
Portrait of Brandon Inge

Brandon Inge 3B

Player Cards | Team Audit | Depth Chart

Career Summary
16 5617 .233 .301 .384 85 17.0
Birth Date5-19-1977
Height5' 11"
Weight190 lbs
Age46 years, 10 months, 28 days
WARP Summary

MLB Statistics

2001 DET 24 79 202 34 11 0 0 9 41 0 1 4 .180 .215 .238 41 -14.3 -0.5 2.2 -0.3
2002 DET 25 95 351 65 15 3 7 24 101 4 1 3 .202 .266 .333 62 -15.0 -0.3 -9.3 -0.9
2003 DET 26 104 366 67 15 3 8 24 79 5 4 4 .203 .265 .339 71 -12.2 2.0 -15.0 -0.9
2004 DET 27 131 458 117 15 7 13 32 72 4 5 4 .287 .340 .453 103 2.5 -1.6 2.0 1.9
2005 DET 28 160 694 161 31 9 16 63 140 3 7 6 .261 .330 .419 96 -3.1 -3.1 15.8 3.3
2006 DET 29 159 601 137 29 2 27 43 128 7 7 4 .253 .313 .463 104 5.8 2.8 27.8 5.6
2007 DET 30 151 577 120 25 2 14 47 150 11 9 2 .236 .312 .376 76 -15.6 -2.3 20.9 2.2
2008 DET 31 113 407 71 16 4 11 43 94 8 4 3 .205 .303 .369 85 -6.3 -3.7 -6.2 0.0
2009 DET 32 161 637 129 16 1 27 54 170 17 2 5 .230 .314 .406 95 -1.9 -0.8 5.1 2.3
2010 DET 33 144 580 127 28 5 13 54 134 5 4 3 .247 .321 .397 94 -3.5 -4.1 6.8 1.8
2011 DET 34 102 303 53 10 2 3 24 74 2 1 1 .197 .265 .283 65 -11.7 0.4 8.1 0.7
2012 DET 35 9 20 2 1 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 .100 .100 .300 87 -0.3 0.1 0.9 0.1
2012 OAK 35 74 311 64 13 0 11 24 85 1 0 1 .226 .286 .389 87 -4.4 0.7 3.0 1.0
2013 PIT 36 50 110 19 3 0 1 2 32 1 0 0 .181 .204 .238 56 -5.2 1.6 2.0 0.1

Statistics for All Levels

'opp' stats - Quality of opponents faced - have been moved and are available only as OPP_QUAL in the Statistics reports now.
Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1998 JAM A- NYP 0 214 .000 .000 .000 .277 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1999 WMI A MDW 0 394 .000 .000 .000 .301 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 JAX AA SOU 0 324 .000 .000 .000 .324 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 TOL AAA INT 0 206 .000 .000 .000 .276 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2001 DET MLB AL 79 202 .267 .332 .436 .227 101 -20.1 6.0 3.7 41 12 2.2 -0.5 -14.3 -0.3
2001 WMI A MDW 4 19 .000 .000 .000 .273 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2001 TOL AAA INT 27 102 .000 .000 .000 .369 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2002 DET MLB AL 95 351 .260 .324 .415 .271 96 -19.6 10.1 6 62 11 -9.3 -0.3 -15.0 -0.9
2002 TOL AAA INT 21 81 .000 .000 .000 .292 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2003 DET MLB AL 104 366 .261 .323 .415 .240 95 -17.7 10.0 6.5 71 9 -15.0 2.0 -12.2 -0.9
2003 TOL AAA INT 39 154 .000 .000 .000 .296 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2004 DET MLB AL 131 458 .270 .336 .437 .316 102 8 13.6 3.4 103 13 2.0 -1.6 2.5 1.9
2005 DET MLB AL 160 694 .267 .328 .423 .311 102 -3.2 20.0 2.7 96 7 15.8 -3.1 -3.1 3.3
2006 DET MLB AL 159 601 .273 .333 .437 .281 106 0.4 18.1 2.5 104 9 27.8 2.8 5.8 5.6
2007 DET MLB AL 151 577 .271 .333 .423 .305 102 -13.7 17.1 2.4 76 10 20.9 -2.3 -15.6 2.2
2008 DET MLB AL 113 407 .266 .332 .419 .244 106 -11.8 11.8 4.5 85 8 -6.2 -3.7 -6.3 0.0
2008 TOL AAA INT 3 12 .236 .302 .378 .286 86 1.3 0.4 0 132 0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1
2009 DET MLB AL 161 637 .267 .333 .424 .277 104 -3.3 18.3 2.5 95 6 5.1 -0.8 -1.9 2.3
2010 DET MLB AL 144 580 .263 .328 .413 .305 111 -6.1 16.0 2.2 94 8 6.8 -4.1 -3.5 1.8
2010 WMI A MDW 1 5 .243 .317 .346 .667 99 0.8 0.1 0 116 0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
2011 DET MLB AL 102 303 .264 .327 .414 .256 106 -18.5 8.2 1.1 65 9 8.1 0.4 -11.7 0.7
2011 TOL AAA INT 29 126 .262 .328 .396 .338 91 8.7 3.9 0 149 0 3.9 -1.0 6.4 1.3
2012 DET MLB AL 9 20 .240 .313 .381 .077 106 -2.4 0.5 -0.1 87 10 0.9 0.1 -0.3 0.1
2012 OAK MLB AL 74 311 .253 .316 .409 .279 97 -5.4 8.5 1.2 87 10 3.0 0.7 -4.4 1.0
2012 SAC AAA PCL 8 32 .280 .343 .433 .500 91 6.4 1.0 0 155 0 0.2 0.0 2.2 0.3
2012 TOL AAA INT 3 13 .292 .372 .456 .125 92 -0.4 0.4 -0.1 78 0 0.0 -0.1 -0.3 0.0
2013 PIT MLB NL 50 110 .255 .312 .399 .250 100 -9.9 2.9 -0.1 56 14 2.0 1.6 -5.2 0.1
2013 IND AAA INT 18 75 .252 .320 .390 .171 98 -3.9 2.2 -0.3 80 0 0.2 -0.6 -2.5 -0.1

Statistics For All Levels

Minor league stats are currently shownClick to hide.
1998 JAM A- NYP 214 191 24 44 10 1 8 80 29 17 53 8 8 .230 .313 .419 .188 0 0
1999 WMI A MDW 394 352 54 86 25 2 9 142 46 39 87 15 3 .244 .325 .403 .159 0 0
2000 JAX AA SOU 324 298 39 77 25 1 6 122 53 26 73 10 3 .258 .318 .409 .151 0 0
2000 TOL AAA INT 206 190 24 42 9 3 5 72 20 15 51 2 1 .221 .282 .379 .158 0 0
2001 TOL AAA INT 102 90 11 26 11 1 2 45 15 7 24 1 0 .289 .343 .500 .211 1 1
2001 DET MLB AL 202 189 13 34 11 0 0 45 15 9 41 1 4 .180 .215 .238 .058 2 2
2001 WMI A MDW 19 16 3 3 1 0 0 4 2 2 5 0 0 .188 .316 .250 .063 0 0
2002 DET MLB AL 351 321 27 65 15 3 7 107 24 24 101 1 3 .202 .266 .333 .131 1 1
2002 TOL AAA INT 81 65 10 17 2 4 3 36 13 11 16 1 3 .262 .375 .554 .292 2 2
2003 TOL AAA INT 154 142 15 39 9 0 5 63 15 11 23 3 1 .275 .325 .444 .169 1 1
2003 DET MLB AL 366 330 32 67 15 3 8 112 30 24 79 4 4 .203 .265 .339 .136 3 4
2004 DET MLB AL 458 408 43 117 15 7 13 185 64 32 72 5 4 .287 .340 .453 .167 6 8
2005 DET MLB AL 694 616 75 161 31 9 16 258 72 63 140 7 6 .261 .330 .419 .157 6 6
2006 DET MLB AL 601 542 83 137 29 2 27 251 83 43 128 7 4 .253 .313 .463 .210 5 4
2007 DET MLB AL 577 508 64 120 25 2 14 191 71 47 150 9 2 .236 .312 .376 .140 4 7
2008 DET MLB AL 407 347 41 71 16 4 11 128 51 43 94 4 3 .205 .303 .369 .164 4 5
2008 TOL AAA INT 12 10 2 3 0 0 1 6 4 2 2 0 0 .300 .417 .600 .300 0 0
2009 DET MLB AL 637 562 71 129 16 1 27 228 84 54 170 2 5 .230 .314 .406 .176 3 1
2010 DET MLB AL 580 514 47 127 28 5 13 204 70 54 134 4 3 .247 .321 .397 .150 7 0
2010 WMI A MDW 5 5 0 2 2 0 0 4 1 0 2 0 0 .400 .400 .800 .400 0 0
2011 DET MLB AL 303 269 29 53 10 2 3 76 23 24 74 1 1 .197 .265 .283 .086 3 5
2011 TOL AAA INT 126 108 18 31 4 0 7 56 19 17 30 0 0 .287 .389 .519 .231 0 0
2012 TOL AAA INT 13 9 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 .111 .385 .111 .000 0 0
2012 SAC AAA PCL 32 27 6 10 4 0 2 20 9 5 9 0 0 .370 .469 .741 .370 0 0
2012 DET MLB AL 20 20 2 2 1 0 1 6 2 0 6 0 0 .100 .100 .300 .200 0 0
2012 OAK MLB AL 311 283 31 64 13 0 11 110 52 24 85 0 1 .226 .286 .389 .163 3 0
2013 PIT MLB NL 110 105 5 19 3 0 1 25 7 2 32 0 0 .181 .204 .238 .057 0 2
2013 IND AAA INT 75 60 4 9 2 0 2 17 6 12 17 1 0 .150 .320 .283 .133 0 0

Plate Discipline

YEAR Pits Zone% Swing% Contact% Z-Swing% O-Swing% Z-Contact% O-Contact% SwStr% CSAA
2008 1565 0.5259 0.4045 0.7425 0.5614 0.2305 0.8312 0.5029 0.2575 -0.0083
2009 2593 0.5087 0.4296 0.7136 0.5868 0.2669 0.7959 0.5265 0.2864 0.0020
2010 2361 0.5248 0.4583 0.7366 0.6384 0.2594 0.8078 0.5430 0.2634 -0.0074
2011 1161 0.5116 0.4694 0.7266 0.6431 0.2875 0.8037 0.5460 0.2734 -0.0071
2012 1363 0.5202 0.4307 0.7189 0.5698 0.2798 0.8218 0.4918 0.2811 -0.0033
2013 439 0.5308 0.4305 0.7249 0.5494 0.2961 0.8281 0.5082 0.2751 0.0001

Injury History  —  No longer being updated

Last Update: 12/31/2014 23:59 ET

Date On Date Off Transaction Days Games Side Body Part Injury Severity Surgery Date Reaggravation
2013-03-26 2013-04-23 15-DL 28 19 Right Shoulder Fracture Scapula - -
2013-03-21 2013-03-25 Camp 4 0 Right Shoulder Contusion HBP on Scapula - -
2012-09-02 2012-10-12 60-DL 40 30 Right Shoulder Surgery Dislocation and Labrum Tear 2012-09-18
2012-08-12 2012-09-01 15-DL 20 18 Right Shoulder Sprain Self-reduced - -
2012-05-13 2012-05-28 15-DL 15 14 Right Groin Strain - -
2012-03-30 2012-04-14 15-DL 15 7 Left Groin Strain - -
2011-06-02 2011-06-23 15-DL 21 20 General Medical Illness Mononucleosis -
2010-08-19 2010-08-19 DTD 0 0 Left Hand Soreness -
2010-07-20 2010-08-04 15-DL 15 15 Left Hand Fracture 5th Metacarpal -
2009-11-03 2009-11-03 Off 0 0 Bilateral Knee Surgery Patellar Tendinitis 2009-11-03
2009-07-23 2009-07-23 DTD 0 0 Left Knee Strain Patellar Tendon -
2009-07-01 2009-07-03 DTD 2 1 Bilateral Knee Soreness -
2008-06-23 2008-07-10 15-DL 17 15 Left Abdomen Strain Oblique -
2008-06-02 2008-06-06 DTD 4 3 Left Abdomen Strain Oblique -
2007-06-29 2007-07-01 DTD 2 2 Low Back Spasms -
2007-05-30 2007-06-05 DTD 6 5 Left Contusion HBP Big Toe -
2007-04-17 2007-04-18 DTD 1 1 General Medical Respiratory Flu -
2004-06-26 2004-07-15 15-DL 19 15 Right Fingers Fracture Index Finger -
2002-05-12 2002-05-27 15-DL 15 12 Left Shoulder Dislocation -
2001-06-25 2001-08-06 15-DL 42 38 Left Shoulder Dislocation - -


Year Team Salary
2013 PIT $1,250,000
2012 DET $5,500,000
2011 DET $5,500,000
2010 DET $6,600,000
2009 DET $6,300,000
2008 DET $6,200,000
2007 DET $4,900,000
2006 DET $3,000,000
2005 DET $1,350,000
2004 DET $340,000
2003 DET $315,000
2001 DET $200,000
12 yrPrevious$41,455,000
12 yrTotal$41,455,000


Service TimeAgentContract Status
12 y 45 dLevinsons ACES1 year/$1.25M (2013)

  • 1 year (2013). Signed by Pittsburgh as a free agent 2/12/13 (minor-league contract). Salary of $1.25M in majors. If not on Major League roster, may opt out of contract in late March. May request release 3/26/13 if he will not make Major League roster. $0.1M retention bonus if he agrees to start season in minors. May opt out of contract 6/1/13 if not on Major League roster. Contract purchased by Pittsburgh 3/27/13. DFA by Pittsburgh 7/23/13. Released 7/30/13.
  • 2 years/$11.5M (2011-12), plus 2013 club option. Signed extension with Detroit 10/21/10. 11:$5.5M, 12:$5.5M, 13:$6M club option, $0.5M buyout. DFA by Detroit 7/20/11, sent outright to Triple-A 7/26/11. Contract purchased by Detroit 8/20/11. Released by Detroit 4/26/12. Signed by Oakland as a free agent 4/30/12 (A's pay pro-rated Major League minimum, or about $414,066, with Tigers responsible for balance of 2012 salary).
  • 4 years/$24M (2007-10). Signed extension with Detroit 12/06 (avoided arbitration). 07:$4.9M, 08:$6.2M, 09:$6.3M, 10:$6.6M. Award bonuses: $0.1M for MVP ($0.1M 2nd, $50,000 for 3rd-5th), $0.1M for WS MVP, $75,000 LCS MVP, $50,000 for All-Star ($25,000 for selection), $25,000 each for Gold Glove, Silver Slugger.
  • 1 year/$3M (2006). Re-signed by Detroit 1/06 (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year/$1.35M (2005). Re-signed by Detroit 12/04 (avoided arbitration).
  • 1 year/$0.34M (2004). Re-signed by Detroit 2/04.
  • 1 year/$0.315M (2003). Re-signed by Detroit 2/03, optioned to Triple-A 6/03, recalled 8/03.
  • 1 year (2002). Re-signed by Detroit 3/02, optioned to Triple-A 3/02, recalled 4/02.
  • Drafted by Detroit 1998 (2-57) (Virginia Commonwealth).

2019 Preseason Forecast

Last Update: 1/27/2017 12:35 ET

Weighted Mean???????00??.000.000.00000.0?0.0

BP Annual Player Comments

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BP Articles

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BP Chats

2012-03-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)I am looking at having to start Giovatella or Raburn at 2B in my AL-only league this year. Is this the year Raburn finally puts it together?
(cooldude from Mpls)
I hope so. I have him at MI in CBS AL-only. Coincidentally, I have Giovatella at 2B too. Ramon Santiago doesn't pose much of a threat, but apparently Brandon Inge is looking pretty good at 2B, and he could cut into his time. As a cheap MI in AL-only, his power upside makes him worth the gamble, but this Inge news is certainly disconcerting. (Derek Carty)
2011-12-20 13:00:00 (link to chat)Did the Rangers really screw up by not trading one of Salty, Ramirez and Teagarden when their values were all high?
(rwinter from Boston)
In the sense that they didn't trade prospects who flopped, sure. You could say that about every team and every prospect who flopped. Did the Angels err in not trading Brandon Wood when he was a top-10 prospect? In retrospect, of course, but there was no way of knowing that.

The fact that all three of those players flopped in their own ways supports the decision to keep all of them, though, instead of treating them as depth. Catchers have a brutal attrition rate. Baseball America's top 100 in 2000 included six catchers: Eric Munson, Ben Petrick, Matt LeCroy, Jayson Werth (Orioles), Steve Lomasney, Ryan Christianson. In 2001: Joe Lawrence, Dane Sardinha, Brandon Inge, J.R. House. In 2002: Mauer, Josh Phelps, House, John Buck, Werth (Blue Jays), Victor Martinez. In 2003: Mauer, Martinez, Jeff Mathis, Justin Huber, Buck.

In 2007, when the Rangers had to make this decision, Kevin Goldstein ranked the catchers in the minors. He named 17 players. These are the 17:

Jeff Clement
Bryan Anderson
J.R. Towles
Hank Conger
John Jaso
Nick Hundley
Tony Recker
Jesus Montero
Brett Hayes
Francisco Hernandez
Lou Palmisano
Landon Powell
Shawn Riggans
Jamie Skelton
Brian Jeroloman

Out of those 17, there are basically one and a half every day catchers, maaaaaaybe another one in Hank Conger, and a DH. We thought the Rangers had three catchers, plus Gerald Laird. In fact, they had Gerald Laird.

2007 Baseball Prospectus Annual: "When Teagarden is behind the dish, he's one of the top defensive catchers around. If he can stay there, he's Mickey Tettleton with defensive chops."
2008 Baseball Prospectus Annual: "If you want to get really dreamy and optimistic, think Mickey Tettleton with Gold Glove-level skills, and you get the picture."

This is why comps are the best/worst. (Sam Miller)
2011-09-27 13:00:00 (link to chat)What do you see in Scott Sizemore? I’m weighing keeping him as one of my 15 MLB keepers in a 14 team H2H points league. This is not the most exciting keeper choice in the world but I don’t want to be stuck drafting the likes of Brandon Inge again or wasting an early pick on a below average player. 3B is such an ugly position to fill if you don’t have an elite player. Do you see him being materially better than his career line to date (.236/.325/.372, 13 HRs in 156 games)? If not, then he’s just a replacement-level player in my league as the top 3B available in this year’s draft were players like Betemit, Tejada, Encarnacion, Peralta, Freese, Polanco, etc.. Because of his youth, perhaps he’ll continue to improve? Where do you see his near-term ceiling while I wait for the likes of Will Middlebrooks and Cheslor Cuthbert to mature? FWIW, he's battling players like Sands, JD Martinez, Altuve, Brandon Allen and Guerra for that last keeper slot.
(ORWahoo from Oregon)
I like Sizemore, but only in deeper leagues. He just doesn't have enough power or speed to really be an asset in mixed leagues. I think double digit homers and maybe a small handful of steals, but I don't see 20 HR or 10 SB from him next year. And he strikes out a lot, which will cause him to rely on a high BABIP to post a good average, which will be difficult to maintain without great speed. I think decent power without a good average or speed makes him a tough guy to endorse for anything other than an AL-only league play. (Derek Carty)
2010-10-25 13:00:00 (link to chat)They're being paid about the same, who do you like more at third base? Brandon Inge or Placido Polanco?
(singledigit from rainy San Diego)
I'm assuming the third option is a hole in my head, because I'm not wild about either for more than place-holding purposes. Inge can be a great defender, but he's not very valuable against right-handed pitching. Polanco at least provides positional flexibility, so I'd favor him. (Christina Kahrl)
2010-09-29 13:00:00 (link to chat)Which teams do you see Kevin Towers calling and offering Mark Reynolds to?
(Reej 3000 from Dell Warehouse)
The Tigers? He's kind of like a better Brandon Inge, right? Except for the whole fielding thing?

It won't happen, but part of me really, really wants to see what Safeco would do to Mark Reynolds. (Ben Lindbergh)
2010-08-17 14:45:00 (link to chat)Would Brandon Inge make the Cardinals better? Would Felipe Lopez move to 2B and eliminate Skip?
(drive2fast19 from Detroit)
I would rather have Lopez at 2B and Inge at 3B than Lopez at 3B and Skip at 2B. We're not talking about a massive improvement here, but the Reds and Cards will be jockeying for the division the rest of the way and anything that constitutes an improvement that won't drastically hurt the payroll is worth pursuing. (Eric Seidman)
2010-02-23 13:00:00 (link to chat)Steve, I'm enjoying BP2010 so far, but noticed it seems a little edgier than usual. Your intro in particular seems to be a little harsh towards Bill James. And why does Brandon Inge get "points for toughness", but Jed Lowrie is "stupid" for playing through pain? Lowrie was trying to achieve his dream of making it to the majors while Inge was already there and could have rested knowing he'd still have a spot on the major league roster whenever he heeled.
(DanDaMan from Sea Cliff)
There was no intention to be eddy; the authors said what they said and I don't try to impose my judgment on them beyond reigning in comments that are just inappropriate in some way, and that is a very rare occurrence. I will point out that there's a significant difference between Lowrie trying to hit through a wrist injury and Inge trying to play through knee problems. In the former case, there's not a lot of hope of it working out; in the latter at least the equipment works from the waist up.

Now let me say this about the intro and Bill James, because this also came up in a couple of Amazon reviews: I'm stunned, honestly. What I was trying to do was encapsulate the state of the "industry" (such as it is, or was) at the time that BP came into existence. It was not my intention to say anything critical about Bill, whom I revere. Without Bill pioneering this field, none of us would have these wonderful jobs that we have, where we get paid to watch, write, and talk about baseball. I know that my career got its start specifically because my first publisher was looking for another Rob Neyer, whose own career owes its start to Bill (my answer: "I can't be a second Neyer, but I can be the first Steven Goldman," and apparently that sufficed). Our debt to Mr. James is so obvious as to not need stating, certainly not in that place. (Steven Goldman)
2009-05-04 14:00:00 (link to chat)Hey Joe. I had a question about one of my Tigers, the hot-hitting Brandon Inge. He's going to revert back to the Inge of old (hitting .250 with a little pop) soon, right? Or can we expect him to keep a decent bat for the rest of the year?
(David from Winston Salem)
He's fundamentally a different hitter this year, walking more and striking out much, much less. You so rarely see a change like this. I would project that he regresses a lot, but if the gains in plate discipline are somewhat real, he could hit .270/.345/.440 from here on out. (Joe Sheehan)
2008-07-29 16:00:00 (link to chat)Hey Will, Crank up The Mill! Are the Tigers really caught in no-man's land at this point? While the decision to be buyers or sellers is a difficult one for this team, there's not really much they could do, in terms of improving or dumping, anyway, right?
(Ryan from Atlanta)
They are in a tough position, but they're smart and creative. I think they could do a number of things that would help themselves if they choose to. They could deal Ivan Rodriguez for help, plug Brandon Inge in, and see what happens. They could deal Todd Jones or Joel Zumaya, given the reliever market. Never count out the Tigers. Dombrowski et al have proved themselves time and again. (Will Carroll)
2008-03-06 13:00:00 (link to chat)If you were the Detroit Tigers, how would you deal with the Brandon Inge situation: trade him for whatever someone's willing to give you, hold out for something of value, keep him as a supersub, hold on to him and make him next year's catcher?
(Ben from Ohio)
Inge doesn't seem to want to catch, and at $6.2 million he'd make for a pricey utilityman. He's a capable fielder, but pretty valueless as a hitter except for providing pop off the bench, and he's unhappy to bood. I'm not sure the Tigers have many good options; I'd trade him for just about anything I could get. (Jay Jaffe)
2008-01-25 13:30:00 (link to chat)Whats your take on the Brandon Inge soap opera in Detroit.
(joe from n.y.)
Well, given his three straight years of offensive decline, his age (he'll be 31 in May), and what he's owed ($6.2M, $6.3, $6.6 for a total of $19.1M) it's not so surprising that the Tigers have found few takers and with his defensive prowess seem to be looking at him in a super-sub kind of role. The question will really be whether he'll accept that role or turn into a clubhouse cancer that forces them to eat much of the remaining salary.

As far as the soap opera around his asking to be traded and not speaking to a reporter recently, I certainly don't blame him. He's in a pretty tough spot and any competitor at that level wants playing time

As an aside, defensively (using SFR) I have him at -6, +4, +20, +9 since 2004 at third base which pretty much parallels FRAA (+6,+15,+25,+14). Miguel Cabrera, on the other hand, I had at +0, -1, -5, -10 in 2003, and 2005-2007 at third base. (Dan Fox)
2008-01-14 13:00:00 (link to chat)Thanks for taking questions! To expand on the "Soviet" recruiting methods, would it behoove an MLB team to screen all of its draftees for pitching potential? Troy Percival and Rafael Soriano come to mind as successful converts. Maybe the Tigers would find that they could use the strong arm of Brandon Inge for occasional mop-up duty as part of his super-utility role.
(havybeaks from Michigan)
I think it's done, kind of. Not in any sort of systematic way, but organizations know who has a cannon at short and they know who pitched in HS. (Interesting thought ... Latin players tend to be classified one way or the other quickly while American players tend to go both ways through HS and even college. Is there an advantage to either side?) (Will Carroll)
2008-01-24 13:00:00 (link to chat)John, which is likely more important for Detroit this year: Miguel Cabrera's added offense over Brandon Inge, or Dontrelle Willis successfully adjusting to the AL and posting numbers at least similar to '06 (if not better). Thanks for your thoughts.
(Yoop from Ankeny, IA)
Cabrera's offense. No slight to Willis, who could really help the Tigers, but Cabrera is one of the game's premier hitters. He makes an already-dangerous lineup downright scary. (John Perrotto)
2008-01-17 14:00:00 (link to chat)no takers for Brandon Inge? I understand the locals overrate him because he's a nice buy but surely someone can spare a box of baseballs?
(DetroitDale from Florida)
Well, the Tigers shouldn't just give him away, but I honestly don't get why the Marlins didn't ask for and get him on top of the rest of that package. And the money to pay him, because let's face it, the Fish were robbed. (Christina Kahrl)

BP Roundtables

DateRoundtable NameComment
2008-09-29 10:30:00Tigers/White Sox Play-In GameMike Ivie... now that's a blast from the past.

Er, considering his bat, maybe that should be a bloop from the past.

To bring a more recent Padres player (and former Tiger) into the discussion, his ability to play catcher could make Brandon Inge a nifty Robert Fick type... a game a week behind the dish, and then fill in at third and a corner as needed. (Dave Pease)

Advanced Catching Metrics

Year lvl CSAA Framing Runs Blocking Chances EPAA Blocking Runs SB Attempts SRAA TRAA Throwing Runs FRAA Adj. FRAA
2001 mlb -.002 -1.5 2674 .000 -0.2 48 -.082 -.008 2.8 0.7 2.2
2002 mlb -.008 -8.1 3921 .001 -1.0 50 .010 .001 -0.3 -8.6 -9.3
2003 mlb -.018 -18.8 4415 .000 -0.2 100 -.018 .003 1.1 -18.3 -15.0
2004 mlb -.009 -3.3 1601 .001 -0.6 46 -.021 .006 0.6 -3.5 2.0
2008 aaa -.003 0.0 20 .000 0.0 1 -.006 .000 0.0 0.0 0.0
2008 mlb -.017 -8.9 2480 .004 -3.4 31 -.010 -.002 0.2 -12.5 -6.2

A Collaboration between and Baseball Prospectus - Pitch classifications provided by Pitch Info LLC


PITCHf/x Hitter Profile

A Collaboration between and Baseball Prospectus - Pitch classifications provided by Pitch Info LLC