
Portrait of Adam LaRoche

Adam LaRoche 1BNationals

Nationals Player Cards | Nationals Team Audit | Nationals Depth Chart

Career Summary
16 6329 .260 .336 .462 110 16.6
Birth Date11-6-1979
Height6' 2"
Weight205 lbs
Age44 years, 5 months, 13 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2004 ATL 24 110 356 90 27 1 13 27 78 1 0 0 .278 .333 .488 98 -0.4 -5.4 -8.3 -1.0
2005 ATL 25 141 502 117 28 0 20 39 87 4 0 2 .259 .320 .455 103 2.4 -2.3 -3.9 0.2
2006 ATL 26 149 557 140 38 1 32 55 128 2 0 2 .285 .354 .561 123 19.5 -1.8 6.6 3.0
2007 PIT 27 152 632 153 42 0 21 62 131 3 1 1 .272 .345 .458 102 4.4 -1.3 9.1 1.9
2008 PIT 28 136 554 133 32 3 25 54 122 2 1 1 .270 .341 .500 115 11.3 -2.0 -6.0 0.9
2009 ATL 29 57 242 69 11 1 12 28 59 0 0 0 .325 .401 .557 112 4.2 -2.3 1.1 0.6
2009 BOS 29 6 19 5 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 .263 .263 .526 121 0.5 -0.2 0.6 0.1
2009 PIT 29 87 368 80 25 1 12 41 81 0 2 2 .247 .329 .441 109 5.0 -1.4 7.4 1.5
2010 ARI 30 151 615 146 37 2 25 48 172 3 0 1 .261 .320 .468 105 4.2 -2.4 8.8 1.8
2011 WAS 31 43 177 26 4 0 3 25 37 0 1 0 .172 .288 .258 76 -4.6 1.7 1.2 0.0
2012 WAS 32 154 647 155 35 1 33 67 138 0 1 1 .272 .343 .510 128 20.8 -2.9 10.2 3.7
2013 WAS 33 152 590 121 19 3 20 72 131 3 4 1 .237 .332 .403 107 5.5 -0.6 -1.0 1.0
2014 WAS 34 140 586 128 19 0 26 82 108 2 3 0 .259 .362 .455 136 22.7 -2.6 6.3 3.5
2015 CHA 35 127 484 89 21 0 12 49 133 4 0 0 .207 .293 .340 87 -5.8 -4.7 0.9 -0.5

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2000 DNV Rk APL 0 227 .000 .000 .000 .372 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2001 MYR A+ CRL 126 514 .000 .000 .000 .312 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2002 MYR A+ CRL 69 285 .000 .000 .000 .364 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2002 GRN AA SOU 45 193 .000 .000 .000 .351 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2003 GRN AA SOU 61 260 .000 .000 .000 .325 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2003 RIC AAA INT 72 300 .000 .000 .000 .354 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2004 ATL MLB NL 110 356 .263 .331 .426 .328 92 8.8 10.6 -6.5 98 11 -8.3 -5.4 -0.4 -1.0
2004 RIC AAA INT 4 12 .000 .000 .000 .100 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2005 ATL MLB NL 141 502 .265 .329 .421 .277 99 5 14.4 -8.9 103 8 -3.9 -2.3 2.4 0.2
2006 ATL MLB NL 149 557 .268 .336 .437 .319 94 31.9 16.8 -10.5 123 11 6.6 -1.8 19.5 3.0
2007 PIT MLB NL 152 632 .268 .333 .426 .318 100 4.8 18.8 -12 102 10 9.1 -1.3 4.4 1.9
2008 PIT MLB NL 136 554 .261 .329 .418 .308 99 16.3 16.0 -10.2 115 13 -6.0 -2.0 11.3 0.9
2008 HIC A SAL 3 12 .314 .363 .481 .625 110 3.6 0.3 -0.2 179 0 0.3 0.1 0.9 0.1
2009 ATL MLB NL 57 242 .259 .328 .408 .399 92 22.2 7.0 -4.5 112 8 1.1 -2.3 4.2 0.6
2009 BOS MLB AL 6 19 .272 .332 .454 .250 118 -0.5 0.5 -0.3 121 8 0.6 -0.2 0.5 0.1
2009 PIT MLB NL 87 368 .264 .331 .422 .291 96 2 10.6 -6.8 109 8 7.4 -1.4 5.0 1.5
2010 ARI MLB NL 151 615 .251 .318 .388 .330 96 13.3 17.0 -10.8 105 8 8.8 -2.4 4.2 1.8
2011 WAS MLB NL 43 177 .246 .306 .384 .205 95 -8.7 4.8 -3.1 76 11 1.2 1.7 -4.6 0.0
2012 WAS MLB NL 154 647 .252 .315 .398 .298 100 26.4 17.7 -11.3 128 8 10.2 -2.9 20.8 3.7
2013 WAS MLB NL 152 590 .250 .310 .385 .277 102 3.5 15.5 -9.9 107 10 -1.0 -0.6 5.5 1.0
2014 WAS MLB NL 140 586 .249 .311 .383 .277 101 21.9 15.1 -9.6 136 9 6.3 -2.6 22.7 3.5
2014 POT A+ CAR 1 2 .247 .325 .383 .000 96 -0.6 0.1 0 61 0 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.0
2014 HAR AA EAS 1 4 .295 .362 .468 .500 106 -0.2 0.1 -0.1 89 0 0.1 0.1 -0.1 0.0
2015 CHA MLB AL 127 484 .253 .314 .401 .269 105 -13.3 13.0 -8.1 87 5 0.9 -4.7 -5.8 -0.5

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2000 DNV Rk APL 227 201 38 62 13 3 7 102 45 24 46 4 1 .308 .388 .507 .199 0 0
2001 MYR A+ CRL 514 471 49 118 31 0 7 170 47 30 108 10 8 .251 .308 .361 .110 0 0
2002 MYR A+ CRL 285 250 30 84 17 0 9 128 53 27 37 0 2 .336 .406 .512 .176 2 2
2002 GRN AA SOU 193 173 17 50 9 0 4 71 19 19 38 1 1 .289 .363 .410 .121 0 0
2003 RIC AAA INT 300 264 33 78 21 0 8 123 35 27 58 1 2 .295 .367 .466 .170 0 0
2003 GRN AA SOU 260 219 42 62 12 1 12 112 37 34 53 1 2 .283 .387 .511 .228 0 0
2004 RIC AAA INT 12 11 1 2 0 0 1 5 2 1 0 0 0 .182 .250 .455 .273 0 0
2004 ATL MLB NL 356 324 45 90 27 1 13 158 45 27 78 0 0 .278 .333 .488 .210 2 2
2005 ATL MLB NL 502 451 53 117 28 0 20 205 78 39 87 0 2 .259 .320 .455 .195 6 2
2006 ATL MLB NL 557 492 89 140 38 1 32 276 90 55 128 0 2 .285 .354 .561 .276 7 1
2007 PIT MLB NL 632 563 71 153 42 0 21 258 88 62 131 1 1 .272 .345 .458 .187 4 0
2008 HIC A SAL 12 10 2 6 1 0 1 10 4 2 1 0 0 .600 .667 1.000 .400 0 0
2008 PIT MLB NL 554 492 66 133 32 3 25 246 85 54 122 1 1 .270 .341 .500 .230 6 0
2009 PIT MLB NL 368 324 46 80 25 1 12 143 40 41 81 2 2 .247 .329 .441 .194 3 0
2009 BOS MLB AL 19 19 2 5 2 0 1 10 3 0 2 0 0 .263 .263 .526 .263 0 0
2009 ATL MLB NL 242 212 30 69 11 1 12 118 40 28 59 0 0 .325 .401 .557 .231 2 0
2010 ARI MLB NL 615 560 75 146 37 2 25 262 100 48 172 0 1 .261 .320 .468 .207 4 0
2011 WAS MLB NL 177 151 15 26 4 0 3 39 15 25 37 1 0 .172 .288 .258 .086 1 0
2012 WAS MLB NL 647 571 76 155 35 1 33 291 100 67 138 1 1 .272 .343 .510 .238 9 0
2013 WAS MLB NL 590 511 70 121 19 3 20 206 62 72 131 4 1 .237 .332 .403 .166 4 0
2014 HAR AA EAS 4 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 .333 .500 .333 .000 0
2014 WAS MLB NL 586 494 73 128 19 0 26 225 92 82 108 3 0 .259 .362 .455 .196 8
2014 POT A+ CAR 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 0
2015 CHA MLB AL 484 429 41 89 21 0 12 146 44 49 133 0 0 .207 .293 .340 .133 2 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 2008 0.4806 0.4397 0.8029 0.6342 0.2598 0.8660 0.6605 0.1971 0.0095
2009 2442 0.5074 0.4296 0.7455 0.6110 0.2427 0.8190 0.5548 0.2545 -0.0046
2010 2433 0.5002 0.4460 0.7290 0.6220 0.2697 0.8375 0.4787 0.2710 0.0012
2011 737 0.4898 0.3772 0.7662 0.5956 0.1676 0.8465 0.4921 0.2338 -0.0077
2012 2593 0.4570 0.4292 0.7646 0.6346 0.2564 0.8657 0.5540 0.2354 0.0050
2013 2359 0.4655 0.4167 0.7650 0.6093 0.2490 0.8445 0.5955 0.2350 0.0027
2014 2307 0.4846 0.4031 0.7914 0.5975 0.2204 0.8668 0.5992 0.2086 0.0073
2015 1884 0.4889 0.4315 0.7368 0.6178 0.2534 0.8418 0.4918 0.2632 -0.0032

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-09-02 2014-09-03 DTD 1 1 - Back Soreness -
2014-08-26 2014-08-26 DTD 0 0 - Back Stiffness -
2014-05-10 2014-05-25 15-DL 15 14 Right Thigh Strain Quadriceps - -
2014-04-30 2014-05-02 DTD 2 1 - Thigh Tightness Quadriceps - -
2013-10-23 2013-10-23 Off 0 0 Left Elbow Surgery Loose Bodies 2013-10-23 -
2013-09-26 2013-09-30 DTD 4 3 Left Arm Strain Biceps - -
2013-07-19 2013-07-21 DTD 2 2 - General Medical Illness - -
2013-04-06 2013-04-09 DTD 3 2 - Low Back Spasms - -
2012-07-30 2012-08-01 DTD 2 1 - Low Back Tightness - -
2012-06-13 2012-06-15 DTD 2 1 Right Foot Contusion Batted Ball - -
2012-05-03 2012-05-08 DTD 5 4 Right Abdomen Soreness Oblique - -
2012-02-29 2012-03-29 Camp 29 0 - Ankle Sprain - -
2011-05-22 2011-09-29 60-DL 130 116 Left Shoulder Surgery Larger Labrum Tear and Partial Rotator Cuff Tear 2011-06-16
2011-04-11 2011-04-13 DTD 2 1 Left Groin Strain -
2011-04-09 2011-04-10 DTD 1 1 Left Shoulder Cartilage Injury From Labrum Tear Aggrevated on The 5th -
2011-03-25 2011-03-29 Camp 4 0 Left Shoulder Cartilage Injury Labrum Tear -
2011-03-01 2011-03-01 Camp 0 0 Left Shoulder Soreness -
2010-08-30 2010-09-01 DTD 2 2 Knee Soreness -
2010-07-10 2010-07-16 DTD 6 2 Low Back Soreness -
2010-04-15 2010-04-18 DTD 3 3 Right Thigh Tightness Quadriceps -
2009-09-20 2009-09-21 DTD 1 1 Low Back Soreness -
2009-08-29 2009-08-29 DTD 0 0 Right Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2009-04-09 2009-04-11 DTD 2 1 General Medical Respiratory Flu -
2008-09-22 2008-09-24 DTD 2 1 Left Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2008-07-28 2008-08-14 15-DL 17 15 Right Trunk Strain Intercostal -
2008-07-13 2008-07-17 DTD 4 1 Right Thumb Contusion Thumb -
2008-04-13 2008-04-14 DTD 1 1 General Medical Respiratory Flu -
2008-04-06 2008-04-07 DTD 1 1 Right Thumb Soreness Thumb -
2007-09-06 2007-09-07 DTD 1 1 Left Knee Contusion -
2007-09-01 2007-09-01 DTD 0 0 Left Knee Contusion Foul Ball -
2007-07-26 2007-07-28 DTD 2 2 General Medical Illness Food Poisoning -
2007-07-07 2007-07-08 DTD 1 1 Left Knee Soreness -
2007-04-11 2007-04-13 DTD 2 1 Low Back Stiffness -
2006-09-25 2006-09-28 DTD 3 2 Right Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2006-09-18 2006-09-18 DTD 0 0 General Medical Psychosocial Attention Deficit Disorder -
2006-09-11 2006-09-13 DTD 2 1 Right Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2006-08-03 2006-08-04 DTD 1 1 Right Thigh Spasms Hamstring -
2006-07-03 2006-07-04 DTD 1 1 Low Back Spasms -
2005-09-12 2005-09-16 DTD 4 4 Face Contusion Batted Ball -
2005-06-23 2005-06-24 DTD 1 1 General Medical Respiratory Flu -
2004-09-18 2004-09-19 DTD 1 1 Left Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2004-05-28 2004-07-02 15-DL 35 32 Left Shoulder Separation AC Joint -
2004-04-10 2004-04-10 DTD 0 0 Right Foot Contusion Foul Ball -


Year Team Salary
2016 CHA $
2015 CHA $12,000,000
2014 WAS $12,000,000
2013 WAS $10,000,000
2012 WAS $8,000,000
2011 WAS $7,000,000
2010 ARI $4,500,000
2009 PIT $7,050,000
2008 PIT $5,000,000
2007 PIT $3,200,000
2006 ATL $420,000
2005 ATL $337,500
2004 ATL $300,000
12 yrPrevious$69,807,500
12 yrTotal$69,807,500


Service TimeAgentContract Status
12 y 0 dMike Milchin2 years/$25M (2015-16)

  • 2 years/$25M (2015-16). Signed by Chicago White Sox as a free agent 11/25/14. 15:$12M, 16:$13M. Retired 3/15/16.
  • 2 years/$24M (2013-14), plus 2015 mutual option. Re-signed by Washington as a free agent 1/8/13. 13:$10M, 14:$12M, 15:$15M mutual option, $2M buyout. Washington declined 2015 option 10/30/14.
  • 2 years/$16M (2011-12), plus 2013 option. Signed by Washington as a free agent 1/4/11. 11:$7M, 12:$8M, 13:$10M mutual option, $1M buyout. LaRoche declined 2013 option 11/1/12. Washington made qualifying offer for 2013 (1 year/$13.3M) 11/2/12.
  • 1 year/$6M (2010), plus 2011 mutual option. Signed by Arizona as a free agent 1/15/10. 10:$4.5M, 11:$7.5M mutual option, $1.5M buyout. 2011 option increases to $9.5M if traded. Arizona declined 2011 option 11/2/10.
  • 1 year/$7.05M (2009). Re-signed 1/20/09 (avoided arbitration). Acquired by Boston in trade from Pittsburgh 7/22/09. (Boston to pay all $3M in remaining 2009 salary.) Acquired by Atlanta in trade from Boston 7/31/09. Performance bonuses: $50,000 for 555, 590 PAs.
  • 1 year/$5M (2008). Re-signed by Pittsburgh 1/15/08 (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year/$3.2M (2007). Acquired by Pittsburgh in trade from Atlanta 1/07. Signed by Pittsburgh 2/07 (avoided arbitration, $3.7M-$2.8M). Performance bonus: $35,000 for 565 PAs, $45,000 each for 590, 625 PAs.
  • 1 year/$0.42M (2006). Re-signed by Atlanta 3/06.
  • 1 year/$0.3375M (2005). Re-signed by Atlanta 2/05.
  • 1 year/$0.3M (2004). Optioned to Triple-A 3/03. Recalled 4/04.
  • Drafted by Atlanta 2000 (29-880) (Seminole State College).

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2014-09-25 13:00:00 (link to chat)Where does Adam LaRoche land next year? Do you think it's a downgrade to put Zimmerman at 1B? And what's the deal at 2B? So many questions, so many playoff games to get through before the answers reveal themselves!
(Prez of Mike Rizzo Fandom from The DMV)
I think Milwaukee makes a ton of sense if they can spare the money. They might also want to move Ramirez to first, but if that doesn't come to pass I'd love to see him there. I also think Detroit could make some sense if they can't hold on to VMart. (Craig Goldstein)
2014-04-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Going forward, 6x6 dynasty w/ OPS ::: Adam LaRoche, Cory Hart, or Justin Morneau in Coors? thankyouverymuch.
(bb10kbb10k from Erie, PA)
Morneau, Hart, and LaRoche... not a ton of separation though (Paul Sporer)
2014-01-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Jeff, For dynasty league purposes please predict how many seasons each will remain at their debut position in the big leagues: Bogaerts (SS), Machado (3B), Rendon (2B), Correa (SS), Russell (SS). Thanks!
(baseballjunkie from snowed in)
Boeaerts position will be a result of personnel, much like Machado's was. It wasn't that Machado couldn't play SS, they just wanted to get him to the majors and already had a SS. He's probably staying at 3B at this point. Same for Rendon, who will probably stay at second until Ryan Zimmerman shifts over to 1B, so his time at the keystone hinges on Adam LaRoche (baseball is funny, isn't it?). Correa and Russell should be SS's long term. (Jeff Moore)
2013-03-15 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thoughts on Adam Laroche this year? Think he can put up similar numbers to last year?
(Greg36 from At work)
I don't think a 33 year old will repeat the career year he had at 32. He'll be good but I'll be surprised if he can repeat that performance. That's not a knock, just a high bar to reach again. His defense is a plus, and there's plenty of pop around him. So not a problem. (Harry Pavlidis)
2013-02-15 12:00:00 (link to chat)What's your take on Adam Laroche this year? Hitting cleanup in a decent lineup do you think he can put up similar nummbers? He seems pretty underrated.
(Trevor from Cincy)
look at 2008-2011 for a 2013 baseline rather than what he did last year. .270, 25 HR, 85 RBI (Jason Collette)
2013-02-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)What's your take on Anthony Rendon? Specifically, where do you think he ends up defensively, and does he even play for Washington, or do they trade him this spring after showcasing him at 2B, SS, and 3B?
(Sara from Tacoma)
Adam LaRoche has a two year deal which fits perfectly, because as that's running out Rendon can take 3B and Zimm can move to 1B. I don't think they'll deal him unless they develop a MAJOR need somewhere and there is a MAJOR piece available to fill said hole for more than part of 2013. (Paul Sporer)
2013-01-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Where do you think Adam Laroche will sign? If he ends up back with the Nats hitting clean-up, do you think he can put up similar numbers. I think it gets lost among people that he was 4th among 1st baseman with 33Hrs last year.
(PaulVilma from Detroit)
It seems like the most likely destination for him is back in Washington, but that remains up in the air. It definitely does feel like LaRoche's 2012 season is lost in the shuffle. Expecting him to repeat a career year is probably a bit much, but nothing stands out as fluky in last year's stats. (Josh Shepardson)
2012-12-04 14:00:00 (link to chat)What else is going on with the Rays? Are the negotiations with Washington for Michael Morse and Danny Espinosa for Jeremy Hellickson still a possibility?
(Steve G. from Athens, OH)
They were as of last night, Steve G., so I think that something along those lines remains a possibility. Talks might heat up if/when the Nationals find common ground with Adam LaRoche.

There are a bunch of questions about the Rays, namely Hellickson and Shields, in the queue, so I'll use this as a sort of catchall answer. CBS Sports' Jon Heyman wrote this morning that with Zack Greinke representing the only elite free agent starting pitcher, and with the bidding on Greinke reportedly sky-high, the Rays are increasingly tempted to cash in on one of their starters. I don't think Tampa Bay will move Price, but at this point, either Hellickson or Shields seems a good bet to go. If nothing comes to fruition with the Nats, another possibility might be a deal with the Twins for Josh Willingham, though it's not yet clear if Minnesota is inclined to move him. (Daniel Rathman)
2012-12-04 14:00:00 (link to chat)With all the hub-bub about rumors this, rumors that at the Winter Meetings so far. As far as the Orioles are concerned - do you think they actually walk away with anyone significant when it's all said and done?
(LanceR from Plano, TX)
Thanks for stopping by, Lance R.

After the breakout year in 2012, I think Dan Duquette is motivated to reinforce his roster, so I do expect the Orioles to make a significant addition at some point this offseason. They are in on several 1B/OF types right now, including both Adam LaRoche and Michael Morse, and the outcome there obviously depends on what the Nationals are able to do with LaRoche. (Daniel Rathman)
2012-04-12 14:00:00 (link to chat)Would you take Adam LaRoche over Alonso or Gamel?
(MickeyRivers from Trenton)
I'll take a healthy Adam LaRoche over both for this year. Obviously there's no guarantee of that, but I'd take the chance, especially in a mixed league. (Derek Carty)
2012-03-23 12:00:00 (link to chat)Does Brandon Belt finally get the everyday chance this season? What do you think he will do with it?
(will.I.ain't from Holding pattern)
I think he does and he could have a good Adam LaRoche type season if everything goes right (Jason Collette)
2012-01-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)With all of the hubbub over who will be playing 1B for the Nats, the future of La Roche has been forgotten. Will he be here, and if not, who would be potential suitors?
(Tyler Clippard's Specs from Washington, DC)
Lyndon LaRoche will never make it in Washington, and he's certainly not going to lead the Nats to an October Surprise. (See, I told you I was a fan of bad puns.)

I'm actually kind of a fan of Adam LaRoche, but I don't know what happened to him last year. If I'm going to spend a moderate amount of dollars on a mediocre first baseman, I'd rather it be somebody like LaRoche with some power than someone like Daric Barton with an allegedly superior glove. (Mike Fast)
2010-10-25 13:00:00 (link to chat)Fascinating piece by Seidman today. How do you think the Big Puma would look at Wrigley next year? I don't think they'll shell out the money for Dunn.
(Matt from Chicago)
Aye, it was indeed. I'd certainly rather see the Cubs potentially buy low on Berkman (or Carlos Pena) than chase Aubrey Huff or Adam LaRoche, or settle for the likes of Lyle Overbay. (Christina Kahrl)
2010-08-26 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi MarC, thanks for the chat...Ike Davis = Real First Baseman? As in, worth keeping for the next two years? I have no idea.
(davestasiuk from NYC)
I don't think so. Davis has tremendous power potential, and he still doesn't have a ton of professional experience under his belt, but I would be more optimistic about him if 1) the Mets had let him develop in the minors further and 2) he was a year or so younger than he is. There's a chance things come together for him and he becomes a serious power-hitting first baseman, but I think there's just as good, if not better, he turns into Adam LaRoche. I don't think any of us would keep Adam LaRoche in fantasy baseball. (Marc Normandin)
2010-07-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)Are we in for the Adam LaRoche show per usual this summer?
(Kirk from AZ)
I hope so! I wish his brother had some of that second-half magic (as I'm sure the Pirates wish as well). (Marc Normandin)
2009-10-13 14:00:00 (link to chat)Best chat session ever, thanks Christina! If you are the Giants what are you looking to do this off-season? Also, presuming Molina's gone, where do you slot in Buster Posey into the offense?
(Parker from San Fran)
Fiddle, there's nary a mention of Ataturk or the invention of the stirrup's role at the Battle of Hastings, let alone any talk about the redemptive value of heavy metal. Now that'd be something, but I'll settle for baseball. ;)

They really should be in the market for a bat, because Ryan Garko's just a placeholder at first base--assuming they tender him. Perhaps they get in on Adrian Beltre or Chone Figgins, and move Sandoval to first; Figgins might be game for a move back to second, though, which would beat placing faith in Eugenio Velez. Posey and no more screwing around with not just leaving Fred Lewis be gives them enough runs and an improved defense. Spending high on the first basemen on the market isn't very attractive (Adam LaRoche) or comes with risk (Nick Johnson), so I guess I'd rather find ways to get Sandoval off of third base. (Christina Kahrl)
2009-07-31 14:00:00 (link to chat)Regarding Adam LaRoche to the Braves: does your assessment change knowing that the Sox evened out this year's salaries, and that LaRoche is an FA after the year, while Kotchman is arbitration eligible? Seems like the Braves got a bit more offensive potential this year, and maybe they'll wise up and cut LaRoche loose and move Chipper to first next year?
(JayStellmach from Sacramento)
I'm not sure how any of that makes the deal better for Atlanta. OK, the money, but they still are at best even on the field and now have a hole to fill next year, and they're already a team that's done a horrific job filling hitting positions.

Still a bad trade. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-04-10 16:30:00 (link to chat)Hi Christina, can I expect a June/July fire sale on contract-ending Pirates? And who would get the best return (Adam LaRoche, Grabow, Sanchez?) And would they even consider McLouth? thanks frank
(Frank from Vegas)
I think LaRoche gets sold short, but his production at first base would look good in several lineups. Sanchez isn't worth much because the Pirates would either have to send cash to help cover his salary or eat it altogether, plus he's not one of the better defenders at the keystone, plus he's not that tremendous a hitter; bump him over to third base, and you've got a slugless bat at the hot corner, and Enos Cabell wannabes don't have a lot of applications in today's game over there. (Christina Kahrl)
2009-03-03 13:00:00 (link to chat)Elijah Dukes, Lastings Milledge, Ryan Zimmerman, Adam Dunn et al. Some of those Nats are worth drafting this season. What about my Pirates.....
(mhixpgh from Pittsburgh)
Well uh, you've know...Oh! It's Nate McLouth, Ryan Doumit, and maybe Adam LaRoche. I wouldn't touch your rotation with someone else's roster though. (Marc Normandin)
2008-12-11 14:00:00 (link to chat)Any trade interest in Sanchez or Adam Laroche?
(Matt from Pittsburgh)
No and no (John Perrotto)
2008-10-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)Joe Kerrigan didn't allow his pitchers to use the slide step when he was in Boston, and opponents were very successful running against them. Is that philosophy a potential problem in Pittsburgh, and might it impact who their primary catcher will be?
(Vince Coleman from NL Central)
Still throwing firecrackers at the kiddies, Vince? It's a good question. You have to go with Doumit based on offense, even though he's not a great thrower, even if Adam LaRoche is traded. I've often wondered if the slide step and/or pitching from the stretch is worth the sacrifice it entails versus the risk of giving up the SB, and what would happen in practice. If Kerrigan is smart, and he's generally thought to be so, he would be less doctrinaire in Pittsburgh and treat his pitchers on an individual basis. (Steven Goldman)
2008-10-15 13:00:00 (link to chat)I'm looking to jettison Jack Wilson, Freddy Sanchez, Adam LaRoche, my pitching coach, and the racing pierogies. What can I expect in return?
(NealH from Pitt, PA)
You might be able to pry the chorizo away from Milwaukee, although in that case you'd probably have to take back Randall Simon as part of the deal. And what, you aren't digging the brothers LaRoche at the infield corners? Rick Peterson would probably love to come back to Pittsburgh, although his merits as a pitching coach are debatable. (Caleb Peiffer)
2008-07-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)Are month by month performance statistics over a player's career predictive of what they are likely to do in coming months/years? Are they worth factoring into our calculations? For example, in his brief career Markakis has improved in the second half over the first half. Should I therefore expect him to be better over the first second half of this year?
(TGisriel from Baltimore)
I think it's useful with some players. For example, Adam LaRoche is typically a slow starter, but improves in the second half, for whatever reason. Mark Teixeira had admitted in the past that sometimes the first half hurts his numbers because it takes him time to straighten out his swings (as a switch hitter, it takes twice as much work to keep them in line). You just need to learn to separate who had poor/good luck in each half, and who legitimately improves. (Marc Normandin)
2008-01-25 13:30:00 (link to chat)Steve Pearce, MiLB's Player of the Year: did he waste his career year in the minor's, or is their more upside for a team that sorely needs it.
(Frank from Las Vegas)
See, a topic I hadn't thought about right off the bat...

My last name's not PECOTA but he also progressed in 2006 when he hit 26 homeruns at two new levels (just his second professional season) and he's certainly not so old at 24 that you would automatically think of his meteoric rise through four levels in 2007 as a fluke. If I were a Pirates fan I'd be inclined to be cautiously optimistic about his upside. That said, unless the plan is to dangle Adam LaRoche out there at the trading deadline (not a bad idea) he seems destined to get a full year at AAA to prove 2007 was for real.

And since I'm sitting here with the SFR data I might as well thrown in that in 2007 Pearce was +8 at first base over his three minor league stops, which is excellent, following up a +8.5 in 2006 and +3 in 2005. So it appears he's an above average defender at first base. (Dan Fox)

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