
Portrait of Dwight Evans

Dwight Evans RFRed Sox

Red Sox Player Cards | Red Sox Team Audit | Red Sox Depth Chart

Career Summary
20 10569 .272 .370 .470 125 69.2
Birth Date11-3-1951
Height6' 2"
Weight205 lbs
Age72 years, 5 months, 21 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1972 BOS 20 18 64 15 3 1 1 7 13 0 0 0 .263 .344 .404 88 -0.5 -0.8 0.2 0.0
1973 BOS 21 119 328 63 13 1 10 40 52 1 5 0 .223 .320 .383 102 2.6 0.5 -4.4 0.5
1974 BOS 22 133 514 130 19 8 10 38 77 2 4 4 .281 .335 .421 101 3.2 -0.8 22.4 3.6
1975 BOS 23 128 470 113 24 6 13 47 60 4 3 4 .274 .353 .456 109 7.1 -0.4 31.4 4.9
1976 BOS 24 146 571 121 34 5 17 57 92 6 6 7 .242 .324 .431 112 10.1 -1.8 18.6 4.1
1977 BOS 25 73 265 66 9 2 14 28 58 0 4 2 .287 .363 .526 114 5.4 0.3 3.1 1.4
1978 BOS 26 147 572 123 24 2 24 65 119 2 8 5 .247 .336 .449 112 9.5 3.4 8.5 3.4
1979 BOS 27 152 563 134 24 1 21 69 76 1 6 9 .274 .364 .456 117 13.3 1.9 15.6 4.2
1980 BOS 28 148 542 123 37 5 18 64 98 5 3 1 .266 .358 .484 115 10.7 0.0 13.0 3.5
1981 BOS 29 108 504 122 19 4 22 85 85 1 3 2 .296 .415 .522 152 26.0 4.7 15.5 6.1
1982 BOS 30 162 727 178 37 7 32 112 125 1 3 2 .292 .402 .534 145 38.9 2.5 17.3 7.5
1983 BOS 31 126 544 112 19 4 22 70 97 2 3 0 .238 .338 .436 109 5.7 1.3 -1.7 1.5
1984 BOS 32 162 738 186 37 8 32 96 115 4 3 1 .295 .388 .532 143 38.5 1.4 -0.7 5.5
1985 BOS 33 159 744 162 29 1 29 114 105 5 7 2 .263 .378 .454 136 34.1 3.7 1.2 5.4
1986 BOS 34 152 640 137 33 2 26 97 117 6 3 3 .259 .376 .476 131 24.1 -3.9 6.6 4.0
1987 BOS 35 154 657 165 37 2 34 106 98 3 4 6 .305 .417 .569 149 39.9 -3.5 -6.6 3.9
1988 BOS 36 149 645 164 31 7 21 76 99 1 5 1 .293 .375 .487 132 23.2 1.1 -6.2 2.9
1989 BOS 37 146 630 148 27 3 20 99 84 3 3 3 .285 .397 .463 139 28.5 -5.1 5.7 4.1
1990 BOS 38 123 522 111 18 3 13 67 73 4 3 4 .249 .349 .391 106 4.0 -1.2 0.0 0.8
1991 BAL 39 101 329 73 9 1 6 54 54 2 2 3 .270 .393 .378 120 8.2 2.0 2.3 1.9

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1972 BOS MLB AL 18 64 .227 .288 .329 .326 107 1.5 1.5 -0.4 88 16 0.2 -0.8 -0.5 0.0
1973 BOS MLB AL 119 328 .260 .326 .380 .239 104 1.4 8.7 -3.1 102 12 -4.4 0.5 2.6 0.5
1974 BOS MLB AL 133 514 .262 .321 .373 .315 108 6 13.3 -5 101 9 22.4 -0.8 3.2 3.6
1975 BOS MLB AL 128 470 .257 .327 .376 .293 108 12.3 12.4 -4.7 109 9 31.4 -0.4 7.1 4.9
1976 BOS MLB AL 146 571 .256 .319 .361 .263 105 7.3 14.4 -5 112 8 18.6 -1.8 10.1 4.1
1977 BOS MLB AL 73 265 .270 .330 .411 .327 115 6.9 7.4 -2.3 114 13 3.1 0.3 5.4 1.4
1978 BOS MLB AL 147 572 .260 .323 .384 .278 109 6.7 14.9 -5.5 112 13 8.5 3.4 9.5 3.4
1979 BOS MLB AL 152 563 .271 .332 .411 .288 108 6.9 15.8 -5.8 117 7 15.6 1.9 13.3 4.2
1980 BOS MLB AL 148 542 .272 .329 .401 .299 107 14.9 14.6 -5.4 115 8 13.0 0.0 10.7 3.5
1981 BOS MLB AL 108 504 .257 .318 .371 .325 105 30.7 12.7 -4.7 152 13 15.5 4.7 26.0 6.1
1982 BOS MLB AL 162 727 .263 .324 .398 .322 108 40.1 19.6 -7.3 145 8 17.3 2.5 38.9 7.5
1983 BOS MLB AL 126 544 .266 .327 .400 .255 106 4.3 14.8 -6.1 109 13 -1.7 1.3 5.7 1.5
1984 BOS MLB AL 162 738 .262 .321 .396 .314 103 42.4 19.8 -7.4 143 8 -0.7 1.4 38.5 5.5
1985 BOS MLB AL 159 744 .260 .325 .403 .271 102 28.5 20.3 -7.8 136 8 1.2 3.7 34.1 5.4
1986 BOS MLB AL 152 640 .261 .325 .405 .283 101 26.9 17.7 -6.6 131 13 6.6 -3.9 24.1 4.0
1987 BOS MLB AL 154 657 .264 .331 .423 .315 102 48.4 19.4 -10 149 10 -6.6 -3.5 39.9 3.9
1988 BOS MLB AL 149 645 .262 .326 .396 .321 104 30.2 16.9 -8.3 132 11 -6.2 1.1 23.2 2.9
1989 BOS MLB AL 146 630 .261 .324 .386 .303 108 30.7 16.4 -8.3 139 11 5.7 -5.1 28.5 4.1
1990 BOS MLB AL 123 522 .257 .325 .386 .268 106 4.2 14.0 -9 106 9 0.0 -1.2 4.0 0.8
1991 BAL MLB AL 101 329 .253 .321 .387 .316 98 7.8 8.9 -3.5 120 13 2.3 2.0 8.2 1.9

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1972 BOS MLB AL 64 57 2 15 3 1 1 23 6 7 13 0 0 .263 .344 .404 .140 0 0
1973 BOS MLB AL 328 282 46 63 13 1 10 108 32 40 52 5 0 .223 .320 .383 .160 2 3
1974 BOS MLB AL 514 463 60 130 19 8 10 195 70 38 77 4 4 .281 .335 .421 .140 5 6
1975 BOS MLB AL 470 412 61 113 24 6 13 188 56 47 60 3 4 .274 .353 .456 .182 2 5
1976 BOS MLB AL 571 501 61 121 34 5 17 216 62 57 92 6 7 .242 .324 .431 .190 4 3
1977 BOS MLB AL 265 230 39 66 9 2 14 121 36 28 58 4 2 .287 .363 .526 .239 1 6
1978 BOS MLB AL 572 497 75 123 24 2 24 223 63 65 119 8 5 .247 .336 .449 .201 2 6
1979 BOS MLB AL 563 489 69 134 24 1 21 223 58 69 76 6 9 .274 .364 .456 .182 1 3
1980 BOS MLB AL 542 463 72 123 37 5 18 224 60 64 98 3 1 .266 .358 .484 .218 4 6
1981 BOS MLB AL 504 412 84 122 19 4 22 215 71 85 85 3 2 .296 .415 .522 .226 3 3
1982 BOS MLB AL 727 609 122 178 37 7 32 325 98 112 125 3 2 .292 .402 .534 .241 2 3
1983 BOS MLB AL 544 470 74 112 19 4 22 205 58 70 97 3 0 .238 .338 .436 .198 2 0
1984 BOS MLB AL 738 630 121 186 37 8 32 335 104 96 115 3 1 .295 .388 .532 .237 7 1
1985 BOS MLB AL 744 617 110 162 29 1 29 280 78 114 105 7 2 .263 .378 .454 .191 7 1
1986 BOS MLB AL 640 529 86 137 33 2 26 252 97 97 117 3 3 .259 .376 .476 .217 6 2
1987 BOS MLB AL 657 541 109 165 37 2 34 308 123 106 98 4 6 .305 .417 .569 .264 7 0
1988 BOS MLB AL 645 559 96 164 31 7 21 272 111 76 99 5 1 .293 .375 .487 .193 7 2
1989 BOS MLB AL 630 520 82 148 27 3 20 241 100 99 84 3 3 .285 .397 .463 .179 7 1
1990 BOS MLB AL 522 445 66 111 18 3 13 174 63 67 73 3 4 .249 .349 .391 .142 6 0
1991 BAL MLB AL 329 270 35 73 9 1 6 102 38 54 54 2 3 .270 .393 .378 .107 2 1

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
1991-06-14 1991-07-11 15-DL 27 23 - Ankle Inflammation Achilles Tendon - -
1990-07-14 1990-07-30 15-DL 16 18 - Low Back Soreness - -
1983-08-07 1983-09-01 15-DL 25 25 Left Groin Strain - -
1977-08-22 1977-10-01 60-DL 40 41 Right Knee Surgery Cartilage 1977-08-31 -
1977-06-22 1977-07-10 15-DL 18 16 Right Knee Cartilage Injury -
1977-06-02 1977-06-16 15-DL 14 12 Right Knee Cartilage Injury - -


Year Team Salary


Service TimeAgentContract Status


2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2013-01-11 14:00:00 (link to chat)I appreciate WAR as a reflective statistic but how is it possible that a player like Vladimir Guererro falls so short in both career AND peak compared to HOF Right Fielders? Yes he was a hacker, but his career OBP is still .379 and OPS .931 with most of his home games in pitcher friendly parks. He was arguably the most feared hitter in the game for a 7 year period, leading the league in intentional walks yet he comes in below guys like Dwight Evans, Reggie Smith, Gary Sheffield and Bobby Bonds. Really?
(Scott from LA)
Vlad racked up his numbers in a much more offense-friendly era than the guys you mention (Sheffield excepted - and the two are side-by-side in the JAWS rankings), his defensive value was in the red, he had one really productive season after age 33, and doesn't have *anything* after his age 36 season. It's very tough to get into the Hall of Fame with a resume like that no matter what preceded it; ask Dale Murphy. (Jay Jaffe on the Hall of Fame)
2010-01-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)As an older Mets fan who fondly remembers Ventura for his grand slam single, and a young baseball fan who fondly remembers Ventura for charging Nolan Ryan. He deserved better than being one and done, right?
(J.P. from Hartford)
Absolutely. I'm not convinced yet that he belongs, but as with Will Clark, Lou Whitaker, Dwight Evans, Bobby Grich and several others, I certainly feel the debate should have gone on a whole lot longer before anyone made up their minds. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-01-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hey Jay. It seems as though Dwight Evans fell off the ballot a few years ago without much notice. Thoughts on Dewey?
(kgballs from NYC)
There were years where Evans had JAWS numbers that were above the bar, but the rising replacement level and changes in our defensive assessment now leave him pretty short (59.5/37.7/48.6 at a position where 75.7/46.6/61.2 is the standard). A damn sight better than Rice, but not enough for anyone to declare a gross miscarriage of justice. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-09-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)Jay, Do you think of the players on the new Veteran's Committee ballot belong in the HOF? Thanks for chatting.
(collins from greenville nc)
I think Bill Dahlen does, and I'd be willing to consider Joe Gordon given the impact of World War II service on his career, but I'm far more interested in seeing cases like Bobby Grich, Lou Whitaker and Dwight Evans come up for a vote than some of these oldtimers. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-05-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)Rich Gedman was my favorite baseball player as a kid. Since I was a wee lad during his career, how do you remember him? His post '86 batting lines are too depressing for me to look at.
(rogerlamarque from Brooklyn)
As part of a really awesome lineup, from Wade Boggs leading off (no stolen bases "to speed things up" in Boston) to Dwight Evans at #2, all the way down to Marty Barrett, who wasn't an impact player but could at least slap .290-worth of singles. I also remember the injuries, principally a bad thumb, pretty much finishing Gedman at 25, a tough break for both him and the franchise. (Steven Goldman)
2008-01-22 19:00:00 (link to chat)I haven't read the whole chat, but I assume you should apologize for what you said about Jim Rice.
(Paul from Undisclosed)
I haven't mentioned Mr. Rice yet, so I'll apologize in advance for what I'm about to say for those easily offended. I was a big Red Sox fan for the entire duration of Rice's career. I pulled for him to succeed as hard as anybody. I believe I am beinig objective when I say that he does not belong in the Hall of Fame. In fact, he is not even close to being a Hall of Famer. In further fact, his long-time teammate, Dwight Evans, has a MUCH stronger case for Cooperstown than he does. I'm as surprised to be writing that as you might be reading it, but take a look at the numbers. (Jim Baker)
2008-01-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)I'm having an arguement with one of the Bostonians I work with as to the misplaced Jim Rice love. I told him Dwight Evans was a better player over the course of his career than Rice. Am I right?
(mferrin from Washington DC)
Yes. JAWS has Evans (91.7) well ahead of Rice (69.4), and even Fred Lynn (68.3) isn't far off the pace.

OK folks, gotta take a time out to do a radio hit in San Diego (1360 AM Sports XTRA). You can listen here:

I'll be back to take one or two more questions but I'll have to run soon after. (Jay Jaffe)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2008-10-10 13:30:00Friday LCSGiven how everyone is now bending over backwards to put Rice into the HOF maybe I shouldn't say this, but the GDPs are the one bum rap he got -- hitting behind Wade Boggs and Dwight Evans, or Boggs and Marty Barrett, even Vince Coleman would have hit into a bunch of double plays. There were only a couple of years in Rice's career in which his rate led the league. (Steven Goldman)