
Portrait of Albert Pujols

Albert Pujols 1BDodgers

Dodgers Player Cards | Dodgers Team Audit | Dodgers Depth Chart

2019 Projections (Preseason PECOTA - seasonal age 39)
396 .253 12 43 47 2 97 0.8
Birth Date1-16-1980
Height6' 3"
Weight235 lbs
Age44 years, 3 months, 27 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2001 SLN 21 161 676 194 47 4 37 69 93 9 1 3 .329 .403 .610 149 45.4 -2.7 9.6 6.6
2002 SLN 22 157 675 185 40 2 34 72 69 9 2 4 .314 .394 .561 146 41.5 1.6 -8.5 5.1
2003 SLN 23 157 685 212 51 1 43 79 65 10 5 1 .359 .439 .667 174 66.3 8.3 -4.8 8.0
2004 SLN 24 154 692 196 51 2 46 84 52 7 5 5 .331 .415 .657 177 68.0 1.5 15.2 9.0
2005 SLN 25 161 700 195 38 2 41 97 65 9 16 2 .330 .430 .609 165 55.7 2.0 11.7 7.8
2006 SLN 26 143 634 177 33 1 49 92 50 4 7 2 .331 .431 .671 176 66.1 -0.4 15.4 8.6
2007 SLN 27 158 679 185 38 1 32 99 58 7 2 6 .327 .429 .568 161 55.4 -2.1 38.8 9.8
2008 SLN 28 148 641 187 44 0 37 104 54 5 7 3 .357 .462 .653 183 67.0 -0.5 21.9 9.5
2009 SLN 29 160 700 186 45 1 47 115 64 9 16 4 .327 .443 .658 185 75.0 1.5 33.7 11.9
2010 SLN 30 159 700 183 39 1 42 103 76 4 14 4 .312 .414 .596 170 58.1 3.5 19.5 9.2
2011 SLN 31 147 651 173 29 0 37 61 58 4 9 1 .299 .366 .541 151 38.1 -0.9 16.3 6.4
2012 ANA 32 154 670 173 50 0 30 52 76 5 8 1 .285 .343 .516 137 28.9 -2.8 5.7 4.1
2013 ANA 33 99 443 101 19 0 17 40 55 5 1 1 .258 .330 .437 123 11.7 1.7 3.2 2.3
2014 ANA 34 159 695 172 37 1 28 48 71 5 5 1 .272 .324 .466 130 22.8 -2.1 -1.6 2.8
2015 ANA 35 157 661 147 22 0 40 50 72 6 5 3 .244 .307 .480 131 25.9 -1.0 6.1 4.0
2016 ANA 36 152 650 159 19 0 31 49 75 2 4 0 .268 .323 .457 119 15.9 -3.8 -1.1 1.8
2017 ANA 37 149 636 143 17 0 23 37 93 2 3 0 .241 .286 .386 90 -6.2 -1.2 -0.6 -0.1
2018 ANA 38 117 498 114 20 0 19 28 65 2 1 0 .245 .289 .411 101 2.3 -1.9 3.8 1.0
2019 ANA 39 131 545 120 22 0 23 43 68 3 3 0 .244 .305 .430 98 1.2 -5.0 -0.4 0.2

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2000 PEO A MDW 0 438 .000 .000 .000 .326 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 POT A+ CRL 0 88 .000 .000 .000 .296 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 MEM AAA PCL 0 15 .000 .000 .000 .250 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2001 SLN MLB NL 161 676 .263 .329 .429 .336 102 49.4 20.1 -4.8 149 10 9.6 -2.7 45.4 6.6
2002 SLN MLB NL 157 675 .261 .329 .420 .308 100 44.4 19.5 -3.8 146 9 -8.5 1.6 41.5 5.1
2003 SLN MLB NL 157 685 .264 .332 .422 .346 101 77 18.0 -7 174 9 -4.8 8.3 66.3 8.0
2004 SLN MLB NL 154 692 .267 .333 .432 .298 95 79.7 20.6 -13.2 177 6 15.2 1.5 68.0 9.0
2005 SLN MLB NL 161 700 .263 .331 .420 .316 101 58.2 20.1 -12.8 165 9 11.7 2.0 55.7 7.8
2006 SLN MLB NL 143 634 .265 .331 .430 .292 93 73.7 19.1 -12.2 176 9 15.4 -0.4 66.1 8.6
2007 SLN MLB NL 158 679 .269 .333 .432 .317 101 50 20.2 -12.9 161 9 38.8 -2.1 55.4 9.8
2008 SLN MLB NL 148 641 .262 .332 .418 .340 96 77 18.5 -11.8 183 7 21.9 -0.5 67.0 9.5
2009 SLN MLB NL 160 700 .262 .330 .419 .299 91 84.3 20.1 -12.9 185 7 33.7 1.5 75.0 11.9
2010 SLN MLB NL 159 700 .261 .327 .408 .297 89 69 19.3 -12.3 170 9 19.5 3.5 58.1 9.2
2011 SLN MLB NL 147 651 .259 .322 .402 .277 95 37 17.6 -10.9 151 10 16.3 -0.9 38.1 6.4
2012 ANA MLB AL 154 670 .253 .314 .405 .282 96 27.9 18.4 -11.6 137 8 5.7 -2.8 28.9 4.1
2013 ANA MLB AL 99 443 .256 .319 .401 .258 95 11.9 11.7 -7.5 123 7 3.2 1.7 11.7 2.3
2014 ANA MLB AL 159 695 .251 .312 .389 .265 94 25.1 17.9 -11.4 130 10 -1.6 -2.1 22.8 2.8
2015 ANA MLB AL 157 661 .252 .312 .403 .217 102 10 17.8 -11.4 131 9 6.1 -1.0 25.9 4.0
2016 ANA MLB AL 152 650 .254 .316 .421 .260 102 8.8 18.4 -11.8 119 6 -1.1 -3.8 15.9 1.8
2017 ANA MLB AL 149 636 .254 .323 .429 .249 101 -22.9 18.6 -11.9 90 10 -0.6 -1.2 -6.2 -0.1
2018 ANA MLB AL 117 498 .250 .313 .418 .247 100 -2.3 14.0 -9 101 9 3.8 -1.9 2.3 1.0
2019 ANA MLB AL 131 545 .251 .318 .431 .238 99 -5.3 16.5 -10.5 98 9 -0.4 -5.0 1.2 0.2

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
2000 PEO A MDW 438 395 62 128 32 6 17 223 84 38 37 2 4 .324 .390 .565 .241 0 0
2000 MEM AAA PCL 15 14 1 3 1 0 0 4 2 1 2 1 0 .214 .267 .286 .071 0 0
2000 POT A+ CRL 88 81 11 23 8 1 2 39 10 7 8 1 1 .284 .341 .481 .198 0 0
2001 SLN MLB NL 676 590 112 194 47 4 37 360 130 69 93 1 3 .329 .403 .610 .281 7 1
2002 SLN MLB NL 675 590 118 185 40 2 34 331 127 72 69 2 4 .314 .394 .561 .247 4 0
2003 SLN MLB NL 685 591 137 212 51 1 43 394 124 79 65 5 1 .359 .439 .667 .308 5 0
2004 SLN MLB NL 692 592 133 196 51 2 46 389 123 84 52 5 5 .331 .415 .657 .326 9 0
2005 SLN MLB NL 700 591 129 195 38 2 41 360 117 97 65 16 2 .330 .430 .609 .279 3 0
2006 SLN MLB NL 634 535 119 177 33 1 49 359 137 92 50 7 2 .331 .431 .671 .340 3 0
2007 SLN MLB NL 679 565 99 185 38 1 32 321 103 99 58 2 6 .327 .429 .568 .241 8 0
2008 SLN MLB NL 641 524 100 187 44 0 37 342 116 104 54 7 3 .357 .462 .653 .296 8 0
2009 SLN MLB NL 700 568 124 186 45 1 47 374 135 115 64 16 4 .327 .443 .658 .331 8 0
2010 SLN MLB NL 700 587 115 183 39 1 42 350 118 103 76 14 4 .312 .414 .596 .284 6 0
2011 SLN MLB NL 651 579 105 173 29 0 37 313 99 61 58 9 1 .299 .366 .541 .242 7 0
2012 ANA MLB AL 670 607 85 173 50 0 30 313 105 52 76 8 1 .285 .343 .516 .231 6 0
2013 ANA MLB AL 443 391 49 101 19 0 17 171 64 40 55 1 1 .258 .330 .437 .179 7 0
2014 ANA MLB AL 695 633 89 172 37 1 28 295 105 48 71 5 1 .272 .324 .466 .194 9
2015 ANA MLB AL 661 602 85 147 22 0 40 289 95 50 72 5 3 .244 .307 .480 .236 3 0
2016 ANA MLB AL 650 593 71 159 19 0 31 271 119 49 75 4 0 .268 .323 .457 .189 6 0
2017 ANA MLB AL 636 593 53 143 17 0 23 229 101 37 93 3 0 .241 .286 .386 .145 4 0
2018 ANA MLB AL 498 465 50 114 20 0 19 191 64 28 65 1 0 .245 .289 .411 .166 3 0
2019 ANA MLB AL 545 491 55 120 22 0 23 211 93 43 68 3 0 .244 .305 .430 .185 8 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 2237 0.4640 0.4108 0.8923 0.6012 0.2460 0.9519 0.7661 0.1077 -0.0061
2009 2507 0.4412 0.4216 0.8571 0.6067 0.2755 0.9314 0.7280 0.1429 -0.0033
2010 2672 0.4783 0.4240 0.8438 0.6064 0.2568 0.8839 0.7570 0.1562 -0.0131
2011 2315 0.4790 0.4471 0.8609 0.6168 0.2910 0.9269 0.7322 0.1391 -0.0031
2012 2475 0.4857 0.4707 0.8300 0.6181 0.3315 0.8991 0.7085 0.1700 -0.0073
2013 1642 0.4817 0.4683 0.8166 0.6473 0.3020 0.8887 0.6732 0.1834 -0.0042
2014 2508 0.4976 0.4793 0.8453 0.6458 0.3143 0.9280 0.6768 0.1547 -0.0059
2015 2455 0.4786 0.4627 0.8371 0.6383 0.3016 0.8973 0.7202 0.1629 0.0004
2016 2486 0.4767 0.4626 0.8443 0.6245 0.3151 0.8973 0.7488 0.1557 0.0000
2017 2468 0.4611 0.4712 0.7945 0.6230 0.3414 0.8745 0.6696 0.2055 0.0000
2018 1807 0.4815 0.4837 0.8238 0.6506 0.3287 0.9099 0.6656 0.1762 0.0000
2019 2034 0.4798 0.4430 0.8191 0.5953 0.3025 0.8950 0.6813 0.1809 0.0000

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-09-15 2014-09-15 DTD 0 0 Left Thigh Cramp Hamstring -
2014-08-28 2014-08-28 DTD 0 0 - Lower Leg Contusion Calf Foul Ball -
2014-06-21 2014-06-22 DTD 1 1 - Low Back Strain -
2014-05-03 2014-05-03 DTD 0 0 - Thigh Tightness Hamstring - -
2013-07-27 2013-09-30 15-DL 65 61 Left Foot Strain Partial Tear Plantar Fascia - -
2013-05-08 2013-05-08 DTD 0 0 Right Knee Soreness - -
2013-04-21 2013-04-21 DTD 0 0 Left Foot Plantar Fasciitis - -
2013-04-04 2013-04-04 DTD 0 0 Left Foot Plantar Fasciitis - -
2013-03-19 2013-03-19 Camp 0 0 Left Foot Plantar Fasciitis - -
2013-02-15 2013-03-05 Camp 18 0 Right Knee Recovery From Surgery Debridement 2012-10-09 -
2012-10-09 2012-10-09 Off 0 0 Right Knee Surgery Debridement 2012-10-09 -
2012-08-23 2012-08-28 DTD 5 4 Right Lower Leg Strain Calf - -
2012-07-25 2012-07-27 DTD 2 1 Right Elbow Contusion HBP - -
2012-07-18 2012-07-18 DTD 0 0 Left Foot Soreness - -
2011-09-08 2011-09-08 DTD 0 0 - Ankle Sprain - -
2011-08-02 2011-08-02 DTD 0 0 Left Hand Contusion HBP - -
2011-06-20 2011-07-05 15-DL 15 13 Left Wrist Fracture Radius and Sprain From Collision with Runner -
2011-05-27 2011-05-27 DTD 0 0 Left Shoulder Soreness -
2011-05-15 2011-05-15 DTD 0 0 Left Wrist Contusion HBP -
2011-04-25 2011-04-26 DTD 1 0 Left Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2010-09-14 2010-09-15 DTD 1 1 Left Elbow Inflammation -
2010-08-26 2010-08-26 DTD 0 0 Right Ankle Sprain -
2010-06-14 2010-06-14 DTD 0 0 Neck Contusion Errant Throw -
2010-03-22 2010-03-24 Camp 2 0 Low Back Spasms -
2010-03-08 2010-03-13 Camp 5 0 Low Back Soreness -
2009-10-21 2009-10-21 Off 0 0 Right Elbow Surgery Bone Spurs 2009-10-21
2009-10-01 2009-10-01 DTD 0 0 General Medical Respiratory Flu -
2009-09-25 2009-09-25 DTD 0 0 Lower Leg Cramp -
2009-09-24 2009-09-25 DTD 1 0 Right Wrist Sprain -
2009-08-05 2009-08-05 DTD 0 0 Left Lower Leg Contusion Shin -
2009-06-01 2009-06-01 DTD 0 0 Right Ankle Sprain -
2008-10-13 2008-10-13 Off 0 0 Right Elbow Surgery Ulnar Nerve Transposition and Decompression 2008-10-13
2008-09-22 2008-09-22 DTD 0 0 Right Elbow Soreness -
2008-06-11 2008-06-26 15-DL 15 13 Right Lower Leg Strain Calf -
2008-06-03 2008-06-04 DTD 1 1 Left Lower Leg Tightness Calf -
2008-05-07 2008-05-07 DTD 0 0 Left Knee Contusion Sliding -
2008-04-15 2008-04-15 DTD 0 0 Left Wrist Contusion -
2007-09-19 2007-09-21 DTD 2 2 Left Lower Leg Soreness Calf -
2007-09-17 2007-09-17 DTD 0 0 Left Lower Leg Strain Calf -
2007-08-22 2007-08-22 DTD 0 0 Right Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2007-08-04 2007-08-05 DTD 1 1 Right Elbow Soreness and Swelling -
2006-10-15 2006-10-15 DTD 0 0 Right Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2006-07-30 2006-07-30 DTD 0 0 Right Elbow Hyperextension -
2006-06-04 2006-06-21 15-DL 17 14 Right Abdomen Strain Oblique -
2006-05-05 2006-05-05 DTD 0 0 Left Ankle Contusion Foul Ball -
2006-05-02 2006-05-03 DTD 1 1 Low Back Soreness -
2006-03-03 2006-03-05 Camp 2 0 Left Foot Soreness Plantar Fasciitis -
2005-09-12 2005-09-12 DTD 0 0 Right Thigh Soreness -
2005-09-06 2005-09-06 DTD 0 0 Left Foot Soreness Plantar Fasciitis -
2005-07-23 2005-07-25 DTD 2 2 Left Shoulder Soreness -
2004-08-11 2004-08-11 DTD 0 0 Left Foot Inflammation Plantar Fasciitis -
2004-07-25 2004-07-26 DTD 1 1 Left Foot Soreness Heel -
2003-04-18 2003-04-18 DTD 0 0 Right Elbow Sprain Ulnar Collateral Ligament -


Year Team Salary
2022 SLN $2,500,000
2021 ANA $30,000,000
2020 ANA $29,000,000
2019 ANA $28,000,000
2018 ANA $27,000,000
2017 ANA $26,000,000
2016 ANA $25,000,000
2015 ANA $24,000,000
2014 ANA $23,000,000
2013 ANA $16,000,000
2012 ANA $12,000,000
2011 SLN $16,000,000
2010 SLN $16,000,000
2009 SLN $16,000,000
2008 SLN $16,000,000
2007 SLN $15,000,000
2006 SLN $14,000,000
2005 SLN $11,000,000
2004 SLN $7,000,000
2003 SLN $900,000
2002 SLN $600,000
2001 SLN $200,000
22 yrPrevious$355,200,000
22 yrTotal$355,200,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
22 y 0 dDan Lozano1 year/$2.5M (2022)

  • 1 year/$2.5M (2022). Signed by St. Louis as a free agent 3/27/22. Award bonuses: $150,000 for WS MVP. $100,000 each for All Star, Gold Glove, MVP, LCS MVP. $50,000 each for Silver Slugger, finish of second through 10th in MVP vote. Retired 11/22.
  • 10 years/$240M (2012-21). Signed by LA Angels as a free agent 12/8/11. 12:$12M, 13:$16M, 14:$23M, 15:$24M, 16:$25M, 17:$26M, 18:$27M, 19:$28M, 20:$29M, 21:$30M. Milestone bonuses: $3M for 3,000 hits. $7M for 763 HRs. Full no-trade protection. May earn up to $875,000 annually in award bonuses: $500,000 for MVP ($75,000 each for 2nd or 3rd in vote). $100,000 for WS MVP. $75,000 each for Gold Glove, Silver Slugger, LCS MVP. $50,000 for All-Star. Perks: Suite on road, luxury suite for Pujols charity at 10 homes games each year, right to buy luxury suite between first and third base for all home games. 10-year, $10M personal-services contract begins upon retirement or once player contract expires. (Personal-services agreement is not included in MLB luxury tax calculations.) DFA by LA Angels 5/5/21. Released 5/13/21. Signed by LA Dodgers as a free agent 5/17/21. Dodgers pay pro-rated portion of minimum salary, with Angels responsible for balance of 2021 salary.
  • 7 years/$100M (2004-10), plus 2011 club option. 04:$7M, 05:$11M, 06:$14M, 07:$15M, 08:$16M, 09:$16M, 10:$16M, 11:$16M club option, $5M buyout. Signed extension with St. Louis 2/04 (avoided arbitration, $10.5M-$7M). $3M annually in 2007-10 is deferred at 0% interest to 2020-2029. Award bonuses: $50,000 each for All-Star, Gold Glove.
  • 1 year/$900,000 (2003). Re-signed by St. Louis 3/03 (third-season record).
  • 1 year/$600,000 (2002). Re-signed by St. Louis 3/02.
  • 1 year/$300,000 (2001). Contract purchased by St. Louis 3/01.
  • Drafted by St. Louis 1999 (13-402) (Fort Osage HS, Independence, Mo. Maple Woods CC, Mo.). $60,000 signing bonus.

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

90o 41 10 2 0 1 4 6 0 0 .270 .341 .405 112 0.0 0.0
80o 28 7 1 0 1 2 4 0 0 .280 .333 .440 107 0.0 0.0
70o 18 5 1 0 1 1 3 0 0 .312 .353 .562 103 0.0 0.0
60o 10 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 .222 .300 .222 100 0.0 0.0
50o 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 97 0.0 0.0
Weighted Mean300000000.000.000.000980.00.0

Preseason Long-Term Forecast (Beyond the 2019 Projections)

Playing time estimates are based on performance, not Depth Charts.

Comparable Players (Similarity Index 75)

Rank Score Name Year DRC+ Trend
1 92 Victor Martinez 2018 93
2 86 Eddie Murray 1995 130
3 84 Hideki Matsui 2013 0 DNP
4 84 Rusty Staub 1983 105
5 83 Todd Helton 2013 105
6 82 B.J. Surhoff 2004 105
7 82 Al Oliver 1986 0 DNP
8 82 Pete Rose 1980 94
9 81 Scott Hatteberg 2009 0 DNP
10 81 Wally Joyner 2001 85
11 81 Bill Buckner 1989 77
12 81 Lou Piniella 1983 102
13 81 Jake Daubert 1923 98
14 80 J.T. Snow 2007 0 DNP
15 80 Harold Baines 1998 113
16 79 George Brett 1992 101
17 79 Bing Miller 1934 71
18 79 Dave Bergman 1992 85
19 78 Paul Konerko 2015 0 DNP
20 78 Ted Simmons 1989 0 DNP
21 78 Felipe Alou 1974 71
22 78 Tim Raines 1999 95
23 78 Don Baylor 1988 104
24 78 Mike Piazza 2008 0 DNP
25 77 Bob Watson 1985 0 DNP
26 77 Joe Kuhel 1945 120
27 77 Rico Carty 1979 98
28 77 Melvin Mora 2011 68
29 77 Joe Judge 1933 63
30 76 Sam Rice 1929 96
31 76 A.J. Pierzynski 2016 65
32 76 Johnny Damon 2013 0 DNP
33 76 Luis Gonzalez 2007 110
34 76 Chase Utley 2018 83
35 76 Moises Alou 2006 125
36 76 Jeff Conine 2005 100
37 76 Juan Beniquez 1989 0 DNP
38 75 Jim Eisenreich 1998 59
39 75 Adrian Beltre 2018 110
40 75 Dixie Walker 1950 0 DNP
41 75 Paul Molitor 1996 114
42 75 Hal McRae 1985 128
43 75 Edd Roush 1932 0 DNP
44 75 Ernie Whitt 1991 88
45 75 Brooks Robinson 1976 67
46 75 Bobby Bonilla 2002 0 DNP
47 74 Ken Griffey 1989 107
48 74 Cal Ripken Jr. 2000 95
49 74 Stan Musial 1960 124
50 74 Mickey Vernon 1957 91
51 74 Ron Fairly 1978 101
52 74 Tony Taylor 1975 97
53 74 Smoky Burgess 1966 97
54 74 Rod Carew 1985 102
55 74 Yogi Berra 1964 0 DNP
56 73 Sherm Lollar 1964 0 DNP
57 73 Carl Yastrzemski 1979 112
58 73 Miguel Cairo 2013 0 DNP
59 73 Mark Grace 2003 81
60 73 Garret Anderson 2011 0 DNP
61 73 Marco Scutaro 2015 0 DNP
62 73 Jayson Werth 2018 0 DNP
63 72 Graig Nettles 1984 118
64 72 Paul O'Neill 2002 0 DNP
65 72 Damion Easley 2009 0 DNP
66 72 Al Kaline 1974 112
67 72 Mike Redmond 2010 75
68 72 Earl Sheely 1932 0 DNP
69 72 Gary Carter 1993 0 DNP
70 72 Mark Sweeney 2009 0 DNP
71 72 Billy Williams 1977 0 DNP
72 72 Matt Stairs 2007 127
73 72 Gregg Zaun 2010 95
74 72 Eric Young 2006 76
75 71 Lou Whitaker 1996 0 DNP
76 71 Gene Woodling 1962 112
77 71 Brian Jordan 2006 74
78 71 Kenny Lofton 2006 95
79 71 Debs Garms 1946 0 DNP
80 71 Ernie Lombardi 1947 84
81 71 Ruben Sierra 2005 74
82 71 Steve Finley 2004 106
83 71 Paul Waner 1942 111
84 71 Andre Dawson 1994 92
85 71 Johnny Grubb 1988 0 DNP
86 71 Carlos Beltran 2016 120
87 71 Ernie Banks 1970 100
88 71 Bobby Abreu 2013 0 DNP
89 71 Red Schoendienst 1962 95
90 71 Ken Williams 1929 99
91 71 Jim Dwyer 1989 117
92 71 Enos Slaughter 1955 119
93 71 Brian Giles 2010 0 DNP
94 70 Barry Larkin 2003 93
95 70 Walker Cooper 1954 117
96 70 Dave Philley 1959 98
97 70 Frankie Frisch 1937 81
98 70 Mark DeRosa 2014 0 DNP
99 70 Brian Downing 1990 126
100 70 Ken Griffey 2009 104

BP Annual Player Comments

2019  Due to publishing agreements, the 2019 player comments and team essays are only available in the Baseball Prospectus 2019 book (available in hardcopy, and soon e-book and Kindle).
2018 In The Incredibles, Mr. Incredible was the greatest superhero in the world. He was beloved and adored, and perhaps most importantly, he was, well, important. Then, he got older. He got a little less athletic and a little less imposing. His decline was a stark reminder that primes dissipate, skills erode and things end. We might not be ready to live in a world where Albert Pujols is less incredible, yet here we are. He didn’t strike fear into the hearts of opposing pitchers last season, drawing walks at the lowest rate of his career. Nagging foot injuries sapped even more speed from his arsenal, turning lasers off the wall into long singles. His -1.8 WARP is the second-worst season by a Hall of Famer since 1950, and the fact that he needed no qualifiers in this sentence makes it all the more uncomfortable. Mr. Incredible reinvented himself and once again found success and adulation late in his career. Pujols still has opportunities to reinvent himself, but he's running out of ways to be incredible.
2017 Halfway through his 10-year mega-contract Pujols has settled into the sort of consistency that has long been a hallmark of his career, but at a far less Olympian level than in his Cardinals heyday. You can expect him to be healthy enough to play 150 games, but he’ll always be either willing himself through foot pain or recovering from the surgeries needed to relieve it. He’ll post the counting stats (say, 30/100) of a legitimate run producer, but without the walks and doubles of a truly premium bat. He’ll be a good hitter, but not a great one; a solid fielder, but an increasingly infrequent one; a contender to lead the league in both home runs and double-play groundouts. If you ignore the money, you can be happy with that type of production from your DH. If you can’t ignore the money, remember that the league is currently swimming in lucre and signing Pujols to a five-year, $140 million contract starting today would be a very bad idea, but not necessarily a franchise crippler.
2016 Pujols possesses some of the key ingredients for a low BABIP, from his pedestrian foot speed to his glaring flyball tendencies, but that fails to explain a .217 mark that qualified as the lowest BABIP in baseball by 18 points. The only way past the defense was to hit it over the wall, which he did with the greatest frequency we've seen since his Cardinals days. The fact that Pujols crushes high fastballs is on page one of the scouting handbook, and he'll pull the trigger regardless of count, a combination that led to 28 percent of the pitches against him missing low and away. His devolution to such a simplified approach is a disappointing development from a player who, in his prime, epitomized the value of pitch recognition and reaction time.
2015 Back on July 20th, Pujols responded to a preemptive Fernando Rodney arrow celebration by lacing a game-tying double down the first-base line, then unleashing an imaginary arrow of his own at the guy Angels fans remember as “Fraudney.” That moment of swagger defined the Angels' second-half surge, and earned Albert the loving acceptance that had mostly eluded him during his first two-and-a-half seasons in Anaheim. This sort of symbolism is important when earning $23 million for 2.9 WARP worth of work. He entered this offseason vowing to strengthen his injury-beleaguered lower half in order to reassert his opposite-field pop. That would do more to restore his former self than anything else: In 2010, his last MVP-caliber season, he slugged .909 on pitches in the outer third of the strike zone; in 2014 it was just .512, up from .473 the previous year, but still far short of his glory days, when he didn't need to be snarky to get fans on his side.
2014 Think back to the 2009 season, just after Pujols won his third MVP award. He was 29 years old and the reigning NL leader in home runs, on-base percentage and slugging percentage. He was two years from free agency and a living legend in St. Louis. Think back to that time and imagine being told that Pujols would not be considered the best player in baseball once the 2014 season began. How about that Pujols would lose the crown to his 21-year-old teammate? Ridiculous, right? If that weren't enough, Pujols' last three seasons have been the worst three of his career, and he missed the final two months of the year due to injury. None of this sounds like a positive development for the Angels, who have Pujols signed through the 2021 season, but there is good news to be found. The aging slugger had been hobbled with plantar fasciitis for almost a decade before he tore his plantar fascia last season. While that sounds bad, the torn fascia has the same effect as the operation that fixes the plantar fasciitis. As a result, Pujols' days of nagging foot pain should be over. Obviously, that doesn't mean Pujols is going to return to his Best Player In The World status, yet he should regain some mobility, overall speed (remember, he used to be a very good baserunner) and the lower-body leverage that was missing from his swing last year. Here's one last beacon of hope: Even at his worst, Pujols has still been a pretty good hitter. He might be overpaid going forward, but that doesn't mean he's a bad player.
2013 PECOTA already wasn’t a fan of the 10-year, $240 million contract the Angels gave Pujols. Over the life of the deal, it forecast 29 WARP for the first baseman; assuming $5 million per win and a generous 7 percent inflation, Pujols would be “worth” about $170 million. Having produced 3.7 WARP in 2012, he’s now behind on two counts: nearly two and a half wins below expectations through year one, and now a lousier bet to uphold the other nine years of PECOTA’s forecast (which, it should be noted, still expects him to lead the league in WARP in 2013). Pujols’s career-low TAv marked a fourth consecutive year of decline. His career-low unintentional-walk rate is half what it was three years ago. Even his defense, while still good, is declining—from 31 runs above average in 2007 to seven runs in 2012. He’s still one of the three best first basemen in the game, so it’s not time to panic yet. But it will be, sooner than the Angels hoped.
2012 Even after Pujols shut down all contract negotiations in spring training to avoid distractions, the specter of free agency loomed over him all season. A slow start didn’t help matters as he tweaked a hamstring and hit just .211 on balls in play in April. A near-firestorm erupted in May when Pujols hugged it out with then-Cubs GM Jim Hendry at Wrigley, and Pujols was hitting a shockingly human .257/.326/.395 as late as May 29. Just as the Machine was finding his groove in June, he suffered a broken left wrist in a collision at first base. But after the All-Star break, he was his old dominant self, putting up a more typically Pujolsian .319/.375/.584 slash line and slugging near .700 in the postseason. That said, Pujols produced career lows in batting average, walk rate, and on-base and slugging percentage. He also hit more balls on the ground than ever before and led baseball by hitting into 29 double plays. Will any of those negatives matter in the short term for the Angels, who signed him for 10 years? If PECOTA is any indication, no, but the longer out we forecast, the greater the number of monsters here be. He is only 300 home runs short of the Angels' franchise record, an unlikely but reachable mark.
2011 If you want some perspective on how great Pujols has been and continues to be, take a gander at his .312/.414/.596 stat line, and understand that last year he posted the lowest batting average of his career, the lowest on-base percentage since his sophomore season of 2002, and slugged below .600 for just the third time. To balance out that unexpected suckitude, he did lead the NL in home runs, runs scored, and RBIs, won his second Gold Glove, his sixth Silver Slugger, and finish in the top two in MVP voting for the seventh time. Pujols is now on the wrong side of 30, so this year’s slight course correction downward may be the start of a slow, inevitable decline, but whatever his next contract pays him, it’s hard to imagine that he won’t be worth it.
2010 Even with 44 intentional walks taking the bat out of his hands, Pujols nevertheless managed to finish third in baseball in OBI—Others Batted In—with 88, behind Ryan Howard (96) and Prince Fielder (95), even though he had slightly fewer opportunities. Howard got ordered aboard eight times, Fielder 21. Someday, somebody's going to point out that Pujols has yet to lead the league in RBI, but in the same way that a league-leading tally requires teammates aboard, it also requires an even distribution of opportunities, and no one's arguing that Pujols doesn't cash his in. He also hasn't hit 50 homers; Hank Aaron never did either, and it isn't hurting Pujols' case for being the best player in the game today. Consider him the symbol of old standards and new coming together, recognize he's slugged .600 or better in seven of nine seasons, take your seat, and enjoy every single swing you get to see, every at-bat—they'll still be selling hot dogs afterward, and you don't want to miss what comes next.
2009 It was perhaps Pujols’ finest season. He set career highs in OBP and OPS, and was over two wins of WARP more valuable than any other position player despite a June stint on the DL with a calf injury. The two-time MVP is simply the best player in baseball, and the finest first-base defender in the game. The tear in the ulnar collateral ligament of Pujols’ right elbow, first sustained while playing the outfield in 2003, grew severe enough during the season to necessitate serious discussion of a Tommy John procedure at year’s end. Pujols instead opted for an ulnar nerve transposition, typically a surgery performed on pitchers (Chris Carpenter had it done last winter as well), and not one that will keep Pujols from being ready for spring training. The need for an elbow reconstruction is potentially still present, but the troublesome joint has not kept Pujols from producing some of the best numbers in baseball history to this point.
2008 Speaking of tarnished awards, Pujols was jobbed out of last year's NL MVP honors. He led the NL in WARP, thanks in part to his Gold Glove-caliber defense at first base. When September dawned, the Cardinals were stronger contenders than the Rockies and right there with the Phillies. Pujols hit .386/.486/.625 that month, as clutch a performance as you'll find. So why wasn't he a candidate in the voters' eyes? Because his teammates played terribly, while those of Matt Holliday and Jimmy Rollins played well. When the Cards were losing 12 of 13, Pujols was trying to carry them, batting .372/.453/.628. He was every bit the September player the other two were, but he didn't have the Phillies' bullpen or the Rockies' defense on his side. That, and not the performance of the players involved, is why Pujols was an afterthought and why the current thinking of the voting pool on the major awards is so flawed as to completely invalidate them.
2007 Very few players burst on the majors as fully-formed Hall of Famers. As this book was being written, Cal Ripken and Tony Gwynn were elected to the Hall of Fame. While it`s possible there were some observers who felt certain by, say, 1983 or 1984 that they were looking at Hall of Famers in the making, there were undoubtedly just as many who saw Gwynn as a singles hitter with a bad body and Ripken as a guy who was too big for shortstop and would almost certainly be kicked over to third base as soon as someone better like Juan Bell came along. With Pujols it was clear almost right away what kind of player he was, which is why so many people expressed disbelief: They were seeing a player who, if he never grew, if he never peaked, if he just stayed right where he was, was going to be an annual MVP candidate. That`s almost exactly what happened, except that Pujols has been improving slightly each season. He had his best year yet in 2006, posting a career high WARP (12.9) despite missing 19 games with an oblique strain and other minor scrapes. That total is boosted by his stellar defense at first, an underrated aspect of his skill set. Perhaps the only question left to answer is whether or not he can take one more step forward and have a couple of otherworldly, inner-circle Hall of Fame seasons like those enjoyed by Lou Gehrig and Jimmie Foxx. If it`s going to happen, it will be in the next few years.
2006 Absurdly great, and signed to a very favorable deal for the Cardinals. On the statistical anomaly front, check out Pujols` ABs for the last five years: 590, 590, 591, 592, 591. Only on a Tony LaRussa team could things be so rigidly organized. In terms of performance, only Barry Bonds compares. Pujols` line of .330/.430/.609 for the season is truly remarkable because he was suffering through plantar fasciitis for a good chunk of the season, and hitting a baseball without being able to plant your foot properly is exceptionally difficult. Even if there`s truth to the old rumor that he may be two years older than his listed age, Pujols is still capable of putting up Bonds-like numbers. He`s Mozart with a bat, a very smart baserunner, a plus defender at first base, and well-liked and respected in the community. For the city and the franchise, he`s the perfect superstar.
2005 I suppose writing the Barry Bonds comment would be more taxing in terms of the use of superlatives, but what do you say about this guy? In terms of career numbers compiled before age 25, Pujols ranks eighth in home runs, ninth in doubles and sixth in extra-base hits. Additionally, among those who logged at least 2,000 plate appearances before age 25, Pujols places third in SLG and ninth in OBP. In other words, stay tuned: he's a luminary in the making.
2004 He's no Barry Bonds, but no one else is Albert Pujols. Look for other players who've put together three initial seasons like Pujols, and you find only pantheon-dwellers: DiMaggio, Williams, Musial. And then the comparisons wither. It's still possible that he's older than advertised, but the signal-to-noise ratio on that front is dropping. He does it all: Power, average, walks. This is one hell of a hitter. Go see him play.
2003 If there’s something unfair, it’s that Pujols was labeled a defensive liability at third. He wasn’t Terry Pendleton (or Scott Rolen for that matter), but he was effective enough. The point isn’t particularly relevant now, of course. Assuming anyone still believes that Pujols is 23 and not around 27, you should have seen an attractive if mature-looking Mrs. Pujols in last year’s Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. Whatever his actual age, Pujols will be an asset with the Cardinals for the next four years, whether he divulges his age to the organization and signs a multiyear deal or not. He should achieve that projection handily.
2002 He's older than advertised, by at least three years according to some estimates. It was apparently a not-so-open secret in his college program, but the party line is that he “graduated early” from high school in the Dominican Republic. From a practical standpoint, who really cares? His age is most germane to issues such as his likely career totals, not whether he can help the Cardinals. Pujols can mash the ball and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future. If he plays third base, he'll be the best third baseman in the National League in 2002.
2001 Albert Pujols is a very promising third-base prospect. It's probably early to call him grade-A, but he has one great year under his belt, a .324/.389/.585 performance at Peoria followed by a brief stint at Potomac in which he wasn't overmatched. He finished the season with three games in Memphis and will likely start the 2001 season at Double-A Arkansas. Pujols is not going to be a fast guy; he's already big at 205 pounds and has the frame of a power hitter. His defense is good enough that he can probably avoid the dreaded corner migration from third base to first base. This is someone to watch; he could be starting at a Cardinal corner sooner than anyone realizes.

BP Articles

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BP Chats

2020-04-22 13:00:00 (link to chat)Remember how freaking good Miguel Cabrera and Albert Pujols were?
(Daniel from Baltimore)
Hell yeah. I think some of that appreciation has been coming back with the Miggy v. Clemens at-bat that had been going around on twitter recently. I also pair them in terms of impact because not only are they two of the best right-handed hitters in a generation but they also came up playing LF/3B and made late-season/postseason impacts before eventually ending up at first. (Craig Goldstein)
2020-03-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)Albert Pujols and Brandon Wood. Why did Pujols go undrafted by 29 teams? What was wrong with him? Brandon Wood? Why wasn't it obvious he could not hit a breaking ball until he hit the majors? If his own coaching staff knew this, why didn't the Angel's trade him to another team?
(Mike wilson from Bloomington)
Doesn't every player go undrafted by 29 teams? This article details his fall in the draft very well:

Here is a quote: "As for the question of why he fell to the 13th round; well, in 2006, Red Sox scout Ernie Jacobs said: First of all, his body wasn’t great back then. Plus, people weren’t sure how old the guy was. You assumed what he told you was true, but he wasn’t a great body, and his swing was a little long. I think what happened was, this was my first full year as a scout, and Albert didn’t make the airplane talk (from fly-in cross-checking scouts). There were a couple of scouts who liked him, who thought he could go high, but there were a lot that didn’t."

Ultimately, he got lost as a likely 1B-only R-R bat playing for a Midwest community college.

Wood never managed to find a workable swing that reduced his swing-and-miss and never was a very good defender. A bat-first infielder with hit tool issues sometimes fails. It happens. (Jesse Roche)
2019-04-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Something I've been wondering about without any real idea of how to research -- what, if anything, can be made of the proliferation/pattern/frequency of surnames in affiliated baseball? E.g. there was Luis Pujols in the 70s-80s, then of course Albert Pujols from 2001-present. From this, it seems like Pujols is a fairly rare surname. Today, there are like 6 Pujolses in the minors [who I assume are not all close relatives of Albert]. The Marte surname is similarish -- there were no Martes, then there was Damaso in the aughts, and now there are many Martes in both MLB and MiLB. Does this mirror the distribution of surnames in broader society? Or does this reflect scouts deferring to "bloodlines" or some sort of "nurture" idea in low-information settings like scouting teenagers? And/or are prospects incentivized to represent themselves as a 'Pujols' to get noticed among the crowd?
(dundas from bloor)
I think it is, outside of clear cases of bloodlines, random variation. (Craig Goldstein)
2018-04-05 20:00:00 (link to chat)All things considered, including salaries, who are the worst three players currently with jobs in the MLB? I say Alex Gordon, Panda, and Albert Pujols.
(Mr. Fister from Arlington)
It's probably Pujols. (Mike Gianella)
2017-02-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)Who are your biggest injury concerns heading into the season?
(Daniel from Queens, NY)
That's a great question! Obviously, Michael Brantley. We have no idea what's going to happen there. Albert Pujols coming off foot surgery is a huge one for me too, especially at his age. Victor Martinez knees are always terrifying. Oh, and pitchers...All of them... (George Bissell)
2016-04-21 19:00:00 (link to chat)How is it possible for the Angels to be putting this horrible of a roster out there despite having a $140 million payroll and emptying out the last of their farm system for Simmons?
(Kristen from Canada)
$140 million isn't really a lot in this day and age, and they have such big chunks invested in players like Albert Pujols, who is still solid but not the superstar he was, and C.J. Wilson on the DL. They simply couldn't spend anything this winter on even marginal upgrades like Howie Kendrick over Johnny Giavotella and it shows on the active roster. They overpaid for Andrelton Simmons but even before that trade their farm system was just so bad. They are at the end of a success cycle that didn't offer a lot of success and likely have to consider rebuilding if they can't spend more money. (Mike Gianella)
2016-04-14 20:00:00 (link to chat)I own Freddie Freeman and Albert Pujols in an OBP league. Given how cold both have started, should I drop one and pick up Mark Teixeria, Carlos Santana, Lucas Duda, or Mark Trumbo?
(Truganini from CO)
Probably not. The one I'd consider is Carlos Santana, but for me, the difference between AVG and OBP leagues doesn't move the needle enough to ditch Pujols or Freeman for any of the guys you listed. Plus, it's only been a week and a half. Calm down. It's baseball, not football. You have ~150 games left. (Scooter Hotz)
2015-04-29 20:00:00 (link to chat)Is Albert Pujols done? Is it possible he's not rosterable in 12 tm mixed?
(Cody from El Galloville)
This is what I get for chatting during April, isn't it? (Bret Sayre)
2015-03-03 13:00:00 (link to chat)I was really interested in your column about projection systems being tightly clustered and not all that accurate, all things considered. Do you think this invalidates the projection industry? What do we get out of them, and what do you think we should get out of them in a perfect world?
(Jonas from Portland)
To your first question, no, absolutely not-I don't think it invalidates projections at all. Even though they aren't super-accurate and they are all tightly clustered, they are MUCH, MUCH better than guessing league average for every player (or some ad hoc guesses that one might do). In retrospect, I should have been more careful to emphasize this point. I really meant to say that we have a long way to go in terms of improving the projections.

We get out of them decent guesses, seasoned with historical accuracy and a lot of regression to the mean. What we should get out of them are better guesses, and the ability to more quickly determine when a player's ability has truly changed. I am definitely in the camp that player abilities do change on a year-to-year basis, but our systems are only crudely capable of telling when. Albert Pujols is an example of this, as is someone like Michael Brantley. (Rob Arthur)
2014-09-15 19:30:00 (link to chat)With most of the 2014 MLB season now in the books, how good or bad does my pre-season trade in a keeper league of Robinson Cano for Albert Pujols, Howie Kendrick, and Javier Baez now appear?
(Paul from DC)
Depends entirely on how many players you keep. If your league keeps 50, give me Cano. If it keeps 100, give me Pujols and Baez. (Ben Carsley)
2014-08-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)Better value over the next three years (ignoring team specific need)... Albert Pujols or Joe Mauer?
(jaredfluth from Sioux Falls, SD)
Pujols. I'm really concerned about Mauer at this point. (Craig Goldstein)
2014-03-19 20:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Bret, besides Joe Mauer -- who is ending up on your team a lot this season? cheers, k
(Kurt from Tacoma)
Alex Gordon always winds up on a bunch of my teams. Same with Albert Pujols. Then in the later rounds, Martin Perez, Dustin Ackley and Derek Norris (where applicable). (Bret Sayre)
2014-01-29 19:00:00 (link to chat)What's the earliest you'll be drafting Albert Pujols this year? And assuming health isn't an issue, should we expect a major bounce back?
(yancyeaton from Fort Myers)
Major bounce back is a bit much, but I think he can produce similarly to how he did in 2012, which is pretty good. He's likely to be undervalued and if you can stomach the risk, he could be a great bargain this year. (Ben Carsley)
2014-02-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)I put the Albert Pujols comp on Kris Bryant the other day. Am I coo coo for co co puffs?
(Jordan from Chicago)
Yeah, that's too much. Pujols was the greatest right-handed hitter of his generation, and will probably go down as a top-5-10 all-time RHH. I don't make definitive statements too often, especially in chats, but Bryant isn't going to do that. (Jeff Moore)
2013-12-10 18:00:00 (link to chat)In a keeper league I traded Robinson Cano for Albert Pujols, Howie Kendrick, and the rights to Javier Baez. Crazy smart or crazy stupid?
(Paul from DC)
Hi Paul:

I like that trade for you a little bit, although a lot depends on what your needs are, whether or not you're on a competitive footing for 2014, and how deep your league is. In a really deep league, that's a great trade for you; in a shallower league it's close. I like Baez a lot so I think that if Pujols can put up "only" a 25 HR/90 RBI year that you still did the right thing here. I think Cano will be fine in Seattle, but that's still a good deal of value you're getting in return. (Mike Gianella)
2013-11-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)The LA Angels farm system is so bad that....
(Larry from Sacramento)
...Albert Pujols qualifies as the Angels' "young talent" (Sam Miller)
2013-10-28 18:00:00 (link to chat)Thank you for the chat, Mike. Next year in fantasy baseball, are you more willing to take a chance on Albert Pujols or Josh Hamilton? What kind of performances are you expecting from them? (Pujols looks to be over his plantar fasciitis issues and Hamilton said he would put the 30 pounds he lost prior to this season back on.)
(Dennis from LA)
Thanks for coming.

I think I'd be more likely to gamble on Pujols than Hamilton. Even if Pujols doesn't return to an elite level, I would still expect a strong, Top 25-30 hitter at worst if he's 100%. Hamilton has looked completely lost for at least a season and a half now and given that his issues are related to contact and poor pitch selection, I have no faith in him bouncing back. Maybe he will, but he'll never be back in Arlington. I'd guess that Pujols is a 30/100/.290 guy while Hamilton is more of a 23/80/.275 hitter.

We'll see what happens with Hamilton and the weight. I'm skeptical that it will be a cure all, though. (Mike Gianella)
2013-09-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)The Red Sox get Mike Trout, Albert Pujols, and Josh Hamilton, contracts included. Fill out the rest of the deal that makes it remotely fair for both teams.
(Jasper from Johns Hopkins)
I almost did a column on this but I ran up against this problem: I have no earthly clue. On one hand Trout is incredible and almost defies value. But this is silly money. Put it this way: would you pay $38M, $39M, $48M, $56M, $57M, $28M, $29M, and $30M starting next year through 2021 for the right to pay Mike Trout for his next four seasons and maybe a chance to pay him $350 million over the next 10 seasons?

I'm asking because I honestly don't know. Would you do it? (Matthew Kory)
2013-05-29 18:30:00 (link to chat)What's going on? In a yahoo league rotisserie standard 8 team league. Standard starters with a utility player. We use 2 SP,2RP 3P in general. I really need to make a couple of adjustments. Need to add another pitcher and solid bar to this line up. This league is tough with trades! so would need to rely on the waivers Who should we ditch and is there anyone we should be tracking or picking up? Here is the squad...Here is the squad... Albert Pujols 1B Joe Mauer C,1B Jacoby Ellsbury OF Evan Longoria 3B Matt Holliday OF Shin-Soo Choo OF Jose Altuve 2B Jimmy Rollins SS Anthony Rizzo 1B Alex Gordon OF Rickie Weeks 2B Rickie Weeks 2B Cliff Lee SP Hiroki Kuroda Heath Bell Huston Street RP Addison Reed RP Jason Grilli RP Tim Lincecum SP Brett Anderson DL Dan Haren SP Kenley Jansen RP Lance Lynn FA available. Prado Matt Carpenter Daniel Nava Coco crisp Todd Frasier Norichika Aoki Michael Morse Kelly Johnson Josh Donaldson Justin Morneau John Buck Evan Gattis Adam Dunn pitching Doug Fister Derek Holland Hyun-Jin Ryu Brandon Morrow Paul Maholm Trevor Cahill Jason Hammel Wandy Rodriguez Jose Veras J.J. Hoover J.J. Putz DL
(coach53 from CT)
Hey coach.

It's always difficult to answer a full blown roster question without having access to everyone else's roster and teams. Generally speaking, your offense looks strong, although in a shallow league under performing players like Weeks should probably be shown the door. On the pitching side, I think that Lincecum is a weak play for an eight-team mixed format. None of the free agents stand out, but Aoki could arguably be added to your squad. (Mike Gianella)
2013-05-16 13:00:00 (link to chat)Jason, what are you seeing in Albert Pujols? Is he in a steep decline, or is he just playing injured and will be fine once he gets healthy?
(Tony from Bronx)
I haven't been paying much attention to him this year. Injury is the most likely villan, as is his age (how old is he?) and the difficulties surrounding recovery at that age. (Jason Parks)
2013-04-10 20:00:00 (link to chat)MG What's going on? In a yahoo league rotisserie standard 8 team league. I really need to make a couple of adjustments. Need to add another pitcher and solid bar to this line up. This league is tough with trades! Who should we ditch and is there anyone we should be tracking or picking up? Here is the squad, 1. (6) Albert Pujols 1B 2. (11) Joe Mauer C,1B 3. (22) Jacoby Ellsbury OF 4. (27) Evan Longoria 3B 5. (38) Matt Holliday OF 6. (43) Cliff Lee SP 7. (54) Shin-Soo Choo OF 8. (59) Jose Altuve 2B 9. (70) Jimmy Rollins SS 10. (75) Roy Halladay SP 11. (86) Huston Street RP 12. (91) Addison Reed RP 13. (102) Anthony Rizzo 1B 14. (107) Jason Grilli RP 15. (118) Tim Lincecum SP 16. (123) Alex Gordon OF 17. (134) Carlos Marmol RP 18. (139) Dan Haren SP 19. (150) Kenley Jansen RP 20. (155) Rickie Weeks 2B 21. (166) Alejandro De Aza OF 22. (171) J.P. Arencibia C Guys who are available. FYI Materson, ziti, e Santana, pettitte Crisp, wells, m Saunders, carpenter, werth
(coach53 from Ct)
Hey Coach

Without knowing what the rules are regarding how deep your reserve lists are and what your free agent pool looks like it's difficult to offer specific advice. Your roster looks strong, but 8-team mixed probably has a lot of rosters that look like this. Dan Haren and Tim Lincecum seem like players that you should be upgrading on. Feel free to drop Carlos Marmol, and as much as I love Kenley Jansen if there's a closer out there, get him; in an 8-team league you shouldn't be speculating on future saves but getting saves here and now. The free agents you list don't look particularly great which - again - makes me wonder how deep your reserve lists are. (Mike Gianella)
2013-04-10 20:00:00 (link to chat)What is Pujols' value in a keeper league? Is he still a top 10 value for the next 3 years or should I be concerned about the Anahiem park factors and declining numbers and looks to move him for younger players?
(TheCoupons from FL)
There are two conflicting factors when it comes to a player like Albert Pujols. The first is that he is going to decline as he gets older, and the decline has already started. The other side of the coin is that elite players like Pujols are at such a high level to begin with that their declines still can lead to some pretty strong numbers even if they're not elite. My guess is that Pujols can earn in the Top 10 but Top 20-25 might be a safer bet for his Age 33-35 seasons. If you can move Pujols for a Giancarlo Stanton or a Bryce Harper do it, but in recent years more fantasy players gravitate toward the younger stars and this is obviously easier said than done. (Mike Gianella)
2013-04-12 14:00:00 (link to chat)HEY DT What's going on? In a yahoo league rotisserie standard 8 team league. Standard starters C-all infield with 3 outfielders with a utility player. We use 2 SP,2RP 3P in general. I really need to make a couple of adjustments. Need to add another pitcher and solid bar to this line up. This league is tough with trades! Who should we ditch and is there anyone we should be tracking or picking up? Here is the squad, 1. (6) Albert Pujols 1B 2. (11) Joe Mauer C,1B 3. (22) Jacoby Ellsbury OF 4. (27) Evan Longoria 3B 5. (38) Matt Holliday OF 6. (43) Cliff Lee SP 7. (54) Shin-Soo Choo OF 8. (59) Jose Altuve 2B 9. (70) Jimmy Rollins SS 10. (75) Roy Halladay SP 11. (86) Huston Street RP 12. (91) Addison Reed RP 13. (102) Anthony Rizzo 1B 14. (107) Jason Grilli RP 15. (118) Tim Lincecum SP 16. (123) Alex Gordon OF 17. (134) Carlos Marmol RP 18. (139) Dan Haren SP 19. (150) Kenley Jansen RP 20. (155) Rickie Weeks 2B 21. (166) Alejandro De Aza OF 22. (171) J.P. Arencibia C Guys who are available. SP: Lance Lynn Doug Fister Josh Beckett A.J. Griffin Brett Anderson Trevor Cahill Homer Bailey Tommy Hanson RP Shelby Miller John Axford David Phelps Andrew Cashner Hitters: Melky Cabrera David Freese Norichika Aoki Angel Pagan Coco Crisp A.J. Pierzynski Matt Carpenter Daniel Murphy
(coach53 from CT)
Wow, there is a ton of talent on the FA list. I would certainly target Lynn, Anderson, and Miller on the mound, especially since your pitching is hurting with Lincecum, Haren, and Halladay. That would be my #1 priority, no doubt.

Among the hitters, I like Freese, Crisp, and Aoki. But you are pretty solid in the OF and 3B already, so that would be a secondary concern. (Doug Thorburn)
2013-02-27 20:00:00 (link to chat)Assuming Cabrera, Trout, and Braun are off the board, who would you take fourth in a OPS league with 4 outfielders and a extra IF slot? Votto? Cano? Pujols? or even reach on Stanton?
(Dylan from Portland,ME)
Hi Dylan. PFM says Albert Pujols, but I'm really high on Joey Votto this year and in an OPS league while I wouldn't go as far to say he's a no brainer he's a strong choice for me. Unlike some of my fantasy colleagues at BP, I think Giancarlo Stanton is a reach here. The BB last year weren't high, and while he may get a few more free passes, the eye doesn't speak to a significant increase in walks. (Mike Gianella)
2013-02-26 14:00:00 (link to chat)When you think of The Face of MLB...what five ballplayers first come to mind?
(High Life Man from Avon, CT)
From a baseball business standpoint, that's an interesting question. The first five that jumped to mind were Derek Jeter, Albert Pujols, Justin Verlander, Miguel Cabrera, and Mike Trout. (Daniel Rathman)
2012-11-01 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hey Ian, what do you expect from Albert Pujols next year? Another sluggish start? Just more of the same? Will his whiff rate continue to climb as his walk rate continues to plummet? PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW.
(Brill Hardstank from Lost Wangeles)
Hey Boil!

I think Albert will hit a ton next year. The first half of 2012 looks like a major outlier to me. As he gets more comfortable, the BB rate should climb and the K rate should drop. I mean, it's not like the guy forgot how to hit a baseball or anything. 2013 should look a lot like vintage Pujols.

The last 5 or 6 years of that deal, though? Those are the years I'd be concerned about. (Ian Miller)
2012-09-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)I know you can never have too much pitching, but take a look at the Cardinals for a moment if you'd be so kind. What would you do with all those arms?
(Jeff from Springfield)
Jeff from Springfield, thanks for the question. Trust me, GM John Mozeliak does not think that he has too much pitching, because those words don't ever come out of a GM's mouth. The great thing it brings them is having options and being able to decide who fits in what role and who they can consider moving in a deal to get better. I don't think the Cardinals have received enough credit for what they have accomplished this year after losing a Hall of Fame manager in Tony LaRussa, the best pitching coach on the planet in Dave Duncan, and one of the great players of our generation in Albert Pujols. Plus, they come off a World Series title and have a rookie manager. That's pretty impressive. Rejoice in having options, Jeff. (Dan Evans)
2012-09-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)As of right now, I have the 26th best season(in terms of WAR) of MLB history in my rookie year at 20 yrs old. If Albert Pujols is a machine, what am I? T1000? Have you seen John Connor?
(Mike Trout from MLB Universe)
As my friend Craig Burley likes to note, "Baseball is hard." I think the coronation of Mike Trout can afford to wait a while. Also, I think that DRS is pretty significantly overrating Trout's fielding, and that's causing people to apply a lot of hyperbole to a season that doesn't really require any. (Colin Wyers)
2012-05-04 13:00:00 (link to chat)Is Adam Dunn back?
(Steve N from Delaware)
I like May, because around May people (probably me, even) start acting like the sample size is big enough that we are learning significant information. But, as Dunn shows, an entire season doesn't really tell you anything close to definitive about a player. I think I remember reading Nate Silver once say that a player's preseason projections are more predictive than their actual stats *even at the end of the season*, which is sort of awesome if I remember it correctly. Entire seasons are too small of a sample. We know nothing, ever.

So Dunn. PECOTA had him going .251/.372/.506 before the 2011 season, and I wouldn't bet all that much against him hitting it this year. Though he's at an age when some steady decline makes sense. He's only a month older than Albert Pujols. Did you know that? That's a reliable mind-blower. (Sam Miller)
2012-04-23 14:00:00 (link to chat)Albert Pujols is now enduring the 2nd longest HR drought of his career. The 1st longest being during last season if I remember correctly. Is this an age regression that we are seeing?
(Eric Johnson from Costa Rica)
It could be. I think it's important to remember though that when we talk about peak years and age regression we're talking about the whole of baseball history. Albert Pujols is a massive exception. Could he be taking a step down? Maybe, but I think it's still early. If you can trade for him in your fantasy league for cheap, do it now. (Matthew Kory)
2012-04-04 13:00:00 (link to chat)Jason, Ignoring contract, if you were running a team, would you rather have 32 year old Albert Pujols or 22 year old Eric Hosmer? In what year do you think Hosmer will become better than Pujols?
(poldytow from Boston, MA)
Contract aside, I'd prefer to have Pujols for the next two or three seasons, and then Hosmer every year after that. If I were running a team and had to build around a player, I'd go Hosmer. He will challenge for an MVP before he leaves Kansas City (Jason Parks)
2012-03-26 13:00:00 (link to chat)How soon are the Angels going to regret that contract for Albert Pujols?
(scareduck from Temporarily Tempe, AZ)
There are two ways to read the question. One is how soon Albert Pujols will be overpaid, so how soon the Angels will wish they no longer had the contract. The answer to that is probably... year six, when I think he projects to drop below 4 wins, or year seven, when he drops under 3. But the other way is how soon they'll actually regret signing him, and I actually don't know that they will until at least year 9 or 10. He should be good enough that even if he ends up overpaid by the win, everybody around the club will at least be glad to have him in the lineup, and they're a team that can absorb a bad contract or two without feeling much pinch. (Sam Miller)
2012-03-15 12:00:00 (link to chat)What's the best team of Berts of all time? Rules: You can have anyone with a "bert" in his name -- Albert Pujols, Robin Roberts, David Robertson, Wilbert Robinson....
(Robert from DC)
Without spending too much time on this one, I'd go with these as my obvious picks:

1B: Albert Pujols
2B: Roberto Alomar
SS: Bert Campaneris
OF:Roberto Clemente
SP: Bert Blyleven
CP: Roberto Hernandez (R.J. Anderson)
2012-03-15 12:00:00 (link to chat)Top "bert" players by position (according to WARP): SP - Bert Blyleven, RP - Roberto Hernandez, C - Mike Lieberthal, 1B - Albert Pujols, 2B - Roberto Alomar, SS - Bert Campaneris, 3B - Alberto Callaspo, LF - Albert Belle, CF - Roberto Kelly, RF - Roberto Clemente, DH - Butch Alberts.
(bradleyankrom from TPAFLA)
Bradley Ankrom, folks. He does it all. Transactions browsers, prospects number-crunching, and All-Bert team stat queries. (R.J. Anderson)
2012-01-26 13:00:00 (link to chat)Let me ask it differently: Is there anyone that comes to mind whose power you'd put in the same class as Hamilton, Stanton and Harper? I've seen Hamilton and Stanton put balls over the fence they didn't come close to hitting squarely, and I assume Harper's the same way. Anyone else?
(eliyahu from DC)
Prince Fielder has crazy power. Albert Pujols has crazy power. Nelson Cruz and Joey Bats both have tons of power. Lots of guys have power, but the three guys you mentioned (Harper, Hamilton, Stanton), stand out for me with the utter damage they can do to a baseball. (Jason Parks)
2011-12-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)Use your Rick Reilly/Bill Simmons sense and complete this sentence: "Mark Trumbo or Albert Pujols at third base is scarier than ________________________________________
(Lerry N. from Toronto)
Reilly: Mark Trumbo at third base is scarier than leaving your kids with their uncle Jerry Sandusky for the weekend.

Simmons: Mark Trumbo at third base is scarier than whatever shady business Mr. Miagi was involved in to be able to afford that huge backyard and half-dozen classic cars on a handyman's salary. I bet if Lestor Freaman got up in his business, he'd find out Mr. Miagi controlled the smack market in Encino AND Reseda. A whole bunch of little ninjas working for him, out on the street hollering "Sweep The Leg! I got that Sweep The Leg!"

Reilly AND Simmons: Mark Trumbo at third base is scarier than a stripper with an Adam's apple.

I personally don't think it's scary, so much as unlikely and not really necessary. It's not like the Angels don't have a third baseman. They have Alberto Callaspo, who has produced 8.3 WARP over the past three years. David Wright has produced 9.0 WARP over the past three years. Everybody acts like the Angels have to do something about a third base problem, but there's no problem. During spring training this year, the Angels should convert Alberto Callaspo to left field, and then convert him BACK to third base, just so it looks like they're being really proactive. (Sam Miller)
2011-12-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)So, does the Pujols signing tell us anything about the state of the union/ economics of baseball post-CBA? I fear a two-tier system to some degree. I mean, for years we were lauding teams like the A's and Rays for figuring out ways to compete on a small budget. But now, thanks to teams like the Rangers and Red Sox, there's a road map for teams with resources to play on both the player development and free agent markets. I fear the Rays are doomed to fade as the A's have done as more teams with means figure it out (Jays, Cubs, maybe the Dodgers under new ownership?). I mean, I know FA acquisitions analytically don't give much surplus value, but as you point out that doesn't really matter to a team like the Angels. I'm sure there's a question in here somewhere.
(Rob from Alaska)
I don't think there's a really a word in your question that couldn't have been asked at any point over the past 15 or 20 years. It's the way it is, and it's been, and some teams still manage to break through. You cited the Rays as a team we talked about "for years," but that's present tense! They made the playoffs last year. They have almost everybody good on their team locked up with club options until 2025. The Padres will win a division in the next three or four years. The Mariners, if you count them as small market, will at least be interesting for the next three or four years.

The big disadvantage for teams like the Angels is they HAVE to compete every year. They have to trade for Vernon Wells (or whatever), because top-tier teams don't rebuild. That leads to a lot of long-term burdens, one of which could very easily turn out to be Albert Pujols. The Rays, the Padres, the Blue Jays -- they never have to do this. They can be patient and use their resources a lot more efficiently. Smart small-market teams are like gerrymandered political districts, I think. That's a metaphor that just occurred to me. It still needs to be developed. (Sam Miller)
2011-12-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)Ok, I get my season ticket invoice in the mail and it's up 4% or so. My favortie team let aramis ramirez and carlos pena go, and have signed david dejesus and trade for ian stewart. No Yu Darvish. No Albert Pujols. Prince Fielder is a pipe dream. Is there any reason I should pay near the highest ticket prices in baseball for a team that's obviously going to be just better than astros awful in 2012?
(Look Like I'm 3k Richer from Chicago)
No, unless you like going to baseball parks and watching baseball. Terrible baseball. (Sam Miller)
2011-11-15 13:00:00 (link to chat)Easy, obvious one to get you started. What's your opinion on Mike Matheny as TLR replacement in St. Louis?
(Bill from New Mexico)
Well, I'm not sure if any managerial choice evaluation is easy or obvious, especially for a guy who has zero prior managing experience, but I don't think Matheny is necessarily a bad choice. Yes, there's the experience thing, but he is well-liked within the organization, by fans, and by the players, which is important. He's also a former catcher with a high baseball IQ. Whether or not he'll make the kinds of moves we sabermetric types like to see from a manager is yet to be seen. Former player types generally don't tend to, but it's not as if the MLB managerial bar is set super high in this regard. Mozeliak said he'll talk with him and provide him with important data to help him make decisions, so I think Matheny will be a good enough choice. The one drawback you could maybe point to is that Albert Pujols reportedly would have preferred Oquendo, though making a managerial decision based on one player-especially one you could lose anyway-probably isn't good policy. (Derek Carty)
2011-07-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)Matt Moore is to Shelby Miller as Albert Pujols is to _______.
(Matt from Saranac Lake, NY)
Someone really good but nowhere as good as Albert Pujols. (Kevin Goldstein)
2011-02-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)Please tell my St. Louis brethren that not signing Pujols by the beginning of spring training is not the end of the world. The St. Louis organization frequently does the right thing with respect to its players, and if some team wants to pay Pujols 30 million for 10 years, congrats to Pujols, but the St. Louis Cardinals are not that dumb.
(chaneyhey from st. louis)
I'm convinced a $300 million contract would probably overburden the Cardinals in a decade. I'm not sure that's what he will actually get, either. That's determined by how many teams could credibly considered bidders for his services and what their willingness to pay is. But could the Cardinals be a winning baseball team without Albert Pujols? Sure.

Of course, all that is a totally separate consideration from whether they should get a deal done before he reports to spring training. They will still have time after the season, and as I wrote last week, the deadline itself is much softer than it appears. (Tommy Bennett)
2011-01-03 14:00:00 (link to chat)So, I've joined a brand spanking new Scoresheet-type league, and we are having our initial player free agent bidding process starting next week. Everyone from Bryce Harper to Albert Pujols is available. So, put on your GM hat for a moment . . . give me some guiding principles for roster construction of an "expansion" team.
(dianagramr from NYC)
Upside, upside, upside. (Kevin Goldstein)
2010-11-11 13:00:00 (link to chat)Give me 3 good reasons why I should spend my hard earned money to renew my Pirate season tickets. I'm sick of losing.
(Nick from Pittsburgh)
1) There's a baseball team in your city and you like baseball.
2) You want their current FO to have the time to build them back up, and your money helps encourage ownership to be patient with them.
3) Albert Pujols comes to town nine times this year. (Matt Swartz)
2010-10-12 12:00:00 (link to chat)I know it's a slippery slope, but doesn't that make the achievements of someone like Pujols in a neutral hitting or even pitching friendly environment, that much more deserving?
(Ben from Colorado Springs)
In a relative sense, yes. Any methodology that spits back "Albert Pujols is really good" is probably doing at least a few things right. Look, Pujols had his worst season probably ever, and he still hit .312/.414/.596. He has won (and will continue to win) lots of MVP awards. This just wasn't his year. But he definitely gets to gain a little ground on Gonzalez and Votto for the park adjustments. (Tommy Bennett)
2010-09-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)We may not need to care about what the BBWAA votes on in terms of the MVP, but doesn't it bother you that many of those outside of the BBWAA, who claim to be enlightened due to stats, just misuse advanced statistics in the same way that the more mainstream, old-school camp misuses older, less complicated metrics? Colin Wyers brought up a very good point in a recent article about how people adhered too strictly to the decimal point on something like WARP or WAR, given that the data contained within them was not perfect. So why is it that so many people sneer when someone says Adrian Gonzalez, Joey Votto and Albert Pujols have all basically been the same player in 2010?
(Marc from I'm In Your Internets)
It kind of bothers me, but it doesn't keep me up at night (at least, not to the extent that old movies do). It's a little frustrating that a primitive wrong has been replaced by a more advanced wrong, in some circles, but I'd still consider it progress. Things are moving in the right direction, don't you think?

As for your second question--well, people like definitive answers, and WAR(P) seems to offer them, if one doesn't bother to look too hard. Maybe it's a lack of sabermetric education. (Ben Lindbergh)
2010-09-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)I'm 2 points out of 1st with a week to go in the season. Who should I pick up for the last week that's going to put me over the top? I need someone who will hit HR's, score and knock in runs.
(Swingingbunts from NY)
I hear Albert Pujols is good.

Seriously though, who is available? I don't know who you can acquire. (Marc Normandin)
2010-09-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Marc ... thanks for the chat: 1) Derek Jeter will sign a ___ year contract with the Yanks for an AAV of ___. 2) (True or False) Albert Pujols will one of the two highest-paid players in Majors when he signs his next contract? 3) Worst facial hair in Majors: Jenks, Werth, Garza, other?
(dianagramr from NYC)
1) Three-years, $30 million. 2) True. 3) Jenks, because he's also enormous and it looks even funnier on him. (Marc Normandin)
2010-09-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)Joey Votto, Albert Pujols, Carlos Gonzalez and Troy Tulowitzki has made the NL MVP race the most compelling in quite some time. Who do you give the edge to and why?
(SprungOnSports from Long Island)
It's still Votto for me, though if Tulowitzki continues to make up for the month he missed in a single month he's an intriguing candidate for me. I think of it this way--they have very similar lines, and while Tulowitzki is a shortstop and maybe should get some extra credit for that, Votto has played all season. If Tulowitzki hadn't missed a month I would think more of him, but again, it's really close for me even with that, and I'm giving Votto the edge based solely on playing time. (Marc Normandin)
2010-07-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)1) Will Haren and Oswalt get traded? 2) What teams will pick them up? 3) Care for a heat peanut?
(Heat Peanuts from bag)
It sounds as though at least one of them will get dealt. I have a hard time imagining the Cardinals emerging with either, though, especially if they need take on salary long-term because of their situation with Albert Pujols.

I still think the Phillies come out with Oswalt, and that it's probably not a great idea because that team's ship may have sailed as far as their 2010 chances. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-06-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)Sell high on Strasburg now? What are some good trade targets in terms of bats?
(800 pound gorilla from In the room)
If you're going to sell on Strasburg, you need to set your sights so unrealistically high that you can giggle about pulling it off. Like Miguel Cabrera or Albert Pujols high. Just to see what happens. (Marc Normandin)
2010-06-02 13:00:00 (link to chat)Is Scott Boras making a short-sided proclamation by encouraging teams to move Bryce Harper out from behind the plate? Assuming his bat develops into anything short of Albert Pujols (seems like a safe bet) wouldn't his value as a catcher earn him much more long-term than if he was a right fielder or third baseman?
(David Vines from NYC)
The situation isn't entirely dissimilar from Jesus Montero's. The deal is that they guy can flat rake, and the catching ability is more of a question mark. By moving him, teams can lock in the return earlier, which is a reasonable goal considering most GMs don't spend 10 years with the same team (long enough to see him mature as a catcher).

For Boras, it makes perfect sense to accelerate his development, because it would mean he'd reach free agency in his late 20s and make a gajillion dollars. (Tommy Bennett)
2010-03-30 13:00:00 (link to chat)Reading Steven Goldmanīs "super-utility all star lineup" I couldnīt help but notice Albert Pujolsī 2001 season should have been listed. The guy hit 329/403/610 (not even to mention he was a rookie) while splitting time between third base (52g), left field (37g), right field (32g) and first base (32g). Any other super subs to add to the team?
(Guillermo from Montevideo)
Good call on Albert. I feel uncomfortable with any super-utility list that doesn't include Brooks Kieschnick -- everyday player or not, that experiment was a hell of a lot of fun. (Shawn Hoffman)
2010-03-24 11:00:00 (link to chat)What should be the terms of the Cardinals' opening contract salvo to the agent representing Albert Pujols? Would you front-load/back-load it?
(Hammer from Pumps & A Bump)
I'd probably try to front-load it, but the best you're going to get is a straight pro rata deal (a la Mauer). He's going to get at least $200 million, but I'd probably start below there because the Cardinals don't have quite that much money. (Tommy Bennett)
2010-03-15 16:00:00 (link to chat)Okay, so in what universe exactly would a Pujols for Howard deal actually happen? Would we all be wearing evil goatees?
(Tim from Tampa)
Let's strip away the names Ryan Howard and Albert Pujols for a moment. A team with a view to win now upgrades one of their position players to a nicer model on a shorter-term contract, even despite the fact that he'd be a two-years-and-gone guy. The other team is in some longer-term financial difficulty and realizes they won't be able to sign their really good player. So, they trade for a slight downgrade who's a little more financially manageable for them and can be signed longer-term so that they don't completely lose out if the original guy leaves in two years. These trades happen from time to time, but they're usually among mid-range players. That said, I don't think this particular deal will happen, but I don't think it's illogical, Captain. (Russell A. Carleton)
2010-03-15 16:00:00 (link to chat)Why not. Who are your preseason top 5 in the AL and NL MVP races?
(Cheese from DC)
In the NL, it's a 3 horse race between Albert Pujols, Chase Utley (someone give the man an MVP!), and Tim Lincecum. Although I'm a fan of keeping pitchers out of the MVP award...

In the AL: it's predictable and boring, but A-Rod is healthy... in the non-Yankee division? Victor Martinez? I'm trying desperately to come up with names that weren't in the top 7 of last year's ballot so I can appear hip and trendy. The sad truth is that if you want a pre-season top 5, look at the post-season top five from last year. (Russell A. Carleton)
2010-03-15 16:00:00 (link to chat)Do the Cards have the depth to withstand an injury to one of their Big 4(Pujols, Carp, Wainwright, Holliday)?
(Matt from Chicago)
Does anyone have the depth to withstand losing Albert Pujols? They're still a decent team without one of those four guys, and they play in a division that always seems to come down to "who doesn't want this division title least?" But the Brewers are on the ascent and the Cubs, even with as many problems as they have, are still a force. They get knocked down from favorites to win the division to neck-and-neck fighters for the crown. (Russell A. Carleton)
2010-02-17 16:00:00 (link to chat)Hey fellow Twit. Why do you think fewer MLB players, percentage wise, use Twitter than those in the NBA? Are there general inherent personality differences between sports that would lend itself to social media?
(Tom Haberstroh from CT)
I think at both levels what you see is a certain degree of reluctance from the league's stars to participate in social media. You don't see LeBron James on Twitter, and you don't see Albert Pujols on Twitter. I think more role players are getting involved in both sports, but to the degree there is a difference I think it's just because any new service will break in by social group, and it just hasn't reached critical mass among baseball players.

(I'll just add that Tom is from HoopData and will be chatting tomorrow over at Basketball Prospectus starting at 3pm 11am, and I recommend you all join him for that) (Tommy Bennett)
2010-02-11 13:00:00 (link to chat)The Cardinals gotta like David Freese's price? I hope they do...your 2013 St. Louis Cardinals - Matt Holliday, Albert Pujols, and 23 guys making league David Freese.
(Paul from LA)
That'll only be a problem if the economy doesn't start growing again, or if MLB just doesn't grow over the next few years, for whatever reason. In fact, if I were them I'd be trying to get Albert signed right now, because it's entirely possible that the market will be in much better shape next winter. (Shawn Hoffman)
2010-01-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)Joey Votto=Albert Pujols? Am I crazy?
(lyndon from Columbus)
Yes. Joey Votto is more like the player people think Justin Morneau is. (Marc Normandin)
2010-01-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)In what year does Justin Upton challenge Albert Pujols for the NL MVP award?
(Bossman Sr. from Tampa Bay)
Not this year but he'll take another step toward superstardom. (John Perrotto)
2010-01-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)Let's say Albert Pujols retires tomorrow. Does he make The Hall?
(I Got Ripped in 4 Weeks from I'm Crazy Ripped)
If he retired tomorrow he'd be ineligible. He needs to play at least one game to qualify as having 10 seasons in the majors from the Hall's way of counting (1 game = 1 season). (Jay Jaffe)
2009-12-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)"but the players you mention have been about as good at what they do as Tiger has at what he does" Really? Tiger is probably the greatest golfer who has ever played. His ten year stretch of dominance is basically unprecedented. I don't see how any of the players mentioned (or for that matter anyone in any sport) have had a 00s that comes even close to that. There have been other great hitters/relievers/pitchers in other decades ya know.
(Alex from SF, CA)
Like I said, it's difficult if not impossible to compare team vs. individual sports, but both Alex Rodriguez and Albert Pujols have shots at breaking Barry Bonds' all-time home run record and winding up as arguably the best player ever at their position. Mariano Rivera already is, without argument, the best at his, and has been so for a stunningly long time and in particular, when the heat was at its hottest (the postseason) -- though it's admittedly a lesser accomplishment than being an everyday player or even a starter. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-12-11 13:00:00 (link to chat)Best album of the year:________ ; Best song of the year: _________. Bonus question: Is Kid A the Michael Jordan & Albert Pujols of the decade in music? I say yes.
(Jim Clancy from Exhibition Stadium)
I have no idea. I'm so not hip. I used to be the hippest guy in the room. I'm the guy who saw the Pixies at The Rathskeller in Boston with maybe 18 other people. I'm the guys who had bootleg tapes from Pavement before they had a record. At some point, when it comes to music, you kind of shut it down at lock in your tastes. It's part of being 40 I guess, but many of my friends are in the same place. Also, Radiohead tends to get horribly overrated. (Kevin Goldstein)
2009-11-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you think the Cardinals would be better off with Holliday or Beltre and a 2nd tier starting pitcher?
(jbuofm from Peoria)
Seeing as they are more than capable of turning garbage into 2nd tier starting pitchers, Holliday, as he could provide some protection for Albert Pujols and potentially prevent pitch-arounds to get to a regressed Ryan Ludwick. (Eric Seidman)
2009-10-20 14:00:00 (link to chat)I know he's not a free agent this offseason, but what do you see happening with Albert Pujols? Can the Cards sign him to an A-Rod-type deal and still have the money to field a perennial contender that can not only capture the NL Central title, but go deep into the playoffs?
(Eric from Denver)
The Cardinals' problem isn't going to be money, but talent. They haven't done a real good job of integrating young players into their roster, and they've been drafting so low in the first round that they haven't had the shot at high-impact talent at the top of the draft. They can afford to pay Pujols $25-30MM/year, and still have $80-90 million for everyone else; the question is can they distribute that $80-90 million optimally, with a number of low-paid producers supporting a few other high-dollar players. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-10-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)The Dodgers took game one. Chris Carpenter and Albert Pujols? Have they run out of steam at the end of the season? It sure looks that way.
(mikeel from Escondido)
Doesn't seem to be any connection between how a team finishes the season and how it plays in the playoffs. This would seem to reduce to players as well. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-09-02 13:00:00 (link to chat)Matt Kemp: MVP candidate if Albert Pujols were not in the league?
(Terry from Bloomington)
I know you're really just trying to ask if I think whether or not a) Matt Kemp has gone unnoticed or b) if anyone on the Dodgers deserves the MVP, but I am not a fan of such hypotheticals. I mean, this isn't exactly akin to "Albert Pujols: MVP candidate if Barry Bonds were not in the league?" circa 2001-04. Say Pujols isn't in baseball. The Cardinals aren't going to be nearly as effective, making them one of those easy-to-beat-up-on teams, which could mean the Brewers and Cubs vault to the top of the standings, and then Braun/Fielder/Lee might be in line for MVP consideration. (Eric Seidman)
2009-09-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)Crystal balling for a moment into next year, outside of Albert Pujols, who would be your NL MVP candidate (or a couple)?
(Shane from Miami)
Besides Pujols? Chutley, Hanley, most likely. Guy who deserves to be in the discussion but no one will ever say it: Ryan Zimmerman. (Marc Normandin)
2009-09-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)Odds that Holliay resigns with the Cards in the off-season?
(NTubrinski29 from St. Loo)
Sadly, I think they improve by the day. He's been quoted recently as saying Albert Pujols is the greatest player in the history of baseball. I think playing alongside him might be appealing to him. (Marc Normandin)
2009-08-17 14:00:00 (link to chat)True or False, McCarver and Buck wear Pujols jerseys in the booth.
(Phil from Chicago)
Pujols is a big guy, and it's an actual game-worn jersey, which they both squeeze into.

But it's hard to fault anyone for saying nice things about Albert Pujols. (Ken Funck)
2009-08-19 14:00:00 (link to chat)What one player from outside the organization would make the biggest difference to the 2010 Mets?
(Matt from Whippleville, NY)
Albert Pujols.

In all honesty, that's a tough question, because the answer has much to do with how well Reyes and Beltran rebound from their injuries. If they don't, you'd have to think offense is a priority, but we know that the rotation needs serious help as well. I don't know that they have the talent to acquire a Roy Halladay in trade, and the free agent class just isn't terribly appealing either. The bottom line is that it could be a grim winter for Mets fans. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-07-30 14:00:00 (link to chat)Why did the cardinals all of a sudden find all this money to get some hitters when the need was just as obvious in the off-season and wouldn't have gutted the farm system?
(stan from springfield)
It seems that fan pressure, not to mention pressure from Tony La Russa, Albert Pujols and media, got Bill DeWitt to pull out the checkbook. (John Perrotto)
2009-07-31 14:00:00 (link to chat)Albert Pujols vs Ted Williams. Who will end up having the better career? Love Pujols but is he better than the splendid splinter?
(Shawn from Winnipeg)

Getting pulled out for ESPNews and some radio. Will jump back and answer a few more questions when I'm done. Thank you so much for following the trade deadline deals at BP today. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-06-15 13:00:00 (link to chat)What's the Athlete's Passport?
(P Bu from St. Louis)
Oh -- good question. The AP is a document that shows the date of each test and the result. WADA uses it with most Olympic athletes and it has to be presented at some tournaments to show "good standing." Baseball could do the same thing with a document or even a website. Wouldn't it have been better to have the Inquirer ask "hey, some blogger says you might have done steroids" and have Ibanez pull out a document that said "Ibanez, tested 3/23 clean, 5/10 clean" etc. Heck, just put up the negative results on I don't see a valid argument that a negative(clean) test would be an invasion of privacy. How about this -- instead of the crappy PSA's baseball has now, why not have Albert Pujols stand up on camera and show the fifteen or so negative tests he's taken. (Yes, you could say that Manny Ramirez also has a lot of negatives and that one positive ...) (Will Carroll)
2009-06-15 13:00:00 (link to chat)"How about this -- instead of the crappy PSA's baseball has now, why not have Albert Pujols stand up on camera and show the fifteen or so negative tests he's taken." ================= I can see it now, the newest roto category, "percentage of clean tests" ...
(dianagramr from Cubehenge)
Well ... that's kind of like saying a NASCAR driver needs a high percentage of left turns. It's that one right one that can screw things up. (Will Carroll)
2009-06-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)Is Roy Halladay baseball's best pitcher? It's not like he hasn't been doing it for a long period of time, and I figure he's got to be given some extra credit for the division he pitches in as well as his ability to pitch more innings than any one else.
(blaseta from Calgary)
I still have Johan Santana atop my list, and I think you can argue that Halladay is the best of the next group down, which would include Brandon Webb, CC Sabathia and Tim Lincecum. Santana is a bit like Albert Pujols now, where he's so good people look for other guys to talk about. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-06-05 15:30:00 (link to chat)Just got a tweet that Albert Pujols and Prince Fielder would like to have a word with you regarding your comments about the Cubs. Why is it more likely that they and their buddies will crater than that the Cubs will continuing being what they've been?
(Bill from New Mexico)
In my opinion, the Cardinals need every single start from Chris Carpenter from here on out to have a fighting chance at the playoffs. And as far as the Brewers go, I mentioned earlier that acquiring a top-tier pitcher might actually put them ahead of the Cubs. But I get a bit wary when I see that four of their five rotation spots are filled by the underachieving Dave Bush, back-end extraordinaire Braden Looper, the disappointing Manny Parra, and the hang-it-up-already Jeff Suppan. (Eric Seidman)
2009-04-13 14:00:00 (link to chat)Cheerio, I probably have the distinction of being the only Pittsburgh Pirates fan in the UK (began following baseball in 1990.) I thought we'd have to wait until the arrivals of Alvarez and McCutchen to have any hope, but the pitching's been great this year aside from one bad Ian Snell start where he was victimized by Albert Pujols, and the Bucs are already leading their home opener 4-0. Have Maholm and Duke turned the corner? I could see a (barely) winning season with some solid pitching.
(Horace Steenblatter from London, England, UK)
Wow, a Bucs fan in the UK? I suppose I can add it to my now-I've-seen-everything list.

Maholm had a pretty decent 2008 season camouflaged by a low win total (9). If I'm a Pirates fan I'd be happy with a repeat of that. The reports regarding Duke out of spring training said he had tweaked his delivery based upon reviewing video of his rookie season. I'd be optimistic for some improvement there. But with the erratic Snell, as well as Ohlendorf and Karstens at the back of the rotation, i'm afraid .500 is a pipe dream at the moment. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-03-30 18:30:00 (link to chat)Jim Rice - Hall of Famer?
(john from chicago)
Before I answer, let me acknowledge that (a) Jim Rice was my favorite player growing up, and (b) I'm a "big Hall" kind of guy.

With that context, I disagree with what seems to be the prevailing sabermetric opinion, including here at BP, that Rice was obviously unworthy as a HOF selection. I don't think he's a no-brainer Hall of Famer, but I think he has a legitimate argument.

Rice's case is obviously one built on peak value, not career length. Also, the argument has been that he is less valuable according to sabermetric models than how he was regarded at the time. His OBP, home park, double-play totals, and positional adjustments are counterbalanced by the notion that he was the most "feared" hitter or his day. But how do you actually assess how "feared" he was, and how that reputation played out in his peak value.

I actually did some work on this back when the election was on people's minds. Rice had 6 Top 10 finishes in the MVP voting.

Among players with exactly 6 Top 10 finishes, 11 are in the HOF, 6 are active or too recent, and only 4 are not in the Hall (Vern Stephens, Dave Parker, Andres Galarraga, Fred McGriff). Even among those with just 5 such finishes, the ratio is 17 HOF, 6 not HOF, 5 active. There's a reasonable case that players with Rice-like peaks get into the Hall about 2/3rd of the time.

Of course, all of Rice's Top 10 finishes were in fact Top 5 finishes. All of the players with 6 such rankings are in the Hall (4) or obviously qualified barring PED-externalities (Frank Thomas, Albert Pujols, A-Rod). Of those with exactly 5 Top 5 MVP years, only Pete Rose and Dave Parker aren't in the Hall or active.

Sorry for taking so much time to answer this one, but I think Rice looks better through contemporary views than through a modern analytical lens, and I don't think it's silly to consider that perspective. (Keith Woolner)
2009-02-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)Steven -- I know in the past, some have raised the issue of the annual being somewhat sloppy in terms of typographical errors and the like. I know that the writing and editing time is fairly condensed, but what (if anything) have you done this year to address those complaints/concerns?
(Matt from Chicago)
Matt, I'm glad you asked that question. Copy-editing is a highly technical skill, and to the extent that Christina and I have expertise in anything, it's not focused in that direction. Our main job is to make sure that the baby is born, not that its hair is combed. We fix what we catch, which is a lot, but given that we're dealing with a 450,000-word (plus numbers) MS that comes together in only a few weeks, there's always more -- but again, our focus is on getting it all assembled and making sure we don't leave out the Cardinals chapter, or leave Albert Pujols out of the Cardinals chapter (times 30), and fishing Nate off the talk show circuit so we can have PECOTAs in the book, and so forth. A copy editor does come in later, but because of the haste with which the book is assembled, they do more of a copy-skim than a full edit.

I think this is always going to be something of a problem, and it frustrates the heck out of me. The trade-off we could make is to start assembling the book earlier, but that would mean a less timely product - and you know that we pride ourselves on being the last of these books to go to press (ours went out on 1/15). All I can ask is that you be patient with us and know that it's not about sloppiness, and not about a lack of care, but simply the result of the way the process takes place. (Steven Goldman)
2008-11-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)"It's hard to do an article on 'Pujols was better than everyone else and the writers got it right.'" Is that why things tend to get a little negative around here? Nobody is willing to write an article that's not critical of the rest of the baseball world?
(drewfuss from kc)
That's not it at all. I'm just saying there's nothing interesting to write. It's not exactly breaking news that Pujols is the best player in baseball, is it? Warren Buffett -- still rich! Stacy London -- still hot! Albert Pujols -- still good! (Will Carroll)
2008-10-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Marlins outlook next year and the year after?
(james from bk)
If they can keep the rotation healthy for once, this is a team that can do some serious damage. Ricky Nolasco is true ace material, and Josh Johnson's pretty damn good himself. If Anibal Sanchez can at least settle in as a #3, the rotation will be an improvement on this year's mess, one that started with Mark Hendrickson involved. Hanley Ramirez improved on his defense, making him even more valuable, and is one of the top players in the game--possibly #2 in overall production next to the peerless Albert Pujols. I like them more for 2009 than I did for 2008, given the problems and injuries in their rotation. That's the key to the whole team. as their lineup is good enough to be carried by a great set of starters. (Marc Normandin)
2008-09-16 13:00:00 (link to chat)Geovany Soto has the best stats for any NL rookie, and he's just called a no hitter and a one hitter in back to back games. Has there been an easier Rookie of the Year choice lately?
(Rob from Bloomington, IL)
Albert Pujols, 2001? (Steven Goldman)
2008-09-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)Who is the youngest guaranteed Hall of Famer in baseball right now? A-Rod?
(mattymatty from Philly)
Hmmm... Alex Rodriguez is 33, but Albert Pujols is just 28 and well on his way, though technically he'd need two more seasons to reach the 10 year minimum. Johan Santana is 29 and has two Cy Youngs under his belt; he might even slip in a third this year if the voters can overlook the fact that he's "only" got 13 wins (yeah, surrrrrrre). I don't have my JAWS spreadsheet open at the moment on this wheezing litle laptop but I think both of them have peak WARP scores equivalent to the average Hall of Famer at their positions. That's not a guarantee, but it's some food for thought. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-06-23 12:00:00 (link to chat)Word out of St. Louis suggests that the Cardinals may get Albert Pujols back as early as Thursday. First, is the guy human? Second, does he give them a chance to catch the Cubs? I'm with Will: no matter how good you think Pujols is, he's STILL underrated.
(Bill from New Mexico)
No, he is not human. I've felt since his rookie season that someone dropped him out of a spaceship because hitting isn't as easy as he makes it look. In fairness, Pujols is one of the hardest workers in the game. He's always either studying video or working out or taking extra hitter before games. Yes, he does give the Cardinals a chance to stay in the race but I still think the Cubs are just too strong in the long haul. (John Perrotto)
2008-05-22 13:00:00 (link to chat)What is the long-term prognosis for Albert Pujols. My understanding is that he has a "high grade" tear of the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL). What happens after the rest of the UCL tears? Should happen this season. If TJ surgery, what is the prognosis for 2009? Will surgery gives us a healthy Albert? Thank you.
(Woodman from Northeast)
Have you SEEN him? He's really, really good and has been playing with the UCL tear since ... 2003? 2004? I can remember talking with a Cards official about this at the pre-Katrina New Orleans Winter Meetings. If he has the surgery in say ... August or September, he'd be back for the start of 09. The injury affects his throwing and nothing else. I don't see any reason short of a rupture to do it. (Will Carroll)
2008-04-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)Triunfel's struggles: How worried are you?
(PSzucs from Toronto, Ontario)
It's 10 games. I'm going to prove my point I made early. Last year, from May 5-15th, Albert Pujols went 5-for-37 with a double. Were you worried? (Kevin Goldstein)
2008-04-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)Miguel Tejada just got two years older: This worsens your (and PECOTA's) opinion of him considerably, yes?
(TheDumbSmartGuy from Cambridge, MA)
I'm utterly unsurprised, both based on rumors that had been circulating about him for years and his career track. And I do think it will harm his PECOTA. People ask sometimes: what if Albert Pujols turned out to be two years older? For Pujols, it wouldn't matter very much in the near-term, because he's in the peak of his career, and the age curve for players at the peak of their career is very flat. But for Tejada, it will do some damage. (Nate Silver)
2008-03-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi, Will. Really enjoying BP during the off-season. I've got two fantasy drafts on Sunday and am wondering how risky you think it will be to draft Albert Pujols in the first round. I suspect he'll drop to #10 in one of my leagues and I'm feeling lucky. What do you think?
(Beau Karch from Manhattan)
I've taken Pujols as high as #7 and would likely take him as high as #5 if I'd had a pick in that area. (I had a #3, where I took Crawford.) Pujols' elbow is no different than it was last year. The change in risk is that the team might be out of it at the break, forcing Pujols to make a decision on surgery for his foot and elbow. In the NL Central, I'll take that risk. (Will Carroll)
2008-03-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)PECOTA tends to underestimate playing time for durable players. Is that just the occasional major injury among their comps bringing down the average?
(Evan from Vancouver, BC)
This is going to sound awfully combative/defensive, but on what basis does PECOTA underestimate playing time for those players? I would argue that the conventional wisdom tends to overestimate the extent to which playing time even for the more durable players is a certainty. As we see with the Albert Pujols question, for instance -- or as we saw with someone with Derrek Lee a couple of years ago, who was one of the most durable players around, or Derek Jeter in 2003 -- injuries are a fact of life, even for the most durable athlete. And this is especially true once a player enters his 30s. (Nate Silver)
2008-03-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Which player do you think will be the biggest fantasy disappointment this year?
(Jessica from NYC)
Albert Pujols if he ends up opting for surgery once the Cardinals realize they aren't going to compete in the Central.

I thought they were better than they ended up playing last year, but injuries and complete busts wiped them out too. I can't see Pujols playing through pain all year if surgery is going to make them a better team in 2009. (Marc Normandin)
2008-02-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)What is the deal with Albert Pujols' elbow? What are his chances of making it through the season without needing surgery since he has been managing the injury since 2003.
(mbeu79 from Chicago)
99%? 90%?

He's been managing well. Funny thing about Pujols is that he's NEVER been healthy while in the majors and yet puts up sick numbers every year. (Will Carroll)
2008-02-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)Quick, you have the third overall pick in your fantasy league...who do you take?
(John from Denver, CO)
Who went with the first two?

My board looks like: Alex Rodriguez, Jose Reyes, Albert Pujols, David Wright, Carl Crawford. (Will Carroll)
2008-02-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)If you had to choose between Miguel Cabrera and Albert Pujols for a 3 year keeper league, which one would you take?
(mbeu79 from Chicago)
Cabrera on age, but it's very, very close. (Will Carroll)
2008-01-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)Joe, RE: players having a Hall of Fame peak vs. those that are able to sustain it into a Hall of Fame career, my only moment of weakness in denying the former comes when thinking about a player like Albert Pujols. If he began his decline phase in '08 and retired in '13, wouldn't you still FEEL like he should be HOFer based on his dominance through '08, or are you able to eliminate feeling from the process altogether?
(Ed D. from Chicago)
Hypotheticals are a slippery slope. If Jim Rice's peak looked like Albert Pujols', then he'd be in already. Pujols is a Hall of Famer as long as he takes the field in two more seasons.

Plenty of guys are in the Hall just for peak performance. Rice's peak simply doesn't rise to that level.

I make this point every year: it is NOT an insult to say that a guy is not one of the 250-odd best players in baseball history. Someone has to be #265. (Joe Sheehan)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2010-10-06 10:00:002010 Playoffs Day OneHas this not been said already? Cardinals will exercise Albert Pujols' $16 million option for 2011. (Jesse Behr)
2010-04-05 09:30:00Season Opener RoundtableAlbert Pujols is a good baseball player. Four hits today, two of them leaving the yard. (David Laurila)
2010-04-05 09:30:00Season Opener RoundtableHappy Opening Day. I got onto just in time to see Albert Pujols launch a solo homer off Aaron Harang in Cincy. If that doesn't say BASEBALL IS HERE I don't know what will. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-10-12 15:00:00Phillies/Rockies Playoffs RoundtableI'm just speechless.

How can you possibly believe in the closer myth to the tune of the difference between a backup catcher and Albert Pujols, which is basically the difference between Howard vs LHP and vs. RHP? The decision to let Street pitch there might be the single worst tactical decision you can make. I can't think of a bunt, a lineup call, a pitching change worth that much RE.

If this guy wins manager of the year, I'm quittin' show business.
(Joe Sheehan)
2008-10-27 16:30:00World Series Game FiveDavid, we have to see how things end. Certainly if the Rays win the World Series you'd have to qualify this year as somewhat historic given how this franchise got itself off the deck. Beyond that, though, we lacked teams that were historically dominant or even historically bad. Nor have we had individual seasons that are likely to stick in history, perhaps with the exception of Albert Pujols, and even then, his 2008 will be just one more great year in his quiver of great years. (Steven Goldman)
2008-10-22 16:30:00World Series Game OneNot my line, but maybe tomorrow night the Rays hitters could try going up there against Brad Lidge wearing Albert Pujols masks. (Ben Murphy)
2008-10-13 17:00:00NLCS Game FourSpeaking of Pujols, he had surgery today in news that no one seems to be noticing. He had a nerve transposition, not Tommy John, but the surgeries are related. Think about this -- Tommy John, who needed transposition surgery himself, compared the pain he was in from it to being hit on the funny bone constantly.

Albert Pujols is the best player in the league playing through that. (Will Carroll)
2008-10-02 11:00:00Thursday Playoff GamesSpeaking of Mickey Mantle, btw, since he has two spots in the top ten VORP seasons going back to 1954, Albert Pujols' 2008 is the second best season of his career, 23rd best of all time going back to '54 (18th best non-Bonds year, just to throw some red meat out there). Had to believe there's any argument about his MVP-ness. (Steven Goldman)

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