
Portrait of Ivan Rodriguez

Ivan Rodriguez CRangers

Rangers Player Cards | Rangers Team Audit | Rangers Depth Chart

Career Summary
23 10270 .296 .334 .464 101 60.1
Birth Date11-27-1971
Height5' 9"
Weight205 lbs
Age53 years, 2 months, 26 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1991 TEX 19 88 288 74 16 0 3 5 42 0 0 1 .264 .276 .354 67 -10.4 -1.7 -1.3 -0.1
1992 TEX 20 123 454 109 16 1 8 24 73 1 0 0 .260 .300 .360 79 -9.0 3.7 3.2 1.8
1993 TEX 21 137 519 129 28 4 10 29 70 4 8 7 .273 .315 .412 88 -6.0 0.1 5.5 2.4
1994 TEX 22 99 405 108 19 1 16 31 42 7 6 3 .298 .360 .488 121 12.8 -1.9 6.3 3.6
1995 TEX 23 130 517 149 32 2 12 16 48 4 0 2 .303 .327 .449 95 -1.9 -1.7 7.7 2.8
1996 TEX 24 153 685 192 47 3 19 38 55 4 5 0 .300 .342 .473 105 7.7 4.2 10.0 5.2
1997 TEX 25 150 648 187 34 4 20 38 89 8 7 3 .313 .360 .484 116 16.1 0.3 8.7 5.3
1998 TEX 26 145 617 186 40 4 21 32 88 3 9 0 .321 .358 .513 114 12.5 0.0 -1.5 3.7
1999 TEX 27 144 630 199 29 1 35 24 64 1 25 12 .332 .356 .558 123 22.5 -3.6 15.2 6.0
2000 TEX 28 91 389 126 27 4 27 19 48 1 5 5 .347 .375 .667 136 21.6 -1.5 2.5 3.9
2001 TEX 29 111 470 136 24 2 25 23 73 4 10 3 .308 .347 .541 125 17.2 0.5 11.9 5.0
2002 TEX 30 108 440 128 32 2 19 25 71 2 5 4 .314 .353 .542 119 12.5 0.0 -8.0 2.4
2003 FLO 31 144 578 152 36 3 16 55 92 6 10 6 .297 .369 .474 116 13.6 1.0 4.6 4.4
2004 DET 32 135 575 176 32 2 19 41 91 3 7 4 .334 .383 .510 124 18.2 -2.9 -14.8 2.6
2005 DET 33 129 525 139 33 5 14 11 93 2 7 3 .276 .290 .444 86 -8.2 3.1 7.0 2.6
2006 DET 34 136 580 164 28 4 13 26 86 1 8 3 .300 .332 .437 95 -1.1 -1.0 1.3 2.5
2007 DET 35 129 515 141 31 3 11 9 96 1 2 2 .281 .294 .420 72 -16.0 -4.7 4.6 0.8
2008 DET 36 82 328 89 16 3 5 19 52 2 6 1 .295 .338 .417 82 -6.6 -0.3 -0.5 0.8
2008 NYA 36 33 101 21 4 0 2 4 15 1 4 0 .219 .257 .323 83 -1.9 0.7 1.1 0.4
2009 HOU 37 93 344 82 15 2 8 13 74 1 0 2 .251 .280 .382 70 -11.8 2.9 -1.6 0.5
2009 TEX 37 28 104 24 8 0 2 5 18 0 1 0 .245 .279 .388 72 -3.3 1.1 1.0 0.3
2010 WAS 38 111 421 106 18 1 4 16 66 1 2 3 .266 .294 .347 69 -14.4 -5.1 25.4 2.6
2011 WAS 39 44 137 27 7 0 2 10 28 1 0 0 .218 .281 .323 75 -3.8 0.4 2.9 0.6

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1989 GAS A SAL 112 418 .000 .000 .000 .261 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1990 PCH A+ FSL 109 432 .000 .000 .000 .322 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1991 TEX MLB AL 88 288 .260 .325 .395 .301 99 -8.6 7.8 4.7 67 15 -1.3 -1.7 -10.4 -0.1
1991 TUL AA TXS 50 188 .000 .000 .000 .308 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1992 TEX MLB AL 123 454 .259 .326 .388 .296 100 -10.9 11.8 7 79 10 3.2 3.7 -9.0 1.8
1993 TEX MLB AL 137 519 .268 .334 .412 .297 99 -4.2 14.9 8.8 88 13 5.5 0.1 -6.0 2.4
1994 TEX MLB AL 99 405 .271 .341 .427 .298 100 10.9 12.3 7.5 121 11 6.3 -1.9 12.8 3.6
1995 TEX MLB AL 130 517 .269 .342 .420 .314 100 4.5 15.5 9.1 95 11 7.7 -1.7 -1.9 2.8
1996 TEX MLB AL 153 685 .280 .351 .452 .304 104 5 21.2 11.7 105 10 10.0 4.2 7.7 5.2
1997 TEX MLB AL 150 648 .268 .332 .423 .339 107 8.9 17.9 10.8 116 11 8.7 0.3 16.1 5.3
1998 TEX MLB AL 145 617 .268 .337 .429 .349 105 14.1 16.8 10.1 114 12 -1.5 0.0 12.5 3.7
1999 TEX MLB AL 144 630 .276 .347 .444 .324 104 16.4 17.6 11.8 123 8 15.2 -3.6 22.5 6.0
2000 TEX MLB AL 91 389 .270 .338 .437 .337 95 32.7 12.3 7.2 136 9 2.5 -1.5 21.6 3.9
2001 TEX MLB AL 111 470 .264 .327 .426 .322 103 15.5 14.0 7.7 125 11 11.9 0.5 17.2 5.0
2002 TEX MLB AL 108 440 .259 .322 .415 .339 107 11.8 12.7 6.7 119 11 -8.0 0.0 12.5 2.4
2002 PCH A+ FSL 3 9 .000 .000 .000 .500 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2003 FLO MLB NL 144 578 .262 .330 .418 .333 98 18.5 15.2 10 116 7 4.6 1.0 13.6 4.4
2004 DET MLB AL 135 575 .272 .337 .440 .373 103 21.1 17.1 9.1 124 10 -14.8 -2.9 18.2 2.6
2005 DET MLB AL 129 525 .266 .327 .421 .309 102 -5.2 15.1 8.6 86 11 7.0 3.1 -8.2 2.6
2006 DET MLB AL 136 580 .275 .336 .437 .336 107 -4.1 17.5 8.7 95 6 1.3 -1.0 -1.1 2.5
2007 DET MLB AL 129 515 .268 .329 .422 .327 103 -14.6 15.3 9 72 10 4.6 -4.7 -16.0 0.8
2008 DET MLB AL 82 328 .263 .327 .414 .340 102 -1.9 9.5 5.7 82 6 -0.5 -0.3 -6.6 0.8
2008 NYA MLB AL 33 101 .256 .322 .406 .241 104 -7.4 2.9 1.6 83 7 1.1 0.7 -1.9 0.4
2009 HOU MLB NL 93 344 .264 .332 .427 .300 95 -13.3 9.9 5.9 70 11 -1.6 2.9 -11.8 0.5
2009 TEX MLB AL 28 104 .267 .330 .434 .278 107 -4 3.0 1.4 72 11 1.0 1.1 -3.3 0.3
2010 WAS MLB NL 111 421 .256 .322 .398 .307 93 -13.7 11.6 6.9 69 11 25.4 -5.1 -14.4 2.6
2010 POT A+ CRL 1 3 .261 .317 .399 .000 106 -0.2 0.1 0.1 21 0 -0.1 0.1 -0.2 0.0
2011 WAS MLB NL 44 137 .258 .317 .403 .266 95 -5.9 3.7 2.1 75 12 2.9 0.4 -3.8 0.6
2011 POT A+ CAR 1 3 .221 .287 .342 .000 85 1.1 0.1 0.1 147 0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
2011 HAR AA EAS 3 10 .267 .340 .423 .250 81 -0.1 0.3 0.1 86 0 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.0
2011 CAG Wnt PWL 11 37 .000 .000 .000 .148 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1989 GAS A SAL 418 386 38 92 22 1 7 137 42 21 58 2 5 .238 .278 .355 .117 5 5
1990 PCH A+ FSL 432 408 48 117 17 7 2 154 55 12 50 1 0 .287 .318 .377 .091 1 1
1991 TEX MLB AL 288 280 24 74 16 0 3 99 27 5 42 0 1 .264 .276 .354 .089 1 2
1991 TUL AA TXS 188 175 16 48 7 2 3 68 28 6 27 1 2 .274 .301 .389 .114 1 1
1992 TEX MLB AL 454 420 39 109 16 1 8 151 37 24 73 0 0 .260 .300 .360 .100 2 7
1993 TEX MLB AL 519 473 56 129 28 4 10 195 66 29 70 8 7 .273 .315 .412 .140 8 5
1994 TEX MLB AL 405 363 56 108 19 1 16 177 57 31 42 6 3 .298 .360 .488 .190 4 0
1995 TEX MLB AL 517 492 56 149 32 2 12 221 67 16 48 0 2 .303 .327 .449 .146 5 0
1996 TEX MLB AL 685 639 116 192 47 3 19 302 86 38 55 5 0 .300 .342 .473 .172 4 0
1997 TEX MLB AL 648 597 98 187 34 4 20 289 77 38 89 7 3 .313 .360 .484 .171 4 1
1998 TEX MLB AL 617 579 88 186 40 4 21 297 91 32 88 9 0 .321 .358 .513 .192 3 0
1999 TEX MLB AL 630 600 116 199 29 1 35 335 113 24 64 25 12 .332 .356 .558 .227 5 0
2000 TEX MLB AL 389 363 66 126 27 4 27 242 83 19 48 5 5 .347 .375 .667 .320 6 0
2001 TEX MLB AL 470 442 70 136 24 2 25 239 65 23 73 10 3 .308 .347 .541 .233 1 0
2002 TEX MLB AL 440 408 67 128 32 2 19 221 60 25 71 5 4 .314 .353 .542 .228 4 1
2002 PCH A+ FSL 9 9 1 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 .333 .333 .333 .000 0 0
2003 FLO MLB NL 578 511 90 152 36 3 16 242 85 55 92 10 6 .297 .369 .474 .176 5 1
2004 DET MLB AL 575 527 72 176 32 2 19 269 86 41 91 7 4 .334 .383 .510 .176 4 0
2005 DET MLB AL 525 504 71 139 33 5 14 224 50 11 93 7 3 .276 .290 .444 .169 7 1
2006 DET MLB AL 580 547 74 164 28 4 13 239 69 26 86 8 3 .300 .332 .437 .137 2 4
2007 DET MLB AL 515 502 50 141 31 3 11 211 63 9 96 2 2 .281 .294 .420 .139 2 1
2008 DET MLB AL 328 302 33 89 16 3 5 126 32 19 52 6 1 .295 .338 .417 .123 2 3
2008 NYA MLB AL 101 96 11 21 4 0 2 31 3 4 15 4 0 .219 .257 .323 .104 0 0
2009 HOU MLB NL 344 327 41 82 15 2 8 125 34 13 74 0 2 .251 .280 .382 .131 2 1
2009 TEX MLB AL 104 98 14 24 8 0 2 38 13 5 18 1 0 .245 .279 .388 .143 1 0
2010 POT A+ CRL 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 0 0
2010 WAS MLB NL 421 398 32 106 18 1 4 138 49 16 66 2 3 .266 .294 .347 .080 4 2
2011 WAS MLB NL 137 124 14 27 7 0 2 40 19 10 28 0 0 .218 .281 .323 .105 0 2
2011 CAG Wnt PWL 37 36 0 4 1 0 0 5 2 1 9 0 0 .111 .135 .139 .028 0 0
2011 POT A+ CAR 3 3 1 1 0 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 .333 .333 1.333 1.000 0 0
2011 HAR AA EAS 10 9 2 2 1 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 .222 .300 .333 .111 0 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 1488 0.5007 0.5793 0.8016 0.7356 0.4226 0.8704 0.6815 0.1984 -0.0100
2009 1587 0.4953 0.5690 0.7641 0.7125 0.4282 0.8429 0.6356 0.2359 -0.0022
2010 1442 0.4653 0.5589 0.7928 0.6975 0.4384 0.8675 0.6893 0.2072 -0.0088
2011 539 0.4991 0.5195 0.8286 0.6952 0.3444 0.8663 0.7527 0.1714 -0.0012

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2011-07-07 2011-09-03 15-DL 58 48 Right Abdomen Strain Oblique - -
2011-03-15 2011-03-19 Camp 4 0 Left Lower Leg Strain Calf -
2010-09-08 2010-09-10 DTD 2 1 General Medical Illness -
2010-05-23 2010-06-08 15-DL 16 14 Low Back Strain -
2010-05-21 2010-05-21 DTD 0 0 Low Back Stiffness -
2010-04-24 2010-04-27 DTD 3 3 Low Back Tightness -
2010-04-13 2010-04-14 DTD 1 0 Low Back Spasms -
2009-05-25 2009-05-25 DTD 0 0 Left Knee Sprain MCL -
2008-08-09 2008-08-09 On-Alr 0 0 Neck Whiplash -
2008-08-07 2008-08-09 DTD 2 2 Right Knee Contusion -
2007-09-11 2007-09-11 DTD 0 0 General Medical Illness Dizziness -
2007-08-15 2007-08-16 DTD 1 1 General Medical Respiratory Flu -
2007-08-05 2007-08-07 DTD 2 2 Ankle Soreness -
2007-06-21 2007-06-22 DTD 1 0 Thigh Spasms Hamstring -
2007-04-26 2007-04-29 DTD 3 2 Foot Soreness -
2006-08-02 2006-08-03 DTD 1 1 Right Thumb Contusion Thumb -
2006-07-26 2006-07-31 DTD 5 4 Right Thumb Contusion Thumb -
2006-06-24 2006-06-25 DTD 1 1 Left Wrist Contusion Foul Tip -
2006-06-16 2006-06-16 DTD 0 0 Bilateral Lower Leg Spasms Calf -
2006-06-07 2006-06-08 DTD 1 1 Low Back Spasms -
2006-03-30 2006-04-01 Camp 2 0 General Medical Illness -
2005-09-27 2005-10-01 DTD 4 4 Left Lower Leg Strain Calf -
2005-09-15 2005-09-15 DTD 0 0 Right Thigh Spasms Hamstring -
2005-08-15 2005-08-19 DTD 4 3 Right Hip Soreness Hip Flexor -
2005-07-07 2005-07-09 DTD 2 2 Fingers Sprain Little Finger -
2005-05-31 2005-05-31 DTD 0 0 Right Fingers Fracture Near Bottom of Thumb and Index Finger -
2005-05-16 2005-05-17 DTD 1 0 Left Contusion Big Toe -
2005-04-19 2005-04-20 DTD 1 1 Low Back Soreness -
2004-09-29 2004-09-30 DTD 1 1 Right Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2004-09-11 2004-09-11 DTD 0 0 Right Knee Soreness -
2004-08-27 2004-08-30 DTD 3 3 Right Hip Soreness Hip Flexor -
2004-08-18 2004-08-19 DTD 1 1 Right Hip Soreness Hip Flexor -
2004-08-12 2004-08-13 DTD 1 1 Right Hip Soreness Hip Flexor -
2004-07-30 2004-07-31 DTD 1 1 Upper Back Spasms -
2004-06-02 2004-06-04 DTD 2 2 Right Wrist Inflammation -
2004-04-28 2004-04-29 DTD 1 1 Fingers Contusion -
2003-08-19 2003-08-19 DTD 0 0 Left Wrist Sprain Player Collision At Plate -
2003-05-25 2003-05-28 DTD 3 2 Foot Soreness -
2002-04-15 2002-06-07 15-DL 53 46 Low Back Cartilage Injury Herniated Disc -
2001-05-02 2001-05-17 15-DL 15 13 Left Foot Contusion Heel -
2000-07-24 2000-10-02 60-DL 70 66 Right Thumb Surgery Fracture 2000-07-25 -
1999-04-23 1999-04-23 DTD 0 0 - Head Concussion Player Collision At Plate -


Year Team Salary
2012 $
2011 WAS $3,000,000
2010 WAS $3,000,000
2009 HOU $1,500,000
2008 DET $13,000,000
2007 DET $11,000,000
2006 DET $11,000,000
2005 DET $11,000,000
2004 DET $7,000,000
2003 FLO $10,000,000
2002 TEX $9,600,000
2001 TEX $8,600,000
2000 TEX $8,600,000
12 yrPrevious$97,300,000
12 yrTotal$97,300,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
20 y 109 dScott Boras2 years/$6M (2010-11)

  • 2 years/$6M (2010-11). Signed by Washington as a free agent 12/10/09. 10-11:$3M annually.
  • 1 year/$1.5M (2009). Signed by Houston as a free agent 3/20/09. $1.5M performance bonus: $0.2M each for 350, 375, 400, 425, 450 PAs. $0.15M each for 90, 100 games. $0.2M for 110 g. Acquired in trade from Houston 8/18/09.
  • 4 years/$40M (2004-07), plus 2008 club option. Signed by Detroit as a free agent 2/04. 04:$7M, 05:$8M, 06:$11M, 07:$11M, 08:$13M club option, $3M buyout. $8M-$11M deferred at 1% interest ($2M in 2004, $3M each in 2006-08). Club may void after 2005 & pay $5M buyout if Rodriguez spends 35 days on DL with a back (lumbar spine) injury during 2004-05. Club may void after 2006 & pay $4M buyout if Rodriguez spends 35 days on DL with a back injury in 2006. Award bonuses. No-trade clause. Detroit exercised 2008 option 10/9/07. Acquired by NY Yankees in trade from Detroit 7/30/08 (waived no-trade protection).
  • 1 year/$10M (2003). Signed by Florida as a free agent 1/03. $7M deferred until 2004-06. No-trade protection. Florida will not offer arbitration after 2003 season.
  • 5 years/$42.5M (1998-2002). Signed extension with Texas 7/97.
  • 1 year/$6.65M (1997). Re-signed by Texas 1/97 (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year/$4M (1996). Re-signed by Texas (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year/$2.675M (1995). Re-signed by Texas (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year/$0.52M (1994)
  • 1 year/$0.3M (1993)
  • 1 year/$0.14M (1992)
  • Signed by Texas 1988 as amateur free agent from Puerto Rico.

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

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Advanced Catching Metrics

Year lvl CSAA Framing Runs Blocking Chances EPAA Blocking Runs SB Attempts SRAA TRAA Throwing Runs FRAA Adj. FRAA
1991 mlb -.005 -3.9 3581 .001 -1.2 62 -.059 .000 2.4 -2.7 -1.3
1992 mlb -.002 -2.1 5089 .001 -2.3 104 -.105 .001 6.1 1.7 3.2
1993 mlb .000 0.2 5462 .000 -0.5 106 -.065 .002 4.3 4.6 5.5
1994 mlb .002 2.1 4270 .000 0.5 53 -.029 -.008 1.3 5.1 6.3
1995 mlb .002 2.0 4792 .001 -0.6 66 -.077 -.005 3.7 6.8 7.7
1996 mlb .000 0.2 6060 .000 0.7 76 -.075 -.010 4.3 9.8 10.0
1997 mlb .000 0.6 5993 .000 0.0 73 -.154 -.008 7.8 12.5 8.7
1998 mlb -.003 -4.6 5616 .001 -1.2 71 -.043 -.012 3.3 -3.1 -1.5
1999 mlb .004 6.0 6105 .000 0.7 70 -.152 -.010 8.2 14.9 15.2
2000 mlb -.001 -0.8 3997 .000 0.5 36 -.064 -.010 2.1 1.3 2.5
2001 mlb .002 2.6 4451 .000 -0.1 51 -.197 -.012 7.0 9.6 11.9
2002 mlb -.005 -5.4 4661 .003 -3.1 36 -.009 -.002 0.5 -5.8 -8.0
2003 mlb .003 4.7 5724 .000 -0.7 51 -.010 -.001 0.4 6.0 4.6
2004 mlb -.010 -12.2 5015 .001 -2.0 55 -.005 -.003 0.5 -12.6 -14.8
2005 mlb -.003 -3.2 4694 .000 -0.2 64 -.158 -.003 6.5 6.5 7.0
2006 mlb -.005 -5.8 4870 .000 0.1 48 -.103 -.011 3.9 -1.9 1.3
2007 mlb .004 5.5 5339 .001 -1.5 61 -.039 -.001 1.5 4.8 4.6
2008 mlb -.002 -2.0 4474 .001 -1.4 70 -.021 .002 1.0 -2.3 0.5
2009 mlb -.006 -6.9 4878 .000 -0.6 54 -.046 -.011 2.1 -4.5 -0.7
2010 mlb .016 16.1 4544 -.004 4.6 54 -.029 -.007 0.9 21.4 25.4
2010 afa .000 0.0 40 .000 0.0 1 .010 .000 0.0 0.7 -0.1
2011 mlb .009 2.9 1525 .000 0.2 19 .000 -.003 0.1 2.9 2.9
2011 afa .000 0.0 27 .000 0.0 0 .000 .000 0.0 0.0 0.0
2011 aax .000 0.0 53 .000 0.0 1 -.011 -.001 0.0 0.0 0.0

A Collaboration between and Baseball Prospectus - Pitch classifications provided by Pitch Info LLC


PITCHf/x Hitter Profile

A Collaboration between and Baseball Prospectus - Pitch classifications provided by Pitch Info LLC