
Portrait of Dave Winfield

Dave Winfield RFYankees

Yankees Player Cards | Yankees Team Audit | Yankees Depth Chart

Career Summary
22 12358 .283 .353 .475 126 65.0
Birth Date10-3-1951
Height6' 6"
Weight220 lbs
Age72 years, 6 months, 21 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1973 SDN 21 56 154 39 4 1 3 12 19 0 0 0 .277 .331 .383 86 -1.6 -2.0 -2.4 -0.3
1974 SDN 22 145 544 132 18 4 20 40 96 1 9 7 .265 .318 .438 115 11.6 0.8 6.8 3.3
1975 SDN 23 143 591 136 20 2 15 69 82 3 23 4 .267 .354 .403 112 10.9 2.9 12.3 3.9
1976 SDN 24 137 567 139 26 4 13 65 78 3 26 7 .283 .366 .431 130 20.7 9.0 8.3 5.3
1977 SDN 25 157 678 169 29 7 25 58 75 0 16 7 .275 .335 .467 117 16.3 5.0 23.6 5.9
1978 SDN 26 158 649 181 30 5 24 55 81 2 21 9 .308 .367 .499 141 32.2 0.2 -13.5 3.7
1979 SDN 27 159 686 184 27 10 34 85 71 2 15 9 .308 .395 .558 157 49.2 1.6 19.8 8.6
1980 SDN 28 162 643 154 25 6 20 79 83 2 23 7 .276 .365 .450 129 22.9 -0.1 -0.2 3.7
1981 NYA 29 105 440 114 25 1 13 43 41 1 11 1 .294 .360 .464 133 14.2 3.6 -12.3 1.6
1982 NYA 30 140 597 151 24 8 37 45 64 0 5 3 .280 .331 .560 145 32.3 0.2 -3.7 4.3
1983 NYA 31 152 664 169 26 8 32 58 77 2 15 6 .283 .345 .513 134 26.1 0.9 -14.8 2.9
1984 NYA 32 141 626 193 34 4 19 53 71 0 6 4 .340 .393 .515 145 34.1 5.9 -2.3 5.3
1985 NYA 33 155 689 174 34 6 26 52 96 0 19 7 .275 .328 .471 121 18.7 2.3 -1.1 3.4
1986 NYA 34 154 652 148 31 5 24 77 106 2 6 5 .262 .349 .462 115 12.4 2.0 4.1 3.1
1987 NYA 35 156 655 158 22 1 27 76 96 0 5 6 .275 .358 .457 117 14.3 -1.7 -16.9 0.8
1988 NYA 36 149 631 180 37 2 25 69 88 2 9 4 .322 .398 .530 154 37.9 6.8 -24.5 3.3
1990 CAL 38 112 470 114 18 2 19 48 68 1 0 1 .275 .348 .466 118 9.7 3.7 -19.7 0.2
1990 NYA 38 20 67 13 3 0 2 4 13 1 0 0 .213 .269 .361 115 1.2 0.2 -1.9 0.1
1991 CAL 39 150 633 149 27 4 28 56 109 1 7 2 .262 .326 .472 119 14.9 -2.5 -8.6 1.4
1992 TOR 40 156 670 169 33 3 26 82 89 1 2 3 .290 .377 .491 137 29.6 -1.6 -0.5 3.8
1993 MIN 41 143 594 148 27 2 21 45 106 0 2 3 .271 .325 .442 100 1.9 0.6 -0.9 0.9
1994 MIN 42 77 328 74 15 3 10 31 51 0 2 1 .252 .321 .425 92 -2.1 1.4 -0.1 0.3
1995 CLE 43 46 130 22 5 0 2 14 26 1 1 0 .191 .285 .287 74 -3.8 -0.4 0.0 -0.3

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1973 SDN MLB NL 56 154 .249 .312 .369 .300 96 0.2 4.0 -0.8 86 16 -2.4 -2.0 -1.6 -0.3
1974 SDN MLB NL 145 544 .252 .317 .364 .289 96 15.9 14.1 -2.8 115 9 6.8 0.8 11.6 3.3
1975 SDN MLB NL 143 591 .257 .323 .369 .289 96 12.2 15.6 -5.7 112 10 12.3 2.9 10.9 3.9
1976 SDN MLB NL 137 567 .255 .315 .361 .310 96 23.6 14.3 -4.7 130 9 8.3 9.0 20.7 5.3
1977 SDN MLB NL 157 678 .262 .325 .396 .277 95 25.6 18.9 -7 117 11 23.6 5.0 16.3 5.9
1978 SDN MLB NL 158 649 .253 .317 .368 .322 94 40.8 16.9 -2.4 141 11 -13.5 0.2 32.2 3.7
1979 SDN MLB NL 159 686 .260 .319 .382 .304 94 56.6 19.2 -7.1 157 10 19.8 1.6 49.2 8.6
1980 SDN MLB NL 162 643 .257 .316 .372 .292 96 22.2 17.3 -5.5 129 7 -0.2 -0.1 22.9 3.7
1981 NYA MLB AL 105 440 .259 .321 .379 .296 94 19.3 11.1 -1.9 133 12 -12.3 3.6 14.2 1.6
1982 NYA MLB AL 140 597 .264 .324 .399 .256 97 30.5 16.1 -4 145 10 -3.7 0.2 32.3 4.3
1983 NYA MLB AL 152 664 .265 .326 .401 .277 96 25.6 18.0 -3 134 11 -14.8 0.9 26.1 2.9
1984 NYA MLB AL 141 626 .264 .324 .400 .360 94 44.8 16.8 -5.3 145 11 -2.3 5.9 34.1 5.3
1985 NYA MLB AL 155 689 .263 .327 .410 .287 97 18.6 18.8 -7 121 10 -1.1 2.3 18.7 3.4
1986 NYA MLB AL 154 652 .263 .331 .409 .281 101 15.1 18.0 -6.8 115 9 4.1 2.0 12.4 3.1
1987 NYA MLB AL 156 655 .264 .330 .427 .288 99 16.3 19.3 -7.3 117 8 -16.9 -1.7 14.3 0.8
1988 NYA MLB AL 149 631 .258 .321 .388 .347 100 43.6 16.5 -6.2 154 8 -24.5 6.8 37.9 3.3
1990 CAL MLB AL 112 470 .254 .319 .379 .285 97 18.4 12.6 -4.8 118 12 -19.7 3.7 9.7 0.2
1990 NYA MLB AL 20 67 .248 .320 .370 .234 99 -2.4 1.8 -0.7 115 12 -1.9 0.2 1.2 0.1
1991 CAL MLB AL 150 633 .259 .326 .394 .277 96 17.2 17.1 -7.4 119 7 -8.6 -2.5 14.9 1.4
1992 TOR MLB AL 156 670 .260 .326 .388 .304 101 34 17.4 -10.4 137 10 -0.5 -1.6 29.6 3.8
1993 MIN MLB AL 143 594 .265 .333 .404 .301 99 -0.5 17.0 -9.9 100 7 -0.9 0.6 1.9 0.9
1994 MIN MLB AL 77 328 .269 .337 .422 .272 103 -2.7 9.9 -6.3 92 9 -0.1 1.4 -2.1 0.3
1995 CLE MLB AL 46 130 .273 .343 .432 .230 100 -10 3.9 -2.4 74 18 0.0 -0.4 -3.8 -0.3

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1973 SDN MLB NL 154 141 9 39 4 1 3 54 12 12 19 0 0 .277 .331 .383 .106 1 0
1974 SDN MLB NL 544 498 57 132 18 4 20 218 75 40 96 9 7 .265 .318 .438 .173 5 0
1975 SDN MLB NL 591 509 74 136 20 2 15 205 76 69 82 23 4 .267 .354 .403 .136 7 3
1976 SDN MLB NL 567 492 81 139 26 4 13 212 69 65 78 26 7 .283 .366 .431 .148 5 2
1977 SDN MLB NL 678 615 104 169 29 7 25 287 92 58 75 16 7 .275 .335 .467 .192 5 0
1978 SDN MLB NL 649 587 88 181 30 5 24 293 97 55 81 21 9 .308 .367 .499 .191 5 0
1979 SDN MLB NL 686 597 97 184 27 10 34 333 118 85 71 15 9 .308 .395 .558 .250 2 0
1980 SDN MLB NL 643 558 89 154 25 6 20 251 87 79 83 23 7 .276 .365 .450 .174 4 0
1981 NYA MLB AL 440 388 52 114 25 1 13 180 68 43 41 11 1 .294 .360 .464 .170 7 1
1982 NYA MLB AL 597 539 84 151 24 8 37 302 106 45 64 5 3 .280 .331 .560 .280 8 5
1983 NYA MLB AL 664 598 99 169 26 8 32 307 116 58 77 15 6 .283 .345 .513 .231 6 0
1984 NYA MLB AL 626 567 106 193 34 4 19 292 100 53 71 6 4 .340 .393 .515 .175 6 0
1985 NYA MLB AL 689 633 105 174 34 6 26 298 114 52 96 19 7 .275 .328 .471 .196 4 0
1986 NYA MLB AL 652 565 90 148 31 5 24 261 104 77 106 6 5 .262 .349 .462 .200 6 2
1987 NYA MLB AL 655 575 83 158 22 1 27 263 97 76 96 5 6 .275 .358 .457 .183 3 1
1988 NYA MLB AL 631 559 96 180 37 2 25 296 107 69 88 9 4 .322 .398 .530 .208 1 0
1990 CAL MLB AL 470 414 63 114 18 2 19 193 72 48 68 0 1 .275 .348 .466 .191 6 1
1990 NYA MLB AL 67 61 7 13 3 0 2 22 6 4 13 0 0 .213 .269 .361 .148 1 0
1991 CAL MLB AL 633 568 75 149 27 4 28 268 86 56 109 7 2 .262 .326 .472 .210 6 2
1992 TOR MLB AL 670 583 92 169 33 3 26 286 108 82 89 2 3 .290 .377 .491 .201 3 1
1993 MIN MLB AL 594 547 72 148 27 2 21 242 76 45 106 2 3 .271 .325 .442 .172 2 0
1994 MIN MLB AL 328 294 35 74 15 3 10 125 43 31 51 2 1 .252 .321 .425 .173 2 1
1995 CLE MLB AL 130 115 11 22 5 0 2 33 4 14 26 1 0 .191 .285 .287 .096 0 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation


Year Team Salary


Service TimeAgentContract Status

  • 1 year/$0.5M (1995). Signed by Cleveland.
  • 2 years/$5.2M (1993-94). Signed by Minnesota as a free agent 12/17/92. Acquired by Cleveland in trade from Minnesota 8/31/94.
  • 1 year/$2.3M (1992). Signed by Toronto as a free agent 12/19/91.
  • 1 year/$2.55M (1991), plus 1992-93 club options. Signed extension with California 5/11/90 to facilitate trade from NY Yankees. $0.1M signing bonus. 91:$3.2M ($2M if released before 1991 season, plus $0.45M buyout for 1992-93), 92:$3M club option, 93:$2.8M club option. California declined 1992 option 10/91.
  • 10 years/$23M (1981-90). Signed by NY Yankees as a free agent 12/15/80. Yankees have right to buy out final two seasons of the deal. At signing, largest contract in sports history. Cost-of-living increase of up to 10 percent annually, to be paid out as deferred compensation. Performance bonus: $25,000 for 130 games. Award bonuses: $50,000 for AL MVP, $25,000 for Gold Glove. Limited no-trade protection (Winfield to list 7 clubs to which he would accept a trade). Acquired by California in trade from NY Yankees 5/11/90.
  • 4 years/$1.4M (1977-80). Signed extension with San Diego. As part of the contract, Winfield agreed to purchase $0.1M for of Padres tickets for use by his foundation.
  • 1 year (1976)
  • 1 year (1975)
  • 1 year (1974)
  • 1 year (1973).
  • Drafted by San Diego 1973 (1-4) (Minnesota). $65,000 signing bonus.

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

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BP Annual Player Comments

No BP Book Comments have been found for this player.

BP Articles

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BP Chats

2011-10-04 13:00:00 (link to chat)Better all around athlete: Randy Moss or Dave Winfield?
(richardkr34 from Saint Paul, MN)
Winfield. No question. (Jason Parks)
2011-01-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)When I was a kid a had a "Nobody Beats the Wiz" poster with Willie Randolph, Dave Winfield, Rickey Henderson and Don Mattingly on it. I loved that poster. No question, just wanted to share.
(Charlie from Bethesda, MD)
Their commercials weren't quite as annoying at Crazy Eddie's were. (Steven Goldman)
2010-04-01 13:00:00 (link to chat)In re the cover of BP 2010 and the blurb regarding Adam Lind taking a shot at Mike Jacobs: While I love the snarkiness that comes with the analysis found in the book and BP in general, I thought the question posing the aspirational comparison to Bay and the pejorative comparison Jacobs was a little biting. It seems to me it's one thing for your blurb about Jacobs to say that he's underperformed, not met expectactions, etc., and another to ask if one player -- on the cover no less-- "is going to disappoint like Jacobs?" I just thought the comment dipped a little too far into the negative and unnecessarily called out a player by comparing him to another, especially in the context of this being the cover of the book. Thoughts? Was this discussed amongst the staff?
(JDLloyd10 from Biscuits' Stadium, AL)
Let me put it this way: we spend so little time thinking about those blurbs that I had to pull the book out to see what you were talking about. I don't write them, we don't really write them. They're thrown together by a combination of people including the publisher and passed along very quickly. I find it very difficult to think up cover blurbs when I'm desperately trying to edit the book and I haven't seen more than a few chapters. I think your comment is fair, though; in the future we'll try to discourage those comparisons except maybe in a more broad historic sense, like "Is Jayson Heyward the next Dave Winfield?" or something like that. (Steven Goldman)
2010-04-01 13:00:00 (link to chat)OK ... so *IS* Jayson Heyward the next Dave Winfield, OR Eric Davis?
(dianagramr from NYC)
I lean Winfield. Is there ANY player in baseball who is going to have a 30 HR/50 SB season any time soon? (Steven Goldman)
2009-10-09 13:30:00 (link to chat)Fun subjective question: Based on what you've seen and older scouts you know, who are the five most physically talented prospects of the past 25-30 years? Griffey, A-Rod, Bo Jackson, Eric Davis, Strawberry?
(Jonathan from New York)
I love this question, but the discussion would take . . . years. Justin Upton comes to mind for recent guys, Dave Winfield if we can go back a few more years. (Kevin Goldstein)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2010-07-13 16:30:00All-Star GameIt should be noted that GMS III hated the All-Star Game. When Dave Winfield played 87 innings in that one length ASG and then slumped coming out of the break, he was livid. (Steven Goldman)
2009-10-28 17:00:002009 WS Game OneWhen the Yankees struggled down the stretch in 1985, George Steinbrenner said that Reggie Jackson was Mr. October but Dave Winfield was Mr. May. Teixeira's free agent contract/offensively poor postseason might have prompted George to say the same thing, though with Teixeira's tendency towards slow starts, he's not Mr. May either. (Steven Goldman)