
Portrait of Alan Trammell

Alan Trammell SSTigers

Tigers Player Cards | Tigers Team Audit | Tigers Depth Chart

Career Summary
20 9375 .285 .352 .415 112 50.9
Birth Date2-21-1958
Height6' 0"
Weight175 lbs
Age66 years, 2 months, 5 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1977 DET 19 19 48 8 0 0 0 4 12 0 0 0 .186 .255 .186 64 -1.9 0.4 -2.2 -0.2
1978 DET 20 139 504 120 14 6 2 45 56 2 3 1 .268 .335 .339 92 -3.1 -2.5 -1.4 1.3
1979 DET 21 142 520 127 11 4 6 43 55 0 17 14 .276 .335 .357 94 -2.2 -1.6 -18.4 -0.1
1980 DET 22 146 652 168 21 5 9 69 63 3 12 12 .300 .376 .404 116 13.6 5.0 -12.6 3.4
1981 DET 23 105 463 101 15 3 2 49 31 3 10 3 .258 .342 .327 95 -3.3 1.7 5.1 2.3
1982 DET 24 157 556 126 34 3 9 52 47 0 19 8 .258 .325 .395 97 -1.0 1.8 -7.8 1.6
1983 DET 25 142 581 161 31 2 14 57 64 0 30 10 .319 .385 .471 130 20.1 2.5 -13.3 3.4
1984 DET 26 139 626 174 34 5 14 60 63 3 19 13 .314 .382 .468 129 23.1 -4.3 1.6 4.5
1985 DET 27 149 677 156 21 7 13 50 71 2 14 5 .258 .312 .380 90 -5.5 0.5 -1.6 2.2
1986 DET 28 151 653 159 33 7 21 59 57 5 25 12 .277 .347 .469 128 22.4 3.7 4.6 5.9
1987 DET 29 151 668 205 34 3 28 60 47 3 21 2 .343 .402 .551 151 42.3 -0.3 -1.9 6.8
1988 DET 30 128 523 145 24 1 15 46 46 4 7 4 .311 .373 .464 141 23.9 -1.1 5.8 5.3
1989 DET 31 121 506 109 20 3 5 45 45 4 10 2 .243 .314 .334 95 -2.1 -2.8 15.6 3.3
1990 DET 32 146 637 170 37 1 14 68 55 1 12 10 .304 .377 .449 127 19.3 -0.9 -5.9 4.0
1991 DET 33 101 421 93 20 0 9 37 39 3 11 2 .248 .320 .373 98 0.0 1.4 5.8 2.4
1992 DET 34 29 120 28 7 1 1 15 4 1 2 2 .275 .370 .392 105 1.1 -0.8 -1.9 0.3
1993 DET 35 112 447 132 25 3 12 38 38 2 12 8 .329 .388 .496 130 18.1 2.9 1.6 3.9
1994 DET 36 76 311 78 17 1 8 16 35 1 3 0 .267 .307 .414 92 -2.2 0.0 -3.9 0.6
1995 DET 37 74 255 60 12 0 2 27 19 0 3 1 .269 .345 .350 91 -2.2 0.8 -0.1 0.8
1996 DET 38 66 207 45 2 0 1 10 27 0 6 0 .233 .267 .259 52 -12.2 -0.5 -5.0 -0.9

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1977 DET MLB AL 19 48 .272 .323 .406 .258 102 -5.1 1.3 0.6 64 14 -2.2 0.4 -1.9 -0.2
1978 DET MLB AL 139 504 .263 .323 .386 .300 103 -5.2 13.1 6 92 10 -1.4 -2.5 -3.1 1.3
1979 DET MLB AL 142 520 .268 .331 .405 .300 102 -5 14.6 6.7 94 10 -18.4 -1.6 -2.2 -0.1
1980 DET MLB AL 146 652 .270 .329 .401 .321 103 14.5 17.5 8 116 9 -12.6 5.0 13.6 3.4
1981 DET MLB AL 105 463 .259 .319 .375 .273 101 -5.3 11.7 5.4 95 10 5.1 1.7 -3.3 2.3
1982 DET MLB AL 157 556 .263 .323 .400 .267 99 4.2 15.0 6.9 97 9 -7.8 1.8 -1.0 1.6
1983 DET MLB AL 142 581 .265 .324 .398 .341 100 26.6 15.8 7.2 130 11 -13.3 2.5 20.1 3.4
1984 DET MLB AL 139 626 .266 .327 .402 .333 96 30.2 16.8 4.6 129 10 1.6 -4.3 23.1 4.5
1985 DET MLB AL 149 677 .262 .325 .408 .270 95 -1.2 18.5 8.5 90 10 -1.6 0.5 -5.5 2.2
1986 DET MLB AL 151 653 .263 .328 .411 .276 99 23.7 18.1 8.1 128 10 4.6 3.7 22.4 5.9
1987 DET MLB AL 151 668 .268 .334 .432 .335 99 51 19.7 9 151 10 -1.9 -0.3 42.3 6.8
1988 DET MLB AL 128 523 .257 .320 .387 .316 99 28.1 13.7 6.2 141 12 5.8 -1.1 23.9 5.3
1989 DET MLB AL 121 506 .259 .320 .379 .257 101 -2.7 13.2 5.9 95 10 15.6 -2.8 -2.1 3.3
1990 DET MLB AL 146 637 .259 .323 .389 .315 102 22.5 17.1 7.4 127 11 -5.9 -0.9 19.3 4.0
1991 DET MLB AL 101 421 .260 .327 .395 .256 103 0.2 11.4 4.5 98 10 5.8 1.4 0.0 2.4
1992 DET MLB AL 29 120 .267 .334 .402 .276 103 1.6 3.1 1.4 105 15 -1.9 -0.8 1.1 0.3
1993 DET MLB AL 112 447 .266 .335 .406 .340 103 21.2 12.8 3.3 130 11 1.6 2.9 18.1 3.9
1994 DET MLB AL 76 311 .270 .341 .431 .281 104 -7.6 9.4 2.8 92 12 -3.9 0.0 -2.2 0.6
1995 DET MLB AL 74 255 .265 .338 .414 .284 102 -2.7 7.6 2.7 91 11 -0.1 0.8 -2.2 0.8
1996 DET MLB AL 66 207 .274 .347 .441 .262 99 -17.5 6.4 2 52 7 -5.0 -0.5 -12.2 -0.9

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1977 DET MLB AL 48 43 6 8 0 0 0 8 0 4 12 0 0 .186 .255 .186 .000 0 1
1978 DET MLB AL 504 448 49 120 14 6 2 152 34 45 56 3 1 .268 .335 .339 .071 3 6
1979 DET MLB AL 520 460 68 127 11 4 6 164 50 43 55 17 14 .276 .335 .357 .080 5 12
1980 DET MLB AL 652 560 107 168 21 5 9 226 65 69 63 12 12 .300 .376 .404 .104 7 13
1981 DET MLB AL 463 392 52 101 15 3 2 128 31 49 31 10 3 .258 .342 .327 .069 3 16
1982 DET MLB AL 556 489 66 126 34 3 9 193 57 52 47 19 8 .258 .325 .395 .137 6 9
1983 DET MLB AL 581 505 83 161 31 2 14 238 66 57 64 30 10 .319 .385 .471 .152 4 15
1984 DET MLB AL 626 555 85 174 34 5 14 260 69 60 63 19 13 .314 .382 .468 .155 2 6
1985 DET MLB AL 677 605 79 156 21 7 13 230 57 50 71 14 5 .258 .312 .380 .122 9 11
1986 DET MLB AL 653 574 107 159 33 7 21 269 75 59 57 25 12 .277 .347 .469 .192 4 11
1987 DET MLB AL 668 597 109 205 34 3 28 329 105 60 47 21 2 .343 .402 .551 .208 6 2
1988 DET MLB AL 523 466 73 145 24 1 15 216 69 46 46 7 4 .311 .373 .464 .152 7 0
1989 DET MLB AL 506 449 54 109 20 3 5 150 43 45 45 10 2 .243 .314 .334 .091 5 3
1990 DET MLB AL 637 559 71 170 37 1 14 251 89 68 55 12 10 .304 .377 .449 .145 6 3
1991 DET MLB AL 421 375 57 93 20 0 9 140 55 37 39 11 2 .248 .320 .373 .125 1 5
1992 DET MLB AL 120 102 11 28 7 1 1 40 11 15 4 2 2 .275 .370 .392 .118 1 1
1993 DET MLB AL 447 401 72 132 25 3 12 199 60 38 38 12 8 .329 .388 .496 .167 2 4
1994 DET MLB AL 311 292 38 78 17 1 8 121 28 16 35 3 0 .267 .307 .414 .147 0 2
1995 DET MLB AL 255 223 28 60 12 0 2 78 23 27 19 3 1 .269 .345 .350 .081 2 3
1996 DET MLB AL 207 193 16 45 2 0 1 50 16 10 27 6 0 .233 .267 .259 .026 3 1

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation


Year Team Salary


Service TimeAgentContract Status
John Boggs1996

  • 1 year/$0.6M (1996). Re-signed by Detroit as a free agent 1/24/96.
  • 1 year/$1.3M (1995). Re-signed by Detroit as a free agent 4/8/95.
  • 1 year/$3M (1994). Re-signed by Detroit as a free agent 11/3/93,.
  • 1 year/$1.4M (1993). Re-signed by Detroit as a free agent 12/2/92. $0.2M signing bonus. Earned additional $0.4275M in bonuses.
  • 3 years/$6.5M (1990-92). Signed extension with Detroit 3/4/90. At signing, largest contract in club history. 90:$1.8M, 91:$2.2M, 92:$2.4M.
  • 2 years/$2.5M (1988-89).
  • 7 years/$2.8M (1981-87). Signed extension with Detroit 8/80.
  • 1 year/$0.13M (1980). Won arbitration with Detroit 2/80 ($0.13M-$0.102M).
  • 1 year/$60,000 (1979).
  • 1 year/$21,000 (1978).
  • Drafted by Detroit 1976 (2-26) (Kearny HS, San Diego). $35,000 signing bonus.

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2017-05-03 20:00:00 (link to chat)Do you have any favourite teams? Players?
(Ryan from Ottawa)
I grew up in Chicago, a White Sox fan, but I also happened to love the Expos. Tim Raines getting in the Hall of Fame was overdue. About as overdue as Lou Whitaker and Alan Trammell getting in the Hall. Travesties, particularly Trammell. (David Brown)
2012-01-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)It is nice here.
(Envious Mustache from Elysian Fields)
And the winner is... Barry Larkin with 86.4 percent of the vote, the only player elected this year as expected. Some big surprises, good and bad, among the next wave. Jack Morris at 66.7 percent has put himself in good position to get over the top despite the crowd, Jeff Bagwell at 56.0 percent made a solid advance in the face of an odious whisper campaign, Lee Smith got to 50.6 percent, Tim Raines is very close to that mark at 48.7 percent, and even Alan Trammell posted a solid gain at 36.8 percent. Hell, Bernie Williams got 9.6 percent and stays on the ballot after all. (Jay Jaffe's Hall of Fame Special)
2011-05-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Nice start for A.J. - HBP on an 0-2 count and a wild pickoff throw to 1st to get Sizemore to 3rd. April is over ...
(goodwine10 from New York, NY)
These things happen. What's more interesting to me is that for all the supposed wonderfulness of Burnett's April, his ERA was only about league average... YES just flashed the names Kirk Gibson, Jack Morris, Alan Trammell, and Lou Whitaker. At least one of those guys should be in the Hall of Fame, and it's not Morris. (Steven Goldman)
2011-01-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)I always thought Alan Trammell and Lou Whitaker are given a poor shake. If they had played together in New York all those years, They'd be In! Your thoughts?
(Avenger Dad from Jenny Lind, Ca)
There's no doubt that east coast media exposure would have helped that duo - you could put them in Philadelphia or Boston and probably still see a significant bump.

What kills me is that there are voters who will eagerly check the box next to Jack Morris' name without recognizing that he had outstanding run support and defensive support, and that Trammell and Whitaker were a big part of that for his entire career as a Tiger. Yet those voters let Whitaker slip off the ballot after a single vote, and still won't give Trammell the time of day. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-10-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think Ian Desmond has the potential that the organization seems to think he has?
(Charlie from Bethesda, MD)
The errors trouble me, the lack of selectivity troubles me, but as Christina pointed out in her aforementioned GM for a Day piece, putting Desmond and Danny Espinosa together up the middle seems like a no-brainer, a chance to have some above-average pop at those positions. As she said, they're not going to be Lou Whitaker and Alan Trammell (Trammell for the Hall of Fame NOW!) but they don't need to be. (Steven Goldman)
2010-07-01 14:00:00 (link to chat)looks like Daniel Fields is holding his own as a 19 year old in the FSL, any word on how he looks? is he still at SS? Detroit hasn't had a decent homegrown SS since Alan Trammell.
(don from lansing)
He's playing center field, and looking good there. Holding his own is all he's doing. Good approach, but a lot of strikeouts. Bit of a project, but like the upside. (Kevin Goldstein)
2010-01-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)Surprised at the vote?
(Tim from Tampa)
Surprised but not terribly so. My conclusion to today's piece:

So with the business of the pitchers concluded, we add Bert Blyleven to the ranks of Roberto Alomar, Barry Larkin, Edgar Martinez, Mark McGwire, Tim Raines, and Alan Trammell on the JAWS 2010 ballot. With the voting results scheduled be announced later today (Wednesday), I wouldn't be at all surprised if that slate draws a blank while Andre Dawson gets in, though I do think Alomar has a decent shot (early returns suggest reasons for optimism) and Blyleven may be nearing the tipping point. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-01-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)I'd call this good news for Bert. I was worried he'd stagnate around 62%. do you have the % of the vote for Edgar, Raines and Barry? They don't have it on Thanks.
(collins from greenville nc)
539 ballots, five blanks, Andre Dawson 420 (77.9%), Bert Blyleven 400 (74.2%), Roberto Alomar 397 (73.7%), Jack Morris 282 (52.3%), Barry Larkin 278 (51.6%), Lee Smith 255 (47.3%), Edgar Martinez 195 (36.2%), Tim Raines 164 (30.4%), Mark McGwire 128 (23.7%), Alan Trammell 121 (22.4%), Fred McGriff 116 (21.5%), Don Mattingly 87 (16.1%), Dave Parker 82 (15.2%), Dale Murphy 63 (11.7%), Harold Baines 33 (6.1%), Andres Galarraga 22 (4.1%), Robin Ventura 7 (1.3%), Ellis Burks 2 (0.4%), Eric Karros 2 (0.4%), Kevin Appier 1 (0.2%), Pat Hentgen 1 (0.2%), David Segui 1 (0.2%), Mike Jackson 0, Ray Lankford 0, Shane Reynolds 0, Todd Zeile 0.

Segui gets his vote. Baines remains on life support thanks to the persistence of a stubborn few. Karros receives more votes than he had All-Star appearances. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-01-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)Seeing how there's very little chance the writers ever induct him, is it likely that Alan Trammell and Lou Whitaker eventually make it in to the Hall on a veteran's committee twin killing?
(Mike from Chicago)
Given their resistance to electing ANYBODY, you're going to have to kill more than just the Twins who are on the Veterans Committee to get Trammell and Whitaker in. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-07-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)I can't believe that Alan Trammell doesn't get more publicity as a HOF snub. His numbers are almost identical to Ozzie Smith who got 90 percent of the vote? I guess it's because he couldn't do a backflip or have a flashy nickname.
(dangor from New York)
Outstanding candidate who's gotten an extremely raw deal. I think he's about 10 JAWS points above the Hall standard for shortstops, and he's well ahead in terms of both batting and fielding runs. It's a crime, I tellz ya! (Jay Jaffe)
2009-06-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Well, just in case my question disappeared last time, I was wondering what you thought of Barry Larkin's HOF chances. The guy doesn't seem to get enough credit for his fantastic career.
(Mike from Queens)
I think it was Bill James who said that the only thing Larkin couldn't do was stay healthy. Even with that caveat, he was still a tremendous player and easily one of the best all-around shortstops of all time. If anything makes me nervous about his chances, it's that his numbers are broadly similar to Alan Trammell's, and the voters have missed badly on him. That said, his numbers are a little better and a little flashier due to playing a bit later. He'll also gain in luster as long as he's not connected with PEDs and all the A-1 candidates are (fairly or not). In short, he'll be going. Maybe he'll wait a bit, but he should be in there. That is, he should be and he will be. (Steven Goldman)
2008-06-03 13:00:00 (link to chat)What team did you grow up rooting for?
(Rob from Bloomington, IL)
I grew up in mid-Michigan rooting for the Tigers. One of the thrills of my life has been getting to hang around one of my childhood heroes, Cubs bench coach Alan Trammell, who happens to be one of the nicest human beings on the planet and a terrific baseball man. (Len Kasper)
2008-05-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)Does Omar Vizquel make the Hall of Fame? If so, is he the worst BBWAA inductee? Assuming he gets in via the writers, of course.
(Eric J from Tulsa OK)
Hard to say. I don't think we have any idea what the BBWAA is thinking, collectively, and we could see some silliness as regards narrative in the next 20 years. Maybe Vizquel benefits. Since he's 102% of Dave Concepcion, and 95% of Alan Trammell, I'd say he wouldn't be worse than Sutter. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-03-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)With Miguel Tejada's decline the last year or so, is it safe to say now that while he's had a really good career, he won't be a HOFer? Starting with the Larkin era , who of the recent and present shortstops do you now think makes the HOF?
(Dusty from Not Chicago!!!)
Right now I'd say Tejada's biggest problem isn't the decline of his skills but his presence in the Mitchell Report and his possible role in the Rafael Palmeiro situation, including the subsequent perjury investigation. Until we see the BBWAA voters give even one steroid-connected player a pass, all bets are off for the lot of 'em.

As for recent and present shortstops who are Hallworthy, the line starts with Alan Trammell. I don't have my JAWS spreadsheet open (I'm working the laptop for the moment to surmount my tech difficulties) but I do believe Larkin has a decent case. More recently, A-Rod is an obvious choice, as is Derek Jeter. Beyond that, and then Tejada, I think there's a pretty big gap until you get to the younger playes like Reyes and Rollins who are only starting to assemble their credentials. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-02-07 14:00:00 (link to chat)Bill James HOF book showed that about 10% of at bats have gone to hall of famers over the years other than the '20s and '30s, which were higher. This seems like a good barometer. It also seems the '80s & '90s will be lower than this. I think the bar has been raised too high, c.f. Alan Trammell and Tim Raines. Your thoughts?
(WillMeier from Muskegon, MI)
It does seem that the BBWAA has become more picky over the years--but then again, they've elected Tony Perez, Bruce Sutter and, next year, Jim Rice. Hard to say they're upholding a standard.

Remember that we're not dealing with complete information yet. Only players who ended their careers by 1988 have gone through a full ballot cycle. No one has been elected by the VC yet, and that system will change four more times before lunch. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-01-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)my prediction: Goose in. Rice misses by an extremely small margin. Much, much bleating commences over the voters who submitted blanks to protest roids users, thus depriving the "deserving" pre-roids slugger.
(TomH from Lexington Park MD)
The Goose is Loose! He gets 85.8 percent, and he's the only one who gets in on this ballot.

Rice falls just shy at 72.2 percent, setting him up for a 15th-year push.

Raines 24.3 percent. Oh is that ugly.

Player Total Votes Percentage Rich Gossage 466 85.8% Jim Rice 392 72.2% Andre Dawson 358 65.9% Bert Blyleven 336 61.9% Lee Smith 235 43.3% Jack Morris 233 42.9% Tommy John 158 29.1% Tim Raines 132 24.3% Mark McGwire 128 23.6% Alan Trammell 99 18.2% Dave Concepcion 88 16.2% Don Mattingly 86 15.8% Dave Parker 82 15.1% Dale Murphy 75 13.8% Harold Baines 28 5.2% Rod Beck 2 0.4% Travis Fryman 2 0.4% Robb Nen 2 0.4% Shawon Dunston 1 0.2% Chuck Finley 1 0.2% David Justice 1 0.2% Chuck Knoblauch 1 0.2% Todd Stottlemyre 1 0.2%
Jose Rijo 0 0% Brady Anderson 0 0% (Jay Jaffe)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2008-10-22 16:30:00World Series Game One"Jon (DC): Just curious Steven, who would you have voted for in the NL in 1987: either Clark, Raines?"

Neither. Ozzie Smith. Alan Trammell in the AL. And those are first guesses -- said so at the time. Nearly lost some teeth to a fellow high school student who was a big Andre Dawson fan...

...That guy is now an ardent Republican.
(Steven Goldman)