
Portrait of Orel Hershiser

Orel Hershiser PDodgers

Dodgers Player Cards | Dodgers Team Audit | Dodgers Depth Chart

Career Summary
18 510 3130.3 204 150 5 3.48 66.4
Birth Date9-16-1958
Height6' 3"
Weight190 lbs
Age65 years, 7 months, 8 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

Historical (past-seasons) WARP is now based on DRA..
cFIP and DRA are not available on a by-team basis and display as zeroes(0). See TOT line for season totals of these stats.
Multiple stints are are currently shownClick to hide.
1983 LAN MLB 8 0 8.0 0 0 1 7 6 5 1 95 7.9 6.8 1.1 5.6 0% .240 1.63 5.29 3.38 98 4.26 98.3 0.0
1984 LAN MLB 45 20 189.7 11 8 2 160 50 150 9 92 7.6 2.4 0.4 7.1 0% .271 1.11 2.68 2.66 64 2.51 58.6 5.6
1985 LAN MLB 36 34 239.7 19 3 0 179 68 157 8 86 6.7 2.6 0.3 5.9 0% .239 1.03 2.66 2.03 71 2.63 60.5 7.3
1986 LAN MLB 35 35 231.3 14 14 0 213 86 153 13 94 8.3 3.3 0.5 6.0 0% .274 1.29 3.33 3.85 86 3.43 77.4 5.2
1987 LAN MLB 37 35 264.7 16 16 1 247 74 190 17 90 8.4 2.5 0.6 6.5 0% .286 1.21 3.20 3.06 69 3.04 63.8 8.1
1988 LAN MLB 35 34 267.0 23 8 1 208 73 178 18 98 7.0 2.5 0.6 6.0 0% .239 1.05 3.11 2.26 78 2.56 61.6 7.9
1989 LAN MLB 35 33 256.7 15 15 0 226 77 178 9 96 7.9 2.7 0.3 6.2 0% .278 1.18 2.66 2.31 78 2.71 65.2 7.1
1990 LAN MLB 4 4 25.3 1 1 0 26 4 16 1 93 9.2 1.4 0.4 5.7 0% .298 1.18 2.65 4.26 81 3.04 70.7 0.6
1991 LAN MLB 21 21 112.0 7 2 0 112 32 73 3 99 9.0 2.6 0.2 5.9 0% .303 1.29 2.83 3.46 85 3.11 72.0 2.8
1992 LAN MLB 33 33 210.7 10 15 0 209 69 130 15 96 8.9 2.9 0.6 5.6 0% .282 1.32 3.56 3.67 91 3.68 89.2 3.3
1993 LAN MLB 33 33 215.7 12 14 0 201 72 141 17 96 8.4 3.0 0.7 5.9 0% .272 1.27 3.79 3.59 86 3.70 79.8 4.6
1994 LAN MLB 21 21 135.3 6 6 0 146 42 72 15 95 9.7 2.8 1.0 4.8 0% .295 1.39 4.41 3.79 95 4.05 81.6 2.8
1995 CLE MLB 26 26 167.3 16 6 0 151 51 111 21 98 8.1 2.7 1.1 6.0 0% .263 1.21 4.44 3.87 92 4.18 85.5 3.1
1996 CLE MLB 33 33 206.0 15 9 0 238 58 125 21 100 10.4 2.5 0.9 5.5 0% .314 1.44 4.37 4.24 93 5.21 102.8 2.0
1997 CLE MLB 32 32 195.3 14 6 0 199 69 107 26 96 9.2 3.2 1.2 4.9 0% .282 1.37 5.00 4.47 102 4.84 100.7 2.2
1998 SFN MLB 34 34 202.0 11 10 0 200 85 126 22 100 8.9 3.8 1.0 5.6 0% .278 1.41 4.68 4.41 101 4.84 100.3 2.3
1999 NYN MLB 32 32 179.0 13 12 0 175 77 89 14 97 8.8 3.9 0.7 4.5 0% .275 1.41 4.57 4.58 104 5.29 102.8 1.9
2000 LAN MLB 10 6 24.7 1 5 0 42 14 13 5 103 15.3 5.1 1.8 4.7 0% .398 2.27 7.67 13.14 119 7.94 152.9 -0.4

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1983 LAN MLB NL 8 0 8.0 0 0 1 7 6 5 1 95 7.9 6.8 1.1 5.6 0% .240 1.63 5.29 3.38 98 4.26 98.3
1984 LAN MLB NL 45 20 189.7 11 8 2 160 50 150 9 92 7.6 2.4 0.4 7.1 0% .271 1.11 2.68 2.66 64 2.51 58.6
1985 LAN MLB NL 36 34 239.7 19 3 0 179 68 157 8 86 6.7 2.6 0.3 5.9 0% .239 1.03 2.66 2.03 71 2.63 60.5
1986 LAN MLB NL 35 35 231.3 14 14 0 213 86 153 13 94 8.3 3.3 0.5 6.0 0% .274 1.29 3.33 3.85 86 3.43 77.4
1987 LAN MLB NL 37 35 264.7 16 16 1 247 74 190 17 90 8.4 2.5 0.6 6.5 0% .286 1.21 3.20 3.06 69 3.04 63.8
1988 LAN MLB NL 35 34 267.0 23 8 1 208 73 178 18 98 7.0 2.5 0.6 6.0 0% .239 1.05 3.11 2.26 78 2.56 61.6
1989 LAN MLB NL 35 33 256.7 15 15 0 226 77 178 9 96 7.9 2.7 0.3 6.2 0% .278 1.18 2.66 2.31 78 2.71 65.2
1990 LAN MLB NL 4 4 25.3 1 1 0 26 4 16 1 93 9.2 1.4 0.4 5.7 0% .298 1.18 2.65 4.26 81 3.04 70.7
1991 LAN MLB NL 21 21 112.0 7 2 0 112 32 73 3 99 9.0 2.6 0.2 5.9 0% .303 1.29 2.83 3.46 85 3.11 72.0
1992 LAN MLB NL 33 33 210.7 10 15 0 209 69 130 15 96 8.9 2.9 0.6 5.6 0% .282 1.32 3.56 3.67 91 3.68 89.2
1993 LAN MLB NL 33 33 215.7 12 14 0 201 72 141 17 96 8.4 3.0 0.7 5.9 0% .272 1.27 3.79 3.59 86 3.70 79.8
1994 LAN MLB NL 21 21 135.3 6 6 0 146 42 72 15 95 9.7 2.8 1.0 4.8 0% .295 1.39 4.41 3.79 95 4.05 81.6
1995 CLE MLB AL 26 26 167.3 16 6 0 151 51 111 21 98 8.1 2.7 1.1 6.0 0% .263 1.21 4.44 3.87 92 4.18 85.5
1996 CLE MLB AL 33 33 206.0 15 9 0 238 58 125 21 100 10.4 2.5 0.9 5.5 0% .314 1.44 4.37 4.24 93 5.21 102.8
1997 CLE MLB AL 32 32 195.3 14 6 0 199 69 107 26 96 9.2 3.2 1.2 4.9 0% .282 1.37 5.00 4.47 102 4.84 100.7
1998 SFN MLB NL 34 34 202.0 11 10 0 200 85 126 22 100 8.9 3.8 1.0 5.6 0% .278 1.41 4.68 4.41 101 4.84 100.3
1999 NYN MLB NL 32 32 179.0 13 12 0 175 77 89 14 97 8.8 3.9 0.7 4.5 0% .275 1.41 4.57 4.58 104 5.29 102.8
2000 LAN MLB NL 10 6 24.7 1 5 0 42 14 13 5 103 15.3 5.1 1.8 4.7 0% .398 2.27 7.67 13.14 119 7.94 152.9

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr%

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
1997-07-29 1997-08-13 15-DL 15 14 - Low Back Strain - -
1995-06-22 1995-07-09 15-DL 17 16 - Low Back Strain - -
1991-04-10 1991-05-29 15-DL 49 44 Right Shoulder Recovery From Surgery Anterior Capsule and Ligaments 1990-04-27 -
1990-04-26 1990-10-04 60-DL 161 146 Right Shoulder Surgery Anterior Capsule and Ligaments 1990-04-27 -
1987-10-07 1987-10-07 Off 0 0 Right Knee Surgery 1987-10-07 -


Year Team Salary
2000 LAN $2,000,000
1 yrPrevious$2,000,000
1 yrTotal$2,000,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean?????0.0?00?.0000.000.00?0.00.0

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BP Chats

2017-04-28 13:30:00 (link to chat)What's your favorite Orel Hershiser moment?
(euqubudhp from Seattle)
Probably today, when Short Relief dedicated three stories to him (Craig Goldstein)
2012-01-09 13:00:00 (link to chat)Were you a little surprised that Kevin Brown got so little support last year on the ballot? I can't imagine a lot of people standing up for him in a veteran's committee meeting in future decades.
(Brian from DC)
Brown, David Cone, Dwight Gooden and Orel Hershiser all had disconcertingly short stays on the ballot. I do think all of them will have at least some proponents in a VC-like panel situation, particularly because their postseason accomplishments will get closer looks.

Gooden's actually the strongest of those candidates. In fact - holy smokes, I just realized this - he's above the standard at 52.1/38.1/45.1, because he had 16.7 WARP through his first two seasons. (Jay Jaffe's Hall of Fame Special)
2011-06-20 14:00:00 (link to chat)Who's the most surprising player you can create a convincing HoF argument for? Triple-bonus points if his first name's "Tony" and his surname's "Fernandez".
(JT from Exhibition Stadium)
Rick Reuschel does unusually well on the JAWS scale. Prior to Bert Blyleven's election, Big Daddy rated as the second-best eligible pitcher despite relatively unassuming raw numbers (214-191, 3.37 ERA, 3 All-Star apperaances, no Cy Young votes. Stayed very useful late into his career.

That said, I can make better *arguments* for guys like Orel Hershiser, David Cone and Dwight Gooden, all of whom fell just short of 200 wins but had Cy Youngs and rings to their credit. I can make a better argument for Kevin Brown, but it's hindered by his being named in the Mitchell Report, not to mention his 2004 postseason shame. (Jay Jaffe)
2011-01-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Kevin Brown only got about 2% of the vote, and John Olerud got less than 1%. I know neither of them are clear fact, they're probably not Hall of Famers. But both are close enough that they deserved a few years of discussion, right?
(John from Atlanta)
I agree, but the precedent with guys like David Cone, Dwight Gooden, Orel Hershiser and Will Clark going one and done on the ballot certainly suggested this was a possibility. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-10-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)TBS solution: 1. Turn the volume on your television all the way down. 2. Listen to ESPN radio's broadcast. For example, Jon Miller & Orel Hershiser called the Yankees-Twins game last night. Listening to Miller's description of Mariano Rivera as "The Great Rivera" is worth it alone.
(jasonbradleymill from Tucson)
I bought MLB At Bat for my BlackBerry this season and have gotten every bit of my $14.95 worth out of it. I like listening to the home team announcers because you pick up a lot of interesting tidbits. (John Perrotto)
2009-01-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)When it comes to how to build a team, maybe Casserly is better than Millen on TV. When it comes to talking about actually playing football, though (which Millen did), why should he be such a pariah? Dan Marino holds a lot of records. He still can't construct a sentence. Orel Hershiser...great pitcher, great analyst. Rick Sutcliffe, damn good pitcher, damn bad analyst.
(ekanenh from Capital City)
I'll agree here -- I was railing against the idea that a guy THAT bad could tell us much, but you make a great point about presentation, which is why we have Steve Phillips. I'd like to think it was a meritocracy, but it's not. (Will Carroll)
2008-10-24 14:00:00 (link to chat)I think the 1997 World Series is a good match for the 1st question. The Indians had Manny and Thome but they were only 25 at the time. The Marlins had Sheffield who was only 28. That's about it.
(Swingingbunts from NY)
Fair point, though I guess one might have been forgiven for hoping that Kevin Brown or Orel Hershiser might continue building strong cases, David Justice (31 and coming off a monster year) too. (Jay Jaffe)

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