK MLB AL 514 426 57 101 21 2 23 195 66 75 135 26 17 .237 .359 .458 .221 3 2
1971 OAK MLB AL 642 567 87 157 29 3 32 288 80 63 161 16 10 .277 .352 .508 .231 6 0
1972 OAK MLB AL 572 499 72 132 25 2 25 236 75 59 125 9 8 .265 .350 .473 .208 2 4
1973 OAK MLB AL 629 539 99 158 28 2 32 286 117 76 111 22 8 .293 .383 .531 .237 7 0
1974 OAK MLB AL 604 506 90 146 25 1 29 260 93 86 105 25 5 .289 .391 .514 .225 8 0
1975 OAK MLB AL 669 593 91 150 39 3 36 303 104 67 133 17 8 .253 .329 .511 .258 6 0
1976 BAL MLB AL 558 498 84 138 27 2 27 250 91 54 108 28 7 .277 .351 .502 .225 2 0
1977 NYA MLB AL 606 525 93 150 39 2 32 289 110 74 129 17 3 .286 .375 .550 .265 4 0
1978 NYA MLB AL 581 511 82 140 13 5 27 244 97 58 133 14 11 .274 .356 .477 .204 3 0
1979 NYA MLB AL 537 465 78 138 24 2 29 253 89 65 107 9 8 .297 .382 .544 .247 5 0
1980 NYA MLB AL 601 514 94 154 22 4 41 307 111 83 122 1 2 .300 .398 .597 .298 2 0
1981 NYA MLB AL 382 334 33 79 17 1 15 143 54 46 82 0 3 .237 .330 .428 .192 1 0
1982 CAL MLB AL 621 530 92 146 17 1 39 282 101 85 156 4 5 .275 .375 .532 .257 4 0
1983 CAL MLB AL 458 397 43 77 14 1 14 135 49 52 140 0 2 .194 .290 .340 .146 5 0
1984 CAL MLB AL 584 525 67 117 17 2 25 213 81 55 141 8 4 .223 .300 .406 .183 0 1
1985 CAL MLB AL 541 460 64 116 27 0 27 224 85 78 138 1 2 .252 .360 .487 .235 2 0
1986 CAL MLB AL 517 419 65 101 12 2 18 171 58 92 115 1 1 .241 .379 .408 .167 3 0
1987 OAK MLB AL 374 336 42 74 14 1 15 135 43 33 97 2 1 .220 .297 .402 .182 1 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation


Year Team Salary


Service TimeAgentContract Status
Gary Walker

  • 1 year/$0.525M (1987). Signed by Oakland.
  • 4 years/$3.9M (1982-85), plus 1986 option. Signed by California Angels 1/22/82. 82-85:$0.975M/year. 86: vesting option at $0.975M, guaranteed with 130 games or 400 plate appearances in 1984 (met) or 1985. Angels to defer $0.475M annually, to be paid over four years (five with exercise of option) after Jackson retires. Annual attendance bonus: 50 cents for every spectator once the Angels reached 2.4 million and $50,000 if Angels reach attendance of 3 million. Earned $203,680 on 1982 attendance of 2,807,360, $77,508 on 1983 attendance of 2,555,016, $1,499 on 1984 attendance of 2,402,997, $83,713 on 1985 attendance of 2,567,427.
  • 5 years/$2.9M (1977-81). Signed by NY Yankees as a free agent 11/30/76. $0.9M signing bonus ($0.45M at signing, $0.45M deferred, to be paid in 15 annual installments of $30,000 after conclusion of the contract). 77-81:$0.2M in salary annually.
  • 1 year/$0.19M (1976). Renewed by Oakland at a 20-percent pay cut ($112,000). Acquired by Baltimore in trade from Oakland 4/2/76. Signed new contract with Baltimore 4/76.
  • 1 year/$0.14M (1975). Lost arbitration with Oakland ($0.1685M-$0.14M).
  • 1 year/$0.135M (1974).
  • 1 year/$70,000 (1973).
  • 1 year/$55,000 (1972).
  • 1 year/$45,000 (1971).
  • 1 year/$47,000 (1970).
  • 1 year/$25,000 (1969).
  • 1 year/$8,100 (1968).
  • 1 year/$4,800 (1967).
  • Drafted by Kansas City Athletics 1966 (1-2) (Arizona State). $80,000 signing bonus.

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2011-05-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Did you know that Reggie Jackson went to high school with the guy that led the Israeli commandos in the 1976 raid on Entebbe? I just learned that today.
(adambulldog from Spring Green)
Reggie Jackson's background is one of the most interesting things about him. I'll match you with another high school pairing: Casey Stengel went to high school with the actor William Powell, best remembered today for the Thin Man series with Myrna Loy. If you haven't seen, at the very least, the first one, check it out straight away. (Steven Goldman)
2011-02-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)Ken -- love PECOTA but I need a quick primer on how to use the player comparisons. If Joe Blow is compared to, say, Reggie Jackson that's good, right? But if the arrow next to Jackson's name is red and pointing down, that's bad, right? Would I rather have a red-arrow Jackson or a green-arrow Mike Cameron? A quick tutorial would be useful.
(PadresOnTop from San Diego)
I expect the data guys will be putting something like this out soon, but the short answer (as far as I understand it) is that having the green arrow is the more important thing for that year's projection. (Ken Funck)
2010-10-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)In their prime, who would you rather have in your lineup, Jim Thome or Reggie Jackson?
(Cambridge from Cambridge)
Reggie Jackson by a whisker. He was just such a dynamic hitter and his October record sets for itself. (John Perrotto)
2010-01-19 15:30:00 (link to chat)You wrote eloquently in Forging Genius about Casey Stengel's indifferent play while with lower division teams (Philly and Boston, right?) before being 'liberated' by McGraw. Wouldn't indifferent play like that be crucified today? Can you think of contemporary examples other than Manny?
(BL from Bozeman)
Thanks for the shout-out on the book. The first player who comes to mind is Derek "Operation Shutdown" Bell and Chuckie Carr, who wouldn't bunt. And Reggie Jackson bunting on two strikes when he was told not do. I suspect that there are some undermotivated players out there but that their level of effort might be more visible to their manager, coaches, or teammates than it would be to us watching from the stands or on TV, and these things are dealt with behind the scenes, sometimes with a trade or a release. (Steven Goldman)
2009-12-15 14:00:00 (link to chat)Holiday reading selections? Baseball and non-baseball divisions, please.
(BL from Bozeman)
Hrm. I just finished Count Harry Kessler Berlin diaries, a must for anyone who loves the Weimar period, and something I'll be buying for someone who can use it. I've been slogging my way through "What Hath God Wrought," on America between 1815 and 1848. I'm hoping Santa or a relative TBD brings me the new Bernie Gunther mystery, Holger Herwig's new account of the Battle of the Marne, the new book by Bob Gibson and Reggie Jackson, D'Antonio's "Forever Blue," and "Marcus Aurelius: A Life." I'm curious about people's takes on Bradley's book on the 1978 Red Sox vs. Yankees matchup, "The Greatest Game," because I've meant to pick that up for a while now. (Christina Kahrl)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2009-10-28 17:00:002009 WS Game OneWhen the Yankees struggled down the stretch in 1985, George Steinbrenner said that Reggie Jackson was Mr. October but Dave Winfield was Mr. May. Teixeira's free agent contract/offensively poor postseason might have prompted George to say the same thing, though with Teixeira's tendency towards slow starts, he's not Mr. May either. (Steven Goldman)