
Portrait of Kendrys Morales

Kendrys Morales DHYankees

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2019 Projections (Preseason PECOTA - seasonal age 36)
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Birth Date6-20-1983
Height6' 1"
Weight242 lbs
Age40 years, 10 months, 5 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2006 ANA 23 57 215 46 10 1 5 17 28 0 1 1 .234 .293 .371 83 -3.8 -2.4 5.2 0.1
2007 ANA 24 43 126 35 10 0 4 6 21 1 0 1 .294 .333 .479 91 -0.9 -1.5 0.0 -0.1
2008 ANA 25 27 66 13 2 0 3 4 7 1 0 1 .213 .273 .393 97 -0.1 -1.4 0.6 0.0
2009 ANA 26 152 622 173 43 2 34 46 117 2 3 7 .306 .355 .569 135 28.3 -3.7 2.1 3.4
2010 ANA 27 51 211 56 5 0 11 12 31 5 0 1 .290 .346 .487 128 7.1 2.1 1.7 1.4
2012 ANA 29 134 522 132 26 1 22 31 116 4 0 1 .273 .320 .467 118 11.0 -2.5 -0.5 1.4
2013 SEA 30 156 657 167 34 0 23 49 114 5 0 0 .277 .336 .449 116 12.3 -4.5 -2.1 1.3
2014 MIN 31 39 162 36 11 0 1 6 27 0 0 0 .234 .259 .325 82 -3.1 -0.3 -1.0 -0.3
2014 SEA 31 59 239 44 9 0 7 21 41 3 0 0 .207 .285 .347 83 -4.4 -1.2 -1.1 -0.5
2015 KCA 32 158 639 165 41 2 22 58 103 8 0 0 .290 .362 .485 133 26.6 -5.5 -0.4 2.9
2016 KCA 33 154 618 147 24 0 30 48 120 7 0 0 .263 .327 .468 119 15.0 -1.2 -0.3 2.1
2017 TOR 34 150 608 139 25 0 28 43 132 5 0 0 .250 .308 .445 101 2.7 -6.3 -1.3 0.2
2018 TOR 35 130 471 103 15 0 21 50 95 3 2 3 .249 .331 .438 112 8.3 -4.1 1.8 1.2
2019 NYA 36 19 75 11 1 0 1 12 6 1 0 0 .177 .320 .242 83 -1.5 -1.4 -0.2 -0.2
2019 OAK 36 34 126 22 1 1 1 14 20 3 0 0 .204 .310 .259 87 -1.4 -1.2 -0.4 -0.1

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2005 RCU A+ CLF 22 100 .000 .000 .000 .351 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2005 ARK AA TXS 74 301 .265 .327 .413 .312 111 8 6.8 -4.4 127 0 3.4 -1.5 10.5 1.5
2006 ANA MLB AL 57 215 .274 .337 .429 .248 101 -11.5 6.5 -4.1 83 12 5.2 -2.4 -3.8 0.1
2006 SLC AAA PCL 66 273 .268 .340 .411 .343 111 9.2 7.9 -5.1 122 0 2.0 -1.1 8.4 1.2
2007 ANA MLB AL 43 126 .270 .336 .419 .330 99 1.1 3.7 -2.2 91 18 0.0 -1.5 -0.9 -0.1
2007 SLC AAA PCL 64 275 .283 .348 .435 .373 118 6.3 8.2 -5.2 115 0 -0.2 -3.8 6.2 0.5
2008 ANA MLB AL 27 66 .263 .341 .418 .196 103 -2.8 1.9 -0.9 97 14 0.6 -1.4 -0.1 0.0
2008 SLC AAA PCL 78 340 .281 .351 .447 .359 112 13.1 10.5 -6.5 132 0 -2.2 -1.3 9.3 0.9
2008 ANG Rk AZL 5 22 .257 .325 .367 .526 104 4.3 0.7 -0.3 346 0 -0.1 0.1 6.5 0.7
2009 ANA MLB AL 152 622 .261 .330 .414 .329 103 28.5 17.9 -11.3 135 11 2.1 -3.7 28.3 3.4
2010 ANA MLB AL 51 211 .252 .319 .393 .296 101 8.5 5.8 -3.7 128 12 1.7 2.1 7.1 1.4
2012 ANA MLB AL 134 522 .254 .315 .406 .315 95 17.6 14.3 -8.9 118 10 -0.5 -2.5 11.0 1.4
2013 SEA MLB AL 156 657 .256 .319 .402 .309 94 19 17.3 -11 116 7 -2.1 -4.5 12.3 1.3
2014 MIN MLB AL 39 162 .250 .309 .386 .273 108 -5.4 4.2 -2.7 82 9 -1.0 -0.3 -3.1 -0.3
2014 SEA MLB AL 59 239 .249 .310 .384 .222 91 -1.6 6.2 -4 83 10 -1.1 -1.2 -4.4 -0.5
2015 KCA MLB AL 158 639 .257 .315 .410 .319 104 19.3 17.2 -10.9 133 6 -0.4 -5.5 26.6 2.9
2016 KCA MLB AL 154 618 .255 .317 .414 .283 105 6.1 17.5 -11 119 7 -0.3 -1.2 15.0 2.1
2017 TOR MLB AL 150 608 .253 .322 .420 .278 104 -3.6 17.8 -11.2 101 7 -1.3 -6.3 2.7 0.2
2018 TOR MLB AL 130 471 .248 .319 .415 .272 106 1.1 13.2 -8.1 112 9 1.8 -4.1 8.3 1.2
2019 NYA MLB AL 19 75 .252 .320 .442 .182 102 -4.6 2.3 -1.4 83 8 -0.2 -1.4 -1.5 -0.2
2019 OAK MLB AL 34 126 .253 .331 .448 .239 101 -5.7 3.8 -2.2 87 11 -0.4 -1.2 -1.4 -0.1

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2005 RCU A+ CLF 100 90 18 31 3 0 5 49 17 6 11 0 0 .344 .404 .544 .200 0 0
2005 ARK AA TXS 301 281 47 86 12 0 17 149 54 17 43 2 0 .306 .350 .530 .224 0 0
2006 ANA MLB AL 215 197 21 46 10 1 5 73 22 17 28 1 1 .234 .293 .371 .137 1 0
2006 SLC AAA PCL 273 256 41 82 13 1 12 133 52 14 40 0 3 .320 .360 .520 .199 0 0
2007 SLC AAA PCL 275 255 42 87 20 1 5 124 37 15 30 0 2 .341 .387 .486 .145 0 0
2007 ANA MLB AL 126 119 12 35 10 0 4 57 15 6 21 0 1 .294 .333 .479 .185 0 0
2008 ANA MLB AL 66 61 7 13 2 0 3 24 8 4 7 0 1 .213 .273 .393 .180 0 0
2008 ANG Rk AZL 22 21 4 11 3 0 1 17 10 1 1 0 0 .524 .545 .810 .286 0 0
2008 SLC AAA PCL 340 317 46 108 19 0 15 172 64 19 43 1 3 .341 .380 .543 .202 0 0
2009 ANA MLB AL 622 566 86 173 43 2 34 322 108 46 117 3 7 .306 .355 .569 .263 8 0
2010 ANA MLB AL 211 193 29 56 5 0 11 94 39 12 31 0 1 .290 .346 .487 .197 1 0
2012 ANA MLB AL 522 484 61 132 26 1 22 226 73 31 116 0 1 .273 .320 .467 .194 3 0
2013 SEA MLB AL 657 602 64 167 34 0 23 270 80 49 114 0 0 .277 .336 .449 .171 1 0
2014 MIN MLB AL 162 154 12 36 11 0 1 50 18 6 27 0 0 .234 .259 .325 .091 2
2014 SEA MLB AL 239 213 16 44 9 0 7 74 24 21 41 0 0 .207 .285 .347 .141 2
2015 KCA MLB AL 639 569 81 165 41 2 22 276 106 58 103 0 0 .290 .362 .485 .195 4 0
2016 KCA MLB AL 618 558 65 147 24 0 30 261 93 48 120 0 0 .263 .327 .468 .204 5 0
2017 TOR MLB AL 608 557 67 139 25 0 28 248 85 43 132 0 0 .250 .308 .445 .196 3 0
2018 TOR MLB AL 471 413 47 103 15 0 21 181 57 50 95 2 3 .249 .331 .438 .189 5 0
2019 NYA MLB AL 75 62 7 11 1 0 1 15 5 12 6 0 0 .177 .320 .242 .065 0 0
2019 OAK MLB AL 126 108 9 22 1 1 1 28 7 14 20 0 0 .204 .310 .259 .056 1 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 195 0.3949 0.4923 0.8438 0.5974 0.4237 0.9565 0.7400 0.1563 -0.0019
2009 2444 0.4722 0.4529 0.7805 0.6023 0.3194 0.8518 0.6602 0.2195 0.0016
2010 791 0.5032 0.4475 0.7881 0.6131 0.2799 0.8852 0.5727 0.2119 0.0148
2012 2056 0.4679 0.4990 0.7427 0.6778 0.3419 0.8497 0.5561 0.2573 0.0051
2013 2425 0.4652 0.4829 0.7583 0.6605 0.3285 0.8765 0.5516 0.2417 0.0032
2014 1468 0.4659 0.4775 0.7718 0.6389 0.3367 0.8650 0.6174 0.2282 0.0074
2015 2420 0.4467 0.4835 0.7709 0.7031 0.3062 0.8750 0.5780 0.2291 -0.0011
2016 2458 0.4443 0.4809 0.7606 0.6511 0.3448 0.8678 0.5987 0.2394 0.0000
2017 2305 0.4356 0.4946 0.7096 0.6793 0.3520 0.8255 0.5371 0.2904 0.0000
2018 1905 0.4404 0.4357 0.7289 0.6019 0.3049 0.8614 0.5231 0.2711 0.0000
2019 833 0.4658 0.3950 0.8207 0.5773 0.2360 0.8929 0.6667 0.1793 0.0000

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2013-06-11 2013-06-14 DTD 3 2 - Low Back Stiffness - -
2013-06-08 2013-06-08 DTD 0 0 - Low Back Soreness - -
2012-09-29 2012-09-30 DTD 1 0 Right Trunk Soreness Ribs - -
2012-05-10 2012-05-12 DTD 2 1 Left Ankle Soreness - -
2012-03-20 2012-03-20 On-Alr 0 0 Left Thigh Tightness Quadriceps - -
2012-02-28 2012-03-22 Camp 23 0 Left Lower Leg Recovery From Surgery Recovery From Fractured Tibia with Scar Tissue 2011-05-26 -
2011-03-22 2011-03-22 On-Alr 0 0 Left Soreness Big Toe -
2011-03-22 2011-09-29 60-DL 191 162 Left Lower Leg Surgery Recovery From Fractured Tibia with Scar Tissue and Bone Graft 2011-05-26
2011-03-01 2011-03-22 Camp 21 0 Left Lower Leg Recovery From Surgery Fractured Tibia 2010-05-30
2010-05-30 2010-10-04 60-DL 127 111 Left Lower Leg Surgery Fractured Tibia 2010-05-30
2008-06-04 2008-07-18 Minors 44 0 Right Abdomen Strain Oblique - -
2007-01-09 2007-01-18 WIN 9 0 Left Knee Soreness -


Year Team Salary
2019 OAK $2,000,000
2019 TOR $10,000,000
2018 TOR $11,000,000
2017 TOR $10,000,000
2016 KCA $9,000,000
2015 KCA $6,500,000
2014 MIN $7,409,836
2013 SEA $5,250,000
2012 ANA $2,975,000
2011 ANA $2,975,000
2010 ANA $1,200,000
2009 ANA $1,100,000
2008 ANA $500,000
12 yrPrevious$69,909,836
12 yrTotal$69,909,836


Service TimeAgentContract Status
11 y 93 dWasserman Media3 years/$33M (2017-19)

  • 3 years/$33M (2017-19). Signed by Toronto as a free agent 11/16. 17:$10M, 18:$11M, 19:$12M. Acquired by Oakland in trade from Toronto 3/27/19, with Jays paying about $10M of $12M remaining on contract. Acquired by NY Yankees in trade 5/14/19 after being DFA by Oakland 5/13/19. As part of the deal, Athletics pay Yankees undisclosed amount of cash. DFA by NY Yankees 6/25/19. Released 7/2/19. Retired 2/7/20.
  • 2 years/$17M (2015-16), plus 2017 mutual option. Signed by Kansas City as a free agent 12/11/14. 15:$6.5M, 16:$9M, 17:$11M mutual option ($1.5M buyout). Annual performance bonuses: $50,000 for 375 plate appearances. $0.1M each for 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 525, 550 PA. Morales declined 2017 option 11/16.
  • 1 year/$12M (2014). Signed by Minnesota as a free agent 6/8/14. Pro-rated over the rest of the 2014 season, will earn approximately $7,409,836. Acquired by Seattle in trade from Minnesota 7/24/14.
  • 1 year/$5.25M (2013). Signed by Seattle 1/18/13 (avoided arbitration). Performance bonuses.
  • 1 year/$2.975M (2012). Re-signed by LA Angels 1/11/12 (avoided arbitration). Performance bonus: $50,000 for 550 plate appearances. Acquired by Seattle in trade from LA Angels 12/19/12.
  • 1 year/$2.975M (2011). Re-signed 1/18/11 (avoided arbitration).
  • 6 years/$4.5M (2005-10). Signed by LA Angels 12/04. $3M signing bonus, 05:$0.316M ($0.1M min), 06:$0.35M ($0.15M, 07:$0.4M ($0.2M), 08:$0.5M ($0.3M), 09:$0.6M ($0.35M), 10:$0.7M ($0.4M). Lesser salaries in minors (05:$0.1M, 06:$0.15M, 07:$0.2M, 08:$0.3M, 09:$0.35M, 10:$0.4M). Morales may void deal and file for arbitration, if eligible.
  • Signed by LA Angels 12/04 as an amateur free agent from Cuba (via the Dominican Republic).

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

90o 165 22 43 8 0 7 24 16 32 0 0 .293 .367 .490 130 8.9 1B -2 0.7
80o 145 19 36 7 0 6 20 14 28 0 0 .279 .352 .473 121 5.9 1B -2 0.4
70o 130 16 31 6 0 5 17 12 26 0 0 .267 .338 .448 115 4.0 1B -2 0.2
60o 117 14 27 5 0 5 15 10 24 0 0 .257 .325 .448 110 2.7 1B -2 0.1
50o 105 13 24 5 0 4 13 9 22 0 0 .255 .324 .436 106 1.6 1B -1 0.0
40o 93 11 20 4 0 3 12 8 19 0 0 .238 .309 .393 101 0.7 1B -1 -0.1
30o 80 9 17 3 0 3 10 6 17 0 0 .233 .300 .397 96 -0.1 1B -1 -0.1
20o 65 7 14 3 0 2 8 5 14 0 0 .237 .308 .390 90 -0.7 1B -1 -0.2
10o 45 5 9 2 0 1 5 3 10 0 0 .220 .273 .341 82 -1.1 1B -1 -0.2
Weighted Mean110132550414102300.253.324.4241082.01B -10.1

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BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2015-05-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)In my Yahoo league I am building for next year and thereafter. My roster is Russell Martin, Kendrys Morales, Josh Harrison, Brock Holt, Brett Gardner, Dexter Fowler, Gregory Polanco, Coco Crisp, Carlos Ruiz, Travis Snider, Kyle (and Corey) Seager, Jason Heyward, Carlos Correa, Desmond Jennings, Javier Baez, Matt Harvey, Carlos Martinez, Jimmy Nelson, Edinson Volquez, Jonathan Paplebon, Chris Heston, Noah Syndergaard, Lucas Giolito, Julio Urias, Jose Berrios, Matt Cain and Sean Doolittle. 8 keepers allowed. Comments? Suggestions?
(TimLandry from Montreal Quebec Canada)
Keep Matt Harvey eight times. (Christopher Crawford)
2015-02-16 11:00:00 (link to chat)Who do you think will make the biggest improvement with their new team (traded or FA pickup) as compared to their most recent team? seems like you like lawrie?
(Dan from Bloomington)
I think Lawrie is probably a little underrated because he's a post-hype guy. I'm not sold on him being equal to or better than Donaldson though.

Myers is up there. He'd probably be my pick, actually. Kendrys Morales is an obvious one. Jason Grilli isn't going to be the biggest gainer, but I liked what I saw from him in Anaheim. (R.J. Anderson)
2014-08-25 13:00:00 (link to chat)What are your thoughts on Kenny's Vargas and his prospects after his productive start?
(Silverback38 from VA)
I like him a lot. I could see him in his prime becoming what Kendrys Morales was before his season-ending injury. (Mike Gianella)
2014-08-25 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thoughts on Kennys Vargas' hot start and future as the Twins DH/1B?
(Ed from Minnesota)
I was asked about him earlier. His peak might be Kendrys Morales before the Morales season-ending injury. (Mike Gianella)
2014-05-29 19:30:00 (link to chat)Word is the Yankees are interested in Kendrys Morales. This is an ideal landing spot for him, no?
(SK from Boston)
From a fantasy POV, Yankees and Rangers would both be great. Keep him away from Seattle. (Ben Carsley)
2014-05-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)I picked up Rickie weeks due to plethora of injuries on my team... what's the chance that he sticks and becomes fantasy relevant again? Also is it time to stash Kendrys Morales? Thanks keep up the awesome work.
(Julio from San Anto)
I think there's a chance, but his best bet is getting flipped to someone who needs a full-time 2B. I've always liked Weeks so his fall from grace last year was a bummer (Paul Sporer)
2014-03-27 13:00:00 (link to chat)Where is Kendrys Morales going to end up and when will he sign?
(Jim from Seattle)
Man, I don't know. It's gonna take an injury at this point to clear things up. (R.J. Anderson)
2014-01-21 18:00:00 (link to chat)12 team keeper H2H categories 6x6 (.ops & holds) I can extend K Morales for last year @ $9, Or should I drop him and overbid on Adrian Gonzales (min 2 year contract)who will be available. I have the most $$ ($100) out of $260. Only have 8 roster spots to fill out of 35 man rosters. I will have to overbid due to a few owners having $$ but few Elite players to bid on. I already plan to go hard on Abreu to fill CI spot. I'm punting average and going for power and speed with likes of Carter, Villar, ECab, Cespedez, Reddick, Braun.
(ares1800jr from San Antonio)
Hey ares:

Glad you're somewhere warm.

I never think you should "overbid" on anyone, but I hear what you're saying. Given that terrible choice, you probably want to overbid on Adrian least if you have to make the decision right now. Kendrys Morales is a fine player in your format but my concern would be that he signs somewhere where he isn't a full time player and lands in some sort of platoon or quasi-regular role. I'm not sure what your trading culture is like, but I'd try to push for a trade rather than go too far out on a limb for Gonzalez. (Mike Gianella)
2013-12-10 18:00:00 (link to chat)Where do you see Kendrys Morales ending up?
(Frank from Seattle)
Given that the Mariners made a qualifying offer, the most likely destination for Kendry Morales is back to Seattle, since I can't see a team like the Pirates or the Rays surrendering a first round pick for a talent like Morales. The 10 teams that have protected picks either don't seem to need a first baseman or haven't expressed a lot of interest in Morales. I thought the Twins might have made sense before they announced they were moving Joe Mauer to first base. My guess is Seattle, although this could be one of those situations where the qualifying offer makes Morales' market tepid and he signs late with a team where an injury crops up and makes Morales a contingency plan. (Mike Gianella)
2013-01-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do we see any major trades before spring training? #Bourjos? #Stanton? #Upton? #Kubel?
(Kelvin from Brooklyn)
With the Angels having dealt Kendrys Morales, I don't think we'll see them move Bourjos. Stanton's displeasure with the Marlins has been made clear, but I don't see him being dealt before the season. However, I do think the Diamondbacks will clear up their outfield logjam. I'm not sure whether it will be Kubel or Upton that is dealt, but I can't see Parra reduced to a fourth outfielder role again, nor can I see Adam Eaton stuck in that role. (Josh Shepardson)
2012-12-18 13:00:00 (link to chat)Better DH fit for Rays, Kendrys Morales or Lance Berkman and why?
(jlarsen from chicago)
Morales because there is more in the tank, but his cost will be higher so given their organization, Berkman is a more likely candidate. (Paul Sporer)
2012-12-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hey Geoff, What do you think the Mariners' infield looks like for most of the season?
(captnamerca from Dunedin)
Howdy Captain. I'm assuming it'll be similar to last year's, with Kendrys Morales displacing Justin Smoak at first base. Nick Franklin could make things interesting at second if Dustin Ackley doesn't get his act together. (Geoff Young)
2011-10-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)I know there doesnt seem to be any clear updates as of late, but i was curious about whether or not there are rumblings in the industry about whether or not Kendrys Morales' leg injury has progressed any further or if this freak injury looks like it will really derail his career and make ANA/LAA contenders in the 1B market this offseason.
(Keith7971 from ECSU)
You didn't like Mark Trumbo? I realize the OBP issue prevents him from being a star, but he has some value, no? (Kevin Goldstein)
2011-05-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)Now that Kendrys Morales is out for the year (and his career is a little less sunny), do you think the Halos would/could package Trumbo and some other cost-controlled pieces to the Brewers for Fielder? Do you think the Brewers hold onto Fielder regardless of the standings for 2011?
(dianagramr from NYC)
They could, but I don't see why they would. Fielder will be testing the waters anyway, and the Angels are just as likely to sign him in the offseason coming from Milwaukee or some other team than they are if he was already in Los Angeles of Anaheim.

The Brewers will hang on to Fielder as long as they possibly can. If there's any chance at the playoffs, I can't see them trading him. Too many chips in the pot. They'll have to be really out of it (or get a fantastic offer) to put him on the block. (Larry Granillo)
2010-06-02 13:00:00 (link to chat)Tommy, thanks for chatting. What's the funnier Tracy Morgan SNL sketch, Brian Fellows or Astronaut Jones? Because neither of those is as funny as my second and third round picks of Grady Sizemore and Kendry Morales earlier this season.
(bctowns from Chicago, IL)
Really important question. I think the ceiling on Fellows was always higher, but Astronaut Jones was more consistent.

Also, my condolences. (Tommy Bennett)
2010-03-24 11:00:00 (link to chat)I thought it was weak that in the latest SI article about Kendry Morales they quoted Baseball Prospectus as saying something along the lines that Morales will only be a bench player. I don't have the magizine in front of me so I don't know who wrote it but in last years edition of BP it clearly stated Morales will be a good sleeper. When something like this happens do you guys shoot off an email to the writer and straighten him out? Maybe I was reading too much into it.
(ziti from sarasota)
I think it was an older quote, which is a different sort of thing ("the breakout was unexpected"). The work that Nate and Christina did on Cuban translations suggested caution about Morales, which turned out to be warranted for quite some time. That he broke out last year is a testament to his pure skills and dedication, I think, rather than his projection at the time he signed. (Tommy Bennett)
2010-02-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)thoughts on Joey Votto this year? he seems to be all over the place in everyone's rankings.
(sawred14 from Forked River, NJ)
Vottosaurus Rex is great, I just have to figure out how great when compared to other first basemen. 1B is seriously stacked--Kendry Morales was just a little above-average last year despite the great line he put up. I like Votto more than most though--dude is what people thought/think Justin Morneau is. (Marc Normandin)
2009-11-17 14:00:00 (link to chat)Has anyone credible seen Chapman hit 99 mph as some reports are saying? i can just see him coming to the U.S.and working 91-92 mph. The next Cuban defector plays up to 60% of his hype level will be the first.
(mafrth77 from Boston)
Kendry Morales and his .924 OPS say hello, as does Yunel Escobar. To answer your quesiton, Chapman has pitched in many international tourneys in front of many credible folks. He is not a myth. (Kevin Goldstein)
2009-03-19 15:00:00 (link to chat)is all the luster off of former prospect Alex Gordon? What happened there? Also what should we expect from Kendry Morales, 15-20 hrs?
(moonkyu from sf)
I still have faith in Gordon continuing to improve, and while we're at it, gimme Kendry Morales in the my sleeper pool. I think PECOTA is WAY low on him. (Kevin Goldstein)
2008-12-23 14:00:00 (link to chat)Now that the Yanks have Tex, is there anywhere for Manny to go but the Dodgers?
(Ken from Los Angeles, CA)
There's certainly an element of logic to it, because I don't really see him getting anything resembling his wished-for compensation almost anywhere else. It might be funny to see the Angels get in on him, though, with Kendry Morales at first and Vladi and Manny alternating between their respective corners and the DH slot, Juan Rivera bouncing between right and left depending on which one's DHing... that's be fun, if nothing else. (Christina Kahrl)
2008-12-10 14:00:00 (link to chat)If tex goes to Boston, what do the Angels do?
(gpbarn9 from Lex)
I think they give Kendry Morales another shot, and pocket the money for a better time. They probably like Aybar too much to chasae Furcal, and they don't need another corner OF. I suppose they could sign Dunn for 1B. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-06-20 13:30:00 (link to chat)OK one more, since you brought it up. He's hurt at the moment with a quad strain, but what do you think Kendry Morales can do at the big league level immediately, and in the future?
(deadmonkeyhead from CA)
Outhit Garret Anderson and Gary Matthews Jr. (Joe Sheehan)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2010-04-05 09:30:00Season Opener RoundtableHideki Matsui and Kendry Morales go back-to-back off of Jose Mijares. Probably not what the Twins were hoping their lefty specialist would do in that situation. (Dan Wade)

PITCHf/x Hitter Profile

A Collaboration between and Baseball Prospectus - Pitch classifications provided by Pitch Info LLC