
Portrait of Buddy Bell

Buddy Bell 3BRangers

Rangers Player Cards | Rangers Team Audit | Rangers Depth Chart

Career Summary
18 10009 .279 .341 .406 108 62.5
Birth Date8-27-1951
Height6' 2"
Weight185 lbs
Age72 years, 7 months, 22 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1972 CLE 20 132 505 119 21 1 9 34 29 3 5 6 .255 .310 .363 94 -0.5 -1.9 3.0 1.3
1973 CLE 21 156 689 169 23 7 14 49 47 6 7 15 .268 .325 .393 98 2.1 1.6 17.2 4.5
1974 CLE 22 116 471 111 15 1 7 35 29 3 1 3 .262 .322 .352 88 -4.0 -1.6 10.8 2.1
1975 CLE 23 153 619 150 20 4 10 51 72 1 6 5 .271 .332 .376 103 5.1 1.1 3.6 3.1
1976 CLE 24 159 661 170 26 2 7 44 49 2 3 8 .281 .329 .366 102 4.2 -4.9 20.1 4.3
1977 CLE 25 129 538 140 23 4 11 45 63 1 1 8 .292 .351 .426 109 8.2 -0.6 9.0 3.4
1978 CLE 26 142 606 157 27 8 6 39 43 0 1 3 .282 .328 .392 100 2.3 2.7 14.4 4.1
1979 TEX 27 162 720 200 42 3 18 30 45 3 5 4 .299 .327 .451 105 6.6 -0.4 30.7 6.3
1980 TEX 28 129 534 161 24 4 17 40 39 0 3 1 .329 .379 .498 139 25.1 -1.3 21.9 6.6
1981 TEX 29 97 415 106 16 1 10 42 30 3 3 3 .294 .364 .428 133 13.6 -2.3 23.2 5.2
1982 TEX 30 148 614 159 27 2 13 70 50 2 5 4 .296 .376 .426 126 19.5 -0.4 24.3 6.6
1983 TEX 31 156 678 171 35 3 14 50 48 4 3 5 .277 .332 .411 112 9.7 -0.3 11.1 4.4
1984 TEX 32 148 630 174 36 5 11 63 54 3 2 1 .315 .382 .458 122 17.9 0.7 17.5 5.9
1985 CIN 33 67 284 54 15 2 6 34 27 0 0 1 .219 .311 .368 89 -2.7 0.6 -6.3 0.0
1985 TEX 33 84 351 74 13 3 4 33 21 1 3 2 .236 .308 .335 89 -3.5 -1.1 7.8 1.5
1986 CIN 34 155 655 158 29 3 20 73 49 5 2 8 .278 .362 .445 118 15.0 -6.8 -16.6 1.3
1987 CIN 35 143 597 148 19 2 17 71 39 1 4 1 .284 .369 .425 112 9.0 -1.1 -12.6 1.5
1988 CIN 36 21 63 10 0 0 0 7 3 0 0 0 .185 .270 .185 95 -0.3 -1.0 0.5 0.1
1988 HOU 36 74 289 68 10 1 7 19 29 0 1 1 .253 .301 .375 94 -1.8 -1.5 -1.7 0.3
1989 TEX 37 34 90 15 4 0 0 7 10 0 0 0 .183 .247 .232 78 -2.0 0.5 -0.1 0.0

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1972 CLE MLB AL 132 505 .239 .301 .340 .256 98 -2 11.9 -1.3 94 7 3.0 -1.9 -0.5 1.3
1973 CLE MLB AL 156 689 .261 .326 .382 .271 102 3.7 18.2 2.4 98 7 17.2 1.6 2.1 4.5
1974 CLE MLB AL 116 471 .259 .321 .372 .267 99 -2.1 12.2 1.7 88 12 10.8 -1.6 -4.0 2.1
1975 CLE MLB AL 153 619 .261 .326 .381 .295 101 2.1 16.3 2.2 103 12 3.6 1.1 5.1 3.1
1976 CLE MLB AL 159 661 .257 .315 .361 .294 98 1.1 16.7 2.2 102 9 20.1 -4.9 4.2 4.3
1977 CLE MLB AL 129 538 .268 .327 .405 .315 101 7.1 15.0 1.6 109 9 9.0 -0.6 8.2 3.4
1978 CLE MLB AL 142 606 .261 .322 .386 .297 99 1.3 15.8 2.1 100 10 14.4 2.7 2.3 4.1
1979 TEX MLB AL 162 720 .269 .331 .410 .295 99 9.6 20.2 3.6 105 13 30.7 -0.4 6.6 6.3
1980 TEX MLB AL 129 534 .268 .328 .399 .332 101 25.3 14.4 2 139 12 21.9 -1.3 25.1 6.6
1981 TEX MLB AL 97 415 .258 .318 .375 .291 96 19.9 10.5 1.4 133 13 23.2 -2.3 13.6 5.2
1982 TEX MLB AL 148 614 .264 .326 .404 .305 96 22.7 16.6 2.3 126 11 24.3 -0.4 19.5 6.6
1983 TEX MLB AL 156 678 .266 .325 .402 .279 97 10 18.4 2.5 112 9 11.1 -0.3 9.7 4.4
1984 TEX MLB AL 148 630 .262 .321 .396 .328 96 24.3 16.9 2.3 122 9 17.5 0.7 17.9 5.9
1985 CIN MLB NL 67 284 .250 .311 .372 .222 94 -2.6 7.7 1.1 89 8 -6.3 0.6 -2.7 0.0
1985 TEX MLB AL 84 351 .260 .321 .401 .240 99 -8.6 9.6 1.3 89 8 7.8 -1.1 -3.5 1.5
1986 CIN MLB NL 155 655 .254 .321 .383 .273 104 16.1 18.1 2.5 118 7 -16.6 -6.8 15.0 1.3
1987 CIN MLB NL 143 597 .261 .326 .401 .280 101 6.8 17.6 2.4 112 11 -12.6 -1.1 9.0 1.5
1988 CIN MLB NL 21 63 .254 .312 .373 .189 101 -3.1 1.6 0.1 95 10 0.5 -1.0 -0.3 0.1
1988 HOU MLB NL 74 289 .247 .303 .359 .261 95 -3.1 7.6 0.5 94 10 -1.7 -1.5 -1.8 0.3
1989 TEX MLB AL 34 90 .273 .331 .406 .208 105 -7 2.3 -0.9 78 13 -0.1 0.5 -2.0 0.0

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1972 CLE MLB AL 505 466 49 119 21 1 9 169 36 34 29 5 6 .255 .310 .363 .107 1 1
1973 CLE MLB AL 689 631 86 169 23 7 14 248 59 49 47 7 15 .268 .325 .393 .125 3 0
1974 CLE MLB AL 471 423 51 111 15 1 7 149 46 35 29 1 3 .262 .322 .352 .090 2 8
1975 CLE MLB AL 619 553 66 150 20 4 10 208 59 51 72 6 5 .271 .332 .376 .105 4 10
1976 CLE MLB AL 661 604 75 170 26 2 7 221 60 44 49 3 8 .281 .329 .366 .084 6 5
1977 CLE MLB AL 538 479 64 140 23 4 11 204 64 45 63 1 8 .292 .351 .426 .134 5 8
1978 CLE MLB AL 606 556 71 157 27 8 6 218 62 39 43 1 3 .282 .328 .392 .110 2 9
1979 TEX MLB AL 720 670 89 200 42 3 18 302 101 30 45 5 4 .299 .327 .451 .152 10 7
1980 TEX MLB AL 534 490 76 161 24 4 17 244 83 40 39 3 1 .329 .379 .498 .169 0 4
1981 TEX MLB AL 415 360 44 106 16 1 10 154 64 42 30 3 3 .294 .364 .428 .133 10 0
1982 TEX MLB AL 614 537 62 159 27 2 13 229 67 70 50 5 4 .296 .376 .426 .130 5 0
1983 TEX MLB AL 678 618 75 171 35 3 14 254 66 50 48 3 5 .277 .332 .411 .134 6 0
1984 TEX MLB AL 630 553 88 174 36 5 11 253 83 63 54 2 1 .315 .382 .458 .143 9 2
1985 TEX MLB AL 351 313 33 74 13 3 4 105 32 33 21 3 2 .236 .308 .335 .099 4 0
1985 CIN MLB NL 284 247 28 54 15 2 6 91 36 34 27 0 1 .219 .311 .368 .150 2 1
1986 CIN MLB NL 655 568 89 158 29 3 20 253 75 73 49 2 8 .278 .362 .445 .167 6 3
1987 CIN MLB NL 597 522 74 148 19 2 17 222 70 71 39 4 1 .284 .369 .425 .142 2 1
1988 HOU MLB NL 289 269 24 68 10 1 7 101 37 19 29 1 1 .253 .301 .375 .123 1 0
1988 CIN MLB NL 63 54 3 10 0 0 0 10 3 7 3 0 0 .185 .270 .185 .000 2 0
1989 TEX MLB AL 90 82 4 15 4 0 0 19 3 7 10 0 0 .183 .247 .232 .049 0 1

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
1989-04-08 1989-04-28 15-DL 20 16 Left Knee Surgery Cartilage 1989-04-11 -
1988-08-04 1988-08-19 15-DL 15 14 Left Trunk Strain Ribcage - -
1988-04-14 1988-05-15 15-DL 31 27 Left Knee Sprain LCL - -
1988-04-04 1988-04-10 15-DL 6 4 Left Knee Sprain LCL - -
1980-06-04 1980-06-24 15-DL 20 19 - Trunk Strain Ribcage - -
1974-10-17 1974-10-17 Off 0 0 Right Knee Surgery Ligament and Cartilage 1974-10-17 -
1974-05-22 1974-06-17 15-DL 26 22 Right Knee - -


Year Team Salary


Service TimeAgentContract Status


2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2012-11-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)Dan - Always enjoy the articles and your chats. Assuming that there are some differences in how things will be run between Rick Hahn and Kenny Williams, how much freedom do you expect Rick to receive in putting his stamp on the current roster as well as how trades and the minor leagues are run? I am interested in seeing if Rick will favor a more balanced approach to how the lineup is constructed rather than the all or nothing approach that has been prevelant under Kenny's watch. Thanks again, Brian
(Brian from Tinley Park)
Thanks, Brian. How's Tinley Park today? I think Rick is going to be a very good GM and he has the respect from the people in his organization. You never know how someone will be in that role until they get there, but my guess is that the White Sox will be in very good hands under Rick's tenure. He has Buddy Bell as one of his closest advisors, and that gives him a great chance of succeeding. (Dan Evans)
2012-08-01 13:00:00 (link to chat)Big welcome, Dan. Will you, please, tell us some of those myths you've seen dis-proven?
(John Carter from Toronto (Tigers fan originally from the New York a)
Thanks, John. When I first started in baseball, there was a myth that using defensive shifts could be harmful. We were really advanced with the White Sox, using computer analysis a decade before most other teams, and had a progressive field staff led by Tony LaRussa. We found that hitters with a history against our pitchers were good risks and set up accordingly and it worked. In addition, Buddy Bell, one of the greatest minds I have ever met, convinced me that a 3B playing the line is not as good an idea as I had heard over the years, and he was right. (Dan Evans)
2009-11-17 14:00:00 (link to chat)Thanks, KG. Have you heard much about Brent Morel's defense? He was voted the best defensive 3B in the Carolina League -- and the significance of that is debatable -- but Buddy Bell has been pretty positive. Could Morel hope to become a left-handed Pedro Feliz if all goes well?
(Kevin from London)
He's a solid to plus defender. Make the plays he gets to, and great fundamentals. He's nowhere near to Feliz defensively. Feliz is among the best of the generation there. (Kevin Goldstein)
2009-09-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)Has anyone's HOF case ever been hurt more by the era they played in than Santo? His numbers translated to a normal era have to be pretty awesome.
(jamin67038 from Wichita, KS)
Jay Jaffe probably has ten answers for this question, but Santo has to be up there. Clay Davenport puts Santo at .275/.370/.505 in a standard offensive environment. Another guy who comes to mind, though I'm not saying he's a HOFer, is Graig Nettles. Nettles played in the 1970s, which hurt his numbers, though not as badly as Santo's were hurt, and although he was one of the best gloves ever at his position, played at the same time as Brooks Robinson and Mike Schmidt so that was less impressive than it could have been. There were more good 3B playing when Nettles did (the aforementioned, plus guys who could hit like Buddy Bell, Bill Madlock, George Brett) than there were at any time before in history. (Steven Goldman)
2008-10-09 14:00:00 (link to chat)What is the best way to objectively anaylze overall managerial effectiveness - beyond winning pct? Must I go to the grave believing that Joe Torre is a genius simply because he has had the keys to the Cadillac more than say, Buddy Bell? Could John McNamara be in the books as one of the greats had he managed better teams? Was Sparky really that smart?
(lrgreen from NYC)
I don't know that we've got a "best way" to objectively analyze managerial performance at all. Simply going by Pythagorean over/under or by team scoring and prevention levels doesn't tell us a hell of a lot. One has to take into account the resources that were at a manager's disposal, the various key decisions that were made in situations that were hardly static. It's a very subjective area.

That said, my namesake Chris Jaffe (no relation) did some studies regarding managers a couple years ago and made a presentation at the SABR convention that I did find interesting. Unfortunately, the links to the piece that I Googled aren't working and I don't have time to dig deeper right now, so I can't summarize it. (Jay Jaffe)

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