
Portrait of David Eckstein

David Eckstein SSAngels

Angels Player Cards | Angels Team Audit | Angels Depth Chart

Career Summary
14 5705 .280 .345 .355 89 15.0
Birth Date1-20-1975
Height5' 7"
Weight175 lbs
Age49 years, 3 months, 3 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2001 ANA 26 153 664 166 26 2 4 43 60 21 29 4 .285 .355 .357 92 -3.5 8.4 -2.6 2.8
2002 ANA 27 152 702 178 22 6 8 45 44 27 21 13 .293 .363 .388 104 6.7 4.9 8.4 4.9
2003 ANA 28 120 517 114 22 1 3 36 45 15 16 5 .252 .325 .325 80 -11.4 -0.7 2.9 1.1
2004 ANA 29 142 637 156 24 1 2 42 49 13 16 5 .276 .339 .332 86 -9.8 2.0 -14.9 0.5
2005 SLN 30 158 713 185 26 7 8 58 44 13 11 8 .294 .363 .395 102 1.9 -1.3 9.5 4.0
2006 SLN 31 123 552 146 18 1 2 31 41 15 7 6 .292 .350 .344 87 -6.7 1.2 -4.9 1.4
2007 SLN 32 117 484 134 23 0 3 24 22 12 10 1 .309 .356 .382 95 -1.1 -2.8 -4.7 1.2
2008 ARI 33 18 73 14 3 0 1 7 5 1 0 0 .219 .301 .313 77 -1.8 0.4 2.8 0.3
2008 TOR 33 76 303 72 18 0 1 24 27 8 2 1 .277 .354 .358 77 -7.7 0.4 -1.0 0.3
2009 SDN 34 136 568 131 27 2 2 39 46 9 3 1 .260 .323 .334 78 -13.8 -2.0 -13.8 -1.4
2010 SDN 35 116 492 118 23 0 1 27 35 9 8 1 .267 .321 .326 79 -11.2 0.6 -4.3 -0.2

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1997 LOW A- NYP 0 294 .000 .000 .000 .329 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1998 SAR A+ FSL 0 612 .000 .000 .000 .336 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1999 TRN AA EAS 0 597 .000 .000 .000 .338 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 EDM AAA PCL 0 66 .000 .000 .000 .313 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 PAW AAA INT 0 502 .000 .000 .000 .274 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2001 ANA MLB AL 153 664 .264 .328 .422 .312 97 4.1 19.8 6.1 92 9 -2.6 8.4 -3.5 2.8
2002 ANA MLB AL 152 702 .264 .330 .423 .301 95 14.9 20.2 8.8 104 7 8.4 4.9 6.7 4.9
2003 ANA MLB AL 120 517 .270 .332 .433 .272 99 -15.1 14.1 6.6 80 8 2.9 -0.7 -11.4 1.1
2004 ANA MLB AL 142 637 .269 .335 .432 .298 104 -16.9 19.0 8.5 86 7 -14.9 2.0 -9.8 0.5
2005 SLN MLB NL 158 713 .266 .330 .423 .304 101 4.3 20.5 9.4 102 8 9.5 -1.3 1.9 4.0
2006 SLN MLB NL 123 552 .271 .335 .437 .313 94 -2.2 16.6 7.6 87 9 -4.9 1.2 -6.7 1.4
2007 SLN MLB NL 117 484 .274 .336 .435 .315 101 1 14.4 6.6 95 9 -4.7 -2.8 -1.1 1.2
2008 ARI MLB NL 18 73 .270 .333 .437 .220 99 -3.6 2.1 -0.1 77 7 2.8 0.4 -1.8 0.3
2008 TOR MLB AL 76 303 .266 .337 .416 .303 99 -1.5 8.8 2.6 77 7 -1.0 0.4 -7.7 0.3
2008 DUN A+ FSL 5 17 .259 .346 .370 .154 109 -1.5 0.5 0.2 63 0 0.0 -0.1 -1.0 0.0
2009 SDN MLB NL 136 568 .253 .321 .404 .281 87 -11.8 16.3 -0.7 78 8 -13.8 -2.0 -13.8 -1.4
2010 SDN MLB NL 116 492 .253 .319 .397 .287 83 -2.9 13.6 -0.6 79 7 -4.3 0.6 -11.2 -0.2
2010 FTW A MDW 3 12 .282 .359 .427 .333 99 1.9 0.4 0 128 0 0.4 -0.3 0.4 0.1

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1997 LOW A- NYP 294 249 43 75 11 4 4 106 39 33 29 21 5 .301 .408 .426 .124 0 0
1998 SAR A+ FSL 612 503 99 154 29 4 3 200 58 87 51 45 16 .306 .430 .398 .091 0 0
1999 TRN AA EAS 597 483 109 151 22 5 6 201 52 89 48 32 13 .313 .444 .416 .104 0 0
2000 PAW AAA INT 502 422 77 104 20 0 1 127 31 60 45 11 8 .246 .367 .301 .055 0 0
2000 EDM AAA PCL 66 52 17 18 8 0 3 35 8 9 1 5 3 .346 .485 .673 .327 0 0
2001 ANA MLB AL 664 582 82 166 26 2 4 208 41 43 60 29 4 .285 .355 .357 .072 2 16
2002 ANA MLB AL 702 608 107 178 22 6 8 236 63 45 44 21 13 .293 .363 .388 .095 8 14
2003 ANA MLB AL 517 452 59 114 22 1 3 147 31 36 45 16 5 .252 .325 .325 .073 4 10
2004 ANA MLB AL 637 566 92 156 24 1 2 188 35 42 49 16 5 .276 .339 .332 .057 2 14
2005 SLN MLB NL 713 630 90 185 26 7 8 249 61 58 44 11 8 .294 .363 .395 .102 4 8
2006 SLN MLB NL 552 500 68 146 18 1 2 172 23 31 41 7 6 .292 .350 .344 .052 3 3
2007 SLN MLB NL 484 434 58 134 23 0 3 166 31 24 22 10 1 .309 .356 .382 .074 7 7
2008 ARI MLB NL 73 64 5 14 3 0 1 20 4 7 5 0 0 .219 .301 .313 .094 1 0
2008 TOR MLB AL 303 260 27 72 18 0 1 93 23 24 27 2 1 .277 .354 .358 .081 2 9
2008 DUN A+ FSL 17 14 4 2 1 0 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 .143 .294 .214 .071 0 0
2009 SDN MLB NL 568 503 64 131 27 2 2 168 51 39 46 3 1 .260 .323 .334 .074 4 13
2010 FTW A MDW 12 9 1 3 1 0 0 4 3 2 0 0 0 .333 .500 .444 .111 0 0
2010 SDN MLB NL 492 442 49 118 23 0 1 144 29 27 35 8 1 .267 .321 .326 .059 2 12

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 1268 0.5410 0.4172 0.9130 0.5015 0.3179 0.9593 0.8270 0.0870 -0.0086
2009 2140 0.5294 0.4028 0.9165 0.4916 0.3029 0.9623 0.8328 0.0835 -0.0088
2010 1842 0.5434 0.4012 0.9161 0.5145 0.2663 0.9612 0.8125 0.0839 -0.0097

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2010-07-21 2010-08-21 15-DL 31 29 Right Lower Leg Strain Calf -
2010-07-07 2010-07-16 DTD 9 5 Right Lower Leg Strain Calf -
2009-09-14 2009-09-16 DTD 2 2 Neck Tightness -
2009-07-06 2009-07-28 15-DL 22 19 Right Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2009-05-22 2009-05-22 DTD 0 0 Chest Contusion -
2009-05-11 2009-05-12 DTD 1 0 Left Trunk Contusion Ribs -
2008-09-20 2008-09-22 DTD 2 2 Left Knee Contusion HBP -
2008-05-07 2008-05-27 15-DL 20 19 Right Hip Strain Hip Flexor -
2007-09-14 2007-09-18 DTD 4 5 Low Back Stiffness -
2007-08-26 2007-08-28 DTD 2 1 Right Fingers Contusion -
2007-06-14 2007-07-12 15-DL 28 23 Low Back Strain -
2007-05-27 2007-06-01 DTD 5 5 Back Tightness -
2007-03-01 2007-03-13 Camp 12 0 Abdomen Strain Oblique -
2006-10-17 2006-10-17 DTD 0 0 Left Shoulder Separation AC Joint -
2006-09-25 2006-09-27 DTD 2 2 Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2006-08-19 2006-09-15 15-DL 27 24 Left Abdomen Strain Oblique -
2006-06-16 2006-06-20 DTD 4 3 Head Concussion Player Collision Sliding Into Second Base -
2006-05-31 2006-05-31 DTD 0 0 Left Wrist Contusion HBP -
2005-07-30 2005-07-30 DTD 0 0 Left Knee Contusion Foul Ball -
2004-08-01 2004-08-03 DTD 2 1 Left Knee Contusion HBP -
2004-06-17 2004-06-20 DTD 3 3 Right Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2004-06-14 2004-06-16 DTD 2 1 Right Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2004-06-04 2004-06-10 DTD 6 5 Right Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2004-04-28 2004-05-03 DTD 5 5 Right Groin Strain -
2003-08-18 2003-09-09 15-DL 22 20 Hip Inflammation Piriformis Syndrome -
2003-08-12 2003-08-15 DTD 3 3 Right Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2003-07-07 2003-07-17 DTD 10 6 Right Shoulder Separation AC Joint -
2003-06-10 2003-06-13 DTD 3 2 Left Thumb Contusion Batted Ball -
2003-06-06 2003-06-09 DTD 3 3 Left Hand Contusion Batted Ball -


Year Team Salary
2010 SDN $1,000,000
2009 SDN $850,000
2008 TOR $4,500,000
2007 SLN $4,500,000
2006 SLN $3,250,000
2005 SLN $2,250,000
2004 ANA $2,150,000
2003 ANA $425,000
2002 ANA $280,000
2001 ANA $200,000
10 yrPrevious$19,405,000
10 yrTotal$19,405,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
9 yRyan Gleichowski1 year/$1M (2010)

  • 1 year/$1M (2010). Signed extension with San Diego 8/23/09.
  • 1 year/$0.85M (2009). Signed by San Diego as a free agent 1/15/09. $0.15M in performance bonuses.
  • 1 year/$4.5M (2008). Signed by Toronto as a free agent 12/13/07. Acquired by Arizona in trade from Toronto 8/31/08.
  • 3 years/$10.25M (2005-07). Signed by St. Louis as a free agent 12/04. $0.25M signing bonus. 05:$2.25M, 06:$3.25M, 07:$4.5M.
  • 1 year/$2.15M (2004). Won arbitration with Anaheim 2/04 (2.15M-$1.6M). Non-tendered by Anaheim 12/04.
  • 1 year/$0.425M (2003). Re-signed by Anaheim 2/03.
  • 1 year/$0.28M (2002). Re-signed by Anaheim 2/02.
  • 1 year/$0.2M (2001). Re-signed by Anaheim 2/01.
  • Claimed by Anaheim off waivers from Boston 8/00.
  • Drafted by Boston 1997 (19-581) (University of Florida).

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2017-06-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)What kind of dog do you have? Also, please do a quick Venn diagram comparing your dog to David Eckstein. Thanks.
(Steve from Philly)
Having completed the Cubs portion of our programming, this is a good time to pause before beginning our Pirates segment. Our dog's a Samoyed--big fluffy white thing, if you don't know the breed. We live in upstate NY, so it's a climate-appropriate dog. We adopted him and his mother when their owner passed away. They were 11 and 7 at the time. His mom passed away, but he's still plugging away. I can't draw a Venn, but the intersection would be: Beloved by Tony LaRussa (TLR is a big animal guy), smaller than his peers (you'd think our dog weighs 80-something, by his size, but all the volume's fur; he weighs 53 or so), beloved by children (he's really soft and fluffy, and docile). Differences: Eckstein handles thunderstorms better, wears shoes when he runs, and has a higher net worth. (Rob Mains)
2015-02-26 20:00:00 (link to chat)Who would win in a fight? Carl Everett or David Eckstein dressed as a dinosaur?
(Dan Szymborski from Basement Lair)
Are you kidding? Everett would run in the other direction faster than Billy Hamilton. (Bret Sayre)
2011-06-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)Well, you made it to 24, you may be talking to yourself in chats, but that's better than other Lindbergh babies have managed....Is Darwin Barney capable of being the next David Eckstein?
(Mike from Chicago)
Good point--I'm doing okay by Lindbergh baby standards. As for Barney, no way--he has at least four inches on Eckstein, so even if he were Eck's equal as a player, he'd never have his heart. (Ben Lindbergh)
2011-02-22 13:00:00 (link to chat)Professor, the Reds internets community is having a pretty heated debate about SS Ronald Torreyes. At 17, he tore up the Venezuelan Rookie league (.390/.468/.606, 23 BB to 11 SO) and more than held his own in Arizona. He's got a very good glove and runs well. But he's built like David Eckstein's Venezuelan little brother. Just how much should that temper our excitement?
(RMR from Chicago)
He's an interesting little prospect, but the little factor is a little hard to ignore. I'm not a fan of midgets unless 1) They are named Warwick Davis, 2) They are named Sean Astin (From "Toy Soldiers" not "LOTR", or 3) They have elite skills that allow you to ignore the fact that they are midgets. (Jason Parks)
2011-01-18 13:00:00 (link to chat)Going into the 2011 season, are the Padres better on paper than they were going into the 2010 season?
(Jeff from Bay Area)
I'm glad someone asked me this question because I've been looking for an excuse to say "Yes, yes they are." The rotation is better, the bullpen is better, the defense is better. The lineup is worse, sure, but they have healthy Ludwick in there, Orlando Hudson instead of David Eckstein, Cameron Maybin's potential instead of Tony Gwynn's impression of his uncle at the plate...if they aren't better, they are at least as good. Gonzalez is one of the best players in baseball, but he's one guy, and the Padres upgraded in multiple spots. Hawpe should hit if he's healthy, too, and I think that will make this team surprise a lot of people again. Though not 90 wins surprise them. (Marc Normandin)
2010-10-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)Know where I can find an OBP-heavy second baseman?
(Jed Hoyer from San Diego)
Jed Lowrie! Though his defense at second base may leave something to be desired. He can swing it, at least.

Re-signing David Eckstein for around $1M for the third time in a row seems the safest bet. Plenty of surplus value there, and he's an average player thanks to his defense. (Marc Normandin)
2010-08-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)Your thoughts on the Padres' season thus far?
(Peter from San Diego)
Stunning. Maybe the most surprising season since the 1991 Braves. I still can't figure out why their defense rates so well given the personnel -- David Eckstein and Hairston and Tony Gwynn's Spawn. Still skeptical they can hold off the Giants and Rockies, but impressed that they've done so for as long as they have. Jed Hoyer will have that job for a while. (Joe Sheehan)
2010-03-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hello Will, Project Prospect is dubious about Hellickson's ability to manage the workload of a starter in the majors. They base that not just on his size, but on some instances of an injury history and his relatively low innings total each year as well as some questions about his mechanics. Have you any opinion on that matter?
(buddaley from Clearwater)
I havent seen what's written, so I'll keep this general. His size is concerning and he looks ... well, he looks like he's 12. He makes David Eckstein look like a Mike Gundy-style Man. Still, we don't know whether he's the next Tim Lincecum or the next ... some short guy that didn't make it. There's that inherent bias.

As to his mechanics, I'm going to rant a bit. Look, I used to think I could look at a guy and tell. I was wrong. NO ONE can. In generalities, you can see some things, but until we get them in a mo-cap, there's no way to know the forces on their joints. There's some AMAZING technology coming that I'm going to introduce you to soon that will change how we look at these guys, but until then, remember that no one - the teams included - have any idea what good or bad mechanics are. (Will Carroll)
2010-01-28 14:00:00 (link to chat)Some folks seem to think that Everth Cabrera won't be particularly productive because of his lack of size. He's 5-9. 170. How does his size affect his future as a major leaguer?
(Steve N from Delaware)
I don't buy it for a second, and I don't think his listed size is a handicap to his having a fine career. He's bigger than David Eckstein or Jody Reed or Mike Gallego. (Christina Kahrl)
2009-08-04 14:00:00 (link to chat)Who do you think should be the starter at second base for the Twins? I know it's like choosing the lesser of two evils, but I don't really want to see Nick Punto flail away at pitches no where close to the strike zone. Also, why in the world was Delmon Young a #1 Prospect, and who should be playing left field for us?
(twinkies25 from MN)
I would hope they'd just lock in and place their faith in Casilla. Punto's a better utility infielder than a starter, and I'm reluctant to get worked up in Brendan Harris' behalf when he isn't hitting and concerns over his defense up the middle dog him with a certain persistence. Failing a commitment to Casilla, they should have asked the A's for Adam Kennedy. It's never too late to ask after David Eckstein, for that matter, and he'd go over well in the Twin Cities, methinks. (Christina Kahrl)
2009-04-16 13:00:00 (link to chat)The David Eckstein "Scrappy, gritty, his worth isn't measurable in the boxscore" Award
(dianagramr from NYC)
Always up for the jabs at Mini Eck. (Marc Normandin)
2009-03-10 14:30:00 (link to chat)How in the world will Toronto ever win the division?
(Eric from Toronto)
By building a very good baseball team. They had 60% of one last year, but didn't fill out the offense. That's not money--that's choosing Shannon Stewart and David Eckstein. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-08-01 14:00:00 (link to chat)With all the pitching prospects, plus Zimmerman and now Bonifacio (and even the atty general now) would it make sense for the Nats to try to be a "pitching/defense" type team? The A's and Angels type success may be easier for them to accomplish than anything else.
(Charlie from Bethesda, MD)
Well, you have to have the right talent to make it work, and the Attorney General and Mr. Good Face (isn't that the translation of Bonifacio?) still don't add up to Chone Figgins and David Eckstein, to say nothing of the relative merits of the two pitching staffs.

What the Nats really need are for their high-upside hitters to stay healthy. With Johnson, Dukes, Peņa, Kearns, Milledge and Zimmerman all seeing significant time on the DL, it's a tough row to hoe.

OK folks, one or two more and I'm out of here. (Jay Jaffe)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2010-04-05 09:30:00Season Opener RoundtableDear Padres,

I can deal with Tony Gwynn leading off, but David Eckstein in the #2 spot is just not acceptable. Adrian Gonzalez and Kyle Blanks need people to drive in.


Marc (Marc Normandin)

PITCHf/x Hitter Profile

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