
Portrait of Derek Jeter

Derek Jeter SSYankees

Yankees Player Cards | Yankees Team Audit | Yankees Depth Chart

Career Summary
23 12602 .310 .377 .440 114 51.9
Birth Date6-26-1974
Height6' 3"
Weight195 lbs
Age49 years, 10 months, 13 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1995 NYA 21 15 51 12 4 1 0 3 11 0 0 0 .250 .294 .375 69 -1.9 0.5 -1.4 -0.1
1996 NYA 22 157 654 183 25 6 10 48 102 9 14 7 .314 .370 .430 103 5.5 -0.2 -4.0 2.9
1997 NYA 23 159 748 190 31 7 10 74 125 10 23 12 .291 .370 .405 104 6.5 6.5 -12.2 3.1
1998 NYA 24 149 694 203 25 8 19 57 119 5 30 6 .324 .384 .481 130 27.7 3.0 -12.1 4.6
1999 NYA 25 158 739 219 37 9 24 91 116 12 19 8 .349 .438 .552 148 51.5 1.9 -28.5 5.3
2000 NYA 26 148 679 201 31 4 15 68 99 12 22 4 .339 .416 .481 124 26.6 7.6 -28.9 3.4
2001 NYA 27 150 686 191 35 3 21 56 99 10 27 3 .311 .377 .480 123 23.8 6.0 -25.1 3.4
2002 NYA 28 157 730 191 26 0 18 73 114 7 32 3 .297 .373 .421 116 18.1 6.8 -25.0 3.1
2003 NYA 29 119 542 156 25 3 10 43 88 13 11 5 .324 .393 .450 110 9.1 1.5 -23.5 0.9
2004 NYA 30 154 721 188 44 1 23 46 99 14 23 4 .292 .352 .471 112 12.7 2.2 -12.1 3.3
2005 NYA 31 159 752 202 25 5 19 77 117 11 14 5 .309 .389 .450 119 17.4 4.2 4.4 5.8
2006 NYA 32 154 715 214 39 3 14 69 102 12 34 5 .343 .417 .483 126 27.6 2.3 -18.2 4.1
2007 NYA 33 156 714 206 39 4 12 56 100 14 15 8 .322 .388 .452 123 24.2 2.7 -25.0 3.2
2008 NYA 34 150 668 179 25 3 11 52 85 9 11 5 .300 .363 .408 105 5.4 1.0 -17.0 1.7
2009 NYA 35 153 716 212 27 1 18 72 90 5 30 5 .334 .406 .465 127 25.7 -0.8 -18.1 3.6
2010 NYA 36 157 739 179 30 3 10 63 106 9 18 5 .270 .340 .370 92 -5.5 2.6 -15.1 1.2
2011 NYA 37 131 607 162 24 4 6 46 81 6 16 6 .297 .355 .388 100 0.7 -2.7 -10.9 1.0
2012 NYA 38 159 740 216 32 0 15 45 90 5 9 4 .316 .362 .429 112 10.1 -1.2 -6.5 3.0
2013 NYA 39 17 73 12 1 0 1 8 10 1 0 0 .190 .288 .254 76 -1.9 0.9 -2.0 -0.1
2014 NYA 40 145 634 149 19 1 4 35 87 6 10 2 .256 .304 .313 82 -12.1 -1.9 -23.7 -1.7

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1992 GRB A SAL 11 45 .000 .000 .000 .400 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1993 GRB A SAL 128 590 .000 .000 .000 .353 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1994 TAM A+ FSL 69 324 .000 .000 .000 .362 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1994 ABY AA EAS 34 142 .000 .000 .000 .411 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1994 COH AAA INT 35 151 .000 .000 .000 .369 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1995 NYA MLB AL 15 51 .262 .332 .419 .324 105 -1.9 1.5 0.7 69 16 -1.4 0.5 -1.9 -0.1
1995 COH AAA INT 123 558 .000 .000 .000 .353 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1996 NYA MLB AL 157 654 .278 .348 .445 .361 101 16.6 20.2 9.3 103 7 -4.0 -0.2 5.5 2.9
1997 NYA MLB AL 159 748 .271 .338 .430 .345 96 15.7 20.6 10.2 104 5 -12.2 6.5 6.5 3.1
1998 NYA MLB AL 149 694 .272 .338 .436 .375 96 39.1 18.9 9.5 130 10 -12.1 3.0 27.7 4.6
1998 COH AAA INT 0 5 .000 .000 .000 .667 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1999 NYA MLB AL 158 739 .274 .344 .441 .396 97 64.4 20.7 10.6 148 8 -28.5 1.9 51.5 5.3
2000 NYA MLB AL 148 679 .275 .344 .443 .386 86 49.1 21.4 9.8 124 7 -28.9 7.6 26.6 3.4
2000 TAM A+ FSL 0 3 .000 .000 .000 .667 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2001 NYA MLB AL 150 686 .265 .329 .421 .343 95 35.9 20.4 9.4 123 8 -25.1 6.0 23.8 3.4
2002 NYA MLB AL 157 730 .266 .333 .428 .336 97 19 21.0 9.5 116 8 -25.0 6.8 18.1 3.1
2003 NYA MLB AL 119 542 .266 .332 .428 .379 99 19.6 14.7 7.3 110 7 -23.5 1.5 9.1 0.9
2003 TRN AA EAS 5 22 .000 .000 .000 .444 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2004 NYA MLB AL 154 721 .265 .335 .424 .315 104 14.1 21.5 9.9 112 10 -12.1 2.2 12.7 3.3
2005 NYA MLB AL 159 752 .265 .326 .424 .351 103 27.5 21.6 9.8 119 8 4.4 4.2 17.4 5.8
2006 NYA MLB AL 154 715 .276 .339 .442 .391 106 32.2 21.5 9.1 126 12 -18.2 2.3 27.6 4.1
2007 NYA MLB AL 156 714 .271 .335 .425 .367 102 27.7 21.2 9.7 123 11 -25.0 2.7 24.2 3.2
2008 NYA MLB AL 150 668 .263 .330 .415 .333 103 6.3 19.3 8.6 105 8 -17.0 1.0 5.4 1.7
2009 NYA MLB AL 153 716 .269 .335 .436 .368 110 21.6 20.6 8.8 127 11 -18.1 -0.8 25.7 3.6
2010 NYA MLB AL 157 739 .259 .323 .410 .307 114 -15.1 20.4 8.6 92 7 -15.1 2.6 -5.5 1.2
2011 NYA MLB AL 131 607 .256 .319 .407 .336 106 4.8 16.4 6 100 9 -10.9 -2.7 0.7 1.0
2011 TRN AA EAS 2 6 .227 .278 .376 .667 85 1.3 0.2 0.1 155 0 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.1
2012 NYA MLB AL 159 740 .251 .316 .402 .347 102 10.3 20.3 5.9 112 9 -6.5 -1.2 10.1 3.0
2013 NYA MLB AL 17 73 .243 .303 .388 .208 102 -4.2 1.9 0.4 76 14 -2.0 0.9 -1.9 -0.1
2013 SWB AAA INT 7 23 .258 .329 .392 .267 95 0.5 0.7 0.2 113 0 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1
2014 NYA MLB AL 145 634 .247 .309 .383 .294 98 -13.1 16.3 5.7 82 9 -23.7 -1.9 -12.1 -1.7

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1992 GRB A SAL 45 37 4 9 0 0 1 12 4 7 16 0 1 .243 .378 .324 .081 0 0
1993 GRB A SAL 590 515 85 152 14 11 5 203 71 58 95 18 9 .295 .377 .394 .099 2 2
1994 ABY AA EAS 142 122 17 46 7 2 2 63 13 15 16 12 2 .377 .440 .516 .139 3 3
1994 COH AAA INT 151 126 25 44 7 1 3 62 16 20 15 10 4 .349 .433 .492 .143 3 3
1994 TAM A+ FSL 324 292 61 96 13 8 0 125 39 23 30 28 2 .329 .380 .428 .099 3 3
1995 COH AAA INT 558 486 96 154 27 9 2 205 45 61 56 20 12 .317 .396 .422 .105 2 2
1995 NYA MLB AL 51 48 5 12 4 1 0 18 7 3 11 0 0 .250 .294 .375 .125 0 0
1996 NYA MLB AL 654 582 104 183 25 6 10 250 78 48 102 14 7 .314 .370 .430 .115 9 6
1997 NYA MLB AL 748 654 116 190 31 7 10 265 70 74 125 23 12 .291 .370 .405 .115 2 8
1998 NYA MLB AL 694 626 127 203 25 8 19 301 84 57 119 30 6 .324 .384 .481 .157 3 3
1998 COH AAA INT 5 5 2 2 2 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 .400 .400 .800 .400 0 0
1999 NYA MLB AL 739 627 134 219 37 9 24 346 102 91 116 19 8 .349 .438 .552 .203 6 3
2000 NYA MLB AL 679 593 119 201 31 4 15 285 73 68 99 22 4 .339 .416 .481 .142 3 3
2000 TAM A+ FSL 3 3 2 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 .667 .667 1.000 .333 0 0
2001 NYA MLB AL 686 614 110 191 35 3 21 295 74 56 99 27 3 .311 .377 .480 .169 1 5
2002 NYA MLB AL 730 644 124 191 26 0 18 271 75 73 114 32 3 .297 .373 .421 .124 3 3
2003 NYA MLB AL 542 482 87 156 25 3 10 217 52 43 88 11 5 .324 .393 .450 .127 1 3
2003 TRN AA EAS 22 18 2 8 1 1 0 11 5 3 0 0 0 .444 .545 .611 .167 0 0
2004 NYA MLB AL 721 643 111 188 44 1 23 303 78 46 99 23 4 .292 .352 .471 .179 2 16
2005 NYA MLB AL 752 654 122 202 25 5 19 294 70 77 117 14 5 .309 .389 .450 .141 3 7
2006 NYA MLB AL 715 623 118 214 39 3 14 301 97 69 102 34 5 .343 .417 .483 .140 4 7
2007 NYA MLB AL 714 639 102 206 39 4 12 289 73 56 100 15 8 .322 .388 .452 .130 2 3
2008 NYA MLB AL 668 596 88 179 25 3 11 243 69 52 85 11 5 .300 .363 .408 .107 4 7
2009 NYA MLB AL 716 634 107 212 27 1 18 295 66 72 90 30 5 .334 .406 .465 .131 1 4
2010 NYA MLB AL 739 663 111 179 30 3 10 245 67 63 106 18 5 .270 .340 .370 .100 3 1
2011 NYA MLB AL 607 546 84 162 24 4 6 212 61 46 81 16 6 .297 .355 .388 .092 5 4
2011 TRN AA EAS 6 4 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 .500 .667 .500 .000 0 0
2012 NYA MLB AL 740 683 99 216 32 0 15 293 58 45 90 9 4 .316 .362 .429 .113 1 6
2013 NYA MLB AL 73 63 8 12 1 0 1 16 7 8 10 0 0 .190 .288 .254 .063 1 0
2013 SWB AAA INT 23 18 4 4 1 0 0 5 1 5 3 0 0 .222 .391 .278 .056 0 0
2014 NYA MLB AL 634 581 47 149 19 1 4 182 50 35 87 10 2 .256 .304 .313 .057 4

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 2452 0.5216 0.4719 0.8375 0.6802 0.2447 0.9011 0.6446 0.1625 -0.0046
2009 2701 0.5224 0.4554 0.8447 0.6598 0.2318 0.9098 0.6421 0.1553 -0.0056
2010 2669 0.5313 0.4623 0.8371 0.6488 0.2510 0.9141 0.6115 0.1629 -0.0144
2011 2326 0.5310 0.4609 0.8396 0.6607 0.2346 0.9007 0.6445 0.1604 -0.0130
2012 2730 0.5168 0.4912 0.8225 0.7009 0.2669 0.8908 0.6307 0.1775 -0.0102
2013 282 0.4539 0.4255 0.8333 0.6641 0.2273 0.9294 0.6000 0.1667 -0.0040
2014 2199 0.5257 0.4952 0.8466 0.6808 0.2895 0.9060 0.6921 0.1534 -0.0135

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-09-14 2014-09-14 DTD 0 0 Left Elbow Contusion HBP -
2014-04-12 2014-04-16 DTD 4 2 - Thigh Soreness Quadriceps - -
2013-09-08 2013-09-30 60-DL 22 20 Right Ankle Soreness -
2013-08-03 2013-08-26 15-DL 23 22 Right Lower Leg Strain Calf - -
2013-07-12 2013-07-27 15-DL 15 11 Right Thigh Strain Quadriceps - -
2013-03-22 2013-07-11 60-DL 111 91 Left Ankle Recovery From Inflammation - -
2013-03-19 2013-03-22 Camp 3 0 Left Ankle Inflammation - -
2012-10-14 2012-10-19 DTD 5 0 Left Ankle Surgery Fractured While Fielding 2012-10-20 -
2012-10-10 2012-10-10 DTD 0 0 Left Face Contusion Foul Ball -
2012-09-12 2012-09-12 DTD 0 0 Left Ankle Contusion Bone Bruise - -
2012-05-20 2012-05-21 DTD 1 1 Left Wrist Contusion Batted Ball - -
2012-03-15 2012-03-23 Camp 8 0 - Lower Leg Tightness Calf - -
2011-08-29 2011-08-30 DTD 1 1 Right Knee Contusion - -
2011-08-01 2011-08-02 DTD 1 1 Right Fingers Contusion HBP - -
2011-06-14 2011-07-03 15-DL 19 17 Right Lower Leg Strain Calf -
2011-05-05 2011-05-06 DTD 1 1 Hip Soreness -
2010-06-19 2010-06-20 DTD 1 1 Right Foot Contusion Heel -
2010-05-31 2010-05-31 DTD 0 0 Left Thigh Contusion Hamstring -
2010-04-18 2010-04-20 DTD 2 1 General Medical Respiratory Flu -
2010-03-10 2010-03-13 Camp 3 0 General Medical Respiratory Flu -
2009-08-12 2009-08-12 DTD 0 0 Right Foot Contusion -
2009-06-26 2009-06-28 DTD 2 2 General Medical Illness Flu -
2009-06-17 2009-06-18 DTD 1 1 Left Ankle Tightness -
2009-05-11 2009-05-14 DTD 3 2 Right Abdomen Soreness Oblique -
2009-03-30 2009-04-01 Camp 2 0 Left Fingers Contusion Little Finger -
2009-02-19 2009-02-25 Camp 6 0 Right Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2008-09-27 2008-09-29 DTD 2 2 Left Hand Recovery From Contusion HBP -
2008-09-24 2008-09-26 DTD 2 2 Left Hand Recovery From Contusion HBP -
2008-09-20 2008-09-20 DTD 0 0 Left Hand Contusion HBP -
2008-08-13 2008-08-15 DTD 2 1 Left Foot Contusion Foul Ball -
2008-05-20 2008-05-20 DTD 0 0 Left Hand Contusion HBP -
2008-04-08 2008-04-14 DTD 6 6 Left Thigh Strain Quadriceps -
2007-09-09 2007-09-11 DTD 2 1 Right Knee Inflammation Patellar Tendinitis -
2007-08-26 2007-08-27 DTD 1 1 Right Knee Soreness -
2007-08-05 2007-08-05 DTD 0 0 Wrist Contusion HBP -
2007-06-25 2007-06-26 DTD 1 0 Left Hip Strain Hip Flexor -
2007-04-25 2007-04-27 DTD 2 1 Left Thigh Contusion HBP -
2007-04-06 2007-04-06 DTD 0 0 Right Contusion Foul Ball Off Toe -
2006-09-20 2006-09-22 DTD 2 1 Hand Contusion -
2006-06-05 2006-06-09 DTD 4 3 Right Thumb Contusion HBP -
2006-05-31 2006-06-02 DTD 2 2 Right Hand Recovery From Contusion Sliding Into Base -
2006-05-29 2006-05-29 DTD 0 0 Right Hand Contusion Sliding Into Base -
2005-10-02 2005-10-02 DTD 0 0 Right Knee Contusion Sliding -
2005-08-22 2005-08-23 DTD 1 1 Right Thumb Sprain Thumb -
2005-06-04 2005-06-06 DTD 2 2 General Medical Illness Chest Cold -
2005-05-21 2005-05-21 DTD 0 0 Left Elbow Contusion HBP -
2005-04-06 2005-04-06 DTD 0 0 Head Contusion HBP -
2005-03-20 2005-03-21 Camp 1 0 Left Foot Contusion Foul Ball -
2004-07-21 2004-07-23 DTD 2 2 Right Wrist Fracture Non Displaced -
2004-07-01 2004-07-01 DTD 0 0 Face Contusion Diving Into Stands -
2004-06-05 2004-06-09 DTD 4 3 Groin Strain -
2004-05-05 2004-05-06 DTD 1 1 General Medical Gastrointestinal GI -
2004-04-20 2004-04-20 DTD 0 0 Hand Contusion HBP -
2003-11-04 2003-11-04 DTD 0 0 Left Thumb Sprain Played In WS with Torn Ligament In Thumb -
2003-09-01 2003-09-07 DTD 6 5 Abdomen Strain Oblique -
2003-07-07 2003-07-07 DTD 0 0 Wrist Contusion Bone Bruise From HBP -
2003-06-21 2003-06-22 DTD 1 0 Left Hand Contusion HBP -
2003-04-01 2003-05-13 15-DL 42 36 Left Shoulder Dislocation -
2001-03-23 2001-04-07 15-DL 15 4 Right Thigh Strain Quadriceps - -
2000-05-12 2000-05-27 15-DL 15 12 - Abdomen Strain - -
1998-06-04 1998-06-19 15-DL 15 12 - Abdomen Strain - -


Year Team Salary
2014 NYA $12,000,000
2013 NYA $17,000,000
2012 NYA $16,000,000
2011 NYA $15,000,000
2010 NYA $22,600,000
2009 NYA $21,600,000
2008 NYA $21,600,000
2007 NYA $21,600,000
2006 NYA $20,600,000
2005 NYA $19,600,000
2004 NYA $18,600,000
2003 NYA $15,600,000
2002 NYA $14,600,000
2001 NYA $12,600,000
2000 NYA $10,000,000
15 yrPrevious$259,000,000
15 yrTotal$259,000,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
18 y 43 dCasey Close1 year/$12M (2014)

  • 1 year/$12M (2014). Signed extension with NY Yankees 11/1/13, replacing $9.5M player option in previous contract.
  • 3 years/$51M (2011-13), plus 2014 player option. Re-signed by NY Yankees as a free agent 12/6/10. 11:$15M, 12:$16M, 13:$17M, 14:$8M player option, $3M buyout. $2M annually deferred without interest, payable each 3/15, 2015-17 (present-day AAV about $16M). 2014 option may increase to $17M based on awards earned in 2011-13: $4M for AL MVP. $2M for 2nd-6th in MVP vote. $1.5M for Silver Slugger. $0.5M each for Gold Glove, ALCS MVP, WS MVP. If 2014 option is exercised at less than $17M, Jeter may earn same bonuses in 2014, up to $17M. Earned $1.5M bonus for 2012 Silver Slugger, increasing value of 2014 option to $9.5M.
  • 10 years/$189M (2001-10). Signed extension with NY Yankees 2/01 (avoided arbitration, $18.5M-$14.25M). $16M signing bonus (paid in 16 $1M installments 1/30 and 6/30, 2001-08). 01:$11M, 02:$13M, 03:$14M, 04:$17M, 05:$18M, 06:$19M, 07-09:$20M, 10:$21M. No-trade protection.
  • 1 year/$10M (2000). Re-signed by NY Yankees 2/00 (avoided arbitration, $10.5M-$9.5M).
  • 1 year/$5M (1999). Won arbitration with NY Yankees 2/99 ($5M-$3.2M).
  • 1 year/$0.75M (1998). Renewed by NY Yankees 3/98.
  • 1 year/$0.55M (1997). Renewed by NY Yankees 3/97.
  • 1 year/$0.13M (1996).
  • Drafted by NY Yankees 1992 (1-6) (Kalamazoo Central HS, Mich.).

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2017-02-14 12:00:00 (link to chat)If there's one Hall of Fame player on this year's 101, it's ____________.
(Still Here from Somewhere)
Oh fun. Let's say Swanson gets 3000 hits playing his whole career as a Braves shortstop. And we all suffer through far too many Derek Jeter comps over the years. (The Top 101 Prospect Chat with Jeffrey Paternostro)
2015-02-25 14:00:00 (link to chat)What kind of major league career do you project for Refsnyder?
(Alex from Anaheim)
I don't think he's a first division starter. I never did, going back to when he was (a somewhat underrated) amateur. The measure for 1st division starter scouts would often use is: "can you see him playing next to Derek Jeter in Yankee Stadium?" Well, that's no longer possible (because Jeter isn't there), but no... I still don't think he's a guy the Yankees would be happy with plugging in at 2B for 6 years. Refsnyder is a solid ballplayer, but he doesn't do anything particularly well. What tool or skill does he have that stands out at the big league level? You really have to do SOMETHING that stands out to be a big league starter on a team with playoff aspirations. Refsnyder is more a sum of his parts guy who does a few things pretty well but nothing at a real above average or plus level. Resfnyder is a below average defender at 2B. He doesn't hit for much power or over the fence power. Not a whole lot of speed. Bat speed not fantastic - and with his swing and leg kick I'm not sure he'll consistently hit good pitching (though I think his supporters would disagree with me on that). I see a guy who could start for a (2nd division) team and have a pretty decent career, but if he's the starting 2B on the Yankees what that really means is Brian Cashman will be spending a lot of time making phone calls looking for an upgrade. Even when guys like this start and do fairly well for a year or 2 or 3... it's the sort of situation where the front office meets each winter and thinks "how can we improve at 2B?" Refsnyder to his credit is now a definite big leaguer and done very well for himself so far. (Al Skorupa)
2014-09-29 14:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Daniel! It's me, Sam. I have a question for you about the ephemerality of excitement. I think it's conceivable that you (or Chris Mosch) wrote about more baseball games this year than literally any other human being alive. Hundreds upon hundreds, and you brought all the meaning and excitement to us each morning, and it brought the season alive. Good job. Now... Are we going to remember *any* of this in 15 years? I mean, I submit that the average diehard baseball fan doesn't remember one thing about the 1999 regular season. Or, really, postseason. History compresses events, so we remember some achievements but assign them vaguely to an era or an epoch. It takes a truly special event (of which there is, I hypothesize, usually 0 to 2 per year) that we closely identify with a year. Otherwise, just into the pile. So, my question is: What are the 0 to 2 this year? What specific detail will we always remember and always associate with this year? Like last year was Puig in the pool. And *maybe* Harper running into the wall. And, since this is a one-way chat, just to get ahead of you: The answer is not Jordan Zimmermann's no-hitter. That's my whole point--it's never Jordan Zimmermann's no-hitter, no matter how sweaty our palms are while we're watching.
(Sam from Bay Area)
Hey Sam! This is another question I've let marinate in the queue so that I could think about my answer.

As a Giants fan, I don't think I'll forget Madison Bumgarner hitting two grand slams any time soon. At the risk of it being too obvious and some recency bias coming into play, Derek Jeter's walkoff single would be my other choice, if I'm limited to two. (Daniel Rathman)
2014-08-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)Have you seen Derek Jeter's Kazam shoes? What accomplishments do you want on your Final Season cleats?
(RotoLando from Cloud City)
"burned down twitter so he could be king of it's ashes" (Craig Goldstein)
2014-07-01 13:00:00 (link to chat)Corey Seager or Addison Russell? They seem pretty similar?
(The Dude from Office)
Different players. Russell the more athletic type, Seager more calm, cool, and collected. Both project to be plus shortstops, Russell a better chance to stick. I joked with a friend that Russell might have Derek Jeter ceiling and then a front office executive said the same thing last season, so that was cool. I like Addi a bit more. (Chris Rodriguez)
2014-05-27 11:30:00 (link to chat)Do you think that if Derek Jeter had not played his whole career in New York, with one of the most historic franchises, he would be as big of a deal as he is?
(Justin from NY)
Would it be downplayed a bit, sure. But, he's known for winning. If it were with any other franchise, he'd still be a big deal. (Jordan Gorosh)
2014-04-17 12:00:00 (link to chat)Earl Weaver and the ORIOLE WAY are rolling over...
(John from CT)
The Oriole Way has been dead for a while now. That's not to say it can't be revived, Frankenstein-like, to zombie-walk its way through the AL East yet again. If it was stirring though, the injury to Dylan Bundy probably pushed it back in the deep freeze. You don't hear much about how teams have specific 'ways' anymore, though. Maybe still with the Yankees, though that's mostly a product of Derek Jeter being there. I bet next season we won't hear that anymore. (Matthew Kory)
2014-02-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)Will Derek Jeter be spending more time at the Taco Hole in retirement?
(Ted from New Jersey)
I wonder if Jeter is going to be one of those players who fades from the public realm. You'd think not, but think about how relatively private the guy is as it is. He's played in New York as the face of the franchise for almost 20 years and the only real dirt the media has uncovered is that he enjoys the company of attractive women. (R.J. Anderson)
2014-01-21 18:00:00 (link to chat)In a 12 team mixed league, where are you drafting Jeter and his injury worries?
(Alex from Anaheim)
HI Alex:

I see Derek Jeter as a reserve pick. I have him 22nd among shortstops and you don't need to do heavy analysis to know that he won't fit in at middle unless second base is putrid. Maybe Jeter bounces back, but the presence of Brendan Ryan makes me believe that Jeter won't see more than 120 games...and that mgiht be generous. I hope he proves me wrong, because I love watching a healthy, productive Jeet. But his age and injury profile tell me otherwise. (Mike Gianella)
2013-04-04 11:00:00 (link to chat)Who are your favorite MLB players?
(Brian from Boston)
My favorite player is Derek Jeter. He's number one for me. After Jeter, I love watching Elvis, Brandon Phillips, Miguel Cabrera swing a bat, Drew Stubbs in the outfield, Bryce Harper doing anything. I could probably list a bunch. (Jason Parks)
2013-02-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)With attendance figures as high as they are, why would Hamilton waste his breath on what constitutes a true baseball town?
(Alex from Anaheim)
Professional athletes always have and always will say silly things. And really, we should be happy when it happens, since the alternative is the usual stale, recycled quotes. The fan experience would be worse if every player's public presence were as polished and uninteresting as, say, Derek Jeter's. (Ben Lindbergh)
2013-02-26 14:00:00 (link to chat)When you think of The Face of MLB...what five ballplayers first come to mind?
(High Life Man from Avon, CT)
From a baseball business standpoint, that's an interesting question. The first five that jumped to mind were Derek Jeter, Albert Pujols, Justin Verlander, Miguel Cabrera, and Mike Trout. (Daniel Rathman)
2013-02-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)What's the difference between your projection for Profar's career and Derek Jeter's actual career?
(doog7642 from Blaine, MN)
I never said that Profar was going to play at a high level for 20 years; rather, I said he could be a very good first-division/all-star caliber player. What separates the two is consistency. If Profar hits his ceiling and maintains that ceiling for more than a decade, then we can compare the two. Also, gift baskets. (Jason Parks)
2013-02-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Speaking of gift baskets. Have u ever received one of the famous derek jeter gift baskets? ;)
(tigerw701 from mpls, mn)
Are you asking me if I've had sex with Derek Jeter? I haven't. But he's one of my all-time favorite players. I absolutely adore his approach to the game. (Jason Parks)
2012-12-27 13:00:00 (link to chat)What's your take on UZR and the other modern defensive metrics? They're not without problems, granted, but it seems like a growing portion of saber-minded individuals wish to throw them out the window altogether. While it does seem they fluctuate from year to year, perhaps making them poor tools for predictive purposes, aren't they still accurate representations of what DID happen on the field during a given time, and therefore useful in determining who actually DID play the field better during a said given time?
(Ashitaka1110 from Houston, TX)
I don't see it as "throwing it out the window." They're just so divergent from one another. They don't hold up year to year. As the Sabersphere starts to think more like a team thinks (and they don't care what happened last year except in how it informs next year) it'll probably be a point of contention. There are two big problems: lack of really good publicly available data and the fact that when we talk about good vs. bad fielders, we're talking about a small number of plays that Brendan Ryan doesn't get to but go Pasta Diving Jeter. (I've fulfilled my poke at Derek Jeter's fielding quota.) (Russell Carleton)
2012-12-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)Will A. Simmons follow a similar career arc to Elvis Andrus?
(Asking For A Friend from Chicago)
You mean leaving for the Yankees as a free agent and becoming the next Derek Jeter and giving out quality gift baskets? Highly unlikely. (Jason Parks)
2012-07-03 14:00:00 (link to chat)Optimistic about the followings: Jose Reyes / Ryan Zimmerman / David Wright / Derek Jeter / Adam Dunn for 2012 second half?
(Beer for Beard from San Fran)
Yeses all around. (Derek Carty)
2012-05-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Derek Jeter's been incredible - Comments?
(Dave from NJ)
What's impressed me the most about Jeter's start is the power. He's one home run away from tying last season's total and we're in early May. Add in an improved walk-to-strikeout ratio and Jeter's first month has been spectacular, and that's without mentioning his league-leading amount of hits. A special month from a special player. (R.J. Anderson)
2012-04-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)OK, Derek Jeter is hitting .375, Hanley Ramirez is hitting .174, the Red Sox are 1-5, CC has two NDs in two games, and Ozzie is serving a five day suspension. Is this The Shape of Things to Come, or Small Sample Size Hell?
(BeplerP from New York, NY)
Sure, Jeter's en route to a batting title, Hanley's going to wind up below the Mendoza Line, and the Red Sox will replace the 1962 Mets and 1899 Cleveland Spiders as the all-time laughingstocks of baseball history. C'mon, we're dealing with small sample sizes, and while it's fine to be entertained by their novelty, let's not overreact. (Jay Jaffe)
2012-04-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)Good chat. Over the last 15 - 20 years, who are some of your favorite players to go to the ballpark and see play and why?
(Jerome from T Hills)
Some of them are obvious - warts and all, I'm thrilled that I've gotten to see Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez as often as I have over the years - both have provided some incredible moments. Mariano Rivera, of course. I'm lucky to have seen Tim Raines and Rickey Henderson relatively late in their careers. Ken Griffey Jr., Edgar Martinez, Jay Buhner and Randy Johnson were pretty special because the Mariners were a favorite before I came to New York, and a common point of reference for me and my brother. Manny Ramirez, when he was still an Indian, was a lot of fun. Jim Thome was a beast who seemed to homer every time he came to town.

Going further back, I'm thrilled I got to see Fernando Valenzuela pitch in person, even if it was only spring training. Likewise for seeing Reggie Jackson in spring training - both were huge parts of my childhood and adolesence. My first regular season major league game was Roger Clemens vs. Nolan Ryan in 1989 (read about it in today's column). That was incredibly special in retrospect because Ryan always meant a great deal to me.

I'm sure I've forgotten somebody, but that's a good start. (Jay Jaffe)
2012-02-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)Any chance Derek Jeter or Greg Maddux gets 100% of the HOF vote on his first try?
(Bobby from New York)
No, because there still exists a small handful of clowns who insist upon sending back blank ballots in general protest of the steroid era. This is akin to a grown-ass man throwing himself down in the middle of the supermarket aisle to protest mommy not buying him sugar cereal when he was a kid. (Jay Jaffe)
2011-10-13 13:00:00 (link to chat)Favorite tater time tracking moment of 2011?
(dianagramr from NYC)
Hmm, good question. There weren't as many jaw-dropping moments in 2011 as there were in 2010, but the two I remember the most are: Derek Jeter's 3000th hit, when I had to run out of the session at SABR 41 to get better wifi in the hall to track his tater trot, and Peter Bourjos' "four-base single". Technically, Bourjos didn't hit a home run, but his "single" was just as much of an inside-the-parker as anyone else's. The fact that it allowed us to see his speed was just fantastic. I never would have thought I would see a 14.0 second trot (14.02 to be exact). (Larry Granillo)
2011-07-13 12:30:00 (link to chat)When it's all said and done, how many hits does Derek Jeter have in his career? Rose, Yaz, Ripken, etc. all got to pad their stats long after their days as productive players were passed. How many more years will the Yankees allow Jeter to do the same?
(Ian from New York)
Well, Jeter is already padding his stats after his days as a productive player are passed, and given that he's signed for two more seasons (plus a player option), he could continue to do that for some time, if he wants to (and yes, if the Yankees allow him to). Off the top of my head--I don't know, 3300? (Ben Lindbergh)
2011-07-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Steve - in terms of the criticism directed about Derek Jeter's decline and usage in the NYY lineup, it seems that Jeter supporters are spinning said criticism as shots directly at Jeter. I view it more as pointing towards management who don't know how to handle a superstar in decline. If they would have dropped him in the order, even solely against RHP, let him leadoff vs. LHP, much of the criticism would not exist. What say you?
(Keith from Vernon, CT)
Probably, although I think Jeter (or his agent) alienated some by asking for a much longer, more expensive deal in his negotiations with the Yankees this offseason. (Steven Goldman)
2011-05-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)It's a shame, Eric Chavez was my favorite player in the early 2000s, despite having absolutely no allegiance to the A's, I just loved watching him play. But you can't predict injuries derailing a career. My favorite player before him was Don Mattingly. This does not bode well for my newest favorite, Ryan Zimmerman.
(Charlie from Bethesda, MD)
Indeed, Chavez is out of the game, and the Yankees will have to slum it with A-Rod entering in his place. I loved Mattingly as well, and his quick fall was an object lesson in the fragile nature of athletic success. It was a valuable thing, because it taught me that sports will make you choose between loving a player and loving a winning team. Quite often, the former is incompatible with the latter. Derek Jeter's many fans are confronting that dilemma now. (Steven Goldman)
2011-05-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Steven. Worse contract: John Lackey's 5 year/$85 million deal with Boston or Derek Jeter's 3 year/$51 with New York? I think Lackey but I'm curious as to your opinion. Thanks for the chat!
(mattymatty2000 from Portland, OR)
Jeter's. As expensive and disappointing as Lackey has been, he's a new pitch or refined mechanics away from salvaging the deal. Not saying it WILL happen, but it's in the realm of possibility, whereas Jeter has gone to that undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns. (Steven Goldman)
2011-04-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)Watching Derek Jeter's defense thus far this season, to the naked eye he looks absolutely pitiful. Is there ANY chance in hell that the Yankees, knowing how much it's hurting the team on D, ask him to move in-season?
(Peter Q from Austin)
Hey Pete! There's more chance of Barack Obama staging an elaborate assassination of Joe Biden in order to carve space for Dick Cheney on the 2012 Democratic presidential ticket than there is of the Yankees asking Jeter to move in-season. They can't even find the cojones to ask him to move in the offseason. (Jay Jaffe)
2011-03-08 14:00:00 (link to chat)Regarding BABIP - are there hitters who always seem to have a high or low BABIP?
(mef from Brooklyn, NY)
Ichiro and Derek Jeter are two who quickly come to mind with high BABIP's. I believe ground ball rate correlates with BABIP, and of course fly ball rate with power. (Cory Schwartz)
2011-03-02 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Christina! Give me your opinion, what will do more damage to Derek Jeter´s numbers? His natural decline with age or will all the media pressure finally get to him? I mean, he isn´t used to all this questioning his ability, right?
(Guillermo from Montevideo, Uruguay)
Put in those terms, I still think "natural decline" is the obvious answer. The man has lived most of his adult life under a microscope, and has been a remarkable shield for so many other people in that organization because of the way he draws the media that I don't think it's going to somehow get to him now, as opposed to ever. (Christina Kahrl)
2011-01-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)Steven, I'm really enjoying the New Testament of the Bible you guys have configured. What do you think the best case scenario is for the Yankees this season? I feel like the answers will come once the season starts, when there is an actual move to make--rather than forcing the issue now.
(Adam from NY)
Thank you, Adam. I've enjoyed having Jay, Cliff, and Stephani along for the ride at the PB and making the site less of a column and more of a magazine--and hopefully, we've just begun. The Yankees have a solid lineup, and aside from Derek Jeter, they have good alternatives if some of the shakier pieces falter. The rotation is a scarier place, but they have SO many good pitching prospects ready or nearly ready that you'd think that if they would just open their minds to them, they would find ONE. As such, far better to explore every internal option than to just throw away prospects on someone else's fifth/sixth starter. They can always blow out the farm at the trade deadline if they need to, assuming they aren't dealing with Jack Zduriencik again. (Steven Goldman)
2011-01-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)A BP writer with a pixie in every port? Who knew. Ignore *if* it would happen, would John Danks for Montero and Nova be a win-win trade that would make sense? Or is Montero's ability to catch too big of a question mark? (And how bad could his defense possibly be as compared to AJ?)
(DunnDunnDunnDunn from Chicago)
Not EVERY port. That's Marc Normandin. Even were I not married, I just didn't have that level of skill. I courted women like Derek Jeter goes after a grounder to his left. My missus and I were so perfectly compatible that, to continue this metaphor, she was hit right at me. Announcers never say "in his tracks" anymore when a player makes a catch on a ball hit right at them, do they? I caught my wife in my tracks. If not, I would probably be doing this same chat, but saying, "Hey, while I'm answering the next question, any of you out there actual chicks? Do you KNOW any? Would you be willing to introduce me?" It would be kind of pathetic, wouldn't it?

Were I the Yankees, I would make that deal, throwing out a great-hitting but positionless prospect along with a seeming fifth starter/middle guy for a 26-year-old lefty with a 3.67 ERA away from the Cell who is also two years away from free agency. It's a bad risk for the White Sox for all kinds of reasons -- if Montero can't catch, he's blocked at first base and DH, and so you've acquired a player you can't use at the risk of blowing a huge hole in your rotation. I don't see the White Sox going there. (Steven Goldman)
2010-12-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)Nothing like taking someone to their first game. The first time I did it, a Cubs-Mets game for a Swede in NY on business, the game featured multiple intentional walks & stolen bases, an escaped third strike, and a failed bases-loaded hit & run in extra innings (ordered by none other than Don Zimmer). But I digress . . . . Do you think a left-handed pitcher would look at the left side of the Yankees' infield and think, "Two guys with the range of Chief Ironside, why would I go there?" or are their concerns much more of the food, clothing, shelter variety?
(ekanenh from Capitol City)
More the latter, because as-is I don't think most pitchers, let alone most lefties, think in terms of "wow, poor me, I've got to pitch in front of Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez." (Christina Kahrl)
2010-09-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)True or false: This season, Derek Jeter is Cliff Pennington with a worse glove?
(Eric from Denver)
I just really, really wanted to see this in print. (Marc Normandin)
2010-09-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)True or false: This season, Derek Jeter is Cliff Pennington with a worse glove? ================== Should have read: This season, Derek Jeter is *Chad* Pennington with a better arm?
(dianagramr from NYC)
A winner is you. (Marc Normandin)
2010-09-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Marc ... thanks for the chat: 1) Derek Jeter will sign a ___ year contract with the Yanks for an AAV of ___. 2) (True or False) Albert Pujols will one of the two highest-paid players in Majors when he signs his next contract? 3) Worst facial hair in Majors: Jenks, Werth, Garza, other?
(dianagramr from NYC)
1) Three-years, $30 million. 2) True. 3) Jenks, because he's also enormous and it looks even funnier on him. (Marc Normandin)
2010-08-24 14:30:00 (link to chat)There seems to be a ton of discussion around the MLB draft and specifically the effects of hard slotting. The argument is that hard slotting would drive african-american mid-round draftees to college sports such as football as 2nd and 3rd stringers. My point is so what. If they are 2nd and 3rd stringers and play baseball in college they get a free education and can still play professional baseball once their college career is over. It does not drive players away from baseball, it drives them to college first. This is not a bad thing. Am I wrong?
(Martin from Charleston, SC)
I don't know. I think the argument against hard-slotting that you mentioned (and that's just one of many) applies to potential MLB players of all creeds and colors, and I do think it's a valid concern, if not necessarily a disaster scenario. Of course, it depends in part on what sort of bonuses the hypothetical hard slots would call for.

Plus, all kinds of crazy things could happen in college to lead a young baseball prospect astray. He could be seduced by another sport. He could fall in love with his college sweetheart and decide that he can't bear to be away from his beloved throughout the season. He could join a band and hit the road. He could even become engrossed in his coursework and resolve to be a career academic. Do you want the baseball world to be deprived of the next Derek Jeter when he gives up the game as an immature pursuit, applies for grad school, and enters a doctoral program? For shame, Martin. Think of the children. And the endorsement deals. (Ben Lindbergh)
2010-08-12 13:00:00 (link to chat)Read the Posnanski article. The first few comments were all furious at the very thought that anybody could criticise Derek Jeter's glovework. Has there ever been any system that has ranked him positively?
(garethbluejays2 from Newcastle, UK)
No. And I know we're a long ways from having defensive analysis licked, but in Derek Jeter's case he's been playing for over a decade and so we have a lot of data. Ignoring everything else - he doesn't make that many plays, compared to other shortstops. So at this point you either have to believe that he's not very good defensively, or that he's magically repelling batted balls away from him. Either way he's costing his teams runs on defense compared to the average shortstop. That doesn't make him the worst defensive player ever - he's still a shortstop, after all, and being compared to some very tough competition. I think about the worst thing that can be said of him is that he's absolutely the worst defensive shortstop among first-ballot Hall of Famers. (Colin Wyers)
2010-08-17 14:45:00 (link to chat)Does SS Hanley Ramirez add more value than, say, 3B or LF Hanley would? At what point do MLB teams consider position changes?
(Anita Marx from Miami)
Oh heck yes he provides more value at SS. There aren't many very good SS, and even the worst fielding SS is still good enough to actually play SS. This gets lost in the Derek Jeter talks. He's an above average fielder, just not a above average shortstop. Unless Hanley beging taking groundballs and throwing them into the stands for home runs, he provides the most value at shortstop. (Eric Seidman)
2010-07-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hardest player name for you to spell?
(dianagramr from NYC)
I can spell Doug Mientkiewicz and Jarrod Saltalamacchia with the best of them, and I know my Derrek Lee, my Derrick Turnbow and my Derek Jeter, to say nothing of my Jarrod Washburn and my Jered Weaver and my Jaret Wright. I was a spelling bee champ in sixth grade, and also finished second in fourth and third in fifth.

The one that gets me is Mark Teahen. I ALWAYS spell it Teahan, and right now I just had to look again to see that I got it correct. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-08-04 13:00:00 (link to chat)I know it is water under the bridge, but wouldn't it have still made sense to include Eduardo Nunez in the Cliff Lee debacle? I understand the M's kept upping the ante but do you think Nunez should have been a dealbreaker ? I don't.
(Tom S from Albany)
I don't either. The only reason I can think of is that if there were some sort of catastrophic injury to Derek Jeter, the Yankees think Nunez could be plugged in and still give them a little punch at the position. He could, I guess... More than Ramiro Pena, less than everyone else? (Steven Goldman)
2010-06-07 18:30:00 (link to chat)Wow, how underwhelmed should Yankee fans be?
(Killbahn from Nj)
Don't worry, with Yankee blogger hype, he'll be the next Derek Jeter by the time you wake up tomorrow. (Kevin Goldstein)
2010-05-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)Who gets into the HOF on the first ballot with a higher percentage of votes, Mariano Rivera or Derek Jeter? I think even those voters with anti-closer bias are going to agree with Mo's inclusion, eh? Tough call.
(tommybones from brooklyn)
I don't think I'm going out too far on a limb by saying that either of these guys could challenge Tom Seaver's 98.84% record vote. The closer thing is more likely to work against Mo, but any writer who doesn't think both of those two are Hallworthy should be considered a fraud. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-03-26 13:00:00 (link to chat)I like the line about Joba in K.C., but what's the series of events that you think lands him there? It's a little hard to imagine what K.C. has that Cashman would want/need. David DeJesus?
(Dan from Brooklyn)
Oh, I don't know. Maybe Cashman has a mancrush on Aaron Crow and is convinced that Mike Moustakas is the heir apparent to Derek Jeter after he tears up Double-A pitching this year while moving back to short. Plus he thinks that the George Brett statue would look great in his office. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-11-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)Joe, What's your prediction on how much Jeter asks for, what he ends up getting and the rationale behind the Yanks offering what they end up offering. I believe no team out there will pay Jeter more than 10-12 million per year for 3 years. But I suspect the Yanks will bid with themselves and end up offering a contract of about 18 million for 5-7 years. Thoughts?
(deanmara from Vancouver)
I don't know, but I do think the time to do this is now, even though the Yankees have never, ever operated this way. Better to sign Jeter now than spend last year with his impending free agency as THE story in New York..."Derek Jeter's last..." will replace "past a diving Jeter" as the running joke. Moreover, you don't want his position being an issue in the negotiation, because even an implicit guarantee that he gets to play shortstop through a deal would be a huge mistake. Sign him to an extension, four years, $80 million (above market, but reflective of specific value to specific franchise), and know that somewhere in there he'll be moving to left field without having to sweat it costing him money.

The actual market value of Derek Jeter? Man, I think we all underestimate how ridiculously popular he is, inside the game and out, and how great the legend is. I could easily see some team--the Orioles, the Cubs, the Angels--blowing out their budgets to land him in the hopes of making huge gains in their fan base. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-11-02 15:00:00 (link to chat)Will Derek Jeter be the first person to get 100% of the Hall Of Fame vote?
(Ron from Vancouver)
We were talking about this the other day...I can't believe Ripken didn't, but he went on strike, and there are some guys who have said they'd never vote for a player who did that. Next up we have Maddux, same problem. Rivera, then Jeter, will be the first guys with a shot who debuted after 1994. The guys who don't vote for, I mean...say you're one of these ""DiMaggio wasn't a first-ballot guy" people. It would be an honor, should be an honor, to vote for a Ripken or a River or whomever. Is there really someone out there who has missed voting on every first-ballot guy in the last 30 years? How would you sleep? (Joe Sheehan)
2009-10-28 14:00:00 (link to chat)Does Derek Jeter get unanimous election to the Hall of Fame? It seems like he's the test case--great stats, all the intangibles, not implicated in the steroid witch-hunt, and wasn't part of the '94 strike (no, I don't think using PEDs or striking should be held against a player, I just know some curmudgeon voters do).
(Dr. Wayne Pitcher from Castro Valley, CA)
Not unanimous, because there are assclowns out there who insist upon mailing back blank ballots to protest the potential election of anyone who played during the so-called "Steroid Era." Jeter could set a record for highest voting percentage, though. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-10-20 14:00:00 (link to chat)Jeter's contract expires in a year. Assuming he re-signs with the Yanks, what position will he be playing in 2011?
(bowie from santa cruz)
There's an unwritten piece that I probably won't ever get to...basically, this is going to be a massive story next season. Derek Jeter is the biggest star in New York, and if the Yankees don't sign him to an extension that allows them to have him under contract DURING a move off of shortstop, they run the risk of spending next season with this being the only story going. Derek Jeter's Last Season? will be the theme of EVERYTHING Yankee, all year long. And if you let him become a FA next winter, you have the position issue as part of that discussion.

They have to get him an extension this winter, even if it means overpaying in money and time. They do not want him playing through '10 as a free-agent-to-be. It will ruin the year. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-09-24 14:00:00 (link to chat)Derek Jeter retires in 20__? At that point what position is he playing, if not SS?
(dtwhite from Toronto)
2015, left field. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-09-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)Do you find it funny that a team can just have an historically weak position, transcending eras, ERAs, team ownership, management, POTUSes, ... Off the top of your head, what are likely to be the worst positions you can think of--Tigers catchers? Mariners SSes? Jays 3B?
(Wade from TX)
Do you mean now, or historically? The really famous ones are the long droughts the White Sox and Mets had at third base, with the Sox going from Willie Kamm to Robin Ventura with only a couple of decent Bill Melton years in the middle. The Mets basically went from 1962 to Howard Johnson before they got anything great from their third basemen--although Wayne Garrett had a couple of decent seasons if you consider park and league context. And of course, the Yankees got no offense from shortstop whatsoever between Rizzuto's 1950 and Derek Jeter's 1996, except for whenever Casey Stengel played Gil McDougald over there... (Steven Goldman)
2009-09-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)Re: "The Yankees got no offense from shortstop whatsoever between Rizzuto's 1950 and Derek Jeter's 1996." Roy Smalley, Jr. was a fairly potent offensive shortstop in '82 and '83, though he faded quickly. The Yanks' decision to trade for him, I thought was a good one, though it didn't work out - sort of shortstop version of the Javier Vasquez trade - great idea, bad outcome.
(RHughes from NJ)
That's true. The Yankees failed to realize that injuries had pretty much stripped Smalley of whatever range he might have had, with the result that though he was about twice the hitter that Bucky Dent was (well, to be fair, Bucky was done, so Smalley was infinitely better), he looked very poor in comparison on defense. The only thing that gets me about that trade is that they gave up Greg Gagne, who wasn't Honus Wagner, but they certainly oculd have used him a couple of years down the line. (Steven Goldman)
2009-09-21 14:00:00 (link to chat)What's wrong with Joe Mauer's narrative? Isn't he supposed to be the Derek Jeter of catchers or something?
(Christopher from Nashville)
There's nothing "wrong" with it - I'm just echoing the sentiment that the standards for the award tend to shift from year to year, with voters retrofitting their qualifications for winning to whichever player they feel has the best story line.

That said, catcher winning an unprecedented third batting title while keeping his team in contention (or better) into late September is a pretty good story line to have. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-08-17 14:00:00 (link to chat)Where among shortstops do you see Tulo ranking? Do you think he's good enough to be ranked 2nd behind Hanley Ramirez? Assuming he's healthy, Reyes or Tulo?
(Wendy from Madrid)
All health questions aside I'd take Reyes over Tulo long-term. This season? Derek Jeter -- even though I know you're not supposed to say "intangibles" around these parts. (Ken Funck)
2009-08-05 13:00:00 (link to chat)I just realized, Nintendo is just like the New York Yankees. Insanely popular, more profitable than its competition by several miles, generally hated by the more "hardcore" followers of their respective consumer spaces for some valid and not-so-valid reasons, and just recently had their head honcho changed from a dictatorial and ruthless businessman to a not-so-ruthless but marginally less interesting businessman. I suppose this makes Super Mario Bros Babe Ruth and Wii Sports Derek Jeter.
(Joel from GA)
...except he talks about 90210 and I talk about Nintendo. (Marc Normandin)
2009-06-25 13:00:00 (link to chat)I'm curious as to why Ken Griffey and Derek Jeter, to name two, get a free pass on any steroid suspicion while everybody else gets slandered. Also, how come more pitchers don't get outed. Isn't 3 MPH on your fastball worth more than an extra 10 feet on your fly ball?
(dangor from New york)
Pitchers have been suspended more or less in correct proportion for testing positive. As far as free passes, you're starting from the premise that there's a real process being applied to these decisions, and not just storytelling. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-06-03 15:00:00 (link to chat)Hiya Jay .... thanks for the chat! So how was the Reuben? More importantly . . . I am granting you the power to spend 1 day in the shoes of any current ballplayer. Who do you choose and why?
(dianagramr from NYC)
Hey Diana! The Reuben was excellent, thanks, and I'm really looking forward to my 5 PM angioplasty.

One day? Such a tough choice. I'd love to drop a curveball like Kershaw, or to hit one a mile like Pujols, but you know, after 14 years of watching him - defensive shortcomings and all - I'm still fascinated by Derek Jeter. I'm proud of my own level of consistency in my field of expertise, not to mention my facility in the public spotlight, but I'd love to see what it feels like to take it to his exponentially higher level for one day. I mean, the guy just passed 2600 hits, and he's hitting .319/.393/.474, and he makes it look so damn easy. How? Inquiring minds want to know. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-11-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)Steve, you may have written this elsewhere, but if so I missed it. Who is your AL MVP this past season?
(mattymatty from Philly)
Derek Jeter. Just KIDDING! I got on the Pedroia bandwagon a little before the MSM did, but I've been a Pedroia fan from the get-go. (Steven Goldman)
2008-10-24 14:00:00 (link to chat)It seems like there are no players on either team who are already good Hall of Fame candidates (though guys like Utley, Upton, etc. have time to qualify.) Can you ever remember a Series without such an established veteran star?
(oira61 from San Francisco)
Wow, that's a good question, one that pretty much ties into what I was saying a couple of days ago about how rare it is to get two fresh teams facing off in the series for the first time in awhile. Add to that the fact that both teams are dominated by younger guys whose best days may still be ahead of them and you wind up with a situation like this. I'm jogging my memory and looking back over the WS matchups and thinking that we've hit a real stumper. At the time, people wondered aloud if the 1998 Yankees would yield a Hall of Famer, but now it's apparent that Mariano Rivera and Derek Jeter will make it if nobody else does, to say nothing of Tony Gwynn from the opposite dugout.

The 1982 matchup maybe - at the time it certainly wasn't apparent that Ozzie Smith, Robin Yount, Paul Molitor or Don Sutton would make it (Sutton would win 60-something more games in the majors), adn Rollie Fingers was sidelined too. Definitely a question to sock away for future pondering. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-10-09 14:00:00 (link to chat)Is there any possible way to quantify defense? I know that there are range factors, etc; but how can we evaluate if guys get a good read on the ball, or instincts of players? Is this the next step in sabermatics?
(Chris from Chicago)
I haven't looked at a range factor in years - groundball/flyball and lefty/righty hitter distributions render raw RF irrelevant. I prefer looking at Defensive Efficiency, the percentage of times a team turns a batted ball into an out. It doesn't give you an individual read on each player but it does work at the team level, and that's an important concept.

As for the good reads and instincts, that sounds more like something scouting is going to tell you than something the stat sheets will. By no means am I trying to knock that, it's just that I don't think you can quantify those things even if we get to that mythical point that was being touted a few years ago (there was an Alan Schwartz article, I believe) with all of the ballpark cameras able to tell us how many feet to his left Derek Jeter moves on average or whatever. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-10-06 14:00:00 (link to chat)Prior to the Ryan Howard era, which players in baseball were most overrated?
(Reed from Des Moines)
Ichiro Suzuki, Derek Jeter, Garret Anderson. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-10-06 14:00:00 (link to chat)You are a cutthroat GM taking over the Yankees. What would be the best baseball decision re: Derek Jeter over the next 4 seasons? As in, where would you play him?
(Reggie from New York)
Shortstop. The bat won't play anywhere but SS or 2B, and unless I have a very good shortstop ready to play, there's no point moving him.

He should have become a CF in 2004. He didn't, and that ship has sailed. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-09-16 13:00:00 (link to chat)Yes, I'm an idiot re: McDougald. The shot at Tony LaRussa sure cheered me up, though. Is there an Iron Law of Derek Jeter that says that any time his bad defense gets some publicity, he will follow it up with a season in which is shows a bit of improvement with the glove (returning to his usual abysmal level the following season)? The good defensive season will also be accompanied by a drop-off in his offense. There's also the Writer's Corollary of Jeterian Electoral Irony: Being a media darling, Derek Jeter may only win awards he doesn't deserve, such as Gold Gloves, but, despite being a darling, can never win the more "valuable" ones that he does deserve, such as the AL MVP in 1990 2006.
(Matt from Mt. Albert, ON)
You mean 1999, but yes, you're right. I've enjoyed this hot streak he's been on lately. I've been down on Jeter all year, but I'd love to see him rescue his numbers if nothing else. (Steven Goldman)
2008-09-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)Pete Rose said recently that the "first 3000 are easy" in reference to Derek Jeter. While Jeter is clearly in decline, isn't it reasonable to think that he could play well into his deep decline years due to the love he gets in NY?
(Jeff P from Vegas)
The real question will be how long the Yankees can deal with his defense. Unlike the era in which Rose played, it's pretty hard to justify a singles hitter in decline at first base in the 21st Century. (Derek Jacques)
2008-09-08 13:00:00 (link to chat)Most unmovable contract in the non-Zito division? Luis Castillo? Johjima?
(paulbellows from Calgary)
Since Mike Hampton got traded a few years back, I don't consider anything unmovable, except maybe Prince Fielder in front of a platter of veggie burgers. It's all a matter of how many years you can wait and/or how much money the team can swallow. Helton's owed $57M on his contract through 2011 so that would be pretty difficult to move. The Yankees have a trio that they'd be hard-pressed to trade (Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada, Alex Rodriguez) although in the cases of Jeter and Posada, that's as much for non-baseball reasons as for baseball reasons.

But if there's a will, I think anyone could be traded, even Zito. It'd take a ton of creativity and probably a few teams collaborating to disperse the cash (or maybe one big team, like the Yankees, getting something of value along with Zito). But it can be done. (Derek Jacques)
2008-08-28 13:00:00 (link to chat)Philly may be the worst twn in the US if you are early to mid 20s and single...hell it was voted the ugliest city in America. If you want to see a real city, come to Chicago from March until October (forget the rest). best summer city in the US...and soon to be best fall city when the World Series is in town.
(Steve from Chicago)
Any response, Philadelphia partisans? ...My sister has yet to appear on Fox News, and she owes me one because I keep having to actually put Fox on my TV to check for her. My TV bleeds whenever I do that, as do my eyes. Also, Derek Jeter was just picked off. (Steven Goldman)
2008-07-25 14:00:00 (link to chat)Hi Joe. What should the Yankees do with Derek Jeter? At this point, I'm not sure where his bat plays.
(Joe from Washington, DC)
The window for making Derek Jeter anything but a shortstop closed when Alex Rodriguez was forced to play third base. He'll be a shortstop until he injures himself, his career ends, or he decides it's time to move. Shades of Cal Ripken, but without a guy like Davey Johnson to force the issue. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-07-22 13:00:00 (link to chat)Tim Beckham is hitting 190 /.254 /.206. Too early to declare a bust?
(Big Steve from St. Louis)
He's a total bust. Horrible player. Just like when Derek Jeter hit .202/.281/.312 in the Gulf Coast League after getting draft. What a bust. Or when Chipper Jones hit .229/.271/.321 when he was draft. Total bust! The guy has played 19 games. Deep breaths people. (Kevin Goldstein)
2008-06-25 14:00:00 (link to chat)Is Derek Jeter just having the worst year of his career or is he declining?
(Mike from NJ)
Derek Jeter is 34 years old and is still trying to play a skill position ... it's surprising that he's lasted this long *without* having a year like this. I'd put the over/under at the number of All-Star tams he makes over the rest of his career at 2.0. (Nate Silver)
2008-03-31 13:00:00 (link to chat)Is is your favorite player? Who was your favorite player growing up?
(Kent from Portland, Oregon)
Answered many times: Graig Nettles when I was just a tyke, Don Mattingly when I was little more mature.

I liked girls a lot too, at both ages. If I could have found a girl who liked Don Mattingly as much as she liked me, I would have been a very happy guy. Unfortunately, at 13 it is often difficult to find a girl who likes YOU, let alone Don Mattingly.

Yes, I was an awkward teen.

I imagine that the complexion of fandom has changed some over the years, and now a young fellow in my predicament could break a lot of ice with his Derek Jeter #2 t-shirt. (Steven Goldman)
2008-03-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)Dude, enjoy Rockaway -- 100% box stores and mall-sprawl. Ick. There are some good Colombian restaurants in nearby Dover, for what it's worth. I'm trying to get my father to go -- I got him your Stengel book for last xmas. How were the Boston audiences? Did you get any good questions from the people of my adopted city?
(G-MOTA from Bumpus, MA)
You know, I always find the Boston trip a bit arduous for various reasons - there are always morning TV shows to do, and for a confirmed night owl like myself it's hard to alter my schedule so I can get up to do those and not feel wrecked the rest of the day. That said, the crowds are almost always large, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable, so it's worth the fatigue. What stuck with me was two questions that weren't square on the 2008 season, but were about career choices. At two different talks that we did, different people asked questions that amounted to "I am making huge life and career choices because I want to work in baseball." This is a worthy goal, but Great Scott, don't become a writer because you want to hang out with Derek Jeter. Become a writer because you want to write. To do it for any other reason is to invite great misery upon yourself. There are easier ways to make a living, more economically reliable ways... Do what you love, and if it allows you to work in baseball, great, but chances are that it won't, so make sure that you're going to be happy no matter what. I've thought a lot about whether I answered those questions forcefully enough. (Steven Goldman)
2008-03-18 17:00:00 (link to chat)Im not sure if a fantasy question is up your alley, but im in a 5x5 head to head 12 team mixed league and am lacking in pitching, i have offered Joe Nathan J.J. Hardy, and Joey Votto(1b and OF eligiable), along with either Khalil Greene or Mike Napoli (Soto is my starter) for Chris Young, Derek Jeter, and Kosuke Fukudome; would this deal be beneficial to me?
(Keith from Naugatuck, CT)
It's been a long time since I played in a 5x5 league, but I guess I would have to see who you have at the positions you're giving up in order to be able to fully answer your question. It sounds OK, but I would have to know more.

Having said that, making deals in fantasy is part of the fun. All ofyou: Roll the dice! Get on the phone! Play Trader Lane in the privacy of your tool shed. You're there to have fun. (Jim Baker)
2008-03-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)PECOTA tends to underestimate playing time for durable players. Is that just the occasional major injury among their comps bringing down the average?
(Evan from Vancouver, BC)
This is going to sound awfully combative/defensive, but on what basis does PECOTA underestimate playing time for those players? I would argue that the conventional wisdom tends to overestimate the extent to which playing time even for the more durable players is a certainty. As we see with the Albert Pujols question, for instance -- or as we saw with someone with Derrek Lee a couple of years ago, who was one of the most durable players around, or Derek Jeter in 2003 -- injuries are a fact of life, even for the most durable athlete. And this is especially true once a player enters his 30s. (Nate Silver)
2008-03-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)With Miguel Tejada's decline the last year or so, is it safe to say now that while he's had a really good career, he won't be a HOFer? Starting with the Larkin era , who of the recent and present shortstops do you now think makes the HOF?
(Dusty from Not Chicago!!!)
Right now I'd say Tejada's biggest problem isn't the decline of his skills but his presence in the Mitchell Report and his possible role in the Rafael Palmeiro situation, including the subsequent perjury investigation. Until we see the BBWAA voters give even one steroid-connected player a pass, all bets are off for the lot of 'em.

As for recent and present shortstops who are Hallworthy, the line starts with Alan Trammell. I don't have my JAWS spreadsheet open (I'm working the laptop for the moment to surmount my tech difficulties) but I do believe Larkin has a decent case. More recently, A-Rod is an obvious choice, as is Derek Jeter. Beyond that, and then Tejada, I think there's a pretty big gap until you get to the younger playes like Reyes and Rollins who are only starting to assemble their credentials. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-02-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)Who is the best overall baserunner on the Yankees?
(Rob from Andover, CT)
In 2007 I had Johnny Damon on top at +7 runs with Alex Rodriguez next at +5.2. Derek Jeter usually does well in baserunning and was at +2.4 and Hidecki Matsui was at +2.3.

On the flip side, as usual Jorge Posada was last at -7.6 and Jason Giambi was at -3.5. Robinson Cano also did poorly at -2.2. Those three were also on the bottom in 2006 with Bernie Williams next.
Melky Cabrera (+2) did well in 2006 as did Bobby Abreu (+1.5) but Damon was tops at +5.6.

Based on past performance I'd have to go with Damon. (Dan Fox)
2008-01-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)In which season will Derek Jeter's defense be so visibly awful that the pressure to move him somewhere else becomes palpable? Is this going to be an issue for the Yankees? Thanks!
(Tony from Brooklyn, NY)
That day is coming and soon. He turns 34 this year and the lack of defense is going to start showing up this year or next, in my mind. (John Perrotto)
2008-01-10 13:00:00 (link to chat)Joe, thanks for chatting. Are there any of today's players that you expect to be overrated by the HOF voters, like Rice is?
(collins from greenville nc)
Man, good question. Obviously the way in which, say, Derek Jeter is overrated will carry over. Jeter is a Hall of Famer, a first-ballot guy, so it doesn't matter much.

On the know, I have to tell you that I clicked on this question, and now I can't come up with an answer. I don't know that this era has many marginal Hall of Famers who are likely to be *overrated* based on reputation or too-simple stats, such as RBI or wins.

Great question. I wish I had a better answer. The only one I can think of is maybe David Ortiz. Garret Anderson, I suppose, if he has a bounceback. (Joe Sheehan)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2010-10-06 10:00:002010 Playoffs Day Onefaithdies (DE): If you're a Yankee middle infielder it's not a good play unless you either spin and throw the ball or jump and throw it. Derek Jeter has taught me much...

Good point. I retract my compliment. (Ben Lindbergh)
2010-10-06 10:00:002010 Playoffs Day Onermlaughlin (Pearl River, LA): Do you buy into Derek Jeter's "late season hot streak" as real or more of a move back to his carrer norms? Also what does this mean about his playoff stats this year if anything(small sample size?)?

His late-season stats aren't significantly more predictive of what he'll do in October than his whole season stats. That said, while his 2010 stats are more predictive than this '09 or '08 stats, those need to be in the discussion as well. PECOTA currently has Jeter (without age adjustment) projected at .310/.377/.466 (that's a translated batting line for a neutral park, so it may look a little funky - Yankee Stadium improves power for home run hitters but suppresses power for doubles-and-triples kind of guys). For next year you'd want to account for age, but I think he'll be alright for October. (Colin Wyers)
2010-07-13 16:30:00All-Star GameDr. Zaius (Norfolk, VA): "The Bob Sheppard tribute for Derek Jeter gave me goosebumps." What do you think of Buck saying he's going to be introduced by that recording for the rest of his time as a Yankee?

Dr. Zaius, Dr. Zaius! Oooh, help me Dr. Zaius!

Jeter had already decided he wanted to use Sheppard's prerecorded intro when ill health had forced the latter from the booth for good in late 2007. Presumably he and the Yankees had considered this contingency, since Sheppard was no spring chicken even then. So long as it's done with the Sheppard family's blessing, I have absolutely no problem with him continuing to use it. (Jay Jaffe)
2010-07-13 16:30:00All-Star GameThe Bob Sheppard tribute for Derek Jeter gave me goosebumps, and I've heard it hundreds of times. (Jay Jaffe)
2009-11-02 17:00:002009 WS Game FiveDerek Jeter is soooooooooooooo money. (Kevin Goldstein)
2009-10-16 13:00:00NLCS Game Two/ALCS Game OneBaseball Reference has Derek Jeter walking 158 times for Low-A Greensboro in 1993.

That's not right. (Kevin Goldstein)
2008-10-22 16:30:00World Series Game OnePoolshark8189 (St Pete) leads off by asking: "Curious, do you all have any feel on how popular this series will be with the nation? I know that interest goes up with a long series, but I was wondering if you all have a feel how the nation views this series. Thanks-Mark"

Mark, I think that's a great question, one I think I'd like to see how everyone here at BP feels about it, in part because I've heard some insiders say that Boston/LA was dreamy, while Philly/Tampa Bay is some sort of letdown. I'd suggest those people in the industry who feel that way must not like the core product all that much, because as Jay Jaffe put it earlier today, what's lovely about this matchup is that it's got two great teams with tremendous talent, players who deserve to be marquee players. If folks want to see Derek Jeter lose another step or David Ortiz fade with age, I'd suggest they're following the wrong sport, and that pro wrestling's always looking for new sets of eyes indifferent to actual talent involved. These two teams have played great baseball and present us with two good collections of great baseball players. How can you beat that? (Christina Kahrl)

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