
Portrait of Lorenzo Cain

Lorenzo Cain CFBrewers

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2019 Projections (Preseason PECOTA - seasonal age 33)
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Birth Date4-13-1986
Height6' 2"
Weight214 lbs
Age38 years, 11 months, 6 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2010 MIL 24 43 158 45 11 1 1 9 28 1 7 1 .306 .348 .415 84 -2.7 1.9 3.4 0.8
2011 KCA 25 6 23 6 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 .273 .304 .318 77 -0.6 0.3 -0.4 0.0
2012 KCA 26 61 244 59 9 2 7 15 56 3 10 0 .266 .316 .419 98 -0.5 0.6 3.0 1.0
2013 KCA 27 115 442 100 21 3 4 33 90 4 14 6 .251 .310 .348 83 -7.5 -1.3 9.8 1.4
2014 KCA 28 133 502 142 29 4 5 24 108 4 28 5 .301 .339 .412 97 -1.7 3.2 6.2 2.2
2015 KCA 29 140 604 169 34 6 16 37 98 12 28 6 .307 .361 .477 128 21.7 4.0 17.3 6.5
2016 KCA 30 103 434 114 19 1 9 31 84 2 14 5 .287 .339 .408 101 1.5 2.2 8.3 2.5
2017 KCA 31 155 645 175 27 5 15 54 100 5 26 2 .300 .363 .440 119 17.1 2.4 19.4 6.0
2018 MIL 32 141 620 166 25 2 10 71 94 8 30 7 .308 .395 .417 121 17.9 4.3 2.1 4.5
2019 MIL 33 148 623 146 30 0 11 50 106 6 18 8 .260 .325 .372 87 -7.7 1.0 -1.6 1.2

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2005 HEL Rk PIO 6 28 .293 .382 .442 .278 100 -0.6 0.6 -0.3 50 0 0.9 0.4 -1.7 0.0
2006 WVA A SAL 132 603 .258 .335 .380 .372 109 10.3 14.0 -5 117 0 55.4 2.8 2.7 7.3
2007 BRV A+ FSL 126 533 .268 .337 .393 .339 95 -6.3 17.2 -3.8 97 0 14.2 -0.4 -0.3 2.6
2008 BRV A+ FSL 80 356 .255 .328 .374 .346 99 8.9 10.5 -3.3 124 0 7.0 0.3 3.7 1.8
2008 HUN AA SOU 40 172 .265 .346 .396 .356 108 4.1 5.1 0.4 105 0 -0.5 -0.3 -0.8 0.4
2008 NAS AAA PCL 6 22 .280 .340 .437 .231 110 -2.1 0.7 -0.2 41 0 -0.6 0.1 -1.7 -0.2
2009 WIS A MDW 15 61 .261 .335 .380 .270 106 -1.8 1.8 0.2 79 0 -0.1 -1.0 -1.3 0.0
2009 HUN AA SOU 42 160 .253 .328 .376 .252 94 -7 4.9 0.4 56 0 1.0 0.6 -6.9 0.0
2009 BRR Rk AZL 3 11 .243 .318 .325 .444 96 1.8 0.3 0 170 0 0.1 0.0 1.9 0.2
2010 MIL MLB NL 43 158 .251 .322 .391 .370 96 5.2 4.4 0.3 84 10 3.4 1.9 -2.7 0.8
2010 HUN AA SOU 62 280 .264 .337 .392 .400 100 13.9 8.0 0.6 136 0 -1.0 3.6 12.0 2.4
2010 NAS AAA PCL 22 100 .282 .348 .445 .366 104 -0.6 3.0 0.3 100 0 2.5 1.3 0.3 0.7
2011 KCA MLB AL 6 23 .287 .330 .450 .333 104 -1 0.6 -0.1 77 10 -0.4 0.3 -0.6 0.0
2011 OMA AAA PCL 128 549 .283 .352 .444 .366 98 26.1 17.0 -0.6 119 0 -0.8 0.6 15.2 3.0
2012 KCA MLB AL 61 244 .257 .316 .404 .319 100 1.6 6.7 0.1 98 10 3.0 0.6 -0.5 1.0
2012 NWA AA TEX 7 24 .238 .303 .368 .235 102 -0.7 0.7 -0.1 61 0 -0.4 0.2 -1.0 -0.1
2012 OMA AAA PCL 7 31 .261 .330 .397 .333 96 1.6 0.9 -0.1 110 0 -0.7 -0.5 0.5 0.0
2013 KCA MLB AL 115 442 .255 .317 .399 .309 100 -6.5 11.6 0 83 8 9.8 -1.3 -7.5 1.4
2014 KCA MLB AL 133 502 .254 .311 .389 .380 101 5.5 12.9 -0.7 97 8 6.2 3.2 -1.7 2.2
2014 OMA AAA PCL 2 7 .259 .323 .405 .000 99 -2 0.2 -0.1 55 0 -0.1 0.0 -0.4 0.0
2015 KCA MLB AL 140 604 .255 .313 .409 .347 104 22.5 16.3 1.2 128 9 17.3 4.0 21.7 6.5
2016 KCA MLB AL 103 434 .257 .319 .417 .341 105 -1.2 12.3 -0.5 101 8 8.3 2.2 1.5 2.5
2016 OMA AAA PCL 2 8 .295 .355 .445 .429 77 -0.1 0.2 -0.1 106 0 -0.1 -0.3 -0.1 0.0
2017 KCA MLB AL 155 645 .256 .321 .428 .340 103 14.5 18.9 1.5 119 10 19.4 2.4 17.1 6.0
2018 MIL MLB NL 141 620 .249 .318 .405 .357 95 30.3 17.4 1.6 121 9 2.1 4.3 17.9 4.5
2019 MIL MLB NL 148 623 .252 .323 .433 .301 95 -8.3 18.8 1.7 87 8 -1.6 1.0 -7.7 1.2

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2005 HEL Rk PIO 28 24 4 5 0 0 0 5 1 1 6 0 0 .208 .321 .208 .000 0 0
2006 WVA A SAL 603 527 91 162 36 4 6 224 60 58 104 34 11 .307 .386 .425 .118 2 2
2007 BRV A+ FSL 533 482 67 133 21 3 2 166 44 37 97 24 9 .276 .336 .344 .068 4 4
2008 HUN AA SOU 172 148 21 41 9 5 4 72 17 19 41 6 2 .277 .365 .486 .209 1 1
2008 BRV A+ FSL 356 317 50 91 22 4 7 142 41 29 68 19 4 .287 .359 .448 .161 1 1
2008 NAS AAA PCL 22 19 0 3 0 0 0 3 2 3 6 0 0 .158 .273 .158 .000 0 0
2009 HUN AA SOU 160 145 17 31 6 0 4 49 15 10 35 3 3 .214 .277 .338 .124 1 1
2009 WIS A MDW 61 52 3 10 4 0 0 14 3 9 15 0 0 .192 .311 .269 .077 0 0
2009 BRR Rk AZL 11 9 1 4 1 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 .444 .500 .556 .111 0 0
2010 NAS AAA PCL 100 87 13 26 5 3 0 37 9 11 17 5 1 .299 .380 .425 .126 1 1
2010 HUN AA SOU 280 244 45 79 6 6 3 106 18 34 52 21 2 .324 .407 .434 .111 1 1
2010 MIL MLB NL 158 147 17 45 11 1 1 61 13 9 28 7 1 .306 .348 .415 .109 1 0
2011 OMA AAA PCL 549 487 84 152 28 7 16 242 81 40 102 16 6 .312 .380 .497 .185 3 4
2011 KCA MLB AL 23 22 4 6 1 0 0 7 1 1 4 0 0 .273 .304 .318 .045 0 0
2012 OMA AAA PCL 31 28 4 9 3 0 1 15 6 2 4 0 0 .321 .355 .536 .214 1 0
2012 NWA AA TEX 24 24 4 5 1 0 1 9 1 0 6 0 0 .208 .208 .375 .167 0 0
2012 KCA MLB AL 244 222 27 59 9 2 7 93 31 15 56 10 0 .266 .316 .419 .153 4 0
2013 KCA MLB AL 442 399 54 100 21 3 4 139 46 33 90 14 6 .251 .310 .348 .098 6 0
2014 KCA MLB AL 502 471 55 142 29 4 5 194 53 24 108 28 5 .301 .339 .412 .110 3
2014 OMA AAA PCL 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 0
2015 KCA MLB AL 604 551 101 169 34 6 16 263 72 37 98 28 6 .307 .361 .477 .171 4 0
2016 OMA AAA PCL 8 8 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 .375 .375 .375 .000 0 0
2016 KCA MLB AL 434 397 56 114 19 1 9 162 56 31 84 14 5 .287 .339 .408 .121 4 0
2017 KCA MLB AL 645 584 86 175 27 5 15 257 49 54 100 26 2 .300 .363 .440 .140 2 0
2018 MIL MLB NL 620 539 90 166 25 2 10 225 38 71 94 30 7 .308 .395 .417 .109 2 0
2019 MIL MLB NL 623 562 75 146 30 0 11 209 48 50 106 18 8 .260 .325 .372 .112 4 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2010 642 0.5312 0.4642 0.8121 0.6217 0.2857 0.8679 0.6744 0.1879 0.0040
2011 83 0.5301 0.5060 0.7619 0.7045 0.2821 0.9032 0.3636 0.2381 0.0026
2012 1001 0.5115 0.4336 0.7419 0.5664 0.2945 0.8586 0.5069 0.2581 0.0069
2013 1743 0.5330 0.4400 0.8018 0.6039 0.2531 0.8913 0.5583 0.1982 0.0115
2014 1830 0.4896 0.4923 0.7580 0.6529 0.3383 0.8906 0.5127 0.2420 0.0044
2015 2282 0.4614 0.4952 0.8088 0.6838 0.3336 0.8833 0.6780 0.1912 -0.0040
2016 1750 0.4720 0.4800 0.7679 0.6695 0.3106 0.8517 0.6063 0.2321 0.0000
2017 2508 0.4912 0.4912 0.8036 0.6778 0.3111 0.8850 0.6322 0.1964 0.0000
2018 2447 0.4704 0.4242 0.8218 0.6386 0.2338 0.8816 0.6766 0.1782 0.0000
2019 2451 0.4835 0.4455 0.8086 0.6430 0.2607 0.9029 0.5909 0.1914 0.0000

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-04-17 2014-05-05 15-DL 18 17 Left Groin Strain - -
2013-08-09 2013-09-04 15-DL 26 26 Left Abdomen Strain Oblique - -
2013-07-28 2013-08-01 DTD 4 3 Left Groin Strain - -
2012-09-14 2012-10-04 DTD 20 19 Right Thigh Strain Hamstring - -
2012-04-27 2012-04-27 On-Alr 0 0 Left Hip Strain Hip Flexor Severe - -
2012-04-11 2012-07-09 60-DL 89 79 Left Groin Strain - -
2011-04-07 2011-04-14 Minors 7 7 Groin Strain -
2010-04-26 2010-05-13 Minors 17 0 Groin Strain -
2009-04-24 2009-07-21 Minors 88 0 Left Knee Sprain PCL -
2009-04-09 2009-04-20 Minors 11 0 Thigh Strain Hamstring -


Year Team Salary
2022 MIL $18,000,000
2021 MIL $17,000,000
2020 MIL $15,801,121
2019 MIL $15,000,000
2018 MIL $14,000,000
2017 KCA $11,000,000
2016 KCA $6,500,000
2015 KCA $2,725,000
2014 KCA $546,000
2013 KCA $503,175
2012 KCA $480,850
11 yrPrevious$101,556,146
11 yrTotal$101,556,146


Service TimeAgentContract Status
9 y 99 dAll Bases Covered5 years/$80M (2018-22)

  • 5 years/$80M (2018-22). Signed by Milwaukee as a free agent 1/26/18. 18:$14M, 19:$15M, 20:$16M, 21:$17M, 22:$18M. $1M annually is deferred, paid in equal annual installments from 2023 to 2027. Deferrals reduce contract's present-day value to $78,917,630. Award bonuses: $25,000 each for Gold Glove, Silver Slugger, LCS MVP. $50,000 for WS MVP. $0.3M for All-Star. $0.5M for MVP ($0.25M for second-fifth in MVP vote, $0.125M for sixth-10th in MVP vote). Perks: luxury suite at Miller Park for 20 games each season. No-trade protection: May block deals to all clubs in 2018, 15 clubs in 2019, 7 clubs in 2020, 5 clubs each in 2021 and 2022. Opted out of 2020 season, placed on restricted list 8/1/20. DFA by Milwaukee 6/19/22. Released 6/21/22.
  • 2 years/$17.5M (2016-17). Signed extension with Kansas City 1/15/16 (avoided arbitration, $7.85M-$5M). 16:$6.5M, 17:$11M.
  • 1 year/$2.725M (2015). Re-signed by Kansas City 2/3/15 (avoided arbitration, $3.6M-$2M). Performance bonus: $50,000 for 505 plate appearances. Award bonus: $50,000 for All-Star.
  • 1 year/$546,000 (2014). Re-signed by Kansas City 2/27/13.
  • 1 year/$503,175 (2013). Re-signed by Kansas City 2/20/13.
  • 1 year/$480,850 (2012). Re-signed by Kansas City 2/18/12.
  • 1 year (2011). Signed by Kansas City 3/11. Optioned to Triple-A 3/27/11. Recalled 9/21/11.
  • 1 year (2010). Contract purchased by Milwuakee 11/18/09. Re-signed 2/23/10. Optioned to Triple-A 3/19/10. Acquired by Kansas City in trade from Milwaukee 12/19/10 (Greinke deal).
  • Drafted by Milwaukee 2004 (17-496) (Tallahassee CC) (draft and follow).

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

90o 38 10 2 0 1 4 6 2 0 .303 .378 .455 127 3.4 CF 1 0.0
80o 26 7 1 0 1 3 4 1 0 .304 .385 .478 122 2.1 CF 0 0.0
70o 17 4 1 0 0 2 3 1 0 .267 .353 .333 119 1.3 CF 0 0.0
60o 10 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 .222 .300 .222 116 0.7 CF 0 0.0
50o 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .333 .333 .333 113 0.2 CF 0 0.0
Weighted Mean310000100.333.333.3331130.2CF 00.0

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BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2020-12-11 12:00:00 (link to chat)I keep trying to conjure scenarios where the Mets trade for Lindor, but instead of paying in purely prospects/young talent, they partially pay the cost by taking on bad money. Even though Cleveland doesn't have that bad money contract to dump, a 3-way trade that accomplishes this has to exist, right? How about a 3 way trade where the Mets end up with Lindor and Lorenzo Cain, Brewers send a prospect to Cle and the Mets send JD/Amed and a prospect or two to Cle. Assuming Cain's contract is something like ~15-20MM underwater, maybe they'd be willing to trade one of Rassmusen/Small/Ashby out Could look something like Brewers- Trade: Cain + Ras/Small/Ashby Receive: Salary Relief Mets- Trade: Amed Rosario, Mark Vientos, Szapucki Receive: Cain, Lindor Indians- Trade: Lindor Receive: Amed Rosario, Ras/Small/Ashby, Vientos, Szapucki What do you think? Also, what do you think of these other alternate 3rd teams/bad contracts and whether they'd be willing to send a meaningful prospect to Cleveland in a salary dump: PHI/McCutchen, CHI/Kimbrel, STL/Carp or Fowler, CIN/Moustakas
(Danny from NY)
Three-way deals can make things far more complicated and for Milwaukee specifically while I don't doubt they'd love to get out from the Cain money, they really aren't in a spot to be dumping a prospect to do it given the state of their system. The most straightforward way for the Mets is to just take Carrasco's remaining contract as well. (Jeffrey Paternostro)
2020-09-02 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thoughts on Jeisson Rosario’s fantasy ceiling? Great walk rates and speed and there should be some pop in there, right?
(Frank from Reno)
Brandon Williams had this to say about Rosario pre-season:

[Rosario] a plus-defending outfielder with exceptional athleticism. Playing as a 19-year-old in High-A last season, Rosario led the California League with 87 walks, though the patience came at a cost, as the deep counts he routinely worked resulted in a lot of hittable pitches passing by and sub-optimal contact quality. His is a lean wiry strength, and while he’ll show occasional gap power, he rarely seeks to drive the ball and most of his extra-base hits are the product of his plus-or-better speed. He shows some baseline aptitude for swiping bags, and positive baserunning value should be a part of his game. Rosario possesses the arm strength to play right field, but his expansive range and predatorial closing speed are best utilized in center, where he’s capable of growing into a true plus defender. While the hit tool looks like it may be a slower burn in refinement, Rosario’s blend of dynamic play-making and graceful athleticism gives him a lot to build on and should afford him all the time he needs to round into a valuable player.

I am not entralled with Rosario's fantasy ceiling. He has very little present power, and his frame does not necessarily project for much more than borderline-average raw power at best. Rosario is a plus runner with the makings of a possible plus hit tool (especially in OBP leagues). All that together looks something like best-case-scenario late-career Lorenzo Cain (.280/.370/.400/10/20). If he reaches that outcome, that would be fantastic. (Jesse Roche)
2019-08-06 12:00:00 (link to chat)Am I an idiot for dropping Lorenzo Cain in favor of keeping Trent Grisham in my dynasty league? Cain has been a benchwarmer all year behind Acuna, S. Marte, Ozuna, Franimal, and Castellanos (start 3).
(Alex from Austin)
I would guess with that much outfield depth you can take a young upside flyer. It's fine. I might have tried to get something for Cain, but I dunno enough about your league. (Jeffrey Paternostro)
2019-07-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Lorenzo Cain’s BA and SB have dropped off quite a bit this season. Can we expect a better second half of this season?
(Craig from Chicago)
Cain's hitting like it's 2013, except FRAA no longer likes him either. I have to imagine he'll raise the 82 DRC+ as well as his counting stats, but for someone who broke out late like Cain, there's definitely a larger concern (to me, at least) about a quick drop-off becoming more permanent (Ginny Searle)
2017-06-27 20:00:00 (link to chat)a lot of payroll coming off the books this year. is there a particular free agent or position you would target?
(a.j. from las vegas)
Assuming this is a Mets question, the guy is Lorenzo Cain. (Jarrett Seidler)
2017-05-08 20:00:00 (link to chat)Help me! I'm holding these six struggling bats in an OBP league: Chris Davis, Carlos Santana, Lorenzo Cain, Yasmany Tomas, Joey Bautista, and Yasiel Puig. Davis has 7! RBI's, Bautista looks like a shell of his former self, and Cain can't seem to get any counting stats beside SB. How would you rank them ROS, and who would you give up on?
(matzabal from CO)
I'd like to see Santana hit a few more homers, but otherwise he is what he is. And that's pretty good in an OBP league. I think Bautista will be better, but the days of him being a top 20 OF are probably long gone. I'd go Santana, Cain, Tomas, Davis, Puig, Bautista. (Mark Barry)
2017-05-03 20:00:00 (link to chat)Does Koda Glover lead the Nats in saves, or will it be Kelvin Herrera?
(Gregg from Cali)
Let me continue here. This SEEMS like a natural landing spot for Herrera. Pair him with Lorenzo Cain (I stole this idea from a twitter follower) and can the Royals get Robles back? He's heretofore been untouchable, but for that package, perhaps a deal could be swung. So, that gives Soria a chance for saves. Who else... Nate Jones on the White Sox (unless they trade him AND Robertson, which might leave... Tommy Kahnle?! Who else... I have this feeling about Archie Bradley, who also could go into the rotation. (David Brown)
2016-03-09 19:00:00 (link to chat)Standard 5x5, 12-team Roto league and we keep six each season. After keeping Trout, Donaldson, Rizzo, Scherzer and Arrieta, do I go with Lorenzo Cain, Troy Tulowitzki or Gerrit Cole as my last keeper?
(Matt from DC)
I'd keep Cole in that format. I like Cain better in a deeper league, but even in today's speed starved context you can find steals on the waiver wire. (Mike Gianella)
2016-01-14 20:00:00 (link to chat)Where does Lorenzo Cain rank for you among OFers? He's seemed to show that he's for real, do you think he can come close to his numbers from last year?
(Greg32 from Tacoma)
I'm a big fan of his and have been taking him fairly early in both mock drafts I've done so far. I have him in my Top 10, which is way more aggressive than his NFBC ranking (17 among OF) but I think Cain will maintain his steals and even if he hits 10 home runs, that's great for fantasy. (Mike Gianella)
2015-07-28 18:00:00 (link to chat)Which breakout CF would you rather hold onto in a dynasty, Pollock or Cain? Which one do you believe in more going forward?
(Nathan from Grand Rapids)
I'll go with Cain. He's performed at a high level before and there's reason to believe he can continue his production. Also I really love Lorenzo Cain. (Mauricio Rubio)
2014-10-17 12:00:00 (link to chat)What is your assessment of Norichika Aoki's defense?
(William from Spokane)
Humorous but effective. I once asked Lorenzo Cain to sum up Aoki's routes in one word. "Wow," he said. Then he started laughing. (Andy McCullough)
2014-10-17 12:00:00 (link to chat)The Royals come to you and say "bruh, this walk-up music we're using sucks. You like music, don't you? Choose the walk-up music for this whole lineup..." Nine players, nine songs. GO!
(Bruh from Club)
I did this in a mailbag bag in August. Forgive the jumbled up lineup:

1. Nori Aoki: "The Downfall of Us All" by A Day To Remember. This would just be an amusing way to start the first inning.

2. Omar Infante: "Mojo So Dope" by Kid Cudi. Omar is a laid-back fellow.

3. Salvador Perez: "Simon Says" by Pharoah Monche. The Godzilla introduction would be excellent.

4. Billy Butler: "Some Guys Have All The Luck" by Rod Stewart. A classic for the perpetually put-upon DH.

5. Alex Gordon: "Put On" by Young Jeezy. Either this, or "My Hero" by Foo Fighters. Or "The Best" by Tina Turner. I doubt Gordon would like the latter choices.

6. Josh Willingham: "Top Notch" by Manchester Orchestra. Non-descript rock music.

7. Lorenzo Cain: "Hold On, We're Going Home" by Drake. Smoother than LoCain flagging down a line drive in center.

8. Mike Moustakas: "You Wanted More" by Tonic. What? It's a good guitar riff.

9. Alcides Escobar: "Bowtie" by Outkast. I don't know. Feels like it fits. (Andy McCullough)
2014-10-09 15:00:00 (link to chat)If Tim Anderson has a good showing in the Arizona Fall League, do you think he'll have a chance to be ranked in the top 20 prospects? Also what do you think his eventual position will be?
(cracker73 from Florida)
I think he's a bit too raw to be ranked in the top 20 prospects. A big time athlete and impact-type skills, but he's outside of that range for me right now. I think he's a CF. The profile is sort of reminiscent of Lorenzo Cain. (Jordan Gorosh)
2013-07-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)Lorenzo Cain or Shane Victorino for ROS?
(captnamerca from Dunedin, FL)
Kind of a coinflip, but I'll lean Cain. (Paul Sporer)
2013-04-15 13:00:00 (link to chat)Some of my fantasy guys are really struggling early. What's your short and long term prognosis for Mike Moustakas? Will Aaron Hicks relax and stick around? Does Lorenzo Cain have what it takes to be a star? Leonys Martin?
(Jim from Seattle)
I like Moustakas, although he's taking his time to develop. Then again, he's only 24, so he's got time. Hicks we've covered, Cain is useful but not exciting. Martin seems like a high-risk/high-reward type, but the sample is so limited at the big-league level, I don't have a good feel for him yet. (Geoff Young)
2013-03-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)Lots of exciting young outfielders getting a shot this year. Of this group who do you like best for 2013 and beyond?: Lorenzo Cain, Leonys Martin, and Aaron Hicks.
(Jim from Chicago)
I like 'em in that order. (Paul Sporer)
2013-03-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)Scoresheet keeper league round 21 or 22: Lorenzo Cain or Peter Bourjos?
(hotstatrat from Toronto)
Hey hotstatrat, I miss your city... best dim sum I've ever had (but I get to see Rush inducted into the Rock and Roll HOF next month, so I can't complain). Those are the tough rounds. In my combined league, both went in round 17, with Bourjos coming six picks after Cain. The former gives you sick defense, while the latter might have some untapped offensive upside. If this is AL-only, there's a remote chance that Cain becomes a keeper. I'd take him first. (Geoff Young)
2013-01-22 13:00:00 (link to chat)What is your assessment of Lorenzo Cain? 15/15 season? 20/20?
(Nick from Kansas City)
Hey Nick,

Every time I look Cain up I realize he's older than I assume. If we're talking about 2013 then I think 20/20 is optimistic; 15/15 probably is, too. He should get the steals but I don't know if he'll hit 15 home runs in his first full big-league season. I feel more comfortable betting on the steals being there than the power. (R.J. Anderson)
2012-03-23 12:00:00 (link to chat)Lorenzo Cain has been tearing it up in Spring. Is he the real deal and worth a flyer in 10-team mixed leagues?
(brantparsons from Orlando)
Orlando!! Cain is a slasher with real speed and would work well as a 5th outfielder on the steals alone. I'm a bit worried about Bourgeois taking some PT away from him if Cain struggles but not enough to pass on him. (Jason Collette)
2012-03-15 12:00:00 (link to chat)Thanks for the great chat today. Do you see Melky Cabrera having a season closer to last year or the previous years? Looking at his information, we is still younger than I remembered.
(will.I.ain't from roaming)
Good point about Cabrera's age-he's not even a full two years older than Lorenzo Cain. That being said, I doubt Cabrera replicates last season. He has put together some solid seasons in the past-not good, but solid-so his biggest problem is just doing that year in and year out. Even if he's just a one-to-two-win player, that has value. (R.J. Anderson)
2012-01-20 14:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think Lorenzo Cain will be a reliable CF for the royals this year?
(Eric from Kc)
I do. (Kevin Goldstein)
2012-01-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)12 team mixed, 11 keepers each...need to settle on my 11th keeper. Is there any justification for keeping Lorenzo Cain over Brandon Belt (keep for the next 3 years?) Belt is the better prospect but his 2011 failure and inconsistant playing time worry me. Thanks!
(bateman19 from st. louis)
No, I think I'd have to go for Belt, especially if you're looking to compete more in 2013 than 2012. Cain's a nice player, but Belt's upside is higher. The PT is worrisome, but he played well at Triple-A last year, and I'd have to think he gets a real shot this season. (Derek Carty)
2012-01-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)What young player(s) on the Royals are you most excited about?
(Lucas Apostoleris from Massachusetts)
Eric Hosmer, Alex Gordon (does he still count?), Greg Holland. I'm curious to see if Lorenzo Cain is the real deal. Now that the Royals have some legitimate hitting stars on the corners again, I'd really like to see them solidify the middle of the defense with players who can contribute on both sides of the ball. Obviously the Royals aren't going to have every position filled with a star, but if Cain can be a solid regular in the field and in the lineup, that helps a lot. (Mike Fast)
2011-09-02 14:00:00 (link to chat)Can Lorenzo Cain play an acceptable MLB centerfield? And is he the Royals best option for CF next year?
(Paul from DC)
Yes and Yes and I'm baffled as to why the Royals seem intent on burying him. (Kevin Goldstein)
2011-05-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)When should we expect to see some of the more advanced prospects that seem to be ready such as Desmond Jennings, Brandon Allen, Lorenzo Cain called up?
(tsq3373 from CT)
The talk I've heard from the Rays guys has been that Jennings should be up in July after Super Two is safely past, since he has some service time already.

In general, I'm probably not your guy for prospect questions, but I'll try to answer if I know anything. (Mike Fast)
2011-04-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)It's Lorenzo Cain's 25th birthday. Is there any room for him in KC's bright future ?
(Jordan from DC)
Yes. Not a star, but he can provide a service for an affordable price at a position of need. (Jason Parks)
2011-01-03 14:00:00 (link to chat)Can Lorenzo Cain hit .280 / .360 / .400 this year?
(baseball from usa)
He can at least come close to that. (Kevin Goldstein)
2010-09-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Ben Is Omar Infante a starter next year? Also, who starts for the Brewers, Lorenzo Cain or Carlos Gomez? Thanks
(Ed from Cranford, NJ)
Marc Normandin informs me that he totally knew Infante would be a productive full-time player before the Braves did. Infante has an affordable club option for next season that will almost certainly be picked up, but he'd have to beat out another capable player in Martin Prado to start at second. Shedding Alex Gonzalez and starting Infante at short might be the best possible alignment with the Braves' current assets.

As for the Brewers situation--sounds like a spring training battle to me! I'll give you the Brewers fan perspective if I get a chance to ask one before the chat is over.

As for thr B (Ben Lindbergh)
2008-08-13 14:00:00 (link to chat)What’s the deal with Lorenzo Cain? He seems to be hitting a lot better now that he’s out of Brevard County; is he a legit sleeper at this point or will his K rate doom him?
(TomG from Salem)
The guy is a pretty crazy athlete, so that allows for a little more optimism. I'm certainly keeping an eye on him and he's more than a ligit sleeper, he's a prospect. (Kevin Goldstein)

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