
Portrait of Hank Aaron

Hank Aaron RF

Player Cards | Team Audit | Depth Chart

Career Summary
23 13940 .305 .374 .555 152 139.7
Birth Date2-5-1934
Height6' 0"
Weight180 lbs
Age90 years, 2 months, 21 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1954 MLN 20 122 509 131 27 6 13 28 39 3 2 2 .280 .322 .447 106 6.1 -2.5 -3.9 1.0
1955 MLN 21 153 665 189 37 9 27 49 61 3 3 1 .314 .366 .540 129 26.4 0.1 8.6 4.9
1956 MLN 22 153 660 200 34 14 26 37 54 2 2 4 .328 .365 .558 131 26.6 -0.7 20.2 5.9
1957 MLN 23 151 675 198 27 6 44 57 58 0 1 1 .322 .378 .600 164 56.7 -0.2 1.9 7.8
1958 MLN 24 153 664 196 34 4 30 59 49 1 4 1 .326 .386 .546 148 41.6 3.8 8.9 7.2
1959 MLN 25 154 693 223 46 7 39 51 54 4 8 0 .355 .401 .636 167 64.4 5.7 -4.1 8.2
1960 MLN 26 153 664 172 20 11 40 60 63 2 16 7 .292 .352 .566 147 42.5 4.4 19.6 8.3
1961 MLN 27 155 671 197 39 10 34 56 64 2 21 9 .327 .381 .594 147 44.6 3.7 19.9 8.7
1962 MLN 28 156 667 191 28 6 45 66 73 3 15 7 .323 .390 .618 168 61.0 1.5 4.6 8.6
1963 MLN 29 161 714 201 29 4 44 78 94 0 31 5 .319 .391 .586 174 63.8 4.5 -11.3 7.7
1964 MLN 30 145 634 187 30 2 24 62 46 0 22 4 .328 .393 .514 149 37.0 1.8 12.5 6.9
1965 MLN 31 150 639 181 40 1 32 60 81 1 24 4 .318 .379 .560 156 40.6 4.0 13.7 7.6
1966 ATL 32 158 688 168 23 1 44 76 96 1 21 3 .279 .356 .539 149 36.6 6.3 12.0 7.3
1967 ATL 33 155 669 184 37 3 39 63 97 0 17 6 .307 .369 .573 171 50.7 6.6 11.9 9.3
1968 ATL 34 160 676 174 33 4 29 64 62 1 28 5 .287 .354 .498 154 38.0 -0.9 12.0 7.2
1969 ATL 35 147 639 164 30 3 44 87 47 2 9 10 .300 .396 .607 173 60.7 -3.3 5.8 8.1
1970 ATL 36 150 598 154 26 1 38 74 63 2 9 0 .298 .385 .574 148 39.5 -0.3 3.3 5.5
1971 ATL 37 139 573 162 22 3 47 71 58 2 1 1 .327 .410 .669 187 59.4 -2.6 -4.9 6.7
1972 ATL 38 129 544 119 10 0 34 92 55 1 4 0 .265 .390 .514 154 32.9 1.0 -6.1 3.9
1973 ATL 39 120 465 118 12 1 40 68 51 1 1 1 .301 .402 .643 170 39.1 -0.2 0.1 5.2
1974 ATL 40 112 382 91 16 0 20 39 29 0 1 0 .268 .341 .491 139 18.4 -1.5 -3.4 2.3
1975 MIL 41 137 543 109 16 2 12 70 51 1 0 1 .234 .332 .355 104 5.0 -2.7 -0.6 0.8
1976 MIL 42 85 308 62 8 0 10 35 38 0 0 1 .229 .315 .369 115 6.3 -1.6 0.0 0.9

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1954 MLN MLB NL 122 509 .267 .332 .414 .281 109 2.4 12.8 -3.2 106 11 -3.9 -2.5 6.1 1.0
1955 MLN MLB NL 153 665 .256 .322 .411 .313 95 39.2 17.2 -5 129 12 8.6 0.1 26.4 4.9
1956 MLN MLB NL 153 660 .257 .319 .408 .325 77 63.7 16.8 -6.2 131 11 20.2 -0.7 26.6 5.9
1957 MLN MLB NL 151 675 .260 .317 .404 .298 97 57.3 18.1 -3 164 11 1.9 -0.2 56.7 7.8
1958 MLN MLB NL 153 664 .262 .327 .407 .316 104 38.1 17.8 -4.5 148 10 8.9 3.8 41.6 7.2
1959 MLN MLB NL 154 693 .258 .321 .400 .338 97 76 18.8 -6.1 167 10 -4.1 5.7 64.4 8.2
1960 MLN MLB NL 153 664 .255 .314 .389 .265 85 66.8 17.9 -6.4 147 12 19.6 4.4 42.5 8.3
1961 MLN MLB NL 155 671 .262 .324 .404 .317 95 53.7 19.0 -2.4 147 12 19.9 3.7 44.6 8.7
1962 MLN MLB NL 156 667 .259 .323 .391 .304 97 65.6 18.2 -2.3 168 9 4.6 1.5 61.0 8.6
1963 MLN MLB NL 161 714 .245 .300 .365 .315 97 64.9 17.5 -6.5 174 12 -11.3 4.5 63.8 7.7
1964 MLN MLB NL 145 634 .255 .307 .375 .325 103 35.3 15.9 -5.6 149 9 12.5 1.8 37.0 6.9
1965 MLN MLB NL 150 639 .250 .306 .377 .320 104 44.3 15.1 -5.6 156 10 13.7 4.0 40.6 7.6
1966 ATL MLB NL 158 688 .256 .310 .384 .263 104 39 16.3 -6 149 8 12.0 6.3 36.6 7.3
1967 ATL MLB NL 155 669 .249 .304 .365 .309 102 57 15.3 -5.1 171 12 11.9 6.6 50.7 9.3
1968 ATL MLB NL 160 676 .244 .297 .341 .279 90 32.6 13.4 -5.2 154 9 12.0 -0.9 38.0 7.2
1969 ATL MLB NL 147 639 .250 .316 .371 .261 103 60.4 16.4 -6.2 173 12 5.8 -3.3 60.7 8.1
1970 ATL MLB NL 150 598 .258 .327 .387 .276 100 44.6 16.2 -6.2 148 15 3.3 -0.3 39.5 5.5
1971 ATL MLB NL 139 573 .249 .309 .361 .291 101 62.2 13.9 -7.1 187 14 -4.9 -2.6 59.4 6.7
1972 ATL MLB NL 129 544 .246 .308 .362 .235 104 34.3 12.7 -7.6 154 10 -6.1 1.0 32.9 3.9
1973 ATL MLB NL 120 465 .253 .316 .371 .256 107 38.7 12.0 -3 170 13 0.1 -0.2 39.1 5.2
1974 ATL MLB NL 112 382 .257 .322 .368 .242 102 17.5 9.9 -2.2 139 15 -3.4 -1.5 18.4 2.3
1975 MIL MLB AL 137 543 .257 .322 .379 .238 100 -2.8 14.3 -8.9 104 8 -0.6 -2.7 5.0 0.8
1976 MIL MLB AL 85 308 .262 .321 .367 .231 97 3.7 7.8 -4.8 115 16 0.0 -1.6 6.3 0.9

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1954 MLN MLB NL 509 468 58 131 27 6 13 209 69 28 39 2 2 .280 .322 .447 .167 4 6
1955 MLN MLB NL 665 602 105 189 37 9 27 325 106 49 61 3 1 .314 .366 .540 .226 4 7
1956 MLN MLB NL 660 609 106 200 34 14 26 340 92 37 54 2 4 .328 .365 .558 .230 7 5
1957 MLN MLB NL 675 615 118 198 27 6 44 369 132 57 58 1 1 .322 .378 .600 .278 3 0
1958 MLN MLB NL 664 601 109 196 34 4 30 328 95 59 49 4 1 .326 .386 .546 .220 3 0
1959 MLN MLB NL 693 629 116 223 46 7 39 400 123 51 54 8 0 .355 .401 .636 .281 9 0
1960 MLN MLB NL 664 590 102 172 20 11 40 334 126 60 63 16 7 .292 .352 .566 .275 12 0
1961 MLN MLB NL 671 603 115 197 39 10 34 358 120 56 64 21 9 .327 .381 .594 .267 9 1
1962 MLN MLB NL 667 592 127 191 28 6 45 366 128 66 73 15 7 .323 .390 .618 .296 6 0
1963 MLN MLB NL 714 631 121 201 29 4 44 370 130 78 94 31 5 .319 .391 .586 .268 5 0
1964 MLN MLB NL 634 570 103 187 30 2 24 293 95 62 46 22 4 .328 .393 .514 .186 2 0
1965 MLN MLB NL 639 570 109 181 40 1 32 319 89 60 81 24 4 .318 .379 .560 .242 8 0
1966 ATL MLB NL 688 603 117 168 23 1 44 325 127 76 96 21 3 .279 .356 .539 .260 8 0
1967 ATL MLB NL 669 600 113 184 37 3 39 344 109 63 97 17 6 .307 .369 .573 .267 6 0
1968 ATL MLB NL 676 606 84 174 33 4 29 302 86 64 62 28 5 .287 .354 .498 .211 5 0
1969 ATL MLB NL 639 547 100 164 30 3 44 332 97 87 47 9 10 .300 .396 .607 .307 3 0
1970 ATL MLB NL 598 516 103 154 26 1 38 296 118 74 63 9 0 .298 .385 .574 .275 6 0
1971 ATL MLB NL 573 495 95 162 22 3 47 331 118 71 58 1 1 .327 .410 .669 .341 5 0
1972 ATL MLB NL 544 449 75 119 10 0 34 231 77 92 55 4 0 .265 .390 .514 .249 2 0
1973 ATL MLB NL 465 392 84 118 12 1 40 252 96 68 51 1 1 .301 .402 .643 .342 4 0
1974 ATL MLB NL 382 340 47 91 16 0 20 167 69 39 29 1 0 .268 .341 .491 .224 2 1
1975 MIL MLB AL 543 465 45 109 16 2 12 165 60 70 51 0 1 .234 .332 .355 .120 6 1
1976 MIL MLB AL 308 271 22 62 8 0 10 100 35 35 38 0 1 .229 .315 .369 .140 2 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation


Year Team Salary


Service TimeAgentContract Status

  • 1975:$250,000
  • 3 years/$600,000 (1972-74)
  • 2 years/$250,000 (1970-71)
  • 2 years/$200,000 (1967-68)
  • 1 year/$70,000 (1965)
  • 1 year/$60,000 (1964)
  • 1 year/$50,000 (1962)
  • 1 year/$35,000 (1959)
  • 1 year/$22,500 (1957)
  • 1 year/$5,000 (1954)
  • 1952: $200 per month with Indianapolis Clowns

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2019-10-25 12:00:00 (link to chat)Does Yelich winning the Hank Aaron award mean anything when it comes to winning the NL MVP?
(sportsguy21792 from Madison)
I don't know that there is a ton of correlation here. I think the narratives generally favor Bellinger, but I imagine it will be close. (Jeffrey Paternostro)
2016-02-03 20:00:00 (link to chat)If both careers ended right now, whose would you rather have, Tim Lincecum or Buster Posey? 2x Cy Young,2 other top 10 finishes, and 3x WS winner, vs RoY, 1x Comeback, 1x Hank Aaron, 2x Silver Slugger, 1x MVP, and 3x WS winner?
(Alex from CA)
Fascinating question. Just looked up their WARP and we have Posey at 38 and Lincecum at 21. If Lincecum had the edge in WS to go along with those two Cys, I might go that way, but he doesn't. (Greg Wellemeyer)
2012-08-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you break down the ratings of tools even further on the 20-80 scale? For example, would Hank Aaron's power (70?) include micro-analysis such as 80 wrists, 60 hip rotation, 60 bat speed, etc? Or does it not get that specific?
(richardkr34 from Saint Paul, MN)
It gets that specific in the narrative. People get all obsessive about the scores, but there are huge amounts of very important words on every scouting report. (Kevin Goldstein)
2011-01-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Jay! greetings from your southern-most follower (unless someone in the southern island of NZ is also out there?) Quick question, who would be the 5 charter members of the Baseball HoF if it was founded today?
(Guillermo from Montevideo, Uruguay)
Hey Guillermo! I think if you were to start today, Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, Hank Aaron and Cy Young would be four of those five. I'm not sure who the fifth would be, though - probably another pitcher. Maybe Tom Seaver given that he had the highest vote percentage of all time. (Jay Jaffe)
2011-01-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Can't we all feel more comfortable with an opening class of 10 of Babe Ruth, Cy Young, Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, Walter Johnson, Jackie Robinson, Ted Williams, Lou Gehrig, Rogers Hornsby, Honus Wanger?
(Bernard from Jersey City)
That's a great place to start. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-10-01 13:00:00 (link to chat)Speaking of the career home run leader, every time I chmod a file to 755 I think of Hank Aaron. Why did Barry Bonds have to stop at an ugly number like 762? Couldn't somebody have signed him so he could hit a few more and get to a (somewhat) common access mode like 775 or 777? Sorry if that was too nerdy.
(The Flying Bernard from Acton, MA)
764 would even be better, because it's conceivable that someone, at some time, would want to do that. (Colin Wyers)
2009-05-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)Moondog Matinee - both because you learn something about stuff you might not have ever heard (Frogman Henry!), and because you can feel how much they care. Forget the 'roids stuff for a bit. If Griffey continues to hit like Jose Vidro, what do they do with him. Has any other team ever dealt with a similar situation of nostalgia v poor performance?
(mattb from Tacoma)
A ton of them, be it the Astros with Craig Biggio a couple of years ago, or the Brewers taking on Hank Aaron... For the M's, I suspect part of the calculus was giving the fans someone to root for while they rebuild. It's a one-year deal, so they won't dump out of it, but they can start restricting his playing time a lot more than they have. (Steven Goldman)
2008-11-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thanks for the chat Joe. I haven't seen any mention on the site of Aramis Ramirez winning the NL Hank Aaron award. Maybe it deserves no mention, but seeing that it was a fan vote, it can't help the movement to add more voters to the other awards voting pools.
(jtrichey from Indianapolis)
I snuck a mention into one of the extra bits I did for during the Series. Basically, if the award for the best/most productive/whatever hitter in the league lands on the 19th-best hitter in the league, it ends up looking like a joke. The fans had *a* vote, but I believe their vote was one of many. In any case, you don't build credibility by handing out an award this badly. (Joe Sheehan)

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