
Portrait of Torii Hunter

Torii Hunter CFTwins

Twins Player Cards | Twins Team Audit | Twins Depth Chart

Career Summary
22 9692 .277 .331 .461 108 41.9
Birth Date7-18-1975
Height6' 2"
Weight220 lbs
Age48 years, 9 months, 8 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

1997 MIN 21 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1998 MIN 22 6 19 4 1 0 0 2 6 0 0 1 .235 .316 .294 68 -0.7 -0.1 -1.1 -0.1
1999 MIN 23 135 422 98 17 2 9 26 72 6 10 6 .255 .309 .380 70 -15.0 1.8 1.8 0.1
2000 MIN 24 99 358 94 14 7 5 18 68 2 4 3 .280 .318 .408 75 -9.8 1.4 7.3 1.0
2001 MIN 25 148 603 147 32 5 27 29 125 8 9 6 .261 .306 .479 100 2.7 -2.1 25.0 4.5
2002 MIN 26 148 604 162 37 4 29 35 118 5 23 8 .289 .334 .524 119 16.7 6.5 -10.9 3.1
2003 MIN 27 154 642 145 31 4 26 50 106 5 6 7 .250 .312 .451 100 1.9 -1.2 14.5 3.4
2004 MIN 28 138 569 141 37 0 23 40 101 7 21 7 .271 .330 .475 103 3.4 5.4 5.9 3.2
2005 MIN 29 98 416 100 24 1 14 34 65 6 23 7 .269 .337 .452 107 4.0 -0.8 -1.1 1.5
2006 MIN 30 147 611 155 21 2 31 45 108 5 12 6 .278 .336 .490 114 13.8 0.7 0.1 3.3
2007 MIN 31 160 650 172 45 1 28 40 101 5 18 9 .287 .334 .505 113 13.4 0.1 -5.1 2.9
2008 ANA 32 146 608 153 37 2 21 50 108 6 19 5 .278 .344 .466 115 13.0 1.5 -0.2 3.3
2009 ANA 33 119 506 135 26 1 22 47 92 3 18 4 .299 .366 .508 123 15.5 -0.2 -0.4 3.1
2010 ANA 34 152 646 161 36 0 23 61 106 7 9 12 .281 .354 .464 127 20.9 -4.9 1.1 3.5
2011 ANA 35 156 649 152 24 2 23 62 125 4 5 7 .262 .336 .429 116 12.9 -1.0 5.8 3.0
2012 ANA 36 140 584 167 24 1 16 38 133 8 9 1 .313 .365 .451 116 11.1 5.5 7.4 3.6
2013 DET 37 144 652 184 37 5 17 26 113 7 3 2 .304 .334 .465 110 8.0 0.8 -13.3 0.7
2014 DET 38 142 586 157 33 2 17 23 89 7 4 3 .286 .319 .446 106 4.3 0.4 -8.1 0.7
2015 MIN 39 139 567 125 22 0 22 35 105 6 2 5 .240 .293 .409 97 -0.1 1.3 1.8 1.3

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1994 FTW A MDW 91 372 .000 .000 .000 .359 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1995 FTM A+ FSL 113 447 .000 .000 .000 .285 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1996 FTM A+ FSL 4 18 .000 .000 .000 .273 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1996 NBR AA EAS 99 387 .000 .000 .000 .292 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1997 MIN MLB AL 1 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1997 NBR AA EAS 0 521 .000 .000 .000 .274 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1998 MIN MLB AL 6 19 .263 .332 .435 .364 99 -1.7 0.5 0 68 11 -1.1 -0.1 -0.7 -0.1
1998 NBR AA EAS 0 331 .000 .000 .000 .340 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1998 SLC AAA PCL 0 94 .000 .000 .000 .360 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1999 MIN MLB AL 135 422 .275 .346 .439 .289 100 -13.1 11.8 0.2 70 10 1.8 1.8 -15.0 0.1
2000 MIN MLB AL 99 358 .276 .343 .443 .336 85 -3.4 11.3 1 75 9 7.3 1.4 -9.8 1.0
2000 SLC AAA PCL 0 223 .000 .000 .000 .362 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2001 MIN MLB AL 148 603 .264 .331 .419 .291 100 1.2 18.0 1.6 100 10 25.0 -2.1 2.7 4.5
2002 MIN MLB AL 148 604 .264 .330 .424 .319 97 20.8 17.4 1.5 119 8 -10.9 6.5 16.7 3.1
2003 MIN MLB AL 154 642 .265 .330 .425 .262 100 0.5 17.4 1.5 100 10 14.5 -1.2 1.9 3.4
2004 MIN MLB AL 138 569 .268 .333 .433 .296 101 -1.1 16.9 0.7 103 10 5.9 5.4 3.4 3.2
2005 MIN MLB AL 98 416 .264 .328 .418 .290 97 9.3 12.0 0.6 107 9 -1.1 -0.8 4.0 1.5
2006 MIN MLB AL 147 611 .271 .336 .431 .294 103 6.3 18.4 1.2 114 10 0.1 0.7 13.8 3.3
2007 MIN MLB AL 160 650 .272 .336 .424 .303 95 17.1 19.3 1.5 113 8 -5.1 0.1 13.4 2.9
2008 ANA MLB AL 146 608 .266 .334 .418 .312 103 8.8 17.6 0.8 115 7 -0.2 1.5 13.0 3.3
2009 ANA MLB AL 119 506 .260 .326 .411 .330 103 17.3 14.6 1 123 9 -0.4 -0.2 15.5 3.1
2009 RCU A+ CLF 3 12 .295 .378 .480 .333 101 2.3 0.4 -0.1 165 0 -0.3 -0.5 0.8 0.0
2010 ANA MLB AL 152 646 .255 .320 .403 .307 100 19.5 17.8 -1.7 127 8 1.1 -4.9 20.9 3.5
2011 ANA MLB AL 156 649 .256 .318 .405 .297 98 10.6 17.5 -7 116 11 5.8 -1.0 12.9 3.0
2012 ANA MLB AL 140 584 .254 .316 .406 .389 97 15 16.0 -6.1 116 8 7.4 5.5 11.1 3.6
2013 DET MLB AL 144 652 .259 .321 .405 .344 101 19.8 17.1 -6.3 110 7 -13.3 0.8 8.0 0.7
2014 DET MLB AL 142 586 .257 .316 .395 .311 106 4.9 15.1 -5.7 106 10 -8.1 0.4 4.3 0.7
2015 MIN MLB AL 139 567 .254 .313 .403 .258 107 -7.7 15.3 -6 97 10 1.8 1.3 -0.1 1.3

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1994 FTW A MDW 372 335 57 98 17 1 10 147 50 25 80 8 10 .293 .359 .439 .146 0 0
1995 FTM A+ FSL 447 391 64 96 15 2 7 136 36 38 77 7 4 .246 .327 .348 .102 5 5
1996 FTM A+ FSL 18 16 1 3 0 0 0 3 1 2 5 1 1 .188 .278 .188 .000 0 0
1996 NBR AA EAS 387 342 49 90 20 3 7 137 33 28 60 7 7 .263 .324 .401 .137 9 9
1997 MIN MLB AL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 0 0
1997 NBR AA EAS 521 471 57 109 22 2 8 159 56 47 94 8 8 .231 .305 .338 .106 0 0
1998 SLC AAA PCL 94 92 15 31 7 0 4 50 20 1 13 2 2 .337 .351 .543 .207 0 0
1998 NBR AA EAS 331 308 42 87 24 3 6 135 32 19 64 11 9 .282 .332 .438 .156 0 0
1998 MIN MLB AL 19 17 0 4 1 0 0 5 2 2 6 0 1 .235 .316 .294 .059 0 0
1999 MIN MLB AL 422 384 52 98 17 2 9 146 35 26 72 10 6 .255 .309 .380 .125 5 1
2000 SLC AAA PCL 223 209 58 77 17 2 18 152 61 11 28 11 3 .368 .408 .727 .359 0 0
2000 MIN MLB AL 358 336 44 94 14 7 5 137 44 18 68 4 3 .280 .318 .408 .128 2 0
2001 MIN MLB AL 603 564 82 147 32 5 27 270 92 29 125 9 6 .261 .306 .479 .218 1 1
2002 MIN MLB AL 604 561 89 162 37 4 29 294 94 35 118 23 8 .289 .334 .524 .235 3 0
2003 MIN MLB AL 642 581 83 145 31 4 26 262 102 50 106 6 7 .250 .312 .451 .201 6 0
2004 MIN MLB AL 569 520 79 141 37 0 23 247 81 40 101 21 7 .271 .330 .475 .204 2 0
2005 MIN MLB AL 416 372 63 100 24 1 14 168 56 34 65 23 7 .269 .337 .452 .183 4 0
2006 MIN MLB AL 611 557 86 155 21 2 31 273 98 45 108 12 6 .278 .336 .490 .212 4 0
2007 MIN MLB AL 650 600 94 172 45 1 28 303 107 40 101 18 9 .287 .334 .505 .218 5 0
2008 ANA MLB AL 608 551 85 153 37 2 21 257 78 50 108 19 5 .278 .344 .466 .189 1 0
2009 ANA MLB AL 506 451 74 135 26 1 22 229 90 47 92 18 4 .299 .366 .508 .208 5 0
2009 RCU A+ CLF 12 9 3 3 0 0 1 6 3 3 2 1 0 .333 .500 .667 .333 0 0
2010 ANA MLB AL 646 573 76 161 36 0 23 266 90 61 106 9 12 .281 .354 .464 .183 5 0
2011 ANA MLB AL 649 580 80 152 24 2 23 249 82 62 125 5 7 .262 .336 .429 .167 3 0
2012 ANA MLB AL 584 534 81 167 24 1 16 241 92 38 133 9 1 .313 .365 .451 .139 3 1
2013 DET MLB AL 652 606 90 184 37 5 17 282 84 26 113 3 2 .304 .334 .465 .162 10 3
2014 DET MLB AL 586 549 71 157 33 2 17 245 83 23 89 4 3 .286 .319 .446 .160 7
2015 MIN MLB AL 567 521 67 125 22 0 22 213 81 35 105 2 5 .240 .293 .409 .169 5 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 2031 0.4638 0.5022 0.7588 0.7113 0.3214 0.8672 0.5514 0.2412 -0.0019
2009 1884 0.4782 0.4570 0.7573 0.6482 0.2818 0.8647 0.5307 0.2427 0.0043
2010 2482 0.4972 0.4537 0.7798 0.6475 0.2620 0.8723 0.5535 0.2202 0.0024
2011 2507 0.4910 0.4551 0.7564 0.6320 0.2845 0.8548 0.5455 0.2436 0.0067
2012 2067 0.4877 0.4998 0.7338 0.6597 0.3475 0.8316 0.5571 0.2662 0.0105
2013 2358 0.4678 0.5466 0.7758 0.7162 0.3976 0.8608 0.6413 0.2242 0.0098
2014 1986 0.4924 0.5302 0.7740 0.7086 0.3571 0.8745 0.5806 0.2260 0.0014
2015 2062 0.4758 0.5315 0.7664 0.7176 0.3626 0.8324 0.6480 0.2336 0.0010

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2014-09-04 2014-09-04 DTD 0 0 Right Foot Contusion Foul Ball -
2014-08-06 2014-08-08 DTD 2 2 Left Hand Contusion HBP -
2014-06-17 2014-06-25 DTD 8 7 Right Thigh Cramp Hamstring -
2014-04-09 2014-04-12 DTD 3 2 Left Knee Contusion - -
2013-10-09 2013-10-09 On-Alr 0 0 - Head Concussion Diving for Ball -
2013-10-09 2013-10-10 DTD 1 0 Left Shoulder Sprain - -
2013-07-28 2013-07-30 DTD 2 1 Left Lower Leg Inflammation Achilles Tendonitis -
2013-07-26 2013-07-27 DTD 1 1 Left Lower Leg Inflammation Achilles Tendon - -
2012-07-14 2012-07-15 DTD 1 1 Right Groin Strain - -
2011-07-02 2011-07-03 DTD 1 1 Left Hand Contusion HBP -
2011-06-23 2011-06-27 DTD 4 3 Right Trunk Contusion Ribs -
2011-03-25 2011-03-28 Camp 3 0 Right Thigh Tightness Quadriceps -
2011-03-17 2011-03-18 Camp 1 0 General Medical Respiratory Flu -
2011-03-11 2011-03-15 Camp 4 0 - Thumb Contusion - -
2010-06-11 2010-06-11 DTD 0 0 Elbow Contusion HBP -
2010-05-30 2010-05-31 DTD 1 1 Hand Contusion -
2010-04-18 2010-04-19 DTD 1 1 Lower Leg Soreness -
2010-03-07 2010-03-12 Camp 5 0 Groin Soreness -
2009-11-23 2009-11-23 Off 0 0 Surgery Sports Hernia 2009-11-23
2009-07-08 2009-08-16 15-DL 39 32 Right Groin Strain -
2009-06-16 2009-06-17 DTD 1 1 Right Trunk Contusion Ribs -
2009-06-07 2009-06-09 DTD 2 1 Right Groin Soreness -
2009-05-25 2009-05-25 DTD 0 0 Right Tightness -
2009-04-23 2009-04-23 DTD 0 0 General Medical Respiratory Flu -
2009-03-25 2009-03-25 Camp 0 0 Face Contusion HBP -
2009-03-13 2009-03-15 Camp 2 0 Left Shoulder Soreness -
2009-03-05 2009-03-09 Camp 4 0 Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2008-10-03 2008-10-03 DTD 0 0 Right Ankle Sprain -
2008-09-17 2008-09-18 DTD 1 1 Face Contusion Cheekbone -
2008-09-10 2008-09-13 DTD 3 3 Left Thigh Strain Quadriceps -
2008-08-26 2008-08-26 DTD 0 0 Head Concussion Dizziness -
2008-04-13 2008-04-14 DTD 1 1 Soreness -
2007-08-22 2007-08-22 DTD 0 0 Shoulder Soreness -
2007-07-27 2007-07-27 DTD 0 0 Left Fingers Sprain Middle Finger -
2007-07-18 2007-07-18 DTD 0 0 Left Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2007-06-17 2007-06-17 DTD 0 0 Left Hand Contusion HBP -
2007-04-26 2007-04-26 DTD 0 0 Face Laceration HBP In Mouth -
2007-04-18 2007-04-20 DTD 2 2 Left Shoulder Contusion -
2007-03-03 2007-03-05 Camp 2 0 Head Concussion HBP -
2007-03-01 2007-03-02 Camp 1 0 Fingers Laceration Fingernail -
2006-09-19 2006-09-19 DTD 0 0 Left Foot Contusion Foul Ball -
2006-08-14 2006-08-15 DTD 1 0 Left Hand Contusion -
2006-07-16 2006-07-31 15-DL 15 14 Left Foot Stress Fracture -
2005-07-30 2005-10-03 60-DL 65 60 Left Ankle Fracture -
2005-06-30 2005-07-01 DTD 1 0 Back Soreness -
2005-05-14 2005-05-17 DTD 3 2 Right Wrist Soreness -
2005-05-08 2005-05-09 DTD 1 1 Groin Soreness -
2005-03-05 2005-03-10 Camp 5 0 Left Shoulder Inflammation -
2004-08-20 2004-08-21 DTD 1 1 Neck Spasms After Running Into a Wall -
2004-07-26 2004-07-26 DTD 0 0 Contusion Player Collision -
2004-06-03 2004-06-03 DTD 0 0 Left Wrist Soreness After Diving Catch -
2004-05-05 2004-05-06 DTD 1 1 Right Thigh Soreness Hamstring -
2004-04-07 2004-04-25 15-DL 18 15 Right Thigh Strain Hamstring -
2004-03-06 2004-03-12 Camp 6 0 Left Wrist Sprain -
2003-05-30 2003-05-31 DTD 1 1 Neck Spasms -
2003-05-20 2003-05-20 DTD 0 0 Left Knee Laceration -
2001-04-06 2001-04-21 15-DL 15 13 Right Groin Strain Mild -
1998-07-28 1998-08-11 Minors 14 0 Left Wrist Sprain - -
1996-04-04 1996-05-10 Minors 36 0 Right Knee Not Disclosed - -


Year Team Salary
2015 MIN $10,500,000
2014 DET $14,000,000
2013 DET $12,000,000
2012 ANA $18,500,000
2011 ANA $18,500,000
2010 ANA $18,500,000
2009 ANA $18,000,000
2008 ANA $16,500,000
2007 MIN $12,000,000
2006 MIN $10,750,000
2005 MIN $8,000,000
2004 MIN $6,500,000
2003 MIN $4,750,000
2002 MIN $2,400,000
2001 MIN $230,000
2000 MIN $225,000
16 yrPrevious$171,355,000
16 yrTotal$171,355,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
16 y 132 dReynolds Sports1 year/$10.5M (2015)

  • 1 year/$10.5M (2015). Signed by Minnesota as a free agent 12/2/14. Award bonuses: $25,000 each for All Star, Gold Glove, Silver Slugger. $50,000 for LCS MVP. $0.1M for WS MVP. $0.1M for MVP ($75,000 for second in MVP vote, $50,000 for third, $25,000 for fourth-sixth). Full no-trade protection.
  • 2 years/$26M (2013-14). Signed by Detroit as a free agent 11/12. 13:$12M, 14:$14M. Award bonuses: $0.1M each for All-Star, Gold Glove, Silver Slugger, LCS MVP, WS MVP.
  • 5 years/$90M (2008-12). Signed by LA Angels as a free agent 12/07. $2.5M signing bonus. 08:$16M, 09:$17.5M, 10-12:$18M/year. Award bonuses: $25,000 each for Gold Glove, All-Star. Limited no-trade protection (may block deals to Boston, Chicago Cubs, Detroit, Tampa Bay, Toronto). Placed on restricted list 5/14/12. Activated from restricted list 5/29/12.
  • 4 years/$32M (2003-06). Signed extension with Minnesota 1/03 (avoided arbitration). 03:$4.75M, 04:$6.5M, 05:$8M, 06:$10.75M, 07:$12M club option, $2M buyout.
  • 1 year/$2.4M (2002). Re-signed by Minnesota 2/02 (avoided arbitration, $2.7M-$2M).
  • 1 year/$0.23M (2001).
  • 1 year/$0.225M (2000).
  • 1 year/$0.2M (1999).
  • Drafted by Minnesota 1993 (1-20) (Pine Bluff HS, Ark.).

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2015-04-16 17:00:00 (link to chat)What does Alex Guerrero's PT look like? In 5x5 Roto is it too soon to drop Torii Hunter (my bench OF) for him?
(docg16 from New York)
Eric Stephen of True Blue LA (a great Twitter follow, btw) keeps pointing out that Juan Uribe isn't going anywhere in the short term. Guerrero seems stuck on the bench unless there is an injury. The OF is stacked too, so even if the Dodgers wanted to mix and match, there isn't room there either. I'd guess 300-350 PAs for Guerrero. Keep Hunter. (Mike Gianella)
2014-07-15 13:00:00 (link to chat)Torii Hunter, Denard Span, Ben Revere, Aaron Hicks, Byron Buxton, do the Twins have a fetish for this type of player or what?
(Ace from PA)
Athletic CFs? Who wouldn't? Though, the only real common link between these three is position, ethnicity, and a tie to Minnesota. Otherwise, they're vastly different skill-sets. (Paul Sporer)
2014-06-11 12:00:00 (link to chat)This season has been a tale of two Tigers teams: the one with the dominant rotation and dynamic lineup that got off to a 27-12 start and the mediocre one we've seen the last two weeks. What should we expect from here on out?
(mofab from Bellingham WA)
Something in between. By OPS+ the Tigers have three above average hitters on their team (Kinsler, Cabrera, and Victor Martinez). The good news is they can likely upgrade the bullpen with the addition of most relievers available at or near the deadline so improvement there is possible. The lineup might be a bit better than this, but it might not. Austin Jackson can improve, and I guess Torii Hunter could as well though the age is what the age is. In the end though this team needs their rotation to push them to the post season. I'm not optimistic about them in two years, but this season they should make the playoffs. (Matthew Kory)
2013-03-19 13:00:00 (link to chat)Also regarding Los Anaheim, is it fair to expect their offense to improve with Hamilton in RF, even if Trout remains superheroic? I don't think people realize how good Torii Hunter was last year because, y'know, he's old.
(Chester Trout from Dallas)
Hamilton may step back and likely will due to the park if nothing else. I think the Angels come down to pitching. Beyond the mid to back end of their rotation they're pretty stacked, even if you don't love the Hamilton contract. (Matthew Kory)
2013-02-27 20:00:00 (link to chat)What players to you see suffering a big regression. What players do you think surprise this year?
(Jason from Philadelphia )
Torii Hunter seems like an obvious regression candidate. The BABIP was extreme and the power and speed are dwindling as he moves into his later 30s. Chris Davis is kind of a one-trick pony and if the power slips even a little his value takes a serious hit. I don't see another 30+ bombs for Davis this year. As far as surprises go, I think Ike Davis shakes off the rust of his Valley Fever and becomes a serious 40 home run threat. Tyler Colvin is a player I really like to find a way into playing time and hit 20 home runs (assuming, of course, he gets to play). (Mike Gianella)
2012-12-27 13:00:00 (link to chat)Good afternoon Russell. What kind of season do you anticipate from Torii Hunter in 2013? Will we see a sharp decline from last year?
(Wayner from Big Town)
I guess this would be the opposite of #wish? Hunter pretty much is what he is, an older player who's going to put up 2-3 wins. Not bad. (Russell Carleton)
2012-06-21 13:00:00 (link to chat)Is it crazy to call Mike Trout, Rickey Henderson Jr. like Torii Hunter is.
(Mike from Utica, NY)
It's crazy to need to call Mike Trout anything other than Mike Trout. His skill-set is sexy enough to avoid the need to compare him to others, don't you think? (Jason Parks)
2011-06-29 13:30:00 (link to chat)Who are your favorite players to deal with, both past or present?
(Gerald from Savannah)
Geez. That's a tough one because there are so many good guys I have dealt with in 24 years of covering baseball. I hate to leave people out but some of my favorites would have to include Sean Casey, John Burkett, Jay Bell, Craig Wilson, Jason Schmidt, Michael Barrett from the past. From the present: Jason Bay, Cole Hamels, Carlos Pena, Scott Rolen, Brandon Phillips, Nyjer Morgan, Neil Walker, Joel Hanrahan, Adam Jones, Max Scherzer, Don Kelly, Chris Perez, Adam Dunn, Matt Capps, Torii Hunter, Kurt Suzuki, Ian Kinsler. (John Perrotto)
2010-10-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)I have a deep team, so my last cut in my keeper will stink, suck, and hurt. In a deep keeper league, put Johan (he's my 7th best SP considering the injury), Roy Oswalt (was 7th 'til Johan got hury), Torii (my backup CF behind Rasmus), or Beckham (I also own Weeks) back in the pool? Please don't say Beckham. I love him and remember the hype of the spring ever so wistfully.
(Will from Mactaquac)
I'm keeping Beckham in one of my leagues with a deep roster, so I definitely won't be saying him. Johan Santana or Torii Hunter is probably the way to go. Given Santana's injury history I might choose him, just because he'll be the easiest to reacquire next season. (Marc Normandin)
2010-08-17 14:45:00 (link to chat)Skip Schumaker went OF to 2B. Soriano went the opposite way. Ty Wigginton plays every position on the diamond. In general, what is the difference in defensive performance between position players? Would a good defensive 1B like Derek Lee be the worst 3B/2B/SS in the league? Would Torii Hunter win Gold Gloves (and merit them) in his sleep at 1B?
(GM Wannabe from The Front Office)
Not necessarily, because the positions require different skills. Hunter was so valuable because of his range and speed. That doesn't matter at 1B, so while he might be able to field grounders and make Ike Davis catches (the new term for catches where you look silly falling over a dugout rail) it's not like his OF prowess helps him at all. Similarly, Derrek Lee might be agile around the 1B bag, and good at scooping, but can you really see him making plays in the hole between SS and 3B? Certain players excel at certain positions because of what makes them valuable, which would be mitigated by certain defensive switches. Soriano was fast and had a good arm, so going from 2B to LF wasn't a stretch. (Eric Seidman)
2010-05-11 16:30:00 (link to chat)Thinking about Adam Jones, is there any research that supports/refutes the idea of sending a guy to the minors to work out of a deep slump? On the surface it seems to have worked for Jones comp Torii Hunter in 2000.
(Drungo from SoMd)
I'm not sure if research can support or refute this on the aggregate, but it must be a case by case basis kind of thing. For Jones, he's swinging at all types of pitches out of the zone-- 41%. For comparison, the league average is around 25% and Jeff Francoeur is at 43%. So, Jones needs to work on pitch recognition because he's not swinging that much overall. I don't know if demoting him to recognize inferior pitches builds him up to recognizing MLB quality pitches. (Matt Swartz)
2009-10-13 14:00:00 (link to chat)Fair to say that $$$ people in the Fox and ESPN offices are hoping for a Dodger-Yankees World Series? What is CK hoping for?
(strupp from Madison)
The exact opposite, not just because I'm contrarian, but because I'd really like to see what the Phillies' wave of southpaws do against an Angels lineup that boasts a few lefty-killers past (Vladi) or present (Juan Rivera, Torii Hunter). Add in Scioscia vs. Manuel, and I think it would be a much more interesting series to watch than the interminable "What's Joe Torre thinking, is he pondering his past in pinstripes, blahblahblah." (Christina Kahrl)
2009-09-24 14:00:00 (link to chat)What are your thoughts on Torii Hunter's career? It seems he's played much better the last couple years than anyone expected - how do you see him going forward?
(dtwhite from Toronto)
I believe the idea is that players with a broad base of skills age better than those who have one skill above others. Hunter has generally done everything but walk, and he even does that well enough sometimes. He's hit for a better average the last couple of years. I'll say that he's outperformed my expectations, but the the back end of the contract still carries some risk. (Joe Sheehan)
2009-09-02 13:00:00 (link to chat)Please explain why the LA Angels are one of the most successful teams in baseball. They sure don't seem to give a damn about sabermetrics...
(akachazz from DC)
You don't have to give a damn about sabermetrics to be successful. The Angels clearly have a solid scouting department, and just because the numbers lie about fewer performance aspects, scouting is still a very real and important part of the evaluation game. They have also rectified mistakes, IE, signing Torii Hunter a year after signing Gary Matthews Jr. I find them fascinating - not one player really stands out (aside from Morales this year) but they consistently top the division. (Eric Seidman)
2008-10-17 13:00:00 (link to chat)How many years/dollars do you think Pat Burrell will sign for? And will he re-sign with the Phillies?
(phils fan from NYC)
Really good question. He's not Torii Hunter, but could you make a 5/90 argument for him? I think he's the kind of player that might end up in Cincy. (Will Carroll)
2008-10-07 13:00:00 (link to chat)For all the talk of how fundamental the Angels are, they sure didn't look it, what's up with that label?
(Mike from The Bronx)
It's a label. To borrow a Sheehan-ism, the Angels usually win when they hit .280, and lose when they hit .260, and they can sneak them out on occasion because of the little things they do, but in this series, they were getting hits from the middle of their lineup and failing to drive anyone in, and they couldn't seem to do the little things right. Torii Hunter getting tossed out on a stupid extension of a single, everyone failing to get to that dinky popup that eventually turned into multiple runs for the just wasn't a pretty series for the Angels, and the Sox didn't win because they were the better team, they won because they managed to avoid screwing up as many times as the Angels did. (Marc Normandin)
2008-07-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Hi, Christina, love your writing... the queen of transaction analysis! Big question for you: Are the Angels due for a whopping regression next year? I'm mostly worried about their 2007 Diamondbacks-like pythagorean win-loss record. Their outfield in particular looks like it'll be a shambles. They'll be minus Juan Rivera (unless they make a serious effort to re-sign him), Vlad will undoubtedly be taken up on his team option, Garret Anderson will be gone, but Torii Hunter will be a year older (and he's already showing signs of decline), and the team will be carrying that godawful Gary Matthews, Jr. contract (barring a DFA). Plus, the bullpen will almost certainly be without K-Rod, and that leads to questions about the team's ability to shut down the opposition late in games with the implied roster reshuffling. Like the 2008 Snakes, it seems they could very quickly become a .500 (or worse) team in a hurry. Thoughts?
(scareduck from Somewhere west of Angel Stadium)
I think it makes for a very interesting question, because the factors you mention could lead to an expectation that it might take fewer than 90 wins to take next year's division crown, at which point you can put Oakland and Texas into the picture if they play for the near-term. (Christina Kahrl)
2008-06-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)Here's a fantasy question for you if you're interested. I'd much appreciate it. Someone in my league just traded Ryan Howard, Justin Verlander, Josh Beckett, Curtis Granderson and Manny Ramirez for Cliff Lee, Ervin Santana, Carlos Gomez, Torii Hunter, Erik Bedard and Garrett Atkins. A lot of people are screaming veto, and I have to agree. The trade doesn't have any 'needs-based' or 'long-term' mitigating factors, either. As an important aside, the team getting the first set of players is in third while the other guy is near the bottom. Would you exercise a veto on this deal? Thanks!
(havens from bristol, CT)
Are we assuming good faith in this deal? Often a league has someone in it who is the Randy Smith of fantasy GMs and just gets suckered by everybody. I think that guy is fair game -- if he wears diapers, he shouldn't have been allowed in the league in the first place. I'm not for exercising the veto except in really apparent cases of dumping... You know, there was a parallel case in actual baseball, where for awhile Bowie Kuhn was negating trades just because he didn't like the players involved. He was actually sitting there and passing judgment on what the GMs were doing. Imagine if Bud Selig came in and said "Mets, you're overpaying for Johan Santana. No deal." That kind of thing was happening, and the more obvious opposite case as well, where he would have said, "Twins, Carlos Gomez isn't good enough. You need to hold out for a better position player or no deal." Like much of Kuhn's reign it was pathetic and unintentionally comical. (Steven Goldman)
2008-05-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)Is Gomez's May #'s .318 .375 .545 a career month or a real trend into a really good player. What do you think Gomez's upside is?
(Mike from Minn)
What he's done so far at age 22 is pretty impressive. Let's see what the man himself has to say:

"Now I'm a leadoff hitter, but I'm 22. When I get to be 25, my body will be bigger and I'll be hitting home runs. I can be like an Andruw Jones or a Torii Hunter and hit third in a lineup. I don't think I'll be a leadoff hitter forever, no way."

You gotta love that confidence! (Caleb Peiffer)
2008-03-18 17:00:00 (link to chat)Jim, how much will the Twins lose (offensively and defensively) with Delmon Young in CF instead of Torii Hunter thsi year?
(Brandon from College Station, TX)
I'm afraid this is going to be the last question. I have to get to the gym and stand around looking like a give a damn about my health.

There will be some dropoff, but not as much as you would expect. I won't say this is Young's breakout season, but he's going to be vastly improved. I think his WARP3 will climb to the 5.0 range while Hunter was in the mid-7.0s last year. The Twins could have done a lot worse! (Jim Baker)
2008-01-17 14:00:00 (link to chat)Love your column. Could you give me an opinion on how you think Kenny Williams has done as the White Sox GM this past offseason, as well as on a whole for his tenure? And how exactly do you think the somewhat unique status in Chicago's market the Sox have impacts his approach? Since the WS victory, attendance has been markedly different to the point where pre-strike levels have finally been attained. Do they finally have a reliable fan base or will they be desperate for fans once again if they see another poor performance from the club?
(colintj from Chicago)
Thanks colintj, I appreciate the compliment. Overall, I think Kenny Williams has had a decent blend of luck and daring, and perhaps more bad moves than good. Consider the Swisher move--it's a better choice than giving Torii Hunter or Aaron Rowand the money they would have cost. That wasn't part of any master design, but it's going to work out really very nicely for the Sox. While he says some things that are easy to lampoon, and nobody's calling him the best GM, he's also not the worst GM, not by any stretch. (Christina Kahrl)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2010-07-13 16:30:00All-Star GameTorii Hunter transcends petty things like league affiliation. (Steven Goldman)
2010-07-13 16:30:00All-Star GameOur first interview is with Torii Hunter? (Kevin Goldstein)
2009-10-16 13:00:00NLCS Game Two/ALCS Game OneJust one error for Torii Hunter in the regular season... For what that's worth. (Steven Goldman)
2009-10-16 13:00:00NLCS Game Two/ALCS Game OneLove how McCarver saw the replay, which showed the ball in Teixeira's glove and sticks with his opinion despite evidence. And again, with a better angle and closeups! And then he thinks Torii Hunter had a better angle, one the ump thinks should carry any weight. Just a ridiculous sequence.

Hunter was out on a great play by Sabathia and Teixeira.

I also liked that Mike Scioscia pushed Laz Diaz, knowing he wouldn't get run. (Will Carroll)

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