
Portrait of Robin Yount

Robin Yount SSBrewers

Brewers Player Cards | Brewers Team Audit | Brewers Depth Chart

Career Summary
20 12249 .285 .342 .430 113 67.9
Birth Date9-16-1955
Height6' 0"
Weight170 lbs
Age68 years, 7 months, 7 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1974 MIL 18 107 364 86 14 5 3 12 46 1 7 7 .250 .276 .346 75 -8.4 1.5 -1.0 0.6
1975 MIL 19 147 607 149 28 2 8 33 69 1 12 4 .267 .307 .367 84 -8.1 1.7 -15.6 0.1
1976 MIL 20 161 690 161 19 3 2 38 69 0 16 11 .252 .292 .301 81 -11.6 -0.1 -8.6 0.6
1977 MIL 21 154 663 174 34 4 4 41 80 2 16 7 .288 .333 .377 95 -1.1 5.3 -16.9 1.5
1978 MIL 22 127 545 147 23 9 9 24 43 1 16 5 .293 .323 .428 102 3.2 2.7 7.9 3.8
1979 MIL 23 149 626 154 26 5 8 35 52 1 11 8 .267 .308 .371 87 -7.6 3.2 6.0 2.8
1980 MIL 24 143 647 179 49 10 23 26 67 1 20 5 .293 .321 .519 127 21.6 7.0 11.7 6.9
1981 MIL 25 96 411 103 15 5 10 22 37 2 4 1 .273 .312 .419 111 4.0 1.3 17.6 4.2
1982 MIL 26 156 704 210 46 12 29 54 63 1 14 3 .331 .379 .578 154 45.3 6.1 3.5 8.8
1983 MIL 27 149 662 178 42 10 17 72 58 3 12 5 .308 .383 .503 141 31.0 4.7 -4.1 6.0
1984 MIL 28 160 702 186 27 7 16 67 67 1 14 4 .298 .362 .441 127 23.6 4.4 7.7 6.2
1985 MIL 29 122 527 129 26 3 15 49 56 2 10 4 .277 .342 .442 114 10.0 2.9 0.8 2.7
1986 MIL 30 140 595 163 31 7 9 62 73 4 14 5 .312 .388 .450 124 17.7 3.1 -5.3 3.4
1987 MIL 31 158 723 198 25 9 21 76 94 1 19 9 .312 .384 .479 122 20.2 2.3 -8.6 3.6
1988 MIL 32 162 696 190 38 11 13 63 63 3 22 4 .306 .369 .465 134 26.2 4.7 -5.4 4.9
1989 MIL 33 160 690 195 38 9 21 63 71 6 19 3 .318 .384 .511 146 36.3 3.2 -4.1 5.9
1990 MIL 34 158 683 145 17 5 17 78 89 6 15 8 .247 .337 .380 109 7.5 4.4 -23.7 0.9
1991 MIL 35 130 571 131 20 4 10 54 79 4 6 4 .260 .332 .376 101 2.1 3.8 -3.9 1.9
1992 MIL 36 150 629 147 40 3 8 53 81 3 15 6 .264 .325 .390 107 7.1 5.8 -3.8 2.9
1993 MIL 37 127 514 117 25 3 8 44 93 5 9 2 .258 .326 .379 92 -3.2 2.0 -11.4 0.3

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1974 MIL MLB AL 107 364 .257 .318 .373 .279 99 -7.3 9.4 4.3 75 12 -1.0 1.5 -8.4 0.6
1975 MIL MLB AL 147 607 .256 .321 .375 .290 100 -4.7 16.0 7.3 84 8 -15.6 1.7 -8.1 0.1
1976 MIL MLB AL 161 690 .258 .315 .364 .277 96 -19.6 17.4 8 81 7 -8.6 -0.1 -11.6 0.6
1977 MIL MLB AL 154 663 .267 .324 .409 .324 100 1.1 18.5 8.5 95 11 -16.9 5.3 -1.1 1.5
1978 MIL MLB AL 127 545 .264 .324 .389 .303 99 13.8 14.2 6.5 102 11 7.9 2.7 3.2 3.8
1979 MIL MLB AL 149 626 .271 .334 .414 .281 98 -9.8 17.5 8.1 87 7 6.0 3.2 -7.6 2.8
1980 MIL MLB AL 143 647 .271 .330 .406 .298 97 29 17.4 6.9 127 10 11.7 7.0 21.6 6.9
1981 MIL MLB AL 96 411 .258 .319 .379 .277 98 3.7 10.4 4.4 111 13 17.6 1.3 4.0 4.2
1982 MIL MLB AL 156 704 .262 .325 .402 .327 98 56.4 19.0 8.7 154 10 3.5 6.1 45.3 8.8
1983 MIL MLB AL 149 662 .265 .325 .402 .315 95 44.5 18.0 7.2 141 8 -4.1 4.7 31.0 6.0
1984 MIL MLB AL 160 702 .262 .322 .394 .309 93 28.9 18.8 3.5 127 8 7.7 4.4 23.6 6.2
1985 MIL MLB AL 122 527 .261 .325 .406 .282 96 19.3 14.4 -2.5 114 10 0.8 2.9 10.0 2.7
1986 MIL MLB AL 140 595 .259 .328 .407 .348 100 25.1 16.5 1 124 10 -5.3 3.1 17.7 3.4
1987 MIL MLB AL 158 723 .265 .331 .424 .337 100 29.9 21.3 1.1 122 6 -8.6 2.3 20.2 3.6
1988 MIL MLB AL 162 696 .260 .320 .392 .321 99 31.3 18.2 1.3 134 9 -5.4 4.7 26.2 4.9
1989 MIL MLB AL 160 690 .262 .324 .387 .331 97 46.8 18.0 0.2 146 9 -4.1 3.2 36.3 5.9
1990 MIL MLB AL 158 683 .259 .325 .386 .262 99 8.3 18.3 1.6 109 6 -23.7 4.4 7.5 0.9
1991 MIL MLB AL 130 571 .264 .331 .402 .286 101 3.4 15.5 0.2 101 10 -3.9 3.8 2.1 1.9
1992 MIL MLB AL 150 629 .260 .326 .385 .290 96 11.8 16.3 0.6 107 11 -3.8 5.8 7.1 2.9
1993 MIL MLB AL 127 514 .266 .333 .406 .304 100 -6.2 14.7 0.5 92 10 -11.4 2.0 -3.2 0.3

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1974 MIL MLB AL 364 344 48 86 14 5 3 119 26 12 46 7 7 .250 .276 .346 .096 2 5
1975 MIL MLB AL 607 558 67 149 28 2 8 205 52 33 69 12 4 .267 .307 .367 .100 5 10
1976 MIL MLB AL 690 638 59 161 19 3 2 192 54 38 69 16 11 .252 .292 .301 .049 6 8
1977 MIL MLB AL 663 605 66 174 34 4 4 228 49 41 80 16 7 .288 .333 .377 .089 4 11
1978 MIL MLB AL 545 502 66 147 23 9 9 215 71 24 43 16 5 .293 .323 .428 .135 5 13
1979 MIL MLB AL 626 577 72 154 26 5 8 214 51 35 52 11 8 .267 .308 .371 .104 3 10
1980 MIL MLB AL 647 611 121 179 49 10 23 317 87 26 67 20 5 .293 .321 .519 .226 3 6
1981 MIL MLB AL 411 377 50 103 15 5 10 158 49 22 37 4 1 .273 .312 .419 .146 6 4
1982 MIL MLB AL 704 635 129 210 46 12 29 367 114 54 63 14 3 .331 .379 .578 .247 10 4
1983 MIL MLB AL 662 578 102 178 42 10 17 291 80 72 58 12 5 .308 .383 .503 .196 8 1
1984 MIL MLB AL 702 624 105 186 27 7 16 275 80 67 67 14 4 .298 .362 .441 .143 9 1
1985 MIL MLB AL 527 466 76 129 26 3 15 206 68 49 56 10 4 .277 .342 .442 .165 9 1
1986 MIL MLB AL 595 522 82 163 31 7 9 235 46 62 73 14 5 .312 .388 .450 .138 2 5
1987 MIL MLB AL 723 635 99 198 25 9 21 304 103 76 94 19 9 .312 .384 .479 .167 5 6
1988 MIL MLB AL 696 621 92 190 38 11 13 289 91 63 63 22 4 .306 .369 .465 .159 7 2
1989 MIL MLB AL 690 614 101 195 38 9 21 314 103 63 71 19 3 .318 .384 .511 .194 4 3
1990 MIL MLB AL 683 587 98 145 17 5 17 223 77 78 89 15 8 .247 .337 .380 .133 8 4
1991 MIL MLB AL 571 503 66 131 20 4 10 189 77 54 79 6 4 .260 .332 .376 .115 9 1
1992 MIL MLB AL 629 557 71 147 40 3 8 217 77 53 81 15 6 .264 .325 .390 .126 12 4
1993 MIL MLB AL 514 454 62 117 25 3 8 172 51 44 93 9 2 .258 .326 .379 .121 6 5

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
1993-04-26 1993-05-14 15-DL 18 16 Right Knee Surgery Medial Meniscus 1993-04-28 -


Year Team Salary


Service TimeAgentContract Status


2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

Click here to see articles tagged with Robin Yount

BP Chats

2015-02-13 19:00:00 (link to chat)Calhoun or Starlin Castro? Who's more productive over the next 3 years? I think Calhoun, but am I discounting Starlin's power and position?
(Vic from Baltimore)
I like Castro. He has been overrated for so long that now he's finally a little underrated. He compares favorably in OPS+ with Alan Trammel and Robin Yount at the same age. That isn't to say that Castro will become of these guys, but that there is more growth/upside than you'd think. Calhoun's all right, but I don't see a big spike coming with him. (Mike Gianella)
2011-05-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)You're stranded on a desert island somehow. You can have with you one fantasy novel, two MLB mascots' costumes, and one Harvey-Kuenn-era Milwaukee Brewer. What do you bring, why, and how long before the former Brewer decides to eat you?
(Bill_TPA from your mom's basement)
I know it's the obvious answer, but I have to take the Game of Thrones series (if only for it's 10,000+ pages or whatever it is). For mascots: let's take the retired Crazy Crab and Twinkie the Loon. They're just too odd not to be enjoyable on a desert island. Robin Yount is the Brewer, but only because I don't want Ted Simmons or Gorman Thomas to eat me right away. (Larry Granillo)
2010-01-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)Are you saddened as I am that the inclusion of Ozzie Smith seems to have helped Omar Vizquel when it could or should have helped Larkin and Trammell?
(Gregor from Bathurst)
Omar's not on the ballot, so we shouldn't worry about his candidacy for at least another six years. I don't think Ozzie's presence in the Hall has any bearing on Larkin and Trammell any more than the presences of Robin Yount and Cal Ripken do. There were a handful of great shortstops playing during the eighties, and some people apparently feel we've enshrined enough of them. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-10-24 14:00:00 (link to chat)It seems like there are no players on either team who are already good Hall of Fame candidates (though guys like Utley, Upton, etc. have time to qualify.) Can you ever remember a Series without such an established veteran star?
(oira61 from San Francisco)
Wow, that's a good question, one that pretty much ties into what I was saying a couple of days ago about how rare it is to get two fresh teams facing off in the series for the first time in awhile. Add to that the fact that both teams are dominated by younger guys whose best days may still be ahead of them and you wind up with a situation like this. I'm jogging my memory and looking back over the WS matchups and thinking that we've hit a real stumper. At the time, people wondered aloud if the 1998 Yankees would yield a Hall of Famer, but now it's apparent that Mariano Rivera and Derek Jeter will make it if nobody else does, to say nothing of Tony Gwynn from the opposite dugout.

The 1982 matchup maybe - at the time it certainly wasn't apparent that Ozzie Smith, Robin Yount, Paul Molitor or Don Sutton would make it (Sutton would win 60-something more games in the majors), adn Rollie Fingers was sidelined too. Definitely a question to sock away for future pondering. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-05-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)Isn't an 80s book only gonna bring back MORE nostalgia for the "beloved" 1982 Brewers? Can we please tell the people of Milwaukee that this isn't necessarily a GOOD thing, since it leads to things like Ned Yost as manager, Ted Simmons and/or Robin Yount as manager(s) in waiting, and the pleading for Paul Molitor to do anything with the club. /end vent.
(strupp from Madison)
I'm going to refer your question to resident Brewers aficionado Jay Jaffe, who will be handling Milwaukee duties on the book. Your question reminds me of the Washington Senators, where Clark Griffith tended to re-employ any player who used to work for him. (Steven Goldman)
2008-02-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)There was a saying about some ball players (like Brooks Robinson, if I recall)that they weren't fast going from home to first, but could outrun anyone going from 1st to 3rd or 2nd to home. In your studies, did you find any clear examples of guys not known to have good footspeed but who were exceptionally good baserunners?
(wileecoyote121 from larchmont, ny)
Robin Yount and Glenn Beckert come to mind. George Brett did really well on tagging on fly balls.

On Yount you might want to check this out. I think I discussed Beckert in this column. (Dan Fox)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2008-10-02 11:00:00Thursday Playoff GamesHad anyone noticed that Robin Yount came in to help the Brewers as bench coach? He was with Arizona a couple years back, I think with Brenly, but I honestly have no idea what he's been doing since. Anyone? (Will Carroll)