
Portrait of Evan Longoria

Evan Longoria 3BGiants

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2019 Projections (Preseason PECOTA - seasonal age 33)
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Birth Date10-7-1985
Height6' 1"
Weight213 lbs
Age38 years, 6 months, 17 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2008 TBA 22 122 508 122 31 2 27 46 122 6 7 0 .272 .343 .531 126 17.5 -0.2 4.2 3.8
2009 TBA 23 157 671 164 44 0 33 72 140 8 9 0 .281 .364 .526 133 29.0 3.4 15.4 7.0
2010 TBA 24 151 661 169 46 5 22 72 124 5 15 5 .294 .372 .507 133 26.2 3.4 5.4 5.8
2011 TBA 25 133 574 118 26 1 31 80 93 6 3 2 .244 .355 .495 141 27.3 -2.1 13.7 6.0
2012 TBA 26 74 312 79 14 0 17 33 61 3 2 3 .289 .369 .527 140 14.5 -1.2 -1.5 2.0
2013 TBA 27 160 693 165 39 3 32 70 162 3 1 0 .269 .343 .498 134 26.9 -0.8 6.0 5.6
2014 TBA 28 162 700 158 26 1 22 57 133 9 5 0 .253 .320 .404 115 11.4 1.7 3.5 4.0
2015 TBA 29 160 670 163 35 1 21 51 132 6 3 1 .270 .328 .435 112 11.4 0.5 8.6 4.3
2016 TBA 30 160 685 173 41 4 36 42 144 3 0 3 .273 .318 .521 125 21.6 -2.3 -5.4 3.6
2017 TBA 31 156 677 160 36 2 20 46 109 6 6 1 .261 .313 .424 95 -1.8 -1.9 3.8 2.1
2018 SFN 32 125 512 117 25 4 16 22 101 5 3 1 .244 .281 .413 89 -5.0 -5.2 -10.5 -0.5
2019 SFN 33 129 508 115 19 2 20 43 112 7 3 1 .254 .325 .437 100 2.3 0.1 6.6 2.6

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2006 HUD A- NYP 8 39 .000 .000 .000 .417 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2006 VIS A+ CLF 28 128 .280 .363 .418 .333 95 17.3 3.3 -0.1 170 0 2.5 -0.1 3.6 0.9
2006 MNT AA SOU 26 109 .000 .000 .000 .278 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2007 MNT AA SOU 105 447 .258 .330 .383 .344 92 33.6 12.8 1 163 0 -0.3 3.0 30.7 4.8
2007 DUR AAA INT 31 128 .264 .343 .403 .329 96 13.2 4.3 0.4 143 0 -1.2 0.2 5.9 0.9
2008 TBA MLB AL 122 508 .261 .330 .411 .309 105 17.4 14.7 2 126 8 4.2 -0.2 17.5 3.8
2008 DUR AAA INT 7 30 .266 .326 .410 .250 86 -2.5 0.9 0.1 84 0 -0.7 0.0 -1.0 -0.1
2009 TBA MLB AL 157 671 .265 .332 .422 .313 105 18.8 19.3 2.4 133 10 15.4 3.4 29.0 7.0
2010 TBA MLB AL 151 661 .257 .322 .405 .336 106 26.6 18.2 2.5 133 9 5.4 3.4 26.2 5.8
2011 TBA MLB AL 133 574 .254 .320 .406 .239 99 28.5 15.5 1.9 141 11 13.7 -2.1 27.3 6.0
2011 MNT AA SOU 4 17 .271 .328 .412 .100 105 2 0.5 0.1 134 0 0.5 0.0 0.7 0.2
2012 TBA MLB AL 74 312 .254 .314 .412 .313 98 18.7 8.5 -1.1 140 12 -1.5 -1.2 14.5 2.0
2012 DUR AAA INT 10 39 .263 .332 .400 .273 100 -0.9 1.2 -0.7 83 0 0.0 -0.1 -0.6 0.0
2013 TBA MLB AL 160 693 .254 .318 .405 .312 96 31.4 18.2 1.4 134 10 6.0 -0.8 26.9 5.6
2014 TBA MLB AL 162 700 .253 .314 .394 .285 95 17.9 18.1 1.8 115 8 3.5 1.7 11.4 4.0
2015 TBA MLB AL 160 670 .253 .312 .401 .309 104 7.2 18.1 1.5 112 8 8.6 0.5 11.4 4.3
2016 TBA MLB AL 160 685 .252 .316 .413 .298 103 18.8 19.4 1.9 125 8 -5.4 -2.3 21.6 3.6
2017 TBA MLB AL 156 677 .252 .320 .422 .282 98 3 19.8 1.4 95 8 3.8 -1.9 -1.8 2.1
2018 SFN MLB NL 125 512 .241 .309 .393 .274 96 -4.2 14.4 2 89 11 -10.5 -5.2 -5.0 -0.5
2018 SAC AAA PCL 4 16 .251 .310 .381 .214 109 0 0.5 0.1 98 0 -0.7 -0.2 0.0 0.0
2019 SFN MLB NL 129 508 .250 .317 .431 .291 93 4.4 15.3 2.1 100 6 6.6 0.1 2.3 2.6

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2006 HUD A- NYP 39 33 5 14 1 1 4 29 11 5 5 1 0 .424 .500 .879 .455 0 0
2006 VIS A+ CLF 128 110 22 36 8 0 8 68 28 13 19 1 1 .327 .405 .618 .291 1 1
2006 MNT AA SOU 109 105 14 28 5 0 6 51 19 1 20 2 1 .267 .274 .486 .219 0 0
2007 MNT AA SOU 447 381 78 117 21 0 21 201 76 51 81 4 0 .307 .405 .528 .220 0 0
2007 DUR AAA INT 128 104 19 28 8 0 5 51 19 22 29 0 0 .269 .402 .490 .221 0 0
2008 DUR AAA INT 30 25 2 5 0 0 0 5 1 4 5 0 0 .200 .333 .200 .000 0 0
2008 TBA MLB AL 508 448 67 122 31 2 27 238 85 46 122 7 0 .272 .343 .531 .259 8 0
2009 TBA MLB AL 671 584 100 164 44 0 33 307 113 72 140 9 0 .281 .364 .526 .245 7 0
2010 TBA MLB AL 661 574 96 169 46 5 22 291 104 72 124 15 5 .294 .372 .507 .213 10 0
2011 TBA MLB AL 574 483 78 118 26 1 31 239 99 80 93 3 2 .244 .355 .495 .251 5 0
2011 MNT AA SOU 17 15 5 4 0 0 3 13 3 1 2 0 0 .267 .353 .867 .600 0 0
2012 TBA MLB AL 312 273 39 79 14 0 17 144 55 33 61 2 3 .289 .369 .527 .238 3 0
2012 DUR AAA INT 39 30 0 6 0 0 0 6 3 7 9 0 0 .200 .359 .200 .000 1 0
2013 TBA MLB AL 693 614 91 165 39 3 32 306 88 70 162 1 0 .269 .343 .498 .230 6 0
2014 TBA MLB AL 700 624 83 158 26 1 22 252 91 57 133 5 0 .253 .320 .404 .151 9
2015 TBA MLB AL 670 604 74 163 35 1 21 263 73 51 132 3 1 .270 .328 .435 .166 9 0
2016 TBA MLB AL 685 633 81 173 41 4 36 330 98 42 144 0 3 .273 .318 .521 .248 7 0
2017 TBA MLB AL 677 613 71 160 36 2 20 260 86 46 109 6 1 .261 .313 .424 .163 12 0
2018 SAC AAA PCL 16 14 2 3 1 0 0 4 2 1 0 0 0 .214 .313 .286 .071 0 0
2018 SFN MLB NL 512 480 51 117 25 4 16 198 54 22 101 3 1 .244 .281 .413 .169 5 0
2019 SFN MLB NL 508 453 59 115 19 2 20 198 69 43 112 3 1 .254 .325 .437 .183 5 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 1918 0.5068 0.4604 0.7497 0.6348 0.2812 0.8217 0.5827 0.2503 -0.0035
2009 2588 0.4988 0.4409 0.7458 0.6042 0.2783 0.8154 0.5956 0.2542 0.0034
2010 2513 0.5038 0.4341 0.7745 0.6161 0.2494 0.8410 0.6077 0.2255 0.0043
2011 2166 0.4829 0.4197 0.7844 0.6195 0.2330 0.8519 0.6169 0.2156 0.0027
2012 1225 0.4996 0.4163 0.7588 0.5670 0.2659 0.8473 0.5706 0.2412 0.0028
2013 2744 0.5051 0.4144 0.7476 0.5808 0.2445 0.8273 0.5542 0.2524 0.0054
2014 2467 0.5051 0.4779 0.7600 0.6453 0.3071 0.8420 0.5840 0.2400 0.0076
2015 2501 0.5010 0.4730 0.7658 0.6393 0.3061 0.8402 0.6099 0.2342 -0.0059
2016 2502 0.4884 0.4884 0.7398 0.6367 0.3469 0.8162 0.6059 0.2602 0.0000
2017 2488 0.4759 0.4980 0.7910 0.6757 0.3367 0.8625 0.6606 0.2090 0.0000
2018 1926 0.4958 0.4855 0.7947 0.6356 0.3378 0.8715 0.6524 0.2053 0.0000
2019 1993 0.4762 0.4691 0.7433 0.6417 0.3123 0.8013 0.6350 0.2567 0.0000

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-08-22 2014-08-22 DTD 0 0 - Forearm Soreness -
2013-09-22 2013-09-22 DTD 0 0 - General Medical Illness - -
2013-06-29 2013-07-03 DTD 4 4 Right Foot Plantar Fasciitis - -
2013-06-14 2013-06-14 DTD 0 0 Right Foot Plantar Fasciitis - -
2012-11-20 2012-11-20 Off 0 0 Left Thigh Surgery Hamstring 2012-11-20 -
2012-05-01 2012-08-07 60-DL 98 85 Left Thigh Strain Hamstring - -
2012-03-02 2012-03-11 Camp 9 0 Right Hand Contusion HBP - -
2011-11-10 2011-11-10 Off 0 0 Left Foot Surgery Mortons Neuroma 2011-11-10 -
2011-06-17 2011-06-17 DTD 0 0 Foot Soreness -
2011-06-09 2011-06-10 DTD 1 0 General Medical Illness Strep Throat -
2011-06-04 2011-06-04 DTD 0 0 Left Trunk Tightness -
2011-04-03 2011-05-03 15-DL 30 26 Left Abdomen Strain Oblique -
2011-03-13 2011-03-15 Camp 2 0 General Medical Dehydration -
2010-09-24 2010-10-06 DTD 12 10 Left Thigh Strain Quadriceps -
2010-05-09 2010-05-09 DTD 0 0 Left Lower Leg Contusion Foul Ball -
2009-07-13 2009-07-14 DTD 1 0 Right Fingers Infection Ring Finger -
2009-06-25 2009-06-26 DTD 1 1 Left Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2009-06-03 2009-06-06 DTD 3 2 Left Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2009-03-17 2009-03-19 Camp 2 0 General Medical Illness Virus -
2009-02-14 2009-02-19 Camp 5 0 Face Surgery Wisdom Teeth Removed 2009-02-14
2008-08-08 2008-09-06 15-DL 29 25 Right Wrist Fracture Ulna -


Year Team Salary
2024 ARI $4,000,000
2023 SFN $2,000,000
2022 TBA $2,166,667
2022 SFN $17,500,000
2021 TBA $2,166,667
2021 SFN $16,500,000
2020 TBA $2,166,666
2020 SFN $12,825,802
2019 TBA $2,166,666
2019 SFN $12,500,000
2018 TBA $1,666,667
2018 SFN $12,000,000
2017 TBA $13,166,667
2016 TBA $12,100,000
2015 TBA $11,000,000
2014 TBA $7,500,000
2013 TBA $6,000,000
2012 TBA $4,500,000
2011 TBA $2,500,000
2010 TBA $950,000
2009 TBA $550,000
2008 TBA $500,000
16 yrPrevious$142,425,802
17 yrPvs + Cur$146,425,802
17 yrTotal$146,425,802


Service TimeAgentContract Status
14 y 170 dPaul Cohen1 year/$4M (2023)

  • 1 year/$4M (2023). Signed by Arizona as a free agent 12/30/22. Roster bonuses: $150,000 for 90 days on active roster. $250,000 each for 120, 150 days. $175,000 each for 160, 165 days.
  • 6 years/$100M (2017-22), plus 2023 club option. Signed extension with Tampa Bay 11/26/12. $1M signing bonus. 17:$13M, 18:$13.5M, 19:$14.5M, 20:$15M, 21:$18.5M, 22:$19.5M, 23:$13M club option, $5M buyout. Option may increase $5M to $18M based on 2022 awards (rank in MVP vote, Gold Glove at third base, Silver Slugger or All Star). Assignment bonus of $2M if traded. Longoria agreed to defer $11M without interest ($1.5M each in 2017-18 and $2M each in 2019-22), reducing present day value for 2013-22 to $131,044,173, according to MLBPA calculation. As part of the deal, Tampa Bay exercised 2014-16 options in previous contract. Rays also converted $6M salary for 2013 into $2M salary and $4M signing bonus (for total of $5M in signing bonus money paid in three installments in 2013). Acquired by San Francisco in trade from Tampa Bay 12/20/17, with Rays responsible for $14.5M of remaining $88M left on Longoria's contract: the remaining $9.5M in deferred salary, Longoria's $2M assignment bonus and a $3M cash payment to Giants due 10/31/22. San Francisco declined 2023 option 11/10/22.
  • 6 years/$17.5M (2008-13), plus 2014-16 club options. Signed extension with Tampa Bay 4/18/08, replacing existing one-year deal. 08:$0.5M, 09:$0.55M, 10:$0.95M, 11:$2M, 12:$4.5M, 13:$6M, 14:$7.5M club option, $3M buyout, 15:$11M club option, 16:$11.5M club option. Tampa Bay must exercise 2015-16 options by November, 2014. 2011 salary increases to $2.5M if Longoria is eligible for arbitration after 2010. 2014 buyout increases to $4M if Longoria is arbitration-eligible after 2011. 2016 option may increase to $14M based on MVP vote (option price increased to $12.1M).
  • 1 year (2008). Contract purchased by Tampa Bay 4/12/08.
  • Drafted by Tampa Bay 2006 (1-3) (Long Beach State). Signed 6/06, $3M signing bonus.

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

90o 41 10 2 0 1 3 7 0 0 .270 .325 .405 117 0.0 3B 0 0.0
80o 28 7 2 0 1 2 5 0 0 .280 .333 .480 112 0.0 3B 0 0.0
70o 18 5 1 0 1 1 3 0 0 .312 .353 .562 108 0.0 3B 0 0.0
60o 10 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 .222 .300 .333 105 0.0 3B 0 0.0
50o 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 102 0.0 3B 0 0.0
Weighted Mean300000100.000.000.0001020.03B 00.0

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BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2015-06-30 19:00:00 (link to chat)What's the deal with Evan Longoria? He may not even be a Top 15 3B anymore
(Shawn from Couch)
He was hurt for awhile and that could be a factor. I hope this isn't David Wright syndrome where the demands of a tough position and coming up young lead to a lot of injuries/ineffectiveness. (Mike Gianella)
2015-06-02 18:00:00 (link to chat)What kind of SP's should one hope to bring back in a heads up, 1:1 trade for either Evan Longoria or Carlos Gomez (20 teams, keep forever, 5x5 + xbh, obp, hld, qs)? My staff has been obliterated with injuries, meanwhile I have Machado & Trout manning 3B & CF for the foreseeable future
(Ernie from Seattle)
Both players are having off starts to the season so I'd expect an SP2 in return for both players. Gomez's falloff is particularly concerning considering the player's history but I wouldn't sell low on him. (Mauricio Rubio)
2015-05-05 15:00:00 (link to chat)Evan Longoria or Kris Bryant ROS?
(Shawn from Cubicle)
Longoria only has one home run and six RBI? Who does he think he is, Robinson Cano? I'll go Bryant, who should pick it up with the home runs himself. (Nick Shlain)
2015-01-20 19:30:00 (link to chat)RANK in ORDER from MOST to LEAST LIKELY to happen PLEASE: YOU taking a SELFIE with CRAIG EVAN LONGORIA hitting 30 HOME RUNS ME learning to NOT CAPITALIZE random WORDS THANKS much
(Julio from The Stretch)
Selfie with Craig -- will for sure happen in a few weeks when I become his roommate for a day
Evan Longoria hitting 30 homers
You learning not to capitalize words, you cretin (Ben Carsley)
2015-01-28 19:00:00 (link to chat)How big a gap is there between Evan Longoria and Todd Frazier for dynasty purposes (5x5 + OBP & XBH)?
(AJ from Phoenix)
There isn't much of a gap in my mind, I view them similarly. (Mauricio Rubio)
2014-07-24 19:00:00 (link to chat)In a dynasty league would you give up any of Yoenis Cespedes, Jason Heyward, or Evan Longoria for Oscar Taveras?
(Shawn from Ballpark)
I would consider Longoria and Cespedes. I'm waiting out Heyward's long term prospects as I think he can be more valuable than Taveras over his career. (Mauricio Rubio)
2014-06-17 20:00:00 (link to chat)Who is the player you find yourself overvaluing (or just ending up with on your team) more than others?
(Kel from Goodburger)
Is it too cliche to say Adam Dunn? We went around the table on this one and here's what we got: Ben: "I have a soft spot for Evan Longoria that results in what we have come to call irrational affection." Ian: "In general, I'll overvalue prospects relative to my colleagues, or possibly sanity, would dictate. In particular, I'll remember prospect value even after the majors has gotten in the way, so I'll be one of the last off the Jason Heyward train, for example." Jared: "I tend to have a special fondness for guys who can mash the ball, without stopping to think too much about whether they can get on base. Like, say, Khris Davis. Or Chris Davis. Or any other variant thereof." Ben adds: " Mark Trumbo!" (Scoresheet Chat with Ben, Jared, and Ian)
2014-01-30 14:00:00 (link to chat)You and Sam mentioned on the podcast that Evan Longoria's extension he signed immediately after his major league promotion did not count as a home town discount -- but what about his second contract extension? Max value $144.6 million over 11 years, $100 guaranteed.
(Danny from Boston)
Yes, good point. (Ben Lindbergh)
2014-02-03 13:00:00 (link to chat)First off, great job on the TINO episodes so far. Awesome podcast. My question is how highly do you value Manny Machado in dynasty leagues? What he did last year was extremely impressive given how young he was. Do you think he could be a top ten asset and the #1 3B down the line? I'd like to think he can improve on those HR by quite a bit in a couple years.
(Evan from California)
Once in my dreams Manny Machado gently woke me from an uneasy sleep and cradled me in his arms while cooing me soft pleasantries which generally stated that life will be ok and my hopes will be fulfilled. I think he's going to be fantastic.
Time will be coming soon where he almost has to be the #1 3B. Miggy is going away, mainstays like Zimmerman and Wright will enter decline/secondary phases of their careers. Evan Longoria will challenge Machado but it will be a fun conversation to have. (Mauricio Rubio)
2013-04-10 20:00:00 (link to chat)MG What's going on? In a yahoo league rotisserie standard 8 team league. I really need to make a couple of adjustments. Need to add another pitcher and solid bar to this line up. This league is tough with trades! Who should we ditch and is there anyone we should be tracking or picking up? Here is the squad, 1. (6) Albert Pujols 1B 2. (11) Joe Mauer C,1B 3. (22) Jacoby Ellsbury OF 4. (27) Evan Longoria 3B 5. (38) Matt Holliday OF 6. (43) Cliff Lee SP 7. (54) Shin-Soo Choo OF 8. (59) Jose Altuve 2B 9. (70) Jimmy Rollins SS 10. (75) Roy Halladay SP 11. (86) Huston Street RP 12. (91) Addison Reed RP 13. (102) Anthony Rizzo 1B 14. (107) Jason Grilli RP 15. (118) Tim Lincecum SP 16. (123) Alex Gordon OF 17. (134) Carlos Marmol RP 18. (139) Dan Haren SP 19. (150) Kenley Jansen RP 20. (155) Rickie Weeks 2B 21. (166) Alejandro De Aza OF 22. (171) J.P. Arencibia C Guys who are available. FYI Materson, ziti, e Santana, pettitte Crisp, wells, m Saunders, carpenter, werth
(coach53 from Ct)
Hey Coach

Without knowing what the rules are regarding how deep your reserve lists are and what your free agent pool looks like it's difficult to offer specific advice. Your roster looks strong, but 8-team mixed probably has a lot of rosters that look like this. Dan Haren and Tim Lincecum seem like players that you should be upgrading on. Feel free to drop Carlos Marmol, and as much as I love Kenley Jansen if there's a closer out there, get him; in an 8-team league you shouldn't be speculating on future saves but getting saves here and now. The free agents you list don't look particularly great which - again - makes me wonder how deep your reserve lists are. (Mike Gianella)
2013-04-12 14:00:00 (link to chat)HEY DT What's going on? In a yahoo league rotisserie standard 8 team league. Standard starters C-all infield with 3 outfielders with a utility player. We use 2 SP,2RP 3P in general. I really need to make a couple of adjustments. Need to add another pitcher and solid bar to this line up. This league is tough with trades! Who should we ditch and is there anyone we should be tracking or picking up? Here is the squad, 1. (6) Albert Pujols 1B 2. (11) Joe Mauer C,1B 3. (22) Jacoby Ellsbury OF 4. (27) Evan Longoria 3B 5. (38) Matt Holliday OF 6. (43) Cliff Lee SP 7. (54) Shin-Soo Choo OF 8. (59) Jose Altuve 2B 9. (70) Jimmy Rollins SS 10. (75) Roy Halladay SP 11. (86) Huston Street RP 12. (91) Addison Reed RP 13. (102) Anthony Rizzo 1B 14. (107) Jason Grilli RP 15. (118) Tim Lincecum SP 16. (123) Alex Gordon OF 17. (134) Carlos Marmol RP 18. (139) Dan Haren SP 19. (150) Kenley Jansen RP 20. (155) Rickie Weeks 2B 21. (166) Alejandro De Aza OF 22. (171) J.P. Arencibia C Guys who are available. SP: Lance Lynn Doug Fister Josh Beckett A.J. Griffin Brett Anderson Trevor Cahill Homer Bailey Tommy Hanson RP Shelby Miller John Axford David Phelps Andrew Cashner Hitters: Melky Cabrera David Freese Norichika Aoki Angel Pagan Coco Crisp A.J. Pierzynski Matt Carpenter Daniel Murphy
(coach53 from CT)
Wow, there is a ton of talent on the FA list. I would certainly target Lynn, Anderson, and Miller on the mound, especially since your pitching is hurting with Lincecum, Haren, and Halladay. That would be my #1 priority, no doubt.

Among the hitters, I like Freese, Crisp, and Aoki. But you are pretty solid in the OF and 3B already, so that would be a secondary concern. (Doug Thorburn)
2013-03-26 13:00:00 (link to chat)Is there any reason for me to expect that the Rays offense will outperform the production levels from 2012? Follow up, do you shorten your name to Zach, or Zak?
(Eric from Costa Rica)
I can certainly give you some reasons, starting with the fact that Evan Longoria only played in 74 games last year. Also, they got very poor production at first base anyway, so James Loney can't be much of a downgrade.

If you're shortening the name, it's just Z. (Zachary Levine)
2013-02-27 20:00:00 (link to chat)Can you name some players being drafted in the first couple of rounds who you think could end up relative busts?
(Bo from PA)
I don't see any busts per se, but I always look at Evan Longoria and shake my head a little bit. He's only earned over $30 once in his career and even if you take his injured seasons and prorate his AB, he still isn't a $30 player. People keep treating him like an elite, but he has almost never shown it on the field. I don't think he'll be a bust, but he's not going to live up to the stats of a first or second round pick in my mind. (Mike Gianella)
2012-11-28 14:00:00 (link to chat)If the Evan Longoria contract extension were a song from last night's Neil Young concert, which song would it be?
(ndemause from Brooklyn, NY)
"Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)," with the black being the Rays' surplus value. (Ben Lindbergh)
2011-05-26 13:00:00 (link to chat)12 team non keeper. I have Evan Longoria. Guy has obviously been in a terrible slump. My relief corps is very week... I was wondering how you felt about trading Longoria for a reliever?
(fieldHat from Alaska)
No. Don't do that. Just no. (R.J. Anderson)
2010-07-29 16:30:00 (link to chat)Considering Montero's recent streak do you think there's any chance the Yanks will trade him? Hard to believe now he was headed to Seattle, even for Lee.
(john from ct)
You'd trade Montero for Strasburg, right? For Heyward, too? Evan Longoria? I mean, he's not the most valuable player in baseball, so he's going to be worth trading for some people. He's raised his stock, for sure. If they do trade him, it'll be for an even better package than they would have gotten beforehand. He's certainly a valuable asset either as a Yankee or as a guy who can be traded for players to become good Yankees. (Matt Swartz)
2010-03-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)How much does the type of workouts players do during the off season matter? For example, Evan Longoria concentrated on his hamstrings/glutes during the winter. Is this more of an overreaction to the previous year or something likely to prevent recurrences in the future? (or, more likely, depends on the individual and workouts in question?)
(Stephanie from DC)
Great question. Bypassing the easy joke about Longoria, it's an interesting point that we know so little about the off-season workouts. They're actually a new innovation. Players used to WORK during the offseason. Yogi Berra was a maitre d' early in his career. Mickey Mantle I think sold cars. Since so many are done ad hoc and followed only "light touch" by the teams, there's very little data. Mostly we get people following on someone's success. Lots of Red Sox go to API in Arizona because Dustin Pedroia was an advocate and won an MVP. (Will Carroll)
2010-01-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)Marc, your rankings were very confusing to me. You neglected to include the following: Al Simmons, Indian Bob Johnson, the quieter "Nebraska"-style albums of Bruce Springsteen, Alex Rodriguez vs. New Coke, Richard Burton's films made while drunk vs. those he made while sober, and whether the left breast is superior to the right breast in most circumstances. Also, where does Evan Longoria rank among the above? Thanks for the chat!
(Steven Goldman from The Pinstriped Bible Seminary)
Thank you for bringing this up, Steven, so I wouldn't have to eviscerate any readers publicly. For the love of Jebus people, I have not done the 2010 rankings yet--that's why such-and-such a player isn't on the list.

I'm finishing up the review of 2009 this week, and then moving on to this year's positional rankings using a new system with advice you fine folks gave me weekly.

Also, left > right, and Evan Longoria's value is found in between those. (Marc Normandin)
2009-09-24 14:00:00 (link to chat)Is Adrian Gonzalez a left handed hitting Evan Longoria? Who would you build a team around?
(andy from san diego)
The third baseman who's a lot younger. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-09-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Can we officially crown Ryan Zimmerman as the best 3B in baseball yet?
(Johnny from Florida)
No, we can't. A-Rod's still great, and this is an era when we have Evan Longoria and David Wright both going strong. As much as I really love watching Zimmerman, especially afield, it's just not a cut-and-dried proposition. (Christina Kahrl)
2009-08-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)Zimmerman finally seems to be getting it so who's better over the long run Evan Longoria or Ryan Zimmerman?
(Marcus from Silver Spring)
I think they're very different players,and before we conclude that Zimmerman has taken a step forward, I want to see if he's really going to hold on or if this is another of his hot streaks that has fooled us before. Given Longoria's advantage in age and greater power potential, I think it more likely that he'll pop 40 HRs and take 80 BBs at some point. I still don't know if Zim is going to get there... Putting aside the fact that he was associated with Hal Chase, who has had the highest peak value among the Zimmermans - Heinie or Ryan (Bob Dylan is not a valid answer)? (Steven Goldman)
2009-08-11 13:00:00 (link to chat)Did Jay Bruce break a bone in his wrist or arm? Is there a comp for this one? Will it effect his prodigious pull power?
(mwball75 from Cincinnati, OH)
Looks like arm. I'm having to read tea leaves on this one, but seems as if it's along the lines of Evan Longoria last year. (Will Carroll)
2009-08-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Evan Longoria <3
(R.J. from Tampa)
You're lucky I love watching Longoria, Mr. Anderson. (Marc Normandin)
2009-06-11 14:00:00 (link to chat)Grant Green , with the bobby crosby comparisons? good or bad?
(jake from los angeles)
I wouldn't say good or bad as much as I'd just say lazy. First it was Evan Longoria and Troy Tulowitzki, and now it's Crosby. All of those comps are based more on the fact that those guys are big, atheltic, white college shortstops from Southern California and not much at all on what kinds of players they are. (Kevin Goldstein)
2009-06-03 15:00:00 (link to chat)If you could build a team around any one of them, do you pick Adam Jones, Evan Longoria, or someone else?
(DrDave from Alexandria VA)
Restricting it to those two, I'd go for Longoria because his plate discipline is a bit more refined, but they're both very nice building blocks. I'd be tempted to put Wieters ahead of them, but I'll hold off on committing to that path until I actually sit down and watch him play a few games. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-06-03 15:00:00 (link to chat)The Tampa Bay Rays presently have BJ Upton, Evan Longoria, and Carlos Pena all in the top 20 in strikeouts. Yet they still are at the top of the league in runs scored. It seems that the propensity to strikeout would result in a reduction in scoring runs. How negatively is this propensity affecting the Rays? What is bound to slow first, the scoring of runs or the strikeouts?
(Clay from Sarasota, FL)
As Ryan Wilkins noted here years ago, hitters' strikeout rate actually correlates positively with good stuff like SLG, ISO and BB/PA, and slightly positive towards scoring runs. There are times when it's the worst result in the world for a hitter, such as the failure to plate a runner with less than two outs in a close game, but on the whole, it's just another out, not the mark of shame. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-05-21 14:00:00 (link to chat)Who will be the best in 5 years out of these guys: Justin Upton, Jay Bruce, Evan Longoria, Ryan Braun, Travis Snider?
(Mike from Utica,NY)
Upton, with Longoria close behind. Upton should be in the home-run contest; he hits ridiculously impressive shots. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-10-15 13:00:00 (link to chat)Is Matt Wieters, next year's Evan Longoria?
(Mike from Utica,NY)
Yes. 1.054 OPS in his first minor league season. (Caleb Peiffer)
2008-10-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)David Wright or Evan Longoria? Evan Longoria or Eva Longoria?
(David Wain from New York)
That's a great question, if only because my point of reference for explaining how good Evan Longoria is going to be is David Wright. Longoria's younger, and has a better contract, so I'll go with him. David Wright is sooooooo 2007. (Marc Normandin)
2008-10-06 14:00:00 (link to chat)Okay, to take Pete from Boston's question to the next level... will we ever have a unanimous first ballot hall of famer? I know there are some who refuse to vote for anyone from the steroid era... but that era has passed. So perhaps Evan Longoria? Madison Baumgarner?
(Nick from Chicago)
There are actually some who refuse to vote for any player who went on strike, so you need someone who's career started in 1995 or later. I don't think anyone has said they wouldn't vote for anyone from the steroid era, and in fact, I've heard more the opposite--we can't know who did what, so it's unfair to punish only a few.

Jeter is the obvious choice. Greg Maddux before him, I guess, will be a test. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-09-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)Evan Longoria and Carl Crawford are two of the biggest talents on the Rays roster. When they went down, I expected them to skid, but they didn't. That's a pretty neat trick. How'd they manage to do it?
(Rob from Brighton)
Well, to be sure, Crawford hasn't been one of the biggest parts of this season's success, and a lot of what made a big difference to the team this year was the decision to substantively address the areas that Nate talked about a couple of months back (here we go: Put that kind of management atop a long-term vision and exceptional drafting and scouting, and you've got a franchise that's proving that raising your game to the level of the Red Sox is doable. Pity most of the NL doesn't bother, but they don't have to play up to that level to make the playoffs, and it's as much a matter of adapting to your competitive environment as it is about being really smart. (Christina Kahrl)
2008-08-27 13:00:00 (link to chat)Is that a power sapping injury Evan Longoria has? Hence, should we not expect a full return to power until next year?
(hotstatrat from Toronto)
Here's the key on Longoria -- he broke his ARM (distal tip of ulna), not his wrist. If you pointed to the area, we'd all use the common term of "wrist" but it's not anatomically so. There was someone who had a very similar injury, but I'm away from my database and my readers are letting me down on that TJ Dback ... oh, Tony Womack! (Will Carroll)
2008-07-03 13:00:00 (link to chat)Evan Longoria or Aramis Ramirez...who do you think will be more productive the rest of the year?
(Matt from Bloomington, IL)
Ramirez. (Jeff Erickson)
2008-06-23 12:00:00 (link to chat)Should every Rays fan just buy an Evan Longoria jersey now? He's got 12 HRs in under 70 games and it seems that his swing allows him to hit them deep without much effort. It's gonna be frightening when he starts to adjust against LHP and hit against them too.
(jlarsen from DRays Bay)
Sure, if they have the money to afford you, go ahead and buy it. (John Perrotto)
2008-05-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)So long as we're discussing shortstops, do you have any thoughts on Marc Lancaster's idea for the Rays to activate Aybar, send Zobrist to the minors, and use Evan Longoria as the backup shortstop?
(Stephanie from DC)
Without commenting specifically on Longoria's ability to do the job, I think teams worry way too much about contingencies that, in the worst case scenario, can only cost you a single game. Early in this chat someone asked why Mickey Mantle had the odd game at short. The reason was sometimes the Yankees decided to risk his messing up a play to get an extra outfield bat into the lineup during the late innings. Some managers waste a roster spot on a third catcher because dinosaurs might eat the first two, or they won't use the second catcher as a PH because the first one might have a stroke. Well, what if he does? You end up losing that day because the emergency catcher allows 42 passed balls. But that's a one-time thing. You can call up your third catcher from Triple-A before tomorrow's game. In the meantime, maybe that extra lefty pinch-hitter you're carrying in the place of the third catcher wins you a few games. I've made this same argument about the Yankees and A-Rod being Jeter's substitute. As long as they have a reserve third baseman, they don't need a reserve shortstop. (Steven Goldman)
2008-05-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)KG, Anything to worry about with Evan Longoria's counterintuitive platoon splits so far this year?
(pmoc81 from Orlando)
No. There's really nothing to worry about when it comes to Evan Longoria. (Kevin Goldstein)
2008-03-25 14:00:00 (link to chat)You knew this was coming: What sort of an impact do you see Jay Bruce, Evan Longoria, and Clay Buccholz making this season? Is Buchholz the Sox 5th starter right out of the gate?
(mikeduin from Seattle)
Even if this spring seems to have become one industry-wide case of Operation Prospect Wipeout, I think all three will get significant playing time this year. The Willy Aybar thing isn't going to last (Aybar might stick, but he's not enough of a bat to carry third base), Bruce cannot possibly get overlooked for too many months, while Buchholz will be an asset from here till September. (Christina Kahrl)
2008-03-25 14:00:00 (link to chat)Which is the more egregious demotion of a young 3b this spring, Josh Fields or Evan Longoria?
(Andrew from Overland Park, KS)
I'll go with Longoria, even if I think it's silly to demote a player as already ready as Fields; at least Fields was demoted because of the existence of an established worthwhile veteran ballplayer. Longoria's being sent down *for Willy Aybar*. There was a point in time where I loved Willy Aybar, and I still think he has some upside--at second base--but there's no way I send Longoria back down. (Christina Kahrl)
2008-03-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)The Rays seem close to sending down Evan Longoria, among other reasons because he hasn't failed yet and faced that adversity. Is there something to this (it seems like we hear it every year) or is this just a cover for a service time decision? I mean, it's not like he's going to fail in AAA.
(Jake from Seattle)
Yeah, it's clearly avoiding the Super-2 designation, but that's a part of the game and a smart decision on the Rays part. The question is, is it worth the hit they'll take to production in the first month or so? Was Braun being down in April and most of May the reason the Brewers fell short last year? Maybe ... (Will Carroll)
2008-03-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)I have Jay Bruce and Evan Longoria on my team right now. Right now, I have Longoria penciled in as my 3B... but if he's sent down, I need to grab another 3B off the waiver wire. Seeing as how I can only stash one of the two players on my bench, which one should I drop?
(Rob from Bloomington, IL)
Someone else. (Will Carroll)
2008-03-17 12:00:00 (link to chat)I got Evan Longoria in the 13th round of a 12 team league. With Glaus and Rolen still availible was this a good pick for me?
(dogtothedog from Toronto)
in a non keeper i think you reached by about 5 rounds.

ok everyone I have about ten minutes before I get in trouble because I'm blowing off everyone coming by my desk. Lightning round it is. (Mike Siano)
2008-02-07 14:00:00 (link to chat)Who do you think will have the better year, Evan Longoria or Alex Gordon?
(Jeremy from St. Paul, Minnesota)
Evan Longoria, and I say that as someone who's still pretty enthused about Gordon. Longoria is a decent approximation of Edgar Martinez. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-02-04 13:00:00 (link to chat)if you could compare pedro alvarez to any current major leaguer,who would it be
(tycobb from ga)
Alex Gordon seems like the logical answer, and it makes sense to speculate whether the two might be teammates in a few years. While scouting directors primarily draft talent over need (the smart ones anyway), it's interesting that the teams at the top of this year's draft all have promising young third basemen: Evan Longoria, Neil Walker, and Gordon. Depending on your opinion of Billy Rowell, the team drafting 4th may have one themselves.

Just think what kind of draft the Red Sox would have had in 2005 had they been able to sign Alvarez after taking him in the 14th round. While they came away with Ellsbury, Buchholz, Hansen, Bowden, and Lowrie, not to mention a pair of unheralded kids in Mark Wagner and Reid Engel, the one thing the Red Sox don't in their talented farm system is a highly-regarded third base prospect. (David Laurila)
2008-01-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)Rank these third baseman long term: Zimmerman, Alex Gordon, Ryan Braun, Andy LaRoche, and Evan Longoria.
(chris from chicago)
Zimmerman (man, he's about to have a year), Longoria, Braun, LaRoche, Gordon.

I might flip the last two because I'm not sure the Dodgers won't screw up with LaRoche. There are a ton of good young third baseman, huh?

Here's a better question: which of these guys ends up being Hank Blalock? (Joe Sheehan)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2008-10-27 16:30:00World Series Game FiveOk, so I had to catch up with the first 3 1/2 innings on the Tivo, and the Rays' approach at the plate (or lack of same) let me do it in about 10 minutes and had me wondering if their bus was double-parked or something.

I did have to rewind to watch Carlos Pena and Evan Longoria finally get their first hits. I'd forgotten what that looked like. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-10-22 16:30:00World Series Game One"Bill (New Mexico): Are you folks surprised that Manuel didn't DH Howard and let someone play first who can field the position?"

That player doesn't exist on this roster. Well, Eric Bruntlett, but if he wanted to do that he would have done it with Burrell.

It's kind of funny watching everyone run across the limitations of this roster. Wait until J.C. Romero has to face Evan Longoria.
(Joe Sheehan)
2008-10-02 11:00:00Thursday Playoff Games"Taylor (Toronto): Hey, I warned you. While we're having a Evan Longoria lovefest who would you rather have for the next five years, him or David Wright? Are there any other third basemen remotely as good over the same period of time? "

That Rodriguez guy will hang.

I'll take Wright, but it's really close. I suspect Wright will be a slightly better OBP and speed guy, with a bit less power.
(Joe Sheehan)
2008-10-02 11:00:00Thursday Playoff GamesHey Joe, Evan Longoria says hi. (Will Carroll)
2008-10-02 11:00:00Thursday Playoff GamesFor Ryan Braun to end up better than Evan Longoria, he's going to have to stop swinging at pitches above his neck. That's why he wasn't on my MVP ballot--it's not pitch recognition with him, it's actual patience and discipine.

Thing is, I think he'll get there. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-10-02 11:00:00Thursday Playoff GamesEvan Longoria is RIDICULOUS, but that pitch was worse than the one to Wise.

And this is coming from the guy who absolutley HATES how anouncers blame every home run on a bad pitch instead of crediting good hitting. (Kevin Goldstein)
2008-10-02 11:00:00Thursday Playoff GamesRandom fact: The Rays have four players in today's starting lineup who were drafted out of 4-year colleges: Carlos Pena (Northeastern), Evan Longoria (Long Beach State), Gabe Gross (Auburn) and Jason Bartlett (Oklahoma). (David Laurila)
2008-10-02 11:00:00Thursday Playoff GamesRemember, folks--Evan Longoria wasn't the MVP of the left side of the Rays' infield. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-10-02 11:00:00Thursday Playoff GamesThis just in: Evan Longoria has some pop in his bat. (Kevin Goldstein)

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