
Portrait of Pat Burrell

Pat Burrell LFPhillies

Phillies Player Cards | Phillies Team Audit | Phillies Depth Chart

Career Summary
14 6520 .253 .361 .472 119 25.6
Birth Date10-10-1976
Height6' 4"
Weight235 lbs
Age47 years, 6 months, 13 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2000 PHI 23 111 474 106 27 1 18 63 139 1 0 0 .260 .359 .463 104 5.3 -1.1 1.1 1.2
2001 PHI 24 155 618 139 29 2 27 70 162 5 2 1 .258 .346 .469 114 13.7 -1.7 0.0 2.5
2002 PHI 25 157 684 165 39 2 37 89 153 3 1 0 .282 .376 .544 142 38.7 -1.9 0.0 5.2
2003 PHI 26 146 599 109 31 4 21 72 142 4 0 0 .209 .309 .404 94 -2.2 -2.0 -2.0 0.5
2004 PHI 27 127 534 115 17 0 24 78 130 2 2 0 .257 .365 .455 117 12.5 -1.2 0.4 2.3
2005 PHI 28 154 669 158 27 1 32 99 160 3 0 0 .281 .389 .504 130 24.3 -6.4 -5.6 2.7
2006 PHI 29 144 567 119 24 1 29 98 131 3 0 0 .258 .388 .502 127 22.9 -2.7 2.3 3.4
2007 PHI 30 155 598 121 26 0 30 114 120 4 0 0 .256 .400 .502 136 29.9 -1.7 -16.2 2.5
2008 PHI 31 157 645 134 33 3 33 102 136 1 0 0 .250 .367 .507 129 24.4 -0.8 -8.0 3.0
2009 TBA 32 122 476 91 16 1 14 57 119 2 2 0 .221 .315 .367 90 -4.2 -0.1 -0.1 0.1
2010 SFN 33 96 341 77 16 0 18 47 77 0 0 2 .266 .364 .509 123 9.6 -0.7 0.5 1.7
2010 TBA 33 24 96 17 5 0 2 10 28 1 0 0 .202 .292 .333 119 2.3 1.0 0.0 0.4
2011 SFN 34 92 219 42 9 1 7 33 67 2 0 0 .230 .352 .404 92 -1.7 -0.1 -4.5 -0.2

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1998 CLR A+ FSL 0 159 .000 .000 .000 .320 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1999 REA AA EAS 0 496 .000 .000 .000 .388 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1999 SWB AAA INT 0 38 .000 .000 .000 .167 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 PHI MLB NL 111 474 .265 .336 .424 .348 107 4.5 14.9 -7 104 10 1.1 -1.1 5.3 1.2
2000 SWB AAA INT 0 175 .000 .000 .000 .369 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2001 PHI MLB NL 155 618 .261 .325 .420 .316 96 13.7 18.4 -4.6 114 10 0.0 -1.7 13.7 2.5
2002 PHI MLB NL 157 684 .255 .324 .404 .318 95 38.6 19.7 -4.7 142 8 0.0 -1.9 38.7 5.2
2003 PHI MLB NL 146 599 .263 .329 .419 .244 96 -12.5 15.8 -4.3 94 9 -2.0 -2.0 -2.2 0.5
2004 PHI MLB NL 127 534 .265 .330 .420 .303 98 13.4 15.9 -3.7 117 6 0.4 -1.2 12.5 2.3
2004 REA AA EAS 4 18 .000 .000 .000 .167 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2005 PHI MLB NL 154 669 .265 .328 .411 .336 101 28.3 19.2 -4.6 130 7 -5.6 -6.4 24.3 2.7
2006 PHI MLB NL 144 567 .270 .339 .435 .294 98 29.1 17.1 -4.3 127 9 2.3 -2.7 22.9 3.4
2007 PHI MLB NL 155 598 .265 .332 .418 .276 104 25.7 17.7 -4.4 136 10 -16.2 -1.7 29.9 2.5
2008 PHI MLB NL 157 645 .261 .328 .416 .271 98 27.4 18.6 -4.4 129 11 -8.0 -0.8 24.4 3.0
2009 TBA MLB AL 122 476 .263 .329 .418 .271 105 -11.6 13.7 -8.6 90 7 -0.1 -0.1 -4.2 0.1
2009 PCH A+ FSL 1 4 .278 .318 .395 .000 100 -1.1 0.1 -0.1 17 0 0.0 0.0 -0.3 0.0
2009 MNT AA SOU 2 10 .262 .354 .377 .200 87 -1.4 0.3 -0.2 28 0 0.0 0.0 -0.7 -0.1
2010 SFN MLB NL 96 341 .248 .315 .388 .296 91 23.6 9.4 -2.3 123 9 0.5 -0.7 9.6 1.7
2010 TBA MLB AL 24 96 .255 .320 .405 .273 105 -3.9 2.6 -1.7 119 9 0.0 1.0 2.3 0.4
2010 FRE AAA PCL 5 22 .319 .386 .500 .364 110 1.9 0.7 -0.3 95 0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.1 0.0
2011 SFN MLB NL 92 219 .252 .317 .388 .318 92 5.7 5.9 -1.1 92 11 -4.5 -0.1 -1.7 -0.2
2011 SJO A+ CAL 2 8 .289 .320 .437 .429 91 0.1 0.2 -0.2 103 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2011 FRE AAA PCL 2 5 .277 .331 .460 .000 100 -1.5 0.2 0 50 0 -0.2 0.0 -0.3 0.0

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1998 CLR A+ FSL 159 132 29 40 7 1 7 70 30 27 22 2 0 .303 .421 .530 .227 0 0
1999 SWB AAA INT 38 33 4 5 0 0 1 8 4 4 8 0 1 .152 .263 .242 .091 0 0
1999 REA AA EAS 496 417 84 139 28 6 28 263 90 79 103 3 3 .333 .440 .631 .297 0 0
2000 SWB AAA INT 175 143 31 42 15 1 4 71 25 32 36 1 1 .294 .423 .497 .203 0 0
2000 PHI MLB NL 474 408 57 106 27 1 18 189 79 63 139 0 0 .260 .359 .463 .203 2 0
2001 PHI MLB NL 618 539 70 139 29 2 27 253 89 70 162 2 1 .258 .346 .469 .212 4 0
2002 PHI MLB NL 684 586 96 165 39 2 37 319 116 89 153 1 0 .282 .376 .544 .263 6 0
2003 PHI MLB NL 599 522 57 109 31 4 21 211 64 72 142 0 0 .209 .309 .404 .195 1 0
2004 PHI MLB NL 534 448 66 115 17 0 24 204 84 78 130 2 0 .257 .365 .455 .199 6 0
2004 REA AA EAS 18 15 2 3 0 0 2 9 4 3 7 0 0 .200 .333 .600 .400 0 0
2005 PHI MLB NL 669 562 78 158 27 1 32 283 117 99 160 0 0 .281 .389 .504 .222 5 0
2006 PHI MLB NL 567 462 80 119 24 1 29 232 95 98 131 0 0 .258 .388 .502 .245 4 0
2007 PHI MLB NL 598 472 77 121 26 0 30 237 97 114 120 0 0 .256 .400 .502 .246 8 0
2008 PHI MLB NL 645 536 74 134 33 3 33 272 86 102 136 0 0 .250 .367 .507 .257 6 0
2009 MNT AA SOU 10 9 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 0 .111 .200 .111 .000 0 0
2009 TBA MLB AL 476 412 45 91 16 1 14 151 64 57 119 2 0 .221 .315 .367 .146 5 0
2009 PCH A+ FSL 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 0 0
2010 FRE AAA PCL 22 16 4 5 1 0 1 9 6 3 4 0 0 .313 .450 .563 .250 0 0
2010 TBA MLB AL 96 84 9 17 5 0 2 28 13 10 28 0 0 .202 .292 .333 .131 1 0
2010 SFN MLB NL 341 289 41 77 16 0 18 147 51 47 77 0 2 .266 .364 .509 .242 5 0
2011 SJO A+ CAL 8 8 0 3 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 .375 .375 .375 .000 0 0
2011 FRE AAA PCL 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 0 0
2011 SFN MLB NL 219 183 17 42 9 1 7 74 21 33 67 0 0 .230 .352 .404 .175 1 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 2588 0.4985 0.4127 0.8062 0.6093 0.2173 0.8601 0.6560 0.1938 -0.0027
2009 1899 0.5066 0.4118 0.7890 0.5800 0.2391 0.8584 0.6161 0.2110 0.0068
2010 1825 0.5249 0.4049 0.7727 0.5689 0.2238 0.8367 0.5928 0.2273 -0.0037
2011 932 0.5172 0.3830 0.7087 0.5394 0.2156 0.7885 0.4948 0.2913 0.0003

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2011-09-23 2011-09-27 DTD 4 4 Right Foot Soreness -
2011-09-21 2011-09-22 DTD 1 1 Right Foot Soreness -
2011-09-18 2011-09-20 DTD 2 1 Right Foot Soreness -
2011-09-15 2011-09-17 DTD 2 2 Right Foot Soreness -
2011-09-04 2011-09-07 DTD 3 3 Right Foot Bone Spur -
2011-07-15 2011-08-31 15-DL 47 43 Right Foot Bone Spur - -
2011-07-01 2011-07-03 DTD 2 2 Right Foot Soreness -
2011-02-21 2011-02-22 Camp 1 0 General Medical Surgery Root Canal 2011-02-21
2010-04-24 2010-04-25 DTD 1 1 Upper Back Stiffness -
2009-08-15 2009-08-18 DTD 3 2 Neck Cartilage Injury C5-C6 -
2009-05-11 2009-06-12 15-DL 32 29 Neck Strain -
2009-04-28 2009-04-29 DTD 1 1 Neck Tightness -
2009-03-04 2009-03-09 Camp 5 0 Foot Contusion Foul Ball -
2008-09-28 2008-09-29 DTD 1 1 Low Back Soreness -
2008-05-27 2008-05-28 DTD 1 1 Neck Stiffness -
2008-03-22 2008-03-24 Camp 2 0 General Medical Respiratory Flu -
2006-03-22 2006-03-26 Camp 4 0 Left Lower Leg Strain Calf -
2005-10-24 2005-10-24 Off 0 0 Right Foot Surgery Loose Bodies and Bone Spur 2005-10-24
2005-05-26 2005-05-28 DTD 2 1 Left Wrist Soreness -
2005-04-25 2005-04-29 DTD 4 3 Right Groin Strain -
2005-03-04 2005-03-07 Camp 3 0 Right Thigh Contusion -
2004-08-04 2004-09-03 15-DL 30 27 Left Wrist Strain -


Year Team Salary
2011 SFN $1,000,000
2010 TBA $9,000,000
2009 TBA $7,000,000
2008 PHI $14,250,000
2007 PHI $13,250,000
2006 PHI $9,750,000
2005 PHI $7,250,000
2004 PHI $4,250,000
2003 PHI $1,250,000
2002 PHI $1,905,000
2001 PHI $1,905,000
2000 PHI $800,000
12 yrPrevious$71,610,000
12 yrTotal$71,610,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
11 y 123 dGreg Genske1 year/$1M (2011)

  • 1 year/$1M (2011). Re-signed by San Francisco as a free agent 12/4/10.
  • 2 years/$16M (2009-10). Signed by Tampa Bay as a free agent 1/5/09. 09:$7M, 10:$9M. $2M of 2009 salary is advanced. $0.2M assignment bonus if traded. DFA 5/15/10, released 5/19/10. Signed by San Francisco as a free agent 5/29/10. Contract purchased by San Francisco 6/4/10.
  • 6 years/$50M (2003-08). Signed extension with Philadelphia 1/03 (avoided arbitration). $1.5M signing bonus ($1M at signing, $0.25M each 1/04, 1/05). 03:$1M, 04:$4M, 05:$7M, 06:$9.5M, 07:$13M, 08:$14M. Full no-trade clause.
  • 5 years/$8M (1998-2002). Signed Major League contract with Philadelphia 1998. $3.15M signing bonus. 98:$0.75M, 99:$0.75M, 00:$0.8M, 01:$1.275M, 02:$1.275M.
  • Drafted by Philadelphia 1998 (1-1) (Miami-Fla.).

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2014-08-19 14:00:00 (link to chat)My Vegas story notwithstanding, the best baseball story you have heard?
(George Brett from Outside the Bellagio)
It involves Pat Burrell. Leave it at that. (CJ Wittmann)
2013-04-30 12:00:00 (link to chat)Over/under: Michael Choice makes two All-Star games?
(JoshuaGB from Chicago)
I was thisclose to saying over then I started flipping around B-Ref pages and noticed that Carlos Pena made one AS team, Adam Dunn made two, and Pat Burrell made zero. Do three-true outcome guys get underrated in AS voting? Is it the streaky thing? These are unanswered questions that force me into saying under. (R.J. Anderson)
2012-09-24 14:30:00 (link to chat)Any explanation on why Rays always to get hits on pick-ups and trades that don't seem great/good at on-set and turn into gems in long-run? Fernando Rodney and Jeff Keppinger are doing quite well in unexpected roles for them. It seems Rays always find gold in what now should be called "The Yearly Rays Reliever Reclamation Project"(Al Reyes, Juan Cruz, Joaquin Benoit, Rafael Soriano, Kyle Farnsworth, Fernando Rodney)
(jlarsen from chicago)
I think some of it is just great big-league scouting and statistical analysis, but a lot of it is trial and error, too. The Rays are set up in such a way that they HAVE to sign a bunch of those guys, and while a lot of them will work because the Rays are good at what they do, a lot will fail because they're inherently gambles. They haven't had a lot of luck with veteran catchers the last couple years, and there was that whole Pat Burrell thing. (Bill Parker)
2012-01-30 13:00:00 (link to chat)Will there be a worse defensive starting outfielder in 2012 than Lucas Duda? His range seems terrible and his arm might be worse. Could the Mets consider switching him with Bay so that he'd play left field and limit the exposure of his weak arm?
(mattstupp from NYC)
Now that Pat Burrell has retired? Duda is about as far from Tris Speaker as you can get, but I feel like this is not something the Mets really need to worry about right now. (Steven Goldman)
2011-07-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)Man id love to see the giants and cubs do a straight up swap of zito for soriano. Im tired of burell, rowand, and ross. A little Soriano is what the Giants need. Man, if I was Sabean Id even throw in a prospect. Im not joking. Then again maybe Soriano wouldnt fit in.
(im a pharoe from giza)
"You think you hate it now...wait until you drive it!" Still power from Soriano & a solid throwing arm, but LF in SF is way bigger than at Wrigley, and I may trust defense in this order for options: 1) Pat Burrell 2) Felipe Alou 3) Soriano (Mike Ferrin)
2011-03-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you see Brandon Belt staying at 1B or going to the outfield?
(Bryan from Illinois)
Belt's position might ultimately be determined this year by where there's an immediate opening. So I guess it depends on whether you feel Aubrey Huff or Pat Burrell has a better chance of collapsing. (Jeremy Greenhouse)
2011-03-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)Will Pat Burrell keep the everyday OF position with San Fran or does he get bumped by Aubrey Huff when Brandon Belt gets called up?
(bfitzge3 from Upstate NY)
The Giants have a ton of OF options, few of them great, so it depends who hits... Burrell, Ross, Rowand, Torres, maybe Huff... they'll all have to battle for playing time. And don't forget that Mark DeRosa is trying to come back, too. It's a crowded picture. (Cory Schwartz)
2011-01-03 14:00:00 (link to chat)Jon Singleton--does he have a chance to be a decent OF? Seems like if his bat turns out as projected it'll play anywhere, but is he athletic enough to play a passable LF? Seems like if Pat Burrell and Raul Ibanez could man LF in CBP, so could this guy, right?
(Chuck from Philly)
Right. Left field really isn't that hard. I mean you wouldn't want Prince Fielder out there, but there are plenty of guys who can be 40 outfielders in left. (Kevin Goldstein)
2010-10-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thanks for doing this chat! Who should the A's target this offseason?
(Tom from Madison)
I hesitate to throw this name out but the idea of Pat Burrell in an A's uniform intrigues me. Going home to the Bay Area with the Giants really rejuvenated him this year. If the Giants don't bring him back, a logical move would for Burrell would be to jump across the bay. (John Perrotto)
2010-09-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)Shouldn't a team that has sold out the entire season have at least tried to extend Jayson Werth for 2 years? This isn't Pat Burrell they're talking about letting go. Are the Phillies really going to let Werth go because they committed to Ibanez two years ago? That doesn't sound like a team that brought in Roy Oswalt.
(e from lawrenceville)
Let's remember they brought in Roy Oswalt to cover up for the ridiculous Cliff Lee trade. Stealing a player from Houston isn't exactly something to be proud of, and when you have to resort to that because you screwed up first...

Jayson Werth hired Boras, so he's ready to get his Big Free Agent Deal. Two years isn't going to cut it. The Phillies should be making a play for him, but they decided to take care of Ryan Howard's extension first. Since it was so time sensitive, and all. (Marc Normandin)
2010-07-29 16:30:00 (link to chat)Can't the Ibanez contract be reasonably defended? At worst, it's not over yet (he has a year left, and he may just be having his 2007 year again this year). That thing paid off 2/3 it's cost in its first year.
(Sophist from Phi)
Yeah, I was fine with the Ibanez contract. At the time, the Phillies were (rightly) suspicious of Pat Burrell's injuries and they knew they needed a left fielder. They were in a position where buying made a lot of sense, but they only had an opening in left. It turned out that they may not have needed his help to win the division, but it certainly was time to buy. (Matt Swartz)
2010-06-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thank you for answering my previous questions. The only pitching categories in my league are Innings Pitched and Runs Allowed. Do you think Jake Peavy might be a good buy-low target for the next couple of years? And do you think Pat Burrell will emerge from the grave in SF? Thanks again!
(Dennis from LA)
I think Peavy's days of being an ace are over, but he's not as bad as he's been this year, so yes, he's a good buy-low target. Burrell wasn't just having a hard time hitting in Tampa Bay--he was overly selective at the plate and let a lot of pitches he used to crush go by without a swing. If he changes his approach in San Francisco, the hits could come, but it all hinges on that. (Marc Normandin)
2010-05-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)The Rays have been great so far, but there are a few red flags which need to be addressed. Their DH is an abomination and most of the lineup has an aversion to getting on base at anything approaching a healthy clip. What do you see them doing to rectify these issues before they bite them on the rump? Bring up Jennings? Release Burrell? Seems they have Blalock raking in AAA, but that hardly seems a realistic solution.
(tommybones from brooklyn)
As noted in to day's Hit List, the Rays haven't been hitting much lately, with B.J. Upton, Carlos Pena and Pat Burrell mired in some dreadful slumps. I think the first two will come around just fine in time, but Burrell looks pretty cooked. Bringing up Jennings might help, certainly more than Blalock would -- unless they trade him to the Yankees or Red Sox with a mandate that he be THEIR designated hitter. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-11-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)As a Phillies guy, do you think Pat Burrell is as cooked as he looked this year? Good move for the Rays to deal him for Bradley as has been rumored?
(Rob from Alaska)
No, not as cooked, but switching to the tougher league, changing his routine from being a LF to being a DH and suffering some injuries combined for the worst possible result, his -30th percentile. It would be a good move to get Bradley because Bradley is simply a better player, specifically for that role, but Burrell still has something left in the tank and his contract is certainly team-friendly. (Eric Seidman)
2009-11-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thank you for the chat and your great articles, Eric. What do you see the Angels doing this winter? Assuming they don't trade for Halladay, I'm guessing that they let Lackey and Figgins walk, pick up a high upside, high risk starter like Harden and a flawed (but reasonably priced) bat like Thome who could bat in the middle of the order, with Abreu as the new leadoff hitter. Arte Moreno has said they have about $12-13 million to improve the club. What should do they do?
(Dennis from LA)
Thanks for the compliment. I really feel like the Angels land Halladay. Not sure why but with most signs last year pointing towards the Phillies and right now towards the Red Sox or Yankees, I feel like the Angels are going to swoop in "out of nowhere" and pry him loose. Then maybe they trade for Pat Burrell, bring Doug Glanville out of retirement, and get Marlon Anderson to recreate the early 2000s Phillies with Abreu. (Eric Seidman)
2009-10-05 16:00:00 (link to chat)Would a Milton Bradley + 16 MIL for Pat Burrell trade be feesible? The Rays Front Office is always looking for improvements and getting a player for 2 yrs and only costing them 2.5 Per makes a ton of sense for them.
(jlarsen from Chicagoland)
So the Cubs would be paying 80% of Bradley's remaining salary AND giving him up in exchange for an awful fielding outfielder who constantly needs defensive replacements late in the game. If the Rays pull this off, Hendry should be fired and Friedman becomes the new Billy Beane. (Eric Seidman)
2009-09-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)Where does Milton Bradley end up...I guess the only sure choice is not on the North Side
(John from Arlington)
The Pat Burrell/Bradley offseason deal that has been speculated upon seems like an interesting gamble for both teams. I don't know if any manager can get along with Bradley, but Maddon seems like a better bet than Piniella. (Steven Goldman)
2009-06-05 15:30:00 (link to chat)Thanks for answering my question. What's your take on the not-so-great reputation of Phillies fans? Do you think it's deserved/accurate or overblown? You don't hear the same thing about other East Coast teams in the area (Orioles, Mets, Yankees, Pirates), so I'm curious if this a matter of perception vs. reality.
(David S from Oakland)
It's odd... in many cases it is overblown. For instance, Phillies fans went crazy for Ken Griffey, Jr last year when he came to town with 599 HR, giving him these loud standing ovations every time he came up and every time he went back to the dugout. They also gave Greg Maddux a loud ovation when he left a game, because even though he was a rival for about 13 years, they understood how special of a player they got to see. They even cheered Pat Burrell on when he was struggling in 2003, hoping it might get him out of it. But then again there are certainly knuckleheads, like in any city, who seem to remember one thing about a player and assign that characteristic no matter what. (Eric Seidman)
2009-05-04 14:00:00 (link to chat)Do you see Justin Upton's recent hot streak continuing? Someone in my fantasy league cut him and I own Pat Burrell.
(Glenn from RI)
Yes, I do. Grab him now. He might make the All-Star team. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-01-22 13:00:00 (link to chat)Why are the arbitration salary numbers so inflated while free agent salaries are declining? Are GMs afraid that the arbitrators won't take the declining market into consideration? Ryan Howard's 2008 WARP was just below Pat Burrell's, yet Howard stands to make as much in one year as Burrell will make in two. Would the Phillies have been better off non-tendering Howard and then re-signing him on the open market?
(Daniel from Michigan)
Buster Olney addressed this today, noting that the specific guidelines with the way arb cases are prepared mean that this current economic climate isn't something that's taken into consideration; rather, it has to do with how much money comparable players earned in prior years. Where you're more likely to see change is when this current set of salaries comes to bear on cases down the road.

As for non-tendering Howard, he would have then become a free agent, eligible to sign with any team, and there's no guarantee he would have wanted to go back to the Phillies after just such a stunt. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-01-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Should Rays fans worry about Pat Burrell's feet?
(mrerjr from Trop)
No. I think Burrell ends up DHing at least half time, more if there's problems. (Will Carroll)
2008-10-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)How many years/dollars do you think Pat Burrell will sign for? And will he re-sign with the Phillies?
(phils fan from NYC)
Really good question. He's not Torii Hunter, but could you make a 5/90 argument for him? I think he's the kind of player that might end up in Cincy. (Will Carroll)
2008-10-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Given the contracts that they would be looking to sign would you rather sign Pat Burrell or Manny Ramirez this offseason?
(Brian from brooklyn)
Manny Ramirez, and I love Pat Burrell as much as the next fan of his. I don't expect Manny to slug .700 forever, but there's not an NL team that can't use someone that can tear apart inferior pitching like he can. (Marc Normandin)
2008-10-06 14:00:00 (link to chat)Given what the difference in salary will be, would you rather sign Manny Ramirez of Pat Burrell (if you were the Mets)?
(Brian from brooklyn)
Probably Ramirez. It's close. I think I'd spend the marginal dollars for the extra 40 points of BA and the other stuff that comes with it, and the likelihood of a slower downslope. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-09-23 13:30:00 (link to chat)You were pretty negative about the Phillies all year. Anything that can be learned from their (likely) playoff campaign, in terms of what you didn't like about their chances and how they overcame that?
(e from lawrenceville)
Without looking, I think I had them at 83 or so wins, and they'll finish at 90-92 or so. I suspect most of that difference is the bullpen, which vastly overperformed any kind of realistic expectations. Throw in Shane Victorino, who's more durable than I expected, Pat Burrell having another strong year, and Jamie Moyer being better than expected, and you have the difference. Only Ryan Howard, really, has underperformed. That's a lot of things going right, and not much going wrong. The question is, was there a reason for this, or is it just random? I don't think much of Charlie Manuel's tactics, but he sure seems to be in the dugout for a lot of successful teams. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-08-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)OK Steven, it's over. If you're Brian Cashman, what is your five-point-plan for the off-season?
(Joe from Washington, DC)
1. Take the Phillies job after the Steinbrenners keep me dangling as punishment for this season's results.
2. Find a comfortable home in the Philadelphia suburbs, maybe on the Jersey side of the Delaware.
3. Spend a lot of time thinking about whether to re-sign Pat Burrell.
4. Address the team's longstanding third base problems; try not to confuse Joe Crede with nostalgic feelings for Scott Brosius.
5. Take Joe Torre out for cheesesteaks when the Dodgers visit. (Steven Goldman)
2008-05-01 13:00:00 (link to chat)So Joe. We're a month in, and shockingly, the Mets haven't clinched the East yet. Do the Phillies have a shot at 75 wins this year? They've had their best April in recent memory, and have done so without Rollins and Victorino for the last 3 weeks, and with Ryan Howard looking more and more like dead in the water Mo Vaughn. Is it time to possibly start giving them their respect after basically writing them off before the season even started?
(Ryan from Philly)
And with Chase Utley hitting like Rogers Hornsby, and Pat Burrell and Jayson Werth over their heads. It all counts, Ryan. Romero, Lidge and Durbin have a 32/22 K/BB and a collective ERA under 1.00. The Phillies are 15-13, +11, which is basically the team I thought they were. They'll be in the hunt, and probably fall short when the pitching does. Lovely park, though. (Joe Sheehan)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2010-10-06 10:00:002010 Playoffs Day OneNC (San Francisco): Big overplayed storyline, Giants edition: These ain't your Barry Bonds Giants, this is a TEAM with chemistry and gelling and fun likeability, goshdarnit. Only Barry could probably still outplay Jose Guillen, and maybe Pat Burrell.

I'm still sticking to my Bobby Cox and Heyward/Posey as Rookies of the Year being overplayed. Now, if Jose Guillen appears in this series he'll be overplayed, regardless of a storyline. I do wonder though if the Giants will go with an all-outfield lineup. Something like:

Posey, C
Burrell, LF
Torres, RF
Rowand, CF
Ross, LCF
Guillen, RCF (Eric Seidman)
2008-10-22 16:30:00World Series Game OneSteve (ND): How many players in this World Series can pull the double of College World Series title and World Series title? All I can think of offhand is Pat Burrell.

I quick glance at the rosters, and I believe you are correct. I think Howell, Jenkins and Bruntlet all came within a game or two of winning a CWS.

(Kevin Goldstein)

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