
Portrait of Paul Molitor

Paul Molitor DHBrewers

Brewers Player Cards | Brewers Team Audit | Brewers Depth Chart

Career Summary
21 12160 .306 .369 .448 119 66.6
Birth Date8-22-1956
Height6' 0"
Weight185 lbs
Age67 years, 8 months, 3 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1978 MIL 21 125 556 142 26 4 6 19 54 4 30 12 .273 .301 .372 82 -9.5 5.1 -4.6 0.7
1979 MIL 22 140 645 188 27 16 9 48 48 2 33 13 .322 .372 .469 119 16.8 9.3 6.6 5.2
1980 MIL 23 111 512 137 29 2 9 48 48 3 34 7 .304 .372 .438 120 13.0 4.5 -6.4 2.6
1981 MIL 24 64 284 67 11 0 2 25 29 3 10 6 .267 .341 .335 96 -1.6 3.7 -1.3 0.8
1982 MIL 25 160 751 201 26 8 19 69 93 1 41 9 .302 .366 .450 127 24.5 6.2 1.0 5.8
1983 MIL 26 152 682 164 28 6 15 59 74 2 41 8 .270 .333 .410 107 5.8 2.0 8.3 3.9
1984 MIL 27 13 49 10 1 0 0 2 8 0 1 0 .217 .245 .239 69 -1.6 -1.2 0.5 -0.1
1985 MIL 28 140 642 171 28 3 10 54 80 1 21 7 .297 .356 .408 106 6.6 6.2 4.2 3.9
1986 MIL 29 105 482 123 24 6 9 40 81 0 20 5 .281 .340 .426 101 1.5 5.8 5.6 2.8
1987 MIL 30 118 542 164 41 5 16 69 67 2 45 10 .353 .438 .566 143 29.2 7.0 -2.8 4.4
1988 MIL 31 154 690 190 34 6 13 71 54 2 41 10 .312 .384 .452 133 25.2 5.8 -3.1 4.8
1989 MIL 32 155 696 194 35 4 11 64 67 4 27 11 .315 .379 .439 129 23.2 3.3 8.9 5.8
1990 MIL 33 103 458 119 27 6 12 37 51 1 18 3 .285 .343 .464 122 11.5 4.4 3.2 3.0
1991 MIL 34 158 749 216 32 13 17 77 62 6 19 8 .325 .399 .489 139 35.5 9.2 -3.4 5.1
1992 MIL 35 158 700 195 36 7 12 73 66 3 31 6 .320 .389 .461 137 30.8 0.7 -1.0 4.1
1993 TOR 36 160 725 211 37 5 22 77 71 3 22 4 .332 .402 .509 141 39.3 8.2 3.7 5.9
1994 TOR 37 115 515 155 30 4 14 55 48 1 20 0 .341 .410 .518 136 26.3 2.3 0.2 3.3
1995 TOR 38 130 598 142 31 2 15 61 57 5 12 0 .270 .350 .423 105 6.0 -3.9 0.0 0.8
1996 MIN 39 161 728 225 41 8 9 56 72 3 18 6 .341 .390 .468 114 16.6 -0.6 0.8 2.4
1997 MIN 40 135 597 164 32 4 10 45 73 0 11 4 .305 .351 .435 103 4.6 0.6 0.3 1.1
1998 MIN 41 126 559 141 29 5 4 45 41 1 9 2 .281 .335 .382 89 -6.5 5.5 -0.9 0.3

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1978 MIL MLB AL 125 556 .262 .322 .390 .292 98 -1.9 14.5 1.2 82 11 -4.6 5.1 -9.5 0.7
1979 MIL MLB AL 140 645 .269 .334 .411 .336 98 29 18.1 -0.7 119 11 6.6 9.3 16.8 5.2
1980 MIL MLB AL 111 512 .272 .331 .407 .322 97 18.8 13.8 -0.5 120 13 -6.4 4.5 13.0 2.6
1981 MIL MLB AL 64 284 .255 .318 .368 .295 96 0.3 7.2 -0.8 96 16 -1.3 3.7 -1.6 0.8
1982 MIL MLB AL 160 751 .264 .325 .403 .326 98 34.6 20.3 2.4 127 10 1.0 6.2 24.5 5.8
1983 MIL MLB AL 152 682 .264 .324 .402 .284 95 9.7 18.5 2.5 107 8 8.3 2.0 5.8 3.9
1984 MIL MLB AL 13 49 .270 .330 .405 .256 91 -3.3 1.3 -0.1 69 13 0.5 -1.2 -1.6 -0.1
1985 MIL MLB AL 140 642 .259 .322 .399 .329 96 14.4 17.5 2 106 9 4.2 6.2 6.6 3.9
1986 MIL MLB AL 105 482 .258 .326 .403 .326 100 7.5 13.3 0.6 101 9 5.6 5.8 1.5 2.8
1987 MIL MLB AL 118 542 .266 .331 .426 .386 101 45.2 16.0 -4.7 143 10 -2.8 7.0 29.2 4.4
1988 MIL MLB AL 154 690 .260 .320 .393 .325 100 29.9 18.1 -1.9 133 9 -3.1 5.8 25.2 4.8
1989 MIL MLB AL 155 696 .263 .325 .387 .335 97 37.1 18.2 -0.4 129 7 8.9 3.3 23.2 5.8
1990 MIL MLB AL 103 458 .260 .324 .391 .300 99 13.8 12.3 -3.4 122 8 3.2 4.4 11.5 3.0
1990 BLT A MDW 1 4 .000 .000 .000 .333 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1991 MIL MLB AL 158 749 .263 .329 .399 .339 101 40.9 20.3 -13 139 9 -3.4 9.2 35.5 5.1
1992 MIL MLB AL 158 700 .260 .327 .385 .338 96 38.7 18.1 -11.6 137 8 -1.0 0.7 30.8 4.1
1993 TOR MLB AL 160 725 .268 .334 .412 .343 103 41.3 20.8 -13.3 141 10 3.7 8.2 39.3 5.9
1994 TOR MLB AL 115 515 .275 .341 .438 .355 99 30.1 15.6 -10 136 11 0.2 2.3 26.3 3.3
1995 TOR MLB AL 130 598 .271 .342 .427 .278 98 7.6 17.9 -11.5 105 9 0.0 -3.9 6.0 0.8
1996 MIN MLB AL 161 728 .280 .350 .449 .367 103 24.5 22.5 -14.4 114 8 0.8 -0.6 16.6 2.4
1997 MIN MLB AL 135 597 .268 .335 .421 .330 97 9.2 16.5 -11.3 103 9 0.3 0.6 4.6 1.1
1998 MIN MLB AL 126 559 .268 .334 .425 .293 100 -7.7 15.2 -10.6 89 9 -0.9 5.5 -6.5 0.3
1998 SLC AAA PCL 0 10 .000 .000 .000 .500 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1978 MIL MLB AL 556 521 73 142 26 4 6 194 45 19 54 30 12 .273 .301 .372 .100 5 7
1979 MIL MLB AL 645 584 88 188 27 16 9 274 62 48 48 33 13 .322 .372 .469 .147 5 6
1980 MIL MLB AL 512 450 81 137 29 2 9 197 37 48 48 34 7 .304 .372 .438 .133 5 6
1981 MIL MLB AL 284 251 45 67 11 0 2 84 19 25 29 10 6 .267 .341 .335 .068 0 5
1982 MIL MLB AL 751 666 136 201 26 8 19 300 71 69 93 41 9 .302 .366 .450 .149 5 10
1983 MIL MLB AL 682 608 95 164 28 6 15 249 47 59 74 41 8 .270 .333 .410 .140 6 7
1984 MIL MLB AL 49 46 3 10 1 0 0 11 6 2 8 1 0 .217 .245 .239 .022 1 0
1985 MIL MLB AL 642 576 93 171 28 3 10 235 48 54 80 21 7 .297 .356 .408 .111 4 7
1986 MIL MLB AL 482 437 62 123 24 6 9 186 55 40 81 20 5 .281 .340 .426 .144 3 2
1987 MIL MLB AL 542 465 114 164 41 5 16 263 75 69 67 45 10 .353 .438 .566 .213 1 5
1988 MIL MLB AL 690 609 115 190 34 6 13 275 60 71 54 41 10 .312 .384 .452 .140 3 5
1989 MIL MLB AL 696 615 84 194 35 4 11 270 56 64 67 27 11 .315 .379 .439 .124 9 4
1990 BLT A MDW 4 4 1 2 0 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 .500 .500 1.250 .750 0 0
1990 MIL MLB AL 458 418 64 119 27 6 12 194 45 37 51 18 3 .285 .343 .464 .179 2 0
1991 MIL MLB AL 749 665 133 216 32 13 17 325 75 77 62 19 8 .325 .399 .489 .164 1 0
1992 MIL MLB AL 700 609 89 195 36 7 12 281 89 73 66 31 6 .320 .389 .461 .141 11 4
1993 TOR MLB AL 725 636 121 211 37 5 22 324 111 77 71 22 4 .332 .402 .509 .178 8 1
1994 TOR MLB AL 515 454 86 155 30 4 14 235 75 55 48 20 0 .341 .410 .518 .176 5 0
1995 TOR MLB AL 598 525 63 142 31 2 15 222 60 61 57 12 0 .270 .350 .423 .152 4 3
1996 MIN MLB AL 728 660 99 225 41 8 9 309 113 56 72 18 6 .341 .390 .468 .127 9 0
1997 MIN MLB AL 597 538 63 164 32 4 10 234 89 45 73 11 4 .305 .351 .435 .130 12 2
1998 MIN MLB AL 559 502 75 141 29 5 4 192 69 45 41 9 2 .281 .335 .382 .102 10 1
1998 SLC AAA PCL 10 10 0 5 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 .500 .500 .600 .100 0 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
1998-06-21 1998-07-15 15-DL 24 20 - Trunk Fracture 9th Rib HBP - -
1997-04-14 1997-05-03 15-DL 19 17 - Abdomen Strain - -
1984-05-02 1984-10-01 152 137 Right Elbow Surgery Tommy John Surgery 1984-05-21


Year Team Salary


Service TimeAgentContract Status


2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2017-03-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)How many wins does Twins manager Paul Molitor need in 2017 to return in 2018? Or is it more approach/open mindedness that matters? Little of both?
(LenBarson from St. Paul)
Tough to say. The new front office retaining Molitor as manager, at least for one season, is interesting. They've talked a good game so far about being on the same page, but through his first two years on the job Molitor has been better in theory than in practice. He's a lot more old-school than I'd hoped when he replaced Gardenhire. Bullpen management, lineup construction, platooning, etc. Didn't impress in any of those areas. It's possible that his win total won't matter much, short of making the playoffs, if they simply want to bring in their own guy for 2018. It'll be an improved team, though, almost by default. (Aaron Gleeman)
2015-10-22 14:00:00 (link to chat)To follow up on the Ventura question. Who is Managing a Major Leaugue team right now that shouldn't be?
(Joshua from Chicago)
Fredi Gonzalez, Ventura, Bryan Price, Walt Weiss, Brad Ausmus, Paul Molitor, Craig Counsell, Mike Matheny. (Matthew Trueblood)
2008-11-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hey Joe, I love your work, but throw away comments like this: "Because his offense isn't developing, and there's a notion--one I can get behind--that he's stagnating as a player in part because of his inability to master second base" cause me to scratch my head. What would lead you to believe that Weeks' inability to defend has a negative effect on his hitting, or that switching to an arguably harder position would increase his offensive production? Is there any evidence that supports players switching positions and then producing more at the plate?
(Steve from NY)
No studies. Scads of ancedotal evidence. B.J. Upton, Craig Biggio come immediately to mind. Paul Molitor, maybe. We know that Weeks hasn't hit as expected. We know that he's struggled to master second base. We know that he has tools that might translate to center field. There's risk, sure, but there's upside as well. I'd rather take a shot with the position change. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-10-24 14:00:00 (link to chat)It seems like there are no players on either team who are already good Hall of Fame candidates (though guys like Utley, Upton, etc. have time to qualify.) Can you ever remember a Series without such an established veteran star?
(oira61 from San Francisco)
Wow, that's a good question, one that pretty much ties into what I was saying a couple of days ago about how rare it is to get two fresh teams facing off in the series for the first time in awhile. Add to that the fact that both teams are dominated by younger guys whose best days may still be ahead of them and you wind up with a situation like this. I'm jogging my memory and looking back over the WS matchups and thinking that we've hit a real stumper. At the time, people wondered aloud if the 1998 Yankees would yield a Hall of Famer, but now it's apparent that Mariano Rivera and Derek Jeter will make it if nobody else does, to say nothing of Tony Gwynn from the opposite dugout.

The 1982 matchup maybe - at the time it certainly wasn't apparent that Ozzie Smith, Robin Yount, Paul Molitor or Don Sutton would make it (Sutton would win 60-something more games in the majors), adn Rollie Fingers was sidelined too. Definitely a question to sock away for future pondering. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-05-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)Isn't an 80s book only gonna bring back MORE nostalgia for the "beloved" 1982 Brewers? Can we please tell the people of Milwaukee that this isn't necessarily a GOOD thing, since it leads to things like Ned Yost as manager, Ted Simmons and/or Robin Yount as manager(s) in waiting, and the pleading for Paul Molitor to do anything with the club. /end vent.
(strupp from Madison)
I'm going to refer your question to resident Brewers aficionado Jay Jaffe, who will be handling Milwaukee duties on the book. Your question reminds me of the Washington Senators, where Clark Griffith tended to re-employ any player who used to work for him. (Steven Goldman)
2008-01-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)How many players have ever been inducted into the Hall with as low of a vote percentage as Raines received today? Also, will we be waiting for Frank Thomas to be inducted for the DH position to be recognized by the Hall? Is Thomas looked at as a first ballot guy?
(Brian from Tinley)
In the question above, I meant 15 years on the ballot, not 20 - that's 20 years after the end of his career.

As for the question at hand, confining ourselves to the post 1965 annual balloting era, Duke Snider (17.0%), Don Derysdale (21.0%), Billy Williams (23.4%) and Bruce Sutter (23.9%) started out in bigger holes than Raines.

As for Frank Thomas, I do think Paul Molitor already scored some points on behalf of the DHs. Thomas, with 500+homers and a 400+ OBP, could well be a first-ballot guy. At 101.7 JAWS, he's about 12 points above the 1B benchmark. (Jay Jaffe)

BP Roundtables

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