
Portrait of J.D. Martinez

J.D. Martinez LFRed Sox

Red Sox Player Cards | Red Sox Team Audit | Red Sox Depth Chart

2019 Projections (Preseason PECOTA - seasonal age 31)
651 .291 35 95 108 5 149 5.2
Birth Date8-21-1987
Height6' 3"
Weight230 lbs
Age37 years, 5 months, 28 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2011 HOU 23 53 226 57 13 0 6 13 48 2 0 1 .274 .319 .423 97 -0.5 -2.4 3.1 0.5
2012 HOU 24 113 439 95 14 3 11 40 96 1 0 2 .241 .311 .375 84 -8.0 -4.0 -9.4 -1.3
2013 HOU 25 86 310 74 17 0 7 10 82 0 2 0 .250 .272 .378 78 -7.0 -2.3 -9.2 -1.4
2014 DET 26 123 480 139 30 3 23 30 126 3 6 3 .315 .358 .553 133 17.2 0.6 -3.3 2.6
2015 DET 27 158 657 168 33 2 38 53 178 5 3 2 .282 .344 .535 140 32.6 -3.9 -7.5 3.4
2016 DET 28 120 517 141 35 2 22 49 128 3 1 2 .307 .373 .535 128 18.7 -7.3 -11.2 1.0
2017 ARI 29 62 257 70 13 1 29 24 74 0 2 0 .302 .366 .741 158 19.5 -2.4 -3.9 1.8
2017 DET 29 57 232 61 13 2 16 29 54 0 2 0 .305 .388 .630 162 18.5 -1.5 -6.3 1.5
2018 BOS 30 150 649 188 37 2 43 69 146 4 6 1 .330 .402 .629 167 53.9 -3.9 1.5 6.3
2019 BOS 31 146 657 175 33 2 36 72 138 4 2 0 .304 .383 .557 139 36.5 -6.2 4.3 4.2

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2009 TCV A- NYP 53 208 .242 .317 .341 .360 106 12.7 5.9 -2.7 179 0 4.0 -1.5 15.2 2.2
2009 GRV Rk APL 19 83 .253 .326 .372 .448 113 9.1 2.5 -1.2 204 0 0.1 1.1 18.2 2.1
2010 LEX A SAL 88 393 .259 .328 .383 .399 98 41.4 11.3 -5 189 0 6.3 -2.1 37.0 4.8
2010 CCH AA TXS 50 207 .265 .339 .389 .375 93 2 5.9 -2.1 116 0 -2.1 -2.1 3.6 0.3
2011 HOU MLB NL 53 226 .255 .317 .396 .325 100 -0.4 6.1 -1.5 97 11 3.1 -2.4 -0.5 0.5
2011 CCH AA TEX 88 370 .268 .334 .408 .367 106 23.2 10.9 -3.3 172 0 -8.0 -0.8 27.0 2.6
2012 HOU MLB NL 113 439 .254 .317 .406 .290 99 -9.5 12.0 -3 84 6 -9.4 -4.0 -8.0 -1.3
2012 OKL AAA PCL 23 95 .272 .338 .420 .284 94 -7.4 2.8 -0.9 60 0 -1.1 -1.7 -4.0 -0.5
2013 HOU MLB AL 86 310 .257 .315 .403 .319 100 -4.9 8.1 -2.6 78 11 -9.2 -2.3 -7.0 -1.4
2013 CCH AA TEX 5 20 .258 .312 .389 .278 98 0.6 0.5 -0.2 118 0 -0.7 0.0 -0.1 -0.1
2014 DET MLB AL 123 480 .257 .318 .394 .389 106 28.4 12.4 -3.5 133 8 -3.3 0.6 17.2 2.6
2014 TOL AAA INT 17 71 .262 .330 .393 .263 105 6.9 2.1 -0.8 170 0 -0.2 -0.5 4.5 0.5
2015 DET MLB AL 158 657 .254 .311 .403 .339 106 26.4 17.7 -6.9 140 8 -7.5 -3.9 32.6 3.4
2016 DET MLB AL 120 517 .255 .319 .421 .378 108 21.9 14.6 -5.5 128 6 -11.2 -7.3 18.7 1.0
2016 TOL AAA INT 8 38 .255 .333 .385 .400 103 -0.6 1.1 -0.6 92 0 0.4 0.5 -0.7 0.1
2017 ARI MLB NL 62 257 .255 .324 .430 .315 98 24 7.5 -2.8 158 13 -3.9 -2.4 19.5 1.8
2017 DET MLB AL 57 232 .253 .319 .423 .338 107 15.6 6.8 -2.6 162 13 -6.3 -1.5 18.5 1.5
2017 LAK A+ FSL 2 8 .255 .336 .348 .333 80 1.9 0.2 -0.1 111 0 0.0 -0.1 0.1 0.0
2017 TOL AAA INT 4 18 .245 .317 .371 .000 96 -2.4 0.5 -0.2 51 0 -0.5 -0.3 -0.9 -0.1
2018 BOS MLB AL 150 649 .250 .319 .418 .375 108 52.2 18.2 -9.3 167 7 1.5 -3.9 53.9 6.3
2019 BOS MLB AL 146 657 .257 .325 .451 .342 106 33.4 19.8 -11 139 7 4.3 -6.2 36.5 4.2

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2009 TCV A- NYP 208 187 25 61 15 2 7 101 33 15 30 1 0 .326 .385 .540 .214 0 0
2009 GRV Rk APL 83 77 17 31 9 1 5 57 23 5 14 0 0 .403 .446 .740 .338 0 0
2010 CCH AA TXS 207 189 24 57 9 1 3 77 25 15 42 2 2 .302 .359 .407 .106 0 0
2010 LEX A SAL 393 348 83 126 31 3 15 208 64 33 55 3 0 .362 .434 .598 .236 0 0
2011 HOU MLB NL 226 208 29 57 13 0 6 88 35 13 48 0 1 .274 .319 .423 .149 3 0
2011 CCH AA TEX 370 317 50 107 25 1 13 173 72 42 55 1 0 .338 .414 .546 .208 7 0
2012 OKL AAA PCL 95 90 6 21 6 0 0 27 4 4 17 0 1 .233 .263 .300 .067 1 0
2012 HOU MLB NL 439 395 34 95 14 3 11 148 55 40 96 0 2 .241 .311 .375 .134 2 0
2013 CCH AA TEX 20 20 1 6 2 0 1 11 5 0 1 0 0 .300 .300 .550 .250 0 0
2013 HOU MLB AL 310 296 24 74 17 0 7 112 36 10 82 2 0 .250 .272 .378 .128 3 0
2014 DET MLB AL 480 441 57 139 30 3 23 244 76 30 126 6 3 .315 .358 .553 .238 6
2014 TOL AAA INT 71 65 16 20 3 1 10 55 22 3 17 2 0 .308 .366 .846 .538 0
2015 DET MLB AL 657 596 93 168 33 2 38 319 102 53 178 3 2 .282 .344 .535 .253 3 0
2016 DET MLB AL 517 460 69 141 35 2 22 246 68 49 128 1 2 .307 .373 .535 .228 5 0
2016 TOL AAA INT 38 36 3 10 3 0 0 13 5 1 11 1 0 .278 .316 .361 .083 0 0
2017 DET MLB AL 232 200 38 61 13 2 16 126 39 29 54 2 0 .305 .388 .630 .325 3 0
2017 LAK A+ FSL 8 8 2 3 1 0 1 7 2 0 1 0 0 .375 .375 .875 .500 0 0
2017 ARI MLB NL 257 232 47 70 13 1 29 172 65 24 74 2 0 .302 .366 .741 .440 1 0
2017 TOL AAA INT 18 15 1 1 0 0 1 4 2 2 6 0 0 .067 .167 .267 .200 1 0
2018 BOS MLB AL 649 569 111 188 37 2 43 358 130 69 146 6 1 .330 .402 .629 .299 7 0
2019 BOS MLB AL 657 575 98 175 33 2 36 320 105 72 138 2 0 .304 .383 .557 .252 5 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2011 848 0.4976 0.5142 0.7202 0.7038 0.3263 0.8384 0.4676 0.2798 -0.0048
2012 1641 0.4936 0.4625 0.7628 0.6519 0.2780 0.8466 0.5714 0.2372 -0.0025
2013 1171 0.5209 0.5201 0.7307 0.6770 0.3494 0.8281 0.5255 0.2693 0.0017
2014 1846 0.4957 0.5547 0.7090 0.7596 0.3534 0.8043 0.5076 0.2910 0.0048
2015 2578 0.4663 0.5314 0.6934 0.7313 0.3568 0.8020 0.4990 0.3066 -0.0054
2016 2025 0.4716 0.5254 0.7068 0.7435 0.3308 0.8141 0.4915 0.2932 0.0000
2017 1903 0.4656 0.5155 0.6871 0.7336 0.3255 0.7877 0.4894 0.3129 0.0000
2018 2514 0.4511 0.5036 0.7188 0.7354 0.3130 0.8273 0.5093 0.2812 0.0000
2019 2452 0.4604 0.4951 0.7364 0.7050 0.3159 0.8379 0.5431 0.2636 0.0000

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-07-23 2014-07-25 DTD 2 2 Right Thigh Strain Quadriceps -
2013-07-27 2013-09-13 15-DL 48 44 Left Wrist Sprain - -
2013-04-20 2013-05-06 15-DL 16 16 Right Knee Sprain - -
2012-09-22 2012-10-04 DTD 12 11 Left Wrist Surgery Hamate 2012-09-26 -
2012-07-31 2012-08-03 DTD 3 2 - Elbow Soreness Slipped In Dugout - -
2012-07-22 2012-07-23 DTD 1 1 - Shoulder Contusion Running Into Wall a Few Days Ago - -
2012-07-03 2012-07-03 DTD 0 0 Left Hip Strain Gluteal Muscles - -
2011-09-27 2011-09-28 DTD 1 1 Left Foot Contusion - -
2011-05-06 2011-05-20 Minors 14 0 Not Disclosed -
2011-03-01 2011-03-05 Camp 4 0 Left Thigh Strain Quadriceps -


Year Team Salary
2024 NYN $12,000,000
2023 LAN $10,000,000
2022 BOS $19,375,000
2021 BOS $19,375,000
2020 BOS $23,750,000
2019 BOS $23,750,000
2018 BOS $23,750,000
2017 DET $11,750,000
2016 DET $6,750,000
2015 DET $3,000,000
2014 DET $
2013 HOU $497,800
2012 HOU $483,000
12 yrPrevious$154,480,800
12 yrTotal$154,480,800


Service TimeAgentContract Status
12 y 36 dBoras Corp.1 year/$12M (2024)

  • 1 year/$12M (2024). Signed by NY Mets as a free agent 3/21/24. $2.5M signing bonus. 24:$9.5M. Martinez to defer $7.5M in salary, to be paid in five $1.5M installments, 2034-38.
  • 1 year/$10M (2023). Signed by LA Dodgers as a free agent 12/19/22.
  • 5 years/$110M (2018-22). Signed by Boston as a free agent 2/26/18. 18:$23.75M, 19:$23.75M, 20:$23.75M, 21:$19.375M, 22:$19.375M. May opt out of contract after both 2019 ($2.5M buyout) and 2020 seasons (no buyout). 2021 and 2022 seasons become mutual options if Martinez has a Lisfranc injury or complication to his right foot causing him to be: 1) on the disabled list for 60 days or more in previous season, or 2) on the disabled list for 10 days or more in the previous season and 120 days or more in the two previous seasons combined, or 3) on the disabled list at the end of the previous season and found not able to play at the start of the next season. Limited no-trade protection (may block deals to 3 clubs annually).
  • 2 years/$18.5M (2016-17). Signed extension with Detroit 2/8/16 (avoided arbitration, $8M-$6M). 16:$6.75M, 17:$11.75M. Acquired by Arizona in trade from Detroit 7/18/17.
  • 1 year/$3M (2015). Re-signed by Detroit 1/16/15 (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year (2014). Released by Houston 3/22/14. Signed by Detroit as a free agent 3/24/14 (minor-league contract). Contract selected by Detroit 4/21/14.
  • 1 year/$497,800 (2013). Re-signed by Houston 3/13. Sent outright to Triple-A by Houston 11/20/13.
  • 1 year/$483,000 (2012). Re-signed by Houston 3/2/12.
  • 1 year (2011). Contract purchased by Houston 7/30/11.
  • Drafted by Houston 2009 (20-611) (Nova Southeastern). $30,000 signing bonus.

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

90o 44 13 3 0 3 5 10 0 0 .342 .419 .658 165 4.2 0.0
80o 29 8 2 0 2 4 7 0 0 .320 .414 .640 159 2.6 0.0
70o 19 5 1 0 1 2 4 0 0 .294 .368 .529 155 1.5 0.0
60o 10 4 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 .444 .500 .889 152 0.8 0.0
50o 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 148 0.1 0.0
Weighted Mean300000100.000.000.0001490.20.0

Preseason Long-Term Forecast (Beyond the 2019 Projections)

Playing time estimates are based on performance, not Depth Charts.

Comparable Players (Similarity Index 71)

Rank Score Name Year DRC+ Trend
1 84 Ryan Howard 2011 120
2 79 Dick Allen 1973 156
3 79 Fred McGriff 1995 114
4 77 Manny Ramirez 2003 158
5 77 Chris Davis 2017 88
6 77 David Ortiz 2007 169
7 77 Mo Vaughn 1999 117
8 77 Travis Hafner 2008 77
9 77 Willie McCovey 1969 202
10 77 Richie Sexson 2006 117
11 76 Carlos Delgado 2003 156
12 76 Adam Dunn 2011 61
13 76 Rudy York 1945 116
14 76 Reggie Jackson 1977 133
15 76 Danny Tartabull 1994 115
16 76 Eric Thames 2018 96
17 75 George Foster 1980 129
18 75 Pedro Guerrero 1987 148
19 75 Duke Snider 1958 132
20 75 Jose Canseco 1996 144
21 75 Gil Hodges 1955 124
22 74 Mike Napoli 2013 113
23 74 Ralph Kiner 1954 117
24 74 Jim Thome 2002 187
25 73 Harmon Killebrew 1967 176
26 73 Mike Schmidt 1981 192
27 73 Alex Rodriguez 2007 180
28 73 Matt Kemp 2016 108
29 73 Greg Luzinski 1982 126
30 72 Derrek Lee 2007 128
31 72 Dale Murphy 1987 145
32 72 Bill Nicholson 1946 87
33 72 Stan Musial 1952 152
34 71 Jeff Heath 1946 124
35 71 Al Rosen 1955 118
36 70 Albert Belle 1998 164
37 70 Ken Griffey 2001 123
38 70 Kevin Mitchell 1993 150
39 70 Joe Adcock 1959 140
40 70 Josh Hamilton 2012 143
41 70 Mark McGwire 1995 192
42 70 Darryl Strawberry 1993 97
43 70 Dolph Camilli 1938 127
44 70 Tony Perez 1973 152
45 70 Carlos Pena 2009 135
46 69 Babe Herman 1934 100
47 69 Jeff Bagwell 1999 177
48 69 Larry Doby 1955 119
49 69 Chuck Klein 1936 87
50 69 Jason Bay 2010 97
51 69 Nelson Cruz 2012 115
52 69 Jose Abreu 2018 114
53 69 Jim Gentile 1965 110
54 69 Cecil Fielder 1995 118
55 69 Matt Holliday 2011 136
56 69 Hank Aaron 1965 156
57 69 Mark Teixeira 2011 127
58 68 Al Simmons 1933 114
59 68 Chris Carter 2018 0 DNP
60 68 Charlie Keller 1948 108
61 68 Cliff Johnson 1979 133
62 68 Lance Berkman 2007 128
63 68 Brandon Moss 2015 91
64 68 Bobby Bonds 1977 128
65 68 Adrian Gonzalez 2013 121
66 68 Lou Gehrig 1934 186
67 68 Kendrys Morales 2014 82
68 68 Hank Greenberg 1942 0 DNP
69 68 Ken Phelps 1986 143
70 68 Dave Winfield 1983 134
71 68 Mike Piazza 2000 154
72 68 Wally Berger 1937 113
73 67 Dick Stuart 1964 102
74 67 Mickey Mantle 1963 162
75 67 Jimmie Foxx 1939 177
76 67 Lee May 1974 116
77 67 Willie Mays 1962 164
78 67 Harry Heilmann 1926 146
79 67 Willie Stargell 1971 174
80 67 Aaron Robinson 1946 129
81 67 Ernie Banks 1962 111
82 67 Sammy Sosa 2000 150
83 67 Ryan Braun 2015 125
84 66 Hack Wilson 1931 120
85 66 Glenn Davis 1992 111
86 66 Mark Reynolds 2015 93
87 66 Bob Allison 1966 108
88 66 Frank Robinson 1967 174
89 66 Boog Powell 1973 129
90 66 Yoenis Cespedes 2017 123
91 66 Eddie Mathews 1963 139
92 66 Jim Rice 1984 108
93 66 Jack Cust 2010 114
94 65 Jack Clark 1987 163
95 65 Adam LaRoche 2011 76
96 65 Larry Walker 1998 151
97 65 Dave Parker 1982 93
98 65 Howard Johnson 1992 98
99 65 Johnny Bench 1979 131
100 65 Frank Howard 1968 159

BP Annual Player Comments

2019  Due to publishing agreements, the 2019 player comments and team essays are only available in the Baseball Prospectus 2019 book (available in hardcopy, and soon e-book and Kindle).
2018 Perhaps it was an act of divine providence that someone named Just Dingers Martinez would end up playing professional baseball. Public records may indicate that his given name is Julio Daniel, but we know the truth. Martinez has quietly been one of the best right-handed hitters in the game for years now, and the Diamondbacks got him for a song from Detroit at midseason. He touched down in Arizona and promptly did his best to live up to that name of his, which the Diamondbacks' broadcasters were so fond of calling him. He went as far as to have a four-homer game, only the 18th player to ever do so. He also hit for plenty of average, finishing above .300 for the third time in four years. Most impressively he launched 45 homers despite missing 43 games, which makes you wonder what he can do if he plays a full season.
2017 While the Tigers struck gold on this homeriffic corner outfielder for cheap, it's the "outfielder" part that gives long-term concern in Martinez's walk year. He has a fabulous arm, but otherwise struggled mightily on batted balls in his fiefdom. His attempt at a running catch in June resulted in a wall collision that broke his wrist, sidelining him for 40 games. But his very next at-bat was the stuff of legends: tie-game, pinch-hitter, Chris Sale on the mound and the first pitch went 440 feet into the center field shrubbery. All discussions of Martinez come back to his power. He led all right fielders in OPS, but if his right fielding is a liability, he can easily pass as one of the league's top first basemen.
2016 Just when we thought 2014 was a breakout/overachievement year, Martinez broke out again in '15; who knows how many more boxes he's trapped inside. The All-Star set the Tigers mark for most home runs in a season by a right fielder, and that was Al Kaline's position. Nine of Martinez's homers were in the eighth inning or later, and 17 of them were to the right of dead center. He is now an elite two-tool player, the second being the throwing arm, one of the most accurate on the corners. He swings far too much to get the OBP beyond .350 and possesses unremarkable speed and defensive range. He cannot carry a lineup, but he can be the Roger Maris. It has now been two years since Martinez was released by the Astros to make room for Robbie Grossman.
2015 Last year, we wrote that "mediocrity ... will be what sends Martinez to pasture for good." Sure, Detroit's population is dwindling but "pastoral" is not entirely descriptive. His perceived mediocrity led him there, though, as he was released by the Astros during spring training. Thereafter, he became anything but mediocre. A piping hot April in Triple-A forced him into Detroit's patchwork outfield and he eventually secured the left field job for the season. Martinez took the initiative to retool his swing and became a feared no. 5 hitter, leading the AL in late-inning home runs—closers love fastballs and so does he. He'll deserve to start in a corner, but expecting another batting line straight from the George Brett archives would be a bit much.
2014 Knee and wrist injuries sidelined Martinez for two months, further dimming his major-league outlook in a season in which he was below average in every aspect of the game. (He was two-for-two stealing bases, at least?) That Martinez finished seventh on the Astros in plate appearances despite his ugly, ugly season is either an indictment of the team or a sign that the plan (no. 1 overall draft pick secured! Again!) is working. Martinez hit the absolute snot out of the ball in the minors, but the swing mechanics haven't translated to big-league success, so, with an invasion of sexy prospects twirling their way into the Astros' outfield, mediocrity, rather than injuries, will be what sends Martinez to pasture for good.
2013 In the “you pick the punch line” contest, the Astros sent Martinez, then the team's RBI leader, to the minors on August 10. Martinez has always had a scouts-defying swing, and has had to over-produce to earn his chances. So the fact that his walk and home-run rates (in addition to his RBIs) remained about the same in 2012 wasn't enough, given that his production of base hits (especially doubles) dropped. He didn't do anything during his demotion to inspire confidence, and with nothing to offer defensively or on the basepaths, his career has started down the path of the “Brett Wallace Express” to Quadruple-A.
2012 Martinez can hit. He hasn't been highly regarded as a prospect due to an unconventional swing and a flat swing plane that's expected to limit his power, but he escaped the minors after just 1261 plate appearances and hit .342/.407/.551 combined in that time. He entered 2011 with an above-average defensive reputation, but that's been downgraded—by both scouting reports and metrics—to below-average. His 2011 TAv wasn't suggestive of the middle-of-the-order hitter he's expected to be, but Martinez hadn't played full-season ball until 2010, so more growth can be expected in 2012—and beyond—than from the typical 24-year-old second-year player. While Martinez sacrifices some power with his batting approach, he blasts line drives all around the diamond. He may swing and miss a lot early in the count, but his approach allows him to avoid striking out—expect his major-league strikeout rate to decline from over 20 percent to somewhere near his Double-A rate of 14.9.
2011 Martinez has accomplished quite a lot since becoming the Astros' 20th-round draft pick out of Division-II Nova Southeastern University in 2009. He won the short-season New York-Penn League batting title in his professional debut, then took home the Sally League MVP award last year, earning a promotion to Double-A. Questions still surround Martinez, most of them concerning whether he will develop enough power to play a corner outfield spot in the major leagues (you can dismiss all those home runs at Lexington). He'll have to, because he lacks the range to play center. He will try to take another step toward answering that question in the affirmative as he returns to Corpus Christi to start this season, but it's hard not to like what he's done to this point.

BP Articles

Click here to see articles tagged with J.D. Martinez

BP Chats

2018-09-04 19:00:00 (link to chat)Did Dave Dombrowski blow it again by not supplementing the Boston bullpen with some reinforcements. Or at least reinforce it with some supplements?
(Fred Fredderson from South Lodi, Baja California)
Even rental relievers seem to fetch better returns than say, J.D. Martinez did last year at the deadline (no offense, Mr. Lugo), so there is some cost here, and frankly, the Red Sox have one of the worst systems in baseball at this point, so he may not have had the ammo to make meaningful upgrades. That said--the system is very bad, and they probably don't have much by way of internal reinforcements either. Dombrowski already traded a lot of prospect capital in the first place to get his hands on Kimbrel and Thornburg, too.

The bullpen definitely looks like the weak spot on that team, but it's not that bad, even if it isn't exactly a weapon. Theoretically Eovaldi is a supplement come postseason with shortened rotations, right? (Nick Schaefer)
2017-09-07 20:00:00 (link to chat)Thanks for the chat. So if new Marlins management (read: Jeter) insists on going through with it, which team has the proper alignment of need, finances and assets to pull off a deal for Stanton? What might that deal look like?
(wileecoyote121 from Mamaroneck, NY)
The Angels have the need and the finances but not the assets. The Diamondbacks might be a good match on all three fronts if they don't re-sign J.D. Martinez. The Yankees could always be a player, although if Judge bounces back from his second-half struggles and the rumors about Bryce Harper wanting to play in the Bronx are true, there might be a roster issue. The Red Sox seem to have their outfield situation set for the next few years. The Nats could be a player, especially if they expect to loser Harper. The Brewers are an interesting possibility since they've been stockpiling cash and prospects and might be getting close to cashing them in. And you never know what Jerry Dipoto might do in Seattle. (Scooter Hotz)
2017-07-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)What is the best, most reasonable comp for Eloy Jimenez?
(Spencer Macklin from Downtown Des Moines, Iowa)
Eloy was our prospect team's highest rated position prospect who doesn't play an up-the-middle defensive position. Name your favorite bat-first RHB corner outfielder, I suspect. J.D. Martinez? (Nick Schaefer)
2016-09-08 19:00:00 (link to chat)Just curious as of now who is your favorite player and why? Do you suggest always having him on your fantasy baseball team ?
(Wally from FL)
That's an extremely difficult question. It's a tie between Mookie Betts and J.D. Martinez among hitters right now. Julio Urias or Marcus Stroman among pitchers. I'll go with someone a bit more obscure for the purposes of this question. The pitcher that I think about on a daily basis is Ben Rowen. He's a submarine pitcher that's now with the Brewers. He's fascinating to me. The other two obscure pitchers I'm obsessed with are Eddie Gamboa, a 31-year-old knuckleballer with the Rays and Robby Scott, a Red Sox lefty who throws from different arm slots to right and left handed batters. It's surreal. (George Bissell)
2016-06-16 21:00:00 (link to chat)No question. Just want to say how much it sucks to see J.D. Martinez go down with a fractured elbow. Injuries suck.
(Eddy from Miami)
It's awful. Big fan of Martinez. (Bret Sayre)
2016-05-26 19:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Mike, I have a trade that I'm contemplating. It is for my 16 team Dynasty H2H with OBP and TB. We must start 3 RP and have the flexibility of 3 Utl spots. I recently had a hole at 1B and traded Sano for J.D. Martinez and Chris Carter. Carter helped fill the hole at 1B. I have an offer on the table for Jose Abreu and A. Bailey for Strasberg and K-Rod. In my other 2 RP slots I have Jansen and Ramos. Loosing Strasberg would leave me with Corrasco, Maedea, Pomeranz, J. Hammel, Karns, Rubby De La Rosa, Manea, Snell, Minor, and Greene. Should I make the trade? Will my pitching survive? Does Abreu make a significant upgrade in a offense with Posey, Carter, Rendon, Franco, Tulo, Springer, J.D Martinez, Kemp, Choo, M. Upton, and Morales? Thanks for your help...
(CharJaco from CA)
Abreu is slumping but that's still fair plus you're getting a closer for a reliever in Bailey who isn't likely to get saves any time in the near future. It's Hector Neris if Jeanmar Gomez falters. Do the deal. (Mike Gianella)
2016-05-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Jim, I have a trade that I'm contemplating. It is for my 16 team Dynasty H2H with OBP and TB. We must start 3 RP and have the flexibility of 3 Utl spots. I recently had a hole at 1B and traded Sano for J.D. Martinez and Chris Carter. Carter helped fill the hole at 1B. I have an offer on the table for Jose Abreu and A. Bailey for Strasberg and K-Rod. In my other 2 RP slots I have Jansen and Ramos. Loosing Strasberg would leave me with Corrasco, Maedea, Pomeranz, J. Hammel, Karns, Rubby De La Rosa, Manea, Snell, Minor, and Greene. Should I make the trade? Will my pitching survive? Does Abreu make a significant upgrade in a offense with Posey, Carter, Rendon, Franco, Tulo, Springer, J.D Martinez, Kemp, Choo, M. Upton, and Morales? Thanks for your patience...
(CharJaco from Ca)
For the record, I can't help on fantasy trades. My teams are decent, but not great. (Jim Walsh)
2016-05-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Jim, I have a trade that I'm contemplating. It is for my 16 team Dynasty H2H with OBP and TB. We must start 3 RP and have the flexibility of 3 Utl spots. I recently had a hole at 1B and traded Sano for J.D. Martinez and Chris Carter. Carter helped fill the hole at 1B. I have an offer on the table for Jose Abreu and A. Bailey for Strasberg and K-Rod. In my other 2 RP slots I have Jansen and Ramos. Loosing Strasberg would leave me with Corrasco, Maedea, Pomeranz, J. Hammel, Karns, Rubby De La Rosa, Manea, Snell, Minor, and Greene. Should I make the trade? Will my pitching survive? Does Abreu make a significant upgrade in a offense with Posey, Carter, Rendon, Franco, Tulo, Springer, J.D Martinez, Kemp, Choo, M. Upton, and Morales? Thanks for your patience...
(CharJaco from Ca)
For the record, I can't help on fantasy trades. My teams are decent, but not great. I do like Rubby a lot though. (Jim Walsh)
2015-03-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)Who is more likely to maintain 2014 production: J.D. Martinez or Steve Pearce?
(cgoble from KC)
Martinez, but obvious caveat is obvious. (Sam Miller)
2014-11-18 13:00:00 (link to chat)Which player's breakout is more likely to be for real and which one (if any) is a one year wonder: Lucas Duda or J.D. Martinez?
(Liam from KC)
Hi, Liam. I actually believe in both of these breakouts. The swing adjustments that J.D. Martinez made, profiled here by Ryan Parker ( seem legit, and Duda does so much damage against right-handed pitchers that a little deflation from lefties won't knock him down too much. (Daniel Rathman)
2014-08-06 16:30:00 (link to chat)12 team roto dynasty league. Standard 5x5 keep whole roster. Guy wants give me Bogaerts and Archie Bradley for Baez. Do I have to do this? Fluctuating between 1st and 2nd right now. Already have D. Gordon, Dozier, and Utley. Only Hanley at SS. Would probably drop Calhoun, J.D. Martinez, Duda, or C.J. Wilson.
(Scott from SC)
Pull the trigger. Baez won't have a good WHIP for the rest of the year. (Cespedes Family BBQ)
2014-06-26 14:00:00 (link to chat)J.D. Martinez or Alex Gordon ROS?
(Tino from NY)
Alex Gordon, and at the end of the season, I'm not so sure that it's even close. (J.P. Breen)
2014-06-26 14:00:00 (link to chat)Given J.D. Martinez's recent hot streak, what's a range of names that I should to get if I am trying to "sell high?"
(Zim from Telluride)
Completely depends on your roster construction, what past trades have looked like in your league, and whether it's a dynasty or re-draft league. My apologies on being obtuse, but it's too difficult to offer concrete help on something like this, unless I had more context and info. If I'm an opposing fantasy owner, I'm not paying much for J.D. Martinez whatsoever. I might kick the tires and hope the price is low, but I'm not giving up much. (J.P. Breen)

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